Chapter 25. Working with Shapes and Running Slide Shows

In the previous chapter, you learned to work with Presentation objects, Slide objects, and Master objects. In this chapter, you'll learn to work with Shape objects to manipulate the contents of slides and with HeaderFooter objects to control the contents of headers and footers. You'll also see how to set up and run a slide show using VBA.

In this chapter you will learn to do the following:

  • Work with shapes

  • Work with headers and footers

  • Set up and run a slide show

Working with Shapes

Most of the objects on a typical PowerPoint slide are Shape objects. For example, a title box is a Shape object, as is a picture or a Word table that you've pasted in. You access the Shape objects through the Shapes collection of a Slide object, a SlideRange object, or a Master object.

Adding Shapes to Slides

The Shapes collection uses different methods for adding the different types of shapes. Table 25.1 lists the Shape objects you can add and the methods and arguments for adding them. The following sections explain the arguments.

Shared Arguments for Adding Shapes

These are the arguments that are shared among various shape-adding methods:

  • BeginX and EndX are required arguments (of the Single data type) that specify the horizontal starting position and ending position of the connector or line, measured in points from the left edge of the slide.

  • BeginY and EndY are required Single data arguments that specify the vertical starting point and ending point of the connector or line, measured in points from the top of the slide.

  • FileName is a required String argument used to specify the file to be used for creating the object (for example, the media file for creating a media object).

  • Left is a required Single argument that specifies the position of the left edge of the shape from the left edge of the slide, measured in points. Top is a required Single argument that specifies the position of the top edge of the shape from the top edge of the slide, measured in points.

  • Height is a required Single argument that specifies the height of the shape, measured in points. Width is a required Single argument that specifies the width of the shape, measured in points.

  • LinkToFile is on optional argument that you can set to msoTrue to link the picture to its source file.

  • NumColumns and NumRows are required Long arguments that specify the number of columns and rows in the table you're adding.

  • Orientation is a required argument that specifies the orientation: msoTextOrientationHorizontal (horizontal) or msoTextOrientationVerticalFarEast (vertical).

  • SafeArrayOfPoints is a required Variant argument that supplies an array of coordinate pairs that give the vertices and control points of a curve or polyline. The line begins at the first pair of coordinates and ends at the last pair.

  • SaveWithDocument is a required argument that controls whether PowerPoint saves the linked picture in the presentation (msoTrue) or not (msoFalse). If you set LinkToFile: =msoFalse, you must set SaveWithDocument: =msoTrue.

Table 25.1. Shapes and the methods for adding them to slides

To Add This Shape

Use This Method and These Arguments


AddCallout(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddChart(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddComment(Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddConnector(Type, BeginX, BeginY, EndX, EndY)




AddLabel(Orientation, Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddLine(BeginX, BeginY, EndX, EndY)

Media object

AddMediaObject(FileName, Left, Top, Width, Height)

Media object 2

AddMediaObject2(FileName, LinkToFile, Left, Top, Width, Height)

Media object from embed tag

AddMediaObjectFromEmbedTag(EmbedTag, Left, Top, Width, Height)

OLE object

AddOLEObject(Left, Top, Width, Height, ClassName, FileName, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, IconLabel, Link)


AddPicture(FileName, LinkToFile, SaveWithDocument, Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddPlaceholder(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)




AddShape(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)

Smart Art

AddSmartArt(Layout, Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddTable(NumRows, NumColumns, Left, Top, Width, Height)


AddTextbox(Orientation, Left, Top, Width, Height)



Type Argument for Adding Shapes

The Type argument is different for the various methods that use it:

  • Type for the AddPlaceholder method is a required argument that specifies the type of placeholder to add. The names are self-explanatory: ppPlaceholderBitmap, ppPlaceholderBody, ppPlaceholderCenterTitle, ppPlaceholderChart, ppPlaceholderDate, ppPlaceholderFooter, ppPlaceholderHeader, ppPlaceholderMediaClip, ppPlaceholderObject, ppPlaceholderOrgChart, ppPlaceholderSlideNumber, ppPlaceholderSubtitle, ppPlaceholderTable, ppPlaceholderTitle, ppPlaceholderVerticalBody, or ppPlaceholderVerticalTitle.

