

& operator, 237

background processes, running, 173174

special shell character, 247

VirtualBox commands, 527

&& operators, combining commands, 180, 198

* special shell character, 247

special shell character, 249250

` special shell character, 247, 250

[ ] special shell character, 248

[a, z] special shell character, 248

[a-z] special shell character, 248

[az] special shell character, 248

$, 235

$? built-in variable, 247

$ special shell character, 247

$# built-in variable, 246

$* built-in variable, 247

$0 built-in variable, 247

! ! operator, 196197

!= operator, 491

< special shell character, 247

<< operator, 236

<< special shell character, 248

> special shell character, 247

>> special shell character, 247

| (pipe) special shell character, 247

| | operator, 198, 491

# special shell character, 247

? special shell character, 247

" special shell character, 248249

' special shell character, 249


10BASE-T networking, 339

10G Ethernet networking, 340

32-bit Ubuntu, 64-bit Ubuntu versus, 45

50G Ethernet networking, 340

64-bit Ubuntu, 32-bit Ubuntu versus, 45

100BASE-T networking, 339

1000BASE-T networking, 339


A records, 590

AAAA records, 590

ac command, 211, 223



setting permissions, 127128

Squid, 565569

Apache web server, 452, 455

command line, 107


local GUI clients, 503

PostgreSQL, 501503

SSH, 501502

web browsers, 503

file access time, disabling, 397

networks, chains, 387

remote access

copying files between machines, 372373

Guacamole, 377

key-based logins, 373375

online references, 377378

SSH server, 371375

VNC, 375377

shell scripts, storing for system-wide access, 240

variable values, 243

accounting, user usage statistics, 212

ACID compliance, relational databases, 493494


permissions, setting, 127128

Squid, 565569

activity (user), monitoring, 211212

Ada, 622


broadcasting, 338

IPv4 addressing, 331332

IPv6 addressing, 332, 334336

multicasting, 338

NAT, 332

TCP/IP, 331332

unicast addressing, 338

adduser command, 136137, 209


LDAP, 584585

privileges, 217

Adobe Photoshop, 67

afio, 316

all-in-one (Print/Fax/Scan) devices, 435

AllowOverrides directives (Apache web server), 451452

ALSA, 64

Amanda, 315316

AND, 299

AND operators, 491492

Android mobile development, 607

Android Runtime, 608

Android Studio, 609

Application Framework, 608609

applications, 609

ARM processors, 608

Google Play, 607

Linux kernels, 608

RISC processors, 608

Ansible, 544

Apache Tomcat, 482

Apache web server

access control, 452, 455


.htaccess configuration files, 450452, 469

runtime servers, 446449

threads, 468

development of, 443444

file system authentication, 452455

.htaccess configuration files, 450, 469

AllowOverrides directives, 451452

Options directives, 451

HTTPS, 464466

installing, 444

logging, 463464

modules, 455461

MPM, 449450

online references, 466

overview of, 444

Require directive, 452

runtime servers

apache2.conf files, 447449

configuring, 446449

DirectoryIndex directive, 449

DocumentRoot directive, 449

GID, 448

Group directive, 448

Listen directive, 447

ServerAdmin directive, 448

ServerName directive, 448449

ServerRoot directive, 447

UID, 448

User directive, 448

UserDir directive, 449

security, 444, 452455

starting/stopping, 444446

threads, 468

virtual hosting, 461462

apache2.conf files, 447449

API, 512

AppArmor, 388390

Application Framework, 608609


Android applications, 609

AppArmor, 388390

CD/DVD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line, CD creation, 7273

Linux command line, DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

DVD/CD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line, CD creation, 7273

Linux command line, DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

games, 7981

Battle for Wesnoth, 8586

commercial games, 88

documentation, 89

emulators, 79

FlightGear, 87

Frets on Fire, 86

Frozen Bubble, 84

Game Jolt, 82, 82

Humble, 82

installing from Ubuntu repositories, 8287

installing video drivers (proprietary), 80, 82

kid-friendly games, 88

LGDB, 82

online game sources, 8182

Scorched 3D, 8384

Speed Dreams, 87

SuperTux, 8485

Warsow, 82

Windows games, 8889

graphics manipulation applications, 66, 70

Blender, 70, 77

CinePaint, 70

darktable, 70

digiKam, 70

GIMP, 6667

Hugin, 70

Inkscape, 70

Krita, 70

nautilus-image converter, 69

netpbm tools, 69

Photoshop, 67

POV-Ray, 70

Radiance, 70

Shotwell Photo Manager, 66, 71

Simple Scan, 67

Xara Xtreme, 70

microservice architectures, 531

multimedia applications

ALSA, 64

CD/DVD burning applications, 7175

graphics manipulation applications, 6671

music applications, 6566

online references, 77

OSS, 64

PulseAudio, 64

sound cards, 6364

music applications, 65

Banshee, 66

Rhythmbox, 66

Sound Juicer, 66

productivity applications

Celtx, 59

CrossOver Office, 61

defined, 56

gedit, 59

Heimer, 61

Kile, 61

LaTeX, 60

LibreOffice, 55, 5658

LyX, 60

online references, 61

pdfedit, 58

Publican, 5960

Texmaker, 60

users (typical), 56

Windows, 61

Wine, 61

XML Copy Editor, 60

recording/editing sound, 76

security, 388390

Startup Applications Preferences, 278

VBA, LibreOffice and Office compatibility, 55

video editing applications, 77

Avidemux, 77

Blender, 77

Cinelerra, 77

DaVinci Resolve, 77

Kdenlive, 77

Lightworks, 77

OpenShot Video Editor, 77

PiTiVi, 77

Shotcut, 77

apropos command, 112

APT, 95

apt-get versus, 99100

day-to-day usage, 9598

finding software, 9899

VirtualBox, 527

apt-get, APT versus, 99100

archives, restoring files from, 311312

Ardour, 76

arguments (positional), 242

ARM processors, 608

arrays (RAID), 307

Art of Unix Programming, The, 141142

ash, 226

Aslett, Matt, 511


needs/resources, backup strategies, 303304

vulnerabilities, 381382


permissions, file systems, 121122

values to variables, 242

at command, 227228, 229

atomic changes, 613

attacks, 380381

autocracking scripts, 380

crackers, 380

external attacks, 379380

hackers, 380

internal attacks, 379380

script kiddies, 380

spoofing attacks, 593

viruses, 385

war driving, 383

worms, 380

Audacity, 76

Audio CD Extractor. See Sound Juicer


file systems, Apache web server, 452455

PAM, 215216

autoconf command, 601602

autocracking scripts, 380

automatically waking computers from sleep, 231233

automating tasks with scripts, 244246


localhost interfaces, checking availability of, 326

memory space, displaying, 286

.avi files, 75

Avidemux, 77

awk text editor, 189191

AWS, 539

Azure, 539


Back In Time, 314

background jobs, moving jobs to, 174175

background processes, 173174 237



afio, 316

Amanda, 315316

Back In Time, 314

cloud computing, 305306, 309

configuration files, version control, 320322

copying files, 316317

cp command, 318

rsync command, 319320

tar command, 317318

data loss, 302

Déjà Dup, 313314

external hard drives, 308

File Roller, 312

flexbackup, 316

full backups

with incremental backups, 307

on a periodic basis, 306307

tar command, 310311

incremental backups, 310311

kdat, 312313

KDE ark archiving tool, 312313

levels of, 306

mirroring data, 307

NAS, 308

network storage, 308

online references, 324

restoring files from archives, 311312

scheduling tasks, full backups on a periodic basis, 306307

software, 309316

strategies, 301

assessing needs/resources, 303304

choosing a strategy, 308

choosing hardware/media, 308309

evaluating, 304306

full backups on a periodic basis, 306307

full backups with incremental backups, 307

home users, 304305

incremental backups, 307

inheriting, 306

large enterprises, 305

RAID arrays, 307

simple backup strategies, 306

small enterprises, 305

small offices, 305

system rescue, 323

restoring GRUB2 boot loaders, 323324

saving files from nonbooting hard disks, 324

Ubuntu Rescue disc, 323

tape drive backups, 309

tar command, 310

copying files, 317318

incremental backups, 310311

restoring files from archives, 311312

Ubuntu installations, 7

Unison, 315

version control, configuration files, 320322

badblocks command, 397

Banshee music application, 66

BaseX, 517

bash, 226

comparisons of expressions, 250251

file operators, 253254

logical operators, 255

numeric comparisons, 252253

strings, 251252

local bash shells, configuring, 640

batch command, 228229

batches, changing passwords in, 216217

Battle for Wesnoth, 8586


configuring, 639

software project management, 611612

Berkeley DB, 512, 579

bg command, 174175

BigTable, 517

Bikeshed, 616618

/bin directory, 114


configuring DNS servers, 593595

online references, 595

BIOS, 271

boot process, 272274

Ubuntu bootups, troubleshooting, 195


graphics manipulation, 70

video editing, 77

.bmp files, 68

BOFH, 205

boolean operators, combining commands, 180

boot loaders, 271

boot process, 272274

GRUB2, installing, 5

GRUB2 boot loaders, restoring, 323324

Ubuntu installations, 23, 56

boot process

BIOS, 271, 272274

boot loaders, 271, 272274

Boot-Repair, 278279

DHCP activation, 357

GPT, 274

init systems, 272

loading process, 272274

MBR, 274

NetBoot, 274

nonbooting hard disks, saving files from, 324

PXE, 274

runlevels, 271272, 275, 278


controlling, 278

running, 271272

starting/stopping, 275278

Startup Applications Preferences, 278

troubleshooting, 278279

Ubuntu, troubleshooting, 195196

UEFI, 273274

Brasero, 71

break statements, 269

bridges, 343, 524525

broadcasting, 338

browsers (web)

Chrome, 5354

Chromium, 5354

database access, 503

Firefox, 5253

online references, 54

brute-forcing, 373374

Budgie, 49

bugs, fixing

Bug Squad, 647

Ubuntu development, 640643

built-in variables, 242, 246247

bundles (software), Snappy package manager, 103104

bunzip2 command, 191

burning CD/DVD

Brasero, 71

Linux command line

CD creation, 7273

DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

business applications, Ubuntu for, 2728

byobu, multiple terminal operation, 192193

bzip2 command, 191


C programming, 597599

autoconf command, 601602

building programs, 599601

configuring code, 601602

debugging, 602

checking source code, 602603

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

dependency checking, 599600

GCC, 603604

macros, 600601

makefile targets, 600601

makefiles, 599600

C++ programming, 597598, 599

autoconf command, 601602

building programs, 599601

configuring code, 601602

debugging, 602

checking source code, 602603

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

dependency checking, 599600

GCC, 603604

macros, 600601

makefile targets, 600601

makefiles, 599600

C10K problem, 467468

cabling, 340

fiber-optic cabling, 342

UTP cabling, 341

Caddy, 482

cameras (digital)

Ubuntu support, 70

USB connections, 70

capturing screen images, 69

case statements, 267268

Cassandra, 513

cat command, 132, 144145

/cd command, 120

cd command, 145147

CD tools, 613614

CD/DVD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line

CD creation, 7273

DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

cdrecord command, 7273

Cecilia, 76

Celtx, 59

CFEngine, 545

cgroups, 532

chains, 387

change command, 223


desktop environments, 39

directories, 120, 145147

passwords in batches, 216217

permissions, files/folders, 125, 147

shells, 226

user identities, 217219

window managers, 39

Chaos Engineering, 614

Chef, 544

Cherokee, 480481

chfn command, 224

chgrp command, 125, 204, 224

children directories, 118

children, games for, 88

chmod command, 123124, 147, 204, 224

chown command, 125, 204, 224

chpasswd command, 224

Chrome, 5354

Chromium, 5354

chroot jail, 531532

chsh command, 209, 224

CI/CD tools, 613614

Cinelerra, 77

CinePaint, 70

CLI. See command line

client/server database model, 484

Clojure, 622623

cloud computing

AWS, 539

Azure, 539

backups, 305306, 309

containers, 531

DevOps, 535536

Google Cloud, 539

hybrid clouds, 539540

IaaS, 537

Juju, 540541, 545

Landscape, 541, 545

MaaS, 537

Mojo, 541

online references, 541

OpenStack, 538539

PaaS, 537

private clouds, 540

public clouds, 538, 539

reasons for using, 536537

SaaS, 537

Sysadmin, 535536

Ubuntu, 535

AWS, 539

Azure, 539

considerations for using, 538

Google Cloud, 539

hybrid clouds, 539540

IaaS, 537

install instructions, 536

Juju, 540541, 545

Landscape, 541

MaaS, 537

Mojo, 541

OpenStack, 538539

PaaS, 537

private clouds, 540

public clouds, 538, 539

reasons for using, 536537

SaaS, 537

Ubuntu Cloud, 536

VM, 536

VM, 536

CNAME records, 590591

COBOL, 623624

code packaging, Ubuntu development, 640643

combining commands

&& operators, 180, 198

! ! operator, 196197

| | operator, 198

boolean operators, 142143

piping, 142143, 178180

comm command, 170171

command line (Linux)

