Chapter 4. Early Stumbling Blocks

So you have sent your engineers and middle managers to the best lean manufacturing training money can buy. Now what? It is a lot of information to absorb, and there is a tremendous amount of work that must be done. Chapter 3 explained the importance of having a comprehensive company kaizen program to help you plan and execute kaizen events to implement lean manufacturing. In this chapter, I explain the fundamental building blocks of lean manufacturing as they apply to 5S, data collection, quality, and workstation design.

Attention to detail ensures the success of a lean journey. Not all the tools and techniques in the lean philosophy are applicable to all processes, so it is important to learn about the tools and apply them where they are appropriate.

In this chapter I also outline the common mistakes organizations make when preparing information for new process designs. It takes time to learn and use most of the tools and techniques effectively. Therefore, explaining some of the stumbling blocks in the early stages of the journey should help you avoid failure of your lean implementation. Here are the basic tools:

5S and the Visual Workplace

The 5S organization and cleanliness philosophy is the cornerstone of any manufacturing environment. The 5S system is a powerful continuous improvement tool that can generate immediate results. Here again are the five principles:

  • Sort: The act of removing and discarding all unnecessary items from the work area.

  • Straighten: The act of organizing what is needed so that it is easily identifiable in a designated place

  • Scrub: Cleaning the area so that it is in showroom condition

  • Standardize: The act of following best practices and maintaining consistency in the work area

  • Sustain: Maintaining the organization and continually improving on it

I have been involved in many 5S implementations. It takes some time to be implemented factorywide, but 5S is a simple program that is easily adopted. It can dramatically improve productivity, floor space use, throughput time, and cost.

The most common mistakes occur in straightening and sustaining, and therefore I will focus on these two areas.

Mistakes in Straightening

Your production floor is your showroom. When suppliers, customers, and investors tour the floor, the state of the work environment—clean or disordered—is a reflection on the company’s work ethic. Tools on the floor, disorganized paperwork, tables and workbenches out of place, and dirt and grease on the floor all present a bad impression; it does not look professional. Workplace pride is critical to success, but it is difficult to cultivate an atmosphere of pride when the environment is cluttered, dirty, and disorganized.

The sort function of 5S is easy to understand and implement. In my experience, most operators, engineers, and managers can easily discard unneeded items and even feel good about it. Clearing clutter can be invigorating.

The first mistake depends on how the straighten task is interpreted. The idea of 5S is to bring out your employees’ creativity and talent, allowing them to create unique and effective means of organizing the workplace. People do not always do as much as they can in this area, and that is a mistake. You need to identify everything on the floor: workbenches, tools, parts, parts bins, station signs, storage areas, documentation, garbage cans, chairs, and so on. If the item is necessary in the work area, identify its correct location and then designate it with plenty of labels, signs, insignia, and colors. Hold nothing back.

Imagine your factory having a place for everything. Imagine every item clearly marked with its name and its quantity. Figure 4.1 displays the level of detailed identification required for a garbage can that is located in a workstation on the factory floor.

Garbage Can Identification

Figure 4.1. Garbage Can Identification

It isn’t sufficient merely to place the garbage can somewhere on the factory floor. First, you should identify its location using a particular color of floor tape (yellow is the most popular). Next, label the garbage can. Designating it as a “garbage can” is not enough, because there are numerous garbage cans in the factory. In the example, the garbage can in Figure 4.1 is from the G line and is marked accordingly.

A story from my experience illustrates why this level of detail is important. I was helping a company in Nebraska with a series of kaizen events. We began by implementing 5S on one assembly line. Three line operators participated on the kaizen team. Day 1 of the kaizen event was designated for sorting all unnecessary items on the line. It was a small line, so the team completed the sorting portion of the project in a couple of hours. By the end of the day, the team was putting together the new line.

One operator was eager to help and was working with me in a particular workstation. I allowed him to come up with ideas regarding placement of the items in the station. The workstation required a garbage can, because some of the parts arriving from suppliers were protected with foam that had to be removed and discarded. The team tried to find a way to reduce the amount of unpacking that was done on the line, but this particular part was painted and needed to be protected until installation.

The operator decided that the garbage can should be located to the left of the workstation. He had participated in the 5S training that I had conducted, so he knew I wanted him to be creative. The garbage can was placed on the floor at the end of the day, and he decided to finish his 5S plan the following day. When we returned to the workstation the following morning, the garbage can was missing. I was not surprised that it was gone. He found it comical, because there were hundreds of garbage cans in this factory and they were always disappearing. Laughing, he ran off to find his garbage can.

Upon his return, I asked him why he thought it had been missing. Fortunately, his answer was “poor identification.” The operator placed the garbage can back where it was supposed to go and then proceeded to place yellow floor tape around it. Because there was a lot of work to do on the line, we left to help other team members with their implementations.

