
Page numbers followed by n indicate topics found in footnotes.


3NF (third-normal form), 121


abduction, 114

abstract concepts

element coupling, 132

modeling, 106-107

providing definitions for, 107-113

abstract design patterns

canonical data models, 185

conceptual data models, 185

context, considering, 188-194

enterprise data models, 186-187

logical data models, 180-186

physical data models, 180-184, 188

abstraction, 178

life span of services and, 178

metamodels for, 178-181

in OSAPI, 158

provenance and, 194

software abstraction, 178n

views and, 194-201

abstraction layering, 31

data structure design and, 42-43

accountability, provenance and, 146

accuracy, 167n

in DQA, 86

action roles, oversight versus, 60

acronyms, specific to this book

ASPECT, 79-82, 206

CIDER, 88-97, 206

DQA3, 85-88, 206

ED-SODA, 65-66, 206

FARMADE, 52-54, 206

OSAPI, 157-160, 206

QuIT CITeD, 130-132, 206

SÉANCE, 89-97, 206

Adam and Eve story, apple in, 1

Adam’s apple, 1

adaptability of viral data solutions, 177

adaptation to change, 20-43

best practices, 36-38

decisioning environment measurements, 33-37

eminent domain, 22-23

incentives and compensation, 32-33

metadata, 27-29

military, 29-30

quality measurement, 24-27

service-oriented architectures, 30-32, 38-43

viral data as symptom of, 24

adjudication in SÉANCE workflow, 96

adjusting data governance, 64-70

adoptability of insure controls, 57

advancement (moving data), 80

advocacy dial (data governance), 66, 69

aggregation hub, 205

Aldrich, Nelson, 9


of business and information technology, 15-20

CIA example, 16

multidivisional business structure, 16-20

viral data fostered by, 22

of data, 87n, 97-98

American Express, 21

American flag example (historical revisionism), 103

analogies, 2-3

analysis (in DQA), 86

Anderson, Laurie, 78

Apple Computer, 21

apple in Adam and Eve story, 1

appraisal (in DQA), 87

appropriation, 22-23

arbitrator communication style, 53

Ascential, xvii

Ashley, 122

ASPECT, 79-82, 206

assessments, xxxvi

data assessments

in context, 134-138, 201-203

master data solutions, 205

multiple views for, 203-204

via redundancy, 204

scenarios for, 138

statistical sampling, 138

subjective and objective measures, 206

data quality assessment (DQA), 85-88

CIDER, 88-97

assure controls (data governance metamodel), 55-57

atomic metadata, 74


abstraction and, 188-194

naming, 182n

audience, considering in writing definitions, 112

audits, 58

authoritarian communication style, 54


Bacevich, Andrew, 11

Baltimore Orioles, 7

bandwidth, moving data, 72-73

baseball, 7

Basel II, 175n

basic tenets, in business, 46-47

BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form), 121

Beckham, David, 6

behavior, rules of, 47

Beijerinck, Martinus, 4

best practices, 36-38

Bible translations, 1

big bang theory, 143n

BigCo, 140n, 141-142

blind overloading, 107-108

Bloomberg, Michael R., xxi

books, definition of, 11-12

Boulware, Lemuel, 175

bounded codified data, 131

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), 121

Brown, Dan, 12


adaptation to change, 20-43

best practices, 36-38

decisioning environment measurements, 33-37

eminent domain, 22-23

incentives and compensation, 32-33

metadata, 27-29

military, 29-30

quality measurement, 24-27

service-oriented architectures, 30-32, 38-43

viral data as symptom of, 24

alignment with information technology, 15-20

CIA example, 16

multidivisional business structure, 16-20

viral data fostered by, 22

laws of, 46-47

business data

abstract concepts, providing definitions for, 107-113

blind overloading, 107-108

data models, 122-126

misinterpretation of, Social Security Number example, 104-106

modeling abstract concepts, 106-107


case-based reasoning, 115

classification, reasoning through, 116-117

consistency-based reasoning, 115

generalization, reasoning through, 116

heuristic reasoning, 115

imprecise reasoning, 115

logical inference, 114

nonmonotonic reasoning, 116

parametric reasoning, 116

probabilistic reasoning, 115

semantic reasoning, 116

specialization, reasoning through, 117-122

types of, 113-114

semantic evaluations, 122

business metadata, 123

business needs, failure to identify, 29

business rules, data misalignment with, 126-127

business transactions, IT transactions versus, 176n

business-speak, 186


Callan, Erin, 174