! ! operator, 196197

| | operator, 198

accessing, 107

apropos command, 112

APT, 95

apt-get versus, 99100

day-to-day usage, 9598

finding software, 9899

background jobs, 174175

background processes, running, 173174

basic commands, 143144

BIOS, troubleshooting Ubuntu bootups, 195

byobu, multiple terminal operation, 192193

CD creation, 7273

combining commands

&& operators, 180, 198

! ! operator, 196197

| | operator, 198

boolean operators, 180

piping, 178180

command history, viewing, 197


combining, 178180, 196197, 198

list of, 143144

redirecting input/output of, 167170

shortcuts, 198

standard input/output, 169

commonly used commands/programs, 139

Coreutils, 199

defined, 106107

directories, 112114

/bin directory, 114

changing, 120, 145147

children directories, 118

confining scripts to directories, 198199

copying files, 131, 147

creating, 129, 160

creating files, 128129

deleting, 129131, 161162

displaying contents of files, 132

/etc directory, 114

finding current directory, 120

finding files, 147

/home directory, 115

listing contents of, 118119

listing files in directories, 156158

moving files, 131, 161

parent directories, 118

permissions, 122127

printing directory sizes, 148

printing last lines of files, 163164

/proc directory, 115117

regular expressions, 133

renaming files, 131, 161

/sbin directory, 114

sorting file contents, 162163

/tmp directories, 117

/usr directory, 117

/var directory, 117

wildcard characters, 133


manual pages, 111112

reading, 111112

DVD creation, 7374

packet writing, 7475

session writing, 74

environment variables, 182185

file systems

directories, 112117

hierarchy of, 112114


comparisons, 170

compressed files, 191192

creating links, 154156

downloading, 164

finding differences in files, 170

finding files, 149151

finding from indexes, 156

finding similarities in files, 170171

listing in directories, 156158

listing system information, 158159

printing contents of, 144145

foreground jobs, 174175

GRUB, troubleshooting Ubuntu bootups, 195196

input string searches, 151152


executing in parallel, 181182

listing, 173

kernel ring buffers, reading contents of, 200

location of commands, printing, 164

logging out of, 108


from remote computers, 108109

text-based logins, 107108

manual pages, 159160

multiple terminal operation, 192193

MySQL command line client, 504505

network interface configuration

ifconfig command, 346348

ip command, 348349

ip route command, 346, 349

netstat command, 346, 350

online references, 139, 165, 200

paging through output, 152154

piping commands, 178180

polite system resets, 194195

PostgreSQL command line client, 505506

printing, resource usage, 175177


listing, 171173

prioritizing, 177178

substituting, 181

reasons for using, 142143

REISUB, 194195

repeating text, 148149

rerunning previous commands, 196197

resource usage, printing, 175177

root accounts, 110111, 133134

sequence, running commands in, 180181

sudo command, troubleshooting, 134136


rebooting, 138139

shutting down, 137138

text editors, 185191

Ubuntu bootups, troubleshooting, 195

user accounts

creating, 136137

deleting, 137

super user accounts, 109111

whereis command, 112

command line (shells), 233234

background processes, 237

pattern-matching, 235

piping commands, 237


& operator, running background processes, 173174

&& operators, 180, 198

! ! operator, 196197

| | operator, 198

database commands, 506

history of commands, viewing, 197

piping, 142143, 178180, 237

printing location of, 164

redirecting input/output, 167169

redirecting input/output with shell command line, 236

rerunning previous commands, 196197

running, in sequence, 180181

shortcuts, 198

substituting, 250

wildcard characters, 235

commercial games, 88

community teams, testing Ubuntu, 645646

comparing files/folders, 170

comparisons of expressions, 250251

file operators, 253254, 257258

logical operators, 255, 259

numeric comparisons, 252253, 256257

strings, 251252, 255256


free/open-source software, MS Office compatibility, 55

LibreOffice, Office compatibility, 55

Office, free/open-source software compatibility, 55

open-source/free software, MS Office compatibility, 55

Ubuntu installations, Mac hardware compatibility, 3


kernels, 412414, 418419


from source, 100, 101102

from tarballs, 100101

from Ubuntu repositories, 101102

compressed files, 191192, 318

computers (remote), command line logins, 108109

configuration files

Dotfiles, 322

version control, 320322


Apache web server

.htaccess configuration files, 450452, 469

runtime servers, 446449

threads, 468

bash shells, 640

Bazaar, 639

C/C++ code, 601602

configuration management, 102

dotdee, 102103

Snappy package manager, 103104

Ubuntu Core, 103

DHCP software, 358359

dial-up Internet access, 367368

disk quotas, 223

DNS servers with BIND, 593595

DSL Internet access, 365

/etc directory configuration files, 114

firewalls, 386388

GPG keys, 637639

hosts (networks) with DHCP, 359361

Internet connections, common configuration information, 364365

kernels, 403, 414417

Launchpad, work environments, 638640

LDAP servers, 580

local bash shells, 640

localhost interfaces, 327

MySQL, 494495


command line network interfaces, 345350

configuration files, 350355

DHCP, 355361

/etc/host.conf files, 355

/etc/hosts files, 350351

/etc/netplan/*.yaml files, 353355

/etc/nsswitch.conf files, 351352, 355

/etc/resolv.conf files, 352353

graphical configuration tools, 355

nm-connection-editor, 345346


clients, 423424

servers, 422423

pbuilder, 638

PostgreSQL, 498

power management, in Ubuntu, 1819

PPP Internet access, 364

PPPoE, 364

printers, in Ubuntu, 18

runtime servers, Apache web server, 446449

Samba, 425

/etc/samba/smb.conf files, 426429

global behaviors, 427

security, 384385

software repositories, 1517

Squid, 570572

Squid clients, 564565

SSH server, 371372

system settings, in Ubuntu, 1718


date/time settings, 1920

development packages, 637638, 640643

power management, 1819

printer configurations, 18

software repositories, 1517

system settings, 1718

troubleshooting post-configuration problems, 2122

wireless networks, 20


clients, 573575

servers, 575577

wireless networks, 20

confining scripts to directories, 198199

Conky, 292297


Internet, 363364

checking, 328330

common configuration information, 364365

dial-up access, 367368

DSL access, 365

ISP, 364365

Linux commands, 369

online references, 369370

PPP access, 364

PPPoE, 364

troubleshooting, 368369

Ubuntu commands, 369

VM, 526

console-based monitoring, 281283

containers, 531

Docker, 533

Kubernetes, 534

LXC, 532

LXD, 533

online references, 534

contents of directories, listing, 118119

contents of files

displaying, 132

sorting, 162163


graphics, 6869

sound files, 65


files between machines (remote access), 372373

files/folders, 131, 147, 316317. See also mirroring

cp command, 318

rsync command, 319320

tar command, 317318

VM, 526

Coreutils, 199

CouchDB, 515516

cp command, 131, 147, 318

crackers, 380

createdb command, 506

createuser command, 506

cron command, 229231

CrossOver Office, 61

cups cancel command, 435

cups command, 435

cups disable command, 435

cups enable command, 435

CUPS GUI, network printers, 431434

cuspreject command, 435

custom kernels, 402


D programming language, 624


AND, 299

Linux, 25

smbd, starting/stopping, 429

darktable, 70

Dart, 624

dash, 226

Dash (GNOME), 4344

data, SQL tables

inserting data, 489490

retrieving data, 490492

data directory initialization, PostgreSQL, 498

data integrity, relational databases, 493494

data locking, relational databases, 492

data loss, 302

data mirroring, 307

data recovery, 323

GRUB2 boot loaders, restoring, 323324

saving files from nonbooting hard disks, 324

Ubuntu Rescue disc, 323



local GUI clients, 503

MySQL, 501503

SSH, 501502

web browsers, 503

AND operators, 491492

client/server model, 484

commands, 506

flat file databases, 484485

graphical database clients, 506

MySQL, 483

ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 504505

configuring, 494495

creating databases, 496497

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

inserting data into tables, 490

mysql command, 506

mysqladmin command, 506

mysqldump command, 506


online references, 493, 507

PostgreSQL versus, 492494

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 490492

root user passwords, 495

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

NoSQL, 485, 509510

advantages of, 510, 511

BaseX, 517

Berkeley DB, 512, 579

BigTable, 517

Cassandra, 513

CouchDB, 515516

disadvantages of, 510511

document stores, 514515

etcd, 513

FlockDB, 519

graph stores, 518

HBase, 518

HyperGraphDB, 519

key/value stores, 512

Memcached, 513514

MemcacheDB, 514

MongoDB, 516

Neo4j, 518

NewSQL and, 511

online references, 519520

OrientDB, 519

Redis, 514

Riak, 514

Scylla, 514

UnQL, 511

wide column stores, 517

OR operators, 491492


ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 505506

configuring, 498

creating database users, 499500

creating databases, 499

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

deleting database users, 500

granting/revoking privileges, 500501

initializing data directories, 498

MySQL versus, 492494

online references, 493, 507

pgAdmin, 506

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 491

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

relational databases, 485. See also MySQL; PostgreSQL

creating tables, 488489

DBA, 483484

inserting data into tables, 489490

operation of, 486487

SQL basics, 487492

Datadog, 298

date/time settings

date command, 19

Ubuntu, 1920

DaVinci Resolve, 77

DBA, 483484, 511

Debian Linux, 24

debugging C/C++ programming, 602

checking source code, 602603

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

Déjà Dup, 313314


directories, 129131, 161162

PostgreSQL database users, 500

user accounts, 137

deluser command, 137, 209

dependency checking, 599600

depmod command, 407

desktop environments, 4142

Budgie, 49

changing, 39


Dash, 43, 44

Mutter, 42

Power icon, 43, 45

Shell, 4345

Show Applications icon, 43, 44

GNOME 2, 48

KDE, 45

Kubuntu, 4546

Kylin, 50

Lubuntu, 4748

LXDE, 4748

MATE, 4849

online references, 50

Ubuntu desktops, sharing, 424

Ubuntu MATE, 4849

widgets, 42

X server

benefits of, 34

components of, 3334

display manager, 39

display managers, 33

online references, 40

starting, 39

terminal clients, 3334

window manager, 3334

xorg.conf files, 3339

Xfce, 46

Xubuntu, 4647

development (Ubuntu)

