Appendix A. ActiveSupport API Reference

ActiveSupport is a Rails library containing utility classes and extensions to Ruby’s built-in libraries. It usually doesn’t get much attention on its own—you might even call its modules the supporting cast members of the Rails ensemble.

However, ActiveSupport’s low profile doesn’t diminish its importance in day-to-day Rails programming. To ensure that this book is 100 percent useful as a programming companion, here is a complete, enhanced version of the Rails ActiveSupport API reference, supplemented where appropriate with real-life example usages and commentary.

Direct extensions of Ruby classes and modules are listed under headings according to class or module name. Extensions made via mixin module appear under headings according to their ActiveSupport module name.


This API reference was prepared based on revision 7360 of Edge Rails (prior to Rails 2.0). A few obscure methods have been judged inconsequential and omitted because they are old and currently unused in the Rails codebase.


Rails only adds one method directly to the Array class: blank?.

Public Instance Methods


Returns true if the array is empty.

Array::Conversions (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides methods for converting Ruby arrays into other formats.

Public Instance Methods

to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Two formats are supported, :default and :db.

The :default format delegates to the normal to_s method for an array, which simply concatenates the contents into one mashed-up string.

The much more interesting :db option returns "null" if the array is empty, or concatenates the id fields of its member elements into a comma-delimited string like this:

collect { |element| }.join(",")


Converts its string elements into a slash-delimited string (used to generate URL paths).

>> ["riding","high","and","I","want","to","make"].to_param
=> "riding/high/and/I/want/to/make"

to_sentence(options = {})

Converts the array to a comma-separated sentence in which the last element is joined by the connector word.

>> %w(alcohol tobacco firearms).to_sentence
=> "alcohol, tobacco, and firearms"

The following options are available for to_sentence:

  • :connectorThe word used to join the last element in arrays with two or more elements (default: “and”).

  • :skip_last_commaSet this option to true to return “a, b and c” instead of “a, b, and c.”

to_xml(options = {}) {|xml if block_given?| ...}

As covered in Chapter 15, “XML and ActiveResource,” the to_xml method on Array can be used to create an XML collection by iteratively calling to_xml on its members, and wrapping the entire thing in an enclosing element.

All of the array elements must respond to to_xml.

>> ["riding","high"].to_xml
RuntimeError: Not all elements respond to to_xml

The preceding example yields the Builder object to an optional block so that arbitrary markup can be inserted at the bottom of the generated XML, as the last child of the enclosing element.

The following code

{:foo => "foo", :bar => :bar}.to_xml do |xml|
   xml.did_it "again"

outputs the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The options for to_xml are:

  • :builderDefaults to a new instance of Builder::XmlMarkup. Specify explicitly if you’re calling to_xml on this array as part of a larger XML construction routine.

  • :childrenSets the name to use for element tags explicitly. Defaults to singularized version of the :root name by default.

  • :dasherizeWhether or not to turn underscores to dashes in tag names (defaults to true).

  • :indentIndent level to use for generated XML (defaults to two spaces).

  • :rootThe tag name to use for the enclosing element. If no :root is supplied and all members of the array are of the same class, the dashed, pluralized form of the first element’s class name is used as a default. Otherwise the default :root is records.

  • :skip_instructWhether or not to generate an XML instruction tag by calling instruct! on Builder.

  • :skip_typesWhether or not to include a type="array" attribute on the enclosing element.

Array::ExtractOptions (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides a method for extracting Rails-style options from a variable-length set of argument parameters.

Public Instance Methods


Extracts options from a variable set of arguments. It’s a bang method because it removes and returns the last element in the array if it’s a hash; otherwise, it returns a blank hash and the source array is unmodified.

def options(*args)

options(1, 2)           # => {}
options(1, 2, :a => :b) # => {:a=>:b}

Array::Grouping (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides a couple of methods used for splitting array elements into logical groupings.

Public Instance Methods

in_groups_of(number, fill_with = nil) {|group| ...}

A true Rails superstar, the in_groups_of method splits an array into groups of the specified number size, padding any remaining slots. The fill_with parameter is used for padding and defaults to nil.

If a block is provided, it is called with each group; otherwise, a two-dimensional array is returned.

>> %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7).in_groups_of(3)
=> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, nil, nil]

>> %w(1 2 3).in_groups_of(2, '&nbsp;') {|group| puts group }
[1, 2]
[3, "&nbsp;"]

>> %w(1 2 3).in_groups_of(2, false) {|group| puts group }
[1, 2]

The in_groups_of method is particularly useful for batch-processing model objects and generating table rows in view templates.

split(value = nil, &block)

Divides an array into one or more subarrays based on a delimiting value:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].split(3)  #=> [[1, 2], [4, 5]]

or the result of an optional block:

(1..8).to_a.split { |i| i % 3 == 0 } # => [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]]

CachingTools::HashCaching (in ActiveSupport)

Provides a method that simplifies the caching of method invocations using nested default hashes. According to the API docs, “This pattern is useful, common practice in Ruby, and unsightly when done manually.”

That may be the case, but this module appears to be somewhat useless, since its sole method, hash_cache, is not automatically accessible in any Rails context, and examination of the Rails codebase reveals that it is not used internally (except in its unit tests).

Public Instance Methods

hash_cache(method_name, options = {})

Dynamically creates a nested hash structure used to cache calls to method_name. The cache method is named method_name_cache unless :as => :alternate_name is given.

For example, the following slow_method

def slow_method(a, b)
 a ** b

can be cached by calling hash_cache :slow_method, which will define the method slow_method_cache.

We can then calculate (and cache) the result of a ** b using this syntax:


The hash structure is created using nested calls to with initializer blocks, so the hash structure returned by slow_method_cache for the example looks like this: do |as, a|
  as[a] = do |bs, b|
    bs[b] = slow_method(a, b)

The implementation of hash_cache uses heavy Ruby metaprogramming. Generated code is compressed into a single line to maintain sensible backtrace signatures in the case of exceptions.


Rails extends Ruby’s Class object with a number of methods.

Public Instance Methods


Defines one or more class attribute reader and writer methods in the style of the native attr* accessors for instance attributes. Used extensively throughout the Rails codebase to save option settings. Values are shared by reference with subclasses, which is very different than class_inheritable_accessor.


Defines one or more class attribute reader methods.


Defines one or more class attribute writer methods.


Allows attributes to be shared within an inheritance hierarchy, but each descendant gets a copy of its parents’ attributes, instead of just a pointer to the same. This means that the child can add elements to, for example, an array without those additions being shared with either its parent, siblings, or children, which is unlike the regular class-level attributes, which are shared across the entire hierarchy.


Convenience method that sets up an inheritable reader and writer and defaults it to an empty array so that you don’t have to initialize it yourself.


Convenience method that sets up an inheritable reader and writer and defaults it to an empty hash so that you don’t have to initialize it yourself.


Defines one or more inheritable class attribute writer methods.


Defines one or more inheritable class attribute writer methods.


The const_missing callback is invoked when Ruby can’t find a specified constant in the current scope, which is what makes Rails autoclassloading possible. See the Dependencies module for more detail.


Removes the constant associated with the specified classes so that they effectively become inaccessible and unusable.


Removes all subclasses of this class.


Returns all subclasses of this class.

CGI::EscapeSkippingSlashes (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Public Instance Methods


Takes a string to be used as a URL and escapes any non-letter or non-number characters in it (except for slashes).

>> CGI.escape_skipping_slashes "/amc/shows/mad men on thursday nights"
=> "/amc/shows/mad+men+on+thursday+nights"

Date::Behavior (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Public Instance Methods


Simply returns true to enable more predictable duck-typing on Date-like classes.

>>  #=> true

Date::Calculations (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Enables the use of calculations with Date objects.

Public Instance Methods

+ (other)

Rails extends the existing + operator so that a since calculation is performed when the other argument is an instance of ActiveSupport::Duration (the type of object returned by methods such as 10.minutes and 9.months).

>> + ==
=> true


Provides precise Date calculations for years, months, and days. The options parameter takes a hash with any of these keys: :months, :days, :years.

>>, 2, 28) ==, 2, 28).advance(:years => 1)
=> true


Converts Date to a Time (or DateTime if necessary) with the time portion set to the beginning of the day (0:00) and then subtracts the specified number of seconds.

>> Time.local(2005, 2, 20, 23, 59, 15) ==, 2, 21).ago(45)
=> true

at_beginning_of_day, at_midnight, beginning_of_day, and midnight

Converts Date to a Time (or DateTime if necessary) with the time portion set to the beginning of the day (0:00).

>> Time.local(2005,2,21,0,0,0) ==,2,21).beginning_of_day
=> true

at_beginning_of_month and beginning_of_month

Returns a new DateTime representing the start of the month (1st of the month; time set to 0:00).

>>, 2, 1) ==,2,21).beginning_of_month
=> true

at_beginning_of_quarter and beginning_of_quarter

Returns a new Date/DateTime representing the start of the calendar-based quarter (1st of January, April, July, and October).