Canby, George, 103

canonical data models, 185

Captain Scarlet, 76n

Metcalfe, Paul, 108

cardinality trait, evaluating, 133

Caruso-Cabrera, Michelle, 174

case-based reasoning, 115

Castillo, Alberto, 7

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 15

certification, 58

chain of custody, 145

change, adaptation to, 20-43

best practices, 36-38

decisioning environment measurements, 33-37

eminent domain, 22-23

incentives and compensation, 32-33

metadata, 27-29

military, 29-30

quality measurement, 24-27

service-oriented architectures, 30-32, 38-43

viral data as symptom of, 24

Charnetzky, Dennis and Daelyn, 12

chart of accounts in data governance, 64

Chekov, Anton, 5

Chicago White Sox, 7

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 15

CIDER, 88-97, 206

circular definitions, 111


data class taxonomy, 130-132

reasoning through, 116-117

codified data, 131

column traits, 132

cardinality, 133

domain, 133

format, 133

precision, 132

size, 132


semantics and, 1-13

Adam and Eve story, 1

analogies, 2-3

books, definition of, 11-12

controlling viral data, 8

Federal Reserve System example, 8-10

information overload, 11-12

ISO 4217 currency standard, 13

political boundaries, 13

PowerPoint example, 10-11

property value mistake example, 12

sports statistics, 6-7

viral data as metaphor, 3-5

Shannon-Weaver communication model, 206

communication models

for data movement, 77-79

Shannon-Weaver, 206

communication traits of governance, 52-54

compensation plans, 32-33

complex metadata, 74

compliance, rules of, 47

composite metadata, 74

compression of data, 71-72

compulsory purchase, 22-23

concept-relationship-concept abstract metamodel, 178-181

conceptual data models, 185-186

concreteness, 178

conditioning in structural data design, 155-170

conflicts of interest, 49

consistency-based reasoning, 115

consolidation (moving data), 81

constraints as information loss, 28

construction (CIDER), 88

context, xxxvi-xxxvii, 209

in abstract design patterns, considering, 188-194

for column/element traits, 132

data assessment in, 201-203

continuity controls (data governance metamodel), 58-59

controlling viral data, 8

corporate governance, 46

course of action in SÉANCE workflow, 96

CRUD, 157n

cubism, 106

cultural name example (specialization reasoning), 117-122


The Da Vinci Code (Brown), 12

daedal data classes, 132



ASPECT, 79-82

bandwidth considerations, 72-73

communication model, 77-79

data access, 76-77

flight analogy, 82-88

metadata, 73-76

role in data governance, 61

semistructured, 71, 73-76, 79, 93, 101, 131-132, 206

structured, 71, 73-74, 76, 79, 101, 131-132, 155-156, 206

unstructured, 28, 36, 71, 73, 76, 79, 101, 132, 206

data access, 76-77

data assessment

in context, 134-138, 201-203

master data solutions, 205

multiple views for, 203-204

via redundancy, 204

scenarios for, 138

statistical sampling, 138

subjective and objective measures, 206

data chains, value chains versus, 144-145

data class taxonomy, 130-132

data compression, 71-72

data conditioning in structural data design, 155-170

data decay, 170-171

data governance, 46-48

data, role of, 61

data quality versus, 59

dialing (adjusting), 64-70

framework, 61-64

government regulations concerning, 60-61

metamodel, 54-59

oversight versus action roles, 60

provenance and, 147

role of, 175

data lineage, provenance and, 149-151

data misalignment

with business rules, 126-127

default entries, 129

mistaken entries, 126-129

data modeling example (governance), 49-51

data models, 122-126

canonical data models, 185

conceptual data models, 185

enterprise data models, 186-187

logical data models, 180-186

physical data models, 180-184, 188

data ownership, 129-130

data persistence, 71-72

data provenance, 6, 143-154

abstraction and, 194

accountability, 146

data chains versus value chains, 144-145

data lineage and, 149-151

decisions concerning, 150-152

diplomatics, 146-147

late binding versus early binding, 148

statistics and, 7

Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, 152-154

data quality. See also quality measurement

alignment and harmonization, 97-98

data governance versus, 59

matching, 98-100

merging, 100

survivorship, 100

data quality assessment (DQA), 85-88, 206

CIDER, 88-97

data structure design, effect on service-oriented architecture characteristics, 41-43