Bazaar, 639

fixing bugs, 640643

GPG keys, 637639

introduction to, 636637

Launchpad, 614615

creating accounts, 638

work environments, 638640

local bash shells, configuring, 640

online references, 643

package installation

code packaging, 640643

packages, 637638, 640643

pbuilder, 638

SSH keys, 638, 639

Device section (xorg.conf files), 3738


all-in-one (Print/Fax/Scan) devices, 435

devices.txt files, 403

i2c-dev devices, 407

security, 385


Chaos Engineering, 614

CI/CD tools, 614

Sysadmin versus, 535536

df command, 286287

dhclient command, 369

DHCP, 338, 361

activating, 357

dhcpclient, 358

Dynamic DNS, 356357


configuring, 355361

host configurations, 359361

operation of, 356

servers, 358359

software, installing/configuring, 358359

dial-up Internet access, configuring, 367368

diff command, 170

differences in files, finding, 170

digiKam, 70

digital cameras

Ubuntu support, 70

USB connections, 70

directories, 112114

/bin directory, 114

changing, 120, 145147

children directories, 118

creating, 129, 160

data directory initialization, PostgreSQL, 498

deleting, 129131, 161162

DIT, 580

/etc directory, 114


copying, 131, 147

creating, 128129

displaying contents of, 132

finding, 147

listing in directories, 156158

moving, 131, 161

printing last lines of files, 163164

renaming, 131, 161

sorting file contents, 162163

finding current directory, 120

home directories, 208, 427428

/home directory, 115

kernel directories, 403405

LDAP directories, populating, 582583

listing contents of, 118119

parent directories, 118

permissions, 122127

printing directory sizes, 148

/proc directory, 115117

regular expressions, 133

/sbin directory, 114

scripts, confining to directories, 198199

/tmp directories, 117

user directories, 115

/usr directory, 117

shared data, 117

X server, 33

/var directory, 117

wildcard characters, 133

DirectoryIndex directive (Apache web server), 449

disaster recovery, planning, 390391

disk quotas, 287

configuring, 223

implementing, 222223

managing, 222

display managers, X server, 33, 39


available memory space, 286

contents of files, 132

free space (hard disks), 286287

distributed processing, X server, 3233


Linux distributions

included software, 2425

versions of, 24

Ubuntu distributions, versions of, 27

DIT, 580

dmesg command, 21, 200

DNS, 448449

Dynamic DNS, 356357

online references, 595

records, 589590

A records, 590

AAAA records, 590

CNAME records, 590591

MX records, 591

NS records, 591

SOA records, 592593

TXT records, 593

requests, 589590

search orders, 355

servers, 588, 589590, 593595

DocBook, Publican, 5960

Docker, 533

document stores, 514515


apropos command, 112

games, 89

Linux, 2830

manual pages, 111112

mind maps, 61

reading, 111112

TeX documents

Kile, 61

LaTeX, 60

LyX, 60

Texmaker, 60

Ubuntu, 28, 30

Wayland, 32

whereis command, 112


DocumentRoot directive (Apache web server), 449



online references, 595

records, 590593

requests, 589590

servers, 588, 589590, 593595

hostnames, 589

names, 588589

root zones, 589

TLD, 588589

dotdee, 102103, 322

Dotfiles, 322


files/folders, 164

Ubuntu updates during installation, 8

drivers, video drivers (proprietary), installing, 80

dropdb command, 506

dropuser command, 506

DSL Internet access, configuring, 365

du command, 148

dual-boot systems, Ubuntu installations, 6

dumb gateways, 343

dummy interfaces, 327

DVD installations, Ubuntu, 2, 611

dvd+rw-tools, 74

DVD/CD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line

CD creation, 7273

DVD creation, 7375

preformatted DVD, 74

Ubuntu support, 71

Dynamic DNS, 356357

Dynamo, 514


e2fsck command, 397

echo command, 148149

Eclipse, 606


/etc/modprobe.conf files, 344

sound, 76

Ardour, 76

Audacity, 76

Cecilia, 76

LMMS, 76

Mixxx, 76

Rosegarden, 76

text, 185, 186

awk, 189191

emacs, 185, 188189

gedit, 186

kate, 186

kedit, 186

nano, 185, 186187

sed, 189191

vi, 185, 187188

vim, 185

video, 76, 77

Avidemux, 77

Blender, 77

Cinelerra, 77

DaVinci Resolve, 77

Kdenlive, 77

Lightworks, 77

OpenShot Video Editor, 77

PiTiVi, 77

Shotcut, 77

Elixir, 625

Elm, 625

emacs text editor, 185, 188189

email, 547

Autoresponders, 562

virus scanners, 562

embedded spaces, resolving strings with, 248249

emulators, 79

encrypted files, 318

endless loops, 261262

enterprise servers, monitoring, 298299

environment variables, 182185, 242

erasing, hard disks, Ubuntu installations, 9

Erlang, 625

error messages

redirecting input/output of commands, 169170

sudo command, 134136

/etc directory, 114

etcd, 513

/etc/host.conf files, 355

/etc/hosts files, 350351

/etc/modprobe.conf files, 344, 407

/etc/modprobed files, 407

/etc/netplan/*.yaml files, 353355

/etc/nsswitch.conf files, 351352, 355

/etc/resolv.conf files, 352353

/etc/samba/smb.conf files, 426429

etckeeper, 321322

ethereal command, 369


10G Ethernet networking, 340

50G Ethernet networking, 340

Gigabit Ethernet. See 1000BASE-T networking

PPPoE, 364

evaluating backup strategies, 304306

event handlers, 468469


jobs in parallel, 181182

shell scripts, 237239

exit statements, 269

expr statements, 266

expressions, 235

comparisons of expressions, 250251

file operators, 253254, 257258

logical operators, 255, 259

numeric comparisons, 252253, 256257

strings, 251252, 255256

directories, 133

external attacks, 379380

external hard drives, backups, 308


faillog command, 289

fax machines, all-in-one (Print/Fax/Scan) devices, 435

FDDI networks, 340

Fetchmail, 557560

fg command, 174175

fiber-optic networks, 340, 342

File Roller, 312

file systems

authentication, Apache web server, 452

directories, 112114

/bin directory, 114

changing, 120, 145147

children directories, 118

copying files, 131, 147

creating, 129, 160

creating files, 128129

deleting, 129131, 161162

displaying contents of files, 132

/etc directory, 114

finding current directory, 120

finding files, 147

/home directory, 115

listing contents of, 118119

listing files in directories, 156158

moving files, 131, 161

parent directories, 118

printing directory sizes, 148

printing last lines of files, 163164

/proc directory, 115117

regular expressions, 133

renaming files, 131, 161

/sbin directory, 114

sorting file contents, 162163

/tmp directories, 117

/usr directory, 117

/var directory, 117

wildcard characters, 133

hierarchy of, 112114

permissions, 120121

altering, 123124

assigning, 121122

changing file groups, 125

changing file permissions, 125, 147

setting with ACL, 127128

sgid permissions, 125127

sticky bit permissions, 126127

suid permissions, 125127

viewing/modifying default permissions, 124125

Files section (xorg.conf files), 3536


apache2.conf files, 447449

comparisons, 170

compressed files, 191192, 318

configuration files, version control, 320322

copying. See also mirroring, 131132, 147, 316317

between machines (remote access), 372373

cp command, 318

rsync command, 319320

tar command, 317318

creating in directories, 128129

disabling access time, 397

displaying contents of, 132

Dotfiles, 322

downloading, 164

encrypted files, 318

/etc/host.conf files, 355

/etc/hosts files, 350351

/etc/modprobe.conf files, 407

/etc/modprobed files, 407

/etc/netplan/*.yaml files, 353355

/etc/nsswitch.conf files, 351352, 355

/etc/resolv.conf files, 352353

file operator comparisons, 253254, 257258

File Roller, 312

finding, 149151

differences in files, 170

from indexes, 156

similarities in files, 170171

in Ubuntu, 12

inodes, 155

LDIF files, 583

links, creating, 154156

listing in directories, 156158

log files

checking, 287289

rotating, 289291

makefiles, 599600

mirroring. See also copying, 164

moving, 131, 161

network configuration files, 350355

new user home directories, 208

NFS, 422

clients, 423424

installing, 422

servers, 422423

starting/stopping, 422

password files, 212214

permissions, 204

altering, 123124

changing file groups, 125

changing permissions, 125, 147

viewing/modifying default permissions, 124125


contents of, 144145

file sizes, 148

last lines of files, 163164

renaming, 131, 161

restoring files from archives, 311312

Samba, 424

configuring, 425, 427429

/etc/samba/smb.conf files, 426429

installing, 425426

saving files from nonbooting hard disks, 324


NFS, 422424

online references, 435

Samba, 424431

sorting contents of, 162163

temporary file storage, /tmp directories, 117

time warps, 212

variable data files, /var directory, 117


performance tuning, 394395

synchronizing, 396

find command, 126


directories, 120

files/folders, 149151

differences in files, 170

from indexes, 156

similarities in files, 170171

in Ubuntu, 12

groups, 206

software, with APT, 9899

finger information fields, 213

Firefox, 5253


configuring, 386388

iptables, 388

nftables, 388

UFW, 386387

.flac files, 65

flat file databases, 484485

flexbackup, 316

FlightGear, 87

FlockDB, 519

.flv files, 75

folders. See files/folders

for statements, 259261

foreground jobs, 174175

formatting, DVD, 74

Forth, 626

Fortran, 626

FQDN, 448449, 580

free command, 286

free/open-source software, Office compatibility, 55

free space, displaying, 286287

hard disks, 286287

memory space, 286

Frets on Fire, 86

Frozen Bubble, 84

fstab command, 114

ftp command, 372

full backups

with incremental backups, 307

on a periodic basis, 306307

tar command, 310311

functions, shell scripts, 269270


Game Jolt, 82

games, 79, 80

Battle for Wesnoth, 8586

commercial games, 88

documentation, 89

emulators, 79

FlightGear, 87

Frets on Fire, 86

Frozen Bubble, 84

Game Jolt, 82, 82

Humble, 82


from Ubuntu repositories, 8287

video drivers (proprietary), 80, 82

kid-friendly games, 88

LGDB, 82

online game sources, 8182

online references, 89

Scorched 3D, 8384

Speed Dreams, 87

Steam, 81

SuperTux, 8485

video drivers (proprietary), installing, 80

Warsow, 82

Windows games, 8889


dumb gateways, 343

smart gateways, 343

GCC, 597, 603604

gdb command, 603

gedit, 59

gedit text editor, 186

genprof, 389

GHC, 627

GID, 204, 448

.gif files, 68

Gigabit Ethernet. See 1000BASE-T networking

GIMP, 6667

Git, software project management, 610611

Glade, 607


Dash, 43, 44

File Roller, 312

Glade, 607

Mutter, 42

performance tuning, 3933

Power icon, 43, 45

Shell, 4345

Show Applications icon, 43, 44

GNOME 2, 48

gnome-nettool, 297


Coreutils, 199

GCC, 597, 603604

GPL, development of, 2324

Go programming language, 626627, 82

Google Chrome, 5354

Google Chromium, 5354

Google Cloud, 539

Google Play, 607

GParted, 910

gpasswd command, 207

GPG keys

configuring, 637638

uploading, 638639

GPL, development of, 2324

gprof command, 603

GPT, boot process, 274

granting/revoking privileges, PostgreSQL, 500501

graph stores, 518

graphical database clients, 506

graphical development tools, 605

Eclipse, 606

Glade, 607

IDE, 605606

KDevelop Client, 606607

NetBeans, 606

Oracle JDeveloper, 606

SDK, 606

Visual Studio Code, 606

graphical network configuration tools, 355

graphical process tools, 292

Conky, 292297

gnome-nettool, 297

vncviewer, 297

Wireshark, 298

graphics, 6768

.bmp files, 68

converting, 6869

.gif files, 68

image captures, 69

.jpg files, 68

.pbm files, 69

.pcx files, 68

.pgm files, 69

.png files, 68

.pnm files, 69

.ppm files, 69

.svg files, 68

.tif files, 68

graphics manipulation applications, 66, 70

Blender, 70, 77

CinePaint, 70

darktable, 70

digiKam, 70

GIMP, 6667

Hugin, 70

Inkscape, 70

Krita, 70

nautilus-image converter, 69

netpbm tools, 69

Photoshop, 67

POV-Ray, 70

Radiance, 70

Shotwell Photo Manager, 66, 71

Simple Scan, 67

Xara Xtreme, 70

grep command, 151152, 234

Groovy, 627

Group directive (Apache web server), 448

group management, 205

finding groups, 206

listing groups, 205206

tools, 206207

groupadd command, 207

groupdel command, 207

groupmod command, 207

groups command, 224

grpck command, 207


recovery mode, 196

reinstalling, 195196

Ubuntu bootups, troubleshooting, 195196


boot loaders, restoring, 323324

installing, 5

Guacamole, 377

GUI, 31, 4142

Budgie, 49


Dash, 43, 44

Mutter, 42

Power icon, 43, 45

Shell, 4345

Show Applications icon, 43, 44

GNOME 2, 48

KDE, 45

Kubuntu, 4546

Kylin, 50

local GUI clients, database access, 503

Lubuntu, 4748

LXDE, 4748

MATE, 4849


pgAdmin, 506

Ubuntu MATE, 4849

Wayland, 32

widgets, 42

X server, 32, 33

benefits of, 3334

components of, 3334

display manager, 39

display managers, 33

distributed processing, 3233

online references, 40

starting, 39

terminal clients, 3334

/usr directory, 33

window manager, 3334

xorg.conf files, 3339

Xfce, 46

Xubuntu, 4647

gunzip command, 191

gzip command, 191


hackers, 380

hard disks

disk quotas, 287

erasing, Ubuntu installations, 9

free space, displaying, 286287

nonbooting disks, saving files from, 324

printing, disk usage, 148

Ubuntu installations, erasing hard disks, 9

hard drives (external), backups, 308

hard links, 155156


Mac hardware, Ubuntu compatibility, 3

network hardware, initializing, 343344

/etc/modprobe.conf files, 343344

kernel modules, 344345

modprobe command, 344345

Ubuntu specifications

Mac hardware, 3

researching, 216

Haskell, 627

HBase, 518

hdparm command, 395396

Heimer, 61

help, Ubuntu online references, 22

history of commands, viewing, 197

hitsujiTMO, 272

home applications, Ubuntu for, 28

home directories, 208

/home directory, 115

home users, backup strategies, 304305

Horowitz, Eliot, 516

hosting (virtual), Apache web server, 461462

hostnames, 589

hosts (networks)