I did not see much of him that day except in passing. I looked for his garbage can, and it was still in its place. On the third day we returned to the location and, lo and behold, the can was gone—just as I knew it would be. Essentially, I was allowing the operator to make some key mistakes, helping him grasp the concept of 5S through his own experience. The operator now seemed a bit disgruntled, but again he was eager to solve the issue. He returned the garbage can to its place, placing it in the middle of the floor tape. He then placed a label on the floor that read “garbage can.”

I knew that was not enough, but I wanted him to learn a little more. By the end of the day, the can again had disappeared, this time getting only as far as the next workstation. Because the event was nearing completion, I felt compelled to intervene. I explained that because there were numerous garbage cans in the factory he might want to change the label on the floor to “G Line Garbage Can 1.” This would ensure that the garbage can would stay in the G line and in workstation 1. The garbage cans in the other workstations on the G line would be labeled 2 and 3 to ensure that they remained in their own stations. He got it! I apologized for dragging him along, but I explained my reason for wanting him to learn from his own mistakes and experience kaizen in a way that would make him a true believer.

The same numbering approach can be used for brooms, dustpans, mops, or any other item that has multiple quantities for a given area. Make sure that the item is labeled with its name in addition to its location.

My example is just that—an example. It’s a good idea to tap in to the talent of your employees, allowing them to devise the best, most creative manner of organization. Here are a few more examples.

Figure 4.2 shows a simple, effective way to identify a workbench. In this example, the workbench is designated as T1. (“T1” distinguishes this workbench from other workbenches. A designation of “workbench” is not sufficient because there may be more than one workbench. The best analogy is a house number and street name. Imagine trying to get mail without an address or if the house were simply called “house.”) In Figure 4.2, floor tape has been placed around the workbench, and the workstation sign is posted above it for easy viewing. The same workstation identification is on the floor next to the floor tape. From most vantage points, this workstation is highly visible.

Workbench Identification

Figure 4.2. Workbench Identification

Workbenches, stations, shelves, and parts racks need identification because manufacturing items such as tools, parts, materials, supplies, and documentation also need a home location. These items are generally placed in a bin or on a flat surface in a workstation. T1 would have a collection of necessary items for performing the work, and each item’s location in the factory is in T1.

The bins or containers holding these parts should also be clearly marked and designated as belonging in T1. The label should include the part description, part number, part quantity, and location (see Figure 4.3).

Part Identification

Figure 4.3. Part Identification

The contents of parts bins should be clearly marked with their correct location. This ensures that a “wandering” part returns to its home location on the production floor. In this example, the location is T1. A similar label should also be placed on the workbench T1. In this way, the parts bin sits in a designated place on T1.

Try to be as creative and detailed as possible when you are straightening.

Mistakes in Sustaining

In most cases, organizations successfully implement the first four S’s in the 5S program. Sustaining the changes is a different story. Culture change plays a major role in its success. Holding people accountable can be difficult, especially when the employees have been with the company for quite a while or have been performing the same job function for many years. It is human nature to grow comfortable with established ways of working and to want to maintain that comfort zone even after physical changes are made to the work environment.

Employees who are resistant to change will battle against the new requirements for order and cleanliness as long as possible. To combat this, from a managerial perspective, you need to have in place two monitoring systems:

5S Audits

Auditing and tracking any procedure or program are critical to its success. You cannot simply put a new program in place and expect it to work on its own. This is especially true with lean manufacturing. To ensure its sustained success, you must maintain it and continuously improve upon it. Your 5S program will be successful if it has the commitment of those on the floor and if management audits and maintains the area consistently.

You must create a 5S audit form that captures all the important elements of organization and identification for the specified area. For example, the criteria you establish for assembly lines will vary from the criteria for the fabrication or receiving departments. Each area will need its own 5S audit form. Also, you cannot perform an audit until after the company has implemented 5S in that area. Although this seems obvious, some people attempt to do it backwards.

Figure 4.4 shows an example of a 5S audit form for production or assembly lines. You need to tailor your forms to your processes and to your goals in monitoring your 5S program.

5S Audit Form

Figure 4.4. 5S Audit Form

The 5S audit form is used to monitor conformance to the company’s 5S program. The form is based on the five S’s (sort, straighten, scrub, standardize, and sustain). You need to establish and then monitor the various criteria. There is no maximum number of criteria; you can list as many as you’d like.

The 5S form can be short or lengthy. I have seen forms that were four pages long. The scoring portion of the audit can be established in two ways: a yes or no approach, or scoring based on a scale. The form in Figure 4.4 uses yes or no answers to indicate conformance.

Alternatively, you might want to use a scale of 1 to 5 (5 = complete conformance, 3 = minimal conformance, and 1 = nonconformance).