data synchronization, 171

Davison, Henry, 9

decayed data, 170-171

decision-making, 6

decisioning environment

defined, 33n

measurements, 33-37

decisions dial (data governance), 66-69

deductive reasoning, 114

default values, 129


for abstract concepts, providing, 107-113

qualities of, 108

scope of, 109-111

delta move (ASPECT), 81

Descartes, René, 139

design patterns, abstract

canonical data models, 185

conceptual data models, 185

context, considering, 188-194

enterprise data models, 186-187

logical data models, 180-186

physical data models, 180-184, 188

deviation, governance and, 45-46

dialing data governance, 64-70

differentia in definitions, 108

diplomatics, provenance and, 146-147

directives dial (data governance), 66-68

directives in data governance, 62-63

director communication style, 54

discovery (CIDER), 89

Dixon, Bernard, 5

domain trait, evaluating, 133

DQA3 (data quality [analysis][accuracy][appraisal]), 85-88, 206

CIDER, 88-97

Dupont, 16


early binding

metadata for, 149

provenance and, 148

Eastwood, Clint, 29

ED-SODA, 65-66, 206

Electronic Data Systems Corporation, 21

element coupling, 132

element traits, 132

cardinality, 133

domain, 133

format, 133

precision, 132

size, 132

eminent domain, 22-23

Empire Today, 21

enforcement in data governance, 63

engagement in SÉANCE workflow, 96

enlightenment (CIDER), 89

enrichment (moving data), 81

ensure controls (data governance metamodel), 55-56

enterprise data models, 186-187

enterprise resource planning (ERP), 140n

envoy communication style, 54

ERP (enterprise resource planning), 140n

essential attributes in definitions, documenting, 110-111

ETL (extract, transform, and load), 82-83

evidentiary controls (data governance metamodel), 56

examination in SÉANCE workflow, 90-96

experiences dial (data governance), 66-67

expropriation, 22-23

extensibility, 31

data structure design and, 42

external governance, 49-52


facilitator communication style, 53-54

failure to identify business needs, reasons for, 29

false negatives, 99

false positives, 99

FARMADE technique (governance communication), 52-54, 206

Fastow, Andrew, 175

fat fingering, 126-129

Federal Reserve System, creation of, 8-10

feedback loops, 34

linear, 34

negative, 35

nonlinear, 35

positive, 34

viral data and, 35-37

Feynman, Richard, 11

field lengths in structural data design, 155-170

final move (ASPECT), 81

flat organizational structures, 17

flexibility of viral data solutions, 177

flight analogy (moving data), 82-88

in-flight, 82-88, 97, 101, 147, 179, 200

post flight, 82-88, 91, 97-98, 101, 147, 179, 200

preflight, 82-88, 97, 98n, 101, 147, 179, 200

FLWOR expressions, 198-199

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 60

forensic accounting, 174

format trait, evaluating, 133

Forrester, Jay, 140

framework for data governance, 61-64

Franks, Tommy, 10

fruit in Adam and Eve story, 1

functional dependencies, 121


General Motors, 21

generalization, reasoning through, 116

generations, 5

Genesis, apple in, 1

genus in definitions, 108

Gibbs, Linda, xxii

Glass-Steagall Act, 22

Goldman Sachs, 22

Google, 36

Googlebot, 36


business laws, 46-47

communication traits, 52-54

conflicts of interest, 49

data governance, 48

data, role of, 61

data quality versus, 59

dialing (adjusting), 64-70

framework, 61-64

government regulations concerning, 60-61

metamodel, 54-59

oversight versus action roles, 60

data modeling example, 49-51

deviation and, 45-46

external governance, 49-52

intersituations, 52

intrasituations, 52

layers of, 46

management governance, 48

management versus, 52

punting, 51

rules of behavior, 47

rules of compliance, 47

self-governance, 47-48

government regulations, data governance and, 60-61

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, 60