>>, 4, 1) ==, 6, 30).beginning_of_quarter
=> true

at_beginning_of_week, beginning_of_week, and monday

Returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the beginning of the week. (Calculation is Monday-based.)

>>, 1, 31) ==, 2, 4).beginning_of_week
=> true

at_beginning_of_year and beginning_of_year

Returns a new Date/DateTime representing the start of the calendar year (1st of January).

>>, 1, 1) ==, 2, 22).beginning_of_year
=> true

at_end_of_month and end_of_month

Returns a new Date/DateTime representing the last day of the calendar month.

>>, 3, 31) ==,3,20).end_of_month
=> true


Returns a new Date where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter.

The valid options are :year, :month, and :day.

>>, 5, 12).change(:day => 1) ==, 5, 1)
=> true

>>, 5, 12).change(:year => 2005, :month => 1) ==, 1, 12)
=> true


Converts Date to a Time (or DateTime if necessary) with the time portion set to the end of the day (23:59:59).

>> Time.local(2005,2,21,23,59,59) ==, 2, 21).end_of_day
=> true

in(seconds) and since(seconds)

Converts Date to a Time (or DateTime if necessary) with the time portion set to the beginning of the day (0:00) and then adds the specified number of seconds.

>> Time.local(2005, 2, 21, 0, 0, 45) ==, 2, 21).since(45)
=> true


Syntax sugar for months_ago(1).


Syntax sugar for years_ago(1).


Returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the time a number of specified months ago.

>>, 1, 1) ==, 3, 1).months_ago(2)
=> true


Returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the time a number of specified months into the past or the future. Supply a negative number of months to go back to the past.

>> ==
=> true


Syntax sugar for months_since(1).

next_week(day = :monday)

Returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the start of the given day in the following calendar week. Default day of the week may be overridden with a symbolized day name.

>>, 3, 4) ==, 2, 22).next_week(:friday)
=> true


Syntax sugar for years_since(1).


Convenience method that returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the time one day in the future.

>>, 3, 2) ==, 2, 28).tomorrow.tomorrow
=> true


Returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the time a number of specified years ago.

>>, 6, 5) ==, 6, 5).years_ago(7)
=> true


Returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the time a number of specified years into the future.

>>, 6, 5) ==, 6, 5).years_since(1)
=> true


Convenience method that returns a new Date (or DateTime) representing the time one day ago.

>>, 2, 21) ==, 2, 22).yesterday
=> true

Date::Conversions (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

This module mixes methods into Date that are useful for getting dates in different convenient string representations and as other objects.


The DATE_FORMATS constant holds a hash of formats used in conjunction with the to_formatted_s method.

  :short        => "%e %b",
  :long         => "%B %e, %Y",
  :db           => "%Y-%m-%d",
  :long_ordinal => lambda {|date| date.strftime("%B #{}, %Y") }, # => "April 25th, 2007"
  :rfc822       => "%e %b %Y" }

Public Instance Methods


Used in order to keep Time, Date, and DateTime objects interchangeable in conversions.


Converts a Date object into a Ruby DateTime object. The time is set to beginning of day.

to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Converts a Date object into its string representation, according to the predefined formats in the DATE_FORMATS constant. (Aliased as to_s. Original to_s is aliased as to_default_s.)

def test_to_s
  date =, 2, 21)
  assert_equal "2005-02-21",          date.to_s
  assert_equal "21 Feb",              date.to_s(:short)
  assert_equal "February 21, 2005",   date.to_s(:long)
  assert_equal "February 21st, 2005", date.to_s(:long_ordinal)
  assert_equal "2005-02-21",          date.to_s(:db)
  assert_equal "21 Feb 2005",         date.to_s(:rfc822)

to_time(timezone = :local)

Converts a Date object into a Ruby Time object; time is set to beginning of day. The time zone can be :local or :utc.

>> Time.local(2005, 2, 21) ==, 2, 21).to_time
=> true


Returns a string that represents the time as defined by XML Schema (also known as iso8601):


If the Date object is a UTC time, Z is used as TZD. Otherwise [+-]hh:mm is used to indicate the hours offset.

DateTime::Calculations (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Enables the use of time calculations within DateTime itself.

Public Instance Methods

at_beginning_of_day, at_midnight, beginning_of_day, midnight

Convenience methods that all represent the start of a day (00:00). Implemented simply as change(:hour => 0).


Uses Date to provide precise Time calculations for years, months, and days. The options parameter takes a hash with any of the keys :months, :days, and :years.


Returns a new DateTime representing the time a number of seconds ago. The opposite of since.


Returns a new DateTime where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter. The valid date options are :year, :month, :day. The valid time options are :hour, :min, :sec, :offset, and :start.


Convenience method that represents the end of a day (23:59:59). Implemented simply as change(:hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59).


Returns how many seconds have passed since midnight.


Returns a new DateTime representing the time a number of seconds since the instance time. The opposite of ago.

DateTime::Conversions (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Public Instance Methods


Overrides the default inspect method with a human-readable one that looks like this:

Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:30:00 +0000


Converts self to a Ruby Date object, discarding time data.


Returns self to be able to keep Time, Date, and DateTime classes interchangeable on conversions.


See the options on to_formatted_s of the Time class.


Attempts to convert self to a Ruby Time object. Returns self if out of range of Ruby Time class. If self.offset is 0, will attempt to cast as a UTC time; otherwise, will attempt to cast in local timezone.

Dependencies (in ActiveSupport)

Contains the logic for Rails’ automatic classloading mechanism, which is what makes it possible to reference any constant in the Rails varied loadpaths without ever needing to issue a require directive.

This module extends itself, a cool hack that you can use with modules that you want to use elsewhere in your codebase in a functional manner:

module Dependencies
  extend self

As a result, you can call methods directly on the module constant, à la Java static class methods, like this:


You shouldn’t need to use this module in day-to-day Rails coding—it’s mostly for internal use by Rails and plugins. On occasion, it might also be useful to understand the workings of this module when debugging tricky class-loading problems.

Module Attributes

Several of these attributes are set based on Configuration settings declared in your various environment files, as described in Chapter 1, “Rails Environments and Configuration.”


An array of qualified constant names that have been loaded. Adding a name to this array will cause it to be unloaded the next time Dependencies are cleared.


Clears the list of currently loaded classes and removes unloadable constants.


An internal stack used to record which constants are loaded by any block.


An array of constant names that need to be unloaded on every request. Used to allow arbitrary constants to be marked for unloading.


The Set of all files ever loaded.


The Set of directories from which automatically loaded constants are loaded only once. All directories in this set must also be present in +load_paths+.


The Set of directories from which Rails may automatically load files. Files under these directories will be reloaded on each request in development mode, unless the directory also appears in load_once_paths.


The Set of all files currently loaded.


Set this option to true to enable logging of const_missing and file loads. (Defaults to false.)


A setting that determines whether files are loaded (default) or required. This attribute determines whether Rails reloads classes per request, as in development mode.


A setting that determines whether Ruby warnings should be activated on the first load of dependent files. Defaults to true.

Public Instance Methods


Invokes depend_on with swallow_load_errors set to true. Wrapped by the require_association method of Object.

autoload_module!(into, const_name, qualified_name, path_suffix)

Attempts to autoload the provided module name by searching for a directory matching the expected path suffix. If found, the module is created and assigned to into’s constants with the name +const_name+. Provided that the directory was loaded from a reloadable base path, it is added to the set of constants that are to be unloaded.


Checks whether the provided path_suffix corresponds to an autoloadable module. Instead of returning a Boolean, the autoload base for this module is returned.


Determines if the specified constant has been automatically loaded.

depend_on(file_name, swallow_load_errors = false)

Searches for the file_name specified and uses require_or_load to establish a new dependency. The swallow_load_errors argument specifies whether LoadError should be suppressed. Wrapped by the require_dependency method of Object.


Returns true if mechanism is set to :load.

load_file(path, const_paths = loadable_constants_for_path(path))

Loads the file at the specified path. The const_paths is a set of fully qualified constant names to load. When the file is loading, Dependencies will watch for the addition of these constants. Each one that is defined will be marked as autoloaded, and will be removed when Dependencies.clear is next called.

If the second parameter is left off, Dependencies will construct a set of names that the file at path may define. See loadable_constants_for_path for more details.


Returns true if the specified path appears in the load_once_path list.

load_missing_constant(mod, const_name)

Loads the constant named const_name, which is missing from mod. If it is not possible to load the constant from mod, try its parent module by calling const_missing on it.

loadable_constants_for_path(path, bases = load_paths)

Returns an array of constants, based on a specified filesystem path to a Ruby file, which would cause Dependencies to attempt to load the file.


Marks the specified constant for unloading. The constant will be unloaded on each request, not just the next one.

new_constants_in(*descs) {...}

Runs the provided block and detects the new constants that were loaded during its execution. Constants may only be regarded as new once. If the block calls new_constants_in again, the constants defined within the inner call will not be reported in this one.

If the provided block does not run to completion, and instead raises an exception, any new constants are regarded as being only partially defined and will be removed immediately.