The 5S audit form should be developed for every process and department in the factory and should be process-specific. As mentioned, the form for assembly lines should be different from the forms for receiving, maintenance, and shipping. These areas operate within different process parameters, and therefore the 5S audit must be tailored to the needs in each area.

For consistency, each 5S audit form should contain the same number of questions. Although each team has different work processes, it would not be fair to audit the maintenance department with 8 questions and then audit the manufacturing lines with 25 questions. It is typically best practice to form different 5S teams for the different areas, because workers from each area know it best and can help establish the criteria and perform the audits. Make sure that the 5S audit forms are developed based on what is considered critical to organization and what is considered the standard for cleanliness in each respective area.

Many companies struggle with developing their approach to 5S and specifying how it should be implemented in each area. It is wise to begin by developing the 5S audit form for the area. When that is completed, each kaizen team will know the specific criteria to use for the implementation, and that almost guarantees that the area will be 5S compliant. Remember, 5S compliance is defined differently for each organization. Develop the criteria, implement 5S, and sustain it.

To maintain consistency, 5S audits should be conducted once a week. It is a good idea to post the audit criteria in the target area so that operators and floor supervisors are visually aware of the standard. After the audit, the data from the audit form is added together, and the completed audit is based on a percentage, as shown at the bottom of Figure 4.4.

There are no secrets here; you want the floor personnel to know what they will be audited on. The company should want the areas to score well on a consistent basis.

5S Tracking Sheet

Four audits should be performed every month (one per week), and the results posted on a tracking sheet. This 5S tracking sheet needs to be visible to the whole organization, because office 5S audits will eventually become part of the 5S process. Each department, line, work area, or function will be aware of the monthly progress. This is not a finger-pointing game but rather a visual indicator of trends, something that helps management pinpoint areas in need of improvement.

Each month, the department or area with the highest 5S score is awarded a prize. This process creates healthy and fun competition for everyone, and it encourages everyone to strive for the highest score. The 5S tracking sheet should be updated only once a month, and then again at year end to determine the overall winner for the year. However, before you can begin tracking 5S scores, 5S must be implemented plantwide based on the criteria established in the audit form.

Time and Motion Studies

All lean decisions are based on data, and good reliable data will never fail you. It takes time to collect good data, and I am not an advocate of rushing the process. For your lean efforts to positively affect key shop floor metrics—and ultimately to improve cost, quality, and delivery—you must obtain an accurate assessment of the current state of the target process. This data, once collected, is then used to determine accurate staffing and station requirements, equipment needs, number of assembly lines, parts requirements, line length, and workstation design.

The most fundamental aspect of data collection is conducting time and motion studies for the target process: evaluating the work content, work steps, and movement of line workers for the purpose of identifying value-added and non-value-added work. Collecting this information takes time. Here are some suggestions that will reduce the possibility of errors during collection:

Use a Stopwatch

Historically, time and motion studies have been performed in a variety of ways or not at all. Unfortunately, either many manufacturers do not have this information in their possession, or the data they possess is inaccurate or outdated. Some manufacturers have performed the studies and have accurate data but have never used it. In any case, the data is important and I highly recommend that it be collected and put to good use. My professional preferences for data collection are time and motion studies, because they provide highly detailed information that is invaluable for improving cost, quality, and delivery.

Video cameras can be placed on the floor, focused in the general direction of the work area or inside the workstation. Although these cameras are perfect for capturing excess movement (walking) and excessive wait times, it is often difficult to catch each individual step the workers take while performing their job process. The clock on the camera runs continuously, and therefore the data collector reviews the recording and manually establishes and records the individual work times. A simple wristwatch can also be used to collect times associated with each work step, but, in my experience, it does not reflect actual time.

The best tool for time tracking is a stopwatch. By setting the watch to either seconds or minutes, you can accurately capture the true time it takes to perform a specific part of the process. At least six to eight samples should be collected for each task so that a solid average time can be calculated. This average takes into account any minor differences that occur in each sample.

Document the Work from Start to Finish

The data collector should document the individual work steps from start to finish, beginning with the first workstation and proceeding down the line or process. The goal is to create a long, sequential list of work in progress, capturing every step that is taken. Figure 4.5 is an example of what this data may look like.

Work Content List, Main Assembly Line

Figure 4.5. Work Content List, Main Assembly Line

To create an accurate picture of the current state of the work on the line, the observer must document every action. This action reveals the processes and their current inefficiencies, such as operators searching for tools and parts while performing the work. The information will indicate actions such as how often the operators leave their workstations and whether they must share tools while performing the work, or walk to a central storage area to find parts and documentation. When all steps are accurately captured, they must be identified as either value-added or non-value-added. Therefore, it’s critical to capture every single action.

Collect the Work Content First

Data collectors make mistakes when performing time and motion studies if they attempt to track too much at one time. It is nearly impossible to identify and document work steps and simultaneously time the events, especially for tasks that take less than eight seconds. The only good information is accurate information. Therefore, you must take sufficient time to perform these studies.