granularity of provenance, 149-151

Grotius, Hugo, 22

guidelines in data governance, 63


Hadden, Briton, 11

harmonization (of data), 87n, 97-98

hasa (relationship term), 108

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 60

Heartbreak Ridge (film), 29

heuristic reasoning, 115

HHS-Connect, xxii-xxiii

hierarchical organizational structure, 17

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 60

historical revisionism, 103

Hobson’s choice, 30

Hopkinson, Francis, 103

Hoyle, Fred, 143

Hughes Aircraft, 21


identifiers, 130

imprecise reasoning, 115

improvement (CIDER), 88

incentive plans, 32-33

incorrect information

Federal Reserve System example, 8-10

latency and, 12

PowerPoint example, 10-11

independence of viral data solutions, 177

indicator data, 131

induction, 114

in-flight, 82-88, 97, 101, 147, 179, 200

information loss as constraint, 28

information overload, 11-12

information technology

adaptation to change, 20-43

best practices, 36-38

decisioning environment measurements, 33-37

eminent domain, 22-23

incentives and compensation, 32-33

metadata, 27-29

military, 29-30

quality measurement, 24-27

service-oriented architectures, 30-32, 38-43

viral data as symptom of, 24

alignment with business, 15-20

CIA example, 16

multidivisional business structure, 16-20

viral data fostered by, 22

initial seeding (ASPECT), 81

innuendos, 3

inspections, 58

insure controls (data governance metamodel), 55-57

integration forensics, 174

interfaced in OSAPI, 158

interoperability, 7, 30-31

data structure design and, 42

interrogatives, 152

intersituations of governance, 52

intrasituations of governance, 52

IPO, 190n

Iraq war, miscommunication during, 10-11

isa (relationship term), 108

ISO 4217 currency standard, 13

IT transactions, business transactions versus, 176n


Java Message Service (JMS), 140n

Jekyll Island, 9-10

Jett, Joseph, 32

Jingle Heimer-Schmidt, John Jacob, 120-121

JMS (Java Message Service), 140n

Joyce, James, 73-74, 76, 138

judgment in SÉANCE workflow, 96

Kidder Peabody, 32


language translations

of Bible, 1

in definitions, 112

Lao-Tze, 24

late binding

metadata for, 149

provenance and, 148

latency, 5

misinformation and, 12

laws of business, 46-47

layering of abstraction, 31

data structure design and, 42-43

layers of governance, 46

Legislative Bill 1, 111

Legislative Bill 157, 110

Lehman Brothers, 21, 33

length of fields in structural data design, 155-170

life events abstraction example, 189-193

life span

of data, 76

of services, 178

Lincoln, Abraham, 106-107

lineage, provenance and, 149-151

linear feedback loops, 34

Logan’s Run, 160n

logic, Wason test, 3

logical data models, 49-52, 67, 121, 182-188, 190, 192, 194

physical data models and, 180-184

logical inference, 114

Loro Piana, 145

loose coupling, 32

in three-tier architectures, 38-43

Luce, Henry, 11


Madoff, Bernard, xviii, 173

major transformations, 84

Malaysia, 119

malum, 1

management, governance versus, 52

management governance, 48

mandates in data governance, 63

Marathon Oil, 21

Mars Climate Orbiter, 175

master data solutions, 205

matching (data), 98-100

matrix organizational structure, 17

measurement controls (data governance metamodel), 57

measurement points in assure controls (data governance metamodel), 57

measurements in decisioning environment, 33-37

measuring quality, 24-27

mediator communication style, 53-54

memory-resident databases, 72

merging (data), 100

message-service-message abstract metamodel, 178

metadata, 27-29

business metadata, 123

for early/late binding, 149

provenance and, 148

structural metadata, 123

structure of, 164-166

technical metadata, 123

types of, 73-76


for abstraction, 178-181

of data governance, 54-59

