
1.4x teleconverter, 93, 94

7/8 portraits, 51

8x10” prints, 185

13x19” prints, 186

17x22” prints, 187 website, 165, 208


about this book, 2, 7

accessories. See camera gear

action photography

burst mode for, 102

freezing motion in, 98, 216

panning motion in, 104

pre-focusing in, 105

See also sports photography

Adams, Ansel, 63, 82

Adler, Lindsay, 195

Adobe Camera Raw. See Camera Raw

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, The (Kelby), 181

Adobe Photoshop Elements. See Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. See Photoshop Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers, The (Kelby), 181

AI Servo Mode, 216

airplane photography, 219


for flower photography, 24

for mountain photography, 71

aperture priority mode

flower photography and, 25

landscape photography and, 66, 68

nighttime photography and, 173

portrait photography and, 115, 218

sports photography and, 98, 216

aperture setting

car detail shots and, 215

concert shots and, 222

fireworks shots and, 174

landscape photography and, 66, 212

low-light situations and, 39, 99

macro shots and, 225

portrait photography and, 115, 223

sharpness related to, 14

shutter speed and, 101

sports photography and, 101, 216

Apple Aperture, 199

archival-quality inks, 186

arena lighting, 100

Artistic Photo Canvas service, 153


composing shots of, 110

facial expressions of, 108, 109

See also sports photography

atmospheric effects, 79

auto focus, 85, 105

Auto White Balance, 61, 132


B&H Photo, 5

baby portraits, 125


black, 30

blown-out look for, 220

blurred, 101, 104

canvas or muslin, 117

flower photography, 3031

lighting rule for, 118

outdoor, 53, 118

out-of-focus, 25, 101, 118, 216, 218, 221

portrait photography, 53, 116118, 218

seamless paper, 116

shower curtain, 31

tip on varying, 53

white, 31

backing up photos, 60, 175

backup batteries, 133

backup memory cards, 59

ballheads, 9

baseball caps, 80


cold weather shooting and, 133

LCD monitor and life of, 140

beauty dish, 213, 223

beauty style shots, 213, 223

Becker, Larry, 195

BKT button, 141

Black, Dave, 195

black backgrounds

flower photography and, 30

portrait photography and, 116

black-and-white images

landscape photos converted to, 89

papers recommended for, 189

printer recommended for, 186

wedding photos as, 220

blinkies, 73, 74, 149

blinking subjects, 49

blown-out background look, 220

blurred images

background blur, 101, 104

dancing people and, 54

low-light situations and, 38

sharpening, 1819

sports and, 101, 104

wind and, 34

books in this series, 194

border of viewfinder, 150

borderless prints, 185

bracketing, exposure, 141

bridal shots

composing, 218

importance of, 55

lighting, 44

posing, 48

See also wedding photos

Brush Picker (Photoshop), 86

budget considerations, 4

bulb mode, 174

burst mode

hand-held shots and, 20

sports photography and, 102, 104


cable release, 10, 11, 85, 174

calibrating your monitor, 190

camera gear

accessories, 3

budget considerations, 4

Gear Finder suggestions, 8, 9, 60, 95

protecting, 79, 134, 138, 139

recommended source for, 5

sports photography and, 9296

used by author, 193

webpage about, 4

See also specific gear

Camera Raw, 132, 155, 181

See also RAW format

camera shake

cable release and, 10, 11

hand-held cameras and, 13, 2021

mirror lock-up and, 12

self timer and, 11

shutter speed and, 16

VR or IS lenses and, 13


accessories for, 3

buying considerations, 157, 198

cost related to features of, 198

digital vs. film, 145, 146, 151

hand-holding, 13, 2021

See also digital cameras

candid shots, 113, 121

Canon cameras, 6

bulb mode on, 174

burst mode on, 102

exposure bracketing on, 141

exposure compensation on, 74, 149

highlight warnings on, 73

Image Stabilization lens, 13

lenses made for, 13, 15, 94

Mirror Lockup feature, 12

sports photography and, 92

sunrise/sunset photos and, 72

zoom button on, 17

Canon Close-Up Lens, 27

canvas backgrounds, 117

car photography, 215

carbon fiber monopods, 95

carbon fiber tripods, 65, 168


shooting portraits of, 120, 125

