Chapter 6. Jupyter Notebooks

By Ian Hellen,
Principal Software Engineer
Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center

Jupyter is an interactive development and data manipulation environment hosted in a browser. The open API supported by Azure Sentinel allows you to use Jupyter Notebooks to query, transform, analyze, and visualize Azure Sentinel data. This makes Notebooks a powerful addition to Azure Sentinel, and it is especially well-suited to ad-hoc investigations, hunting, or customized workflows.


Jupyter Notebooks are an evolution from IPython (an interactive Python shell) and IPython continues to be the default Jupyter kernel. A Notebook is a sequence of input and output cells. You type code in an input cell, and the Jupyter server executes it and returns the result in an output cell (see Figure 6-1).

This is a screenshot of a Jupyter Notebook, with simple code samples in two cells. The first prints the string “Hello Jupyter,” and the second plots a graph of a sine wave.
FIGURE 6-1 Simple code examples in Jupyter Notebook code cells

A Jupyter Notebook has several components:

  • A browser-based JavaScript UI that gives you:

  • Language-aware intelligent code editor (and a rich text editor).

  • The ability to display data and visualizations using HTML, LatTex, PNG, and other formats.

  • A JSON document format to persist and share your work.

  • A backend (comprised of the Jupyter server and language kernel) that does the work of executing code and rendering the output. The server component can be running on the same machine as the browser, an on-premises server, or in the cloud. The separation of the language kernel is a critical feature, allowing Jupyter Notebooks to support (literally) hundreds of different programming languages.

Jupyter is strictly the definition of the protocol and document format exchanged between the client and the Jupyter backend—although it is often used as a shorthand for Jupyter Notebook. In this chapter, whenever I use the term Notebook, you should take this to mean Jupyter Notebook unless explicitly called out.


For more introductory information and sample Notebooks, go to and read the Jupyter introductory documentation. Also, tutorials are available at You can also find the Notebook used for the examples in this chapter here at

Azure Sentinel has a close integration with Azure Notebooks. Azure Notebooks supplies the Jupyter back-end computation and Notebook storage, which makes it very easy to get started with Jupyter Notebooks as part of your hunting and investigation workflows. (Read more about this in the section “Notebooks and Azure Sentinel,” later in this chapter.)

Why use Jupyter Notebooks?

Your first question might be: “Why would I use Jupyter Notebooks to work with Azure Sentinel data rather than the other query and investigation tools, and the first answer is that, usually, you wouldn’t. In most cases, hunting and investigation can be handled by the Azure Sentinel core user interface (UI) and Log Analytics query capabilities.


One reason that you might want to reach for a Jupyter Notebook is when the complexity of what you are trying to do with Azure Sentinel’s built-in tools becomes too high. “How complex is too complex?” is a difficult question to answer, but some guidelines are:

  • When the number of queries in your investigation chain goes beyond about seven (the number of things that the average person can juggle in short-term memory)

  • You find yourself doing complex KQL query gymnastics to integrate some external data or extract a specific entity type from data

  • When you start to need extra-strength reading glasses to see all the detail of the investigation graph

  • When you discover that your browser has just crashed, and you haven’t saved any of the queries or results that you were working on

The following sections outline some of the main benefits that Jupyter Notebooks bring to cybersecurity investigation and hunting.

Data persistence, repeatability, and backtracking

One of the painful things when working on a more complex security investigation is keeping track of what you have done. You might easily find yourself with multiple queries and results sets—many of which turn out to be dead ends.

  • Which ones do you keep?

  • How easy is it to backtrack and re-run the queries with different values or date ranges?

  • How do you accumulate the useful results in a single report?

  • What if you want to re-run the same pattern on a future investigation?

With most data-querying environments, the answer is a lot of manual work and heavy reliance on good short-term memory. Jupyter, on the other hand, gives you a linear progression through the investigation—saving queries and data as you go. With the use of variables through the progression of the queries (such as for time ranges, account names, IP addresses, and so on), it also makes it much easier to backtrack and rerun and to reuse the entire workflow in future investigations.

Scripting and programming environment

In Jupyter, you are not limited to querying and viewing results; you have the full power of a procedural programming language. Although you can do a lot in a flexible declarative language like Kusto Query Language (KQL) or others like Structured Query Language (SQL), being able to split your logic into procedural chunks is often helpful and sometimes essential. A declarative language means that you need to encode your logic in a single (possibly complex) statement. Procedural languages allow you to execute logic in a series of steps. Being able to use procedural code enables you to:

  • See and debug intermediate results

  • Add functionality (such as decoding fields and parsing data) that may not be available in the query language

  • Reuse partial results in later processing steps

Rich and interactive display environment

Because a Notebook is an HTML document, it can display anything a web page can display. This includes graphs, images, tables, video, and interactive JavaScript controls and visualizations. You may find that there is a visualization that you need that just isn’t available in core Azure Sentinel. Often, you can find a Python library that has exactly what you need, even if it needs some tweaking to get the results that you are after.