metaphors, viral data as, 3-5

military, adaptation to change, 29-30

minor transformations, 84

“miracle on the Hudson,” 191

misalignment of data

with business rules, 126-127

default entries, 129

mistaken entries, 126-129

miscommunication, Iraq war example, 10-11


Federal Reserve System example, 8-10

latency and, 12

PowerPoint example, 10-11

misinterpretation of business data, Social Security Number example, 104-106

Mizuho Securities, 127-128, 175


abstract concepts, 106-107

data, 122-126

canonical data models, 185

conceptual data models, 185

enterprise data models, 186-187

logical data models, 180-186

physical data models, 180-184, 188

Morgan Stanley, 22

Morgan, J. P., 9

moving data

ASPECT, 79-82

bandwidth considerations, 72-73

communication model, 77-79

data access, 76-77

flight analogy, 82-88

metadata, 73-76

Mudd, Daniel, 174

multidivisional business structure, 16-20

multiple views for data assessment, 203-204


names example (specialization reasoning), 117-122

naming attributes, 182n

narrowing data for parametric reasoning, 116

natural identifiers, 130

NBC Universal, 6

Nebraska safe-haven law example (documenting essential attributes), 110

negative feedback loops, 35

negative terminology in definitions, 111

network bandwidth, moving data, 72-73

New Testament translations, 1

Nikkei, 127

noise, 11n

in communication model, 78

nonlinear feedback loops, 35

nonmonotonic reasoning, 116

Norton, Charles, 9

null values, 133n


observation in SÉANCE workflow, 90-96

Old Testament translations, 1

Olympic Games, 6, 7

operating controls (data governance metamodel), 55-56

Operation Urgent Fury, 30

operational metadata, 149

organic nature of insure controls, 57

organigrams, 17

organizational structures, types of, 17

OSAPI, 157-160, 206

overloading, blind, 107-108

oversight, action roles versus, 60

oversight dial (data governance), 66-68


of data, 129-130

in OSAPI, 158


pandemics, 4

parametric reasoning, 116

Paterson, David, 191n

pattern-matching evaluations, 122

perfect storm, 8n

performance in OSAPI, 158

performing controls (data governance metamodel), 56-57

persistence, 1n

of data, 71-72

of viral data in communication model, 78

persistence tier, 40

physical data models, 188

logical data models and, 180-184

pi, 132

Piatt Andrew Jr., Abram, 9

Picasso, Pablo, 106, 178

plausible reasoning, 115

political aspects of problem-solving, technical aspects versus, 140-142

political boundaries, 13

Ponzi, Charles, 173

Ponzi scheme, xviii, 173

Porter, Michael, 144

positive feedback loops, 34

positive terminology in definitions, 111

post flight, 82-88, 91, 97-98, 101, 147, 179, 200

PowerPoint in communication, 10-11

precision trait, evaluating, 132

preflight, 82-88, 97, 98n, 101, 147, 179, 200

presentation tier, 40

preservation (moving data), 80

proactive controls (data governance metamodel), 56

proactive data governance, 63

probabilistic comparison (of data), 98-100

probabilistic reasoning, 115


provenance in, 143-154

accountability, 146

data chains versus value chains, 144-145

data lineage and, 149-151

decisions concerning, 150-152

diplomatics, 146-147

late binding versus early binding, 148

Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, 152-154

reactive traits for, 177-178

reductionism versus systems thinking, 139-140

technical versus political aspects, 140-142

procedural controls (data governance metamodel), 57

process tier, 41

propagation of viral data, 206-208

property value mistake example (latency), 12

provenance, 6, 143-154

abstraction and, 194

accountability, 146

data chains versus value chains, 144-145

data lineage and, 149-151

decisions concerning, 150-152

diplomatics, 146-147

late binding versus early binding, 148

statistics and, 7

Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, 152-154

pseudo real time, 72n

punting governance opportunities, 51


qualitative values, reporting viral data, 142

quality measurement, 24-27

quality of data

alignment and harmonization, 97-98

data governance versus, 59

matching, 98-100

merging, 100

survivorship, 100

quantitative values, reporting viral data, 142

quantity data, 131

QuIT CITeD (data class taxonomy), 130-132, 206


Radio frequency identification (RFID), 145

Rallying Point, 152-153

reaction to change, 20-43

best practices, 36-38

decisioning environment measurements, 33-37

eminent domain, 22-23

incentives and compensation, 32-33

metadata, 27-29

military, 29-30

quality measurement, 24-27

service-oriented architectures, 30-32, 38-43

viral data as symptom of, 24

reactive controls (data governance metamodel), 56

reactive data governance, 62-63

reactive traits (for problem-solving), 177-178

reasoning, types of, 113-114

case-based reasoning, 115

classification, reasoning through, 116-117

consistency-based reasoning, 115

generalization, reasoning through, 116

heuristic reasoning, 115

imprecise reasoning, 115

logical inference, 114

nonmonotonic reasoning, 116

parametric reasoning, 116

probabilistic reasoning, 115

semantic reasoning, 116

specialization, reasoning through, 117-122

reassure controls (data governance metamodel), 55, 58-59


defined, 139

systems thinking versus, 139-140

redundancy, data assessment via, 204

refactoring, 123n

reference model, 100-101

data persistence, 71-72

data quality

alignment and harmonization, 97-98

matching, 98-100

merging, 100

survivorship, 100

data quality assessment (DQA), CIDER, 88-97

moving data

ASPECT, 79-82

bandwidth considerations, 72-73

communication model, 77-79

data access, 76-77

flight analogy, 82-88

metadata, 73-76

regulations, data governance and, 60-61

relationship terms in definitions, 108

remediation (CIDER), 89

reporting viral data, quantitative versus qualitative values, 142

representative communication style, 53

reusability, 31

data structure design and, 42

revenge theory, 5


historical revisionism, 103

misinterpretation of business data, 104-106

RFID (Radio frequency identification), 145

rich metadata, 76

risk management, data governance and, 66

rogue applications, viral data from, 24

root-cause analysis, 105

Ross, Betsy, 103

rules of behavior, 47

rules of compliance, 47


Saarinen, Eliel, 188

Safeguarding Customer Information rule, 60

Safeway Stores, 21

sanctions dial (data governance), 66-68

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 60, 175n

scenarios for data assessments, 138

Schwartz, Alan, 174


of definitions, 109-111

in SÉANCE workflow, 89

Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 60

self-governance, 47-48

semantic disintegrity, 202

semantic evaluations, 122

semantic reasoning, 116

semantics, communication and, 1-13

Adam and Eve story, 1

analogies, 2-3

books, definition of, 11-12

controlling viral data, 8

Federal Reserve System example, 8-10

information overload, 11-12

ISO 4217 currency standard example, 13

political boundaries, 13

PowerPoint example, 10-11

property value mistake example, 12

sports statistics, 6-7

viral data as metaphor, 3-5

semistructured data, 71, 73-76, 79, 93, 101, 131-132, 206

Seinfeld, Jerry, 5

Senge, Peter, 140

service-oriented architectures

adaptation to change, 30-32

interoperability, 7

loose coupling in three-tier architectures, 38-43

technical characteristics of, 30-32

SÉANCE workflow, 89-97, 206

shades of governance, 48

Shannon, Claude, 77

Shannon-Weaver communication model, 77, 206

Shinseki, Eric, 24

Siekaczek, Reinhard, 173

silo-oriented organizational structures, 17-20

silos, 203

simple metadata, 74

size trait, evaluating, 132

