Chapter 7. Automation with Playbooks

Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) is defined as a solution stack of compatible software programs that allows an organization to collect data about security threats from multiple sources and respond to low-level security events without human assistance.

In Azure Sentinel, you can leverage Playbooks, which is a direct integration with Logic Apps, to perform SOAR for Incidents that are created in your environment. Playbooks provides the ability to build flows that can automate your investigations and respond to security alerts. Playbooks has hundreds of built-in connectors making it easy to connect to systems, data, and apps making it easy to integrate and orchestrate for security response. If a connector doesn’t exist, you can even create a custom connector.


This chapter will not concentrate on understanding Logic Apps. For more information on Logic Apps, see

Azure Sentinel provides two ways to leverage Logic Apps. Real-time automation can be configured as part of the analytic to call a Playbook when the analytics are triggered. This will call the Playbook automatically when the incident is created. The second option allows you to call a Playbook from the incident on-demand.

The Importance of SOAR

In today’s cyber landscape, the number of threats is increasing, which leads to an increasing number of alerts security teams need to respond to. SOAR can be used to enrich alerts with data from other sources, investigate entities for more context, orchestrate across the organization, and act on incidents. Using SOAR can reduce the time to resolution for security incidents and allow security teams to focus on the most important alerts. Security teams can automate the response actions for low-severity incidents, which can eliminate the security team’s need to even be involved. They can enrich and investigate a medium-severity incident, again reducing the time needed to understand what happened and decide on a response action. All this leaves more time to focus on high-severity incidents that have greater impact to the organization.

Real-time automation

When you create an analytic, you can define a Playbook to trigger as part of the analytics configuration. This is called real-time automation. The Playbook is automatically run when the analytic is triggered, and it follows the Playbooks’ steps as you have configured them. Use the following steps to create and configure a Playbook for real-time automation.

  1. Open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has Azure Sentinel Contributor privileges.

  2. In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click on the Sentinel icon when it appears.

  3. Select the workspace on which Azure Sentinel has been enabled.

  4. In the left navigation pane, click Playbooks.

  5. Click the Add Playbook button, as shown in Figure 7-1.

    This is a screenshot of the Add Playbook button in the Playbooks blade in Azure Sentinel. This button is used to create new Playbooks to be used in Azure Sentinel.
    FIGURE 7-1 The Add Playbook button
  6. The Logic App Create blade appears as shown in Figure 7-2. Enter Prompt-User in the Name field. Ensure that you have selected the correct subscription from the Subscription drop-down menu. Select Use Existing for the Resource Group. From the Location drop-down menu, select the region in which the Playbook will reside. The Log Analytics option has two choices: On or Off. This option chooses whether to save diagnostic logs for Logic App in Log Analytics. This can help by providing richer debugging details. Click the Create button to commit the changes.

    This is a screenshot of the Create blade in Logic Apps. This blade is where you provide the basic properties for creation of a Logic App.
    FIGURE 7-2 Logic App Create blade
  7. Once created, the Logic Apps Designer blade appears, as shown in Figure 7-3. Notice that there are many templates that you can use, but for this example, you will create one from scratch. Click Blank Logic App tile to create it.

    This is a screenshot of the Logic Apps Designer blade in Logic Apps. This blade is where you can select a template to start with or a blank logic app to build from.
    FIGURE 7-3 Logic App Designer blade
  8. Enter Azure Sentinel in the search box. Click When a response to Azure Sentinel alert is triggered, as shown in Figure 7-4.

    This is a screenshot of the Designer blade in Logic Apps. The blank Logic App requires a trigger, which will kick off the workflow.
    FIGURE 7-4 Add a trigger in the Logic App Designer blade
  9. Each Logic App connector requires an application program interface (API) connection resource. These API connections store the variables and tokens needed to access the API for the connection, like Office or Azure. Logic Apps make it easy by allowing you to sign in as you add new connectors and creating the API connection resource for you. Click Sign In to create the Azure Sentinel connection, as shown in Figure 7-5. A pop-up window appears for you to type your credentials; sign in to Azure with the account you have been using throughout this book.

