
3GPP (3d Generation Partner Project), 19, 128


Adams, Scott, 57

AAC (advanced audio coding), 98, 120, 186

AC-3; see Dolby Digital

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee), 184

ANSI (American Standards Committee), 9

ARTS profile, 177

Apple’s QuickTime file format, 85

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) standard, 47


codecs, 62

compact discs, 47

formats and uncompressed bit rates, 139

resolutions and bit rates, 138139

structured, 99

subjective tests, 49

Audio-visual data

better compression for, 60

numerology of digital, 135139

what actually is compression for, 139151

lossless, 140141

lossy, 141145

main building blocks of, 144

rate control for, 150

schematic representation of the concept of, 142

Avatars, 9697

AVC (Advanced Video Coding), 18, 33, 50, 5152, 8788


BIFS (Binary Format for Scene Description), 8081


rates and image formats, 136137

streams, 3738

Bits and bytes, 135136

Bloomberg Television, 63, 208

“Brave New World” applications, 187

Business—technology interface, 191263


CAVLC (context-adaptive variable-length), 118119

CCIR, 19

Chiariglione, Leonardo, 21, 26

Christensen, Clay, 186

CNN, 63

Headline News, 208

Coding performance, measuring— science, marketing, or a black art, 153168

questions on, 154156

test material, 166168

classification of, 167


bandwidth access, 153

broadband access, 151

electrical power generation and consumption 100 years ago, 152

factors, calculating, 156159

applications, three reference, 158

test sequences, parameters for the two different, 157

future, still needed in the, 151153

lossless, 140141

lossy, 141145, 150

measuring quality, 159166

objective measurements, 160162

“constant Q” coding mode, 161, 162

PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio), 160162

“rate-distortion curve,” 161, 162

RMS (root mean square) error, 160

subjective testing, 162163, 164166

JND (“just noticeable differences”), 163

networks, different value, 167177

broadband scenario, 169

further criteria, 170177

low-complexity decoders, 173174

low-complexity encoders, 174175

low-delay encoding, 172173

multi-pass encoding, 171

random-access stream editing, 175176

real-time encoding, 170171

narrowband scenario, 169

remains important, 275278

technology, 151152

innovative, FCB (Faster, Cheaper, Better) or Brave New World, 186190

MPEG-4 and interactive TV, 184186

MPEG-4 and MHP, 184185

MPEG-J and DVB-J, 185186

proprietary, role of, 177180

W3C recommendations, 180184

proprietary solutions, 183184

SMIL, 181182

SVG, 182


DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) system, 45, 54

DASE (Digital Applications Software Environment), 184

Data casting, 208

DAVIC (Digital Audio Video Council), 19

DCT (discrete cosine transform), 8889

Decoder, 61

compliant, and matching encoder, 39

illegal, 40

software, 101

Decoding, 3739

DIN (Deutsches Institute fur Normung), 42

Director Shockwave Studio, 183

DMIF, 102

DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force), 19

Dolby Digital, 47, 110

DVB (Digital Video Broadcast), 1819, 42, 46, 268

Forum, 19, 282

project, 128, 184

system specifications, 27


EBU (European Broadcasting Union), 179, 281

Eckard coder, 35

Eckard, Stefan, 35

Encoder, 61

and compliant decoder, 39

illegal, 40

software, 101


device, 37


audio, 2930

video, 2930

process, 30

technology, 30

ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute), 19


FCB (Faster, Cheaper, Better innovation); see sustaining innovation

FDIS (final draft Internal Standard), 10

Flash, 83


Gnutella, 45

GSM standard, 38, 42


H.261 standard, 43, 51, 61

H.262, 46

H.263, 50, 189

H.264/AVC; see MPEG-4/AVC

H.26L, 88

HD-DVD, 52

Video specification, 282

HDTV, 109, 136, 138

services, 4647, 53

HoD (head of delegation), 18

Huxley, Aldous, 187


IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 19

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 19

Interactivity, content-based, 65

IP (Intellectual Property), 84

IP telephony; see voice data

IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protection), 83

IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) and patents, 2426, 278

ISDB (Integrated Service Digital Broadcast), 210

program menu of a terminal for receiving services, example of, 211

ISMA (Internet Streaming Media Alliance), 19, 112, 128

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 8, 2425

Central Secretariat, 9

correspondent member, 89