adding to /etc/hosts files, 350351

configuring with DHCP, 359361

Nginx web server, 473474

HOWTO documents, Linux, 29

HPC, 598

.htaccess configuration files, Apache web server, 450, 469

AllowOverrides directives, 451452

Options directives, 451

HTTP servers

Caddy, 482

Cherokee, 480481

Jetty, 481

lighttpd, 479480

online references, 482

thttpd, 481482

Tomcat, 482

Wildfly, 482

Yaws, 480


Apache web server, 464466

Nginx web server, 476477

hubs, 342

Hugin, 70

Humble, 82

hwclock command, 1920

hybrid clouds, 539540

HyperGraphDB, 519


i2c-dev devices, 407

IaaS, 537


GID, 204, 448

PID, 164, 175176, 237, 274, 566

sgid permissions, 125127

suid permissions, 125127

UID, 204, 448

IDE, 605606

ide.txt files, 404

if statements, 265266

ifconfig command, 346348, 369, 385

image captures, 69

image file formats, 6768

.bmp files, 68

.gif files, 68

.jpg files, 68

.pbm files, 69

.pcx files, 68

.pgm files, 69

.png files, 68

.pnm files, 69

.ppm files, 69

.svg files, 68

.tif files, 68

image scanners, 67

incremental backups

full backups with incremental backups, 307

tar command, 310311

indexes, finding files from, 156

init systems, 272


data directories, PostgreSQL, 498

network hardware, 343344

/etc/modprobe.conf files, 344

kernel modules, 344345

modprobe command, 344345

initrd.txt files, 404

Inkscape, 70

inodes, 155

InputDevice section (xorg.conf files), 3637

input/output of commands

redirecting, 167170

redirecting with shell command line, 236

standard input/output, 167, 169

input strings, searches, 151152

inserting data into SQL tables, 489490

insmod command, 406


Android Studio, 609

Apache web server, 444

DHCP activation at installation, 357

DHCP software, 358359

games, from Ubuntu repositories, 8287

GRUB, 195196

GRUB2, 5

NFS, 422

Nginx web server, 469470

Samba, 425426

Squid, 564

Ubuntu, 196

32-bit Ubuntu, 45

64-bit Ubuntu, 45

backups, 7

boot loaders, 56

cloud computing, 536

downloading updates during installation, 8

dual-boot systems, 6

DVD installations, 2, 611

erasing hard disks during installation, 9

flavors of Ubuntu, 23

language selection, 78

Mac hardware compatibility, 3

partition strategies, 5

partitions, 5, 9

password creation, 10

preinstallation process, 12

researching hardware specifications, 216

storage drives, 9


USB thumb drive installations, 3, 611

Ubuntu development packages

code packaging, 640643

packages, 637638, 640643

video drivers (proprietary), 80

virt-install, 525526

instances, 533

internal attacks, 379380

Internet, 5152

Chrome, 5354

Chromium, 5354

connections, 363364

checking, 328330

common configuration information, 364365

dial-up access, 367368

DSL access, 365

ISP, 364365

Linux commands, 369

online references, 369370

PPP access, 364

PPPoE, 364

troubleshooting, 368369

Ubuntu commands, 369

dummy interfaces, 327

Firefox, 5253

introduction to, 51

ISP, 364365

localhost interfaces, 326

checking availability of, 326

configuring manually, 327

I/O transfer speeds, 396

IP addressing

IPv4 addressing, 331332

IPv6 addressing, 332, 334336

Squid, specifying client IP addresses, 569570

ip command, 348349

IP masquerading, 332333

ip route command, 346, 349

iptables, 388

ISP, 364365, 82

iwconfig command, 369


Java programming, 604, 627628

JVM, 604

OpenJDK, 604605

JavaScript, 628

JDeveloper (Oracle), 606

Jetty, 481


background jobs, 174175

foreground jobs, 174175

listing, 173

moving, to background/foreground, 174175

parallel, executing in, 181182

running repeatedly, 229231

jobs command, 173

.jpg files, 68

JSON, 628

Juju, 540541, 545

JVM, 604


kate text editor, 186

kdat, 312313

KDE, 45

kdat, 312313

KDE ark archiving tool, 312313

monitoring tools, 298

performance tuning, 3933

Kdenlive, 77

KDevelop Client, 606607

kdf, 298

kedit text editor, 186

kernel ring buffers, reading contents of, 200

kernels, 401, 402

Android mobile development, 608

compiling, 418419

configuring, 403, 414417

custom kernels, 402

devices.txt files, 403

directories, 403405

first kernel, 402

ide.txt files, 404

initrd.txt files, 404

kernel oops, 419

kernel-parameters.txt files, 404

KVM, 523526

loading, 274

loading process, 344345

make utility, 404

modules, 406408

numbering schema, 24

obtaining sources, 409410

online references, 419420

patching, 410411

performance tuning, 398399

/proc directory, 115117

RAM disk images, creating, 418

recompiling, 408409

security, 379

source tree, 403405

sysrq.txt files, 404

troubleshooting, 418419

types of, 405406

Ubuntu kernels, 401402

versions of, 409

key-based logins, 373375

key/value stores, 512

kid-friendly games, 88

Kile, 61

kill command, 283284

killall command, 284

Kotlin, 628629

Krita, 70

ksh, 226

ksysguard, 298

Kubernetes, 534

Kubuntu, 4546

KVM, 523526

Kylin, 50


LAMP, 437439

LAN, network printers, 431432

Landscape, 541, 545


procedural languages, relational databases, 494

programming languages, 621622

Ada, 622

Clojure, 622623

COBOL, 623624

D, 624

Dart, 624

Elixir, 625

Elm, 625

Erlang, 625

Forth, 626

Fortran, 626

Go, 626627

Groovy, 627

Haskell, 627

Java, 627628

JavaScript, 628

Kotlin, 628629

Lisp, 629

Lua, 629

Mono, 629630

OCaml, 630

online references, 633634

Perl, 630

PHP, 631

Python, 631

Raku, 631

Ruby, 631632

Rust, 632

Scala, 632

Scratch, 632633

Vala, 633

selecting, Ubuntu installations, 78

large enterprises, backup strategies, 305

last command, 212

last lines of files, printing, 163164

lastlog command, 289

later, scheduling tasks for, 227229

LaTeX, 60

Launchpad, 614615

accounts, creating, 638

GPG keys, 638639

SSH keys, 639

work environments, configuring, 638640

LDAP, 579580

administration, 584585


clients, 584

servers, 580

directories, populating, 582583

ldap-utils package, 584585

LDIF files, 583

online references, 585

schemas, creating, 580581

Thunderbird, LDAP client configuration, 584

LDIF files, 583

LEMP, 439

less command, 132, 152154

LGDB, 82

libraries (software), Android mobile development, 608


brief history of, 5758

components of, 5657

Office compatibility, 55

VBA, 55

lighttpd, 479480

Lightworks, 77


files/folders, creating links, 154156

hard links, 155156

symlinks, 154156


C programming, 598599

command line

&& operators, 180, 198

! ! operator, 196197

| | operator, 198

accessing, 107

apropos command, 112

background jobs, 174175

basic commands, 143144

BIOS, 195

boolean operators, 180

byobu, 192193

CD creation, 7273

changing directories, 145147

command shortcuts, 198

commands list, 143144

commonly used commands/programs, 139

compressed files, 191192

confining scripts to directories, 198199

copying files, 147

Coreutils, 199

creating links, 154156

defined, 106107

directories, 112117

downloading files/folders, 164

DVD creation, 7375

environment variables, 182185

executing jobs in parallel, 181182

file comparisons, 170

file systems, 112114

finding differences in files, 170

finding files, 149151

finding files from indexes, 156

finding similarities in files, 170171

foreground jobs, 174175

GRUB, 195196

input string searches, 151152

kernel ring buffers, 200

listing files in directories, 156158

listing jobs, 173

listing processes, 171173

listing system information, 158159

logging out of, 108

manual pages, 111112, 159160

multiple terminal operation, 192193

online references, 139, 165, 200

piping commands, 178180

polite system resets, 194195

printing directory sizes, 148

printing disk usage, 148

printing file contents, 144145

printing resource usage, 175177

prioritizing processes, 177178

reading documentation, 111112

reasons for using, 142143

rebooting systems, 138139

redirecting input/output of commands, 167170

REISUB, 194195

remote computer logins, 108109

repeating text, 148149

rerunning previous commands, 196197

root accounts, 110111, 133134

running background processes, 173174

running commands in sequence, 180181

shutting down systems, 137138

standard input/output of commands, 169

substituting processes, 181

super user accounts, 109111, 133134

text editors, 185191

text-based logins, 107108

troubleshooting sudo command, 134136

troubleshooting Ubuntu bootups, 195

user accounts, 109111, 136137

viewing command history, 197

whereis command, 112

daemons, 25

Debian Linux, 24

development of, 2325

directories, 112114

/bin directory, 114

changing, 120, 145147

children directories, 118

copying files, 131, 147

creating, 129, 160

creating files, 128129

deleting, 129131, 161162

displaying contents of files, 132

/etc directory, 114

finding current directory, 120

finding files, 147

/home directory, 115

listing contents of, 118119

listing files in directories, 156158

moving files, 131, 161

parent directories, 118

permissions, 122127

printing directory sizes, 148

printing last lines of files, 163164

/proc directory, 115117

regular expressions, 133

renaming files, 131, 161

/sbin directory, 114

sorting file contents, 162163

/tmp directories, 117

/usr directory, 117

/var directory, 117

wildcard characters, 133


included software, 2425

versions of, 24

documentation, 2830

file systems

directories, 112120

hierarchy of, 112114

permissions, 120128


performance tuning, 394395

synchronizing, 396

GNU GPL, development of, 2324

HOWTO documents, 29

kernels, 401, 402

Android mobile development, 608

compiling, 418419

configuring, 403, 414417

creating RAM disk images, 418

custom kernels, 402

devices.txt files, 403

directories, 403405

first kernel, 402

ide.txt files, 404

initrd.txt files, 404

kernel oops, 419

kernel-parameters.txt files, 404

loading, 274

make utility, 404

modules, 406408

obtaining sources, 409410

online references, 419420

patching, 410411

performance tuning, 398399

recompiling, 408409

security, 379

source tree, 403405

sysrq.txt files, 404

troubleshooting, 418419

types of, 405406

versions of, 409

location of commands, printing, 164

manual pages, 2930

network connectivity commands, 369

numbering schema, 24

online references, 23

paging through output, 152154

reasons for using, 2526

rebooting systems, 138139

security, 385

SELinux, 388

shells, 25

shutting down systems, 137138

user accounts

creating, 136137

deleting, 137

video, viewing, 76

viruses, 385

web resources, 23

X server, 32, 33

benefits of, 3334

components of, 3334

display manager, 39

display managers, 33

distributed processing, 3233

online references, 40

starting, 39

terminal clients, 3334

/usr directory, 33

window manager, 3334

xorg.conf files, 3339

Lisp, 629

Listen directive (Apache web server), 447


contents of directories, 118119

files/folders in directories, 156158

groups, 205206

jobs, 173

processes, 171173

system information, 158159

units (services), 276

LMMS, 76

ln command, 154156

loading process

kernels, 274, 344345

modprobe command, 344345

modules, 408

local bash shells, configuring, 640

local GUI clients, database access, 503

localhost interfaces, 326

checking availability of, 326

configuring manually, 327

locate command, 156

location of commands, printing, 164


data, relational databases, 492

users out of accounts, 209

log files

checking, 287289

rotating, 289291

logging, Apache web server, 463464

logging out of command line, 108

logical operators, comparisons, 255, 259


command line

from remote computers, 108109

text-based logins, 107108

key-based logins, 373375

logname command, 224

loopback interfaces. See localhost interfaces

loops (endless), 261262

loss of data, 302

lp command, 435

lpc command, 435

lpq command, 435

lprm command, 435

lpstat command, 435

ls command, 118119, 156158

lsblk command, 158159

lshw command, 158159

lsmod command, 158159, 406408

lspci command, 158159

Lua, 629

Lubuntu, 4748

lusers, 205

LXC, 532

LXD, 533

LXDE, 4748

LyX, 60


MaaS, 537

Mac hardware, Ubuntu installations, 3

MAC systems, 388

macros, 600601

Mail Delivery Agent (MDA), 560562

Mail Transport Agent (MTA), 548

Maildir Versus Mbox, 550

make utility, 404

makefiles, 599600


Apache web server

.htaccess configuration files, 450452, 469

access control, 452, 455

configuring, 446449, 450452

development of, 443444

file system authentication, 45455

HTTPS, 464466

installing, 444

logging, 463464

modules, 455461

MPM, 449450

online references, 466

overview of, 444

runtime servers, 446449

security, 444, 452455

starting/stopping, 444446

threads, 468

virtual hosting, 461462

configurations, 102

dotdee, 102103

Snappy package manager, 103104

Ubuntu Core, 103

disk quotas, 222

groups, 205

finding groups, 206

listing groups, 205206

tools, 206207

modules, 406408

Nginx web server, 467469

building sources, 469470

configuring, 470473

HTTPS, 476477

installing, 469470

modules, 475

online references, 477

PHP, 474475

uninstalling, 470

virtual hosting, 473474

passwords, 212, 216

changing in batches, 216217

password files, 212214

shadow passwords, 214215

system password policies, 212

sets of servers, 543

Ansible, 544

CFEngine, 545

Chef, 544

Juju, 545

Landscape, 545

online references, 545

Puppet, 543544

SaltStack, 544545


APT, 95100

apt-get, 99100

compiling software, 100102

configuration management, 102104

online references, 104

Software Updater, 9495

Synaptic, 9294

Ubuntu Software, 91

software project management

Bazaar, 611612

Git, 610611

Subversion, 612613

system management tools, 292

Conky, 292297

gnome-nettool, 297

System Monitor, 292

vncviewer, 297

Wireshark, 298

system resource management

APT, 95100

apt-get, 99100

compiling software, 100102

configuration management, 102104

online references, 104

Software Updater, 9495

Synaptic, 9294

Ubuntu Software, 91

user accounts, 201202, 204, 207

adding accounts, 209211

administration privileges, 217

BOFH, 205

changing identities, 217219

disk quotas, 222223

file permissions, 204

GID, 204

group management, 205207

locking users out of accounts, 209

lusers, 205

monitoring user activity, 211212

online references, 224

passwords, 202, 212217

root privileges, 219222

root user accounts, 202203

stereotypes, 205

super user accounts, 202, 203

system user accounts, 203204

tools, 208209

Ubuntu commands, 223224

UID, 204

usernames, 211

manual pages, 111112

Linux, 2930

reading, 159160

MATE, 4849

MBR, boot process, 274

MEAN, 440441

Memcached, 513514

MemcacheDB, 514

memory, displaying available space, 286

Merriman, Dwight, 509

message block printing, 432433

microservice architectures, 531

Microsoft Azure, 539

mind maps, 61

mirroring data, 307

mirroring. See also copying, 164

Mixxx, 76

mkdir command, 129, 160

mkisofs command, 72

"moat mentality", 333

mobile development, Android, 607

Android Runtime, 608

Android Studio, 609

Application Framework, 608609

applications, 609

ARM processors, 608

Google Play, 607

Linux kernels, 608

RISC processors, 608

modifying default file permissions, 124125

modinfo command, 407

modprobe command, 344345, 406407

modprobe.d/ command, 114

Module section (xorg.conf files), 36

modules, 406408

Apache web server, 455461

MPM, Apache web server, 449450

Nginx web server, 475

Mojo, 541

MongoDB, 516

Monitor section (xorg.conf files), 37


console-based monitoring, 281283

enterprise servers, 298299

KDE monitoring tools, 298


checking log files, 287289

Conky, 292297

console-based monitoring, 281283

disk quotas, 287

displaying free hard disk space, 286

displaying used memory, 286

enterprise servers, 298299

graphical process tools, 292298

KDE monitoring tools, 298

killing processes, 283284

online references, 299

priority scheduling, 285

rotating log files, 289291

system management tools, 292298

System Monitor, 292

user activity, 211212

Mono, 629630

motd files, 138

mounting, Samba shares, 430431

.mov files, 75


files/folders, 131, 161


background jobs, 174175

to background/foreground, 174175

foreground jobs, 174175

.mp3 files, 65

.mp4 files, 65

.mpeg files, 75

MPM, Apache web server, 449450

MS Office

CrossOver Office, 61

free/open-source software compatibility, 55

LibreOffice compatibility, 55

VBA, 55

MS-DOS, 107

mtr command, Internet connections, checking, 329330

multicasting, 338

multimedia applications

ALSA, 64

CD/DVD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line, CD creation, 7273