At the beginning of the exercise, leave the stopwatch in the desk and concentrate on recording the actual work steps without worrying about the time. During the day, production workers perform numerous activities, and you need to observe all of them. There may be line stoppages or changes in the product mix (on mixed-model lines), or the operators may change the order in which they perform tasks. Before beginning your task, approach the workstation and speak with the line operators. Explain that you will document their work steps in an attempt to learn the process on the line. Because you will not have a stopwatch, they are less likely to be nervous and will probably work at a productive pace. Ask them to maintain consistency in their steps so that you can collect accurate data.

It is important for the data collector to develop a positive relationship with the line workers, for a few key reasons. First, the data collector will be returning with a stopwatch, and therefore a good relationship established beforehand will serve to ease operator stress about being timed. Second, the collected information will be used to improve the process, and therefore it must be accurate. Starting off on the wrong foot will only create a sense of animosity, and line operators may be less inclined to be helpful. Third, creating a sense of teamwork and camaraderie with the operators is important because they will be participating in the kaizen events. Additionally, a line operator can be of great assistance with the initial data collection, helping the data collector gather all important area information before the time studies.

Once the work content has been documented, the data collector can begin the timing portion of the study, starting at any point in the build sequence. The data collector can time any area in any order. For example, she can start at the beginning of the process and then halt the study, if necessary, and move to another workstation. Flexibility is important, because, in reality, an issue on the line could force an operator to stop working for a brief period. This is another reason it is important to document the work steps first before attempting to capture time. By using these guidelines, a data collector can gather all the information efficiently and accurately.

Waste Removal

Waste removal is the cornerstone of any lean journey. It is a continuous process of analyzing and providing solutions for each individual process in the company. In short, it never ends. I have often been asked, “When are you waste free?” My answer is, “Never.” Time and motion studies are an essential waste analysis tool when it comes to assembly lines, work cells, machine work, and setup reduction. Although these studies are not the only tool available, they are one of the best. I have just described how they should be conducted. Now, what happens after time and motion studies have been done and the data collected?

Waste is evaluated based on its impact on the process. Improvement teams often make mistakes in their approach to waste removal. Removing some kinds of waste is difficult or nearly impossible, and perhaps should not be attempted. Instead, you should direct your efforts toward high-impact waste according to its priority and its effect on the process overall.

On a flight from Chicago, I read an article about a company that was 100 percent waste free. The article described the organization’s lean journey, which incorporated “green” manufacturing into its operations. All manufacturing and office processes, including the construction of the facility, were designed with the environmental footprint in mind. It was a very progressive-thinking company. However, I struggled with the concept of 100 percent waste free. Even though I am knowledgeable on green manufacturing, I found it difficult to grasp the concept of 100 percent waste free, especially with regard to inefficiencies.

In all my years in the lean field, I have yet to find a company operating in a 100 percent lean state. In my opinion that state does not exist. Lean is a journey that never ends. Waste will always exist, and companies must remain consistent and diligent in their continuous attempts to reduce or eradicate it.

With that said, your waste-reduction efforts should be centered on the big hitters. There are essentially three priority levels of waste: low, medium, and high. Kaizen teams should focus on the high-priority waste and work their way down to medium- and low-priority waste.

High-Priority Waste

High-priority waste should be identified and removed from the process as quickly as possible. I classify the action of an operator leaving a workstation as a high-priority waste in both action and associated time. By definition, operators are considered value-added because they build the product that brings profitability to a company. Their time must be focused and directed toward the work taking place in their stations. Walking around and searching for tools, parts, supervisors, documentation, standards, supplies, or any other item in need is high-priority waste. It has an immediate negative impact on the shop floor, creating bottlenecks as well as animosity between production workers. In addition, operators who frequently leave their work areas may lose focus and can possibly commit quality errors.

In my travels, I have been confronted by managers who did not want to add the cost associated with having materials handlers bring parts to workstations. Their argument may initially appear to be valid, because labor costs increase whenever workers are added. But placing materials and parts at the point of use (i.e., in the workstation) definitely results in a reduction of waste and a value-added activity, and this practice ultimately has a positive impact on cost, quality, and delivery.

At this point in the debate, my statements may seem to resolve the dilemma. Not yet. Often, the next management solution is to place an entire pallet or large bin of material inside the workstation to satisfy the need for parts replenishment. Unfortunately, this approach adds more to waste and cost than simply adding a materials handler to the process. Using this method, the organization incurs higher inventory costs and physically increases the size and length of the process. Storing large amounts of material requires more floor and workstation space, adding to delivery time, increasing the cost of doing business, and potentially even affecting quality. The solution to parts replenishment on the line is not to place large amounts of material within the manufacturing process. Nor is it to allow operators to gather their own parts. The more sensible resolution is to provide materials to the workstations in reasonable quantities and to employ materials handlers to deliver the goods as needed.