member body, 8

NGO (non-governmental organization), 9

organizational overview, 11

subscriber membership, 9

web site (, 8, 53, 56


11192, 44

13818, 46

ISRC (International Standard Recording Code), 83

ITU (Internal Telecommunications Union), 1819, 43, 46, 5152, 87, 188

ITU-T, 48

H.263 standard, 48, 50

Study Group 16; see VCEG



applets (MPEGlets), 8485

Runtime Environment, 85

Virtual machine, 85

JISCC (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee), 9

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 43, 61, 63

JTC1 (Joint Technical Committee), 10

JVT (joint video team), 18, 51, 87

genesis of JVT and its parents, ISO and ITU, 89


LBC (Low Bitrate Coding), 48


Macromedia, 183

MAUI (Mobile Audio Internetworking Profile), 121

Media streaming; see video

MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), 184

Microsoft, 101, 113, 188

Internet Explorer, 181

VC-9 video coding technology, 52

Windows Media 9, 229230

Windows Media, 178180


and adoption issues, looking ahead, 265285

and transition, 266275

broadcast sector, 269275

mobile sector, 267269

Mobile Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting, 282

MoMuSys, 101

Moore’s law, 153, 235

MP3, 54, 60


coding technology, 45

format, 26, 33

music, coded digital, 45

MPEG-1, 21, 34, 48

audio and video compression, 45

Audio Layer III; see MP3

cameras, 45

coding for digital storage media, 4446

standard, 45

video system business, 46

MEPG.2 systems 47

MPEG-2, 21, 27, 34, 44, 48, 61, 269, 271272, 275, 277, 283

1996 Emmy, 47, 52

audio, 47

codecs, 46, 63

technology, 46

compression, 46

dead, 57

standard, 46

profiles and levels in, 108, 109, 110

video coding, 47, 110

MPEG-2/H.262 coding for digital TV and DVD, 4647

MPEG-3, 5354

MPEG-4 AVC (aka, H.264), 18, 268269, 271272, 275, 277, 279, 281283


licensing for, 248263

coverage and patent holders, 249

license structure and fees, 249252

MPEG LA, 248249

Via Licensing, 252

coverage and patent holders, 252

license structure and license fees, 252256

profiles for

baseline, 118119

extended, 119

main, 119

standard, 189

business, in, 223233

coding technology, how to roll out, 230233

migration, key factors for, 227230

money, how to make, 226227

pricing, 223224

specialization, 224226

MPEG-4 Part 2, 241248

coverage and patent holders, 241

license structure and fees, 241248

MPEG-4 Part 10 (aka MPEG-4 AVC), 248261

MPEG LA and MPEG-4 licensing, 248256

coverage and patent holders, 249

license structure and fees, 249252

Via Licensing and MPEG-4 AVC licensing, 252255

coverage and patent holders, 252

license structure and license fees, 252256

MPEG-4, 21, 33, 35, 48, 5354

AAC, licensing, 256263

coverage and patent holders, 256

license structure and fees

PC-based software

pricing-consumer, 258

PC-based software

pricing-professional, 258

standard rates, 258

AAC HE, licensing, 259261

PC-based software

pricing-consumer, 260

PC-based software

pricing-professional, 261

standard rates, 260

Call for Proposals, 49

coding of audio-visual objects, 4753

costs, 233237

analysis assumptions, 237

bandwidth costs may drop, but increased usage will offset, 235236

compression improvements will be very valuable, 235237

current site bandwidth costs, 234235

increase in broadband Internet users will increase demand for video, 235

Internet server costs impacted by video, 233234

criticizing, 57

functionalities, 4849

compression, 49

content-based interactivity, 49

universal access, 49

interactive content, 82

licensing, 238263

visual, 240248

coverage and patent holders, 241, 261

license structure and fees, 241248, 261263

object-based representation approach, 31

overall architecture of, 74

parts, comes in several, 78104

AFX (Animation Framework eXtension), 104

DRM (Digital Rights Management), 8384

interaction with media objects, 8081

ISO/IEC 14496-1—Systems, 7879

ISO/IEC 14496-2—Visual, 8597

2D animated meshes, 9192

2D mesh overlay, 92

3D mesh object, 9596

alpha shape coding, 9495

compression of natural video, 8587

face animation object, example of, 97

interlaced coding tools, 94

ISO/IEC 14496-10—Advanced Video Coding (AVC), 8790

sprite coding, 92, 93, 94

still-image compression— texture coding, 9091

synthetic video, 9597

ISO/IEC 14496–3 Audio, 97104

compression, 9899

synthetic, 99

ISO/IEC 14496-4—Conformance Testing, 100101

ISO/IEC 14496-6-Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework, 102103