    This is a screenshot of the Logic Apps sign-in dialog box. When adding a new connector to a Playbook, you are required to create a connection. You might be required you to sign in to create a token.
    FIGURE 7-5 Signing in to create a connection for the Logic Apps connector
  10. Each Playbook must start with a trigger. This is the action that starts the Playbook run. Now that you have a trigger for the Playbook, you can start adding actions. Click the New Step button to add a step, as shown in Figure 7-6.

    This is a screenshot of the New Step button in Logic Apps. When building a Playbook, you can add more steps to create a workflow that you want the Playbook to follow.
    FIGURE 7-6 The New Step button in the Logic Apps Designer
  11. In this Playbook, you are going to prompt the user to see if they had indeed taken the action that was part of the Incident. The first thing you need to do is get the user entity from the property of the incident. Search for Azure Sentinel and select Alert – Get accounts, as shown in Figure 7-7.

    This is a screenshot of the Actions available for Azure Sentinel in Logic Apps. There are various actions available, such as Get Accounts, Add A Comment, and Change Severity.
    FIGURE 7-7 Adding an action to the Playbook
  12. For the Alert – Get accounts action, you are required to provide the list of entities from the Azure Sentinel alert. The great thing about Logic Apps is that each step has inputs and outputs. Those outputs become Dynamic Properties that can be used in later steps. The trigger named When a response to Azure Sentinel alert is triggered provides dynamic properties like Alert display name, Entities, Product name, and the like. Click the Entities List field, and the Dynamic content flyout menu will appear. Select Entities from the Dynamic content list, as shown in Figure 7-8.

    This is a screenshot of the Dynamic Content list in Logic Apps. In each action/trigger, there are inputs and outputs; the outputs become dynamic properties that you can use in future steps.
    FIGURE 7-8 Adding Dynamic content to the action
  13. Click the New Step button and type Azure Sentinel. Click Azure Sentinel and select Get incidents. Use the Dynamic Properties to add System alert ID, Subscription ID, Resource group, and Workspace ID, as shown in Figure 7-9.

    This is a screenshot of the Get Incidents action in Logic Apps. This action is used to get the Incidents associated with the alert that triggered the Playbook.
    FIGURE 7-9 Alert – Get incidents dialog box
  14. Click New Step and type Azure AD. Click Azure AD and select Get user, as shown in Figure 7-10.

    This is a screenshot showing the addition of another action to get the AAD user in Logic Apps. This connector provides various AAD actions, such as Get User, Get Group, and Update User.
    FIGURE 7-10 Adding another action to get the AAD user in Logic Apps
  15. Click the User ID Or Principal Name text box. Select Accounts AAD User ID from the Dynamic Content flyout menu, as show in Figure 7-11. Notice that once you click the Accounts AAD User ID, Logic Apps adds a For each loop action. This is because the Accounts returned from the Alert - Get Accounts action is an array and could contain multiple accounts.

    This is a screenshot of the AAD Action with the Dynamic property from the Azure Sentinel Get Accounts action in Logic Apps. The action can now use the User Entity from the Azure Sentinel action in the AAD Get User action.
    FIGURE 7-11 Adding the dynamic property to the AAD action
  16. In the For each dialog box, click Add An Action and type Office 365. Select Office 365 Outlook, scroll down, and select Send approval email, as shown in Figure 7-12.

    This is a screenshot of the actions available in the Office 365 Outlook connector in Logic Apps. This connector provides actions such as Send An Email, Update A Contact, and Create Event.
    FIGURE 7-12 Adding an Office 365 action to send an email


    You can click the Information buttons next to actions and triggers to see what they do.