Returns true if the provided constant path is defined?

qualified_name_for(parent_module, constant_name)

Returns a qualified path for the specified parent_module and constant_name.


Removes the constants that have been autoloaded, and those that have been marked for unloading.

require_or_load(file_name, const_path = nil)

Implements the main classloading mechanism. Wrapped by the require_or_load method of Object.


Searches for a file in load_paths matching the provided path_suffix.


Returns true if the specified constant is queued for unloading on the next request.

Deprecation (in ActiveSupport)

This module provides Rails core and application developers with a formal mechanism to be able to explicitly state what methods are deprecated. (Deprecation means to mark for future deletion.) Rails will helpfully log a warning message when deprecated methods are called.

All you do to mark a method as deprecated is to call deprecate and pass it the name of the method as a symbol. Make sure to add your call to deprecate after the method definition.

deprecate :subject_of_regret

The deprecate method is mixed into Ruby’s Module class so that it’s available everywhere.

Deprecation::Assertions (in ActiveSupport)

This module provides assertions that allow testing deprecation of methods.

Public Instance Methods

assert_deprecated(match = nil) { ... }

Asserts that the code in the block triggered a deprecation warning. The optional match argument allows the assertion to be more specific to a given method name. Just supply a regular expression to use in matching the name of the method(s) expected to be deprecated.

def test_that_subject_of_regret_is_deprecated
  assert_deprecated do

assert_not_deprecated { ... }

Asserts that the code in the block does not use any deprecated methods.

Duration (in ActiveSupport)

Provides accurate date and time measurements using the advance method of Date and Time. It mainly supports the methods on Numeric, such as in this example:

1.month.ago # equivalent to => -1)

Public Instance Methods

+ (other)

Adds another Duration or a Numeric to this Duration. Numeric values are treated as seconds.

- (other)

Subtracts another Duration or a Numeric to this Duration. Numeric values are treated as seconds.

ago(time =

Calculates a new Time or Date that is as far in the past as this Duration represents.

birth = 35.years.ago

from_now(time =

Alias for since, which reads a little bit more naturally when using the default as the time argument.

expiration = 1.year.from_now


Calculates the time resulting from a Duration expression and formats it as a string appropriate for display in the console. (Remember that IRB and the Rails console automatically invoke inspect on objects returned to them. You can use that trick with your own objects.)

>> 10.years.ago
=> Sun Aug 31 17:34:15 -0400 1997

since(time =

Calculates a new Time or Date that is as far in the future as this Duration represents.

expiration = 1.year.since(account.created_at)

until(time =

Alias for ago. Reads a little more naturally when specifying a time argument instead of using the default value,

membership_duration = created_at.until(expires_at)


Extensions to Ruby’s built-in Enumerable module, which gives arrays and other types of collections iteration abilities.

Public Instance Methods


Collects an enumerable into sets, grouped by the result of a block. Useful, for example, for grouping records by date like this:

latest_transcripts.group_by(&:day).each do |day, transcripts|
  puts "[#{day}] #{ ', '}"

"[2006-03-01] Transcript"
"[2006-02-28] Transcript"
"[2006-02-27] Transcript, Transcript"
"[2006-02-26] Transcript, Transcript"
"[2006-02-25] Transcript"
"[2006-02-24] Transcript, Transcript"
"[2006-02-23] Transcript"

Uses Ruby’s own group_by in versions 1.9 and above.

sum(default = 0, &block)

Calculates a sum from the elements of an enumerable, based on a block.


It’s easier to understand than Ruby’s clumsier inject method:

payments.inject { |sum, p| sum + p.price }

Use full block syntax (instead of the to_proc hack) to do more complicated calculations:

payments.sum { |p| p.price * p.tax_rate }

Also, sum can calculate results without the use of a block:

[5, 15, 10].sum # => 30

The default identity (a fancy way of saying, “the sum of an empty list”) is 0. However, you can override it with anything you want by passing a default argument:

[].sum( { |i| i.amount } # =>


Converts an enumerable to a hash, based on a block that identifies the keys. The most common usage is with a single attribute name:

>> people.index_by(&:login)
=> { "nextangle" => <Person ...>, "chad" => <Person ...>}

Use full block syntax (instead of the to_proc hack) to generate more complex keys:

>> people.index_by { |p| "#{p.first_name} #{p.last_name}" }
=> {"Chad Fowler" => <Person ...>, "David Hansson" => <Person ...>}


Extensions to Ruby’s Exception class.

Public Instance Methods


Returns the backtrace of an exception without lines pointing to files in the following directories: generated, vendor, dispatch, ruby, or script.


Used to blame a particular file as being the source of the exception.


Returns the array of files that have been blamed as the source of an exception.


Copies an array of blamed files from one exception to another.


The opposite of application_backtrace: returns the backtrace of an exception with only lines pointing to files in the following directories: generated, vendor, dispatch, ruby, or script.


Remember that everything in Ruby is an object, even the literal false, which is a special reference to a singleton instance of the FalseClass.

Public Instance Methods


Always returns true.


Provides an atomic_write method to Ruby’s File class.

Public Instance Methods

atomic_write(file_name, temp_dir = Dir.tmpdir)

Writes to a file atomically, by writing to a temp file first and then renaming to the target file_name. Useful for situations where you need to absolutely prevent other processes or threads from seeing half-written files.

File.atomic_write("important.file") do |file|

If your temp directory is not on the same filesystem as the file you’re trying to write, you can provide a different temporary directory with the temp_dir argument.

File.atomic_write("/data/something.imporant", "/data/tmp") do |f|


Hashes are used throughout Rails, yet ActiveSupport only adds one extra method directly to their class.

Public Instance Methods


Aliased to empty? and returns true if the hash has no elements.

Hash::ClassMethods (in ActiveRecord::CoreExtensions)

Provides a from_xml method that can quickly turn properly formatted XML into a nested hash structure.

Public Class Methods


Parses arbitrary strings of XML markup into nested Ruby arrays and hashes. Works great for quick-and-dirty integration of REST-style web services.

Here’s a quick example in the console with some random XML content. The XML only has to be well-formed markup.

>> xml = %(<people>
  <person id="1">
    <name><family>Boss</family> <given>Big</given></name>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
  <person id="2">
    <email>[email protected]</email>
=> "<people>...</people>"

>> h = Hash.from_xml(xml)
=> {"people"=>{"person"=>[{"name"=>{"given"=>"Big", "family"=>"Boss"},
"id"=>"1", "email"=>"[email protected]"}, {"name"=>{"given"=>"Two",
"family"=>"Worker"}, "id"=>"2", "email"=>"[email protected]"}]}}

Now you can easily access the data from the XML:

>> h["people"]["person"].first["name"]["given"] => "Big"

Hash::Conversions (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides methods for transformations of hashes into other forms.


The XML_TYPE_NAMES hash shows how Ruby classes are mapped to XML schema types.

  "Fixnum"     => "integer",
  "Bignum"     => "integer",
  "BigDecimal" => "decimal",
  "Float"      => "float",
  "Date"       => "date",
  "DateTime"   => "datetime",
  "Time"       => "datetime",
  "TrueClass"  => "boolean",
  "FalseClass" => "boolean"

The XML_FORMATTING hash contains the set of procs that are used to convert certain kinds of Ruby objects to XML string value representations.

  "date"     => { |date| date.to_s(:db) },
  "datetime" => { |time| time.xmlschema },
  "binary"   => { |binary| Base64.encode64(binary) },
  "yaml"     => { |yaml| yaml.to_yaml }

The XML_PARSING hash contains the set of procs used to convert XML string values into Ruby objects.

  "date"      =>  { |date| ::Date.parse(date) },
  "datetime"  =>  { |time| ::Time.parse(time).utc },
  "integer"   =>  { |integer| integer.to_i },
  "float"     =>  { |float| float.to_f },
  "decimal"   =>  { |number| BigDecimal(number) },
  "boolean"   =>  do |boolean|
    %w(1 true).include?(boolean.strip)
  "string"       =>  { |string|  string.to_s },
  "yaml"         =>  { |yaml| YAML::load(yaml) rescue yaml },
  "base64Binary" =>  { |bin|     Base64.decode64(bin) },
  "file"         => do |file, entity|
    f =
    eval "def f.original_filename()
      '#{entity["name"]}' || 'untitled'
    eval "def f.content_type()
      '#{entity["content_type"]}' || 'application/octet-stream'

  "double"   => XML_PARSING["float"],
  "dateTime" => XML_PARSING["datetime"]

Public Instance Methods


Collects the keys and values of a hash and composes a URL-style query string using ampersand and equal-sign characters.

>> {:foo => "hello", :bar => "goodbye"}.to_query
=> "bar=goodbye&foo=hello"


Collects the keys and values of a hash and composes a simple XML representation.

>> print ({:greetings => {
              :english => "hello",
              :spanish => "hola"}}).to_xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

See the description of the Array::Conversions to_xml method for a full list of options.

Hash::Diff (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides a method for getting the difference between one hash and another.

Public Instance Methods


A method for getting the difference between one hash and another. Returns the difference between a hash and the one passed in as a parameter.

