
Symbols and Numbers

< (chevron), 25, 3334

38mm (small) watch, 12

42mm (large) watch, 12


Accelerometer, 131134

Action buttons

in email, 206208

in notifications, generally, 219220

in notifications, handling, 220225

types of controls, 5153


segues in, 24

sheets for, 6872

Alerts. See also Notifications, 6872

Apple Watch

Application Context for, 162163

creating apps in, generally, 7

creating iPhone apps in, 79

deploying apps in, 45

development tools for, 2

File Transfer for, 164

hardware in. See Hardware, Apple Watch

Hello, World! app in. See Hello, World! app

Interface Controller in. See Interface Controller

introduction to, 12

iPhones interacting with, 56

lifecycle of apps in, 1013

live communications in, 165

Send Message mode in, 165

Simulator in. See Apple Watch Simulator

specifications of, 12

storyboards in, 1011

types of apps in, 6

User Info for, 163164

user interfaces in. See User interfaces (UI)

WatchKit architecture and, 34

Apple Watch Simulator

adding images in, 7678

animation in, 80

background images in, 74

didActivate method in, 2122

display of Current page in, 4142

emojis in, 110

Force Touch in, 118121

Glance scenes in, 244

hierarchical navigation in, 2526, 32

images next to text in, 89

interactive messaging in, 182183

introduction to, 1315

location data in, 188191

Map controls in, 193194

menu items in, adding programmatically, 122123

Movie controls in, 104106

navigation using code in, 36, 38

notifications in, 210

page-based navigation in, 2627, 33

passing data between Interface Controllers in, 3233

Picker controls in, 92, 9497, 100

selecting items in tables in, 90

Table controls in, 86

text input in, 108

Watch Connectivity Framework in, 171, 174

writing data to files in, 201202

Application Context

background transfers in, 162163

comparing to other modes, 184

introduction to, 162

sending data in iOS app, 169170

sending data in WatchKit Extension, 167169

on Simulators, 171

testing applications in, 171

Application tests. See Testing applications

Architecture, 34

Assets.xcassets files

animation in, 78

background images in, 60, 7475

context menus in, 116118

control knobs in, 99

images next to text in, 86

Picker displaying images in, 93

playing movies in, 104

poster images in, 105

Attributed strings, 5455

Attributes Inspector, 2425, 240243

Audio recordings, 127130

awakeWithContext method

in display of Current page, 4142

for Glance scenes, 240

in Interface Controller, 2021

in Label controls, 3032

in ReturningValues project, 4547


Background action buttons, 206

Background fetch, 244249

Background images

in Button controls, 6062, 74

in Interface Controller, 7475

in notifications, 217218

Background transfers

in Application Context, 162163

comparison of communication modes for, 184

in File Transfer, 164

in User Info, 163164

in Watch Connectivity Framework, 162164

Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) connections, 3

Bundles, 3

Button controls

action sheets in, 6872

adding to Interface Controller, 5051

alerts in, 6872

for audio recordings, 127130

for background actions, 206

background images and, 6062, 74

for cancellations, 3334

chevron, 3334

creating actions for, 5153

creating outlets for, 5354

custom fonts in, 5559

displaying attributed strings in, 5455

for displaying screens, 2627

for email actions, 206208

for foreground actions, 206

Group controls and, 111115

introduction to, 50

for making phone calls, 125127

for notification actions, 219225

for open actions, 207208

for reply actions, 206208

for saving data, 198199

for sending messages, 125127

Slider controls in, 6568

Switch controls in, 6265

in Taptic Engine, 134136

text input and, 107108



in Interface Controller, 3334

in Watch Connectivity Framework, 179180

Chevron (<), 25, 3334

Circular Small complications

introduction to, 139140

in Movie Showtime project, 153, 156, 158

support for, 143

CLKComplicationDataSource protocol, 138139, 143

ClockKit Framework

introduction to, 138139

placement of complications in, 139140

template classes in, 140

Code Editor

Label controls and, 2930

navigation using, 35

returning data with, 44


Application Context mode of. See Application Context

comparison of modes of, 184

File Transfer mode of. See File Transfer

live, 165

User Info mode of. See User Info

in Watch Connectivity Framework, generally, 162165, 184

in WatchKit Extension, 175


ClockKit Framework for, 138140

families of, 143

introduction to, 6, 137138

Movie Showtime project example of. See Movie Showtime project

placeholder templates for, 143149

placement of, 139140

populating with data, 150153

privacy behavior in, 149150

refresh frequency in, 159

summary of, 159

template classes for, 140

Time Travel for, 154158


location data in, 185191

Map display in, 192194

Web services, accessing, 194198

Containing iOS Apps. See also iOS Apps, 3, 10


Dynamic Interface, 210, 216

Glance Interface, 238243

Static Interface. See Static Interface Controller

View. See View Controller

WKInterfaceController class for, 12


Button. See Button controls

Group, 111115

Image. See Image controls

Label. See Label controls

layout of, 111115

Menu, 116121

Movie, 73

Picker. See Picker controls

Slider, 6568

Switch, 6265

Table, 73, 8790

in user interfaces. See User interfaces (UI)