Linux command line, DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

graphics manipulation applications, 66, 70

Blender, 70, 77

CinePaint, 70

darktable, 70

digiKam, 70

GIMP, 6667

Hugin, 70

Inkscape, 70

Krita, 70

nautilus-image converter, 69

netpbm tools, 69

Photoshop, 67

POV-Ray, 70

Radiance, 70

Shotwell Photo Manager, 66, 71

Simple Scan, 67

Xara Xtreme, 70

music applications, 65

Banshee, 66

Rhythmbox, 66

Sound Juicer, 66

online references, 77

OSS, 64

PulseAudio, 64

recording/editing sound, 76

sound cards, 6364

video editing applications, 77

Avidemux, 77

Blender, 77

Cinelerra, 77

DaVinci Resolve, 77

Kdenlive, 77

Lightworks, 77

OpenShot Video Editor, 77

PiTiVi, 77

Shotcut, 77

multiple jobs, executing in parallel, 181182

multiple terminal operation, byobu, 192193

music applications, 65

Banshee, 66

Rhythmbox, 66

Sound Juicer, 66

Mutter, 42

mv command, 131, 161

MX records, 591

MySQL, 483

ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 504505

configuring, 494495

creating databases, 496497

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492493

database access, 501

local GUI clients, 503

SSH, 501502

web browsers, 503

inserting data into tables, 490

mysql command, 506

mysqladmin command, 506

mysqldump command, 506


online references, 493, 507

PostgreSQL versus, 492494

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 490492

root user passwords, 495

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

mysql command, 506

mysqladmin command, 506

mysqldump command, 506



Nagios, 298

name servers


online references, 595

records, 590593

requests, 589590

servers, 588, 589590, 593595

setting, 352355

naming services, 351352

nano text editor, 185, 186187

NAS, 308

NAT, 332

nautilus-image converter, 69

needs assessments, backup strategies, 303304

Neo4j, 518

neofetch command, 158159

NetBeans, 606

NetBoot, boot process, 274

NetCat, 330

netmasks. See subnet masks

netpbm tools, 6869

netstat command, 346, 350

networks, 337

10BASE-T networking, 339

10G Ethernet networking, 340

50G Ethernet networking, 340

100BASE-T networking, 339

1000BASE-T networking, 339

accessing, chains, 387

bridges, 343, 524525

broadcasting, 338

cabling, 340

fiber-optic cabling, 342

UTP cabling, 341

chains, 387

command line network interface configuration

ifconfig command, 346348

ip command, 348349

ip route command, 346, 349

netstat command, 346, 350


command line network interfaces, 345350

configuration files, 350355

DHCP, 355361

/etc/host.conf files, 355

/etc/hosts files, 350351

/etc/netplan/*.yaml files, 353355

/etc/nsswitch.conf files, 351352, 355

/etc/resolv.conf files, 352353

graphical configuration tools, 355

nm-connection-editor, 345346

connections, troubleshooting, 342

DHCP, 361

activating, 357

configuring hosts, 359361

installing/configuring software, 358359

DNS search orders, 355

dummy interfaces, 327

FDDI networks, 340

fiber-optic networks, 340, 342


dumb gateways, 343

smart gateways, 343


adding to /etc/hosts files, 350351

configuring with DHCP, 359361

hubs, 342

initializing hardware, 343344

/etc/modprobe.conf files, 344

kernel modules, 344345

modprobe command, 344345

Internet connections, 363364

checking, 328330

common configuration information, 364365

dial-up access, 367368

DSL access, 365

ISP, 364365

Linux commands, 369

PPP access, 364

PPPoE, 364

troubleshooting, 342

Ubuntu commands, 369

IP masquerading, 332333

IPv4 addressing, 331332

IPv6 addressing, 332, 334336

LAN, network printers, 431432

localhost interfaces, 326

checking availability of, 326

configuring manually, 327

"moat mentality", 333

multicasting, 338

name servers, 352355

naming services, 351352

NAT, 332

NIC, 338340

online references, 369370

printers, 431

CUPS GUI, 431434

LAN, 431432

online references, 435

server message block printing, 432433

troubleshooting, 434435

routers, 343

storage, backups, 308

subnet masks, 337338

subnetting, 337338

switches, 342

TCP/IP, 330

addressing, 331332

IP masquerading, 332333

ports, 333334

Token Ring networking, 339

troubleshooting, connections, 342

Ubuntu, 330

unicast addressing, 338

VPN, 563, 572573

configuring clients, 573575

configuring servers, 575577

online references, 577

wireless networks, 361, 382383

configuring, 20

interfaces, 340

selecting protocols, 363

Ubuntu support, 361363

New Relic, 299

new shell programs, running, 239240

NewSQL, 511

newusers command, 224

NFS, 422


clients, 423424

servers, 422423

installing, 422

starting/stopping, 422

nftables, 388

Nginx web server, 467469

building sources, 469470

configuring, 470473

HTTPS, 476477

installing, 469470

modules, 475

online references, 477

PHP, 474475

uninstalling, 470

virtual hosting, 473474

NIC, 338339

10BASE-T networking, 339

10G Ethernet networking, 340

50G Ethernet networking, 340

100BASE-T networking, 339

1000BASE-T networking, 339

fiber-optic networks, 340

promiscuous mode, 385

security, 385

Token Ring networking, 339

wireless network interfaces, 340

nice command, 177178

Nmap, 330, 382

nm-connection-editor, 345346, 369

nonbooting hard disks, saving files from, 324

NoSQL databases, 485, 509510

advantages of, 510, 511

BaseX, 517

Berkeley DB, 512, 579

BigTable, 517

Cassandra, 513

CouchDB, 515516

disadvantages of, 510511

document stores, 514515

etcd, 513

FlockDB, 519

graph stores, 518

HBase, 518

HyperGraphDB, 519

key/value stores, 512

Memcached, 513514

MemcacheDB, 514

MongoDB, 516

Neo4j, 518

NewSQL and, 511

online references, 519520

OrientDB, 519

Redis, 514

Riak, 514

Scylla, 514

UnQL, 511

wide column stores, 517

NS records, 591

numbering schema, Linux kernels, 24

numeric comparisons, 252253, 256257


OCaml, 630


CrossOver Office, 61

free/open-source software compatibility, 55

LibreOffice compatibility, 55

VBA, 55

.ogg files, 65, 66

.ogv/.ogg files, 75

online references

Apache web server, 466

backups, 324

BIND, 595

boot process, 278279

cloud computing, 541

command line, 139, 165, 200

containers, 534

desktop environments, 50

DNS, 595

file sharing, 435

games, 89

HTTP servers, 482

Internet connections, 369370

kernels, 419420

LDAP, 585

Linux, 23, 28

multimedia applications, 77

MySQL, 493, 507

network printers, 435

networks, 369370

Nginx web server, 477

NoSQL databases, 519520

performance tuning, 396400

PostgreSQL, 493, 507

programming, 618619

programming languages, 633634

QA, 647

remote access, 377378

security, 391392

sets of servers, 545

shell scripts, 270

software management, 104

sound, 65

Squid, 577

system monitoring, 299

system resource management, 104

testing, 647

Ubuntu, 22, 28, 30

Ubuntu development, 643

user accounts, 224

virtualization, 529

VPN, 577

Wayland, 32

web browsers, 54

web server stacks, 441

X server, 40

OpenJDK, 604605


OpenShot Video Editor, 77

open-source/free software, Office compatibility, 55

OpenSSH. See SSH

OpenStack, 538539

OR operators, 491492

optimizing performance, 393394

badblocks command, 397

e2fsck command, 397

file access time, disabling, 397

filesystems, 394395

GNOME, 3933

hdparm command, 395396

I/O transfer speeds, 396

KDE, 3933

kernels, 398399

online references, 396400

storage disks, 394

tune2fs command, 396397

Tuned Project, 396400

Options directives (Apache web server), 451

Oracle JDeveloper, 606

OrientDB, 519

OSS, 64



redirecting, 167170

redirecting with shell command line, 236

standard input/output, 167, 169

paging through, 152154


PaaS, 537


PPA, 615

snap packages, 615616

Ubuntu development

code packaging, 640643

configuring, 637638

installing, 637638

packet writing, Linux command line, DVD creation, 7475

paging through output, 152154

PAM, 215216

parallel, executing jobs in, 181182

parameters (positional), 243

accessing/retrieving variables, 244

example of, 243244

parent directories, 118


planning, Ubuntu installations, 5

Ubuntu installations, 5

passwd command, 114, 209, 224

passwords, 212, 216, 383384

brute-forcing, 373374

changing in batches, 216217

MySQL root users, 495

password files, 212214

shadow passwords, 214215

system password policies, 212

Ubuntu, 10

user accounts, 202

patching kernels, 410411

pattern-matching, 235

.pbm files, 69

pbuilder, 638

.pcx files, 68

pdcsh, 226

PDF, 58

pdfedit, 58

pdksh, comparisons of expressions, 250251

file operators, 253254

logical operators, 255

numeric comparisons, 252253

strings, 251252

performance tuning, 393394

badblocks command, 397

e2fsck command, 397

file access time, disabling, 397

filesystems, 394395

GNOME, 3933

hdparm command, 395396

HPC, 598

I/O transfer speeds, 396

KDE, 3933

kernels, 398399

online references, 396400

storage disks, 394

tune2fs command, 396397

Tuned Project, 396400

periodic basis, full backups on, 306307


digital cameras, 70

scanners, 67

Perl, 630


directories, 122127

file systems, 120128

altering permissions, 123124

assigning permissions, 121122

changing file groups, 125

changing file permissions, 125, 147

viewing/modifying default permissions, 124125

files/folders, 204

altering permissions, 123124

changing file groups, 125

changing permissions, 125, 147

viewing/modifying default permissions, 124125

setting with ACL, 127128

sgid permissions, 125127

sticky bit permissions, 126127

suid permissions, 125127

pgAdmin, 506

.pgm files, 69

Photoshop, 67

PHP, 474475, 631

physical security, 383384

PID, 164, 175176, 237, 274, 566

ping command, checking Internet connections, 328329

ping6 command, checking Internet connections, 328329

pipelines (CI/CD), 613

piping commands, 142143, 178180, 237

PiTiVi, 77


backup strategies

assessing needs/resources, 303304

choosing a strategy, 308

choosing hardware/media, 308309

evaluating, 304306

full backups on a periodic basis, 306307

full backups with incremental backups, 307

home users, 304305

incremental backups, 307

inheriting, 306

large enterprises, 305

mirroring data, 307

RAID arrays, 307

simple backup strategies, 306

small enterprises, 305

small offices, 305

disaster recovery plans, 390391

partition strategies, Ubuntu installations, 5

Ubuntu installations, 12

flavors of Ubuntu, 23

partition strategies, 5

researching hardware specifications, 216

.png files, 68

.pnm files, 69

polite system resets, 194195


TCP/IP networking, 333334

Ubuntu network ports, 421

uplink ports, 342

positional arguments, 242

positional parameters, 243

accessing/retrieving variables, 244

example of, 243244

Postfix, 552556


ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 505506

configuring, 498


database users, 499500

databases, 499

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

local GUI clients, 503

SSH, 501502

web browsers, 503

deleting database users, 500

granting/revoking privileges, 500501

initializing data directories, 498

MySQL versus, 492494

online references, 493, 507

pgAdmin, 506

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 491

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

POV-Ray, 70

Power icon (GNOME), 43, 45

power management, configuring, in Ubuntu, 1819

PPA, 615

.ppm files, 69

PPP Internet access, configuring, 364

PPPoE, 366367

preformatted DVD, 74

preinstallation processes, Ubuntu, 12

flavors of Ubuntu, 23

hardware specifications, 216

previous commands, rerunning, 196197


all-in-one (Print/Fax/Scan) devices, 435

commands, location of, 164

directory sizes, 148

disk usage, 148

file contents, 144145

file sizes, 148

last lines of files, 163164

network printers, 431

CUPS GUI, 431434

LAN, 431432

online references, 435

server message block printing, 432433

troubleshooting, 434435

resource usage, 175177

server message block printing, 432433

sharing printers, Samba, 428429

Ubuntu printer configurations, 18


processes, 177178

scheduling priorities, 285

private clouds, 540


administration privileges, 217

granting/revoking with PostgreSQL, 500501

root privileges, 219222

user accounts, 109111

/proc directory, 115117

procedural languages, relational databases, 494


killing, 283284

listing, 171173

prioritizing, 177178

substituting, 181

processors, Android mobile development, 608

productivity applications

Celtx, 59

CrossOver Office, 61

defined, 56

gedit, 59

Heimer, 61

Kile, 61

LaTeX, 60


brief history of, 5758

components of, 5657

Office compatibility, 55

VBA, 55

LyX, 60

online references, 61

pdfedit, 58

Publican, 5960

Texmaker, 60

users (typical), 56

Windows, 61

Wine, 61

XML Copy Editor, 60

productivity suites, LibreOffice, Office compatibility, 55


Android mobile development, 607

Android Runtime, 608

Android Studio, 609

Application Framework, 608609

applications, 609

ARM processors, 608

Google Play, 607

Linux kernels, 608

RISC processors, 608

Bikeshed, 616618

C, 597599

autoconf command, 601602

building programs, 599601

checking source code, 602603

configuring code, 601602

debugging tools, 602603

dependency checking, 599600

GCC, 603604

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

macros, 600601

makefile targets, 600601

makefiles, 599600

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

C++597598, 599

autoconf command, 601602

building programs, 599601

checking source code, 602603

configuring code, 601602

debugging tools, 602603

dependency checking, 599600

GCC, 603604

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

macros, 600601

makefile targets, 600601

makefiles, 599600

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

Chaos Engineering, 614

CI/CD tools, 613614

GCC, 597

graphical development tools, 605

Eclipse, 606

Glade, 607

IDE, 605606

KDevelop Client, 606607

NetBeans, 606

Oracle JDeveloper, 606

SDK, 606

Visual Studio Code, 606

Java programming, 604

JVM, 604

OpenJDK, 604605

languages, 621622

Ada, 622

Clojure, 622623

COBOL, 623624

D, 624

Dart, 624

Elixir, 625

Elm, 625

Erlang, 625

Forth, 626

Fortran, 626

Go, 626627

Groovy, 627

Haskell, 627

Java, 627628

JavaScript, 628

Kotlin, 628629

Lisp, 629

Lua, 629

Mono, 629630

OCaml, 630

online references, 633634

Perl, 630

PHP, 631

Python, 631

Raku, 631

Ruby, 631632

Rust, 632

Scala, 632

Scratch, 632633

Vala, 633

online references, 618619

snap packages, 615616

software project management

Bazaar, 611612

Git, 610611

Subversion, 612613

Ubuntu Make, 615

version control systems, 609610

promiscuous mode (NIC), 385

proxy servers

defined, 563564

Squid, 563564

ACL, 565569

configuring, 570572

configuring clients, 564565

installing, 564

online references, 577

specifying client IP addresses, 569570

ps command, 171173

psql command, 506

public clouds, 538, 539

Publican, 5960

PulseAudio, 64

Puppet, 543544

/pwd command, 120

PXE, boot process, 274

Python, 631



Bug Squad, 647

online references, 647

Ubuntu QA Teams, 646647

Qmail, 549550

.qt files, 75

quotas (disk), 287

configuring, 223

implementing, 222223

managing, 222


Radiance, 70

RAID arrays, 307

Raku, 631

RAM disk images (kernels), creating, 418

RARP, 338

.raw files, 65

Raymond, Eric, 141142

rcp command, 372

RDP, VirtualBox, 528

rebooting systems, 138139

recompiling kernels, 408409

recording/editing sound, 76

Ardour, 76

Audacity, 76

Cecilia, 76

LMMS, 76

Mixxx, 76

Rosegarden, 76


data, 323

GRUB2 boot loaders, restoring, 323324

saving files from nonbooting hard disks, 324

Ubuntu Rescue disc, 323

disaster recovery plans, 390391

recovery mode (GRUB), 196, 272

redirecting input/output of commands, 167170, 236

Redis, 514

references (online)

