2. First Things First


ISO 400 • 1/30 sec. • f/5.6 • 70mm lens

A Few Things to Know and Do Before You Begin Taking Pictures

Now that we’ve covered the top ten tasks to get you up and shooting, we should probably take care of some other important details. You need to become familiar with certain camera features before you can take full advantage of it. Additionally, we’ll take some steps to prepare the camera and memory card for use. So to get things moving, let’s start off with something that you’ll definitely need before you can take a single picture: a memory card.

Poring Over the Picture

If you enjoy taking photographs of nature, one of the best locations you can find is a greenhouse. Not only will there be a multitude of different subjects, like these orchids, but the lighting is usually perfect. A typical greenhouse uses diffuse materials for the walls and ceiling, which act like a giant softbox for us photographers.


ISO 400 • 1/20 sec. • f/3.5 • 40mm lens


Choosing the Right Memory Card

Memory cards are the digital film that stores every shot you take until you move them to a computer. The cards come in all shapes and sizes, and they are critical for capturing all of your photos. It’s important not to skimp when it comes to selecting your memory cards. The T6s / T6i uses Secure Digital (SD) memory cards (Figure 2.1).


Figure 2.1 Make sure you select an SD card that has enough capacity and speed to handle your photography needs.

If you have been using a point-and-shoot camera, chances are that you may already own an SD media card. Which brand of card you use is completely up to you, but here’s some advice about choosing your memory card:

• Size matters, at least in memory cards. At 24 megapixels, the T6s / T6i will require a lot of storage space, especially if you shoot in the RAW or RAW+JPEG mode (more on this later in the chapter) or shoot HD video. You should definitely consider using a card with a storage capacity of at least 8 to 16 GB.

• Consider buying High Capacity (SDHC) cards. These cards are generally much faster, both when writing images to the card as well as when transferring them to your computer. If you are planning on using the Continuous mode (see Chapter 5, “Moving Target”) for capturing fast action, you can gain a boost in performance just by using an SDHC card with a class rating of at least 6. The higher the class rating, the faster the write speed. Having a fast card will also benefit your video capture by keeping the flow of video frames moving quickly to your card.

• Buy more than one card. If you have already purchased a memory card, consider getting another. It’s a bad day when your card is almost full and you have to either erase shots or choose a lower-quality image format so that you can keep on shooting. With the cost of memory cards what it is, keeping a spare just makes good sense.

• To get the fastest memory possible, consider purchasing an SDXC memory card. Although they appear to be the same as SD and SDHC cards, they are made to new specifications that allow memory capacities above 32 GB. Your camera is SDXC compliant, but you should be warned that if you plan on sharing SDXC cards between devices such as your T6s / T6i and a video camera, make sure the other device is SDXC compatible, too. SDXC cards will only work in SDXC devices. Also, you should only format your SDXC card in your camera.

Canon recommends a speed rating of at least Class 6 for shooting video. What you need to know is that all cards are not created equal. In the past, I have had issues with Class 6 cards that could not keep up with the demands of video recording and caused the camera to stop in the middle of a recording session. My recommendation is that, if you know you are going to be shooting video with your camera, you should use a Class 10 card to keep the pixels flowing.

Formatting Your Memory Card

Now that you have your card, let’s talk about formatting for a minute. When you purchase any new SD card, you can pop it into your camera and start shooting right away—and probably everything will work as it should. However, what you should do first is format the card in the camera. This process allows the camera to set up the card to record images from your camera. Just as a computer hard drive must be formatted, formatting your card ensures that it is properly initialized. The card may work in the camera without first being formatted, but chances of failure down the road are much higher.

As a general practice, I always format new cards or cards that have been used in different cameras. I also reformat cards after I have downloaded my images and want to start a new shooting session. Note that you should always format your card in the camera, not your computer. Using the computer could render the card useless in your camera. You should also pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations in respect to moisture, humidity, and proper handling procedures. It sounds a little cliché, but when it comes to protecting your images, every little bit helps.

Most people are under the impression that formatting the memory card is equivalent to erasing it. Not so. The truth is that when you format the card all you are doing is changing the file management information on the card. Think of it as removing the table of contents from a book and replacing it with a blank page. All of the contents are still there, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at the empty table of contents. The camera will see the card as completely empty so you won’t be losing any space, even if you have previously filled the card with images. Your camera will simply write the new image data over the previous data.

Formatting your memory card

1. Insert your memory card into the camera.

2. Press the Menu button and navigate to the first setup menu screen (the fifth from the right).

3. Press the down Cross key on the back of the camera to highlight the Format option and press Set (A).


4. The default selection for the Format screen is Cancel, just in case you didn’t really want to format the card (B). Press the right Cross key to highlight OK. The screen will warn you that you will lose any data by formatting your card, so make sure that you have saved any images that you want onto your computer or elsewhere before formatting.