ISO/IEC 14496-7—Optimized Software, 103

ISO/IEC 14496-8—MPEG4 on IP (MPEG-4 Contents over IP Networks), 104

ISO/IEC 14496-9-Reference Hardware, 104

ISO/IEC 14496-14—MP4 File Format, 85

MPEG-J, 8485

marriage of MPEG and Java produces, 86

profiles, personal and main, 125

object composition—scene description, 7980

overview of and their functional locations in a standard decoder, 79

stream synchronization, 83

XMT (eXtensible MPEG-4 Textual Format), 8183

schematic representation of, 82

profiles, overview of, 110121

audio, 120121

high quality, 120

low delay, 121

main, 120

mobile internetworking (MAUI), 121

natural, 121

scalable, 120

speech, 120

synthesis, 120

combining for terminals, 110

graphics, 121123

3D graphics, 122

3D audio graphics, 122

advanced 2D, 122

complete, 122

complete 2D, 121

core 2D, 122

simple 2D, 121

simple 2D + text, 122

X3D core, 122

scene graph

3D audio, 123124

advanced 2D, 1224

audio, 123

basic 2D, 124

basic core 2D

complete 2D, 123

complete, 123

core 2D, 124

main 2D, 1224

simple 2-D, 123

X3D core, 124

visual, 110121, 281

ACE (Advanced Coding Efficiency Profile), 116

Advanced Core Profile, 116

Advanced Scalable Texture Profile, 117

ARTS (Advanced Real-Time Simple Profile), 114

ASP (Advanced Simple Profile), 112113

Basic Animated 2D Texture Visual Profile, 117

Core Scalable Profile, 116

Core Studio Profile, 114

Core Visual Profile, 115

Fine Granularity Scalability Profile, 113114

Hybrid Visual Profile, 117118

Main Visual Profile, 115

N-Bit Visual Profile, 115

Scalable Texture Visual Profile, 117

Simple Face and Body Animation Profile, 117

Simple Facial Animation Visual Profile, 116117

Simple Scalable Visual Profile, 115

Simple Studio Profile, 114

SP (Simple Visual Profile), 111112

standard, 31, 51, 56

Systems, 261263

coverage and patent holders, 251

license structure and fees, 261263

technology, 31

compliant, 53

terminals, toward interoperable, 104110

conformance points

levels, 10106

profiles, 104105

conceptual difference between levels, 106

testing in

conformance, 127

interoperability, 128

verification, 126127

trends behind, 5969

interaction with multimedia content, 6465

mixed media, 6364

natural and synthetic audio, 62

natural and synthetic video, 6162

object-based video coding, 6061

universal access and mobile communications, 6568

Video Verification Model (VM), 50

visual, 51, 62, 240248

why use, 5557

MPEG-7, 53

interface for content description, 5455

MPEG-8, 53

MPEG-21 multimedia framework, goal of, 55

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)

