


A-frame 27, 396

A/B reel 395, 409

3:2 27, 395

AAF Association 75, 80

Acres, Birt 5

Actor noises 225, 228

clothing 230

dental work 228

microphones 230

mouth smacks/clicks 22930

actor's script 290

ADL (AES31 audio decision list) 83, 360, 395

ADR (automated dialogue replacement) 21, 278, 2802, 396

automating paperwork 2924

detailed spotting 2845

initial spotting 284

matching to production sound 3202

organizing process 28594

preparation 2825

replacing what cannot be fixed 27880

TV versions of feature film 285

when to record 2834

ADR call list (ADR cue sheet) 286, 2879, 300, 396

ADR data-entry page 2924

ADR editing

breaths 316

choosing takes 305

combining takes 3068

dialogue tracks 3003

noise scenes 316

preparing 3034

tools 30916

ADR mixer 56

ADR recording log 2867, 396

ADR recording report 2901

ADR recording session 294

file names 300

group loop 31719

improvise 296

matching ADR to production sound 3202

number of channels 297

preparing dialogue tracks for editing 3003

recording takes 299300

Rhythmo band 295

studio technology 2945

talent, recording engineer, director 2979

ADR spotting session 2845, 396

ADR supervisor (ADR editor) 55, 282

ADR/production sound matching 320

convolution reverbs 3212

distortion 322

dynamics 322

electronics 320

equalizer 3201

microphone 320

performance 320

pitch 320, 322

reverb 321

synthetic reverb processors 321

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) 75

see also OMF/AAF

ALE (Avid Log Exchange) file 396

Alexandrov, Grigori 10

alternate takes 242, 396

changing the speed 2536

check other angles 24952

check sound reports 247

choose the right parts 2502

combine parts of several takes 252

dolly noise 260

filenames don't make sense 2479

finding 2439

fixing the acting 258

fixing the impossible 2603

get sync right 2523

overlaps 2578

removing shock mount noise 25960

removing wind distortion 2589

save original line 253

search by filename 244

search using EDLs 245

syncing alternate line 2567

ambient noise (noise) 221

complexity 274

reducing 26375

answer prints 21, 396

assembly (from original recordings) 29, 901, 3967

assembly (picture editing) 61, 73

assistant camera 38

assistant picture editor 64, 656

assistant sound editor 54

audio EDL 69

Audio Engineering Society (AES) 74

auto-assembly/autoconform 11820, 397

Avid Media Composer, TC insert 1089

Avid Technology and OMF 74, 75


B-roll 334, 397

backups 945, 3634

batch digitizing 397

Batman Returns (1992) 14

best boy electrical 39

bin (Avid) 60, 397

biphase 97, 99, 397

blimp 12

boom operator 41

Bouly, Léon 5

broadband noise suppression 2645, 2724

broadband processors 267

BWF (broadcast wave format) 360, 397


cable person (or sound utility) 42

callouts 318

Cantar 45, 889

change notes 343, 397

Avid 3446

changeover 71, 397

channel mapping 80, 3978

Chronophone 78, 14

Cinématographe 56

classic dialogue mix model 3702

classic film model 1718

film lab 18, 20

film shoot 18

the mix 223

negative cutting 212

picture cutting room 201

sound effects and ADR 21

classic noise reduction plan 268

broadband 2724

click/crackle 272

rumble, hum, buzz 268, 271

claw 398

clean edit list 84, 398

CMX-200 73

CMX-600 723

CMX 3600 68, 803, 2456, 287, 398

Code Book 21

codec 66, 100, 398

choosing 1047

color timing (or grading) 212, 398