5. Press the Set button to finalize the formatting of the card.

Note that when you perform the card formatting, you can select something called Low Level Format, which performs a much more intensive formatting of the card. During the process, the camera will format all of the recordable sectors on the card. This process takes much longer than a normal formatting and does not need to be performed every time you format. You only need to do this if you see a slowdown in card performance. To enable the Low Level Format option, simply follow the previous directions but press the Trash Can button before starting the formatting process (Figure 2.2). This will put a checkmark next to the Low Level Format option.


Figure 2.2 Press the Trash Can button to enable the Low Level Format option.

Updating the T6s / T6i’s Firmware

I know that you want to get shooting, but having the proper firmware can impact the way the camera operates. It can fix problems as well as improve operation, so you should probably take care of it sooner rather than later. Updating your camera’s firmware is something that the manual completely omits, yet it can change the entire behavior of your camera operating systems and functions. The firmware of your camera is the set of computer operating instructions that controls how your camera functions. Updating this firmware is a great way to not only fix little bugs but also gain access to new functionality. You will need to check out the information on the Canon Firmware update page (www.canon.com/eos-d/) to review how a firmware update will impact your camera, but it is always a good idea to be working with the most up-to-date firmware version available.

Checking the camera’s current firmware version number

1. Rotate the Mode dial to select P (or any of the other modes in the Creative zone).

2. Press the Menu button to display the menu.

3. Turn the Main dial to get to the fourth camera setup menu (the second one from the right) and press Set (A).


4. Check the version numbers for the camera and lens (B). If these versions are not the latest ones listed on the Canon website, follow the steps in the next section to load the latest version.


As of this writing, the current version of the firmware for the T6s / T6i was 1.0.0 for the camera and 1.5.0 for the lens, and no updates were available. Make sure you check the Canon web page often for any updates and then follow these directions for updating your camera (Figure 2.3).


Figure 2.3 Check the Canon website for firmware updates.

Updating the firmware

1. If there is an update for the camera, you will be guided to the proper version to download based on your computer’s operating system.

2. Download the file and extract it to your computer hard drive (usually done by double-clicking on the downloaded file). The file will expand into a folder that contains the firmware update as well as a PDF file with detailed instructions for updating your camera.

3. Ensure that your camera battery is fully charged and that you have a formatted memory card, and then follow the directions in the camera’s PDF file. You will also need a card reader to transfer the firmware file to the memory card.

Cleaning the Sensor

Cleaning camera sensors used to be a nerve-racking process that required leaving the sensor exposed to scratching and even more dust. Now cleaning the sensor is pretty much an automatic function. Every time you turn the camera on and off, the sensor in the camera vibrates to remove any dust particles that might have landed on it.

There are three choices for cleaning in the camera setup menu: Auto Cleaning, Clean Now, and Clean Manually. By default, the camera is set to automatically clean the sensor every time you power on and off. You can disable this function, but it is best to leave it on.

The one cleaning function that you will need to use via this menu is the Clean Now feature. This should be done every time that you remove the lens from the camera body. That is because removing or changing a lens will leave the camera body open and susceptible to dust sneaking into the body. If you never change lenses, you shouldn’t have too many dust problems. But the more often you change lenses, the more chances you are giving dust to enter the body. It’s for this reason that I have the Clean Now function added to the custom My Menu list (see Chapter 10, “Advanced Techniques”).

Every now and then, there will just be a dust spot that is impervious to the shaking of the Auto Cleaning feature. This will require manual cleaning of the sensor. When you activate this feature, it will raise the camera mirror and give you access to the sensor so that you can use a blower or other cleaning device to remove the stubborn dust speck. The camera will need to be turned off after cleaning to allow the mirror to reset.

If you choose to manually clean your sensor, please use a device that has been made to clean sensors (not a cotton swab from your medicine cabinet). There are dozens of commercially available devices such as brushes, swabs, and blowers that will clean the sensor without damaging it. To keep the sensor clean, always store the camera with a body cap or lens attached.

The camera sensor is an electrically charged device. This means that when the camera is turned on, a current runs through the sensor. This electric current can create static electricity, which will attract small dust particles to the sensor area. For this reason it is always a good idea to turn off the camera prior to removing a lens. You should also consider having the lens mount facing down during lens removal so that there is less opportunity for dust to fall into the inner workings of the camera.

