
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Add Targets, 251, 428

Alpha channel, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120

Alpha maps, 13f, 13, 115f, 115

creating vegetation using, 115120

saving out texture with, 119, 120

Ambient occlusion (AO), 385f, 385388, 386f, 387f, 388f

render, 325

shader, 325f, 325, 326f

Anatomy, knowledge of, 331332

Angle snap, 28, 36, 45, 336

AO, see Ambient occlusion

Arc Rotate Selected button, 30

Asymmetrical details, 381388, 382f, 383f, 384f

Auto Backup, 6

Auto Grid option, 86, 317

Automatic Mapping Coords, 348

Autumn colors, 126

Axis method, 216


Backface Cull, 49

Barrel texture, creation of, 5256

Basic colors, baking, 390424, 391f, 392f, 393f, 394f

3D paint applications, 398399

danger label, 415

dirt map painting, 400403, 401f, 402f, 403f, 404f

game mesh modeling, 420f, 420424, 421f, 422f, 423f, 424f

glowing bulbs, 416f, 416

graphics tablets, 399

gun, 419420

high-frequency detail layers

normal mapping, 412415, 413f, 414f, 415f

painting, 406408, 407f, 408f

high-resolution specular textures, 417f, 417419, 419f

layered scratch masks, 405406, 406f

masking, 394398, 395f, 396f, 397f, 398f

metal textures, 415, 416f

micro bumps layer, 417

normal and specular maps, 408412, 409f, 410f, 411f, 412f

scratch map painting, 404f, 404405, 405f

UV template rendering, 399f, 399400, 400f

Basic proportions right, 339f, 339346, 340f, 341f, 342f, 343f, 344f, 345f, 346f

Bend modifier, 81

Blend modes, 100, 101f, 122, 125, 128

Blend shader technique, 297

Blinn Basic Parameters, 23, 24, 57


creating, 6770

layer, 71, 72

model, 71

Blockout pavement, 292

using vertex colors, 292

BodyPaint 3D, 63

Boolean, 39, 4142

Compound Objects, 41f, 41

function, 152, 155

union operation, 184

Box mapping method, 216

Box-type shape, creating, 214

Brick texture, 304

Bridge tool, 75

Brush tool, 100, 110, 116, 118

Bump map, 11f, 11


Cab model, 148, 212f, 212

Cardboard Box, 1718

CGFX shaders online, 297

CGI, see Computer Generated Images


function, 156

tool, 147

Chamfered edge, 287


building, 335338, 336f, 337f

concept, 330335

cutting in detail, 347f, 347356, 348f, 349f, 350f, 351f, 352f, 353f, 354f, 355f, 356f, 357f