Apache web server, 466

BIND, 595

boot process, 278279

cloud computing, 541

command line, 139, 165, 200

containers, 534

desktop environments, 50

DNS, 595

file sharing, 435

games, 89

HTTP servers, 482

Internet connections, 369370

kernels, 419420

LDAP, 585

Linux, 23, 28

multimedia applications, 77

MySQL, 493, 507

network printers, 435

networks, 369370

Nginx web server, 477

NoSQL databases, 519520

online references, 324

performance tuning, 396400

PostgreSQL, 493, 507

programming, 618619

programming languages, 633634

QA, 647

remote access, 377378

security, 391392

sets of servers, 545

shell scripts, 270

software management, 104

sound, 65

Squid, 577

system monitoring, 299

system resource management, 104

testing, 647

Ubuntu, 22, 28, 30

Ubuntu development, 643

user accounts, 224

virtualization, 529

VPN, 577

Wayland, 32

web browsers, 54, 61

web server stacks, 441

X server, 40

regular expressions, 235

comparisons of expressions, 250251

file operators, 253254, 257258

logical operators, 255, 259

numeric comparisons, 252253, 256257

strings, 251252, 255256

directories, 133


GRUB, 195196

Ubuntu, 196

REISUB, polite system resets, 194195

relational databases, 485

DBA, 483484

graphical database clients, 506

MySQL, 483

ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 504505

configuring, 494495

creating databases, 496497

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

inserting data into tables, 490

mysql command, 506

mysqladmin command, 506

mysqldump command, 506


online references, 493, 507

PostgreSQL versus, 492494

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 490492

root user passwords, 495

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

operation of, 486487


ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 505506

configuring, 498

creating database users, 499500

creating databases, 499

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

deleting database users, 500

granting/revoking privileges, 500501

initializing data directories, 498

MySQL versus, 492494

online references, 493, 507

pgAdmin, 506

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 491

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

SQL, 487492

creating tables, 488489

inserting data into tables, 489490

remote access

copying files between machines, 372373

Guacamole, 377

key-based logins, 373375

online references, 377378

SSH server, 371375

VNC, 375377

remote computers, command line, logins, 108109

rename command, 161

renaming files/folders, 161

repeat statements, 263

repeatedly running jobs, 229231

repeating text, 148149


software repositories, configuring, 1517

Ubuntu repositories, compiling software, 101102

Require directive (Apache web server), 452

rerunning previous commands, 196197

resetting systems, polite system resets, 194195


assessing, backup strategies, 303304

usage, printing, 175177


files from archives, 311312

GRUB2 boot loaders, 323324

retrieving data from SQL tables, 490492

revoking/granting privileges, PostgreSQL, 500501

Rhythmbox music application, 66

Riak, 514

ripping audio, 71

RISC processors, 608

rm command, 130131, 161162

rmdir command, 129130

rmmod command, 406

root accounts, 110111, 133134

root privileges, 219222

root prompt, dangers of working in, 15

root user accounts, 202203

root zones, 589

Rosegarden, 76

rotating log files, 289291

route command, 369

routers, 343

rsync command, 319320

rtcwake command, 231233

Ruby, 631632

runlevels, 271272, 275, 278

Runtime (Android), 608

runtime servers, Apache web server

apache2.conf files, 447449

configuring, 446449

DirectoryIndex directive, 449

DocumentRoot directive, 449

GID, 448

Group directive, 448

Listen directive, 447

ServerAdmin directive, 448

ServerName directive, 448449

ServerRoot directive, 447

UID, 448

User directive, 448

UserDir directive, 449

Rust, 632


SaaS, 537

SaltStack, 544545

Samba, 424

configuring, 425, 427

/etc/samba/smb.conf files, 426429

installing, 425426

mounting, 430431


home directories, 427428

printers, 428429

smbclient command, 430

smbd daemon, starting/stopping, 429430

smbstatus command, 430

testing, 429

saving, files from nonbooting hard disks, 324

/sbin directory, 114

Scala, 632

scanners, 67, 435


backups, full backups on a periodic basis, 306307

priorities, 285

tasks, 226

automating tasks with scripts, 244246

for later, 227229

running jobs repeatedly, 229231

waking computers from sleep, 231233

Scorched 3D, 8384

scp command, 372373

Scratch, 632633

screen images, capturing, 69

Screen section (xorg.conf files), 3839

script kiddies, 380


autocracking scripts, 380

automating tasks, 244246

break statements, 269

case statements, 267268

Celtx, 59

comparisons of expressions, 250251

file operators, 253254, 257258

logical operators, 255, 259

numeric comparisons, 252253, 256257

strings, 251252, 255256

confining to directories, 198199

endless loops, 261262

executing scripts, 237239

exit statements, 269

expr statements, 266

for statements, 259261, 263

functions, 269270

if statements, 265266

interpreting scripts through specific shells, 240241

new shell programs, 239240

online references, 270

positional arguments, 242

positional parameters, 243

accessing/retrieving variables, 244

example of, 243244

repeat statements, 263

select statements, 264

shift statements, 264

special shell characters

` special shell character, 250

", 248249

' special shell character, 249

backslash, 249250

list of, 247248

storing scripts for system-wide access, 240

strings with embedded spaces, resolving, 248249

variables, 242

accessing values, 243

accessing/retrieving with positional parameters, 244

assigning values, 242

built-in variables, 246247

unexpanded variables, 249

while statements, 261, 262

writing scripts, 237239

Scylla, 514

SDK, 606


DNS search orders, 355

input strings, 151152


access control, Apache web server, 452455

Apache web server, 444, 452

AppArmor, 388390

applications, 388390

attacks, 380381

autocracking scripts, 380

crackers, 380

external attacks, 379380

hackers, 380

internal attacks, 379380

script kiddies, 380

viruses, 385

war driving, 383

worms, 380


Apache web server, 452455

PAM, 215216

brute-forcing, 373374

checklist, 381

configuring, 384385

devices, 385

disaster recovery plans, 390391

encrypted files, 318

firewalls, 386388

iptables, 388

nftables, 388

UFW, 386387

genprof, 389

kernels, 379

nftables, 388

NIC, 385

online references, 391392

passwords, 212, 216, 383384

brute-forcing, 373374

changing in batches, 216217

MySQL root users, 495

password files, 212214

shadow passwords, 214215

system password policies, 212

Ubuntu installations, 10

user accounts, 202

physical security, 383384

proxy servers. See also Squid, 563564

spoofing attacks, 593

Tripwire, 384385

UFW, 386387

viruses, 385

VPN, 563, 572573

configuring clients, 573575

configuring servers, 575577

online references, 577

vulnerability assessments, 381382

wireless networks, 382383

sed text editor, 189191

select statements, 264

SELinux, 388

semistructured data, 515

sequence, running commands in, 180181

ServerAdmin directive (Apache web server), 448

ServerLayout section (xorg.conf files), 35

ServerName directive (Apache web server), 448449

ServerRoot directive (Apache web server), 447


Apache web server

access control, 452, 455

configuring, 446449, 450452

development of, 443444

file system authentication, 452455

.htaccess configuration files, 450452, 469

HTTPS, 464466

installing, 444

logging, 463464

modules, 455461

MPM, 449450

online references, 466

overview of, 444

runtime servers, 446449

security, 444, 452455

starting/stopping, 444446

threads, 468

virtual hosting, 461462

DHCP servers, 358359

DNS servers, 588, 589590, 593595

enterprise servers, monitoring, 298299

FQDN, 580

HTTP servers

Caddy, 482

Cherokee, 480481

Jetty, 481

lighttpd, 479480

online references, 482

thttpd, 481482

Tomcat, 482

Wildfly, 482

Yaws, 480

LDAP servers, configuring, 580

message block printing, 432433

name servers, 352355

NFS servers, 422423

Nginx web server, 467469

building sources, 469470

configuring, 470473

HTTPS, 476477

installing, 469470

modules, 475

online references, 477

PHP, 474475

uninstalling, 470

virtual hosting, 473474

proxy servers, defined. See also Squid, 563564

runtime servers, Apache web server, 446449

sets of servers, managing, 543

Ansible, 544

CFEngine, 545

Chef, 544

Juju, 545

Landscape, 545

online references, 545

Puppet, 543544

SaltStack, 544545

Squid, 563564

ACL, 565569

configuring, 570572

configuring clients, 564565

installing, 564

online references, 577

specifying client IP addresses, 569570

SSH server

configuring, 371372

copying files between machines, 372373

ftp command, 372

key-based logins, 373375

scp command, 372373

sftp command, 373

ssh-keygen command, 373375

VPN servers, configuring, 575577

web servers

C10K problem, 467468

event handlers, 468469

threads, 468

X server, 32, 33

/usr directory, 33

benefits of, 3334

components of, 3334

display manager, 39

display managers, 33

distributed processing, 3233

online references, 40

starting, 39

terminal clients, 3334

window manager, 3334

xorg.conf files, 3339

server stacks, 437

LAMP, 437439

LEMP, 439

MEAN, 437

online references, 441


boot process

controlling, 278

running services, 271272

starting/stopping services, 275278

Startup Applications Preferences, 278

/etc/services files, 351

microservice architectures, 531

naming services, 351352

units, listing, 276

session writing, DVD creation, 74

set group ID permissions (suid), 125127

set user ID permissions (suid), 125127

sets of servers, managing, 543

Ansible, 544

CFEngine, 545

Chef, 544

Juju, 545

Landscape, 545

online references, 545

Puppet, 543544

SaltStack, 544545

sftp command, 373, 383

sgid permissions, 125127

shadow passwords, 214215

shared data, /usr directory, 117



NFS, 422424

online references, 435

Samba, 424431

home directories with Samba, 427428

printers, Samba, 428429

Ubuntu desktops, 424

shells. See also command line, 233

ash, 226

bash, 226, 250255

changing, 226

command line, 233234

background processes, 237

pattern-matching, 235

piping commands, 237

dash, 226

defined, 225226

expressions, 235