Any visualizations you create in the Notebook remain as part of the visual history of your investigation.

Joining to external data

Most of your telemetry/event data will be in Azure Sentinel workspace tables, but there will often be exceptions:

  • Data in an external service that you do not own (such as IP Whois and geolocation data and threat-intelligence sources)

  • Sensitive data that may only be stored within your organization (such as HR Database, lists of execs, admins, high-value assets, or simply data that you have not yet migrated to the cloud)

Any data that is accessible over your network or from a file can be linked with Azure Sentinel data via Python and Jupyter.

Access to sophisticated data processing, machine learning, and visualization

Azure Sentinel and the Kusto/Log Analytics data store underlying it have a lot of options for visualization and advanced data processing (even clustering, windowed statistical, and machine learning functions). More capabilities are being added all the time. However, there may be times when you need something different, such as specialized visualizations, machine learning libraries, or even just data processing and transformation facilities not available in the Azure Sentinel platform.

You can see examples of these in the Azure Sentinel Notebooks (see the section “Azure Sentinel Notebooks, later in this chapter). Some popular examples of data processing libraries for Python language are

  • Pandas for data processing, cleanup, and engineering

  • Matplotlib, Bokeh, Holoviews, Plotly, Seaborn, and many others for visualization

  • Numpy and Scipy for advanced numerical and scientific processing

  • Scikit-learn for machine learning

  • Tensorflow, Pytorch, and Keras for deep learning

A word on Python

As mentioned earlier, Jupyter can be used with many different languages, so what makes Python a good choice?

Firstly, its popularity means that you likely already have Python developers in your organization. It is one of the top most widely taught languages in computer science courses. (Python’s exact ranking tends to vary depending on which survey you look at.) Python is used extensively in scientific and data analysis fields. It is also frequently used by IT Pros— where it has largely replaced Perl as the go-to language for scripting and systems management— and by web developers. (Many popular services such as Dropbox and Instagram are almost entirely written in Python.)

Driven by this popularity, there is a vast repository of Python libraries available on PyPi (the Python Package Index) and nearly one million Python repos on GitHub. For many of the tools that you need as a security investigator—data manipulation, data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and statistical analysis—few other language ecosystems can match Python.

If Python isn’t to your taste, you can certainly investigate other language alternatives such as R, Julia, C++, Javascript, Scala, PowerShell, and many, many others. You can also run Javascript and R code within a Python Notebook using IPython magics. (See the section “Running some simple queries,” later in this chapter for an explanation of magics).


For more information about the different languages supported by Jupyter, visit

Different audiences for Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks can look daunting to the non-programmer. It is important to understand that Notebooks have several different use cases and audiences inside a Security Operations Center (SOC). You can run an existing Notebook and get valuable insights from the results without ever writing or needing to understand a line of code. Table 6-1 summarizes some common use cases and the user groups to which these apply.

TABLE 6-1 Jupyter Notebooks use cases

How Notebooks are used

Who uses them this way

Building Notebooks on the fly for ad hoc, deep investigations

Tier 3 and forensic analysts

Building reusable Notebooks

SOC engineering and Tier 3 and building Notebooks for more junior SOC analysts

Running Notebooks and viewing the results

Tier 1 and 2 analysts

Viewing the results

Management and everyone else

Jupyter environments

Inherently, Jupyter Notebooks are client-server applications. The communications between the two use the Jupyter protocol within an HTTP or HTTPS session, and the server component can be running anywhere that you can make a network connection. If you install Jupyter as part of a local Python environment, your server will be on the same machine as your browser. However, there are many advantages to using a remote Jupyter server, such as centralizing Notebook storage and offloading compute-intensive operations to a dedicated machine.

In the next section, we’ll be discussing the use of Azure Notebooks as your Jupyter server, but because Jupyter is an open platform, there are other options for installing your own JupyterHub to commercial cloud services such as Jupyo, Amazon’s SageMaker, Google’s Colab, and the free MyBinder service.

To view a Notebook, things are even simpler. The site can render most Notebook content accurately, even preserving the functionality of many interactive graphics libraries. If you ran the earlier link to the companion Notebook, you will have already used nbviewer.

Azure Notebooks and Azure Sentinel

Azure Sentinel has built-in support for Azure Notebooks. With a few clicks, you can clone the sample Notebooks from the Azure Sentinel GitHub into an Azure Notebooks project.


Azure Sentinel Notebooks have no dependency on Azure Notebooks and can be run in any Jupyter-compatible environment.

To use Azure Notebooks, you need an account. At the time of this writing, you can use either an Azure Active Directory account or a Microsoft account (although in a future release, you will need to use an Azure account). When you first access Azure Notebooks, you will be prompted to create an account if you do not have one already.


Find out more about Azure Notebooks at The Azure Sentinel Notebook GitHub repo is at

Azure Sentinel Notebooks

In the Azure Sentinel portal, locate the Notebooks menu item and click it (see Figure 6-2). You should see a list of available Notebooks. Select one to see more details about the Notebook. To open the currently selected Notebook, click the Launch Notebook button.

