
AAL-1 adaptation layer, 4345

AAL-5 adaptation layer, 434, 435

Absolute picture data see Intra (I) pictures

Access network, 382

Accumulator, 73

Adaptation layer, 384, 4345

Adaptation process, 424

Adder circuits, 71

overflow, 71

Additive colour matching, 44

Address mapping/generation, 174, 175

AES/EBU digital audio interface, 271, 381, 384, 38893

compatability, 379

Aliasing, 116, 118

prevention, 1234, 126

Ampex DCT format, 347, 350

Amplitude bars, test signals, 55

Analog systems, weaknesses, 3

Analog-to-digital convertor (ADC), 4, 13, 1413

Aperture effect, 42, 1213

corrector, 42

temporal, 42, 123

Applications, computer, 74

Arbitration protocols:

Ethernet, 4267

FireWire, 429

in networks, 4225

Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 76

Artifacts, 203, 2413

ASCII symbols, 179

Asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL), 395

Asynchronous serial interface (ASI), 388

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 383, 395, 430

adaptation layers, 434

cell-routing mechanism, 430, 4324

ATLANTIC encoder/decoder, 246

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems

Committee) system, 41722

Audio recording, in DVTRs, 3769

Automatic gain control (AGC) system, 2556

Azimuth recording, 25960

B-ISDN (broadband network), 395, 430, 431

Back channel, 381, 382

Back porch, 38


handling, 1912

strobing effect, 57

Banding effect, 241

Bandwidth requirements, 412

Bi-phase mark code see FM code

Bidirectional coding, 21619, 22731

decoder, 23840

signal paths, 381

Binary codes, 60, 68

Binary system, 58

Bit error rate (BER), 284

Bits, 8

Blanking intervals, 35, 38

Blanking level, 63

Block code, 290

Block interleaving, 307

Blocking effect, 241

Bootstrap program, 74

Brightness values, 167

Brillouin zone, 123, 126

Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN), 395, 430, 431

Broadcasting, 382

graphics unit, 181

modulation techniques, 405409

Buffer, MPEG coder, 2367

Burst correction, 297

Burst errors, 16

Bytes, 8


capacitance, 252

inductance, 252

low-loss, 253

Capacitance, transmission line, 252

Cassettes, DVC, 368

Cathode ray tube (CRT), gamma function, 32

CCD cameras:

anti-aliasing, 1234

temporal response, 123

CCIR Recommendation, 601 (standard sampling rate), 127

CD-ROM disk, 313

Central processing unit (CPU), 76

control path, 76

data path, 76

Channel, transmission see Transmission channel

Channel coding systems, 21, 250, 26971

group, 2746

simple, 2714

Character generation, 1824

broadcast graphics unit, 181

VDU, 179, 180

Chien search, 299

Chroma keying, 164

Chroma solarizing effect, 167

Chromaticity diagram, CIE, 47

Clock signal, 250

Code rate, group code recording, 2746

Codec, 200

Coders, 200

bidirectional, 22731

motion-compensated, 21011

MPEG, 2367

use in tandem, 244

Codewords, 2845, 287

generation, 2956

Reed–Solomon, 297


bidirectional, 21619

block, 290

convolutional, 29091

cyclic see Cyclic codes

digital principles, 249

imperfect, 2413

techniques, 201

variable-length, 204

Coding gain, 200, 222

Colorimeter, simple, 44


bleeding effect, 241

in digital domain, 1011

displays, 513

DVTR framing, 358

mixture curves, 44, 46

selection, 186

signals, 15054

test signal bars, 55

Colour difference signals, 1011, 535, 1523, 202

accommodating, 623

SMPTE/EBU standard, 57

Colour television, simple system, 445

Colour vision, 434

and effect of illumination, 4951

primary colours selection, 448

Common part convergence sublayer (CPCS), 435

Communication, digital, 3814

Communication layers, 3824

Compact Disc (CD), 313

Compander, 200

Composite video systems, 35

compression techniques, 202

decoding, 2412

Compression, 22

analog schemes, 202

benefits, 200, 207208

motion-compensated system, 213

system components, 200201

techniques, 202

use of MPEG standard, 22

use of non-MPEG standard, 22

Compression factors, 200, 203, 207209

Compressors see Coders


basics, 745

simple system, 75

Concatenation, 243, 245

avoidance, 245

effects, 2445

naive, 243

Concealment, by interpolation, 2867

Conditional Access Table (CAT), 403

Cones (eye), 29

Confidence replay, DVTR, 3578

Contouring effect, 135, 167, 169

Contrast sensitivity (eye), 30

Convergence sublayer (CS), 433

Convertor clocks, 130

Convolutional code, 29091

Convolutional interleaving, 307, 308

Correction, by erasure, 304305

Critical flicker frequency (CFF), 30

Cross fading, 1612, 163

Cross-interleaving, 307

Crossword codes, 20, 289, 307, 354, 355

CSMA/CD protocol, 426

Cyclic codes:

mathematics, 2946

operation, 2923

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code, 293, 296

Cylindrical lens method, focus determination, 3334

D-9 format, tape, 376

Data separation, 21, 263

De-interlacing, 172, 192, 1947

Decimator, 145

Decoder see Expander



bidirectional, 23840

compliant, 206

MPEG-2, 23840

Definition (detail fineness), 41

Delay control, 77

Demultiplexing see Multiplexing

Density ratio (DR), channel coding, 270, 271

Deserializing, 283

Detent, 265, 267, 270

Dielectrics, 251

transmission line loss, 253

Difference picture data see Predicted (P) pictures

Differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DQPSK), 405

Differentiation, digital, 74

Diffraction grating, 335, 336

Digital Betacam (DB) system, 347, 350, 35967

Viterbi processing logic, 281

Digital recorders, rotary head, 246

Digital storage elements, for timebase correction, 77

Digital systems, advantages, 1112

Digital VHS (DVHS), 26

Digital video:

basics, 13, 45

outline processes, 1213

Digital video broadcasting (DVB), terrestrial delivery (-T), 41317

Digital video cassette (DVC) format, 350, 367

block diagram, 372, 373

cassettes, 368

product codes, 374, 375

tracking mechanism, 36971

see also DVCPRO format

Digital video disk (DVD), 26, 207, 313

player structure, 33840

Digital video tape recorder (DVTR):