GNOME Shell, 4345

ksh, 226

Linux, 25

local bash shells, configuring, 640

new shell programs, 239240

pdcsh, 226

pdksh, comparisons of expressions, 250255


` special shell character, 250

", 248249

' special shell character, 249

automating tasks, 244246

backslash, 249250

break statements, 269

case statements, 267268

comparisons of expressions, 250259

endless loops, 261262

executing scripts, 237239

exit statements, 269

expr statements, 266

functions, 269270

if statements, 265266

interpreting through specific shells, 240241

new shell programs, 239240

online references, 270

positional arguments, 242

positional parameters, 243244

repeat statements, 263

resolving strings with embedded spaces, 248249

select statements, 264

shift statements, 264

special shell characters, 247248

for statements, 259261

storing scripts for system-wide access, 240

until statements, 263

variables, 242243, 244, 246247, 249

while statements, 261, 262

writing scripts, 237239

tcsh, 226, 255259

types of, 225226

zsh, 226

shift statements, 264

shortcuts, commands, 198

Shotcut, 77

Shotwell Photo Manager, 66, 71

Show Applications icon (GNOME), 43, 44

shred command, 155

shutdown command, 137139

shutting down

systems, 137138

Ubuntu, 1112

SignalFX, 299

similarities in files, finding, 170171

simple backup strategies, 306

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 547

Simple Scan, 67

sleep, waking computers from, 231233

small enterprises, backup strategies, 305

small offices, backup strategies, 305

smart gateways, 343

smbclient command, 430

smbd daemon, starting/stopping, 429

smbstatus command, 430

snap packages, 615616

SnapCraft, 616

Snappy package manager, 103104

Snappy Playpen, 616

snaps, Snappy package manager, 103104

SOA records, 592593

soft links. See symlinks


backup software, 309316

bundles, Snappy package manager, 103104


from source, 100, 101102

from tarballs, 100101

from Ubuntu repositories, 101102

DHCP software, installing/configuring, 358359

finding, with APT, 9899

free/open-source software, MS Office compatibility, 55

libraries, Android mobile development, 608

Linux distributions, included software, 2425

management tools

APT, 95100

apt-get, 99100

compiling software, 100102

configuration management, 102104

online references, 104

Software Updater, 9495

Synaptic, 9294

Ubuntu Software, 91

open-source/free software, MS Office compatibility, 55

project management

Bazaar, 611612

Git, 610611

Subversion, 612613

repositories, configuring, 1517

Snappy package manager, 103104

updating, 1214

Software Updater, 1214, 9495

sort command, 162163

sorting, file contents, 162163

sound, 65

ALSA, 64

CD/DVD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line, CD creation, 7273

Linux command line, DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

converting files, 65

.flac files, 65

.mp3 files, 65

.mp4 files, 65

music applications, 65

Banshee, 66

Rhythmbox, 66

Sound Juicer, 66

.ogg files, 65, 66

online references, 65

OSS, 64

PulseAudio, 64

recording/editing, 76

Ardour, 76

Audacity, 76

Cecilia, 76

LMMS, 76

Mixxx, 76

Rosegarden, 76

recording/editing applications, sound, 76

ripping audio, 71

sound cards, 6364

sox command, 65

UNIX and, 6364

.wav files, 65

Sound Juicer, 66

source, compiling software from, 100, 101102

source tree (kernels), 403405

sources (kernels), obtaining, 409410

sox command, 65


embedded spaces, resolving strings with, 248249

as special shell characters, 248

Spamassassin, 561

special characters

& operator, 173174, 237, 247, 527

&& operators, combining commands, 180, 198

* special shell character, 247

special shell character, 249250

` special shell character, 247, 250

[ ] special shell character, 248

[a, z] special shell character, 248

[a-z] special shell character, 248

[az] special shell character, 248

$, 235

$? built-in variable, 247

$ special shell character, 247

$# built-in variable, 246

$* built-in variable, 247

$0 built-in variable, 247

! ! operator, 196197

!= operator, 491

< special shell character, 247

<< operator, 236

<< special shell character, 248

> special shell character, 247

>> special shell character, 247

| (pipe) special shell character, 247

| | operator, 198, 491

# special shell character, 247

? special shell character, 247

" special shell character, 248249

' special shell character, 249

speed, relational databases, 492

Speed Dreams, 87

splint command, 602603

Splunk, 299

spoofing attacks, 593

SQL, 487488

!= operator, 491

MySQL, 483

ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 504505

configuring, 494495

creating databases, 496497

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

inserting data into tables, 490

mysql command, 506

mysqladmin command, 506

mysqldump command, 506


online references, 493, 507

PostgreSQL versus, 492494

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 490492

root user passwords, 495

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

NoSQL databases, 485


ACID compliance, 493494

command line client, 505506

configuring, 498

creating database users, 499500

creating databases, 499

data integrity, 493494

data locking, 492

database access, 501503

deleting database users, 500

granting/revoking privileges, 500501

initializing data directories, 498

MySQL versus, 492494

online references, 493, 507

pgAdmin, 506

procedural languages, 494

retrieving data from tables, 491

speed, 492

SQL subqueries, 494

stored procedures, 494

triggers, 494

subqueries, 494


creating, 488489

inserting data, 489490

Squid, 563564

ACL, 565569

client IP addresses, 569570

configuring, 564565, 570572

installing, 564

online references, 577

Squirrelmail, 561

SSH, database access, 501502

ssh command, 369, 383

SSH keys, 638, 639

SSH server

configuring, SSH server, 371372

copying files between machines, 372373

ftp command, 372

key-based logins, 373375

scp command, 372373

sftp command, 373

ssh-keygen command, 373375

ssh-keygen command, 373375

stacks, 437

LAMP, 437439

LEMP, 439

MEAN, 437

online references, 441

standard input/output of commands, 169


Apache web server, 444446

NFS, 422

services, 275278

smbd daemon, 429430

VM, 526

Startup Applications Preferences, 278


break statements, 269

case statements, 267268

exit statements, 269

expr statements, 266

for statements, 259261

if statements, 265266

repeat statements, 263

select statements, 264

shift statements, 264

for statements, 259261

until statements, 263

while statements, 261, 262

statistics, user usage, 212

stderr command, 169170

stdin command, 169170

stdout command, 169170

Steam, 81

stereotypes, users, 205

sticky bit permissions, 126127


Apache web server, 444446

NFS, 422

services, 275278

smbd daemon, 429430

VM, 526



cloud storage, 309

external hard drives, 308

NAS, 308

network storage, 308

tape drive backups, 309

disks, performance tuning, 394

drives, Ubuntu installations, 9

temporary file storage, /tmp directories, 117

stored procedures

MySQL, 494

relational databases, 494


command substitution, 250

comparisons, 251252, 255256

with embedded spaces, resolving, 248249

input strings, searches, 151152

su command, 217219, 224

subnet masks, 337338

subnetting, 337338

subqueries (SQL), relational databases, 494

substitute user accounts, 217218


commands, 250

processes, 181

Subversion, software project management, 612613

sudo command, 1415, 110111, 134136, 219222, 224

sudoers command, 114

suid permissions, 125127

super user accounts, 109111, 133134, 202203, 217218

SuperTux, 8485

support, Ubuntu online references, 22

.svg files, 68

switches, 342

symbolic debugging, 603

symbols. See also wildcard characters

& operator, 237

background processes, running, 173174

special shell character, 247

VirtualBox commands, 527

&& operators, combining commands, 180, 198

* special shell character, 247

special shell character, 249250

` special shell character, 247, 250

[ ] special shell character, 248

[a, z] special shell character, 248

[a-z] special shell character, 248

[az] special shell character, 248

$, 235

$? built-in variable, 247

$ special shell character, 247

$# built-in variable, 246

$* built-in variable, 247

$0 built-in variable, 247

! ! operator, 196197

!= operator, 491

< special shell character, 247

<< operator, 236

<< special shell character, 248

> special shell character, 247

>> special shell character, 247

| (pipe) special shell character, 247

| | operator, 198, 491

# special shell character, 247

? special shell character, 247

" special shell character, 248249

' special shell character, 249

symlinks, 154156

Synaptic, 9294

synchronizing, filesystems, 396

Sysadmin, DevOps versus, 535536

sysctl command, 398399

sysrq.txt files, 404

System Monitor, 292

system resource management

APT, 95

apt-get versus, 99100

day-to-day usage, 9598

finding software, 9899

apt-get, APT versus, 99100

compiling software

from source, 100, 101102

from tarballs, 100101

from Ubuntu repositories, 101102

configuration management, 102

dotdee, 102103

Snappy package manager, 103104

Ubuntu Core, 103

online references, 104

Software Updater, 9495

Synaptic, 9294

Ubuntu Software, 91

system settings, Ubuntu settings, configuring, 1718

system user accounts, 203204

systemd command, 275, 277278, 532

service-related commands, 276277

state-related commands, 276

targets, 275276


administration privileges, 217

listing information, 158159

management tools, 292

Conky, 292297

gnome-nettool, 297

System Monitor, 292

vncviewer, 297

Wireshark, 298


checking log files, 287289

Conky, 292297

console-based monitoring, 281283

disk quotas, 287

displaying free hard disk space, 286287

displaying used memory, 286

enterprise servers, 298299

graphical process tools, 292298

KDE monitoring tools, 298

killing processes, 283284

online references, 299

priority scheduling, 285

rotating log files, 289291

system management tools, 292298

System Monitor, 292

user activity, 211212

password policies, 212

polite resets, 194195

rebooting, 138139

rescue, 323

restoring GRUB2 boot loaders, 323324

saving files from nonbooting hard disks, 324

Ubuntu Rescue disc, 323

shutting down, 137138

storing shell scripts for system-wide access, 240

SystemV runlevels, 275276


tables (SQL)