area of work, official description, 1213

agenda, 1213

Coding of Moving Pictures and Audio, 10

home page (, 29, 55, 176

Industry Forum, 101

ISO/IEC/ITC1/SC29/WG11, 10

liaison, 18

meetings, 1314

organizational overview, 11

organization and standard, 758

pre accomplishments, 4344

saga so far, the, 4355

standardization, 57

body, 819

conformance points, 38

corriegenda, 34

interoperability and compliance, 3640

violation of the concept of, 40

principles, 2629

a priori, 27

one functionality – one tool, 28

relocation of tools, 28

specify the minimum, 27

systems vs. tools, 27

verification of the standard, 2829

process, 1943, 3133

challenges for, 2122

core experiments (CM), 34, 36

further steps and updates, 3334

models, working, 3435

simulation (SM), 34

test (TM), 34

verification (VM), 3536

over-and-under specification, 23


collaborative, 3236

competitive, 32

exploration, 31

requirements, 3132

timeliness of a standard, 2324

tests of, 29

what is actually standardized, 2931


examples of successful, 4043

DIN, 42

DVB (Digital Video Broadcast), 42

GSM – mobile cell-phones, 4142

NTSC/PAL Broadcast Television, 4041

paper formats, ASCII, and programming languages, 4243

new, 52

software for purchase, 53

structure of ISO, 811

subgroup, 1415

audio, 16

ISG (implementation study group), 17

requirements, 15

SNHC (synthetic natural hybrid coding), 17

systems, 16

test, 1617

video, 15

MPEG LA, 241, 248249, 261, 279281

MPEGIF (MPEG Industry Forum), 204

MIDI (Musical Instruments Digital Interface), 62

Multimedia Content Description Interface; see MPEG-7

Multimedia Home Platform, 185

MUSICAM algorithm, 54


NADIB (narrow-band audio digital broadcasting), 120

Napster, 45

NGO (non-governmental organization), 9


OCI (Object Content Identification), 83

OCAP (Open Cable Application Platform), 194


Patents and IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights), 2426


Real Networks, 113, 180, 188

RealPlayer, 181

Rich Media, 182


SAFX (structured audio effects), 210

Semantics, decoder, 30

SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language), 82, 181

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers), 18, 52, 179

SMS (Short Messaging), 187

Standard, technology in the, 59130

architecture of an MPEG-4 terminal, 7378

communications, universal access and mobile, 6568

digital video data, the effect of error resilience for, 66

error robustness, 6566

scalability, 6668

SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), 67, 68

spatial, 67

convergence – computers,


telecommunications, 6869

media objects,

coded representation of, 7476

composition of, 7678

audio, 78

different, 77

video, 76

roles, 6973

content authors, 7071

end users – consumers, 7173

network or service providers, 71

Streamability, 80

Sustaining innovation, 186

SVC (scalable video coding), 114

SVG (scalable vector graphics), 182

SVCD, 46

Syntax, bit stream 30



advances in, what about patents, 278283

beyond the standard, 131190

dead, 57

encoding, 30

frozen, 22

innovative—FCB (Faster, Cheaper, Better) or Brave New World, 186190

interface with business, 191263


arguments for, 193204

an international open standard, 198201

extreme durability, 199

format continuity, 199200

innovation: GSM, WLAN, 3GPP, 200201

market maturity, 199

business arguments for open standards, 201204

competition, 203

greater resources, 204

interoperability, 203

MPEGIF (MPEG Industry Forum), 204

digital TV, 215218

media asset management, 210213

broadcast industry, 205

business and content, 211213

in action, 205223

a technical evolution, 195198


industry, 220222

multimedia, 222223

studio and television post-production, 213215

video over IP, 218219

landscape, 177186

obsolete, 22

proprietary, 193

premature, 2223


digital, 46, 184, 215218

interactive, 64

standard, 53

Tragedy of the anticommons, 284

TTSI (Text-to-Speech interface), 99, 121


Via Licensing, 279280

VCD, 46

VCEG (Video Coding Experts Group), 18, 43

Video, 20

codec, motion-compensated hybrid, 43


experts group (VCEG), 51

standards, 44, 198

H.26x series, 57

subjective tests, 49

terminology, 145148

B-Frame, 147148

Constant bit-rate coding, 148151

I-Frames, 146

P-Frames, 146147

Variable bit-rate coding, 148151

formats and raw data rates, 137

objects, blue-screen or green-screen production, 61

pixel-based, 62

storage of on disks, 138

Video CD (VCD), 4

Video Object Planes (VOPs), 50

Video telephony, 57, 189

Visual media, 62

Voice data, 20

VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), 77, 7980, 82


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 19, 82

recommendations of standards and technologies for multimedia, 18184

web site (, 180

WBU-TC (World Broadcasting Unions Technical Committee), 280283

Web3D, 19, 82

Windows, Media, 155 9, 270


X3D (Extensible 3D Format), 82

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 83, 181

XMT (eXtensible MPEG-4 Textual Format), 8183

schematic representation of, 82

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