Part IV. Showing and Sharing Your Photos

Showing and Sharing Your Photos

Got some photos that you had a great time capturing in your camera? Want to share them with friends and relatives? iPhoto '09 provides several options for you to do just that, and you find out how in this part.

Chapter 11 shows you how to use good ol' e-mail to share the photos you worked so hard on. For something more permanent and as a way to put a lot of photos in one place, you can burn them to a CD or DVD. For those who have a MobileMe account, I show you all the things you can do to spread the news, visually, far and wide. This includes using Facebook and Flickr, which are easy to use with iPhoto '09.

The iPhone also provides a quick and easy interface to iPhoto, and I show you how to take advantage of that. Chapter 11 covers this as well.

But what if you want to share something that's more permanent? Chapter 12 takes you through the capabilities in iPhoto '09 for printing your photos, and Chapter 13 covers making photo books, calendars, and cards using photos you've taken.

I'm as excited as I'm sure you are, so let's go.

Showing and Sharing Your Photos
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