A quick example in the console:

>> {:a => :b}.diff({:a => :b})
=> {}
>> {:a => :b}.diff({:a => :c})
=> {:a=>:b}

Hash::Except (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Returns a hash that includes everything but the given keys. Useful for quickly excluding certain key values from a hash like this:


Public Instance Methods


Returns a new hash without the specified keys, leaving the original unmodified.


Destructively removes the specified keys from the hash.

Hash::Keys (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides methods that operate on the keys of a hash. The stringify and symbolize methods are used liberally throughout the Rails codebase, which is why it generally doesn’t matter if you pass option names as strings or symbols.

You can use assert_valid_keys method in your own application code, which takes Rails-style option hashes.

Public Instance Methods


Raises an ArgumentError if the hash contains any keys not specified in valid_keys.

def my_method(some_value, options={})
  options.assert_valid_keys(:my_conditions, :my_order, ...)


Returns a new copy of the hash with all keys converted to strings.


Destructively converts all keys in the hash to strings.

symbolize_keys and to_options

Returns a new hash with all keys converted to symbols.

symbolize_keys! and to_options!

Destructively converts all keys in the hash to symbols.

Hash::ReverseMerge (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Allows for reverse merging where it’s the keys in the calling hash that win over those in the other_hash. This is particularly useful for initializing an incoming option hash with default values like this:

def setup(options = {})
  options.reverse_merge! :size => 25, :velocity => 10

In the example, the default :size and :velocity are only set if the options passed in don’t already have those keys set.

Public Instance Methods


Returns a merged version of two hashes, using key values in the other_hash as defaults, leaving the original hash unmodified.

reverse_merge!(other_hash) and reverse_update

Destructive versions of reverse_merge; both modify the original hash in place.

Hash::Slice (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Methods to slice a hash to include only the specified keys. Useful for limiting an options hash to valid keys before passing to a method, like this:

def search(criteria = {})
  assert_valid_keys(:mass, :velocity, :time)

search(options.slice(:mass, :velocity, :time))

Public Instance Methods


Returns a new hash containing only the specified keys.


Destructive version of slice; modifies the original hash in place, removing any keys not specified in keys.


A subclass of Hash used internally by Rails. As stated in the source file:

This class has dubious semantics and we only have it so that people can write params[:key] instead of params['key'].

Inflector::Inflections (in ActiveSupport)

The Inflections class transforms words from singular to plural, class names to table names, modularized class names to ones without, and class names to foreign keys. The default inflections for pluralization, singularization, and uncountable words are kept in activesupport/lib/active_support/inflections.rb.

A singleton instance of Inflections is yielded by Inflector.inflections, which can then be used to specify additional inflection rules in your config/environment.rb file.

Here are some examples:

Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
  inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '1en'
  inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '1'
  inflect.irregular 'octopus', 'octopi'
  inflect.uncountable "equipment"

New rules are added at the top. So in the example, the irregular rule for octopus will now be the first of the pluralization and singularization rules that are checked when an inflection happens. That way Rails can guarantee that your rules run before any of the rules that may already have been loaded.

Public Instance Methods

This API reference lists the inflections methods themselves in the modules where they are actually used: Numeric::Inflections and String::Inflections.

irregular(singular, plural)

Specifies a new irregular that applies to both pluralization and singularization at the same time. The singular and plural arguments must be strings, not regular expressions. Simply pass the irregular word in singular and plural form.

irregular 'octopus', 'octopi'
irregular 'person', 'people'

plural(rule, replacement)

Specifies a new pluralization rule and its replacement. The rule can either be a string or a regular expression. The replacement should always be a string and may include references to the matched data from the rule by using backslash-number syntax, like this:

Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
  inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '1en'

singular(rule, replacement)

Specifies a new singularization rule and its replacement. The rule can either be a string or a regular expression. The replacement should always be a string and may include references to the matched data from the rule by using backslash-number syntax, like this:

Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
  inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '1'


Adds uncountable words that should not be inflected to the list of inflection rules.

uncountable "money"
uncountable "money", "information"
uncountable %w( money information rice )

Integer::EvenOdd (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Methods to check whether an integer is even, odd, or a multiple of another number.

Public Instance Methods


Returns true if the integer is even. Zero is considered even.[1]

1.even? # => false


Returns true if the integer is a multiple of number.

9.multiple_of? 3 # => true


Returns true if the integer is odd.

1.odd? # => false

Integer::Inflections (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides an ordinal inflection to Ruby’s integers.

Public Instance Methods


Turns an integer into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

1.ordinalize    # => "1st"
2.ordinalize    # => "2nd"
1002.ordinalize # => "1002nd"
1003.ordinalize # => "1003rd"

JSON (in ActiveSupport)

JSON stands for “JavaScript Object Notation,” and can be used to serialize data. It is more lightweight than XML and can be easily parsed by JavaScript interpreters, since it is JavaScript’s object literal format.

{ drink: "too much", smoke: "too much" }

Ruby might get better built-in support for JSON in versions 1.9 and above, since literal hash notation that looks exactly like JavaScript’s is being added to the language.

{ :drink: "too much", :smoke: "too much" } # valid hash in Ruby 1.9

Lately JSON has become a popular data transport for Ajax applications. Chapter 12, “Ajax on Rails,” has a section specifically about JSON.


The following words will cause problems if you try to use them as identifiers in your JSON-encoded data, because they are reserved words in JavaScript.

  abstract      delete        goto          private       transient
  boolean       do            if            protected     try
  break         double        implements    public        typeof
  byte          else          import        return        var
  case          enum          in            short         void
  catch         export        instanceof    static        volatile
  char          extends       int           super         while
  class         final         interface     switch        with
  const         finally       long          synchronized
  continue      float         native        this
  debugger      for           new           throw
  default       function      package       throws

Module Attributes


When this attribute is set to true, the to_json method on Hash will omit quoting string or symbol keys, provided that the resulting keys are valid JavaScript identifiers. Note that this is technically improper JSON (all object keys are supposed to be quoted), so if you need strict JSON compliance, set this option to false.

ActiveSupport::JSON.unquote_hash_key_identifiers = false

Class Methods


Converts a JSON string into a Ruby object. Decoding is accomplished via intermediate conversion to YAML, which is very close to JSON, syntactically speaking.

Raises ParseError if invalid JSON is provided.


Converts a Ruby object into a string of JSON.

>> print ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(:drink => "too much")
{drink: "too much" }

In practice, it can be quite difficult to encode ActiveRecord models as JSON because associations lead to circular dependencies:

ActiveSupport::JSON::CircularReferenceError: object references itself

A probable solution is to write custom Ruby classes that contain only the data that you need to serialize.


Returns true if the word is a reserved word in JavaScript and will cause problems if used in JSON-encoded data.


Returns true if str is a valid JSON identifier (including reserved word check).


Methods added to Ruby’s Kernel class are available in all contexts.

Public Instance Methods


Turns the current script into a daemon process that detaches from the console. It can be shut down with a TERM signal.

The source provides pretty much all the explanation you need:

def daemonize
  exit if fork                   # Parent exits, child continues
  Process.setsid                 # Become session leader
  exit if fork                   # Zap session leader
  Dir.chdir "/"                  # Release old working directory
  File.umask 0000                # Ensure sensible umask
  STDIN.reopen "/dev/null"       # Free file descriptors and...
  STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null", "a" # point them somewhere sensible.
  STDERR.reopen STDOUT           # TODO: better to go to a logfile

  trap("TERM") { exit }


Starts a debugging session if ruby-debug has been loaded. Calls script/server —debugger to start Mongrel with the debugger (Rails 2.0 only).

enable_warnings {...}

Sets $VERBOSE to true for the duration of the block and back to its original value afterward.


Requires a library with fallback to RubyGems. Warnings during library loading are silenced to increase signal/noise for application warnings.

silence_stream(stream) { ... }

Silences any stream for the duration of the block.

silence_stream(STDOUT) do
  puts 'This will never be seen'

puts 'But this will'

silence_warnings { ... }

Sets $VERBOSE to false for the duration of the block and back to its original value afterward.

suppress(*exception_classes) { ... }

A method that should be named swallow. Suppresses raising of any exception classes specified inside of a block. Use with caution.


Extensions to the built-in Ruby logger, accessible via the logger property in various Rails contexts such as ActiveRecord models and controller classes. Always accessible via the constant RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER. Use of the logger is explained in Chapter 1.

To use the default log formatter as defined in the Ruby core, you need to set a formatter for the logger as in the following example:

logger.formatter =

You can then specify properties such as the datetime format, for example:

logger.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d"

Public Instance Methods

around_debug(start_message, end_message) { ... }

Streamlines the all-too-common pattern of wrapping a few lines of code in comments that indicate the beginning and end of a routine, as follows:

logger.debug "Start rendering component (#{options.inspect}): "
result = render_component_stuff(...)
logger.debug "

End of component rendering"

The same code would be written with around_debug like this:

around_debug "Start rendering component (#{options.inspect}):",
             "End of component rendering" do

around_error, around_fatal, and around_info

See as around_debug except with a different log-level.