Cook, Tim, 1

Custom fonts, 5559



passing between Interface Controllers, 2733

returning from Interface Controllers, 4248

saving, 198202

sending. See Sending data

Delegation design patterns, 42

Deploying Apple Watch apps, 45

Development tools, 2

didActivate method

in display of Current page, 40

for Glance scenes, 240

in Label controls, 31

in LifeCycle project, 2022

Digital Crown

Apple Watch hardware and, 130131

introduction to, 2

Picker controls in, 90, 92, 97

dismissController method, 36

Displaying information. See also Displays

background images in, 7475

Force Touch for, adding items programatically, 121123

Force Touch for, context menus in, 115121

Force Touch for, generally, 111115

Image controls for, animations in, 7880

Image controls for, generally, 74, 7678

images next to text in, 8689

introduction to, 73

Label controls for, generally, 73

laying out controls for, 111115

Movie controls for, 103106

movies, playing programatically, 101103

Picker controls for, captions in, 9697

Picker controls for, control knobs in, 97100

Picker controls for, displaying images in, 9394

Picker controls for, generally, 90

Picker controls for, lists of text in, 9193

Picker controls for, scrolling style in, 9496

playing media files, 100106

summary of, 123

Table controls for, adding Image controls to, 8789

Table controls for, generally, 8086

Table controls for, selecting items in, 8990


of Current page, 3942

Display Screen buttons for, 2627

of Glance scenes. See Glance scenes

of information. See Displaying information

of Interface Controller pages, 3738

of maps, 192194

Modal, 2627

of notifications. See User Info

Dynamic Interface Controller, 210, 216


Email, 206208

Emojis, 109110


File Transfer

background transfers in, 164

canceling outstanding transfers in, 179180

comparison to other communication modes, 184

introduction to, 162

sending data/files in iOS app, 177179

sending data/files in WatchKit Extension, 175177

testing applications in, 179

Fonts, 5559

Force Touch

context menus, adding items programmatically, 121123

context menus for, generally, 115121

introduction to, 2, 111115

Menu Item, 116123

Foreground action buttons, 206


Gathering information

emojis, 109110

introduction to, 73, 106

summary of, 123

text inputs, 106108

Get Weather, 194198

Glance Interface Controller, 238243, 249252

Glance scenes

background fetch in, 244249

customizing, 240253

implementing, 238240

introduction to, 6, 237

summary of, 252

testing, 244

updating, 249252

usefulness of, 244

Gmail, 206208

Group controls, 111115


Hardware, Apple Watch

accelerometer and, 131134

for audio recording, 127130

Digital Crown and, 130131

introduction to, 125

for phone calls, 125127

for sending messages, 125127

Taptic Engine and, 134136

Hello, World! app, 79

Hierarchical navigation

between Interface Controllers, 2226

using code for, 36

Home Screen, 215216


Icons, 215217

Identifier attributes, 43

Image controls

animation with, 7880

emojis in, 109110

in Force Touch, 119120

introduction to, 74, 7678

saving data with, 198199

in Table controls, 8789

text next to images and, 8689

ImageView, 177178

Include Notification Scene, 209


displaying. See Displaying information

gathering. See Gathering information

Interactive Messaging

comparison to other communication modes, 184

in iOS Apps, 181182

testing applications in, 182183

in Watch Connectivity Framework, 180183

in WatchKit Extension, 180181

Interface Controller

accelerometers in, 131134

animation in, 7880

audio recordings in, 127130

background images in, 7475

Button controls in, 5051, 9193

Cancel buttons in, 3334

designating specific pages to display in, 3942

displaying series of pages in, 3738

emojis in, 109110

File Transfer in, 175177

Force Touch in, 115121

Get Weather in, 194198

Glance scenes in, 238240

Group controls in, 111115

hierarchical navigation in, 2226

Image controls in, 7478

interactive messaging in, 180181