This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel user interface showing the Notebooks pane. Several Notebooks are listed, and the details of one of them is displayed.
FIGURE 6-2 Hunting and investigation Notebooks in Azure Sentinel

Behind the scenes, a copy of the Azure Sentinel Notebooks GitHub repo is cloned to your Azure Notebooks account. As well as the Notebooks and some supporting files, a configuration file (config.json) is copied to the project folder and populated with the details of your Azure Sentinel workspace. This is used by the Notebooks to connect to the correct workspace. You can browse through the Notebooks and other content in your Azure Notebooks project by clicking the project name button in the top right corner of the Jupyter Notebook UI.


Both Azure Notebooks and the Azure Sentinel Notebooks experience are being updated at the time of writing. Although the details of the process described here may change, the broad steps will be similar.


You can manually clone copies of the Azure Sentinel GitHub repo into multiple independent Azure Notebooks projects. Navigate to your My Projects root folder, click the button to create a new project, and type or paste the URL into the Azure Sentinel Notebooks GitHub repo.

Managing your Notebooks

Azure Notebooks projects cloned directly from a GitHub repo will maintain their connection to the repo. This means that you can update the project Notebooks from the repo as new versions are released (described below)—although this will only update the original “master” versions, not any copies of the Notebooks that you have made.

Managing Notebook versions and storage is a big topic with many options. Here are some recommendations and tips:

  • Create a master Azure Notebooks project from the Azure Sentinel GitHub (as described earlier). Then clone this project into a working project inside Azure Notebooks. Do not use your master Notebooks as working copies because it makes it harder to update these or see relevant changes if they have data saved in them.

  • Plan your folder structure to accommodate multiple versions of Notebooks that you run. Typically, you will want to save a new instance of a Notebook for every investigation. You can also save a Notebook as an HTML file or in a variety of other formats.

  • Adopt a naming convention for saved Notebooks that lets you quickly find them in the future, including at least the full date. You can save descriptive text inside the Notebook itself.

  • For long-running investigations, consider using GitHub or another versioning system to track changes to your working Notebooks. Most Notebook changes can’t be undone, and it is easy to overwrite code and data inadvertently. Azure blob storage is another option that allows versioned saves.

Updating Notebooks to New Versions From Azure Sentinel Github

Because updates and new versions are posted regularly, you may want to refresh your master project Notebooks from time to time. To do this, you need to

  • Start the master project using the Free Tier compute option. (You might need to shut down the compute if anything is currently running.)

As shown in Figure 6-3, open a terminal, change directory to the library subfolder, and type git status.

This is a screenshot showing a Linux terminal opened in Azure Notebooks and using the git status command to check for modified versions of Notebooks.
FIGURE 6-3 Checking the modification status of your cloned Notebooks

If you see a list of modified files, you should save these if they are needed. Your config.json file will likely also show as modified. Save these files to another location. Type git reset –hard to reset to the current master branch.

  • Then type git pull to fetch the new versions of the Notebooks. Once complete, you can copy the content back to your config.json and close the terminal.

The full set of commands to run are listed below, with commented additional actions.

## start from your home directory
cd library
git status
## <<save any files you need, including your config.json>>
git reset --hard
git pull
## <<restore config.json>>

Compute options

In Azure Notebooks, you have three options for running your Jupyter server. The pros and cons of each are briefly summarized in Table 6-2.

TABLE 6-2 Juptyer server options in Azure Notebooks




Free Compute

  • No setup

  • Project data automatically synced

  • Free

  • Limited performance

  • Environment regularly recycled

Data Science Virtual Machine

  • High performance

  • Anaconda pre-installed

  • Long-lived sessions

  • Only current Notebook is synced

  • Higher cost

Azure VM

  • Flexibility

  • You must do all the setup of JupyterHub

The Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) is recommended. This comes with the Anaconda distribution pre-installed and JupyterHub configured and ready to run. These are very high-performance machines and will make the more compute-intensive operations much more responsive. You need to create user accounts on the DSVM and use these to authenticate from Azure Notebooks. For more information, see and

Connecting to Azure Sentinel

The foundation of Azure Sentinel is the Log Analytics data store; it combines high-performance querying, dynamic schema, advanced analytics and visualization capabilities, and it scales to massive data volumes. Many elements of Azure Sentinel UI (the Log Analytics query pane as well as workbooks and dashboards) use the Log Analytics RESTful API to retrieve data. The same API is the key to using Azure Sentinel data in Jupyter Notebooks.

Using Kqlmagic to query Azure Sentinel data

There are several Azure Python libraries available to work with this API, but Kqlmagic is one specifically designed for use in a Jupyter Notebooks environment. (It also works in JupyterLab, Visual Studio Code and some other interactive environments.) Using Kqlmagic, you can execute any query that runs in Azure Sentinel in a Notebook where you can view and manipulate the results. Kqlmagic comes with its own detailed help system (%kql --help). Several sample Notebooks are available on its GitHub at ( These explore the package functionality in much more depth than we will cover here.