travel photos of, 161

chimping behavior, 140

church interiors, 3839


concerns about shooting in, 136

rooftop shots of, 176

showing movement in, 169

times for shooting in, 163

tourist-free shots in, 177

See also urban photography

Clone Stamp tool (Photoshop), 86

close-up shots

close-up lenses for, 26, 27

macro lenses for, 26, 225

zoom lenses for, 25

cloudy days

flower photography and, 28

landscape photography and, 83

Cloudy white balance, 72, 84, 212, 221

cold weather shooting, 133

collapsible reflectors, 127

color balance filters, 97

color cast, 132

color management, 190, 191

color profiles, 191


bold/vivid in urban shots, 164

capturing richness of, 77

combining photos, 173

CompactFlash cards, 60


airplane shots, 219

beauty style shots, 213, 223

bridal shots, 51, 218

car detail shots, 215

concert shots, 222

flower shots, 25

food shots, 221

formal shots, 51, 52, 218

jewelry shots, 225

landscapes, 67, 89, 212

nighttime building shots, 217

portraits, 51, 121, 122, 213, 223

sports shots, 110, 216

urban shots, 217

water shots, 214

wedding shots, 51, 52, 218, 220

computer monitor, 182

Concepcion, RC, 195

concert photography, 222

Condé Nast Traveler, 159

Continuous Focus mode, 216

continuous shooting mode

hand-held shots and, 20

sports photography and, 102, 104


color used for, 164

increasing in images, 220

Crop tool (Photoshop), 87


fake panoramas, 87

sports photos, 107

crowd shots, 161

custom white balance, 132


darkening filters, 68, 69

Datacolor Spyder4ELITE calibrator, 190


landscape photography at, 64, 67, 68

urban and travel shots at, 163

Daylight white balance, 61

Death Grip, 21

deleting photos, 148

depth of field

background blur and, 101, 222

macro lenses and, 26, 225

sports photography and, 101


urban photography, 166

wedding photography, 56

Dewis, Glyn, 195

Dfine 2.0 plug-in, 41

diffused lighting, 32, 4142, 124

digital cameras

accessories for, 3

backup batteries for, 133

buying considerations, 157, 198

cable release for, 10, 11

conserving batteries in, 140

cost related to features of, 198

deleting photos on, 148

experimenting with, 151

film cameras vs., 145, 146, 151

hand-holding, 13, 2021

LCD monitors on, 140, 147, 150

megapixels in, 184

mirror lock-up on, 12

most popular, 6

pop-up flash on, 142

program mode on, 160

protecting from weather, 79, 134

quick zoom settings on, 17

rain gear for, 79, 134

red-eye reduction mode on, 142

self-timer on, 11

viewfinder borders on, 150

zoom button on, 17

Digital Photography Book series, 194

digital photos

backing up, 60, 175

combining, 173

deleting, 148

film photos vs., 146

off-site storage of, 175

organizing with Lightroom, 183

portfolios created from, 208

poster-sized prints of, 153

printing, 185191, 204

recipes for shooting, 211225

requirements for taking good, 207

selling online, 192

sharpening, 1819

underexposed vs. overexposed, 155

directional lighting, 42

double exposures, 173

double level, 82


airplane photography at, 219

landscape photography at, 64, 68

urban and travel shots at, 163

water shots at, 214

dusty weather, 134


edge darkening, 224

edit-as-you-go method, 148

electronic cable release, 11

Elements. See Photoshop Elements

Epson papers, 188189, 191

Epson printers, 185187

Epson Artisan 50 printer, 185

Epson Stylus Photo R3000 printer, 186

Epson Stylus Pro 3880 printer, 187

equipment/gear. See camera gear; Scott’s gear finder

Eraser tool (Photoshop), 54

event photography, 222

Excel, Laurie, 205

EXIF data, 14

experimenting, 151

exposure bracketing, 141

exposure compensation control, 74, 149, 201

Exposure Delay Mode, 12

external flash units, 42, 142

external hard drives, 60, 175

Eyedropper tool (Photoshop), 83


focusing on, 50, 119, 218

positioning in the frame, 121

preventing blinking of, 49


facial expressions, 108, 109

fake panoramas, 87

fast lenses, 39, 40, 99

fill flash, 43

film cameras, 145, 146, 151

film speed, 16

See also ISO setting


close-up, 26

color balance, 97

neutral density gradient, 81

polarizing, 69, 77

stop-down, 68

UV, 139

filters (Photoshop)