rendering, 433442

camera, 434

final renders, 440442, 441f

lights creation, 434437, 435f, 436f

materials in 3ds Max, 438f, 438439, 439f, 440f

materials in theory, 437f, 437, 438f

studio wall, 433f, 433434, 434f

Chimney stacks, 314

Clone Stamp tool, 54, 105, 111, 296, 305

Composited normal map, 291

Computer Generated Images (CGI), 435

Concept art, 283, 335f, 335

Concept sketch, 283

Configure Modifier Sets, 19, 20f

Cracked concrete texture, 318

Create panel, 4

Crop tools, 100

Cube-mapping method, 223

Cut tool, 75, 136, 138

Cut/refine function, 152


creating, 150, 184, 193, 204

height, 195, 202, 204

quadrant of, 287

sides, 184, 193, 195, 202, 204

for wheel axles

bottom face of, 83

creating, 81f, 81

top face of, 84

wings on, 83

Cylindrical mapping, 95, 138

method, 220, 225

sides with, 52


3D environment, blockout proces, 276282

3D paint applications, 398399

2D Plan, 275

using planar mapping, 277

Darker pixels, 299

Default shader slots

mask, 299

Material 1, 298

Material 2, 299

Desaturated normal map, 306

Diffuse texture map, 10, 11f, 108, 115f, 257f

using Photoshop’s blend modes, 290

and vegetation, 120132

Dirt map, painting, 400403, 401f, 402f, 403f, 404f

Display Preferences menu, 29

Divide Edge function, 155, 157

Door window, creating, 159

Drop Shadow, 104

3ds Max

materials in, 438f, 438439, 439f, 440f

normal map in, 257f, 257

setting up, 6

shortcuts, 1920


Edit Edges tab, 73

Edit Geometry tab, 73

Edit Geometry toolbar, 45

Edit Poly, 349, 351

Edit UVW box, 59

Edit UVW window, 27, 63f, 222

using Zoom Region, 62

vertices around in, 60

Edit Vertices tab, 73

Editable mesh, 18, 19f, 188, 206

Backface Cull, 49

Edit Polygon, 58

to Modifier stack, 18, 19f, 62

Editable Poly, 35f, 35, 73, 164, 188

vertex in, 39

Elliptical Marquee Tool, 102

Environment, set resolution for, 289

Environment and Effects window, 31

Expert Mode, 337338, 338f

Extrude tools, 75, 310, 318


File environment_road_02.psd, 293

Floating/intersecting geometry, 89, 9f, 279

Floor buffer, 65, 66f, 66, 111, 112f, 236, 238f, 238

with complimentary specular map, 111

multi/sub-object material, 105

texturing, 92112

unwrapping, 92112

Front bumper, truck, 168

Frozen objects, 72


Game art terminology, 6

Game mesh

modeling, 420f, 420424, 421f, 422f, 423f, 424f

UVing, 424425, 425f, 426f

Geometry, 68, 7f, 8f

floating/intersecting, 89, 9f

stitched, 89, 9f

Global Lighting Ambient, 31

Golden ratio, 332

Gradient tool, 127, 293

Graphics tablets, 399

Grass and dirt textures, 304f, 304

Greyscale image, 299

Gutterings, 318


Halo effect, 129

Healing Brush tool, 54, 55f, 430

High poly models, 289

High-frequency detail layers

normal mapping, 412415, 413f, 414f, 415f

painting, 406408, 407f, 408f

High-resolution mesh, 243, 358f, 358

baking down, 427f, 427432, 428f, 429f, 430f, 431f, 432f

belt and details, 362f, 362

breathing pipe, 364f, 364367, 365f, 366f, 367f, 368f

chemical suit, 363f, 363

codpiece and other details, 362f, 362

forearm pad, 361f, 361

gas tank, 361f, 361

glove, 361f, 361

helmet, 359f, 359

kneepad, 361f, 361

and shoe, 363f, 363

mask, 360f, 360

shin pads, 362f, 362

shoulder pads, 360f, 360

vest, 360f, 360

High-resolution model, tweaking, 388389, 389f

High-resolution specular textures, 417f, 417419, 419f

Horizontal function, 219

Hotkeys, 337338

Hue/saturation adjustment layer, 312

Hydraulic arm, truck, 189

building, 193

mapping, 225


Image Aspect lock button, 32

Image planes, 334f, 334335

Insert Bezier Point, 366f, 366

Ivy leaves, 320, 321f


Job application, 449453

cover letter, 450

curriculum vitae (CV), 450451

interview, 451453

job search, 449

recruitment agencies, 449

resume, 450451


Kerbs, chamfered edges to, 288

Kneecap UVs, 376, 377


Lasso tool, 116

Layer manager, 71, 144

Layer mask, 102, 103

Layered scratch masks, 405406, 406f

Layers pop-up window, 144

Leaf spring, 206, 208

Level of Detail (LOD), 9, 10f, 235, 238f

chain, 236

creating, 235

LOD 1, 239f, 239

LOD 2, 240f, 240

LOD 3, 241f, 241

LOD 4, 241242, 242f

lodding, 237, 240

Lighting scene, 322327

LOD, see Level of Detail

Low-poly models, 289

Low-poly vehicle

axis method, 216

Boolean function, 155

box-type shape, creating, 214

cab model, 148, 212f, 212

chamfer tool, 147

cylinder, creating, 150, 184, 193, 204

cylindrical mapping method, 225

Divide Edge function, 157

door window, creating, 159

hydraulic arm, 225

layer manager, 144

layers pop-up window, 144

lines and vertices, 153

low-poly bracket box, creating, 214

midpoint vertices, 160

object properties, 162

polygons, 156, 164

rear windows, creating, 161

recess-type structure, 162

Shift-drag option, 198

Show Vertex Connections, 219

stabilizer arm, 184, 190

trailer arm, 190, 225

trailer back, 178

Unwrap UVW modifier, 224

vertex function, 186

wheel arch, 150, 152, 154


Magic wand tool, 116, 117

Make Planar function, 164

Mapping method

box, 216

cube, 223

cylindrical, 220, 225

Marquee tool, 102

Masking, 394398, 395f, 396f, 397f, 398f

Material Editor, 22f, 22, 105

Material ID number, 106

Material/map browser, blend, 298f

