Chapter 40

Helping with Ubuntu Development

This chapter focuses on becoming part of a larger team—specifically the group of talented men and women who develop and package software for Ubuntu as a whole. Ubuntu is made up of thousands of different components that are written in several different programming languages. Every component is available as source code, which is gathered into source packages. Source packages also include other content, specifically metadata describing things like copyright and licensing information, required dependencies, and build instructions for compiling or assembling the software for use. These source packages are used to build binary .deb packages, which are then included in the Ubuntu software repositories and made available for quick and easy installation by users. There are ways for anyone interested and willing to do a bit of study to use their skills to help.

When a bug is found, it gets fixed only if someone helps out and spends time exploring the program code to find and fix it. Then the fix becomes available to the wider community only if someone takes the time to build a new package that includes the fix and then uploads that package to an appropriate location in the Ubuntu software repositories.

This chapter has several parts. Each part builds upon the previous ones to give you a full understanding of the process. If only one part of the process interests you—say a later one, like packaging—that is okay. You will benefit from reading the previous sections of the chapter even if you only end up focusing your work on later steps in the process. You can participate in any part of the process provided that you are willing to learn how to do so. This chapter gets you started, but it is not the end of your required study. The process described in this chapter is accurate, but there are more interesting and intricate details that are not included here.

Software development, especially on a big project, is not something to be done lightly or flippantly. For that reason, patches and bug fixes are only accepted from people willing to put in the effort necessary to produce detailed work with the highest quality. Those who don’t have the time or aren’t interested in learning the steps properly will probably write software that reflects this, and they therefore will not help the community. The Ubuntu community is really nice, but they are also really busy. They will make time to mentor new developers and packagers who do their homework and make quality efforts, but it isn’t polite to waste their time with half-hearted attempts at getting the details correct.

Introduction to Ubuntu Development

Ubuntu development follows a six-month cycle. The process begins with planning and discussion, with the goal of unifying the efforts of all those who will be involved to make the best use of limited resources. Developers get together via remote online participation, and in live discussions they make decisions about the priorities for the upcoming or the current release. These meetings happen once every three months, once at the start of a development cycle and once in the middle of the same cycle.

When a new release is created, it is given a new code name such as “Focal Fossa.” The release is referred to using this code name until its official release date, when it starts to be officially referred to using the release number, such as 20.04. See for all the release names ever used by Ubuntu.

Some development begins by taking the newest versions of software from upstream software developers, either via Debian or directly from a specific application’s source. In some cases modifications, or patches, are added to the code. All these modifications and patches that are added to the code are made into Ubuntu packages.

Other development begins internally, as some packages are written entirely by Ubuntu developers, including both those paid by Canonical and those who are volunteers in the wider Ubuntu community, doing so for personal or community benefit or just for fun. These packages receive the new features slated for the release and are then made into new Ubuntu packages.

Testing occurs throughout the cycle, starting as soon as the first new packages begin to be uploaded. Testing often uncovers bugs, which are problems with the software, such as errors that occur when the program is run. Bug reports are made using Launchpad, which is the issue tracker and code hosting solution created by Canonical for Ubuntu. Developers and community members read and triage bugs into categories based on their importance. Critical bugs must be fixed before final release. Important bugs should be fixed as soon as possible. Other bugs might be irritating but not vital to the operation of the program or the overall Ubuntu system, and, because of limited resources, they might be put off until someone has time to deal with them. Every time bugs are fixed, a new package must be made for the software so that it can be again uploaded into a repository for testing and review.

Alpha releases are made. Beta releases are made. Testing and bug fixing continue. Some software might be found to include new bugs that make the software unsuitable for use, so the previous version of the software may then be used. This is called “rolling back” to the previous version.

Eventually, the release day arrives. Everything works. The Ubuntu community rejoices and takes a week or two off. Then, it is time for the next set of planning meetings.

Setting Up Your Development System

Before you can begin helping with Ubuntu development, you must set up your system so that it works seamlessly with the rest of the Ubuntu community. There is a standard set of packages to install, and there are some standard steps you must perform.

Install Basic Packages and Configure

The Ubuntu development community has created a convenient package that installs everything you need to get started. Install packaging-dev from the Ubuntu software repositories, which among other things includes

gnupg, the GNU Privacy Guard, which includes the cryptographic tools you need to sign your packages when you upload them to Launchpad

pbuilder, which creates reproducible builds of a package in a clean, isolated environment

bzr-builddeb, which includes bzr; together these serve as your version control and package management systems

apt-file, which helps you find the binary package that includes a needed file

Set Up GPG

Generate your GPG key so that you can sign packages. Packages must be signed before they will be accepted for upload into the Ubuntu software repositories. This allows for tracking who is creating software and minimizes the risk of malicious software acts.

matthew@seymour:~$ gpg --gen-key

You are asked what kind of key you want to generate. You can safely choose the default settings. Create a passphrase when asked. When this is done, a message like this one is returned:

pub   2048R/38E0C789 2012-08-25

      Key fingerprint = 6363 387F 7455 8929 E6E2  4619 4798 DFD9 38E0 C789

uid   Matthew Helmke <[email protected]>

sub   2048R/BDE097FF 2012-08-2


I created this GPG key specifically for this book, and it is not used anywhere else. You won’t see it in use on Launchpad, for example, or for signing packages.