Motion Blur, 54

Unsharp Mask, 18, 19

fireworks, 174


diffused light with, 4142

directional light with, 42

exposure compensation for, 43

external flash units, 42, 142

fill light using, 43

outdoor shots with, 43

red eye and, 142

white balance for, 61

flash diffusers, 41

flash exposure compensation, 43

Flash white balance setting, 61

Flexible Program Mode, 160

florists, 33

flower photography, 2335

backgrounds for, 3031

best times for, 28

black background for, 30

close-up view for, 35

composing shots in, 25

fake rain for, 29

getting flowers for, 33

lighting for, 32

macro lenses and, 26

non-typical angles for, 24

printer paper for, 189

white background for, 31

wind and, 34

zoom lenses and, 25

flowing water, 68

Fluorescent white balance, 97, 132

focal length, 114


for flowers, 25

for group shots, 50

for portraits, 50, 119

for sports photos, 105, 216

fog, shooting in, 79

Fong, Gary, 41

food photography, 221

forest scenes, 69

formal portraits, 4553

backgrounds for, 53

blinking subjects in, 49

bridal shots and, 44, 48, 55

composing, 51, 52, 218

framing, 52

popular format for, 47

posing people for, 48

positioning camera for, 51

shooting sequence for, 46

where to focus for, 50

Fortney, Bill, 67, 72, 106, 134, 167, 168

framing portraits, 52, 122

freezing motion, 34, 98, 216, 222

frosted shower curtain, 124

f-stop, 14, 39, 115

See also aperture setting

full-length portraits, 51


gaffer’s tape, 154

Gary Fong’s Lightsphere Collapsible, 41

gear/equipment. See camera gear; Scott’s gear finder

getting “the shot”, 160, 211225

Getty Images, 192

glass. See lenses

Golf Digest magazine, 209

government buildings, 135, 136

gray backgrounds, 116

Grid, The talk show, 195

Grimes, Joel, 195

group photos

wedding formals as, 47, 48, 50

where to focus for, 50


hand-held shots

continuous shooting mode for, 20

low-light situations and, 3839

shutter priority mode for, 16

tricks for steadying, 21

VR or IS lenses for, 13

hard drives, 60, 175

head and shoulders shots, 51

high vantage point, 57

high-contrast look, 220

highlight warnings, 73, 74, 149

histograms, 205

horizon line, 70, 82

horizontal orientation, 106, 203


Image Stabilization (IS) lenses, 13

images/photos. See digital photos

Incandescent white balance, 61, 97, 132

inclines, shooting on, 137

indoor lighting

for portraits, 124, 213, 223

for sports photography, 97, 99, 100

for weddings, 38, 4142

instant creative feedback, 147

Internet resources. See web resources

ISO setting

concert photography and, 222

landscape photography and, 212

sports photography and, 99, 216

studio portraits and, 213

travel moments and, 224

tripod shots and, 16

wedding photography and, 38

iStockphoto website, 192


jewelry photography, 225

Johnson, Stephen, 67

JPEG format

preset white balance and, 61

RAW format vs., 103, 180

sports photography and, 103

K website, 4, 173 website, 195

Kloskowski, Matt, 181, 195

knee pads, 25, 219


landmarks, 172

landscape photography, 6389

aperture priority mode and, 66, 68

atmospheric effects and, 79

black-and-white images from, 89

cloudy days and, 83

color richness in, 77

composing shots in, 67, 89, 212

dawn and dusk for, 64, 67

exposure compensation and, 74

fake panoramas from cropping, 87

forest scenes in, 69

golden rule of, 64

highlight warnings and, 73, 74

horizon line in, 70, 82

lens flare and, 80

lighting for, 64, 68

low perspective for, 89

masters of, 67

mountain shots in, 71

neutral density gradient filter and, 81

non-typical angles for, 71, 76

panoramas and, 8487

polarizing filters and, 69, 77

printer papers for, 189

showing size in, 75

shutter priority mode and, 68

silky water effect in, 68, 69

skies in, 70

sunrises and sunsets in, 72

tripods used for, 65, 68, 76, 84

water shots in, 67, 68