Smith, Henry, 106

SOA, propagation of viral data, 206-208

Social Security Administration (SSA), 104

Social Security Number example (misinterpretation of business data), 104-106

software abstraction, 178n


provenance in, 143-154

accountability, 146

data chains versus value chains, 144-145

data lineage and, 149-151

decisions concerning, 150-152

diplomatics, 146-147

late binding versus early binding, 148

Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, 152-154

reactive traits for, 177-178

reductionism versus systems thinking, 139-140

technical versus political aspects, 140-142

South Florida Sun-Sentinel (newspaper), 36

specialization, reasoning through, 117-122

sports statistics, 6-7

SSA (Social Security Administration), 104

stability in OSAPI, 158

staging areas, 95

standardization, 57

standards in data governance, 63

Stars and Stripes, 103

statistical sampling for data assessments, 138


provenance and, 7

in sports, 6-7

Streisand, Barbra, 175

Strong, Benjamin, 9

structural data design, data conditioning in, 155-170

structural metadata, 123

structure of metadata, 164-166

structured data, 71, 73-74, 76, 79, 101, 131-132, 155-156, 206

Sullenberger, Chelsey, 191

sunsetting, 178n

Sunstein, Cass, 2

surrogate values, 130

survivorship (data), 100

sustaining controls (data governance metamodel), 57

Swansea, 112

symbiosis (moving data), 80

synchronization of data, 171

systems thinking, 206

defined, 140

reductionism versus, 139-140


taxonomy of data classes, 130-132

technical aspects of problem-solving, political aspects versus, 140-142

technical metadata, 123, 149

temporal data, 131

Tenner, Edward, 5

Terra Gruppen, 13

TETLT (transform, extract, transform, load, and transform), 82-84

textual data classes, 131

thing modeling, 43n

third-normal form (3NF), 121

three-tier architectures, loose coupling in, 38-43

tight coupling, problems with, 39-43

time in data governance, 64

trans-enterprise, 145n

transformations in TETLT patterns, 83-84

transition (moving data), 81

translations in definitions, 112

Truman, Harry S, 118n

truth tables, 116

trustworthiness of data

in context, 134-138, 201-203

master data solutions, 205

multiple views for, 203-204

via redundancy, 204

scenarios for, 138

statistical sampling, 138

subjective and objective measures, 206

Tufte, Edward, 10


U.S. Department of Homeland Security, hierarchical organizational structure, 17-20

unbounded codified data, 131

uncertainty, 99

United Airlines, 36

United States Steel, 21

unstructured data, 28, 36, 71, 73, 76, 79, 101, 132, 206


validity, 167n

value chains, 203

data chains versus, 144-145

Vanderlip, Frank, 9

vehicle identification number (VIN) example (structural data design), 158-169


abstraction and, 194-201

multiple views for data assessment, 203-204

VIN example (structural data design), 158-169

violet assessment example, xxxv-xxxvii, 209

viral data

in business and information technology alignment, 22

controlling, 8

defined, xxxiii

feedback loops and, 35-37

forms of, 175-176

host for, 176

as metaphor, 3-5

perfect storm for, 8

persistence in communication model, 78

propagation of, 206-208

quality measurement and, 24-27

reporting, quantitative versus qualitative values, 142

from rogue applications, 24

solutions, list of, 205

symptom of adaptation to change, 24

virus, origin of term, 4


walkie-talkie, 128-129

Walsh, Mark, 33

Warburg, Paul, 9

Washington, George, 103

Wason test, 3

Wason, Peter, 3

Weaver, Warren, 77

Welsh, language, 112

Western Reminiscences (Smith), 106

Whitaker, Edmund, 45

Wilson, Woodrow, 9

WMI codes, 164

World Health Organization, 4

Wycliffe, John, 1

XM Radio, 21

Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, 152-154

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