


Research and Fact-checking

Paul Alexander and Gordon Reid (Cedar Audio Ltd), James Anderson and Rolf Hartley (Sonic Studio), Jack Calaway, Scott Carrey, Cécile Chagnaud, Rafi Chen, Tully Chen, Thierry De Vries, José Luis Díaz, Wilson Dyer, Nathan Eames (Sonnox Ltd.), Richard Fairbanks (Pharoah Editorial), Mark Franken (Sounds In Sync), Sasha Franklin, Joshua Gershman (Dolby Laboratories, Inc.), Steven Ghouti, Amit Gilboa, Michael Goorevich, Brooks Harris (EDLMax), Georgia Hilton, Greg Junovich (VoiceQ), Joe Hammer (Fairlight), Mark Hensley, Anand Krishnamoorthi, Serena Kung (Motion Picture Editors Guild), John Lundsten (AATranslator), Alexey Lukin and Melissa Misicka (iZotope, Inc.), Charles Maynes, Michael Maroussas, Ashi Milo, Danijel Milosevic, Ronen Nagel, Itai Neoran and Amir Vinci (Waves Audio, Ltd.), Philip Perkins, Jesse Peterson, Gideon Porath, Jay Rose, Chris Sinclair, Erez Eyni-Shavit, David Sonnenschein, Justin Webster (Maggot Software), Carles Vila, Johan Wadsten and Claude Cellier (Merging Technologies), Jenny Ward, Jeff Wexler, Marc Wielage, Yoko Yasukouchi (Sony Corporation).


AATranslator, Rick Bissell, Cedar Audio Ltd, Matt Batchelor, Dolby Laboratories Inc, Edit Studios Tel Aviv, Mark Hensley, Dietrich Körner, Yfat Levin, Noam Levy, Library of Congress, Maggot Software, Merging Technologies SA, Michael Maroussas, Pharoah Editorial Inc, Victoria Rose Sampson, Chris Sinclair, Sonic Studio LLC, Sonnox Ltd, Sound Devices LLC, Sounds In Sync Pty Ltd., Alan Stewart, Synchro Arts Ltd, VoiceQ, Jenny Ward, Waves Audio Ltd, Wolly Wollmann, David Yewdall, Zaxcom Inc.


Vanessa Ament-Gjenvick, David Barber, Larry Benjamin, Cécile Chagnaud, Tully Chen, Rickley Dumm, Wilson Dyer, Erez Eyni-Shavit, Richard Fairbanks, Tom Fleishman, Diego Gat, Patrick Ghislain, Michael Goorevich, Ken Hahn, Mark Hensley, Bobby Johanson, Jeónimo Labrada, Michael Maroussas, Polly McKinnon, Rubén Piputto, Kunal Rajan, Cecilia Rivero, Victoria Rose Sampson, Chris Sinclair, Randy Thom, Karol Urban, Ric Viers, Jenny Ward.

To those whom I overlooked, my apologies and my gratitude.

Excerpts from the film Ghost Month, used in the book's companion website, are graciously provided by Danny Draven.

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