Using the Clean Now Feature

1. Press the Menu button and use the Main dial to get to the third camera setup menu.

2. Use the down Cross key (down button) to highlight Sensor Cleaning and then press the Set button (A).


3. Select Clean Now and press the Set button again (B).


4. Press Set one more time to start the cleaning function.

5. To return to shooting mode, just lightly press the shutter release button.

Using the Manual Cleaning feature

1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from the previous exercise.

2. Select the Clean Manually option and press the Set button again (A).


3. Use the right Cross key (right button) to select OK and press the Set button again (B).


4. Remove your lens, carefully clean the sensor, and then replace the lens or put on the body cap.

Using the Right Format: RAW vs. JPEG

When shooting with your T6s / T6i, you have a choice of image formats that your camera will use to store the pictures on the memory card. JPEG is probably the most familiar format to anyone who has been using a digital camera. I touched on this topic briefly in Chapter 1, “The T6s / T6i Top Ten List,” so you already have a little background on what JPEG and RAW files are.

There’s nothing wrong with JPEG if you’re taking casual shots. JPEG files are ready to use, right out of the camera. Why go through the process of adjusting RAW images of the kids opening presents when you’re just going to email them to Grandma? Also, for journalists and sports photographers who are shooting rapidly and need to transmit their images across the Internet, again, JPEG is just fine. So what is wrong with JPEG? Absolutely nothing—unless you care about having complete creative control over all of your image data (as opposed to what a compression algorithm thinks is important).

As I mentioned in Chapter 1, JPEG is not actually an image format. It is a compression standard, and compression is where things can go bad. When you have your camera set to JPEG—whether it is set to High or Low compression—you are telling the camera to process the image however it sees fit and then throw away enough image data to make it shrink into a smaller space. In doing so, you give up subtle image details that you will never get back in postprocessing. That is an awfully simplified statement but still fairly accurate.

So what does RAW have to offer?

First and foremost, RAW images are not compressed. (There are some cameras that have a compressed RAW format but it is lossless compression, which means there is no loss of actual image data.) Note that RAW image files will require you to perform postprocessing on your photographs. This is not only necessary; it is the reason that most photographers use it.

RAW images have a greater dynamic range than JPEG-processed images. This means that you can recover image detail in the highlights and shadows that just aren’t available in JPEG-processed images.

There’s more color information in a RAW image because it is a 14-bit image, which means it contains more color information than a JPEG, which is almost always an 8-bit image. More color information means more to work with and smoother changes between tones—kind of like the difference between performing surgery with a scalpel as opposed to a butcher’s knife. They’ll both get the job done, but one will do less damage.

Regarding sharpening, a RAW image offers more control because you are the one who is applying the sharpening according to the effect you want to achieve. Once again, JPEG processing applies a standard amount of sharpening that you cannot change after the fact. Once it is done, it’s done.

Finally, and most importantly, a RAW file is your negative. No matter what you do to it, you won’t change it unless you save your file in a different format. This means that you can come back to that RAW file later and try different processing settings to achieve differing results and never harm the original image. By comparison, if you make a change to your JPEG and accidentally save the file, guess what? You have a new original file, and you will never get back to that first image. That alone should make you sit up and take notice.

Advice for new RAW shooters

Don’t give up on shooting RAW just because it means more work. Hey, if it takes up more space on your card, buy bigger cards or more smaller ones. Will it take more time to download your images? Yes, but good things come to those who wait. Don’t worry about needing to purchase expensive software to work with your RAW files; you already own a program that will allow you to work with your RAW files. Canon’s Digital Photo Professional software comes bundled in the box with your camera and gives you the ability to work directly on the RAW files and then output the enhanced results.

My recommendation is that you shoot in JPEG mode while you are using this book. This will allow you to quickly review your images and study the effects of future lessons. Once you have become comfortable with all of the camera features, you should switch to shooting in RAW mode so that you can start gaining more creative control over your image processing. After all, you took the photograph—shouldn’t you be the one to decide how it looks in the end?

Selecting RAW + JPEG

Your camera has the added benefit of being able to write two files for each picture you take, one in RAW and one in JPEG. This can be useful if you need a quick version to email but want a higher-quality version for more advanced processing.

It should be noted that using both formats requires more space on the memory card. I recommend that you use only one format or the other unless you have a specific need to shoot both.