introduction to, 1013

Label controls in, 8086

LifeCycle project in, 1722

lifecycle of, 1722

location data in, 186188

Map controls in, 192193

menu items in, adding programmatically, 121123

modification of, 13

Movie controls in, 103106

navigating between, generally, 2227

navigating using code, 3437

notifications in, 210

passing data between, 2733

phone calls in, 126127

Picker controls in. See Picker controls

returning data from, 4248

saving data in, 198202

selecting items in tables in, 8990

sending messages in, 126127

Storyboard Editor and. See Storyboard Editor

summary of, 48

Swift class and, 1722

Taptic Engine in, 134136

text input and, 107108

User Info in, 172174

Watch Connectivity Framework in, 167169

Interface.storyboard file, defined. See also Storyboard Editor, 10

iOS Apps

Application Context in, 169170

background fetch in, 245249

containing, 3, 10

creating iPhone apps, 79

Interactive Messaging in, 181182

interfacing with, generally. See Watch Connectivity Framework

introduction to, 35

location data in, 185191

Map controls in, 192194

saving data in, 198202

sending data in, 169174, 177179

User Info in, 173174

Watch Connectivity Framework for. See Watch Connectivity Framework

iPhone apps

Apple Watch interacting with, 56

Application Context for, 162163

creation of, 79

File Transfer for, 164

live communications in, 165

Send Message mode in, 165

simulation of. See iPhone Simulator

User Info for, 163164

View Controller for, 22

iPhone Simulator

DisplayingGlances project in, 249

interactive messaging in, 182183

introduction to, 1315

location data in, 188191

notifications in, 211, 213218

unlocking, 22

Watch Connectivity Framework in, 171, 174

writing data to files in, 201202


Jobs, Steve

on change, 161

on creating for oneself, 237

on design as function, 1

on ease of use, 125

on innovation, 73

on leading via innovation, 73

on limitation of focus groups, 17

on mistakes, 137

on quality of choices, 49


Label controls

for accelerometers, 131134

for displaying information, 73

Force Touch and, 120121

navigation and, 25, 2930

notifications in, 212214

for saving data, 198199

in Table controls, 8086

text input and, 107108

Large (42mm) watch, 12

Layout of controls, 111115

LifeCycle project, 1722

Lifecycles of apps, 1013

Live communications, 165

Local notifications, 205208, 220


getting data for, 185191

Map controls for, 192194

in ReturningValues project, 4548

Long-look interfaces

handling notifications with, 225230

introduction to, 209210

naming notifications in, 215216

Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) connections, 3

Lower group in Glance Interface Controller, 240243


Map controls, 192194

Media files, playing, 100106

Menu controls, 116121

Menu Item controls

adding programmatically, 121123

Force Touch and, 116121

Messages, sending. See Sending messages

Modal displays, 2627

Modal segues, 22, 2627

Modular Small/Large complications

changing complications to, 147149

introduction to, 139140

in Movie Showtime project, 152, 155157

placeholder templates for, 144145

support for, 143

Movie Showtime project

complication families supported by, 143

complication placeholder template in, 143149

creating project for, 141143

introduction to, 141

populating with data, 150153

privacy behavior in, 149150

refresh frequencies in, 159

Time Travel for, 154158


controls for, 73, 103106

Movie Showtime project for. See Movie Showtime project

playing programmatically, 101103

refreshing, 159

timelines of, 151158


Naming notifications, 214215

NavigateUsingCode project, 35


hierarchical, 2226, 36

between Interface Controllers, 2227

Label controls and, 25

page-based, 22, 26, 36

UINavigations project, 23, 27

using code for, 3437

Notification Center, 215216


action buttons in, generally, 219220

action buttons in, handling, 220225

background images in, 217218

customizing, 212214

definition of, 205208