You need the key ID, which in this example is 38E0C789, and you need to upload your key ID to a keyserver, replacing keyID with your key ID:

matthew@seymour:~$ gpg --send-keys keyID
Creating Your SSH Key

Next, create an SSH key that enables you to connect securely to another computer for file transfer. This is used when you’re uploading source files to Launchpad:

matthew@seymour:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Choose the defaults and create a passphrase.

Setting Up pbuilder

Finally, set up pbuilder so that you can build packages on your local machine. Replace release with the name of the release for which you will develop (for example, the release being developed when this was written was quantal):

matthew@seymour:~$ pbuilder-dist release create

You can do this for multiple releases at the same time, and you can do it for Debian releases such as sid as well as for Ubuntu.

It takes some time for all the needed files to be downloaded and installed, but when they are, this step is complete.

Creating a Launchpad Account

Launchpad is described in Chapter 38, “Using Programming Tools.” If you have already signed up for an account, you can skip this step. If not, open and sign up. You can develop for yourself without a Launchpad account, but to develop for Ubuntu, you must have an account.

Setting Up Your Environment to Work with Launchpad

Setting up your environment to work with Launchpad involves several steps that build on the steps you just completed.

Uploading Your GPG Key to Launchpad

Find your GPG fingerprint by running the following, replacing youremail with the email address you used earlier to create your GPG key:

matthew@seymour:~$ gpg --fingerprint youremail

Something like the following is returned:

pub   2048R/38E0C789 2012-08-25

      Key fingerprint = 6363 387F 7455 8929 E6E2  4619 4798 DFD9 38E0 C789

uid                  Matthew Helmke <[email protected]>

sub   2048R/BDE097FF 2013-08-25

Open and copy the entire set of numbers and letters to the right of Key fingerprint = into the text box on the web page. Click Import Key on the web page. Launchpad then uses this fingerprint to check the Ubuntu key server for the key that you uploaded earlier.

You are sent an encrypted email and asked to confirm the key import. You need to use an email client that supports OpenPGP encryption and enter the passphrase you created when you created the key in order to read this email. If you do not have an email reader that supports OpenPGP, you can also perform this step at the command line by typing gpg and copying/pasting the text of the email into the terminal window before pressing Enter.

Follow the directions in the email to complete this step.

Uploading Your SSH Key to Launchpad

Open Also open ~/.ssh/ in a text editor. The contents of this file are the public part of your SSH key, so it is safe to share it with Launchpad. Copy the contents of the file and paste them into the Add an SSH Key text box on the web page. Then click Import Public Key.

Configuring Bazaar

Bazaar is covered in Chapter 38, “Using Programming Tools.” Here, all you need to do is tell Bazaar you who are. This is a two-step process. The first step is to tell Bazaar which name and email address it should use when creating commit messages. Replace my name and email address with your information in the following command:

matthew@seymour:~$ bzr whoami "Matthew Helmke" <[email protected]>

The second step is to set up Bazaar with your Launchpad ID so that the code you sign and upload is associated with your Launchpad account. Replace yourLaunchpadID with your Launchpad ID in the command shown here:

matthew@seymour:~$ bzr launchpad-login yourLaunchpadID

If you can’t remember your ID, see where redirects you. The part that is automatically added after the ~ is your Launchpad ID.

Configuring Your Local Bash Shell

The Ubuntu packaging tools that run at the command line on your development machine need to be configured with your information as well, in the same way that they are configured for Ubuntu’s parent, Debian. Open ~/.bashrc in your favorite text editor and add the following lines at the end, changing them to use your information:

matthew@seymour:~$ gpg --fingerprint youremail

Reload the Bash shell configuration file as shown here, again making the changes needed to use your own information:

matthew@seymour:~$ export DEBFULLNAME="Matthew Helmke"
matthew@seymour:~$ export DEBEMAIL="[email protected]"

If you are using a shell other than the default, Bash, you need to configure your shell similarly.

Fixing Bugs and Packaging

This section covers the process for fixing bugs and packaging your code. It does not cover the mechanics of reading program code and fixing it. Here, it is assumed that you know how to program in the language used in the software you are fixing.

From a high level, the process is easy to understand. Here are the steps:

  1. Find a problem (a software bug).

  2. Download the source code.

  3. Fix the problem.

  4. Test the fix on your local machine.

  5. Commit the changes.

  6. Request that your changes be merged into the main source.

Finding problems to fix is something you learn with time and experience. If you aren’t fixing an issue you discovered yourself, other places you can look are in Ubuntu mailing lists, Launchpad bug reports, and community gathering places such as the Ubuntu Forums or AskUbuntu.