Gets the current logging datetime format. Returns nil if the formatter does not support datetime formatting.


Sets the format string passed to strftime to generate the log’s timestamp string.


Gets the current formatter. The Rails default formatter is a SimpleFormatter, which only displays the log message.

silence(temporary_level = Logger::ERROR)

Silences the logger for the duration of a block provided.

  # some particularly verbose (or secret) operation


Extensions to Ruby’s Module class, available in all contexts.

Public Instance Methods

alias_attribute(new_name, old_name)

This super-useful method allows you to easily make aliases for attributes, including their reader, writer, and query methods.

In the following example, the Content class is serving as the base class for Email using STI, but e-mails should have a subject, not a title:

class Content < ActiveRecord::Base
  # has column named 'title'

class Email < Content
  alias_attribute :subject, :title

As a result of the alias_attribute, you can see in the following example that the title and subject attributes become interchangeable:

>> e = Email.find(:first)

>> e.title
=> "Superstars"

>> e.subject
=> "Superstars"

>> e.subject?
=> true

>> e.subject = "Megastars"
=> "Megastars"

>> e.title
=> "Megastars"

alias_method_chain(target, feature)

Encapsulates the following common pattern:

alias_method :foo_without_feature, :foo
alias_method :foo, :foo_with_feature

With alias_method_chain, you simply do one line of code and both aliases are set up for you:

alias_method_chain :foo, :feature

Query and bang methods keep the same punctuation. The following syntax

alias_method_chain :foo?, :feature

is equivalent to

alias_method :foo_without_feature?, :foo?
alias_method :foo?, :foo_with_feature?

so you can safely chain foo, foo?, and foo!.


Returns the load path string corresponding to this module.

attr_accessor_with_default(sym, default = nil, &block)

Declares an attribute accessor with an initial default return value.

To give attribute :age the initial value 25, you would write the following:

class Person
  attr_accessor_with_default :age, 25

To give attribute :element_name a dynamic default value, evaluated in scope of self, you would write

attr_accessor_with_default(:element_name) { name.underscore }


Alias for attr_internal_accessor.


Declares attributes backed by internal instance variables names (using an @_ naming convention). Basically just a mechanism to enhance controlled access to sensitive attributes.

For instance, Object’s copy_instance_variables_from will not copy internal instance variables.


Declares an attribute reader backed by an internally named instance variable.


Declares an attribute writer backed by an internally named instance variable.


The const_missing callback is invoked when Ruby can’t find a specified constant in the current scope, which is what makes Rails autoclassloading possible. See the Dependencies module for more detail.


Provides a delegate class method to easily expose contained objects’ methods as your own. Pass one or more methods (specified as symbols or strings) and the name of the target object as the final :to option (also a symbol or string). At least one method and the :to option are required.

Delegation is particularly useful in conjunction with ActiveRecord associations:

class Greeter < ActiveRecord::Base
  def hello

  def goodbye

class LazyFoo < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :greeter
  delegate :hello, :to => :greeter

Multiple delegates to the same target are allowed:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :greeter
  delegate :hello, :goodbye, :to => :greeter


Declares that a method has been deprecated. See Deprecation for more information and usage instructions.


Returns a list of classes in which this module is included, using Ruby’s ObjectSpace.


Returns the constants that have been defined locally by this object and not in an ancestor. This method may miss some constants if their definition in the ancestor is identical to their definition in the receiver.


Defines one or more module attribute reader and writer methods in the style of the native attr* accessors for instance attributes.


Defines one or more module attribute reader methods.


Defines one or more module attribute writer methods.


Returns the module that contains this one; if this is a root module, such as ::MyModule, then Object is returned.


Returns all the parents of this module, ordered from nested outward. The receiver is not contained within the result.

unloadable(const_desc = self)

Marks a given constant as unloadable, to be removed each time dependencies are cleared. See unloadable in Object for additional details.


The LoadError raised by Rails when its name-based classloading mechanism fails to find a class. An explanation of how Rails looks for and loads classes is in Chapter 1, in the “Rails, Modules, and Auto-Loading Code” section.

Multibyte::Chars (in ActiveSupport)

The chars proxy enables you to work transparently with multibyte encodings in the Ruby String class without having extensive knowledge about encoding.

A Chars object accepts a string upon initialization and proxies String methods in an encoding-safe manner. All the normal String methods are proxied through the Chars object, and can be accessed through the chars method. Methods that would normally return a String object now return a Chars object so that methods can be chained together safely.

>> "The Perfect String".chars.downcase.strip.normalize
=> "the perfect string"

Chars objects are perfectly interchangeable with String objects as long as no explicit class checks are made. If certain methods do explicitly check the class, call to_s before you pass Chars objects to them, to go back to a normal String object:


The actual operations on the string are delegated to handlers. Theoretically handlers can be implemented for any encoding, but the default handler handles UTF-8. This handler is set during initialization.

Note that a few methods are defined on Chars instead of the handler because they are defined on Object or Kernel and method_missing (the method used for delegation) can’t catch them.

Class Methods


If you want to implement your own handler or use a third-party one, you can set it on the Chars class manually:

ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars.handler = MyHandler

Look at the UTF8Handler source for an example of how to implement your own handler. If you implement your own handler to work on anything but UTF-8, you probably also want to override the handler on Chars.

Public Instance Methods

<=> (other)

Returns -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether the Chars object is to be sorted before, equal to, or after the object on the right side of the operation. In other words, it works exactly as you would expect it to.

=~ (other)

Like String’s version, only this method returns the character offset (in codepoints) instead of a byte offset.

gsub(*a, &b)

Works exactly the same as gsub on a normal string.


Returns the proper handler for the contained string depending on $KCODE and the encoding of the string. This method is used internally by Rails to always redirect messages to the proper classes depending on the context.

method_missing(m, *a, &b)

Tries to forward all undefined methods to the designated handler. When a method is not defined on the handler, it sends it to the contained string instead. Also responsible for making the bang (!) methods destructive, since a handler doesn’t have access to change an enclosed string instance.


Makes duck-typing with String possible.


Works just like the normal String’s split method, with the exception that the items in the resulting list are Chars instances instead of String, which makes chaining calls easier.


The contained String instance. You shouldn’t need to do anything with it via the Chars object.


Remember that everything in Ruby is an object, even nil, which is a special reference to a singleton instance of the NilClass.

Besides blank?, the extensions to nil try to raise more descriptive error messages, to help Rails newbies. The aim is to ensure that when developers pass nil to methods unintentionally, instead of NoMethodError and the name of some method used by the framework, they’ll see a message explaining what type of object was expected. The behavior was named whiny nil as an inside joke.

Method missing magic is used to capture the method that was erroneously invoked on nil. The method name is looked up in a hash containing method names indexed to Rails classes, so that a helpful suggestion can be attempted.

If you’ve done any amount of Rails programming, you’re probably familiar with the output of this error-helping process, as the description of a NoMethodError:

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it! You might have expected an instance of class_name. The error occurred while evaluating nil.method_name.

The whiny nil behavior can be controlled in the individual environment configurations with the following line:

config.whiny_nils = true

Rails has it set to true by default in development and test modes, and false in production mode.

Public Instance Methods


Always returns true.


Raises a message along the lines of: Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id.


As with Hash, ActiveSupport only adds the blank? method directly to the Numeric class.

Public Instance Methods


Always returns false.

Numeric::Bytes (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Enables the use of byte calculations and declarations, like 45.bytes + 2.6.megabytes.

Public Instance Methods

byte and bytes

Returns the value of self.

kilobyte and kilobytes

Returns self * 1024.

megabyte and megabytes

Returns self * 1024.kilobytes.

gigabyte and gigabytes

Returns self * 1024.megabytes.

terabyte and terabytes

Returns self * 1024.gigabytes.

petabyte and petabytes

Returns self * 1024.terabytes.

exabyte and exabytes[2]

Returns self * 1024.petabytes.

Numeric::Time (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Syntax sugar that enables the use of seconds-based time calculations and declarations directly on numbers, like this:

1.minute + 45.seconds == 105.seconds #=> true

The methods in this module use Time’s advance method for precise date calculations as well as adding or subtracting their results from a Time object:

# equivalent to => 1)

# equivalent to => 2)

# equivalent to => 4, :years => 5)
(4.months + 5.years).from_now

While these methods provide precise calculation when used as in the example, care should be taken concerning loss of precision when typecasting them to integral values. Ruby’s core Date and Time classes should be used for high-precision date and time arithmetic.

Public Instance Methods

ago and until

Appends to a numeric time value to express a moment in the past.


day and days

A duration equivalent to self * 24.hours.

fortnight and fortnights

A duration equivalent to self * 2.weeks.

from_now(time = and since(time =

An amount of time in the future, from a specified time (which defaults to

hour and hours

A duration equivalent to self * 3600.seconds.

minute and minutes

A duration equivalent to self * 60.seconds.

month and months

A duration equivalent to self * 30.days.

second and seconds

A duration in seconds equal to self.

week and weeks

A duration equivalent to self * 7.days.

year and years

A duration equivalent to self * 365.25.days.