comment field 81, 246, 398

conformation see reconform

container see wrapper

coverage 278, 398

Crosby, Bing 13

Crosland, Alan 11

cross-modulation test (cross-mod) 399

crossfade 21011, 398

linking 3989

perspective cuts 21112

cue sheet (recording log) 399

cut list 399

cutaway 3345, 399


data rate 1045, 399

DAW (digital audio workstation) 15, 725, 989, 1012, 373, 399

DCP see digital cinema package

De Forest, Lee 10

Demeny, Georges 7

depth 200

achieving 2001

mixer and 2012

destructive editorial processes 94, 399

dialogue supervisor (dialogue editor) 55

Dickson, W.K.L. 7

digital cinema initiatives 1415, 17, 33, 356, 46, 103, 357, 399

digital cinema package (DCP) 22, 35, 71, 132, 133, 357, 380, 399

digital intermediate (DI) 28, 398, 400

digital picture/audio workstation history 72


birth of nonlinear workstations for film 725

digital video 99108

director of photography (DP or DoP) 38

documentaries 333

cadence/voice matching 33840

cutting scenes/narration 3367

problems 33841

production sound effects 3412

sound challenges 3334

talking heads/voiceovers 337

termination 3401

track templates 336

workspace 3348

Dolby 1415

Dolby Digital 14, 22, 379

Dolby SR 14, 22, 379, 400

Don Juan (1926) 11

double system 23, 400

downconvert 36, 400

drop-frame timecode 30

DTS 14, 22, 380

dual-mono 393, 394, 400

dubber 97, 98, 280, 400


edge numbering (or rubbering) 12, 344

Edison, Thomas 4

edit group 118, 353, 400

editing 62

beeps, tones, leaders 12933

commonsense/luck 1867

deciding which tracks to use 1757

description of work 12

eliminating redundant regions 1258

estimate length of time taken 32932

goals 140

making guide tracks 1935

making sense of a scene 18793

managing multiple mics 17885

monitor chain 11617

organizing tracks 1418

overview 3902

preparation 115, 38690

relationship with picture department 657

responsibilities 1

role in subterfuge of moviemaking 23

room tone 16170

scene-to-scene splits 1489

scenes 1289

setting up workspace 11925

shot balancing 152, 15461

shot transitions 1714

syncing 11719

television 1967

tips/tricks 21320

two acceptable tracks 186

use structure of language 1502

where to edit 14952

wild sound 1339

within words 1512

working with many channels of dialogue 17487

see also dialogue editing

EDL (edit decision list) 29, 7980, 4001

change 344347

dissecting 803

finding correct EDL 245

finding the end of a shot 84

finding the event 2467

fixing comments with word processor 867

getting right names into your clips 856

list management software 845

metadata 8890

organizing 847

searching 245

Eisenstein, Sergei 10

electricians 39

electronic news gathering (ENG) 23

essence 104, 401

European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 74, 400

exhibition print 401, 406


FCM (frame count mode) 82


FFOA (first frame of action) 401

editing templates 123

leaders 133

sync pop 132

specification sheet 68

file backup 945

file translation programs 35963

file-linking programs 79

filenames 924

ADR 300

no sense in 2479

searching 244

film lab 18, 20

film projection 133

film shoot 18

film sound 365

film/video hybrid model 17, 24, 26

negative cutting in hybrid world 268

negative cutting new way 28

negative cutting old way 28

shoot film (24 fps), record sound on hard disk recorder, edit picture/sound in NTSC 2930

