
A ‘thank-you’ paragraph in the opening sequence to a book hardly justifies or rewards the care, enthusiasm and unwavering support, given freely and passionately by our fantastic families and friends. Particular thanks must go to our respective spouses, Elaine and Mark, for their patience and understanding during this process – thanks for believing in us.

Whilst we have received nuggets of knowledge and injections of information from all around us, specifically we want to thank and acknowledge Debbie Maitland and Hugh Davies. Debbie and Hugh selflessly reviewed and critiqued our developing manuscript, whilst offering insights from their specific areas of expertise and experience, which were invaluable to both us and the book.

Thanks to Liz Gooster at Pearson, for recognising the potential benefits of a new approach to business meetings, and for her support and belief during the evolution of Brilliant Meetings.

Duncan and Jane

Duncan and Jane can be contacted at

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