Rails mixes quite a few methods into the Object class, meaning they are available via every other object at runtime.

Public Instance Methods


Makes backticks behave (somewhat more) similarly on all platforms. On win32 `nonexistent_command` raises Errno::ENOENT; on UNIX, the spawned shell prints a message to STDERR and sets $?. Emulates UNIX on the former but not the latter, by making win32 print a message to STDERR.


A duck-type assistant method, with a really simple implementation:

def acts_like?(duck)
  respond_to? "acts_like_#{duck}?"

ActiveSupport extends Date to define an acts_like_date? method, and extends Time to define acts_like_time?. As a result, we can do x.acts_like?(:time) and y.acts_like?(:date) to do duck-type-safe comparisons, since classes that we want to act like Time simply need to define an acts_like_time? method that returns true.


An empty string (""), a string with only whitespace (" "), nil, an empty array ([]), and an empty hash ({}) are all considered blank.

Works by calling strip (to remove whitespace) if that method is available, and then calling empty?. If no empty? method is available, simply returns the negation of self.

copy_instance_variables_from(object, exclude = [])

Useful to copy instance variables from one object to another.


Returns an array of modules that are in the ancestors of a given object.

To illustrate, here’s a list of modules included in a Person class belonging to one of my real projects. Is the list bigger than you might expect?

>> Person.find(:first).extended_by.sort_by(&:name)
=> [ActiveRecord::Acts::List, ActiveRecord::Acts::NestedSet,
ActiveRecord::Acts::Tree, ActiveRecord::Aggregations,
ActiveRecord::Associations, ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods,
ActiveRecord::Calculations, ActiveRecord::Callbacks,
ActiveRecord::Locking::Optimistic, ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic,
ActiveRecord::Observing, ActiveRecord::Reflection,
ActiveRecord::Timestamp, ActiveRecord::Transactions,
ActiveRecord::Validations, ActiveRecord::XmlSerialization, Base64,
Base64::Deprecated, ERB::Util, GeoKit::ActsAsMappable, LatLongZoom,
PP::ObjectMixin, PhotosMixin, Reloadable::Deprecated,
ScottBarron::Acts::StateMachine, UJS::BehaviourHelper, UJS::Helpers,
UJS::JavascriptProxies, WhiteListHelper, WillPaginate::Finder]


Invokes extend on an object with each module included by the object argument, with a really simple implementation:

def extend_with_included_modules_from(object)
  object.extended_by.each { |mod| extend mod }

instance_exec(*arguments, &block)

The instance_exec method allows you to (somewhat efficiently) take a block of Ruby code and execute it in the context of another object.

>> t = Tag.find(:first)
=> #<Tag id: 1, name: "politics">
>> t.instance_exec { name }
=> "politics"


Returns instance variables of an object as a hash.

>> Tag.find(:first).instance_values
=> {"attributes" => {"name" => "politics", "id" => "1"}}

load(file, *extras)

Rails overrides Ruby’s built-in load method to tie it into the Dependencies subsystem.

require(file, *extras)

Rails overrides Ruby’s built-in require method to tie it into the Dependencies subsystem.


Used internally by Rails. Invokes Dependencies.associate_with (file_name).


Used internally by Rails. Invokes Dependencies.depend_on(file_name).


Used internally by Rails. Invokes Dependencies.require_or_load(file_name).

returning(value) { ... }

A Ruby-ized realization of the K combinator, courtesy of Mikael Brockman. Simplifies the idiom where you know you will want to return a certain object; you just want to do a couple of things to it first, like this:

def foo
  returning values = [] do
    values << 'bar'
    values << 'baz'

foo # => ['bar', 'baz']

A slightly more elegant way to access the returning value is via block variable. Here is the same example again, but with a block variable for values:

def foo
  returning [] do |values|
    values << 'bar'
    values << 'baz'

foo # => ['bar', 'baz']


Marks the specified constant as unloadable. Unloadable constants are removed each time dependencies are cleared.

Note that marking a constant for unloading need only be done once. Setup or init scripts may list each unloadable constant that will need unloading; constants marked in this way will be removed on every subsequent Dependencies.clear, as opposed to the first clear only.

The provided constant descriptor const_desc may be a (nonanonymous) module or class, or a qualified constant name as a string or symbol.

Returns true if the constant was not previously marked for unloading, false otherwise.


An elegant way to refactor out common options.

with_options(:class_name => 'Comment', :order => 'id desc') do |post|
  post.has_many :approved, :conditions => ['approved = ?', true]
  post.has_many :unapproved, :conditions => ['approved = ?', false]
  post.has_many :all_comments

Can also be used with an explicit receiver, which will be passed as a block parameter:

map.with_options :controller => "people" do |people|
  people.connect "/people",     :action => "index"
  people.connect "/people/:id", :action => "show"

OrderedHash (in ActiveSupport)

A hash implementation as a subclass of Ruby Array. Preserves ordering of its elements, in contrast to normal Ruby hashes. It’s namespaced to prevent conflicts with other implementations. You can assign it to a top-level namespace if you don’t want to constantly use the fully qualified name:

OrderedHash = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash

The normal square bracket operators are implemented, but otherwise, it’s an Array.

>> oh =
=> []
>> oh[:one] = 1
=> 1
>> oh[:two] = 2
=> 2
>> oh[:three] = 3
=> 3
>> oh
=> [[:one, 1], [:two, 2], [:three, 3]]

OrderedOptions (in ActiveSupport)

A subclass of OrderedHash that adds a method-missing implementation so that hash elements can be accessed and modified using normal attribute semantics, dot-notation:

def method_missing(name, *args)
  if name.to_s =~ /(.*)=$/
    self[$1.to_sym] = args.first

Rails trivia: The initializer.rb file contains an exact duplicate of this class, except in the Rails namespace. The reason? It’s needed before ActiveSupport is loaded, as part of the startup process.


Extensions to Ruby’s Proc class that make instance_exec magic possible.

Public Instance Methods

bind(object) { ... }

Facilitates binding of a proc to an arbitrary object, so that it executes in that object’s context when it is called. This technique makes the instance_exec method of Object possible.

To demonstrate in the following example, we first verify that name is not defined in the current context. Then we create a Proc object that invokes name, and show that it still generates a NameError when we call it.

>> name
NameError: undefined local variable or method `name' ...

>> p = { name }
=> #<Proc:0x031bf5b4@(irb):15>

NameError: undefined local variable or method `name' ...

Now, we use the bind method to easily call our proc in the context of two separate objects that do define name:

>> p.bind(Person.find(:first)).call
=> "Admin"

>> p.bind(Tag.find(:first)).call
=> "politics"

The clever implementation works by first defining a new method on the target object using a generated unique name and the body of the proc. Then a reference to the new Method instance is saved, and it is removed from the target object using remove_method. Finally, the target object is bound to the new method and returned, so that call executes the proc in the context of the target object.


Extensions to Ruby’s Range class.


The DATE_FORMATS constant holds a single proc used to convert a range into a SQL expression:

  :db => {|start, stop|
    "BETWEEN '#{start.to_s(:db)}' AND '#{stop.to_s(:db)}'"

Public Instance Methods

to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Generates a formatted string representation of the range.

>> (20.days.ago..10.days.ago).to_formatted_s
=> "Fri Aug 10 22:12:33 -0400 2007..Mon Aug 20 22:12:33 -0400 2007"
>> (20.days.ago..10.days.ago).to_formatted_s(:db)
=> "BETWEEN '2007-08-10 22:12:36' AND '2007-08-20 22:12:36'"


Extensions to Ruby’s String class.

Public Instance Methods


Returns the character at position, treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). Returns nil if the position exceeds the length of the string.

"hello".at(0)  # => "h"
"hello".at(4)  # => "o"
"hello".at(10) # => nil


Returns the result of empty? (stripping whitespace, if needed).


Returns the first number of characters in a string.

"hello".first     # => "h"
"hello".first(2)  # => "he"
"hello".first(10) # => "hello"


Returns the remaining characters of a string from the position, treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). Returns nil if the position exceeds the length of the string.

"hello".at(0)  # => "hello"
"hello".at(2)  # => "llo"
"hello".at(10) # => nil


Returns the last number of characters in a string.

"hello".last     # => "o"
"hello".last(2)  # => "lo"
"hello".last(10) # => "hello"


Returns the beginning of the string up to the position treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). Doesn’t produce an error when the position exceeds the length of the string.

"hello".at(0)  # => "h"
"hello".at(2)  # => "hel"
"hello".at(10) # => "hello"


Uses ParseDate.parsedate to turn a string into a Date.


Uses ParseDate.parsedate to turn a string into a DateTime.

to_time(form = :utc)

Uses ParseDate.parsedate to turn a string into a Time either using either :utc (default) or :local.

String::Inflections (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

String inflections define new methods on the String class to transform names for different purposes.