Selecting your image quality setting

1. Press the Menu button and use the Main dial to select the first shooting menu tab.

2. Highlight the Image Quality setting and press the Set button to enter the settings page (A).


3. Select your desired quality setting (B).


4. Press the Set button to lock in your changes.

Lenses and Focal Lengths

If you ask most photographers what they believe to be their most critical piece of photographic equipment, they would undoubtedly tell you that it is their lens. The technology and engineering that goes into your camera is a marvel, but it isn’t worth a darn if it can’t get the light from the outside world onto the sensor. The T6s / T6i, as a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera, uses the lens for a multitude of tasks, from focusing on a subject, to metering a scene, to delivering and focusing the light onto the camera sensor. The lens is also responsible for the amount of the scene that will be captured (the frame). With all of this riding on the lens, let’s take a more in-depth look at the camera’s eye on the world.

Lenses are composed of optical glass that is both concave and convex in shape. The alignment of the glass elements is designed to focus the light coming in from the front of the lens onto the camera sensor. The amount of light that enters the camera is also controlled by the lens, the size of the glass elements, and the aperture mechanism within the lens housing. The quality of the glass used in the lens will also have a direct effect on how well the lens can resolve details and the contrast of the scene (the ability to deliver great highlights and shadows). Most lenses now routinely include things like the autofocus motor and, in some cases, an image-stabilization mechanism.

There is one other aspect of the camera lens that is often the first consideration of the photographer: lens focal length, which determines the angle of view delivered through the lens. Lenses are typically divided into three or four groups depending on the field of view they cover.

Wide-angle lenses cover a field of view from around 110 degrees to about 60 degrees (Figure 2.4). There is also a tendency to get some distortion in your image when using extremely wide-angle lenses. This will be apparent toward the outer edges of the frame. As for which lenses would be considered wide angle, anything 30mm or smaller could be considered as wide.


ISO 400 • 1/2500 sec. • f/4.5 • 18mm lens

Figure 2.4 The 18mm lens setting lets you capture a larger view of the scene.

Wide-angle lenses can display a large depth of field, which allows you to keep the foreground and background in sharp focus. This makes them very useful for landscape photography. They also work well in tight spaces, such as indoors, where there isn’t much elbow-room available (Figure 2.5). They can also be handy for large group shots but, due to the amount of distortion, not so great for close-up portrait work.


ISO 100 • 1/160 sec. • f/9 • 24mm lens

Figure 2.5 When shooting in tight spaces where you want to capture a large subject, a nice wide-angle lens helps capture more of the scene.

A normal lens has a field of view that is about 45 degrees and delivers approximately the same view as the human eye (not in angle of view but in size and perspective of subjects). The perspective is very natural and there is little distortion in objects. The normal lens for full-frame and 35mm cameras is the 50mm lens, but for the T6s / T6i it is more in the neighborhood of a 35mm lens (Figure 2.6).


ISO 400 • 1/250 sec. • f/7.1 • 50mm lens

Figure 2.6 Long considered the “normal” lens for 35mm photography, the 50mm focal length can be considered somewhat of a telephoto lens on the T6s / T6i because it has the same angle of view and magnification as an 80mm lens on a 35mm camera body.

Normal focal length lenses are useful for photographing people, architecture, and most other general photographic needs. They have very little distortion and offer a moderate range of depth of field (Figure 2.7).


ISO 100 • 1/1600 sec. • f/4 • 55mm lens

Figure 2.7 The normal lens worked well in this image by providing me with just the right amount of coverage to capture the architecture of the Marine Corps Museum.

Most longer focal length lenses are referred to as telephoto lenses. They can range in length from 100mm up to 800mm or longer, and have a field of view that is about 35 degrees or smaller. These lenses have the ability to greatly magnify the scene, allowing you to capture details of distant objects, but the angle of view is greatly reduced (Figure 2.8). You will also find that you can achieve a much narrower depth of field. Telephoto lenses also demonstrate something called distance compression, which means they make objects at different distances appear to be much closer together than they really are.


ISO 100 • 1/200 sec. • f/13 • 300mm lens

Figure 2.8 Getting detailed shots of tall architectural features would be nearly impossible without the use of a good telephoto lens.

Telephoto lenses are most useful for sports photography or any application where you just need to get closer to your subject (Figure 2.9). As noted, they can have a compressing effect, and they have a very narrow depth of field when shot at their widest apertures.


ISO 1000 • 1/1000 sec. • f/2.8 • 300mm lens

Figure 2.9 The long telephoto allowed me to capture the close-up action of the horse and rider going over the jump while keeping a safe distance from the action.

A zoom lens is a great compromise to carrying a bunch of single focal-length lenses (also referred to as “prime” lenses). They can cover a wide range of focal lengths because of the configuration of their optics. However, because it takes more optical elements to capture a scene at different focal lengths, the light must pass through more glass on its way to the image sensor. The more glass, the lower the quality of the image sharpness. The other sacrifice that is made is in aperture. Zoom lenses typically have smaller maximum apertures than prime lenses, which means they cannot achieve a narrow depth of field or work in lower light levels without the assistance of image stabilization, a tripod, or higher ISO settings. (We’ll discuss all this in more detail in later chapters.)