Before you do any work on a bug, do an extensive search to make sure it has not already been fixed and that someone else is not already working on the bug. You should obviously look in Launchpad, in the section for the specific package. You can also check the upstream and/or Debian bug trackers for open and closed bugs and the upstream revision history or newer release(s). When you know of a bug you want to fix, download the source code from the Ubuntu software repositories. Find out which file contains the code you want to work on. The example in this section uses an imaginary application, matthewsapp. In all the examples that follow, replace matthewsapp with the name of the program or application that you want to work on. Say that you know that the matthewsapp binary is located at /usr/bin/matthewsapp. To find the Ubuntu package that contains matthewsapp, enter the following:

matthew@seymour:~$ apt-file find /usr/bin/matthewsapp

This returns output something like the following.

matthewsapp: /usr/bin/matthewsapp

You can also use apt-cache to learn the source package for a binary package. Sometimes source packages have the same name as their resulting binary packages, and sometimes they do not. Here are two examples.

matthew@seymour:~$ apt-cache showsrc tomboy | grep ^Package:
Package: tomboy

matthew@seymour:~$ apt-cache showsrc python-vigra | grep ^Package:
Package: libvigraimpex

In the first example, the binary tomboy is in the tomboy package. In the second example, the binary python-vigra is in the librigraimpex package. When you know the package that contains the source code you need, get a copy of the source code itself. You do this in Ubuntu by branching the source package. Launchpad manages all the code for source packages and is the place from which you will download and create a local branch. You fix bugs in the local branch and test them on your machine and then submit a merge proposal so that code from your branch can be examined and merged back into the main branch of the code to then be used to build a new package of the code.

Create a local repository on your machine for the code, again replacing matthewsapp with the name of the source package you need:

matthew@seymour:~$ bzr init-repo matthewsapp

Change to the newly created directory:

matthew@seymour:~$ cd matthewsapp

Create a new local branch, and name it something obvious. Many Ubuntu developers name the new target directory the same as the original, with .dev added at the end, like this:

matthew@seymour:~$ bzr branch ubuntu:matthewsapp

After you have done this a few times with packages already in the Ubuntu repositories, you can read the official Ubuntu Packaging Guide to find out how to perform similar tasks with code from other Ubuntu releases, from Debian, or from an upstream .tar file. This section concentrates on doing this the easy way to help you get started.

Create a patch that will include the fix for the bug:

matthew@seymour:~$ edit-patch 99-new-patch

This copies the packaging of the file to a new temporary directory. Edit the files with a text editor or use a patch to do so in a temporary shell, like this:

matthew@seymour:~$ patch -pl < ../bugfix.patch

You can exit the temporary shell by entering exit or using Ctrl+D.

Build a test package using your patch to test your changes, replacing release with the name of the release, such as quantal, and replacing package and version with the name and number of the package:

matthew@seymour:~$ bzr builddeb -- -S -us -uc
matthew@seymour:~$ pbuilder-dist release build ../package_version.dsc

When the build completes, install the package from ~/pbuilder/release_result/ and test to see if the bug is fixed:

matthew@seymour:~$ sudo dpkg -i package_version.deb

Test it. Get it running. Try to break it. If you are convinced the bug is fixed in the software, only then is it time to move on. Feel free to repeat this cycle as often as necessary until it is really fixed.

When your changes are complete, create a new entry in the debian/changelog file:

matthew@seymour:~$ dch -i

Boilerplate text for the changelog entry that includes the first and last lines with placeholder text for the middle is provided for you. Use a text editor to edit the middle line(s) and include in your entry a specific bug fix tag that indicates which Launchpad bug you are fixing. Make sure you include where in the code you made the change(s), what you changed, and where the discussion of the change occurred.

The format for this is quite strict and looks as follows:

matthewsapp (0.9.2-1ubuntu3) quantal; urgency=low

    * debian/control: don't bacon the narwhals at midnight in line 35 as
discussed on launchpad (LP: #3263827)

 -- Matthew Helmke <[email protected]>  Sat, 25 Aug 2013 13:29:01 -0500

Commit the change locally:

matthew@seymour:~$ debcommit

Push the change to Launchpad, replacing items in italic with your information:

matthew@seymour:~$ bzr push lp:~yourLaunchpadID/ubuntu/release/package/branchname
matthew@seymour:~$ bzr lp-propose

The first command sends your code to Launchpad. The last command opens the Launchpad page of the merge proposal in your browser.


https://developer.ubuntu.comThe main website for Ubuntu development.

https://packaging.ubuntu.comThe main website for the Ubuntu Packaging Guide, which helped greatly in the writing of this chapter and goes into far greater detail than this chapter. (This packaging guide is also available directly from the Ubuntu software repositories in the ubuntu-packaging-guide package.)

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