For instance, you can figure out the name of a database from the name of a class:

"ScaleScore".tableize => "scale_scores"

If you get frustrated by the limitations of Rails inflections, try the most excellent Linguistics library by Michael Granger at It doesn’t do all of the same inflections as Rails, but the ones that it does do, it does better. (See titleize for an example.)

Public Instance Methods

camelize(first_letter = :upper)

By default, camelize converts strings to UpperCamelCase. If the argument to camelize is set to :lower, then camelize produces lowerCamelCase. The camelize method will also convert “/” to “::”, which is useful for converting paths to namespaces.

"active_record".camelize #=> "ActiveRecord"
"active_record".camelize(:lower) #=> "activeRecord"
"active_record/errors".camelize #=> "ActiveRecord::Errors"
"active_record/errors".camelize(:lower) #=> "activeRecord::Errors"


Creates a class name from a table name; used by ActiveRecord to turn table names to model classes. Note that the classify method returns a string and not a Class. (To convert to an actual class, follow classify with constantize.)

"egg_and_hams".classify #=> "EggAndHam"
"post".classify #=> "Post"


The constantize method tries to find a declared constant with the name specified in the string. It raises a NameError if a matching constant is not located.

"Module".constantize #=> Module
"Class".constantize #=> Class


Replaces underscores with dashes in the string.

"puni_puni" #=> "puni-puni"


Removes the module prefixes from a fully qualified module or class name.

>> "ActiveRecord::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections".demodulize
=> "Inflections"

"Inflections".demodulize #=> "Inflections"

foreign_key(separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = true)

Creates a foreign key name from a class name.

"Message".foreign_key #=> "message_id"
"Message".foreign_key(false) #=> "messageid"
"Admin::Post".foreign_key #=> "post_id"


Capitalizes the first word of a string, turns underscores into spaces, and strips _id. Similar to the titleize method in that it is intended for creating pretty output.

"employee_salary" #=> "Employee salary"
"author_id" #=> "Author"


Returns the plural form of the word in the string.

"post".pluralize #=> "posts"
"octopus".pluralize #=> "octopi"
"sheep".pluralize #=> "sheep"
"words".pluralize #=> "words"
"the blue mailman".pluralize #=> "the blue mailmen"
"CamelOctopus".pluralize #=> "CamelOctopi"


The reverse of pluralize; returns the singular form of a word in a string.

"posts".singularize #=> "post"
"octopi".singularize #=> "octopus"
"sheep".singluarize #=> "sheep"
"word".singluarize #=> "word"
"the blue mailmen".singularize #=> "the blue mailman"
"CamelOctopi".singularize #=> "CamelOctopus"


Creates a plural and underscored database table name based on Rails conventions. Used by ActiveRecord to determine the proper table name for a model class. This method uses the pluralize method on the last word in the string.

"RawScaledScorer".tableize #=> "raw_scaled_scorers"
"egg_and_ham".tableize #=> "egg_and_hams"
"fancyCategory".tableize #=> "fancy_categories"


Alias for titleize.


Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer-looking title. The titleize method is meant for creating pretty output and is not used in the Rails internals.

>> "The light on the beach was like a sinus headache".titleize
=> "The Light On The Beach Was Like A Sinus Headache"

It’s also not perfect. Among other things, it capitalizes words inside the sentence that it probably shouldn’t, like “a” and “the.” It also has a hard time with apostrophes:

>> "Her uncle's cousin's record albums".titleize
=> "Her Uncle'S Cousin'S Record Albums"

The Linguistics gem mentioned in the beginning of this section has an excellent proper_noun method that in my experience works much better than titleize:

>> "Her uncle's cousin's record albums".en.proper_noun
=> "Her Uncle's Cousin's Record Albums"


The reverse of camelize. Makes an underscored form from the expression in the string. Changes “::” to “/” to convert namespaces to paths.

"ActiveRecord".underscore #=> "active_record"
"ActiveRecord::Errors".underscore #=> active_record/errors

String::Iterators (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Contains a custom string iterator that can be used to operate on each character of a string sequentially, in a Unicode-safe fashion.

Public Instance Methods

each_char { |char| ... }

Yields a single-character string for each character in the string. When $KCODE equals 'UTF8', multibyte characters are yielded appropriately.

String::StartsEndsWith (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Provides String with additional condition methods.

Public Instance Methods


Returns true if the string starts with the specified prefix.


Returns true if the string ends with the specified suffix.

String::Unicode (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Defines methods for handling Unicode strings.

Public Instance Methods


The chars method returns an instance of the ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars class, a Unicode-safe proxy encapsulating the original string. Unicode versions of all the String methods are defined on the chars proxy, which gives you assurance that you won’t end up with garbled or ruined string data.

Undefined methods are forwarded to String, so all of the string overrides can also be called through the chars proxy with confidence.

Here are some examples:

name = 'Claus Müller'
name.reverse #=> "rell??M sualC"  # garbled!!
name.length #=> 13                # wrong!!

name.chars.reverse.to_s #=> "rellüM sualC"
name.chars.length #=> 12

All the methods on the chars proxy that normally return a string will return a chars proxy object instead. This allows method chaining on the result of any of these methods without a problem.

name.chars.reverse.length #=> 12

The Char proxy class tries to be as interchangeable with String as possible: sorting and comparing between String and Chars objects work as expected. The bang (!) methods change the internal string representation in the Chars object. Interoperability problems should be resolved easily with a to_s call.

For more information about the methods defined on the Chars proxy, see Multibyte::Chars and Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler.


Returns true if the string has UTF-8 semantics, versus strings that are simply being used as byte streams.


Extensions to Ruby’s built-in Symbol class.

Public Instance Methods


Infamous Rails syntax sugar. Turns a symbol into a simple proc, which is especially useful for enumerations.

# The same as people.collect { |p| }

# The same as { |p| p.manager? }.collect { |p| p.salary }


Rails adds a number of assertions to the basic ones provided with Test::Unit.

Public Instance Methods

assert_difference(expressions, difference = 1, message = nil, &block)

Tests whether a numeric difference in the return value of an expression is a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block. (Easier to demonstrate than to explain!)

The following example eval’s the expression Article.count and saves the result. Then it yields to the block, which will execute the post :create and return control to the assert_difference method. At that point, Article.count is eval’d again, and the difference is asserted to be 1 (the default difference).

assert_difference 'Article.count' do
  post :create, :article => {...}

Any arbitrary expression can be passed in and evaluated:

assert_difference 'assigns(:article).comments(:reload).size' do
  post :create, :comment => {...}

Arbitrary difference values may be specified. The default is +1, but negative numbers are okay too:

assert_difference 'Article.count', -1 do
  post :delete, :id => ...

An array of expressions can also be passed in—each will be evaluated:

assert_difference [ 'Article.count', 'Post.count' ], +2 do
  post :create, :article => {...}

A error message can be specified:

assert_difference 'Article.count', -1, "Article should be destroyed" do
  post :delete, :id => ...

assert_no_difference(expressions, message = nil, &block)

Tests that the return value of the supplied expression does not change as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.

assert_no_difference 'Article.count' do
  post :create, :article => invalid_attributes

Time::Calculations (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Extensions to Ruby’s built-in Time class.

Class Methods

days_in_month(month, year = nil)

Returns the number of days in the given month. If a year is given, February will return the correct number of days for leap years. Otherwise, this method will always report February as having 28 days.


Wraps the class method time_with_datetime_fallback with utc_or_local argument set to :local.

time_with_datetime_fallback(utc_or_local, year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, usec=0)

Returns a new Time if the requested year can be accommodated by Ruby’s Time class. The range of the Time class is either 1970..2038 or 1902..2038, depending on the host system’s architecture. Years outside the supported range will return a DateTime object.


Wraps the class method time_with_datetime_fallback with utc_or_local argument set to :utc.

Public Instance Methods

+ (other)

Implemented by the plus_with_duration method. It allows addition of times like this:

expiration_time = + 3.days

- (other)

Implemented by the minus_with_duration method. It allows addition of times like this:

two_weeks_ago = - 2.weeks


Provides precise Time calculations. The options parameter takes a hash with any of the keys :months, :days, :years, :hour, :min, :sec, and :usec.


Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds into the past; this is basically a wrapper around the Numeric extension of the same name. For the best accuracy, do not use this method in combination with x.months; use months_ago instead!

at_beginning of_day

Alias for beginning_of_day.

at_beginning of_month

Alias for beginning_of_month.

at_beginning of_week

Alias for beginning_of_week.

at_beginning of_year

Alias for beginning_of_year.

at_end of_day

Alias for end_of_day.

at_end of_month

Alias for end_of_month.

at_end of_week

Alias for end_of_week.

at_end of_year

Alias for end_of_year.

beginning of_day

Returns a new Time representing the “start” of the current instance’s day, hard-coded to 00:00 hours.

beginning of_month

Returns a new Time representing the start of the month (1st of the month, 00:00 hours).


Returns a new Time representing the start of the calendar quarter (1st of January, April, July, October, 00:00 hours).

beginning of_week

Returns a new Time representing the “start” of the current instance’s week, hard-coded to Monday at 00:00 hours.

beginning of_year

Returns a new Time representing the start of the year (1st of January, 00:00 hours).