shoot film (24 fps) or tape, record sound on hard disk recorder, edit in PAL 33

working in NTSC environment 29

filters 11617, 267

Final Cut Pro 75, 107, 110

final mix 3789, 401

first answer print 21, 396, 401

first frame of action (FFOA) 132

FLEx (Film Log EDL Exchange) file 27, 401

focus 2023

focus group 62, 401

focus puller 39

Foley 14, 401

editors 56

supervisor 56

Foley walker/Foley recording engineer 56

framework 1034, 401

French Academy of Sciences 8

fullcoat 14, 402

fundamental frequency 268, 402


gaffer 39

Gaumont, Léon 78, 14

genlock 402

group loop 199, 317, 402

ADR/track layout 319

callouts 318

editing 31819

specific 318

walla 31718

group of pictures (GOP) 1057, 402

guide track 1934, 348, 402

step-by-step 1945

Guy-Blaché, Alice 8


Hallelujah! (1929) 12

handle 76, 15860, 402

harmonic 236, 241, 260, 262, 267, 268, 4023

headroom 178, 240, 403


I frame (or key frame) 105, 402, 403

imaging, dialogue in the soundscape 198200

impulsive noises (transient noises) 2367, 403

impulse response 3212, 403

interframe compression 105, 403

interpolation processors 267

intonation 309

intraframe compression 105, 403


The Jazz Singer (1927) 11, 14

Jurassic Park (1992) 14


key frame see I frame

key numbers 21 Kinetoscope 5

Kudelski, Stefan 13


Last Action Hero (1993) 14

last frame of action (LFOA) 133, 356, 404

latency 265, 403

Lauste, Eugène Augustin 9, 10

layback 403

LCRS (left, center, right and [mono] surround) 403

leader 132

Academy 133, 404

SMPTE universal 133, 404

liaison 341, 404

linear videotape editing 978

lined script 70, 404

lip flap 229, 404

load spacing 404

location mixer (sound mixer, location recordist) 4, 401

location recordist see location mixer

locked picture 67, 69, 404

logging bins see bin (Avid)