  • Type for the AddCallout method is a required argument that specifies the type of callout line to add: msoCalloutOne (a one-segment line that can be vertical or horizontal), msoCalloutTwo (a one-segment line that rotates freely), msoCalloutThree (a two-segment line), or msoCalloutFour (a three-segment line).

  • Type for the AddShape method is a required argument that specifies the type of AutoShape to add. There are too many constants to list here, but most are easy to identify from their names. For example, msoShapeHeart is a heart shape, msoShapeLightningBolt gives a lightning bolt, and so on. To see a list of the constants, search for the AddShape method in the VBA Editor Help file, and then click the link for the msoAutoShapeType entry. Or type msoautoshapetype in the editor's Object Browser search field.

  • Type for the AddDiagram method is a required argument that specifies the diagram type: msoDiagramCycle (a cycle diagram), msoDiagramOrgChart (an org chart), msoDiagramPyramid (a pyramid diagram), msoDiagramRadial (a radial diagram), msoDiagramTarget (a target diagram), or msoDiagramVenn (a Venn diagram).

Arguments Specific to the AddTextEffect Method

The following arguments apply only to the AddTextEffect method:

  • PresetTextEffect is a required argument that specifies the preset text effect to use. These preset text effects are identified by the constants msoTextEffect1 through msoTextEffect30, which correspond to the order in which the samples appear in the WordArt Gallery dialog box (1 through 6 are the first row, 7 through 12 the second row, and so on).

  • Text is a required String argument that specifies the text to use in the WordArt object.

  • FontBold is a required argument that you set to msoTrue to make the font bold or msoFalse to make it not bold.

  • FontItalic is a required argument that you set to msoTrue to make the font italic and msoFalse to make it not italic.

  • FontName is a required String argument that specifies the name of the font to use.

  • FontSize is a required Single argument that specifies the font size to use.

Arguments Specific to the AddOLEObject Method

The following arguments apply only to the AddOLEObject method:

  • ClassName is an optional String argument that specifies the program ID (the ProgID) or OLE long class name for the object. You must use either ClassName or FileName, but not both. In most cases, it's easiest to use FileName.

  • DisplayAsIcon is an optional argument that you can set to msoTrue to display the OLE object as an icon rather than as itself (the default).

  • IconFileName is an optional String argument that you can use with DisplayAsIcon:=True to specify the filename of the icon you want to display for the object.

  • IconIndex is an optional Integer argument that specifies the index of the icon to use within the icon file specified by IconFileName. If you omit the IconIndex argument, VBA uses the second icon in the icon file, the icon at position 1 (the first icon in the file is at position 0).

  • IconLabel is an optional String argument that you can use to specify the caption (or label) to display under the icon.

  • Link is an optional argument that you can set to msoTrue to link the OLE object to its source file when you use the FileName argument. Link must be msoFalse when you use ClassName to specify a class name.

An Example of Using the AddShape Method

The following statement uses the AddShape method to add a bent-up-arrow to the upper-right corner of the penultimate slide in the active presentation. Before executing this example, click the File tab on PowerPoint's Ribbon, then click the New option in the left pane to see the available templates and themes. Open the Sample Templates folder and double-click one of the templates so you'll have some slides to work with in this example.

Open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing Alt+F11. Insert a new module from the Visual Basic Editor's Insert menu. Type the following into the new module, and then press F5 with your cursor inside this subroutine to execute the code and see the effect:

Sub test()

ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count - 1) _
    .Shapes.AddShape Type:=msoShapeBentUpArrow, Left:=575, Top:=10, _
    Width:=150, Height:=75

End Sub

To see what happened, scroll down in PowerPoint to the next-to-last slide (Slides.Count – 1 means the total number of slides minus one). Then look at that slide and notice that a shape has been added to it—a bent up-arrow.

An Example of Using the AddTextEffect Method

The following example uses the AddTextEffect method to superimpose a WordArt item onto the third slide. It draws the text Questions & Answers (on three lines) on it. The WordArt item uses 54-point bold Garamond.

ActivePresentation.Slides(3).Shapes.AddTextEffect _
   PresetTextEffect:=msoTextEffect14, _
        Text:="Questions" + Chr$(CharCode:=13) + _
        "&" + Chr$(CharCode:=13) + "Answers", _
        FontName:="Garamond", FontSize:=54, FontBold:=msoTrue, _
        FontItalic:=msoFalse, Left:=230, Top:=125

There are 30 msoTextEffect constants you can experiment with. msoTextEffect14 is nice; it provides a kind of metallic effect.