Maximize Viewport Toggle, 30

Mesh, 71, 78, 299

Metal railings, 318

Metal textures, 415, 416f

Micro bumps layer, 417


cab, truck, 148, 149, 221

techniques of constructing, 8

trailer, 190

Modifier List

Edit Mesh to, 61

Unwrap UVW from, 59, 62

UVW Map from, 58

Modifier stack

Editable mesh, 18, 19f, 62

for polygon, 29

Modify panel, 4

Modular approach, guttering and railings, 318

Motor casing section, 78, 79f

Move tools, 63, 85, 100

Mudguard, truck


creating, 182

selecting, 210

trailer, modeling, 181


Ngons, 345

Normal map, 12, 13f

creating, 246258, 258259

object space, 246

and specular maps, 408412, 409f, 410f, 411f, 412f

tangent space, 246, 257f

types of, 245f

world space, 246

nvidia normal map filter plug-in, 291, 296


Object properties, 162

Object space normal map, 245f, 246

limitation of, 246

Offset tool, 104, 127

Options fly-out, 51


Paneled windows, 311

Parameters mapping, cylindrical in, 58

Path selection tool, 130

Pavement slab edges, chamfered edges to, 288

Pen tool, 130

Perspective viewport, 26, 29

Perspective window, 46


dimensions in, 277

offset tool in, 52, 55

texture map in, 53

texture PSDs in, 290

texture template in, 230

Pipeline, 330

Pivot point, 292

Planar mapping, 95, 277

Plastic Barrel, creating, 3341

Poly model, 243, 246, 256f, 256

creating, 247

Polygons, 156, 164

Portfolios, 443444, see also Job applications

final presentation of, 448449

organizing content, 447448

producing the work, 447

what not to include in, 446

what to include in, 444445

Primitive cube, 339f, 339

Production phase

asset list, 286

texture list, 286


mapping, 251

modifier, 251

Proxy mesh, 330, 356


Quad Menu, 5f, 56, 18

Quick test, 248


Rear lights, truck

arm, 175, 177

extruding and shaping, 174

Rear windows, creating, 161

Recess-type structure, 162

Rectangular Marquee Tool, 127

Red brick texture, 308

Reference material, collecting, 333334

Render Setup, 32

Render UVW template, 229

Rendering, 440442, 441f

model, 3132

using photoshop, 322

UV template, 399f, 399400, 400f

Reset Xform, 365

RGB channels, 119

Road mesh, 299

assign vertex colors, 300

unwrapping, 299

Rotate tool, 4


Scale Deformation interface, 366f, 366

Scale tool, 85, 86, 160

Scaling, 154

moving vertices by, 148

Scene setup

blockout model, 71

Bridge tool, 75

curved section, 76

Cut tool, 75

Edit Edges tab, 73

Edit Geometry tab, 73

Edit Vertices tab, 73

Extrude tool, 75

flip, 76

meshes, 71, 78

motor casing, 78, 79f

Slice Plane tool, 75

symmetry modifier, 77

Scratch map, painting, 404f, 404405, 405f

Scripting, 337338

Self-illuminated lights, 397

Set texture resolution, 290

Shade Selected Faces Toggle, 43

Shader, 13

Shell modifier, 358, 359f

Show Standard Map, 24

Silhouette, 237, 241

Slice Plane tools, 75, 85, 86, 133, 137, 146, 310, 315, 318

Smart blur filter, 283, 296

Smoothing Groups, 9091

Smudge tool, 296

Specular map, 12f, 12, 111, 112, 257f

creating, 256

and normal map, 408412, 409f, 410f, 411f, 412f

Splines menu, 185

Stabilizer, truck

arm, 184, 190

mirroring, 226

poly count reduction, 188

Standard blinn shaders, 281

Standard Primitives, 33

Stitched geometry, 89, 9f

Subdivisional surfaces (SUBDs), 368

SUBDs, see Subdivisional surfaces

Surface blur, 296

Symmetry modifier, 77, 340, 341


Tangent space normal map, 245f, 246, 255f, 257f, 290

benefits of, 246

Target-welding vertices, 49

Templates, 289

determination of, 289

UV, 93, 94f, 399f, 399400, 400f

Test render, 303f, 303

Texture, 1013

engine-type, 214

grid, 216

layout, types, 13

map, 110

creating, 230233

Heal and Clone tools to, 55

image creation, 55

mapping box, 2030

page, 229, 233

resolution, 288

tiling, 14f, 14

types, 10

Texturing process, 92112, 389390

Tiling concrete textures, 318

Tiling texture, 14f, 14, 304

role of, 305

Toggle View Edged Faces, 38

Trailer arm, 190, 225

Trailer back, 178

Triangle count, 236, 238

TurboSmooth, 368374

microbeveling, 368f, 368371, 369f, 370f

shoe edges, 371f, 371372, 372f, 373f

symmetrical details, 373f, 373374


Unique texture, 14

layout, 15f

with tiling elements, 1516

Unwrap UVW modifier, 92, 94, 224

Unwrapping process, 92112

User interface, layout of, 1, 2f

UV layout, 96, 97f, 250f, 250

making the UVs in, 374381, 375f, 376f, 377f, 378f, 379f, 380f, 381f

UV shells, 94f, 94

UVWs windows in, 314

UV template, 93, 94f

rendering, 399f, 399400, 400f

UV texture editor, 91

UV Unwrap window, 222

UVW Map, 21, 216

adjusting, 30

Modifier List, 58

in Modifier stack, 22


V Tile Mapping parameters, 58


creating diffuse textures for, 120132

models, 132141

bushes, 136

grass, 133f, 133, 134

smaller plants, 135

tree, 137, 139

tree walls, 140, 141

using alpha maps/channnels, 115120

Vertex function, 186

VertexPaint, 300, 302f

using fill/paint bucket tool, 302


navigation, 5

preferences, 338, 339f


Weld tool, 85

Wheel arch, 150, 152, 154

Wheel axles, creating cylinders for, 81f, 81

Wheel brackets

designing, 81

final version of, 81f

World space normal map, 246

limitation of, 246


ZBrush, 381, 399

Zoom Extents, 36, 46

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