Not convinced? Consider the example of a dentist. When a dentist works on your teeth, he has an assistant who hands him tools and attends to your physical comfort. This practice allows the dentist to focus solely on your teeth and the important work he is performing. All the necessary tools and supplies are placed on a nearby tray within easy reach of the dentist and the assistant. The dentist and the assistant have no need to leave the patient to retrieve tools or other necessary items. In fact, leaving the patient during an important procedure would not be optimal performance or adequate patient care. Similarly, when line operators leave their workstations, they are practicing high-priority waste. Improvement teams should focus on eliminating high-priority waste as their first action of business. Leaving the workstation should be eliminated, and it usually can be accomplished with point-of-use parts, tools, documentation, and an adequate signal system to communicate operator needs like a tower light.

Medium-Priority Waste

Medium-priority waste is generally associated with waste that occurs while operators are within their workstations. Operators are often required to remove parts from original supplier packaging. Removal of foam, shrink-wrap, tape, bags, and boxes can consume valuable assembly time and requires garbage cans or recycling bins in the production area. In regard to the seven deadly wastes, this would be considered overprocessing. Packaging should be removed in the receiving area unless the parts need to be protected from damage. It is a case-by-case situation, of course, but most parts can be delivered to the stations ready to install.

Two other examples of medium-priority waste are waste caused by imbalances in the work flow or from poor communication. Assembly lines should be well balanced to ensure a steady flow throughout the workday. During wait times, operators should be working together and flexing within the workstations, but this practice still does not solve the waste issue. To reduce or eliminate any problems in work flow, you should perform accurate time studies to evaluate the optimum work content balance.

Lack of timely information or insufficient communication can also cause unnecessary wait times. Operators trying to locate a production supervisor must have appropriate methods and signals to communicate their need. Without adequate ways to communicate, they may opt to leave their workstations, placing them in the high-priority waste category. Operators who cannot communicate their needs may continue to work without answers to their questions or without necessary supplies until the appropriate person happens to stop by the workstation. In some cases, they may need to stop work completely and just wait until someone comes by to address their need.

Poor workstation design can create wasted motion, which I also define as medium-priority waste. Lack of 5S and organization can make it difficult to locate items in the workstation. Workers can become frustrated if labels are difficult to read, part numbers are hard to distinguish, or torque values cannot be identified on tools. Poor tool installation, and tool holders without locking mechanisms, can also impede operations and cause frustration as well as safety issues. Having to read through deep piles of work instructions to locate the right procedures is also a significant waste of time. Although workstation items may be in close proximity, poor organization and station design create unnecessary motion.

Low-Priority Waste

Let’s go back to the article I read on my plane ride. It should be obvious now that lean manufacturing is a continuous journey, and that makes it nearly impossible for a company to be 100 percent waste free. Continuous improvement is the name of the game.

When I think about that “100 percent waste free” company, I wonder how it moves its product along the line. What approach has it taken to remove the movement of parts and product? Automated or not, this movement is non-value-added, and it’s an example of wasted motion. But it is nearly impossible to remove this movement from the build process. Some companies have implemented continuously moving assembly lines, where the operators walk as they install the parts. I do not recommend this practice, and I believe it is not conducive to good quality and safety. Let me give you an example of what happens when the line moves.

A company that manufactured vinyl windows attempted to install a moving line in one of its high-volume plants, where it operated approximately 22 manual and automated assembly lines. Some lines had conveyor belts, which were operated by the worker at the start of the process. He would finish his work on a window, place the window on the conveyor, and press the foot pedal to move the belt. The product moved, and operators on the line were forced to move with it while performing assembly, no matter where they were in their own assembly process.

It reminded me of an old I Love Lucy episode with Ethel and Lucy trying to put chocolate candies into boxes that moved past them at an increasing pace. Soon the two women weren’t able to keep up, and they started stuffing the candies into their clothes and then into their mouths. It was funny on TV, but in real life it’s anything but amusing. An analysis of internal and external quality data at the window company revealed a significant number of parts missing from the windows that flowed on conveyor belts. Even more telling, the parts most often missing were those that had to be installed. Because installing required time, the operators simply skipped that step; they had no time to do it. I also observed many operators lying on the moving conveyor belt, attempting to slow it down so that they could install parts.

My point is that some waste is nearly impossible to remove, and attempting to do so is not expected or desired. If you focus on the high- and medium-priority waste, you will make major improvements in your manufacturing processes. Don’t worry about not having enough to do. Remember that this journey is never-ending. You will be continually faced with inefficiencies and waste that will require removal.

Quality at the Source

With regard to quality, one of the most common mistakes is to implement self-checks and successive checks incorrectly. As mentioned earlier, the quality at the source philosophy places the responsibility for quality at the point of build. Ultimately responsible for product quality, operators must perform certain incoming and outgoing checks throughout the process. They check work done in the preceding process or by a former worker, then perform their own task, and then perform a quality check on the work they just did.

