
1K1000 watts, measure of light output.
2K2000 watts, measure of light output.
5K5000 watts, measure of light output.
10K10,000 watts, measure of light output.
12K12,000 watts, measure of light output.
120Film format.
2 ¼2 ¼ × 2 ¼”. Camera format.
35mmCamera and film format (24 × 36mm).
500W500 watts, measure of light output.
5 × 45 × 4”, camera and film format.
6 × 4.56 × 4.5cm camera format.
6 × 66 × 6cm camera format.
6 × 76 × 7cm camera format.
6 × 86 × 8cm camera format.
6 × 96 × 9cm camera format.
10 × 810 × 8 inches camera and film format.
80AConversion filter, daylight film to 3200K light source.
80BConversion filter, daylight film to 3400K light source.
85BConversion filter, tungsten film to daylight.
AC discharge5600K continuous light source.
AmbientAvailable or existing light.
AnalyseTo examine in detail.
ApertureLens opening controlling intensity of light entering camera.
Arri 650WArriflex 650 watt light source (3200K).
ASAFilm speed rating - American Standards Association.
Auto focusAutomatic focusing system, mainly small-format cameras.
AvailableAmbient or existing light.
BShutter speed setting for exposures in excess of 1 second.
BackgroundArea behind main subject matter.
BacklightLight source directed at the subject from behind.
BacklitA subject illuminated from behind.
BalanceA harmonious relationship between elements within the frame.
BandingVisible steps of tone or colour in the final image due to a lack of tonal information in a digital image file.
Barn doorsMetal shutters attached to light source.
BellowsLight proof material between front and rear standards.
Bellows extensionWhen length of bellows exceeds focal length of lens.
Bellows formulaMathematical process to allow for loss of light.
BlurredUnsharp image, caused by inaccurate focus, shallow depth of field, slow shutter speed, camera vibration or subject movement.
Body copyWritten word, main content of advertisement.
BounceReflected light.
BracketingOverexposure and underexposure either side of MIE.
C standsVertical stand with adjustable arm.
C-41Negative film process.
Cable releaseDevice to release shutter, reduces camera vibration.
CameraImage capturing device.
Camera RAWUnprocessed image data from a camera’s image sensor.
Camera shakeBlurred image caused by camera vibration during exposure.
Close downDecrease in aperture size.
Closest point of focusMinimum distance at which sharp focus is obtained.
Colour balancePhotoshop adjustment feature for correcting a colour cast in a digital image file.
Colour conversionUse of filtration to balance film to light source.
Colour correctionUse of filtration to balance film to light source.
Colour temperatureMeasure of the relationship between light source and film.
CompensationVariation in exposure from MIE to obtain appropriate exposure.
ComplementaryColour - see Primary and Secondary.
CompoundIn lens design, indicating use of multiple optical elements.
CompressionUnderdevelopment allowing a high-contrast subject brightness range to be recorded on film. See The Zone System’.
ConceptIdea or meaning.
ContextCircumstances relevant to subject under consideration.
ContrastThe difference in brightness between the darkest and lightest areas of the image or subject.
CordElectrical lead.
Covering powerAbility of a lens to cover film format with an image.
CPUCentral processing unit of a camera used to compute exposure.
CroppingAlter image format to enhance composition.
Cut-offLoss of image due to camera aberrations.
CutterDevice used to control spread and direction of light.
CycloramaVisually seamless studio.
DarkclothMaterial used to give a clearer image on ground glass.
Dark slideCut film holder.
Dedicated flashFlash regulated by camera’s exposure meter.
DenseOverexposed negative, underexposed positive.
DensityMeasure of the opacity of tone on a negative.
Depth of fieldArea of sharpness variable by aperture or focal length.
Depth of focusDistance through which the film plane moves without losing focus.
DesignBasis of visual composition.
DiagonalA line neither horizontal nor vertical.
Differential focusingUse of focus to highlight subject areas.
DiffuseDispersion of light (spread out) and not focused.
DiffuserMaterial used to disperse light.
DigitalImages recorded in the form of binary numbers.
Digital imageComputer generated image created with pixels, not film.
DINFilm speed rating - Deutsche Industrie Norm.
DioptresClose-up lenses.
Direct lightLight direct from source to subject without interference.
DistortionLens aberration or apparent change in perspective.
Double dark slideCut film holder.
DynamicVisual energy.
DX codingBar coded film rating.
E-6Transparency film process.
EcuExtreme close-up.
Electronic flashMobile 5800K light source of high intensity and short duration.
EmulsionLight-sensitive coating on film or paper.
EquivalentCombinations of aperture and time producing equal exposure.
EVNumerical values used in exposure evaluation without reference to aperture or time.
EvaluateEstimate the value or quality of a piece of work.
ExpansionManipulating the separation of zones in B & W processing.
ExposureCombined effect of intensity and duration of light on light-sensitive material.
Exposure factorIndication of the increase in light required to obtain correct exposure.
Exposure meterDevice for the measurement of light.