Installing Kqlmagic

The most straightforward way to get started (assuming that you have cloned a copy of the Azure Sentinel GitHub, as described earlier) is to open the Get Started.ipynb Notebook (in the Notebooks folder). If this is the first time that you’ve run any of the Notebooks, you’ll need to install the Kqlmagic package. In the Prerequisite Check section, uncomment the cell line that reads #!pip install Kqlmagic –upgrade (remove the # at the start of the line). Run all the cells up to and including !pip install Kqlmagic –upgrade. (Press Shift-Enter to run a cell.) The Kqlmagic installation downloads quite a few dependencies, so this takes a couple of minutes.

Figure 6-4 shows the equivalent command taken from the companion Notebook referenced earlier. This also includes an installation command for the msticpy library, which is covered later.

This is a screenshot of the Notebook code cell showing the commented-out commands to install Kqlmagic and msticpy.
FIGURE 6-4 Remove the comment from this line and execute to install Kqlmagic and msticpy
Authenticating to Azure Sentinel

Next, run the cells in sections 1 and 2. The first will read the configuration values from your config.json, and the second will load the Kqlmagic extension and authenticate you to Azure Sentinel. The connection string used here specifies using an interactive logon with a device code. When you execute the cell, Kqlmagic will load and you should see an output like Figure 6-5.

This is a screenshot of the Kqlmagic authentication process showing the Copy Code To Clipboard And Authenticate button.
FIGURE 6-5 Kqlmagic device code authentication prompt

Press the Copy code to clipboard and authenticate button and paste the generated code into the pop-up authentication window. You will then be taken to an Azure Active Directory sign-in experience where you should sign in with your account. If the authentication is successful, you will see another button that allows you to view the current schema of the tables in your workspace.


In order to query data, your account must have at least LogAnalytics Reader permissions for the workspace that you are connecting to.


You can use other authentication options, including using an AppID and AppSecret instead of user authentication. For more information, run %kql --help “conn”.

Running some simple queries

The next few cells take you through a series of simple queries to do some initial exploration of the data tables available in your Azure Sentinel workspace. As you can see, Kqlmagic can directly execute KQL queries and return the results to the Notebook, as shown in Figure 6-6.

This is a screenshot of a Kqlmagic query returning the number of records stored in each Azure Sentinel table.
FIGURE 6-6 Search query used to count the number of records in each table (output truncated)

Kqlmagic works as a Jupyter magic command. A magic is not code; it is more like a macro that can invoke a variety of Notebook and operating system functions. There are two types of magic: line magics and cell magics. Line magics are prefixed with a single % and operate on the text on the remainder of the line. Some examples are:

  • %cd {path} Change the current directory to {path}

  • %config [config-option[=value]] View or set a configuration value

  • %debug {code statement} Run {code statement} in the debugger

  • %psearch {pattern} Search for an object/variable matching {pattern}

Cell magics are prefixed with %% and take the whole contents of the cell as input. You cannot mix cell magics with code statements in the same cell. Some examples of these are:

  • %%html Render the cell as a block of HTML

  • %%javascript Run the JavasSript in the cell

  • %%writefile {filename} Write the contents of the cell to {filename}

See for more information.

Kqlmagic supports both cell and line magic forms and executes the remainder of the line or the entire cell, respectively, as a LogAnalytics query. Kqlmagic also supports several other commands and modes. We saw previously, for example, that passing a connection string initiates an authentication. Other useful functions are available, including fetching the current schema. Run %kql --help for more information on Kqlmagic usage, and useful links to KQL syntax documentation and other resources. Figure 6-7 shows a cell magic query.

This is a screenshot of a multi-line query executed using Kqlmagic’s cell magic.
FIGURE 6-7 A Kqlmagic cell magic treats all remaining text in the cell as KQL query text

You can also plot graphs in the Notebook directly from KQL queries. Use the same render KQL operator and options as you would when querying from Azure Sentinel Log query. An example of a time chart graph is show in Figure 6-8.

This is a screenshot showing Kqlmagic plotting a graph of logons per hour.
FIGURE 6-8 Kqlmagic will transform KQL render statements into instructions to plot the graph using a local Python library—by default, this is Plotly.


The chart format will not be identical the chart seen in the Log query results. Kqlmagic uses the data and chart options to build a plot in the Python plotly package.

Adding more flexibility to your queries

Kqlmagic saves the result of each query in the special variable _kql_raw_result_. You can assign the contents of this variable to a named variable that you want to save before running your next query. You can streamline this and make your intent clearer by using the Kqlmagic syntax to save the output directly to a named variable. In this example, the results of the query will be saved to the variable my_data.

%kql my_data << SecurityEvent | take 5 | project Account, Computer
Pandas Dataframes

Using the default syntax works for viewing the results of queries, but the query result data, in its raw form, is not the easiest to work with. We would really like to have our query results in a format that we can easily manipulate, reshape, analyze, and potentially send to other packages for processing or visualizing.