  17. Click the To box. Select Mail from the Get User step in the Dynamic Content flyout menu.

    • Change the Subject text box to Security Alert and add the Alert Display Name.

    • In the User Options box, change the text to something like This was me, This was not me. Change Importance to High.

    • Click Add new parameter and select Body. Click outside the drop-down menu to make it disappear.

    • For the Body, enter New alert from Azure Sentinel. Please respond ASAP.

    • In the Dynamic Content menu, under Get Incident, choose Severity.

    • In the Dynamic Content menu, under Get Incident, choose Alert Display Name.

    • In the Dynamic Content menu, under Get Incident, choose Description. The text is using text plus dynamic content from previous actions. Figure 7-13 shows the example.

    This is a screenshot of the Send Approval Email action with its properties populated in Logic Apps. Each action provides various properties that are required and/or are configurable. You can use the dynamic content to populate these various fields.
    FIGURE 7-13 Setting the properties of the Send approval email action
  18. Click Add An Action, type Control, and Select Control. Select Condition. Condition is an If operator, so we can use this to determine the action to take based on the response. In the Condition menu, select Selected Option, and for the value enter something like This was me. See Figure 7-14 for an example.

    This is a screenshot of the Condition action in Logic Apps. Logic Apps provides Control actions such as Condition, which allow you to conduct If statements, loops, and other workflow options.
    FIGURE 7-14 Adding a condition to evaluate
  19. In the if True condition, click Add An Action and click Azure Sentinel and then select Incident - Add A Comment. Enter the Subscription ID, Resource Group, Workspace ID, and Incident ID using the dynamic properties. Type User confirms they completed the action that triggered the alert. Closing the incident in the Incident Comment box. See Figure 7-15 for the completed action.

    This is a screenshot of the If True section with an action to update the incident with a comment. The If True branch is what is executed when the condition is found to match.
    FIGURE 7-15 Adding steps in the If True action area
  20. In the If True condition box, click Add An Action and click Azure Sentinel. Then select Incident - Change Status. Enter the Subscription ID, Resource Group, Workspace ID, and Incident ID using the dynamic properties. Select Closed in the Specify Status menu and select Resolved in the Close Reason menu. See Figure 7-16 for the action.

    This is a screenshot showing the additional action to follow in the If True section of the condition. Inside each loop or condition, you can add multiple steps. These additional steps could even contain more conditions or loops.
    FIGURE 7-16 Adding another action to close the incident in Azure Sentinel
  21. We have now configured the true side of the condition. We are checking with the user to see if they performed the action from the Azure Sentinel incident and if so, we are closing the case as resolved. This means the security analyst does not need to go investigate the incident further.

  22. In the If False condition box, click Add An Action and click Azure Sentinel. Then select Incident – Add comment. Enter the Subscription ID, Resource Group, Workspace ID, and Incident ID using the dynamic content from the trigger. Type User confirms they did not complete the action. Further investigation is needed in the Incident Comment box. See Figure 7-17 for the completed action.

    This is a screenshot of the action added to the If False side of the condition.
    FIGURE 7-17 Adding an action to the If False side of the condition
  23. In the If False condition, click Add An Action and type Microsoft Teams. Click Microsoft Teams and select Post A Message. Click Sign In and use the pop-up menu to sign in.

    • Select your Team from the drop-down menu. Select your Channel from the drop-down menu.

    • In the Message body, enter New alert from Azure Sentinel. Please investigate ASAP.

    • In the Dynamic Content menu, under Get Incident, choose Severity.

    • In the Dynamic Content menu, under Get Incident, choose Alert Display Name.

    • In the Dynamic Content menu, under Get Incident, choose Description.

    • Click Add Parameter, select Subject, and click outside the drop-down menu to make it disappear.

    • In the Subject box, enter Security Alert: Incident Title. See Figure 7-18 for the completed action.