creating, 488489

inserting data, 489490

tail command, 163164

tape drive backups, 309

tar command, 192, 310

compressed files, 318

copying files, 317318

encrypted files, 318

full backups, 310311

incremental backups, 310311

restoring files from archives, 311312

tarballs, compiling software from, 100101

tasks, scheduling, 226

automating tasks with scripts, 244246

for later, 227229

running jobs repeatedly, 229231

waking computers from sleep, 231233

tcpdump command, 385

TCP/IP networking, 330

addressing, 331332

IP masquerading, 332333

ports, 333334

tcsh, comparisons of expressions, 226, 255

file operators, 257258

logical operators, 259

numeric comparisons, 256257

strings, 255256

temporary file storage, /tmp directories, 117

terminals. See also command line

clients, X server, 3334

multiple terminal operation, byobu, 192193


online references, 647

Samba, 429


community teams, 645646

Ubuntu Testing Teams, 646

testparm command, 429

TeX documents

Kile, 61

LaTeX, 60

LyX, 60

Texmaker, 60

Texmaker, 60


editors, 185, 186

awk, 189191

emacs, 185, 188189

gedit, 186

kate, 186

kedit, 186

nano, 185, 186187

sed, 189191

vi, 185, 187188

vim, 185

repeating, 148149

text-based logins, command line, 107108

threads, 468

thttpd, 481482

thumb drives, Ubuntu installations, 3, 611

Thunderbird, LDAP client configuration, 584

.tif files, 68

time warps, 212

time/date settings

date command, 19

hwclock command, 1920

Ubuntu, 1920

TLD, 588589

/tmp directories, 117

Token Ring networking, 339

Tomcat, 482

top command, 175177

Totem Movie Player, 76

touch command, 128129

traceroute command, checking Internet connections, 329

traceroute6 command, checking Internet connections, 329

triggers, relational databases, 494

Tripwire, 384385


boot process, 278279


Bug Squad, 647

Ubuntu development, 640643

Internet connections, 368369

kernels, 418419

network printers, 434435

networks, connections, 342

runlevels, 278

sudo command, 134136


bootups, 195196

post-configuration problems, 2122

tune2fs command, 396397

Tuned Project, 396400

TXT records, 593

type name command, 160


Ubuntu, 27

32-bit Ubuntu, 45

64-bit Ubuntu, 45

Android mobile development, 607

Android Runtime, 608

Android Studio, 609

Application Framework, 608609

applications, 609

ARM processors, 608

Google Play, 607

Linux kernels, 608

RISC processors, 608

bash, 226

Bikeshed, 616618

bootups, troubleshooting, 195196

Budgie, 49

business applications, 2728

C programming

autoconf command, 601602

building programs, 599601

checking source code, 602603

configuring code, 601602

debugging tools, 602603

dependency checking, 599600

GCC, 603604

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

macros, 600601

makefile targets, 600601

makefiles, 599600

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

C++ programming

autoconf command, 601602

building programs, 599601

checking source code, 602603

configuring code, 601602

debugging tools, 602603

dependency checking, 599600

GCC, 603604

gdb command, 603

gprof command, 603

macros, 600601

makefile targets, 600601

makefiles, 599600

splint command, 602603

symbolic debugging, 603

tracking function time, 603

CD/DVD burning applications, 71

Chaos Engineering, 614

CI/CD tools, 613614

cloud computing, 535

AWS, 539

Azure, 539

considerations for using, 538

Google Cloud, 539

hybrid clouds, 539540

IaaS, 537

install instructions, 536

Juju, 540541, 545

Landscape, 541

MaaS, 537

Mojo, 541

OpenStack, 538539

PaaS, 537

private clouds, 540

public clouds, 538, 539

reasons for using, 536537

SaaS, 537

Ubuntu Cloud, 536

VM, 536


date/time settings, 1920

power management, 1819

system settings, 1718

troubleshooting post-configuration problems, 2122

wireless networks, 20

database commands, 506

date/time settings, 1920

desktop environments, changing, 39

desktops, sharing, 424


Bazaar, 639

code packaging, 640643

fixing bugs, 640643

GPG keys, 637639

introduction to, 636637

Launchpad, 614615, 638640

local bash shells, 640

online references, 643

packages, 637638, 640643

pbuilder, 638

SSH keys, 638, 639

digital cameras, 70

distributions, versions of, 27

documentation, 28, 30

dual-boot systems, 6

DVD/CD burning applications, 71

finding files/folders, 12

graphical development tools, 605

Eclipse, 606

Glade, 607

IDE, 605606

KDevelop Client, 606607

NetBeans, 606

Oracle JDeveloper, 606

SDK, 606

Visual Studio Code, 606

home applications, 28

installing, 196

32-bit Ubuntu, 45

64-bit Ubuntu, 45

backups, 7

boot loaders, 56

downloading updates during installation, 8

dual-boot systems, 6

DVD installations, 2, 611

erasing hard disks during installation, 9

flavors of Ubuntu, 23

language selection, 78

Mac hardware compatibility, 3

partitions, 5, 9

password creation, 10

preinstallation process, 12

researching hardware specifications, 216

storage drives, 9


USB thumb drive installations, 3, 611

Java programming, 604

JVM, 604

OpenJDK, 604605

kernels, 401402

Kylin, 50

MATE, 4849

networks, 330

connectivity commands, 369

ports, 421

printers, 431436

Nginx web server installations, 469

online references, 22

partitions, installing, 5, 9

passwords, 10

power management, configuring, 1819

preinstallation process, 12

flavors of Ubuntu, 23

researching hardware specifications, 216

printers, configuring, 18

proxy servers. See Squid


Bug Squad, 647

Ubuntu QA Teams, 646647

reinstalling, 196

repositories, compiling software, 101102

root prompt, dangers of working in, 15

scanners, 67

shutting down, 1112

snap packages, 615616

SnapCraft, 616

Snappy Playpen, 616

software project management

Bazaar, 611612

Git, 610611

Subversion, 612613

software repositories, configuring, 1517

Software Updater, 1214

storage drives, Ubuntu installations, 9

sudo command, 1415

system settings, configuring, 1718


community teams, 645646

Ubuntu Testing Teams, 646

troubleshooting, post-configuration problems, 2122

Ubuntu Make, 615

Ubuntu Rescue disc, 323


first updates, 11

during installation, 8

software, 1214

user account management, 223224

version control systems, 609610

virtualization, 521523

bridged networks, 524525

KVM, 523526

VirtualBox, 527528

VM, 522, 525526, 536

web resources, 22

window managers, changing, 39

wireless networks, 20, 361363

X server, 3233

benefits of, 3334

components of, 3334

display manager, 39

display managers, 33

distributed processing, 3233

online references, 40

starting, 39

terminal clients, 3334

/usr directory, 33

window manager, 3334

xorg.conf files, 3339

Ubuntu Budgie, 49

Ubuntu Core, 103

Ubuntu Kylin, 50

Ubuntu MATE, 4849

Ubuntu QA Teams, 646647

Ubuntu Software, 91

Ubuntu Testing Teams, 646

ubuntu-restricted-extras, 76


boot process, 273274

Ubuntu installations, 6

ufw command, 369

UFW, configuring, 386387

UID, 204, 448

unexpanded variables, maintaining, 249

unicast addressing, 338

uninstalling Nginx web server, 470

Unison, 315

units (services), listing, 276


backup levels, 306

CUPS GUI, network printers, 431434

sound, 6364

UnQL, 511

until statements, 263


software, 1214

Software Updater, 9495


first updates, 11

installations, downloading updates during installation, 8

Software Updater, 1214

uplink ports, 342

uptime command, 286

usage statistics, user accounts, 212


digital cameras, 70

thumb drives, Ubuntu installations, 3, 611

used memory, displaying, 286

user accounts, 201202, 204, 207

adding accounts, 209211

administration privileges, 217

BOFH, 205

changing identities, 217219

creating, 136137

deleting, 137

disk quotas, managing, 222223

file permissions, 204

GID, 204

group management, 205

finding groups, 206

listing groups, 205206

tools, 206207

locking users out of accounts, 209

lusers, 205

monitoring user activity, 211212

online references, 224

passwords, 202, 212, 216

changing in batches, 216217

password files, 212214

shadow passwords, 214215

system password policies, 212

privileges, 109111

root privileges, 219222

root user accounts, 202203

stereotypes, 205

substitute user accounts, 217218

super user accounts, 109111, 133134, 202203, 217218

system user accounts, 203204

tools, 208209

Ubuntu commands, 223224

UID, 204

usernames, 211

User directive (Apache web server), 448

user directories, 115

user variables, 242

useradd command, 208, 224

useradd -D command, 208

useradd -G command, 207

UserDir directive (Apache web server), 449

usermod command, 209, 224

usermod -G command, 207

users, productivity suites, 56

/usr directory

shared data, 117

X server, 33

UTP cabling, 341


Vala, 633

values, assigning to variables, 242

/var directory, 117

variable data files, /var directory, 117


built-in variables, 242, 246247

environment variables, 182185, 242

shell scripts, 242

accessing values, 243

accessing/retrieving variables, 244

assigning values, 242

resolving strings with embedded spaces, 248249

unexpanded variables, maintaining, 249

user variables, 242

VBA, LibreOffice and Office compatibility, 55

version control

configuration files, 320322

systems, 609610

vi text editor, 185, 187188


.avi files, 75

dvd+rw-tools, 74

DVD/CD burning applications

Brasero, 71

Linux command line, CD creation, 7273

Linux command line, DVD creation, 7375

Ubuntu support, 71

editing, 76, 77

Avidemux, 77

Blender, 77

Cinelerra, 77

DaVinci Resolve, 77

Kdenlive, 77

Lightworks, 77

OpenShot Video Editor, 77

PiTiVi, 77

Shotcut, 77

.flv files, 75

.mov files, 75

.mpeg files, 75

.ogv/.ogg files, 75

.qt files, 75

Totem Movie Player, 76

ubuntu-restricted-extras, 76

video drivers (proprietary), installing, 8081


in Linux, 76

video formats, 75

VLC, 76

.webm files, 75


command history, 197

default file permissions, 124125


in Linux, 76

video formats, 75

vim text editor, 185

vimtutor command, 188

virt-clone, 526

virt-install, 525526

virtual hosting

Apache web server, 461462

Nginx web server, 473474

VirtualBox, 527528

virtualization, 521523

bridged networks, 524525

KVM, 523526

online references, 529

VirtualBox, 527528

VM, 522, 525526, 536

connections, 526

copying, 526

starting, 526

stopping, 526

virt-clone, 526

virt-install, 525526

vmbuilder, 525

VMware, 528

Xen, 528

virus scanners, email, 562

viruses, 385

Visual Studio Code, 606

visudo command, 135136

VLC, 76

VM, 522, 536

connections, 526

copying, 526

KVM, 523526

starting, 526

stopping, 526

virt-clone, 526

vmbuilder, 525

vmstat command, 286

VMware, 528

VNC, 375377

vncviewer, 297

VPN, 563, 572573


clients, 573575

servers, 575577

servers, online references, 577

vulnerability assessments, 381382


waking computers from sleep, 231233

war driving, 383

Warsow, 82

.wav files, 65

Wayland, 32

web browsers

Chrome, 5354

Chromium, 5354

database access, 503

Firefox, 5253

online references, 54

.webm files, 75

web resources

Apache web server, 466

backups, 324

BIND, 595

boot process, 278279

cloud computing, 541

command line, 139, 165, 200

containers, 534

desktop environments, 50

DNS, 595

file sharing, 435

games, 89

HTTP servers, 482

kernels, 419420

LDAP, 585

Linux, 23, 28

multimedia applications, 77

MySQL, 493, 507

network printers, 435

networks, 369370

Nginx web server, 477

NoSQL databases, 519520

performance tuning, 396400

PostgreSQL, 493, 507

programming, 618619

programming languages, 633634

QA, 647

remote access, 377378

security, 391392

sets of servers, 545

shell scripts, 270

software management, 104

sound, 65

Squid, 577

system monitoring, 299

system resource management, 104

testing, 647

Ubuntu, 22, 28, 30

Ubuntu development, 643

user accounts, 224

virtualization, 529

VPN, 577

Wayland, 32

web browsers, 54, 61

web server stacks, 441

X server, 40

web server stacks, 437

LAMP, 437439

LEMP, 439

MEAN, 437

online references, 441

web servers

Apache web server

access control, 452, 455

configuring, 446449, 450452

development of, 443444

file system authentication, 452455

.htaccess configuration files, 450452, 469

HTTPS, 464466

installing, 444

logging, 463464

modules, 455461

MPM, 449450

online references, 466

overview of, 444

runtime servers, 446449

security, 444, 452455

starting/stopping, 444446

threads, 468

virtual hosting, 461462

C10K problem, 467468

event handlers, 468469

Nginx web server, 467469

building sources, 469470

configuring, 470473

HTTPS, 476477

installing, 469470

modules, 475

online references, 477

PHP, 474475

uninstalling, 470

virtual hosting, 473474

threads, 468

wget command, 164

whatis command, 160

whereis command, 112, 160

which command, 164

while statements, 261, 262

wide column stores, 517

widgets, 42

wildcard characters. See also symbols

commands and, 235

directories, 133

Wildfly, 482

window managers

changing, 39

X server, 3334


CrossOver Office, 61

dual-boot systems, 6

games, 8889

productivity applications, 61

Wine, 61

Wine, 61

wireless networks, 361

configuring, 20

interfaces, 340

security, 382383

selecting protocols, 363

Ubuntu support, 361363

Wireshark, 298, 330

worms, 380

writing, shell scripts, 237239




X server, 32, 33

benefits of, 3334

components of, 3334

display manager, 39

display managers, 33

distributed processing, 3233

online references, 40

starting, 39

terminal clients, 3334

/usr directory, 33

window manager, 3334

xorg.conf files, 3334

components of, 3435

Device section, 3738

Files section, 3536

InputDevice section, 3637

Module section, 36

Monitor section, 37

Screen section, 3839

ServerLayout section, 35

Xara Xtreme, 70

xconfig command, 414417

xDSL Internet access, 365

Xen, 528

Xfce, 46

XML, 59

DocBook, Publican, 5960

gedit, 59

Publican, 5960

XML Copy Editor, 60

XML Copy Editor, 60

X.Org, 33

xorg.conf files, 3334

components of, 3435

Device section, 3738

Files section, 3536

InputDevice section, 3637

Module section, 36

Monitor section, 37

Screen section, 3839

ServerLayout section, 35

Xubuntu, 4647

xz command, 192


YAML, /etc/netplan/*.yaml files, 353355

Yaws, 480


Zabbix, 299

zsh, 226

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