looping 280

see also ADR (automated dialogue replacement); postsync

Lt/Rt (left total/right total) 4045

LTC (longitudinal time code) 405, 411

Lumière, Antoine 5

Lumière, Auguste 56

Lumière, Louis 56


M&E (or international) mix 3, 190, 405

mag stripe 13, 405

mains (or utility) frequency 20, 405

Majax 889

married print 405, 4089

media exchange format (MXF) 75

media wrapper 75, 405

Méliès, Georges 6, 12

metadata 8890, 104, 405

microphones 424

actors and 230

noting on ADR data-entry page 292

managing multiple mics 17885

pickup patterns 42


mix (or dub) 223, 355

check final picture 3579

close cutting room/back up project 3634

final 37881

get ready 3567

getting the most out of 3689

moving from one platform to another 35963

packaging dialogue elements 363

television/airplane versions 3801

virtual 372

mixers 4, 401,

ADR 56

Rerecording 57, 2012, 222, 3679

mixing console 373

monitor chain 116

filters 11617

Montage Picture Processor 73

Moviola 12, 97

music 623

editor 57

temp music 61


narration 3367, 399, 411

native workstations 131

negative cutter 21, 405, 410

negative cutting 212

hybrid world 268

new way 28

old way 28


alternate takes 24263

ambient 221, 26375

control 3745

description of 2224

editing ADR in noisy scene 316

evaluating 224

finding 223

processing 2757

transient 221, 22541

noise sources 51

air conditioners 51

generators 52

hum 51

outside noise 52

refrigerators, freezers etc 51

set noise 52

noise reduction 2634

broadband noise suppression 2647

plan 26874

tools 267

nonlinear digital audio workstations 989

nonlinear editing 725

nonlinear picture editors (NLE) 15

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) 26, 29, 356, 133, 406

nudge value 406


off-microphone 41, 406

offline edits 62

OMF/AAF 69, 119

exporting/importing sessions 767

opening 789

OMFI (Open Media Framework Interchange) format 29, 745, 1201, 406

one light transfer 406

optical camera, optical recorder 379, 406

optical soundtrack 12, 399, 400, 405, 406

output tape 405, 407

overlap 1801, 2578, 407


PAL (phase alternating line) 278, 29, 33, 36, 133, 407

panning 199

pencil tool 2346

perforations 96, 407

perspective 2034, 20310

emotional separation 204

making it work 2067

perspective cut 21112, 407

physical distance 2045

social isolation 2056

telephone split 20810


PFX (production sound effects) 190, 407

documentaries 3412

matching ADR 3202

noisy 193

splitting tracks 1901

temporary effects from picture edit 192

using room tone for flexibility 1912

Phenakistoscope 4

phone split 20810, 407

Phonograph 7

Phonoscènes 78

pickup pattern 42

picture changes (reconfomrs)343

automated reconforms 34850

manual reconforms 3504

reconform defined 3438

picture cutting room 201, 65

comments on screening 667

dialogue editor relationship with picture department 657

etiquette 66

picture editing 64, 1534

absolute essentials 6770

background 58

finishing the picture/packaging the sound 63

first assembly 61

ingest 5960

organize material 60

organizing tracks 1456

screenings, recuts, completion, music 623

sound enters the picture 612

spec sheet example 68

splitting reels 701

temporary sound effects 192

workflow 5963

picture, working with

bottom line 1078

containers/codecs 1037

getting system ready for digital video 1003

history of editing sound locked to picture 969

problems 99108

syncing sound 96

timecode burn-ins 10810

picture start 132

picture team 38

camera department 389

electrical department 39

grip department 39

pilot tone 18, 407

plop (sync pop, beep) 1323, 408

point of view (POV) 203, 408

postsync 2812

premix (predub) 22, 3656, 392, 408

back to the box 3823

dangers of detail 3778

development of mixing models 36973

dynamics 3756

final mix 37881

forgoing dialogue premix 376

getting approval 378

goals 3669

mechanics of mixing 3738

mixing out of sequence 369

noise control 3745

planning 369

scene flow/shot matching 374

scene shaping 375

templates 3767

preroll 151, 408

principal (actors) 280, 317, 408

print master 22, 408

production sound effects see PFX (production sound effects)