    This is a screenshot of the Post A Message action for Microsoft teams. With so many built-in connectors, you can decide what actions and workflows work best for your organization.
    FIGURE 7-18 Adding a Microsoft Teams action to post a message
  24. Click the Save button for the Logic App, as shown in Figure 7-19. Figure 7-20 shows the completed Playbook.

    This is a screenshot of the Save button in Logic Apps. You can Save or Discard changes. Logic Apps also stores previous versions so that you can roll back if needed.
    FIGURE 7-19 The Save button for Logic Apps
    This is a screenshot of the completed Playbook in Logic Apps.
    FIGURE 7-20 The completed Playbook
  25. In the Azure navigation bar, click Azure Sentinel Playbooks to go back to the Playbooks blade.

  26. Click Analytics in Azure Sentinel. Select the VM Deletion analytic created in Chapter 2. As shown in Figure 7-21, set the Real-time automation drop-down menu to Prompt User. Click Save.

    This is a screenshot of the real-time automation for the Azure Sentinel analytic. Real-time automation allows you to call a Playbook when the Analytic is triggered.
    FIGURE 7-21 Setting the Real-time automation for the analytic

Perform the following tasks to create a new VM to test the real-time automation:

  1. Create a new Virtual Machine with the following specifications:

    • Operating system: Windows Server 2016.

    • Resource group: Use the same resource group that you created for the workspace earlier in this chapter.

  2. Once the VM is created, go to the resource group. Select the virtual machine and click Delete. It will take a few minutes for the activity logs to populate and for the analytic to trigger. Figure 7-22 shows the deletion logs in Azure Activity.

    This is a screenshot of the logs for deleting a virtual machine. It’s important to understand your source logs and their output for creating great queries.
    FIGURE 7-22 View of the Azure Activity Logs for deleting a virtual machine
  3. Now that the incident has been created, we can see in Figure 7-23 that the Playbook has a run waiting for the user input.

    This is a screenshot of the Logic Apps Playbook blade showing the run history. Logic Apps allows you to see previous runs, and you can click each run to see what the Playbook actually did and what the inputs and outputs were.
    FIGURE 7-23 Logic App Playbook blade showing the run history
  4. If we look in the user mailbox, we can see the email from our Playbook. Figure 7-24 shows the email. Click This was not me for the email.

    This is a screenshot of the approval email sent by the Playbook. These kinds of actions can reduce the required input from security analysts.
    FIGURE 7-24 Send Approval Email
  5. Go to Azure Sentinel, and in the Azure Portal, click Incidents and select the incident. After a few moments, you should see the comment that was added (see Figure 7-25).

    This is a screenshot of the incident with an automated comment.
    FIGURE 7-25 The Incident with automated comment
  6. Figure 7-26 shows the Microsoft Teams message that was posted to the SOC Channel.

    This is a screenshot of the Microsoft Teams message. This was a simple step, but it could have been a Create A Service Now incident or any other step your processes need to follow.
    FIGURE 7-26 The message that was posted to Microsoft Teams

As you can see in this section, you can create some simple but powerful Playbooks to help reduce the work on security analysts so they can focus on creating new detections, improving existing detections, and investigating higher-severity alerts.

Post-incident automation

Not every incident can be automatically remediated using real-time automation as part of the analytic. This is because your SOC processes may not have a process defined or the incident needs more investigation before executing the Playbook. In this section, we will cover the capability to run Playbooks on demand from the incident details. You may want to use this to trigger steps as part of the investigation, like isolating a VM in the cloud. Or you could use it to conduct some remediation action once you have completed your investigation, so that you can clean up the incident.

  1. Open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has Azure Sentinel Contributor privileges.

  2. In the search pane, type Deploy a custom template and click the selection from the returned results.

  3. Click Build Your Own Template In The Editor.

  4. Open a new browser tab and go to

  5. Copy the contents of the page. This is an ARM template to deploy the Logic App and connection we will use in this section.