The T6s / T6i can be purchased with the body only, but many folks will purchase it with a kit lens. The most common kit lens is the 18–55mm IS f/3.5–5.6. Another great lens option for the T6s / T6i is the 18–200mm EF-S IS lens. It is a great all-around lens that provides a range of focal lengths from the very wide to the medium telephoto. Combine that with some great image stabilization and you have what I like to call the perfect vacation lens. Unfortunately, it’s not available as a kit lens as of this writing, but it should definitely be considered if you are thinking of adding a new lens to your camera bag.

What Is Exposure?

In order for you to get the most out of this book, I need to briefly discuss the principles of exposure. Without this basic knowledge, it will be difficult for you to move forward in improving your photography. For our purposes I will just cover some of the basics of exposure. This will give you the essential tools to make educated decisions in determining how best to photograph a subject.

So what is exposure? It is the process whereby the light reflecting off a subject reflects through an opening in the camera lens for a defined period of time onto the camera sensor. The combination of the lens opening, shutter speed, and sensor sensitivity is used to achieve a proper exposure value (EV) for the scene. The EV is the sum of these components necessary to properly expose a scene. A relationship exists between these factors that is sometimes referred to as the exposure triangle.

At each point of the triangle lies one of the factors of exposure:

ISO: Determines the sensitivity of the camera sensor. ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization, but the acronym is used as a term to describe the sensitivity of the camera sensor to light. The higher the sensitivity, the less light is required for a good exposure. These values are a carryover from the days of traditional color and black-and-white films.

Aperture: Also referred to as the f-stop, this determines how much light passes through the lens at once.

Shutter Speed: Controls the length of time that light is allowed to hit the sensor.

So here’s how it works. The camera sensor has a level of sensitivity that is determined by the ISO setting. To get a proper exposure—not too much, not too little—the lens needs to adjust the aperture diaphragm (the size of the lens opening) to control the volume of light entering the camera. Then the shutter is opened for a relatively short period of time to allow the light to hit the sensor long enough for it to record on the sensor.

ISO numbers for the T6s / T6i start at 100 and then double in sensitivity as you double the number. So 200 is twice as sensitive as 100. The camera can be set to use 1/2- or 1/3-stop increments, but for ISO just remember that the base numbers double: 100, 200, 400, 800, and so on. There is also a wide variety of shutter speeds that you can use in achieving a proper exposure. The speeds on the T6s / T6i range from as long as 30 seconds to as short as 1/4000 of a second. When using the camera, you will not see the one over the number while looking through the viewfinder, so you will need to remember that anything shorter than a second will be a fraction. However, the shutter speed is displayed as a fraction when looking at the rear LCD display. Typically, you will be working with a shutter speed range from around 1/30 of a second to about 1/2000, but these numbers will change depending on your circumstances and the effect that you are trying to achieve. The lens apertures will vary slightly depending on which lens you are using. This is because different lenses have different maximum apertures. The typical apertures that are at your disposal are f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, and f/22.

When it comes to exposure, a change to any one of these factors can require changing one or more of the other two. This is referred to as a reciprocal change. If you let more light in the lens by choosing a larger aperture opening, you will need to shorten the amount of time the shutter is open. If the shutter is allowed to stay open for a longer period of time, the aperture must be smaller to restrict the amount of light coming in.

How is exposure calculated?

We now know about the exposure triangle—ISO, shutter speeds, and aperture—so it’s time to put all three together to see how they relate to one another and how you can change them as needed.

When you point your camera at a scene, the light reflecting off your subject enters the lens and is allowed to pass through to the sensor for a period of time as dictated by the shutter speed. The amount and duration of the light needed for a proper exposure depends on how much light is being reflected and how sensitive the sensor is. To figure this out, your camera uses a built-in light meter that looks through the lens and measures the amount of light. That level is then calculated against the sensitivity of the ISO setting and an exposure value is rendered. Here’s the tricky part: there is more than one way to achieve a perfect exposure because the f-stop and shutter speed can be combined in different ways to allow the same amount of exposure. See, I told you it was tricky.

Here’s a list of reciprocal settings that would all produce the same exposure result. Let’s use the “sunny 16” rule, which states that, when using f/16 on a sunny day, you can use a shutter speed that is roughly equal to the ISO setting to achieve a proper exposure. For simplification purposes, we will use an ISO of 100.