weather considerations, 78, 83

wide-angle lenses and, 88

laptop computers, 175

large-format printing, 187

LCD monitor

battery life and, 140

blinkies in, 73, 74, 149

border of image shown in, 150

comparing with computer monitor, 182

instant creative feedback using, 147

viewing shots in, 17, 43, 147, 150

zooming in on, 17, 147

lens flare, 80, 138

lens hood

protecting lenses with, 138

securing to your lens, 154


close-up, 26, 27

dusty weather and, 134

fast, 39, 40, 99

Image Stabilization, 13

macro, 26, 225

portrait photography, 114

protecting, 79, 134, 138, 139

quality considerations, 15

sharpest aperture on, 14

sports photography, 92, 9394

Vibration Reduction, 13

wedding photography, 39, 40, 218, 220

See also telephoto lenses; wide-angle lenses; zoom lenses


diffused, 4142, 124

directional, 42

natural, 31, 32, 44, 124, 127129

soft, 4142, 124, 129


for airplane shots, 219

for backgrounds, 118

for beauty style shots, 213, 223

for car shots, 215

for concert shots, 222

for flower shots, 32

for food shots, 221

for indoor sports, 97, 100

for landscapes, 64, 68, 212

for portraits, 123124, 127129, 142, 213, 223

for still water shots, 214

for wedding photos, 4144, 218, 220

Lightroom. See Photoshop Lightroom

Lightsphere Collapsible diffuser, 41

Lipovetsky, Joel, 21

low-light photography

fast lenses and, 39

hand-held shots and, 13, 38

ISO setting and, 16, 38, 99

sporting events and, 99

VR or IS lenses and, 13

See also nighttime photography

low-perspective shots, 89, 215, 219


macro lenses, 26, 225

Magic Wand tool (Photoshop), 83

Maisel, Jay, 3

managing your photos, 183

Manfrotto Pro Photo Vest, 93

manual mode

consideration about, 202

fireworks shots and, 174

nighttime shots and, 217

panoramas and, 85

Mautner, Cliff, 195

McNally, Joe, 64, 195, 205

megapixels, 184

memory cards

backing up, 60, 175

card holder system for, 156

deleting photos from, 148

preventing erasure of, 156

RAW format and, 152, 180

size considerations for, 152

sports photos and, 92

wedding photos and, 59, 60, 152

Micro Apollo Softbox, 41

mirror lock-up, 12

models, hiring, 162

monitor calibration, 190

monopods, 92, 95, 171

moon photos, 173


blurring, 54

freezing, 34, 98, 216, 222

panning, 104

Motion Blur filter (Photoshop), 54

motion trails, 169

mountain shots, 71

mounting board, 31 photo lab, 153

Muench, David, 67

multiple exposures, 173

museum photography, 135

muslin backgrounds, 117


National Geographic Traveler, 159

natural light

for flowers, 31, 32

for food shots, 221

for portraits, 124, 127129, 218

for wedding photos, 44, 218

See also sunlight

neutral density gradient filter, 81

neutral gray card, 132

newborn babies, 125

nighttime photography

building shots and, 217

including the moon in, 173

manual mode for, 217

sporting events and, 99, 100

urban motion trails and, 169

See also low-light photography

Nik Software

Dfine 2.0 plugin, 41

Snapseed app, 175

Nikon cameras, 6

bulb mode on, 174

burst mode on, 102

Canon Close-Up Lens and, 27

exposure bracketing on, 141

exposure compensation on, 74, 149

Exposure Delay mode on, 12

highlight warnings on, 73

lenses made for, 94

program mode on, 160

sports photography and, 92

sunrise/sunset photos and, 72

Vibration Reduction lens, 13

Virtual Horizon feature, 82

zoom button on, 17


ISO setting and, 38, 39, 99

software for reducing, 222

underexposed photos and, 155

Notre Dame Cathedral, 166


off-site storage, 175

old people in travel photos, 161

online resources. See web resources

open shade, 123, 163, 164

organizing photos, 183

Outdoor Photographer, 211

outdoor shots

backgrounds for, 53, 118

flash used for, 43

flower photography and, 34

portraits as, 53, 118, 123, 218

weather considerations for, 78

wedding photos as, 43, 53