Pudovkin, Vsevelod 10

pulldown 24, 26, 29, 33, 395, 408

pullup 24, 29, 356, 397, 408


QuickTime 63, 75, 102, 107


Reconform 343354

adding new material 3534

automated 34850

change lists 3447

changing the order 353

defined 3438

manual 3504

opening up a track 3523

removing material 352

try simplest path 354

VFX 350

recorders 44

recording engineer 2989

recuts 623

reducing ambient noise 2634

broadband 2645

classic plan 26873

complexity 274

getting answers from supervising sound editor/mixer 265

knowing when to stop 275

preparing 2657

tools 267

reel 1245

editing 4089

exhibition 409

reference (or alignment) tones 130

making 1301

using for daily alignment 131

rerecording mixer 57

resolver 20, 409

reverb 321

convolution 3212

synthetic processors 321

Rhythmo band 295

ripple mode (shuffle mode) 1212, 164, 409

room tone 1612, 1912, 409

copying less than you need 16970

creating 1637

dealing with changes in pitch/volume 1678

finding 1623

loud 1845

matching with dialogue 1689

play one source at a time 1757

removing noises in dialogue 169

dissimilar sound 1815

tips/tricks 215

transient noise 2303

using all takes 167

versus backgrounds/atmospheres 162

rubbering see edge numbering


scenes 1289

by shot 1434

cutting 3367

editing ADR in noisy scene 316

flow 374

making sense of 1879

organizing 142

rules 142

scene-to-scene splits 1489

shaping 375

screenings 623, 111

evaluation form example 114

listening 113

making comments 667

spotting session basics 11112

scrubbing 169, 409

SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound) 14, 22, 380

session conversion programs 3623

set noise 225

actors 225

crew 226, 227

dollies 226

electronics 226

feet 227

sound recording issues 227

shoot (on the set) 378

assorted departments 42

give post-production team what they need 502

listen before camera rolls 51

picture team 389

plan ahead 47, 49

respect the crew 50

sound equipment 425

sound reports 47

sound team 3942

syncing picture/sound 456

shot (also setup or slate) 409

balancing 15261

clip information 789, 8594

common abbreviations 248

finding alternate take 24352

finding the end 84

multiple mics 17885

organizing within scenes 1418

picture editing 61

transitions: rules of thumb 1714

shot matching 374

shot transitions 171

design scenes that require least amount of processing 1734

evenness as trade-off between noise/smoothness 1723

play one source of room tone at a time 1712

shuffle mode 164

silent film 10

single system 234, 409

Society of the Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 74, 133, 409


department 537

designer 54

effects editor 55

sound equipment 42

microphones 424

recorders 44

“Sound and Image” manifesto (1928) 10

sound mixer see location mixer

sound production history

amplification 910

continual change 15

distribution formats 14

early synchronization 710

feature-length talkies 1113

historical background 56

modern era 1315

optical recording 910, 12

postsynchronization 12

sound recording issues 227

clothing rustle 228

dropouts 228

longer electrical clicks 228

shock mount noise 228

small short clicks 228

wind distortion 228

sound report 47, 48, 49, 6970, 134, 409

common abbreviations 137

example 1356

sound roll 20, 28, 249, 410

sound team 39

boom operator 41

cable person (or sound utility) 42

location mixer (or sound mixer) 401

specification sheet

audio/video EDLs 69

example 68

locked picture 67, 69

OMF/AAF to match final picture 69

speed/length changes 30912

splitting reels 701

spot 117, 223, 275, 391, 410

sprocket 97, 410

Star Wars 14

stem 379, 380, 381, 410

streamer 281, 410

studio technology for ADR recording 2945

supersessions 71, 1245

supervising sound editor 534, 265

SVA (stereo variable area) see Lt/Rt

sync pop see plop

syncing 96, 117

alternate line 2567

bottom line 1078

brief history 969

compromises 216

containers/codecs 1037

digital video 1003

getting it right 2523

know what you’re syncing to 11819

problems 99108

resyncing 118, 3589

timecode burn-ins 10810


talent 2978

talking heads 175, 334, 337, 397, 410

telecine 26, 410

telecine log 396, 403, 410


ADR for versions of feature film 285

editing dialogue 1967, 3801

sound 365

temp mix (temp dub) 62, 65, 92, 189, 410

temp music 61, 411

temp SFX 612

templates 1234, 3767, 3934

time expansion/compression tools 2545

time management

ask right questions 323, 325

estimate length of editing 32932

expect changes 332

negotiate 3301

out of sequence working 3312

schedules 3269

set daily goals 3259

timesheet 324

timebases 24

timecode 30, 62, 63, 74, 119

development 989

timecode burn-ins (TC burn-ins) 108

Avid Media Composer 1089

Final Cut Pro 110

tips and tricks 213

ask what works 214

be clean 217

be nimble 220

complete the action 214

don’t forget what you’re reconforming 218

forward/backward 216

get sync sound 214

get your ducks in a row 217

know who you’re working with 218

listen 213

remember where the story is 219

save the line 217

sleight of hand 215

stick to basics 215

story over all else 220

syncing compromises 216

think in parallel 218

think simple 219

train your ears/eyes 219

transient noise 2303

when there’s no room tome 215

top and tail 305, 411


additional splits 146

ADR track layout 319

choosing 186

inserts 1467

labeling 121

multitracks 148

opening up reconform 3523

organizing 1413

preparing for ADR editing 3003

scene organization by shot 1435

sound edits/picture edits 1456

work/junk 1213

transcode 411

transient noise 221, 2367 (impulsive noise)

actors 22830

body mic crackle 2368

clothing rustle 2368

declipping software 238

dolly noise 241

fixing 23041

mitigating distortion with de-click/de-crackle 23941

reducing clothing rustle 2368

removing short clicks with pencil tool 2346

repairing distortion 238

room tone fill 2303

on the set 2257


VFX (visual effects) 350

video EDL 69

video file format 66

video recording 723, 978

Vidor, King 12

virtual mixing 372

Virtual VTR 103

Vitaphone 89, 11

VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) 402, 411

voiceover 337, 399, 411

vox pop 339, 411


Walla 317

Warner Brothers 8, 11

Western Electric 8

wild sound 69, 1334, 411

finding 134, 136

using log 1379

word-fitting tools 2556, 31216

work track 1213, 411


analogue project diagram 19

audio example for TV drama 34

background 1617

classic film 1723

creating 735

digital cinema 336

film/video hybrid 2433

picture editing 5963

postproduction diagrams 31, 32

single-system 234

workprint 12

wrapper (or container) 100, 104, 412


X (X, Y, Z and more) tracks 303, 412

XLM-Pro 79


zeppelin 258, 412

Zoetrope 4

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