An Example of Using the AddTextbox Method

The following example adds a text box to the second slide in the active presentation and assigns text to it:

Dim myTextBox As Shape

With ActivePresentation.Slides(2)
    Set myTextBox = .Shapes.AddTextbox _
        (Orientation:=msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Left:=100, Top:=50, _
        Width:=400, Height:=100)
    myTextBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Corrective Lenses"
End With

Deleting a Shape

To delete a shape, use the Delete method with the appropriate Shape object. For example, the following statement deletes the first Shape object on the second slide in the active presentation:


Selecting All Shapes

To select all the shapes on a slide, use the SelectAll method of the appropriate Shapes collection. For example, the following statement selects all the Shape objects on the first slide in the active presentation:


Repositioning and Resizing a Shape

To reposition a shape, set its Left property (to specify the distance in points from the left edge of the slide to the left edge of the shape) and its Top property (to specify the distance in points from the top edge of the slide to the top edge of the shape).

To change the size of a shape, set its Width and Height properties to the appropriate number of points.

For example, the following statements position the first shape on the first slide in the active presentation 200 points from the left of the slide and 100 points from its top and make the shape 300 points wide by 200 points high:

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)
    .Left = 200
    .Top = 100
    .Width = 300
    .Height = 200
End With

You can also move a shape by using the IncrementLeft method and the IncrementTop method and rotate the shape by using the IncrementRotation method. These moves are relative to the current position of the shape, not absolute specified locations within a slide. Each of these methods takes an Increment argument:

  • For the IncrementLeft and IncrementTop methods, the Increment argument specifies the number of points to move the shape. A negative number moves the shape to the left or upward, while a positive number moves the shape to the right or downward.

  • For the IncrementRotation method, the Increment argument specifies the number of degrees to rotate the shape. A positive number rotates the shape clockwise; a negative number rotates the shape counterclockwise.

The following example works with the first shape on the third slide of the active presentation, moving it 100 points to the left and 200 points down and rotating it 90 degrees counterclockwise:

With ActivePresentation.Slides(3).Shapes(1)
    .IncrementLeft Increment:=-100
    .IncrementTop Increment:=200
    .IncrementRotation Increment:=-90
End With

Copying Formatting from One Shape to Another

Often, it's useful to be able to apply the same formatting to multiple shapes. When one shape has the formatting you need, you can use the PickUp method of the Shape object to copy the formatting from that shape and then use the Apply method to apply that formatting to another shape.

Neither the PickUp method nor the Apply method uses any arguments. The following example copies the formatting from the first shape on the second slide in the active presentation and applies it to the third shape on the fourth slide:

With ActivePresentation
End With

Working with Text in a Shape

The text within a shape is contained in a TextRange object, which itself is contained in a TextFrame object. To work with the text in a shape, you use the TextFrame property of the Shape object to return the TextFrame object and then use the TextRange property of the TextFrame object to return the TextRange object. Got it?

Within the TextRange object, the Text property contains the text, the Font object contains the font formatting, the ParagraphFormat object contains the paragraph formatting, and the ActionSettings collection contains the action settings for the text range.

Finding Out Whether a Shape Has a Text Frame

Not every shape has a text frame, so it's a good idea to first determine that the shape in which you're intending to manipulate text in fact even has a text frame.

To do so, check that the HasTextFrame property of the Shape object is msoTrue, as in this example:

If ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).HasTextFrame = msoTrue Then
    MsgBox "The shape contains a text frame."
End If

You may also need to check whether the text frame contains text. To do so, check that the HasText property of the TextFrame object is msoTrue. Here's an example:

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame
    If .HasText = msoTrue Then MsgBox .TextRange.Text
End With

Returning and Setting the Text in a Text Range

To return (read) or set (specify) the text in a text range, you can simply use the Text property of the TextRange object. For example, the following statement sets the text in the first shape on the fourth slide in the presentation identified by the object variable myPresentation to Strategic Planning Meeting:

Sub Test()

Dim myPresentation As Presentation
Set myPresentation = Presentations(1)

myPresentation.Slides(4).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text _
    = "Strategic Planning Meeting"

End Sub

You can also return parts of the text by using the Paragraphs method, the Sentences method, the Lines method, the Words method, the Characters method, or the Runs method. The syntax for these methods is shown here, using the Paragraphs method as the example:

expression.Paragraphs(Start, Length)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a TextRange object.