Quality at the source results in a tremendous improvement in quality. When checks are performed throughout the process, multiple eyes are on the product. This practice results in a product that is virtually error free by the time it reaches a more formal inspection point at the end of the line. Self-checks and successive checks are very common in a lean journey, but only a correct implementation of these checks will ensure that they are performed.

Never implement quality at the source without first identifying the current state by conducting time and motion studies. The incoming and outgoing checks require additional minor effort from the operators and add to the lead time of the product. An early stumbling block is to add this new operator requirement without first looking at the current process, resulting in headaches, additional lead time, and lack of accountability.

Here’s the right way to do it. First, document the current state of the build sequence: the sequential list of the work actions performed in the process. When you balance the workstations, add the in-line quality checks, and be certain to allocate time for each check so that workstations are not pushed beyond takt time. Eventually, these checks will become part of the standard process, so be sure to allocate the time correctly.

Don’t overload the production workers with too much to do. Remember, they are not inspectors. I usually advise my clients to assign no more than four checks, in any combination, to one workstation—for example, two incoming and two outgoing, or one incoming and three outgoing. However, not every workstation requires four checks; some may need only one or two. The maximum should be four per station.

Another mistake in implementing quality at the source is the type of checks that are required. What should the production workers look for in regard to quality? There are a multitude of items that can be checked and verified during the assembly of a product. Checking criteria should depend on your product, processes, and customer requirements.

It is important to select the checks using quality information, which can be gained from various groups within the company that track external and internal quality. Review the data derived from internal inspections. Quality information can also come from customer complaints and issues raised by outside service technicians. For example, perhaps there has been a continual problem with a wire harness not being fully seated in its terminal. The customer’s product may not be performing as expected, and the internal quality technician has had issues with the wire harness as well. It appears that the problem is a common one and needs to be addressed. In this case, checks will be initiated based on real data and not simply on opinion or “feel.”

Self-checks and successive checks can result in dramatic improvements in quality. By checking the major issues, a company can ensure that quality products are being built.

Workstation Design

When you attempt to apply all the appropriate lean tools to a new workstation or manufacturing line, you can make minor mistakes that can negatively affect performance. For example, managers are often drawn to trade catalogs that promote lean workstations and lean materials racks. Although these are possible solutions to line flow and materials presentation, before investing in physical modifications each company should look carefully at its own processes and decide how the most efficient line will operate.

The rest of this chapter is devoted to explaining common mistakes in workstation and line design and offering guidelines on how to choose the best solutions for your processes. You need to customize your processes to fit your specific needs rather than relying on a solution from a catalog. Here are the issues to consider:

Lines versus Work Cells

The concept of work cells has increased in popularity over the years. Work cells are essentially teams that work together as autonomous groups, each building a specific line of products. Each work team is responsible for the quality, volume, and productivity of the entire cell. Manufacturing companies are transforming traditional assembly lines into work cells as part of their lean journey. There have been successes, as well as failures, with this transformation.

It is important to note that work cells are not appropriate for all manufacturing environments. They were initially created for small groups of people building small products using a minimal number of parts. The teams in a work cell work very close to each other, and there are very few parts and materials in the area. Operators can move from workstation to workstation, helping the team with flow and progress; therefore, work cell operators need to be highly skilled and cross-trained.

To reduce the number of parts in the process, materials are replenished more frequently in a work cell than on a line. I have seen work cells in which parts were replenished every 30 minutes. It was a highly organized system with aggressive 5S and visual management. The company had worked with its suppliers to bring in low quantities of material and had streamlined its internal inventory control and materials handling to accommodate frequent replenishments.

Companies that operate processes with large, bulky products and parts may not be successful with work cells. Work cells are optimal for smaller or highly customized products. Many organizations attempt to use work cells for long, multistation lines, but that makes the cells long and wide and defeats the concept of work teams and high visibility. Operators cannot easily move to and from workstations, and the large products require large parts, necessitating space for storage. Although this arrangement is not optimal, I am not implying that a long, multistation line cannot be broken into smaller cells that feed into each other. It can be done. A company needs to evaluate its specific process and decide whether work cells will be efficient. The same principle applies to materials replenishment. Large, bulky parts may not be delivered as often due to physical strain.

Be careful not to buy in to work cells instantly. You must stay within certain variables to make work cells operate effectively. Evaluate your processes and determine whether they are good candidates. Remember, lines can still be lean and are perfectly suitable for most manual and automated assembly processes.

Physical Flow

How does your product flow? How will it flow after you implement lean manufacturing? These questions must be addressed. Products must move from one workstation or one process to another. As I’ve mentioned, this physical movement is wasted motion and you must apply careful consideration when deciding product flow. What works well for one manufacturer may not be the best solution for another. I will present a few options and then discuss the pros and cons of each.