white balance for, 61

wide-angle lenses for, 88

windy days and, 34

out-of-focus backgrounds, 25, 101, 118, 216, 218, 221

overcast days

flower photography and, 28

landscape photography and, 83

overexposed photos, 155


panning, 54, 104

panoramas, 8487

creating fake, 87

Photomerge feature and, 84, 86

tips for shooting, 8486


color profiles for, 191

printer, 188189, 191

seamless background, 116

Paris Opera House, 177

people photography. See portraits

permits, tripod, 135


flower photography, 24

low-perspective shots, 89, 215, 219

mountain photography, 71

Peterson, Moose, 27, 67, 195, 205

photo labs, 153

photo shoots, 2

photo vest, 93


flower, 2335

landscape, 6389

low-light, 13, 16

portrait, 113129

sports, 91111

travel, 159177

urban, 159177

wedding, 3761

See also digital photos

Photography Tips and Tricks show, 195

photojournalism, 56

Photomerge feature (Photoshop), 84, 86


Camera Raw and, 132, 155, 181

cloning images in, 86

color management system in, 191

combining photos in, 173

creative use of, 155

cropping photos in, 87

Dfine 2.0 plugin for, 41

EXIF data viewed in, 14

Lightroom compared to, 183

motion blur added in, 54

Photomerge feature in, 84, 86

processing RAW photos in, 132, 155, 181

removing red eye in, 143

resource for learning about, 181

sharpening photos in, 1819, 199

tonal adjustments in, 83

Photoshop Elements, 1819, 87, 143, 181, 199

Photoshop Elements Book for Digital Photographers, The (Kelby & Kloskowski), 181

Photoshop Lightroom, 143, 181, 182, 183, 199

polarizing filters, 69, 77

pop-up flash, 142

portfolios, 208

portraits, 113129

aperture setting for, 115, 218

backgrounds for, 53, 116118, 218

beauty style shots as, 213, 223

camera position for, 120

composing, 51, 121, 122, 213, 223

focal length for, 114

focusing for, 119

framing shots for, 52, 122

lenses recommended for, 114, 218

lighting for, 123124, 127129, 142, 213, 223

of newborn babies, 125

outdoor, 53, 118, 123, 218

positioning subjects for, 121

printer paper for, 189

red eye in, 142143

reflectors used for, 127129

studio setup for, 213

sunsets and, 126

Unsharp Mask settings for, 18

wedding, 4553

See also formal portraits

Post Crop Vignetting option, 224

poster-sized prints, 153

practice, importance of, 209

pre-focusing action shots, 105

preset white balance, 61


color management system of, 191

recommendations for, 185187

printing, 185191

8x10” prints, 185

13x19” prints, 186

17x22” prints, 187

black-and-white, 186

borderless, 185

color profiles for, 191

importance of, 204

large-format, 187

megapixels related to, 184

monitor calibration for, 190

paper recommended for, 188189

poster-sized, 153

professional photographers

equipment used by, 3, 81, 91, 92

local models hired by, 162

problem avoidance tips of, 131143

quality of photos shared by, 200

Professional Photographers of America (PPA), 162

profiles, color, 191

program mode, 160


quick zoom settings, 17



flower shots after, 28

landscape shots and, 78

protecting gear from, 79, 134

simulating, 29

See also weather considerations

RAW format

advantages of shooting in, 180

exposure bracketing and, 141

JPEG format vs., 103, 180

memory cards and, 152, 180

Photoshop processing and, 132, 155, 181

resources for learning about, 181

sports photography and, 103

white balance and, 61, 97, 132

RAW+JPEG option, 103

reception, wedding, 54

recipes, photo, 211225

red eye

avoiding, 142

removing, 143

Red Eye tool (Photoshop), 143


filter for reducing, 69, 77

water shots and, 67, 214

reflectors, 42, 127129

aiming at subjects, 128

benefits of using, 127

improving flat light with, 129

positioning for softer light, 129

release forms, 162

resized photos, 19

resolution adjustments, 19


books in this series, 194

RAW photo processing info, 181