Introducing pandas, which is one of the most popular Python packages, and for good reason. Pandas is a sophisticated data manipulation and analysis library, at the center of which is the DataFrame. A DataFrame is like a hybrid of a spreadsheet and an in-memory database. It also supports multidimension data through a hierarchical indexing scheme.

Once you import data into a DataFrame, you can query and filter the data, convert, tidy and reformat it, display the data in a nice HTML table, and even plot directly from the DataFrame. Pandas is built on the even-more-popular numerical computing package numpy (usually pronounced num-pie). Pandas inherits all the numerical power of numpy and adds many useful statistical and aggregation functions. Most importantly for us, it excels at handling text and timestamp data—essentially the stuff of which security logs are made. If you cannot already tell, I am a big fan, and if you are considering using Notebooks with Azure Sentinel, it is well worth getting to know pandas capabilities.

You can configure Kqlmagic to convert its output directly to a DataFrame. Run the following in a code cell:

%config Kqlmagic.auto_dataframe=True

Or set the KQLMAGIC_CONFIGURATION environment variable on Windows

set KQLMAGIC_CONFIGURATION=auto_dataframe=True

or Linux and MacOS:




Turning on auto_dataframe will disable some Kqlmagic features like plotting directly from a query. However, there are many more plotting options available to you in the Python world.

There is not space here to do any justice to pandas capabilities, but to give you a taste, some simple examples are shown in Figure 6-9. These examples perform the following actions:

  • Selecting a subset of columns and showing the top five rows

  • Using a filter expression to select a subset of the data

  • Using groupby to group and count the number of logons by logon type

This is a screenshot showing three common pandas operations: Selecting a subset of columns; using a filter expression to select a subset of the data; and using groupby to group and count the number of logons by logon type.
FIGURE 6-9 Three common pandas operations
Substituting Python Variables in Kql Queries

Often, you will want to use Python variables as parameters directly inside the KQL query. As I mentioned earlier, Jupyter does not treat anything after the %kql magic token as code, so Python variable names in this text are not evaluated. However, there are ways around this.

Kqlmagic will evaluate text enclosed in braces (for example, {my_var}) as a Python expression variable. It will evaluate the expression and substitute its value into your query. This works with any valid Python expression—something as a simple as a variable name or the results of something more complex like a function call, arithmetic calculation, or string concatenation. Kqlmagic has a rich collection of parameterization options, including passing Python dictionaries and even DataFrames into the query. These are covered in the sample Notebook at

We can also use Python’s native string-formatting capabilities to perform the parameter substitution. It is sometimes helpful to separate the parameterization of a query from its execution; the msticpy query library, discussed later, uses this technique. Figure 6-10 shows an example of using the return value of a function as a parameter expression.

This is a screenshot showing the use of the Python string format function to substitute parameter values into a query string. The second parameter value is replaced by the return value of a simple function.
FIGURE 6-10 Using a function return value to insert a parameter into a query string


Because the Account column is a string value, we must enclose the results of the get_selected_acct() function in quotes inside our query string.

Now that we’ve seen the basics of setting up Notebooks and executing simple queries, we’ll dive into some examples more directly relevant for cyber-security hunting and investigations.

Notebooks for hunting and investigation

There are a variety of different Notebooks in the Azure Sentinel GitHub repo, and their number is increasing steadily. They tend to be one of three types:

  • Simple how-to Notebooks like the Get Started Notebook we looked at earlier.

  • Sample Notebooks, which are longer and are meant to be instructional examples following a real or simulated hunt or investigation.

  • Exploration Notebooks, which are meant to be used as they are or with your own customizations to explore specific hunting and investigation scenarios. Examples of this type include the Entity explorer series. (“Entity” refers to items such as hosts, IP addresses, accounts, URLs, and the like.)

Using Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center toolset

Most of these Notebooks depend heavily on a Python package called msticpy. This package was developed by security analysts and engineers in Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center (hence the MSTIC name). It is open source and under active development. (And we welcome contributions from anyone.) Most of the modules in the package began life as code blocks in a Jupyter Notebook. Functionality that we thought should be reusable was tidied up and added as modules or classes to msticpy, making them available for anyone to use. Some features of the package are

  • An interactive timeline visualization (and other pre-configured plot and visualization controls, such as geo-mapping)

  • Threat Intelligence lookups using multiple TI providers

  • Extensible data query library (for Azure Sentinel and OData sources)

  • Log processing modules, such as Linux auditd log extractor, IoC extractor, and Base64 decoder/archive unpacker

  • Data analysis using clustering and outlier detection

  • Notebook widgets, which are UI helpers for common tasks like selecting time ranges

We will be using components from msticpy in many of the examples.