Reciprocal Exposures: ISO 100


If you were to use any one of these combinations, they would each have the same result in terms of the exposure (that is, how much light hits the camera’s sensor). Also take note that every time we cut the f-stop in half, we reciprocated by doubling our shutter speed. For those of you wondering why f/8 is half of f/5.6, it’s because those numbers are actually fractions based on the opening of the lens in relation to its focal length. This means that a lot of math goes into figuring out just what the total area of a lens opening is, so you just have to take it on faith that f/8 is half of f/5.6 but twice as much as f/11. A good way to remember which opening is larger is to think of your camera lens as a pipe that controls the flow of water. If you have a pipe that is 1/2" in diameter (f/2) and one that is 1/8" (f/8), which would allow more water to flow through? It would be the 1/2" pipe. The same idea works here with the camera f-stops; f/2 is a larger opening than f/4 or f/8 or f/16.

Now that we know this, we can start using this information to make intelligent choices in terms of shutter speed and f-stop. Let’s bring the third element into this by changing our ISO by one stop, from 100 to 200.

Reciprocal Exposures: ISO 200


Notice that, since we doubled the sensitivity of the sensor, we now require half as much exposure as before. We have also reduced our maximum aperture from f/2.8 to f/4 because the camera can’t use a shutter speed that is faster than 1/4000 of a second.

So why not just use the exposure setting of f/16 at 1/250 of a second? Why bother with all of these reciprocal values when this one setting will give us a properly exposed image? The answer is that the f-stop and shutter speed also control two other important aspects of our image: motion and depth of field.

Motion and Depth of Field

There are distinct characteristics that are related to changes in aperture and shutter speed. Shutter speed controls the length of time the light has to strike the sensor; consequently, it also controls the blurriness (or lack of blurriness) of the image. The less time light has to hit the sensor, the less time your subjects have to move around and become blurry. This can let you control things like freezing the motion of a fast-moving subject (Figure 2.10) or intentionally blurring subjects to give the feel of energy and motion (Figure 2.11).


ISO 400 • 1/8000 sec. • f/4 • 420mm lens

Figure 2.10 A fast shutter speed was used to freeze the action of the parachutist as he prepared to land.


ISO 800 • 1/15 sec. • f/22 • 55mm lens

Figure 2.11 The slower shutter speed captured the motion of the spinning carousel.

The aperture controls the amount of light that comes through the lens, but also determines what areas of the image will be in focus. This is referred to as depth of field, and it is an extremely valuable creative tool. The smaller the opening (the larger the number, such as f/22), the greater the sharpness of objects from near to far (Figure 2.12).


ISO 100 • 1/30 sec. • f/22 • 18mm lens

Figure 2.12 Using a small aperture ensures that the area of sharp focus extends from a point that is near the camera all the way out to distant objects. In this instance, I wanted the rocks in the foreground as well as the mountains in the background to be in focus.

A large opening (or small number, like f/2.8) means more blurring of objects that are not at the same distance from the camera as the subject you are focusing on (Figure 2.13).


ISO 400 • 1/500 sec. • f/2.8 • 70mm lens

Figure 2.13 Isolating a subject is accomplished by using a large aperture, which produces a narrow area of sharp focus.

As we further explore the features of the camera, you will learn not only how to use the elements of exposure to capture properly exposed photographs, but also how you can make adjustments to emphasize your subject. It is the manipulation of these elements—motion and focus—that will take your images to the next level.

Video and the T6s / T6i

One of the reasons that you might have purchased the T6s / T6i is its ability to capture video—not just regular video, but high-definition video. As I discussed in the book’s introduction, I’m going to keep the focus of this book on the photography aspects of the camera, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore the video functions completely. In fact, I am dedicating a bonus chapter (“T6s / T6i Video: Beyond the Basics”) to some fun video tips. But I thought that I would at least cover the video basics here in Chapter 2 since we have already looked at a lot of other camera functions. Let’s start by covering some of the basic facts about the moviemaking features.

First, the video recording is a separate feature from the Live View capabilities of the camera. To shoot video, you will need to turn the power switch to the Movie shooting position.

Once Movie mode is active, focus the camera by placing the white focus box on the subject (Figure 2.14) and holding down the shutter button halfway until the focus operation is complete.


Figure 2.14 Recording high-def video with your T6s / T6i.

Once your subject is in focus, you can push the Live View/Movie shooting button to begin the recording process. When the camera begins recording, you will notice that the focus box disappears and a few new icons show up on the LCD. In the top right will be a red Record icon to let you know that the camera is in active record mode. In the bottom of the screen is an exposure compensation scale and the battery-level indicator. To stop the video recording, simply press the Live View/Record button a second time.