weekly talk shows, 195

See also web resources

rooftop city shots, 176


Sanho HyperDrive, 60

scale, showing, 75

Scott’s gear finder

for ballheads, 9

for hard drives, 60

for monopods, 95

for tripods, 8

See also camera gear

seamless backgrounds, 116

seeing-the-wind trick, 34

self timer, 11, 85

Shade white balance, 221


directional light and, 42

fill flash used for, 43

noise appearing in, 155

outdoor portraits and, 123

sharp photos, 821

after-the-fact sharpening for, 18, 199

aperture setting and, 14

cable release and, 10, 11

continuous shooting mode and, 20

hand-held cameras and, 13, 2021

importance of, 1

IS lenses and, 13

ISO setting and, 16

lens quality and, 15

mirror lock-up and, 12

Photoshop tips for, 1819

self timer and, 11

tack sharp shots as, 1, 8

tripods and, 8

VR lenses and, 13

zooming to check for, 17

Shaw, John, 67, 76

sheer curtains, 124

shower curtains, 31, 32, 124

shutter priority mode

flower photography and, 34

hand-held shots and, 16

landscape photography and, 68

urban photography and, 169

shutter release, 11, 85

shutter speed

aperture setting and, 101

camera shake and, 16

fireworks shots and, 174

freezing motion with, 34

motion trails and, 169

silky water effect and, 69

sports photography and, 98, 104, 216

Shutterbug magazine, 211

signs, shooting, 168

silky water effect, 68, 69

simplicity, 170


print, and megapixels, 184

showing scale and, 75


horizon line and, 70

neutral density gradient filter and, 81

Photoshop adjustments, 83

pre-storm, 78

sunset portraits and, 126

SLR cameras, 6

Snapseed app, 175

soft light, 4142, 124, 129, 223

softbox, 213

Sony cameras, 6

sports photography, 91111

aperture setting for, 101, 216

blurring backgrounds in, 101, 104, 216

burst mode for, 102, 104

camera gear for, 9296

composing shots in, 110, 216

facial expressions in, 108, 109

getting the shot in, 111

indoor, 97, 99, 100

ISO setting for, 99, 216

learning the game for, 111

lenses for, 92, 9394, 216

monopods for, 95

nighttime, 99

panning motion in, 104

pre-focusing shots in, 105

professional, 91, 92

RAW vs. JPEG format for, 103

shutter speed for, 98, 104, 216

stadium lighting and, 100

story-telling with, 109

tripods and, 95

vertical vs. horizontal, 106

white balance for, 97

See also action photography

spray bottles, 29

Spyder4ELITE color calibrator, 190 website, 208

stadium lighting, 100

standing portraits, 51

stock photos, 192

stop-down filter, 68

story-telling angle, 109

strip bank, 215

studio lighting, 124, 213

studio portraits, 213


diffusing, 32

fill flash and, 43

reflectors and, 127

See also natural light

sunny days, 28

sunrises, 72, 212


portraits and, 126

trick for warmer, 72

water shots and, 214

super-sharpening settings, 18

super-wide-angle lenses, 77, 88

sweeping landscape shots, 212

sweet spot, 14

symbols used in book, 4


tablet computers, 175

tack sharp photos, 1, 8

teleconverters, 93, 94

telephoto lenses

moon photography and, 173

portrait photography and, 114, 218

quality considerations, 15

sports photography and, 92, 93, 216

textured backgrounds, 117

textured paper, 189

TFP (Time for Prints), 162

Think Tank Photo belt system, 93

timer, self, 11

tonal adjustments, 83

tourist-free shots, 177

touristy landmarks, 172

Travel + Leisure magazine, 159

travel photography, 159177

backing up, 175

bold/vivid colors in, 164

capturing details in, 166

children and old people in, 161

crowd shots in, 161

famous landmarks in, 172

fireworks in, 174

getting “the shot” in, 160, 224

hiring models for, 162

including the moon in, 173

laptops or tablets for, 175

monopods used in, 171

presenting different views in, 167, 172

printer papers for, 189

rooftop shots in, 176

showing movement in, 169

sign shots in, 168

simplicity in, 170