The documentation for msticpy is available at, and the code is available at

Querying data: The msticpy query library

The starting point for any investigation is data, specifically security logs. We looked at Kqlmagic earlier, showing how you can take any KQL query and execute it to get the results back into your Notebook. While this is extremely useful for running ad hoc queries, you also tend to use a lot of queries that repeat the same basic logic, and you find yourself retyping or copying and pasting from earlier Notebooks. For example

  • Get the logon events that happened on host X

  • Get the network flows between T1 and T2

  • Get any recent alerts that have fired for host/account/IP address Y

The QueryProvider library in msticpy encapsulates a lot of common queries like these. It also lets you define your own and use them through the same interface. (Creating your own query templates is outside the scope of this chapter but is covered in the msticpy documentation.) Under the covers, QueryProvider is using Kqlmagic and automatically converting the results to pandas DataFrames. Each query is exposed as a standard Python function. QueryProvider has a flexible parameter substitution mechanism, so that you can specify query parameters easily. Figure 6-11 shows loading the QueryProvider class and authenticating to Azure Sentinel with a connection string (using the same format as used by Kqlmagic).

This is a screenshot of a Notebook cell showing creation of a query provider instance. Passing a data_environment parameter tells QueryProvider which queries to load. Next, we call the query provider connect function to authenticate to Azure Sentinel.
FIGURE 6-11 Instantiating QueryProvider (and loading Log Analytics queries) and authenticating to Azure Sentinel


Because QueryProvider uses Kqlmagic under the hood, it shares authentication sessions and cached queries with the instance of Kqlmagic that is loaded. If you authenticate to a workspace using one of these, the same session is available to the other.

You can get a list of all loaded queries as shown in Figure 6-12.

This is a screenshot showing the use of the list_queries function to show the set of available queries. The list has been truncated to conserve space.
FIGURE 6-12 Listing the loaded queries (truncated to conserve space)

Figure 6-13 shows an example of how to obtain help for each query. (Again, the output has been truncated here to conserve space.)

This is a screenshot showing ways of obtaining help for individual queries. In this case, the IPython ? operator has been used.
FIGURE 6-13 Getting help for a query using IPython ? operator and the built-in query help

Adding the parameter “print” (followed by any other arguments) will return the query string with substituted parameters as it would be executed. You can paste this into a %%kql cell or run in Log Analytics query pane, which is often helpful for debugging. The output of this operation is shown in Figure 6-14.

This is a screenshot showing the use of a pseudo-parameter, the text string “print”. This will return the parameterized query as a string without executing it.
FIGURE 6-14 Adding the “print” pseudo-parameter will return the parameterized query
Getting Azure Sentinel alerts and bookmarks

Two of the pre-defined queries allow us to fetch the list of current alerts or investigation bookmarks. Both queries have default time ranges defined (past 30 days), but you can override this by supplying values for start and end. These parameters accept datetimes, numeric days (positive or negative offset from the current time), or a string offset of weeks, days, hours, or minutes. Figure 6-15 shows the start parameter being set to 10 hours before the current time.

This is a screenshot showing the use of the list_alerts query to fetch all alerts that have fired in the past 10 hours.
FIGURE 6-15 Querying for alerts in the last 10 hours
Querying process and logon information

Let’s look at two queries to retrieve logons and processes running on a host—two of the key data sources for a host investigation. In Figure 6-16, we set an explicit query date range using a msticpy widget and executed the query. (You might call this a meta-widget because it is built from a collection of Jupyter ipywidgets.)

This is a screenshot showing two Notebook cells. The first displays the UI to set a beginning and ending time for the query. The second executes the query and uses a Pandas expression to calculate the number of logons for each account and each logon type. Examples of a logon type are network, service, and remote interactive.
FIGURE 6-16 Setting a time range with the QueryTime widget, executing the query, and grouping and counting the results.

The query is executed in the first line of the second cell. Notice that it accepts the query_times widget as a parameter as well as a standard key-value parameter that specifies the host name. The queries are Python functions and will accept Python objects as parameters. QueryProvider examines parameter objects to look for attributes (properties) of those objects that match the parameter names needed in the query. In this case, it is getting the start and end parameters from the query_times widget object.

Centralizing query parameters like time ranges into central controls in this way makes reusing Notebooks and individual blocks of query logic easier. If you need to set a different time range, there is just one very visible place to do it without an error-prone search-and-replace. In a production Notebook, we would also have the host_name parameter populated by another UI control or a global value.

The second line of cell 2 in Figure 6-16 uses some Pandas logic to group the data by Account and LogonType to see which accounts have been logging on to our host remotely. In this case, we can see two accounts have used RemoteInteractive (Remote Desktop) logons.

The second query, shown in Figure 6-17, retrieves the processes on this host for the same time range. We use a simpler Pandas groupby expression to shows the number of unique process names run by each account.

This is a screenshot of a single Notebook cell executing a query to fetch process creation events. The results are grouped by account name, and a count of unique process names is calculated.
FIGURE 6-17 Query for processes using the same time span and then group the output by account name

Both data sets have too many events to display or browse through; Pandas can provide useful summaries, but it’s difficult to get a real picture of what is going on.