Conveyor Belts

Conveyor belts are very common. Automated or manual, a conveyor belt allows the product to move along the line with very little effort, thereby reducing physical strain. In my opinion, this is a conveyor belt’s only positive attribute. Automated conveyor belts are typically controlled by foot pedal at either the beginning or the end of the line. If the operator at the beginning of the line controls the foot pedal, it can create an early push. Once an operator has completed her work, the unit is pushed to the next worker. Ready or not, here it comes! The remaining workers are then forced to work while the product is in motion. On the other hand, if the last operator is in control, there could be an early pull, and although a pull system is the ideal condition, a pull signal can be initiated improperly.

Again, operators are working with a moving product. From an ergonomic perspective, operators are confined to one specified height that is set for the team as a whole.

If you choose to use conveyor belts, you will need to deal with culture change early in the process. The best approach is to ensure that operators flex within the workstations, a practice that allows all operators on the line to perform work within the specified task time. When each worker has completed his work, the foot pedal can be pressed to move the belt for the team and not the individual.

Conveyor Rollers

Conveyor rollers are very similar in use to conveyor belts; both move product. However, belts control all the workstations on a line, whereas rollers physically divide the workers and do not move the entire line. Automated conveyor rolling systems can be implemented, and they are essentially like belts. My focus is on manual roller systems.

Roller systems are built to a predetermined height. However, the rollers can be modified to fit individual workstations or lift tables. Operators pull units into their workstations as needed. But, as with belt systems, an early push or pull can be forced. Use of roller systems requires training and then control to ensure that products are not forced onto other workers. Conveyor rollers work well when used in conjunction with other workstation items, such as benches and lift tables.

Lift Tables

Lift tables are one of my favorite choices if the target process or assembly line can use them effectively. Operators are not confined to a predetermined height and can adjust and maneuver the unit to a height that is suitable to their personal working requirements. I call this “climbing in the product.” Lift tables come with a foot pedal that is used to raise or lower the table to the desired height. Lift tables come in a variety of sizes, so there is one to fit every type of line.

As I’ve mentioned, adding conveyor rollers to a lift table provides more options in product flow. Production workers can place the unit at a productive height and also can easily pull units into their workstations. When you balance the line, be sure to account for the time associated with up and down motions of the lift table. Although it may take only a few seconds, when multiplied over numerous workstations throughout the day, this time can add up. Of course, movement time is wasted motion, but I consider it low priority because it is a valuable addition to the process.


If you are opting to use workbenches in a manufacturing line, make sure you analyze the need for them. From a materials and tools presentation perspective, workbenches are great because parts and tools can be placed directly in front of the worker. Adjustable workbenches are available that have a lever that can be turned to raise or lower the table.

When you analyze the need for workbenches, take into account that they often attract chairs or stools. I have never been a fan of chairs and stools on the production floor, because they take too much space and can place operators in poor sitting positions, causing back and neck strain. Does the work warrant the need for chairs? Small products require intricate work, perhaps with a magnifying glass, so these production lines may be good candidates for chair use.

On most other lines, production workers should be standing in front of product at all times. Standing encourages attentiveness and increased productivity, whereas chairs and stools may cause operators to become complacent or to slow down. If the workbenches are set at waist level in the station, you can avoid the use of chairs altogether. However, it is important to remember that workers may be standing for eight hours at a time. I discuss operator fatigue later in this chapter.

Mobile Lines

Assembly lines that can be moved easily, or rolled around the factory floor, are very handy. I once worked for a company that used mobile lines. They allowed flexibility, because the company could maneuver the processes as needed. Some products are heavy and bulky, requiring a mobile approach for efficient product flow.

Pallet jacks, pallets, carts, and so on are only a few types of mobile units that can be used on a line based on product requirements. For example, if your products require thick steel casings, as do safes or ATMs, placing them on pallets and moving them with pallet jacks is the recommended solution. Although there is some manual movement required within the process, you greatly reduce the possibility of injured workers or the product falling and becoming damaged.

I assisted a company that removed an old conveyor roller system that had been used to build medium-sized engines. The roller system was replaced with customized carts, each with a small platform on which the engine was secured during assembly and transportation. These mobile carts were height adjustable and moved through the assembly line like a train. The wheels were also lockable to avoid uncontrolled rolling of the carts. When the engine was lifted off the cart into the next process for installation, the empty cart was returned to the beginning of the line. The materials and tools racks were also on wheels, so the entire line could quickly be rolled out of the way for cleanup or inventory counts.

Material Presentation

Parts and materials are the blood supply of the manufacturing process. Therefore, they must be presented to operators in the most efficient manner possible. Manufacturers must remember the most fundamental aspect of materials presentation: point of use. With point of use comes the need for an effective materials replenishment system.