times for shooting, 163

tourist-free shots in, 177

Unsharp Mask settings for, 18

web resource on, 165


alternatives to using, 16, 21

ballheads for, 9

carbon fiber, 65

cost considerations, 8

fireworks shots and, 174

inclines and, 137

ISO setting and, 16

landscape photography and, 65, 68, 76, 84

macro lenses and, 26

monopods vs., 95, 171

motion trails and, 169

multiple exposures and, 173

panoramas and, 84

permits for using, 135

portraits and, 120

sports photography and, 95

stable shooting with, 137

substitutes for, 21

tack sharp photos and, 8

VR or IS feature and, 13

weight and quality of, 168

Tungsten white balance, 97

two-element close-up diopters, 26

two-light studio setup, 213


UltraChrome K3 inks, 186

ultra-wide-angle lenses, 88

underexposed photos, 155

Unsharp Mask filter (Photoshop), 18, 199

urban photography, 159177

bold/vivid colors in, 164

capturing details in, 166

composing shots in, 217

famous landmarks in, 172

fireworks in, 174

getting “the shot” in, 160, 224

including the moon in, 173

monopods used in, 171

presenting different views in, 167, 172

printer papers for, 189

rooftop shots in, 176

showing movement in, 169

sign shots in, 168

simplicity in, 170

times for shooting, 163

tourist-free shots in, 177

Unsharp Mask settings for, 18

web resource on, 165

See also travel photography

UV filters, 139


Versace, Vincent, 30, 146, 205

vertical orientation, 106

Vibration Reduction (VR) lenses, 13

viewfinder borders, 150

Virtual Horizon feature, 82


Wallace, Tim, 215

water shots

composing, 214

printer paper for, 189

shooting at dawn, 67

silky effect in, 68, 69

waterfalls, 68, 69

weather considerations

backup batteries and, 133

cold weather shooting and, 133

dusty environments and, 134

landscape photos and, 78, 83

See also rain

web images, 18, 19, 203

web resources

camera gear, 4, 4, 173

online photo labs, 153

photo models, 162

stock photography, 192

travel photography, 165

weekly talk shows, 195

wedding photos, 3761

backgrounds for, 53, 218, 220

backing up, 60

black and white, 220

bouquet/garter toss, 58

bridal shots, 44, 48, 55, 218

church interiors, 38, 58

composing, 51, 52, 218

details in, 56

Dfine 2.0 plugin for, 41

flash used for, 4143

formal portraits, 4553, 218

high vantage point for, 57

ISO settings for, 38

lenses for, 39, 40, 218, 220

lighting conditions for, 38, 4144, 218, 220

low-light situations for, 3839

memory cards for, 59, 60, 152

number of shots for, 59

outdoor shots, 43, 53, 218

popular format for, 47

posing people for, 48

reception photos, 54

ring photos, 225

soft light for, 4142

white balance for, 61

wide-angle lens for, 58

Westcott collapsible reflector, 127

Westcott Micro Apollo Softbox, 41

white backgrounds

flower photography and, 31

portrait photography and, 116, 213, 223

white balance

Auto White Balance, 61, 132

avoiding problems with, 132

experimenting with, 214

indoor sports and, 97

JPEG format and, 61

panoramas and, 84

presets for, 61

RAW format and, 61, 97, 132

sunrises/sunsets and, 72

wedding photos and, 61

wide-angle lenses

airplane photography and, 219

landscape photography and, 88, 212

moon included in photos using, 173

polarizing filters and, 77

sports photography and, 93

wedding photography and, 58

wind, shooting flowers in, 34

window light

indoor portraits using, 124

wedding shots using, 44, 220

Woods, Tiger, 3


Ziser, David, 125

zoom button, 17

zoom lenses

close-up lens added to, 26, 27

concert shots and, 222

fireworks shots and, 174

flower photography and, 25

landscape photography and, 88

moon included in photos using, 173

portrait photography and, 114

quality considerations, 15

sports photography and, 93, 94

zooming the LCD monitor, 17, 147

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