  6. Go back to the Azure Portal browser tab and paste the contents in the Edit Template blade, as shown in Figure 7-27. Click Save.

    This is a screenshot of the Edit Template blade. This blade allows you to enter your ARM template for conducting a custom deployment.
    FIGURE 7-27 The Edit Template blade
  7. Select your Subscription and Resource Group from their drop-down menus. Enter your username. Check I Agree and click Purchase. Figure 7-28 shows the Custom Deployment blade.

    This is a screenshot of the Custom Deployment blade. This blade will list parameters required for the deployment.
    FIGURE 7-28 The Custom Deployment blade
  8. After the deployment completes, click Resource Groups in the left navigation pane.

  9. Click the AzureSentinel API connection resource.

  10. In Figure 7-29, you can see the connection is not authenticated.

    This is a screenshot of the AzureSentinel API Connection Resource. Each connection resource will prompt for authentication. Because this resource was deployed using ARM template, we will need to do that authentication.
    FIGURE 7-29 The message that was posted to Microsoft Teams
  11. Click Edit API Connection in the left menu. Click Authorize, as shown in Figure 7-30.

    This is a screenshot of the Edit API Connection blade. You can update authentication for connections using this blade.
    FIGURE 7-30 The Edit API Connection blade
  12. A pop-up window will appear. Sign in to Azure. Figure 7-31 shows that the authentication was successful.

    This is a screenshot of the Edit API Connection blade. A blue message appears if the authentication was successful.
    FIGURE 7-31 Successful authentication
  13. In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click on the Azure Sentinel item when it appears.

  14. Select the workspace on which Azure Sentinel is enabled.

  15. In the left navigation pane, click Playbooks.

  16. Click the Get-GeoFromIpAndTagIncident Playbook.

  17. Click Edit in the top bar. Figure 7-32 shows the complete Playbook. As you can see, the Playbook is similar to the one you created in the previous section. It is triggered by the Azure Sentinel Alert trigger. It then gets the incident and IP entities. Next, it uses the HTTP action to call out to a free API (see<ip>). This returns a JSON response with various properties. The Parse JSON step takes the response and makes each property a Dynamic Property in the Playbook. The last step writes the City and Country from the IP query as Tags for the Incident. You can expand each step to see the details.

    This is a screenshot of the entire Playbook that was deployed with the ARM template.
    FIGURE 7-32 The complete Playbook
  18. Click Azure Sentinel – Playbooks in the Azure navigation bar.

  19. Click Incidents.

  20. Click the VM Deletion incident we have been using.

  21. Click View Full Details.

  22. We can see our comment from the previous Logic App. Imagine you are an SOC Analyst who needs to further investigate this and that you would like to query the IP and get its Geolocation information.

  23. In the Alerts area, click View Playbooks, as shown in Figure 7-33.

    This is a screenshot of the Alerts area of the Incident blade. Here, you can see each alert that is part of the incident and call Playbooks as required.
    FIGURE 7-33 The Alerts area of the Incident blade
  24. Click Run next to the Get-GeoFromIpAndTagIncident Playbook, which will trigger the Playbook.

  25. Click the Runs tab as shown in Figure 7-34. Here, you can see the previous runs for this alert. We can see our run was successful.

    This is a screenshot of the Runs tab, which allows you to see previous Playbook runs for this alert.
    FIGURE 7-34 The list of previous runs
  26. Close the Alert Playbooks blade.

  27. Click Refresh on the incident. Figure 7-35 shows the incident now has tags from the city and country of the IP address.

    This is a screenshot of the Tags added to the incident. You can use tags to help classify each incident for future review.
    FIGURE 7-35 Tags are now added to the incident

In this chapter, we showed you how to create a Playbook from scratch, configure your analytic to use this as a real-time automation, and how to run Playbooks on-demand as part of your investigation. You can use these techniques to automate response actions and help speed investigation and triage of incidents in Azure Sentinel.

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