audio recording, 3769

block diagrams, 24, 25, 3513

development, 3478

operating modes, 357

Digital-S format see D-9 format

Digital-to-analog convertor (DAC), 13, 13941, 1478

Digitizing tablet, 185

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 104106

use in MPEG-2, 22022

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 103104

Discrete multitone technique (DMT), 396

Discrete time integrator, 73

Disk controllers, 3236

Disk drives, 223, 31214

Disk servers, 328

Disk-based recording, 223


construction, 314

see also under specific types

Dither, 1356, 1389

Drift, 247

Dropouts, 16

DTMF see Touch-tone dialling

Duality, 100102

DVCPRO format, 347, 367, 3756

DVE systems, 172, 173

Dynamic resolution, 30, 578

E-E mode, 358

Early token release (ETR), 428

EBU/AES interface see AES/EBU digital audio interface

Edit decision list (EDL), 342

Edit-point location, 3434

Editing process, 341, 3423

with disk drives, 3446

Effects machines, control, 1789

EFMplus coding, 338, 339

Electricity, transmission, 250

Electromagnetic energy, 25051, 251

Elementary stream, 22, 397

MPEG-2, 2378

Encoders, 156

absolute linear, 1589

alternative designs, 206


dim, 246

rotary incremental, 160

Encryption systems, 277

End of block (EOB) symbol, 224, 225

Entropy (information content), sample, 20

Equalization technique, 263, 271, 279

Equalizing pulses, 38

Erasure correction, 304305

Erasure flags, 309

Error bursts, 284

Error concealment, 1617

DVTR, 354, 355

Error correction, 16, 17, 2879

basic, 2846

by R–S codes, 297

and channel coding, 282

digital television broadcasting, 413

segmented recordings, 354

Error detection, 2879

network, 424

Error detection and handling (EDH), 385

Error flags, 309

Error-handling strategies, 285, 286

Error-protection strategy, 309

Ethernet, 423

protocol, 4267

ETS, 300814 standard, 434

Expander, 200

Eye see Human eye

Eye tracking, 57

Faders, 156, 157

Faraday effect, 261

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 103, 104

Fast multiplication, 156, 157

Field-pictures, 2326

FIFO (silo) chip, 7982

Figure of merit (FoM), 271

Filler (colour mixer), 185

Film grain effect, 242

Film weave, 242

Filtering process, 848


anti-aliasing, 118, 120

anti-aliasing optical, 1234

anti-image, 115

finite slope, 120, 121

finite-impulse response (FIR), 8895, 176

folded, 95, 96

infinite-impulse response (IIR), 88

low-pass, 118, 119

optical, 120

phase-linear, 87

reconstruction, 115, 118, 120

spatial, 115

transversal, 91

two-dimensional, 123

Finite resolution, optical system, 85

FIR filters see Filters, finite-impulse response

FireWire, 423, 42830

arbitration system, 429

Firmware, 74

Flash convertor, 1413

Flash gun effect, MPEG-2, 243

Flexible transfer function, for keying signal, 165, 166

Flyback, scanning, 33

Flying-head disk drives, 313

Flywheel effect, 267

FM code, 2713

in AES/EBU digital audio interface, 389

coder operation, 273

Focusing, optical disk drive, 3314

Font selection, 1812

Forward error correction (FEC) system, 286, 384, 434

Fourier transform, 103104

Frame rate, scanning process, 33

Frame store, RAM, 13

Frame-pictures, 2326

Frequency domain, 88

Frequency response, system, 279

Fringeing effect, 241

Front porch, 38

Full-adder circuit, 71

Galois field, 10911, 299, 300, 302

Gamma function, 312, 14950

Gateways, network, 382

GBR colour system, 53

Genlocking, 111

Ghosting effect, 410

Gibb’s phenomenon, 91


Graphic art systems, 1856

Gray code, 157, 158, 159

Group code recording (GCR), 2746

Group delay, 249

Group-of-pictures (GOP), 202, 216, 218, 238

alternative structures, 219

Guard intervals, 412

Half-adder circuit, 71

Head disk assembly (HDA), Winchester, 321

Heisenberg inequality, 103

High-definition television (HDTV), 26, 208

High-frequency signals, 251

Hub, network, 423

Hue (colour description), 48

Huffman codes, 205, 225

Human eye:

colour accommodation, 151

colour resolution, 55

contrast sensitivity, 30

dynamic resolution, 30

operation, 2930

receptor characteristics, 44

saccadic motion, 30

spectral response, 53

structure, 28

tracking of motion, 57

Human visual system (HVS), 202

see also Human eye

IBM, token ring system, 427, 428

Identification code (ID), packet, 834

IEC, 958 see AES/EBU digital audio interface

IEEE, 1394–1995 interface see FireWire

IIR filters see Filters, infinite-impulse response (IIR)