Video quality

The highest quality video setting that your T6s / T6i will render is called HD, or high-definition, video with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. You can also record at 1280x720 pixels, which is also considered HD. These are also referred to as 1080P and 720P. The “1080” and “720” represent the height of the video image in pixels, and the “P” stands for Progressive, which is how the camera records/draws the video on the screen. You can select a lower resolution video depending on your needs. The other video resolution is 640x480. For high-definition TV and computer/media station viewing, you will be best served using the 1080 or 720 recording resolutions. If you plan on recording for the Internet, iPods, standard definition TV, or portable video players, you might want to consider using the 640x480 resolution (although many portable devices, such as the iPad Retina, now display at higher-than-HD resolutions). The benefit of 640x480 is that it requires less physical storage since it contains a smaller pixel count. This means that you will not only fit more video on your storage card, you will also require less time to upload the video to the Internet. The other benefit of the 640x480 resolution is that it records longer than the HD resolutions—almost 30 minutes for 640 as opposed to 10 minutes of record time for HD.

The other thing to consider when selecting a quality setting is the capture frame rate. At the 1920x1080 size, you have two frame rates to choose from: 30 frames per second (fps) or 24 fps. The 30 fps setting is more of a TV standard and complies with the NTSC video standards used in the United States. This should be your choice for most of your video recording. If you are going to use the video for DVD or movies with a “Hollywood” look, you should go with the 24 fps option.

The 60 fps on the 1280x720 option should render smooth video sequences, but they might also look a little like slow motion. One reason for using this frame rate is that it helps with fast movement of the camera or the subject. Just as a fast shutter speed can help freeze motion, doubling up on the frames per second can give you some good options for a fast-moving subject, including smooth slow-motion effects when using video editing software.

Setting the movie quality

1. To change the quality of your video recording, start by turning the power switch to the Movie shooting position.

2. Press the Menu button and navigate to the second movie shooting tab.

3. Select the Movie Rec. Size option and press the Set button (A).


4. Select the desired movie quality setting by pressing the left or right Cross key and press the Set button (B).


5. Press the Menu button to return to Movie shooting mode.


The T6s / T6i can record audio to go along with your video, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind when using it. The first is to make sure you don’t block the microphones on the front of the camera. If you look closely at the front of the camera body, you will notice some small holes on either side of the Canon logo, just in front of the hot shoe (Figure 2.15). These are your stereo microphones.


Figure 2.15 The T6s / T6i’s built-in microphone.

The next thing you need to know about the sound is that because the microphone is part of the camera, any noise that the camera makes, like focusing the lens, will be audible in your movies. If you find that the lens focus noise is distracting or you plan on using your own soundtrack to be added to the video at a later time, you can opt to turn off the audio recording.

Turning off the sound

1. Turn the Power switch to the Movie shooting position.

2. Press the Menu button and navigate to the second movie shooting tab; then press the Set button (A).


3. Select the Disable option and press Set to lock in the change (B). Press the Menu button to return to recording mode.


Better sound for your movies

If you want to record sound with your camera but want to eliminate the camera noise, consider using an external microphone. An external mic means that you can have much more control over the quality of the audio because you are using a device whose sole purpose is to record audio. Currently there is a growing market of microphones for DSLR cameras, including mics with hot-shoe adapters so you can mount the mic directly to the camera and record without having to worry about holding the external mic (Figure 2.16).


Figure 2.16 Using an external microphone like this model from RØDE will help eliminate camera noise from your videos.

As previously stated, one of the benefits of using an external microphone is the elimination of camera noise in your videos. Another advantage is that you can use microphones that are designed to do a better job of recording directional audio such as that coming from subjects in front of the camera. Most of these are long and slender and are referred to as shotgun mics such as the RØDE mic that I use for my video work.

Focusing the camera

As I mentioned earlier, you must focus the camera using the shutter release button before you will be able to start recording video. Once the video is recording, you can refocus using the same button. If your subject moves closer or farther from the camera position, it will be necessary for you to refocus in order to maintain sharp focus. A great new feature in the T6s / T6i is the Movie-Servo autofocus system, which will use autofocus to follow your subject. The default setting for Movie-Servo is ON so there is no need to activate it in the menu. You can even pause it while shooting by making sure the Shutter/AE Lock button is set to AF/AF Lock, not AE Lock, in the custom menu. After setting the function, you can pause the Movie-Servo mode by pressing and holding the Shutter/AE Lock button. The Movie-Servo autofocus will resume once you release the button. You can manually focus your lens by setting the focus switch on the lens to the MF position and then turning the focus ring on the lens. If you have your camera set to Movie-Servo, be sure to turn the camera off prior to setting the lens to the MF mode.