Materials handlers are a vital part of this system. In Lean Assembly: The Nuts and Bolts of Making Assembly Operations Flow (New York: Productivity Press, 2002), Michael Baudin compares the importance of a materials handler to the importance of a race car pit crew to its driver. In his example, the driver represents the line operator, racing around the track, jockeying for position. Major focus is placed on the driver as the value-added person on the team. However, at some point the driver must make a pit stop and refuel, get new tires, get clean windows, and receive water. The people in the pit crew are the materials handlers, servicing the car and driver before the driver heads back onto the track. Crew members follow clear, established procedures in a specific sequence. No matter how efficient the driver is, if the pit crew is not successful on every pit stop, the race could be lost. It is a collaborative effort that requires successful work on both ends.

When materials are presented to the operators, the materials must be ready for installation. As mentioned previously, packaging should be removed during the receiving stage before workstation presentation.

Each workstation requires a method for replenishment and a form of clear communication and signaling. For example, if the line is using the two-bin system, in which one empty bin is the signal for more parts, the established quantity must be identified either on the bin label or through the use of tower lights. Operators and materials handlers should be in constant communication, and material must be placed in the workstations in minimum quantities. Remember, the line is not a stockroom. Note that the two-bin system is outlined in detail in my book Kaizen Assembly: Designing, Constructing, and Managing a Lean Assembly Line (Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis Group, 2006).

Tool Presentation

There are basically two approaches to tool placement: waist height or overhead. Tools should be easily accessible and never placed on the floor.

The best placement for air hoses is overhead. If the air tool must be presented at waist height because of the work performed in the workstation, be sure that the hoses are routed along the work area and kept off the floor. All hand tools should be placed on shadow boards (in which tools are depicted or outlined to show where they belong) or on a tool trolley. Tools should be clearly identified with a label that specifies all critical information, including appropriate locations and quantity for the specific workstation. Tools should never be shared among operators.

Be sure to develop and sustain a tool maintenance and management program, which will ensure that tools are cleaned and in proper working order. Always have backup tools on hand in the storeroom, and keep track of calibration, torque setting schedules, and time associated with repairing and replacing tools. This practice will help you to identify trends in trouble areas and will contribute to improvement efforts.

Operator Fatigue and Safety

Another common mistake made in process design is failing to account for the fatigue experienced by operators when they stand on concrete for long periods. The use of antifatigue mats is an easily adopted measure that can increase productivity and improve operator morale. When selecting a mat, choose a style that cushions the foot. Test it by standing on the mat. A good mat shows a footprint after your foot is removed, meaning that the mat has absorbed weight and removed some fatigue. Create a mat replacement system to ensure that operators always stand on mats in good condition. Remember, antifatigue mats eventually experience fatigue, just like everything else. Replace them when their product life cycle is over.

During factory tours, I have noted potential safety issues related to improper use or nonuse of regulation safety glasses, earplugs, and gloves. A safety analysis is a must! Protective eyewear may not be needed plantwide, but certain operations that involve rivets or nails warrant the need for eye protection. Earplugs may also be necessary, depending on noise and decibel level. I recommend protecting people as much as possible.

Painting and Lighting

Manufacturing factories should be bright and have a pleasant appearance. Painting the production floor is always recommended, although it can be costly. Manufacturers that have painted their factory floors have found added benefits in morale, productivity, and quality.

Workstations and work areas should be well lit. Do not rely on the fixtures hanging from the factory ceiling to provide adequate light. Many factories have a hazy appearance because the lighting is placed too high above the lines.

Bright lights and bright paint encourage a sense of performance and a good disposition. If you walk into any fitness center or gym, you will see that they are well lit and cheerily bright.


Like parts and tools, work instructions need to be available at the point of use. Work instructions should be placed in each station and not hidden in a cabinet.

Each work instruction should be developed based on the work performed in each target station. Unfortunately, documentation is sometimes a last-minute effort for busy engineers. Often, they simply copy and paste drawings or pictures from other instructions in an attempt to complete the documentation quickly. But the pictures are not always suitable for the work being performed. They may show the product without any parts installed, with parts from a prior workstation installed, or with all parts installed—but with no instructions on how the workstation should perform its specific task. Using inappropriate pictures or drawings only creates confusion for the operator.

Work instructions should always be a step-by-step process of how to complete a specific task within a specific workstation. That’s all—nothing more, nothing less.

Chapter Wrap-Up

Some of the information contained in this chapter may seem just a matter of common sense. But curiously enough, many of the simple approaches I’ve described are often ignored. Organizations tend to repeat the most common mistakes I’ve discussed in regard to data collection, 5S, and process design. Attention to details can make a big difference in your lean journey. Everything you choose to do must be a good fit for how your company operates. Take each suggestion as needed, and lean it out.

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