Returns a new Time where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter. The valid date options are :year, :month, :day. The valid time options are :hour, :min, :sec, :offset, and :start.


Returns a new Time representing the end of the day (23:59:59).


Returns a new Time representing the end of the month (last day of the month, 00:00 hours).


Convenience method for months_ago(1).


Convenience method for years_ago(1).


Alias for beginning of_week.


Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified months into the past.


The opposite of months_ago. Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified months into the future.


Convenience method for months_since(1).


Convenience method for years_since(1).


Returns the number of seconds that have transpired since midnight.


Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds into the future starting from the instance time. This method is basically a wrapper around the Numeric extension of the same name. For best accuracy, do not use this method in combination with x.months; use months_since instead!


Convenience method for self.since(


Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified years into the past.


The opposite of years_ago. Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified years into the future.


Convenience method for self.ago(

Time::Conversions (in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions)

Extensions to Ruby’s Time class to convert time objects into different convenient string representations and other objects.


The DATE_FORMATS hash holds formatting patterns used by the to_formatted_s method to convert a Time object into a string representation:

  :db           => "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
  :time         => "%H:%M",
  :short        => "%d %b %H:%M",
  :long         => "%B %d, %Y %H:%M",
  :long_ordinal => lambda { |time|
    time.strftime("%B #{}, %Y %H:%M") },
  :rfc822       => "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"

Public Instance Methods


Returns a new Date object based on a Time, discarding time data.


Returns a new DateTime object based on a Time, preserving the utc offset. Basically a wrapper around the DateTime.civil factory method:

DateTime.civil(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, Rational(utc_offset,
86400), 0)

to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Converts a Time object into a string representation. The :default option corresponds to the Time object’s own to_s method.

=> "August 31st, 2007 15:00"


Returns self.


A value object representing a timezone. A timezone is simply a named offset (in seconds) from GMT. Note that two timezone objects are only equivalent if they have both the same offset and the same name.

When you have users spread out across the world, you generally want to store times on the server as UTC time, and store the user’s timezone offset in association with their user accounts. That way, whenever you display a time for a user, you can adjust the time stored on the server to their local timezone.

Peter Marklund has a concise tutorial on the technique that you’ll want to read at Pay attention to his advice to use the TZInfo Ruby library—it understands how to deal with Daylight Savings Time, whereas the Rails version does not.

Peter’s tutorial covers everything from setting up TZInfo to adding timezone data to your User class with composed_of, and UI issues such as collecting the user’s time zone setting using a Rails time_zone_select helper method.


US_ZONES is a regular expression that matches the names of all timezones in the USA.

US_ZONES = /US|Arizona|Indiana|Hawaii|Alaska/

Class Methods

[] (arg)

Locates a specific timezone object. If the argument is a string, it is interpreted to mean the name of the timezone to locate.

>> TimeZone['Dublin']
=> #<TimeZone:0x3208390 @name="Dublin", @utc_offset=0>

If it is a numeric value it is either the hour offset, or the second offset, of the timezone to find. (The first one with that offset will be returned.)

Returns nil if no such timezone is known to the system.


Returns an array of all TimeZone objects. There are multiple TimeZone objects per timezone (in many cases) to make it easier for users to find their own timezone.

This is the full array of timezone data included in the TimeZone class:

[[-43_200, "International Date Line West" ],
 [-39_600, "Midway Island", "Samoa" ],
 [-36_000, "Hawaii" ],
 [-32_400, "Alaska" ],
 [-28_800, "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "Tijuana" ],
 [-25_200, "Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "Chihuahua", "La Paz",
           "Mazatlan", "Arizona" ],
 [-21_600, "Central Time (US & Canada)", "Saskatchewan",
           "Mexico City", "Monterrey", "Central America" ],
 [-18_000, "Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "Indiana (East)", "Bogota",
           "Lima", "Quito" ],
 [-14_400, "Atlantic Time (Canada)", "Caracas", "La Paz", "Santiago" ],
 [-12_600, "Newfoundland" ],
 [-10_800, "Brasilia", "Buenos Aires", "Georgetown", "Greenland" ],
 [ -7_200, "Mid-Atlantic" ],
 [ -3_600, "Azores", "Cape Verde Is." ],
 [      0, "Dublin", "Edinburgh", "Lisbon", "London", "Casablanca",
           "Monrovia" ],
 [  3_600, "Belgrade", "Bratislava", "Budapest", "Ljubljana", "Prague",
           "Sarajevo", "Skopje", "Warsaw", "Zagreb", "Brussels",
           "Copenhagen", "Madrid", "Paris", "Amsterdam", "Berlin",
           "Bern", "Rome", "Stockholm", "Vienna",
           "West Central Africa" ],
 [  7_200, "Bucharest", "Cairo", "Helsinki", "Kyev", "Riga", "Sofia",
           "Tallinn", "Vilnius", "Athens", "Istanbul", "Minsk",
           "Jerusalem", "Harare", "Pretoria" ],
 [ 10_800, "Moscow", "St. Petersburg", "Volgograd", "Kuwait",
           "Nairobi", "Baghdad" ],
 [ 12_600, "Tehran" ],
 [ 14_400, "Abu Dhabi", "Muscat", "Baku", "Tbilisi", "Yerevan" ],
 [ 16_200, "Kabul" ],
 [ 18_000, "Ekaterinburg", "Islamabad", "Karachi", "Tashkent" ],
 [ 19_800, "Chennai", "Kolkata", "Mumbai", "New Delhi" ],
 [ 20_700, "Kathmandu" ],
 [ 21_600, "Astana", "Dhaka", "Sri Jayawardenepura", "Almaty",
           "Novosibirsk" ],
 [ 23_400, "Rangoon" ],
 [ 25_200, "Bangkok", "Hanoi", "Jakarta", "Krasnoyarsk" ],
 [ 28_800, "Beijing", "Chongqing", "Hong Kong", "Urumqi",
           "Kuala Lumpur", "Singapore", "Taipei", "Perth", "Irkutsk",
           "Ulaan Bataar" ],
 [ 32_400, "Seoul", "Osaka", "Sapporo", "Tokyo", "Yakutsk" ],
 [ 34_200, "Darwin", "Adelaide" ],
 [ 36_000, "Canberra", "Melbourne", "Sydney", "Brisbane", "Hobart",
           "Vladivostok", "Guam", "Port Moresby" ],
 [ 39_600, "Magadan", "Solomon Is.", "New Caledonia" ],
 [ 43_200, "Fiji", "Kamchatka", "Marshall Is.", "Auckland",
           "Wellington" ],
 [ 46_800, "Nuku'alofa" ]]

create(name, offset)

Creates a new TimeZone instance with the given name and offset.

>> TimeZone.create("Atlanta", -5.hours)
=> #<TimeZone:0x31e6d44 @name="Atlanta", @utc_offset=-18000 seconds>


Returns a TimeZone instance with the given name, or nil if no such TimeZone instance exists. This method exists to support the use of this class with the composed_of macro-style method on ActiveRecord models, like this:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  composed_of :tz, :class_name => 'TimeZone',
              :mapping => %w(time_zone name)


A convenience method for returning a collection of TimeZone objects for timezones in the USA.

=> ["Hawaii", "Alaska", "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "Arizona",
"Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "Central Time (US & Canada)", "Eastern
Time (US & Canada)", "Indiana (East)"]

Public Instance Methods

<=> (other)

Compares this timezone to the parameter. The two are compared first based on their offsets, and then by name.


Adjusts the given time to this timezone.

>> TimeZone['Fiji'].adjust(
=> Sat Sep 01 10:42:42 UTC 2007

formatted_offset(colon = true)

Returns the offset of this timezone as a formatted string, in the format HH:MM. If the offset is zero, this method will return an empty string. If colon is false, a colon will not be inserted into the output.

initialize(name, utc_offset)

This constructor is used via TimeZone.create. Instantiates a new TimeZone object with the given name and offset. The offset is the number of seconds that this timezone is offset from UTC (GMT). Seconds were chosen as the offset unit because that is the unit that Ruby uses to represent timezone offsets (see Time’s utc_offset method).


Returns adjusted to this timezone.

=> Fri Aug 31 22:39:58 -0400 2007
>> TimeZone['Fiji'].now
=> Sat Sep 01 14:40:00 UTC 2007


Returns a textual representation of this timezone.

TimeZone['Dublin'].to_s  #=> "(GMT) Dublin"


Returns the current date in this timezone.

=> "2007-08-31"
>> TimeZone['Fiji'].today.to_s
=> "2007-09-01"


Remember that everything in Ruby is an object, even true, which is a special reference to a singleton instance of the TrueClass.

Public Instance Methods


Always returns false.



For an interesting summary of why zero is considered by many to be an even number, read


Bytes Trivia: According to an IDC study commissioned by storage vendor EMC, 161 exabytes of digital information were created and copied in 2006. One exabyte equals a billion gigabytes. By 2010, IDC expects the volume of annual data created and copied to rise sixfold to 988 exabytes.


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