Event timelines

A powerful way to display and investigate bulk event data like this is to use a timeline. The timeline allows us to see the chronology of the logon events and pinpoint time ranges that we might want to drill in on. An example for the logon data set is shown in Figure 6-18.

Logon events are displayed in a timeline. Each logon event is shown as a small diamond with time plotted along the x (horizontal) axis and account name plotted along the y (vertical) axis. A tooltip showing the name and logon type is shown by hovering the mouse cursor over one of the event markers.
FIGURE 6-18 Timeline display grouped by account

The visualization is based on the bokeh library and is interactive. You can zoom in or out with the Range Selector or mouse. Hovering over a data point allows you to view some details of each event. (The contents of these tooltips are controlled by the source_columns parameter.) You can display multiple data sets on the same chart either by grouping a single data set or passing a collection of data sets: for example, these could be data sets from different hosts or services.

The second timeline shows the process data that we queried in the previous section, grouping the process events by Account name. In Figure 6-19, we have zoomed in to a small slice of the entire time to view individual process details of one session.

This is a screenshot of a timeline displaying processes. The time range for the main display is zoomed in to show events from a single hour out of the original 10-day time range.
FIGURE 6-19 Timeline of processes with the main display zoomed in to a single hour from the original 10 days of data

The timeline control has a lot of options. You can find more about how to use it in the msticpy docs at

Looking for suspicious signs in your data

The sheer quantity of data that an investigator must deal with is the only problem. Often, the most useful pieces of evidence (that an attack is going on) are buried inside text strings or even deliberately obfuscated by an attacker.

IoCs and threat intelligence

A common need in hunting is to scan data sets for any known Threat Intelligence (TI) Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). Manually trawling through thousands of events to pick out suspicious-looking URLs or IP addresses is no one’s idea of fun. Even creating regular expression patterns in a KQL query can be very tedious and error prone. Fortunately, msticpy includes a tool—IoCExtract—that will help us extract interesting items, such as IP addresses, URLs, and file hashes from text sources. You can supply it with a single block of text or entire DataFrame of event data. Figure 6-20 shows retrieving IoC patterns from the CommandLine column of some process event data.

This is a screenshot showing the IoCExtract tool being used to search for IP addresses, domain names, and URLs in process command line data. The items found are displayed in a table.
FIGURE 6-20 Using IoCExtract to search for IoC patterns in process data


Although it’s possible to search through all the processes on a host, you will usually obtain a more focused list, with fewer false or benign observables, if you pick specific accounts or sessions that look suspicious.

Having obtained these IoCs from our process list, we now want to see if they show up in any threat intelligence (TI) sources that we have access to. msticpy includes a class, TILookup, that will submit IoC observables like these to multiple TI providers and return the combined results. The emphasis in this tool is on breadth of coverage and ease of use. It supports Azure Sentinel native TI, IBM XForce, AlienVault OTX, and VirusTotal. It also has a couple of useful providers that check IP addresses against the current list of Tor exit nodes and check domains against the Open Page Rank database. (The latter is useful for spotting rare and throw-away domains.) You can use the providers in any combination. Most providers require that you create an account at the provider service and use an API key to access the service.


Details of these TI providers can be found at,, and Open Page Rank can be found at

Figure 6-21 has an example that shows looking up IP addresses from multiple providers.

This is a screenshot showing the use of the TILookup library. Calling the lookup_iocs function of the TILookup class returns TI results from the configured providers.
FIGURE 6-21 Using TILookup to query threat intelligence sources about a set of IP addresses

You can query for multiple IoC types across multiple providers. Read more about configuring providers and how to use TILookup in the msticpy documentation at

Decoding obfuscated data

Attackers are understandably keen to hide their intent because they need to prevent Intrusion detection systems, anti-virus software, and human eyeballs from seeing what they are really up to. One common technique is to obfuscate commands or scripts using some combination of Base64 encoding and packing inside zips and tar archives. Often, the encoding is nested multiple times. Once the payload is delivered to the target environment, system tools, such as Windows PowerShell, are used to decode and execute the payload. Manually unpicking these things can be a lot of work.

Figure 6-22 demonstrates using the msticpy Base64 decoder. In this case it is decoding a simple string, but you can also feed it a Dataframe for bulk decoding tasks. It will handle recursively encoded content as well as encoded zip, tar, and gzip archives.

This is a screenshot showing the use of the Base64 unpack function to decode a PowerShell command that has been obfuscated by applying Base64 encoding.
FIGURE 6-22 Use base64.unpack to decode the Base64-encoded contents of a PowerShell command

Finding outliers with clustering

A useful technique when analyzing large data sets from security logs is to use clustering, an unsupervised machine learning (ML) technique. Supervised learning relies on labelled data (such as patterns of past attacks), but not only is this data hard to get, it is often not a good basis on which to predict what future attacks will look like. Unsupervised techniques like clustering allow us to extract patterns in data without attempting to interpret meaning in the data.