displaying, generally, 205

icons for Apple Watch apps and, 215217

introduction to, 6

long-look interface for, 225230

modifying WatchKit app names for, 214215

sash colors in, 234235

short-look interfaces for, 209212

simulation of payloads for, 230234

summary of, 235

types of, generally, 208209

NSNotificationCenter, 42

NSUserDefaults class

Glance scenes and, 245

saving data and, 198, 202


Open action buttons, 207208

Outlets, 5354


Page-based navigation

between Interface Controllers, 26

introduction to, 22

using code in, 36

Passing data between Interface Controllers, 2733

Payloads, 230234

Phone calls. See also iPhone apps, 125127

Picker controls

captions in, 9697

control knobs in, 97100

in Digital Crown, 131

displaying images with, 9394

displaying information with, 73, 90

lists of text in, 9193

returning data with, 43, 4548

scrolling style in, 9496

in Taptic Engine, 134136

Playing media files, 100106

popController method, 36

presentControllerWithName:context: method, 36, 38

Privacy behavior, 149150

Push segues, 24

pushControllerWithName:context: method, 36

PushNotificationPayload.apns file, 210213, 219


Refresh frequencies, 159

Remote notifications

action buttons for, 220

displaying, 210211

introduction to, 205208

Reply action buttons, 206208

requestLocation method, 185188

Returning data from Interface Controllers, 4248

ReturningValues project, 42


Sash colors, 234235

Saving data

with Image controls, 198199

NSUserDefaults class in, 202

writing to files, 199201

Scrolling, 130

SecondInterfaceController.swift file, 3942, 43

Sending data

in iOS Apps, 169170, 173174

via Application Context, 167171

via File Transer, 174179

via User Info, 172174

in WatchKit Extension, 167169, 172173, 175177

Sending messages

in Apple Watch, 125127, 165

in iPhones, 165

in Watch Connectivity Framework, 180181

Short-look interfaces, 209212, 215216


in Apple Watch. See Apple Watch Simulator

introduction to, 1315

in iPhones. See iPhone Simulator

of payloads, 230234

Slider controls, 6568

Small (38mm) watch, 12

Smartwatches. See Apple Watch

Specifications of Apple Watch, 12

Static Interface Controller

action buttons in, 220

background images in, 217218

customizing notifications in, 212214

displaying notifications in, generally, 210212

icons for Apple Watch app in, 216217

naming notifications in, 214215

Stock prices, 245252

Storyboard Editor

accelerometers in, 131

action sheets in, 68

actions for buttons in, 5152

alerts in, 68

background images in, 75

buttons in, 5052

context menus in, 116

control layout in, 111

hierarchical navigation in, 23

Interface.storyboard file in, generally, 10

introduction to, 1011

lifecycles in, 1722

lists of text in, 91

navigation using code in, 35

notifications in, 210

passing data between Interface Controllers in, 29

phone calls in, 125126

playing movies programatically, 101

recording audio in, 127

returning data in, 4244

saving data in, 198

sending messages in, 125126

Slider controls in, 65

Switch controls in, 6263

Table controls in, generally, 80

Table Row Controller in, 83, 88

Taptic Engine in, 134

text inputs in, 106

Web services in, 194


displaying attributed, 5455

saving to files, 199

Swift class

in Interface Controller, 1722

in Table controls, 8283

Switch controls, 6265


Table controls

Image controls in, 8789

introduction to, 73, 8086

selecting items in, 8990

Taptic Engine

Apple Watch hardware and, 134136

introduction to, 2

Picker controls in, 134136


in ClockKit Framework, 140

for complications, 140, 143149

WatchKit Class, 28

Testing applications

in Application Context, 170171

in File Transfer, 179

Glance scenes, 244

for interactive messaging, 182183

in User Info, 174


images next to, 8689

input of, 106108

lists of, in Picker, 9193

ThirdInterfaceController.swift file, 3942

Time Travel, 139, 154158

Timelines of movies, 151158


UI (User interfaces). See User interfaces (UI)