Image mixing, 156

Image rotation, MPEG-2, 242

Imperfect coding, 2413

Impulse response, 858

Information, transmission, 1434, 2514

Infra-red wavelengths, 43

Inner code, 20

Instructions, computer, 74

Integrated Digital Network (IDN), 395

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), 395

Inter-coding, 209, 210

Inter-symbol interference, 259, 262

Interlace twitter, 58

Interlacing, 192

motion estimation, 2345

picture handling, 2316

scanning, 35, 5860

Interleaving, 1720, 305307

block, 307

convolutional, 307, 308

Internetworks/internets, 382

Interpolation see Sampling-rate conversion

Intersymbol interference, 277

Intra (I) coding, 209, 210, 211, 216

Intranet, 382

Inverse transform, one-dimensional, 221, 222

IRE unit (video:sync), 35

ISO-MPEG coding standards, 22

ITU-601 standard, 161, 162, 171, 172

Jitter, 4, 13, 12830, 262

margin, 270, 271

rejection, 2657

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) standards, 209

Judder effect, 242

Judder-free conversion, 188, 192

Kell factor, 41, 1223

Kerr effect, 261

Key signals, 181

Keyframe picture position), 178

Keying process, 1635, 182

Knife-edge method, focus determination, 3323

Knot (picture position), 178

Laser disks, 313

Latch, 69

D-type, 69

Latency (delay), 203

Least significant bit (LSB), 8, 131

Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) lossless codes, 205

Line card, 394

Line rate, 33

Linear timecode (LTC), 358

Local area networks (LANs), 382, 422

Logic elements/gates, 68, 69

XOR, 287

Lossless coding, 201, 206

Lossy coding, 201

Luma, digital, 150

Luma signals, 53, 151

Luminance reversal, 167

Macroblocks, 21314

Magnetic disk drives, 223, 31417

block accessing, 31719

defect handling, 3267

head construction, 316

Magnetic recording, 2549

Magneto-optical (MO) recording, 2612

disks, 328, 329, 330

Magneto-resistive (M-R) record head, 258

Manchester code see FM code

Map projections, 171

Mapping, video manipulation, 171

Memory capacity, 10

Memory management units, 171

Mercator projection, 171

Metadata, 397, 402

Metal evaporated (ME) tape, 367

Metal oxide semi-conductor (MOS), 71

Metal particle tape, 375

Metropolitan area networks (MANs), 382

Miller code see Modified frequency modulation (MFM) code

Mixing process, digital, 63

Modified frequency modulation (MFM) code, 2734

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 122

Modulo-n arithmetic, 107, 109

Monochrome video, 35

Morse code, 204

Mosaicing effect, 167, 170, 241

Most significant bit (MSB), 8, 64


estimation, 186

in interlaced system, 2345

portrayal, 57

sensing, 198

Motion compensation, 210, 21215

applications, 1868, 196

for de-interlacing, 1967

MPEG-2, 212

Motion JPEG, 209

Motion vectors, 189, 190

Motion-compensated coder, 21011

Moving-head disk drive, 312

MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group):

coder, 2367

compression standards, 206208

group-of-pictures (GOP), 219

packets, 399

program clock, 397

spatial coding, 209

temporal coding, 209

time stamp, 397, 3989

transport stream, 3967, 397

use of AAL header, 435

see also MPEG-2

MPEG-2, 202

averaging process, 217

bitstream switch point, 2478

compression, 396

DCT part, 244

decoder, 23840

decoder buffer memory, 403

effect of flash guns, 243

elementary stream, 2378

hypothetical buffer, 237

image rotation, 242

inter-coding, 212

interlacing, 212, 2316

motion compensation, 21215

processing, 2438

Profiles, 215

redundancy, 231

RLC/VLC coding, 224, 227

Simple Profile, 216

spatial compression, 22027

standard, 206, 208, 209

use of DCT coefficients, 224

weighting process, 222

Multi-level signalling, 407

Multibit full-adder circuit, 71

Multiplatter disk drive, 320

Multiplexing, 16, 22, 83

packet, 834

statistical, 84

transport stream, 403405

N-ISDN (narrow-band network), 395

Negative (low true) logic, 68

Network Information Table (NIT), 403

Networks, 382, 422

arbitration protocols, 4225

communication, 26

error-detection system, 424

physical structure, 4234

Node (picture position), 178


degree of compression, 203

immunity, 249

problems, 6, 7, 13

program-modulated, 100

pumping effect, 241

reduction, 198

sensitivity, 222

Non-composite signals, 35

Non-linear transfer function, for keying signal, 1646

Non-linear video editing, 341

Non-Return to Zero Invert (NRZI) code, 271

Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) code, 271

NTSC system:

dynamic resolution, 60

primary colours, 48, 50, 150

sampling rate, 127, 128

subcarrier frequency, 242

Null packets, 84, 400

Numerically-locked loop (NLL), 112, 113, 401

Nyquist frequency, 116, 120, 143, 279

OFDM system, 409413

Off-line editing, 208

Offset binary approach, 63

Operating system, computer, 74

Optic flow axis, 57, 186, 210, 242

Optical disk drives, 31314

erasable disks, 313

focusing, 3314

principles, 32831

recording, 26061

Optical disks, 23

Optical fibre light guide, 252

Optical filters, 86

Orthogonal frequency division, 410

Outer code, 20

Overall bit rate, 203

Oversampling, 1438

Packet Identification Code (PID), 399400, 402403

Packets, transport stream, 399, 400

PAL system:

dynamic resolution, 60

primary colours, 48

sampling rate, 127

subcarrier frequency, 242

Parity, 2879

Parity check matrix, 293

Partial response, Class IV, 279

Pathological data patterns, 387

Pattern sensitivity, channel code, 276

Peak-shift distortion, 259, 263

Pels see Pixels

Perceptive codes, 201, 206

Persistence of vision, 30, 123

Perspective effects, 1778

Phase margin see Jitter margin

Phase-locked loop (PLL), 11113, 2679

Phase-shift keying (PSK), 405

Physical address, 171

Physical medium dependent layer, 3823

Picture cells see Pixels

Picture transport mechanisms, 245

PIL (precision-in-line) tube, 52

Pixels, 4

square, 154

Planar rotation effect, 177

Plasma displays, 523

Point spread function, 85

Polarization plane, rotation, 261

Positive (high true) logic, 68

Posterizing effect, 167, 241

Preamble pattern, timing reference, 269

Precoding, Class IV partial response, 279, 281

Prediction error, 211, 215

coefficients, 2234

Predictive (P) coding, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 227

Primary colour selection, 445

Primitive element, 299

Processor see Central processing unit (CPU)

Product code see Crossword code

Program, computer, 74

Program Association Table (PAT), 402

Program Clock Reference (PCR), 400402, 435

Program counter (PC), 76

Program Map Table (PMT), 402

Program Specific Information (PSI), 398, 402403

Program stream, 22

Progressive scanning, 60

Propagation delay, 68

Protocol layers, 3834

Protocols, 3834

connection oriented, 432

conversion, 382

Pseudo-random sequence, 11011, 138, 139, 276, 277, 282

generator, 409

Public network, 382

Pulse code modulation (PCM) system, 4, 114, 202

Pulse sharpener, 263

Puncture, codeword, 296

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

(QUAM), 407409

Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), 405406

Quantizing process, 4, 13035

Quantizing range, 60

Quincunx sampling, 123

RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks) technology, 3278

Random access memory (RAM), 1314

data storage, 71

as flexible transfer function, 166, 167

Random errors, 16, 284

Randomizing techniques, 2767, 278, 387

convolutional, 277, 278

Read only memory (ROM), 14

Real signals, information rate, 202, 203

Reclocking process, 68

Recompression, 243, 247

Reconstruction process, 11821

Record head:

conventional inductive, 2548

hard disk, 259

magneto-optical (MO), 2612

magneto-resistive (M-R), 258

optical, 26061

rotary, 260

in tape work, 259

Recording medium, types, 254

Recursive device, 198

Redundancy, 203

adding, 16

Redundant bit, 287

Reed–Solomon (R–S) codes, 297303, 413

forward error correction, 434

generator polynomials calculation, 309, 311

Reflection effects, signal, 409410

Rendering process, 74

Requantizing, 163

Resampling process, 1212

Reservation bits, 428

Residual see Prediction error

Resizing (sampling-rate conversion), 95

Retina, sensing role, 29

RGB colour system, 10, 44, 467, 53, 55

sampling rate, 127, 128

signals, 15052, 153

Ringing effect, 241

RLC/VLC coding, 224, 227

Rods (eye), 29

Rotary head digital recorders, 246

tape transport, 34850

Routers, 384

Run-length coding (RLC), 224

Run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 275

Run/size table, 225

Sampling clock, 13, 2679

jitter removal, 12830, 250

Sampling process, 45, 114

choice of rate, 4, 1268

duality, 101102

Nyquist frequency, 116

sidebands, 115

spatial, 114

temporal, 114

two-dimensional, 1236

Sampling-rate conversion, 95100, 145, 174

effects, 178

fractional, 100

variable ratio, 100

Saturation (colour description), 48

Scanning process, 335

interlaced, 35, 58

progressive, 33, 60

Segmentation, DVTR, 354

Segmentation and reassembly (SAR)