For more about focusing while shooting movies, be sure to check out the bonus chapter.

Capturing video snapshots

So what if you don’t need more than a short video clip, say, 4 seconds or so? Or perhaps you want a longer sequence that is made up of smaller video clips. Well, you might want to consider setting up the Video Snapshot feature. When this is activated, you can be in Movie mode and then press the Video Record button to grab a small snippet of video (2, 4, or 8 seconds in length). Once the camera has completed recording, you can save the clip to an album. You can add more video snapshot clips to the album to create one longer video from the snapshots. This feature allows you to make some creative video sequences right in your camera.

Activating the Video Snapshot feature

1. Set the camera to Movie mode.

2. Press the Menu button and navigate to the second movie shooting tab.

3. Highlight the Video Snapshot option and press Set (A).


4. With the Video Snapshot option selected, press Set; then choose Enable and press Set again (B).


5. Select Album Settings, press Set, and then choose Create A New Album from the next screen (C).


6. You can then choose the length of your videos. Simply press Set and choose one of the three options: 2, 4, or 8 seconds (D).


7. Exit the Settings menu by pressing the Menu button.

8. Set up your movie shooting just like you normally would and press the Record button to begin the recording process. The video recording will cease once the time limit has been reached.

9. Now you can add the clip to your album, save as a new album, play back the video, or delete it without saving (E).


Watching your videos

There are a couple of different options for you to review your video once you have finished recording. The first is probably the easiest: press the Image Review button to bring up the recorded image on the LCD screen, and then use the Set button to start playing the video. The left/right Cross keys act as the video controller and allow you to rewind and fast-forward as well as stop the video altogether.

If you would like to get a larger look at things, you will need to either watch the video on your TV or move the video files to your computer. To watch on your TV, you can use the video cable that came with your camera and plug it into the small port on the side of the camera body (Figure 2.17). This will let you watch low-resolution video on your TV. To get the full effect from your HD videos, you will have to purchase an HDMI cable (your TV needs to support at least 720 HD and have an HDMI port to use this option). Make sure that you purchase a Mini-HDMI-to-HDMI cable since the camera does not use a standardsized HDMI jack for outputting video. Once you have the cable hooked up to your TV, simply use the same camera controls that you used for watching the video on the LCD screen.


Figure 2.17 The video ports on the T6s / T6i.

If you want to watch or use the videos on your computer, you will need to download the images using the Canon software and a USB cable or by using an SD card reader attached to your computer. The video files will have the extension “.mov” at the end of the filename. These files should play on either a Mac or PC using software that came with your operating system, or you can download QuickTime for free (Apple’s QuickTime for Mac and Windows is available at www.apple.com/quicktime/download/). If you are using an SDXC card, make sure that you have a compatible card reader to attach to your computer.

For even more information about using video with your T6s / T6i, be sure to download the bonus chapter from Peachpit.com.

Chapter 2 Assignments

There is more to using a camera than just knowing where to point it and pushing a button. This chapter is all about learning the basics of camera operation so that when it comes time to push the button, you know that your gear is ready to go. This means taking a little time to learn about memory cards and lenses and ISO. Taking care of these essentials will pay big dividends in the future.

Formatting your card

Even if you have already begun using your camera, make sure you are familiar with formatting the SD card. If you haven’t already done so, follow the directions given earlier in the chapter and format as described (make sure you save any images that you may have already taken). Then perform the Format function every time you have downloaded or saved your images or use a new card.

Checking your firmware version

Using the most up-to-date version of the camera firmware will ensure that your camera is functioning properly. Use the menu to find your current firmware version and then update as necessary using the steps listed in this chapter.

Cleaning your sensor

You probably noticed the sensor-cleaning message the first time you turned your camera on. Make sure you are familiar with the Clean Now command so you can perform this function every time you change a lens.

Exploring your image formats

I want you to become familiar with all of the camera features before using the RAW format, but take a little time to explore the Format menu so you can see what options are available to you.

Exploring your lens

If you are using a zoom lens, spend a little time shooting with all of the different focal lengths, from the widest to the longest. See just how much of an angle you can cover with your widest lens setting. How much magnification will you be able to get from the telephoto setting? Try shooting the same subject with a variety of different focal lengths to note the differences in how the subject looks, and also the relationship between the subject and the other elements in the photo.

Recording some video clips

Take a little time to discover how the video function works on your camera. Set the video quality to 1080 and record a short sequence, and then try it with some of the lower-resolution settings. Open the video clips on your computer or hook the camera up to your TV and review the different video clips to see how the quality settings effect the video.

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