One challenge we face is that almost all ML algorithms work by making statistical inferences from numeric data. Most of the data that we work with is text, with a few dates and miscellaneous items here and there. If we are going apply ML to security data, we need a way to translate text into numerical values.

Here, we are using the DBScan algorithm to cluster processes based on the similarity of both process name and command line structure. Because we need these data items to be represented by numbers, we convert both. The process name is converted to a crude “hash” (simply summing the character value of each character in the path). For the command line, we want to mostly ignore the alpha-numeric content because generated GUIDs, IP addresses, and host and account names can make repetitive system processes look unique. For this, we extract the number of delimiters in the command line, which gives a good indicator of the structure (for example, the number of arguments given to a command). While this will not win any AI awards, it is usually good enough for us to pull out genuinely distinctive patterns from the mass of events.

In the example in the companion Notebook, we’ve gone a little further and used the cluster size as an indicator of the relative rarity of that process. From more than 40,000 processes, we’ve ended up with just fewer than 300 processes with distinctive patterns (including some large clusters of many thousands of events). More interestingly, we can use this data to calculate the average rarity of all processes in each logon session.

Figure 6-23 shows a plot of logon sessions and their mean process rarity value. We can see that we have a handful of sessions that are doing something unusual and that we should examine these for signs of malicious behavior.

This is a screenshot showing a list of logon sessions ordered by average process rarity.
FIGURE 6-23 Using clustering and process rarity to sort logon sessions in order of highest mean rarity

Link and display related data sets

It is often useful to be able browse through two or more linked data sets that have a parent-child relationship. Some examples might be

  • Browsing through a list of IPs and seeing which hosts and protocols they were communicating with

  • Browsing through accounts or logon sessions and viewing the processes run by that account

Using pandas, ipywidgets and a bit of interactivity, we can easily set this up. We need a data set that gives us the list of “keys” that we want to use as a selector. We will link this to our detailed data set displaying the subset of this data that matches the selected key. It’s easier to see than describe; the code and controls are shown in Figure 6-24.

This is a screenshot showing a list control. Picking a protocol from the list shows a table of all IP addresses that have been using that protocol.
FIGURE 6-24 Picking a protocol from the selection list displays all IP addresses using that protocol

In the companion Notebook, you can see the steps we took to prepare the data from the Azure Network flow log. We extracted the unique values from the Layer 7 protocol field as our key. We use this to populate the ipywidgets Select control. The widgets.interactive function on the last line tells the widget to call a function (view_flows) each time the selection changes. The view_flows function simply filters our main data set using the selected key and displays the resulting pandas DataFrame. I find that I use this simple construct in many places.

Geomapping IP addresses

We can re-use the same code pattern to display something a bit more visually appealing than a list of data. Here we are taking the same subset of IP addresses, keyed by protocol, looking up the location of the IP address use Maxmind GeoLite and displaying it using the popular folium package. Figure 6-25 shows the code and output that displays the geolocations of the IP addresses that were communicating over the selected L7Protocol.

This is a screenshot showing a selection list of protocols. As a protocol is selected, the locations of the IP addresses using that protocol are displayed on an interactive map.
FIGURE 6-25 Displaying the geolocation of IP addresses using a specific protocol

The GeoLite data and folium are both wrapped in msticpy classes to make their use more convenient.


For more information on Maxmind GeoLite, see For more details of the folium package, see


This chapter has just scratched the surface of Jupyter Notebooks and Python. We have published a series of blogs and technical articles on the use of Notebooks with Azure Sentinel. I encourage you to read those documents and play around with Notebooks referenced in the blogs and available on the Azure Sentinel site.


Azure Sentinel Technical Community blogs can be found at For more generic guidance about the use of Jupyter Notebooks, there is a vast repository of documents, videos, and code samples out there that make learning about Jupyter a relatively painless and cheap venture.

Notebooks might appear to be a specialized tool; they were invented by and for scientists, after all! However, they are an incredibly useful tool for hunters and investigators with some development and data skills. You can build up your investigation step by step, and when it’s done, the Notebook is also your investigation documentation and report.

Pre-built Notebooks can also be used by analysts with no coding knowledge—possibly even by managers! Some of our Entity Explorer Notebooks are intended for this kind of use; you just open them, paste in an account name or IP address, and run the Notebook to get your security analysis. It’s a challenge to build Notebooks that are not daunting to people with no coding background, but this is certainly a goal we are striving toward.

One of the main things lacking when we first started using Notebooks with Azure Sentinel was a set of tools and libraries that supported cybersecurity hunting and exploration. The msticpy package brings together some of the capabilities that we’ve found useful in our security work. We will certainly keep adding to and improving the functionality of this package. My hope is that others who recognize the power that Notebooks bring to cybersecurity will begin contributing Python tools into the open-source community. Better packages and tools mean fewer lines of intimidating code in the Notebook, more reuse, and a simpler experience for both builders and users of Notebooks.

The Azure Sentinel GitHub repository is the home for the Notebooks that we have built. We welcome comments, corrections, and improvements to these. You can submit them directly as a pull request.

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