UINavigations project, 23, 27

Updating Glance scenes, 249252

Upper group in Glance Interface Controller, 240242

User Info

background transfers in, 163164

canceling outstanding transfers in, 179180

comparison to other communication modes, 184

introduction to, 162

sending data in iOS Apps, 173174

sending data in WatchKit Extension, 172173

testing applications in, 174

User interfaces (UI)

action sheets in, 6872

adding Button controls to Interface Controller, 5051

alerts in, 6872

background images of, 6062

Button controls in, generally, 50

creating actions for, 5153

creating outlets for, 5354

custom fonts in, 5559

displaying attributed strings in, 5455

introduction to, 49

Slider controls in, 6568

Switch controls in, 6265

tap gestures and, generally, 4950

Utilitarian Small/Large complications

introduction to, 139140

in Movie Showtime project, 152153, 156, 158

support for, 143, 144145


Vibrator function, 134

View Controller. See also Views

Application Context in, 169170

interactive messaging in, 181182

on iPhones, generally, 22

User information in, 166

Watch Connectivity Framework in, 166, 169170


defined, 49

ImageView for, 177178

windows of, 177178


Watch Connectivity Framework

background transfers in, 162164

cancelling outstanding transfers in, 179180

communication types in, 162165, 184

comparison of modes in, 183184

Interactive Messaging in, 180183

introduction to, 56, 161162

live communications in, 165

sending data/files via File Transfer, 174179

sending data via Application Context, 167171

sending data via User Info, 172174

testing applications in, 170171, 174, 179

using, generally, 165166

WatchKit. See also specific functions

apps in, defined, 3, 6

architecture of, 34

Class template, 28

deploying Apple Watch apps and, 45

displaying information in, generally, 73

Extension. See WatchKit Extension

Interface Controller in. See Interface Controller

introduction to, 1, 2

iOS Apps in. See iOS Apps

iPhone apps in. See iPhone apps

lifecycle of apps in, 1013

storyboards in. See Storyboard Editor

summary of, 15

WatchKit Extension

creating iPhone apps in, 89

ExtensionDelegate class in, 1213

Interactive Messaging in, 180181

introduction to, 34

UINavigations project in, 2733

WatchOS operating system, 1, 34

Weather, 194198

Web Services, 194198

willActivate method

in display of Current page, 40

for Glance scenes, 240

in Interface Controller, 2021

in Label controls, 31

WKInterfaceController class, 12

WKSession object, 179180

World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC2015), 1

Writing data to files, 199201

WWDC2015 (World Wide Developers Conference), 1


Xcode 7

AudioRecord project in, 127

Buttons in, 50

Communications in, 165, 171, 174

complication placeholder template in, 145

custom fonts in, 55

DisplayingGlances project in, 238, 245, 249

FileStorage project in, 198, 201202

ForceTouch project in, 115

Images in, 74

introduction to, 2

launching, 79

Layouts in, 111

LifeCycle project in, 17, 21

Movie Showtime project in, 141

Movies in, 101

NavigationUsingCode project in, 35

Notifications in, 209, 211, 221

phone calls in, 125

ReturningValues project in, 42

simulators and, generally, 1314

Sliders in, 65

Switches in, 62

Tables in, 80

Taptic Engine in, 134

TextInputs project in, 106

UINavigations project in, 23

UsingAlerts project in, 68

UsingCoreMotion project in, 131

UsingLocation project in, 185, 188, 193

UsingPicker project in, 91

WebServices project in, 194, 197

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