About the Book

There is so much information crammed into just one book, I have had to keep it as concise as possible. I cover only what you need to complete each tutorial and nothing else. This book is designed to get you up to speed as quickly as possible producing great artwork and is not designed to teach you how to use all aspects of 3ds Max. If you’re looking for a book to teach you the ins and outs of Max, then there are plenty to choose from. Personally, I’d rather keep my hard-earned cash and press the F1 key—the built-in help can show you all the functions you’ll need to get started.

The book is arranged over eleven chapters, starting from getting to grips with the basics, moving onto some low-poly modeling, and culminating into a couple of fairly advanced builds. I’ve arranged the content of every chapter to be part of a similar theme to enable you to use most of the assets that you learn to build the final showpiece scene at the end. I realize that this approach is slightly limiting, but I decided that it would be best to teach you to model a number of things in the same style rather than a whole load of different things in different styles, just for consistency.

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