sublayer, 433

Self-clocking waveform, 250

Separability principle, 173

Sequence, group of pictures, 238

Serial data transport interface (SDTI), 385, 3878

Serial digital interface (SDI), 285, 381, 3857

transfer, 2456

Servo-surface disk drives, 31920

Shift register, 69

Shuffling process, 20

Shuttle picture, 359

Signal energy, transmission line loss, 2534

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 133

reduction, 249

Silo chip see FIFO (silo) chip

Size (wordlength coefficient), 224

Skew (timing differences), 250

Skin effect, current flow, 250

Slicing process, 6, 263, 2645

Slipper, magnetic disk drive, 31415

SMPTE C phosphors, 48

Soft-keying, 163, 165

Software, 74

verification, 75

Solarizing effect, 167, 168

SONET (synchronous optical network) standard, 430, 432

Source coding scheme, 205, 397

Spatial coding, 209, 227

Spatial compression, 22027

Spatial frequency, 114

Spatial redundancy, 211

Spectrum shaping, 21

Splines, 178

algorithms, 1789

Splitter (filter), 396

Square pixel, 154

Stacker programs, 201

Standards convertor:

conventional, 188

motion-compensated, 18892

STATMUX (statistical multiplexer), 203204, 404

Still store unit, 185

Storage area network (SAN), 382

Storage density, 270

Storage elements, 68

Strobe signal, 430

Stuffing/packing (null packets), 84, 400

Subcarrier frequency, 2412

Subjectively lossless systems, 203

Synchronizing (sync) system, 3541, 283

detector, 283

leading edge, 38

patterns, 2834

Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) standard, 430, 432

Synchronous residual time stamp (SRTS), 435

Tape transport, rotary head, 34850

Telephone-based systems, 3946

exchanges, 394

wiring, 396

Television broadcasting:

analog, 26

colour system, 445

digital, 26, 3967

displays, 126

error correction, 413

future technology, 23

high-definition, 26, 208

sampling rate, 128

Temporal coding, 209, 212, 227

Temporal filtering (eye), 30

Temporal frequency, 114

Temporal redundancy, 211

Ternary signals, 279, 282

Tiling effect, 241

Time compression/expansion, 1416

Time Division Multiplexer (TDM) system, 4289

Time domain, 88

Time stamps, 397, 3989, 417, 435

Time uncertainty see Jitter


correction, 4, 7782

error effect, 241

Timecode, 358

Timing reference signal (TRS) codes, 38

SAV and EAV patterns, 387

Token ring system, IBM, 427, 428

Top/bottom fields, interlaced picture, 231

Touch-tone dialling, 394

Tracking error, optical disk drive, 3357

Transforms, 878

control process, 178

duality, 100102

Transmission channel, 249

types, 25051

Transmission control protocol (TCP), 383

Transmission convergence layer, 383

Transmission lines, 2514

Transport network, 382

Transport stream, 22, 397

multiplexing, 403405

Transposition process, 173

Triads, 51

Twisted-ring counter, 110

Two’s complement system, 647

Ultra-violet wavelengths, 43

Variable-length coding (VLC), 204, 224

Vector assignation, 189

Vector interpolation, 191

Verification, software, 75

Vertical interval timecode (VITC), 358

Video buffer verifier (VBV), 237

Video effects, digital, 16779

Video graphics, 17986

Video manipulation, 171

Video signal, 35

Video-on-demand, 207

Virtual address, 171

Virtual channel, 432

Viruses, computer, 745

Vision mixer:

digital, 15663

luminance path, 160, 161

Visual accommodation, 29

Visual display unit (VDU), 179

Viterbi decoding, 27981, 282

Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO), 401

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 111, 267

centring, 269

Wave table, 230


sawtooth, 33

self-clocking, 250

spectrum, 100101

Weighting process, MPEG-2, 222, 223

Wide area networks (WANs), 382

Winchester technology disk drives, 313, 32023

Window margin see Jitter margin

Wire frame, symbol, 184

Wordlength, 8

coefficient, 224

digital mixer, 1623

shortening, 1368

Words, 8

Workstation, structure, 3413

WORM (write-once-read-many) disks, 313

Yeltsin walk, 234

Zero-order hold system, 121

Zero-run-length, 224

Zig-zag scan, 224, 234

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