Exposure valueNumerical values used in exposure evaluation without reference to aperture or time.
Extreme contrastSubject brightness range that exceeds the film’s ability to record all detail.
F-stopNumerical system indicating aperture diameter.
FallA movement on large-format camera front and rear standards.
Fast filmFilm with high ISO, can be used with low light levels.
Field of viewArea visible through the camera’s viewing system.
Figure and groundRelationship between subject and background.
FillUse of light to increase detail in shadow area.
Fill-flashFlash used to lower the subject brightness range.
FilmImaging medium.
Film speedRating of film’s sensitivity to light.
FilterOptical device used to modify transmitted light.
Filter factorNumber indicating the effect of the filter’s density on exposure.
FlareUnwanted light entering the camera and falling on film plane.
FlashMobile 5800K light source, high intensity, short duration.
FloodlightDiffuse tungsten light source.
FocalTerm used to describe optical situations.
Focal lengthLens to image distance when focused at infinity.
Focal planeWhere the film will receive exposure.
Focal plane shutterShutter mechanism next to film plane.
Focal pointPoint of focus at the film plane or point of interest in the image.
FocusingCreating a sharp image by adjustment of the lens to film distance.
Fog/foggingEffect of light upon unexposed film.
ForegroundArea in front of subject matter.
FormatCamera size, image area or orientation of camera.
FrameBoundary of composed area.
FresnelGlass lens used in spotlight.
Front lightLight from camera to subject.
Front standardFront section of large-format camera.
GelsColour filters used on light sources.
GenreStyle or category of photography.
GobosShaped cutters placed in front of light source.
GrainParticles of metallic silver or dye which make up the film image.
Grey cardContrast and exposure reference, reflects 18% of light.
Ground glassViewing and focusing screen of large-format camera.
Guide numberMeasurement of flash power relative to ISO and flash to subject distance.
HalftoneCommercial printing process, reproduces tone using a pattern of dots printed by offset litho.
Hard/harsh lightDirectional light with defined shadows.
High keyDominant light tones and highlight densities.
HighlightArea of subject giving highest exposure value.
HistogramA graphical representation of a digital image indicating the pixels allocated to each level of brightness.
Hot shoeMounting position for on-camera flash.
Hyperfocal distanceNearest distance in focus when lens is set to infinity.
Image sensorLight-sensitive digital chip used in digital cameras.
IncandescentTungsten light source.
IncidentLight meter reading from subject to camera using a diffuser (invercone).
InfinityPoint of focus where bellows extension equals focal length.
Infrared filmA film sensitive to wavelengths of light longer than 720nm invisible to the human eye.
InverconeTrademark of Weston. Dome-shaped diffuser used for incident light meter readings.
Inverse square lawMathematical formula for measuring the fall-off (reduced intensity) of light over a given distance.
ISOFilm speed rating - International Standards Organisation.
JPEG (.jpg)Joint Photographic Experts Group. Popular image compression file format used for images destined for the World Wide Web.
Key lightMain light source relative to lighting ratio.
LaboratoryFilm processing facility.
LandscapeHorizontal format.
Large format5 × 4inch camera, 10 × 8inch camera.
LatitudeFilm’s ability to record the brightness range of a subject.
LensOptical device used to bring an image to focus at the film plane.
Lens angleAngle of lens to subject.
Lens cut-offInadequate covering power.
Lens hoodDevice to stop excess light entering the lens.
LightThe essence of photography.
LightboxTransparency viewing system.
Lighting contrastDifference between highlights and shadows.
Lighting gridStudio overhead lighting system.
Lighting ratioBalance and relationship between light falling on subject.
Light meterDevice for the measurement of light.
Long lensLens with a reduced field of view compared to normal.
LoupeViewing lens.
Low keyDominant dark tones and shadow densities.
Luminance rangeRange of light intensity falling on subject.
MFlash synchronisation setting for flash bulbs.
MacroExtreme close-up.
Matrix meteringReflected meter reading averaged from segments within the image area. Preprogrammed bias given to differing segments.
Maximum apertureLargest lens opening, smallest f-stop.
Medium format6 × 7cm, 6 × 6cm, 6 × 4.5cm.
MeterLight meter.
MIEMeter indicated exposure.
Minimum apertureSmallest lens opening, largest f-stop.
MonorailSupport mechanism for large-format camera.
Multiple exposureMore than one exposure on the same piece of film.
NDNeutral density filter.
NegativeFilm medium with reversed tones.
NegativesExposed, processed negative film.
Neutral densityFilter to reduce exposure without affecting colour.
Non-cordFlash not requiring direct connection to shutter.
Normal lensPerspective and angle of view approximately equivalent to the human eye.
ObjectiveFactual and non-subjective analysis of information.
OpaqueDoes not transmit light.
Open upIncrease lens aperture size.
OrthochromaticFilm which is only sensitive to blue and green light.
Overall focusImage where everything appears sharp.
OverdevelopmentWhen manufacturer’s processing recommendations have been exceeded.
OverexposureExposure greater than meter indicated exposure.
PanchromaticFilm which is sensitive to blue, green and red light.
PanningCamera follows moving subject during exposure.
PerspectiveThe illusion of depth and distance in two dimensions. The relationship between near and far imaged objects.
Photoflood3400K tungsten light source.
PhotographImage created by the action of light and chemistry.
PlaneFocal plane.
Polarising filterA filter used to remove polarised light.
PortraitType of photograph or vertical image format.
PosterisationVisible steps of tone or colour in the final image due to a lack of tonal information in a digital image file.
P.o.v.Point of view.
PreviewObserving image at exposure aperture.
PrevisualiseThe ability to decide what the photographic image will look like before the exposure.
PrimaryThe colours, blue, green and red.
ProcessDevelopment of exposed film.
PullUnder-processing of film.
PushOver-processing of film.
QIQuartz iodine light source.
RAWThe unprocessed data recorded by a digital image sensor.
Sometimes referred to as camera RAW or the ‘digital negative’.
Rear standardRear section of large-format camera.
Reciprocity failureInability of film to behave predictably at exposure extremes.
ReflectanceAmount of light from a reflective surface.
Reflectance rangeSubject contrast measured in even light.
ReflectedLight coming from a reflective surface.
ReflectionSpecular image from a reflective surface.
ReflectorMaterial used to reflect light.
RefractionDeviation of light.
ResolutionOptical measure of definition, also called sharpness.
ReversalColour transparency film.
Rim lightOutline around a subject created by a light source.
RiseA movement on large-format camera front and rear standard.
SaturationIntensity or richness of colour.
SBRSubject brightness range, a measurement of subject contrast.
ScaleSize relationship within subject matter.
ScrimDiffusing material.
SecondaryComplementary to primary colours, yellow, magenta, cyan.
Selective focusUse of focus and depth of field to emphasise subject areas.
ShadowUnlit area within the image.
SharpIn focus.
ShutterDevice controlling the duration (time) of exposure.
Shutter-prioritySemiautomatic exposure mode. The photographer selects the shutter and the camera sets the aperture automatically.
Shutter speedSpecific time selected for correct exposure.
Side lightLight from side to subject.
SilhouetteObject with no detail against background with detail.
SlaveRemote firing system for multiple flash heads.
SlideTransparency usually 24 × 36mm.
Slow filmFilm with reduced sensitivity and low ISO rating.
SLRSingle lens reflex camera; viewfinder image is identical to image captured by film or image sensor.
Small format35mm.
SnootCone-shaped device to control the spread of light.
SoftboxHeavily diffuse light source.
Soft lightDiffuse light source with ill-defined shadows.
SpecularHighly reflective surfaces.
SpeedISO rating, exposure time relative to shutter speed.
SpotlightLight source controlled by optical manipulation of a focusing lens.
Spot meterReflective light meter capable of reading small selected areas.
Standard lensPerspective and angle of view equivalent to the eye.
StockChosen film emulsion.
StopSelected lens aperture relative to exposure.
Stop downDecrease in aperture size.
Strobe5800K light source.
StudioPhotographic workplace.
SubjectMain emphasis within image area.
SubjectiveInterpretative and non-objective analysis of information.
Subject reflectanceAmount of light reflected from the subject.
SwingA movement on large-format front or rear standards.
SymmetricalImage balance and visual harmony.
SyncFlash sychronisation.
Sync leadCable used to synchronise flash.
Sync speedShutter speed designated to flash.
TShutter speed setting for exposures in excess of 1 second.
T-stopCalibration of light actually transmitted by a lens.
TextPrinted word.
ThinOverexposed positive, underexposed negative.
ThyristorElectronic switch used to control electronic flash discharge.
TIFFTagged Image File Format. Popular digital image file format for desktop publishing applications.
TiltA movement on large-format front or rear standards.
TimeShutter speed, measure of duration of light.
Time exposureExposure greater than 1 second.
Tonal rangeDifference between highlights and shadows.
ToneA tint of colour or shade of grey.
TraceMaterial used to diffuse light.
Transmitted lightLight that passes through another medium.
TransparencyPositive film image.
TransparentAllowing light to pass through.
TripodCamera support.
Tripod clampDevice used to connect camera to tripod.
TTLThrough the lens light metering system.
Tungsten3200K light source.
TypefaceSize and style of type.
TypographySelection of typeface.
UnderdevelopmentWhen manufacturer’s processing recommendations have been reduced.
Uprating filmIncreasing the film speed.
UVUltraviolet radiation invisible to the human vision.
VerticalAt right angles to the horizontal plane.
ViewpointCamera to subject position.
VisualiseAbility to exercise visual imagination.
Wide angleLens with a greater field of view than normal.
X-synch.Synchronisation setting for electronic flash.
X-synch. socketCo-axial socket on lens or camera for external flash cable.
Zone systemExposure system related to tonal values.
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