  • Start is an optional Long argument that specifies the first item (paragraph, sentence, line, word, character, or text run) to return.

  • Length is an optional Long argument that specifies how many items to return—for example, two paragraphs, three sentences, or four words.

The following code example returns the second through fifth words (the four words starting with the second word) from the first shape on the first slide in the active presentation:

MsgBox ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame _
    .TextRange.Words(Start:=2, Length:=4)

The next code example sets the text of the second paragraph in the second shape on the sixth slide in the presentation identified by the object variable myPresentation to VP of Business Development:

myPresentation.Slides(6).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange _
    .Paragraphs(Start:=2, Length:=1).Text = "VP of Business Development"

Formatting the Text in a Text Range

To format the text in a text range, use the ParagraphFormat object to control the paragraph formatting (including the alignment and the space before and after) and the Font object to control the font formatting.

These are the most useful properties of the ParagraphFormat object:

  • The Alignment property controls the alignment. Use ppAlignLeft for left alignment, ppAlignCenter for centering, ppAlignJustify for justified alignment, ppAlignDistribute for distributed alignment (justified using all available space), or ppAlignRight for right alignment.

  • The Bullet property returns the BulletFormat object, which represents the bullet formatting. See the next section for details.

  • The LineRuleBefore property, the LineRuleAfter property, and the LineRuleWithin property determine whether the measurements set by the SpaceBefore property, the SpaceAfter property, and the SpaceWithin property use lines (msoTrue) or points (msoFalse).

  • The SpaceBefore property and the SpaceAfter property control the amount of space before and after each paragraph. The SpaceWithin property controls the amount of space between base lines in a paragraph. All measurements are in points.

The following example sets left alignment, 18 points of spacing before and after paragraphs, and 12 points of spacing between lines for the second shape on the slide identified by the object variable mySlide:

Dim mySlide As Slide
Set mySlide = Presentations(1).Slides(2)
With mySlide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat
    .Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .LineRuleAfter = msoFalse
    .SpaceAfter = 18
    .LineRuleBefore = msoFalse
    .SpaceBefore = 18
    .LineRuleWithin = msoFalse
    .SpaceWithin = 12
End With

Formatting the Bullets for a Text Range

Bullets and numbers are vital to the lists used in many PowerPoint slides. To control whether and how bullets and numbers appear, use the Bullet property of the TextRange object to return the BulletFormat object, and then work with the BulletFormat object's properties and methods.

To make bullets and numbers visible, set the Visible property of the BulletFormat object to msoTrue; to hide bullets and numbers, set Visible to msoFalse.

To specify which type of bullet or numbering to use, set the Type property of the BulletFormat object to ppBulletUnnumbered (for a bullet), ppBulletNumbered (numbers), ppBulletPicture (for a picture), or ppBulletNone (no bullet).

To specify the bullet character, use the Character property and the character number. You can find out the character number from the Symbol dialog box or the Character Map applet, which you can run by choosing Start

Another Mixed Data Type

Unfortunately, the character codes are given in the hexadecimal numbering system. If you look up the check box symbol for the Wingdings font that's used in the following code example, the character map utility doesn't say 254 in our human decimal numbering system. Instead, it says Character Code: 0xFE. This tedious holdover from the early days of computing serves no particular purpose in character codes, but you have to deal with it. Why? Because some people think that pointless complexity is cute, or it helps make programming seem somehow more mysterious than it in fact is.

To solve the hex character code problem, you can either use a calculator that can translate between hex and decimal or prepend the characters &H in front of the hex code and let VBA translate it for you when executing your procedure. For example, in the following code example, I used 254 (a decimal number) because I can translate hex. But if you can't, or more likely don't want to be bothered, just click the character you want to use in the Character Map dialog box and then look at its hex code in the lower-left portion. In this example, it's listed as 0xFE (which means, you guessed it, decimal 254). Since the Wingdings font has only 256 characters, ignore the 0x part and use the FE, like this, in your code:

.Character = &H FE

Use the Font property to specify the font name, size, and color. The following example sets the bullet for the first shape on the slide identified by the object variable mySlide to Wingdings character 254, a check box, using the color white, which is RGB(255, 255, 255), and 44-point size:

With mySlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet
    .Type = ppBulletUnnumbered
    .Character = 254
    With .Font
        .Name = "Wingdings"
        .Size = 44
        .Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With
End With

Color is of course an important element in any design. You can easily find out which RGB values you need to employ for various colors by visiting this web page:

To use your own custom picture as a bullet, set the Type property of the BulletFormat object to ppBulletPicture and then use the Picture method with the Picture argument, a required String argument that specifies the path and filename of the file to use as the bullet. You can use most types of graphics files, including BMP, EPS, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TIFF, and WMF files. The following example uses the file Face1.jpg stored in the folder Z:PublicPictures as the bullet for the first shape on the slide identified by the object variable mySlide:

With mySlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet
    .Type = ppBulletPicture
    .Picture Picture:="z:PublicPicturesFace1.jpg"
End With

Setting an Animation for a Shape or a Range of Shapes

To animate a shape or a range of shapes, use the AnimationSettings property of the Shape object or the ShapeRange object to return the AnimationSettings object.

To specify the animation effect to use, set the EntryEffect property to the constant for the effect. Let's see how to figure out which animation effect looks best for the shape you're working with. First, click a shape in a slide to select the shape. Now display the Add Animation pane.

There are too many animation constants to list here, but their names are easy to work out from the names listed in the Add Animation pane. To open this pane, click the Animation tab in PowerPoint's Ribbon, then click the Add Animation icon in the Advanced Animation section. A pane drops down on the right side of PowerPoint's window. As you hover your mouse pointer over each animation option in the Add Animation pane, you'll see the effect illustrated visually in the slide. It's pretty cool, not to mention efficient.

To write code that creates an animation, set the Animate property to msoTrue. (To turn off an animation, set Animate to msoFalse.)

To control how the text in a shape is animated, set the TextLevelEffect property to ppAnimateLevelNone (no animation), ppAnimateByFirstLevel, ppAnimateBySecondLevel, ppAnimateByThirdLevel, ppAnimateByFourthLevel, ppAnimateByFifthLevel, or ppAnimateByAllLevels.

If you set TextLevelEffect to any value other than ppAnimateByAllLevels or ppAnimate LevelNone, you can use the TextUnitEffect property to specify how to animate the text. Use ppAnimateByParagraph to animate by paragraph, ppAnimateByWord to animate by word, or ppAnimateByCharacter to animate by character.

To reverse the order of the animation, set the AnimateTextInReverse property to msoTrue. (The default is msoFalse.)

To control how the animation advances, set the AdvanceMode property to ppAdvanceOnTime (for automatic advancing using a timing) or ppAdvanceOnClick (for manual advancing). If you use automatic advancing, use the AdvanceTime property to specify the number of seconds to wait before advancing.

To play a preset sound effect with the transition, use the SoundEffect property of the AnimationSettings object to return the SoundEffect object, use the Name property to specify the name of the sound effect, and then use the Play method to play the sound effect. You can also play a separate sound file by using the ImportFromFile method of the SoundEffect object and using the FullName argument to specify the path and filename of the sound file.

To control how a media clip is played, use the PlaySettings property of the Animation Settings object to return the PlaySettings object. For example, if you want the sound to loop until the next sound, set the LoopSoundUntilNext property of the PlaySettings object within the AnimationSettings object to msoTrue. The default value is msoFalse.

You can find all these options by pressing F2 to display the Object Browser in the VBA Editor and then searching for them. For example, search for ppEntryEffect to see all possible constants for the various possible lead-in animations.

The following example applies a custom animation to the first shape on the slide identified by the object variable mySlide. The animation uses the entry effect Fly In from the right, plays a sound effect from a file, animates the text by first-level paragraphs and by whole paragraphs, and advances when the user clicks:

Dim mySlide As Slide
Set mySlide = Presentations(1).Slides(2)

With mySlide.Shapes(1).AnimationSettings
    .EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromRight
    .AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnClick
    .SoundEffect.ImportFromFile FileName:="D:MediaWhistle4.wav"
    .TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateByFirstLevel
    .TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
End With

To test this (or other code examples you try in PowerPoint), just press F5 in the main PowerPoint window, and then repeatedly click the screen to activate the various transitions and effects. Press Esc when you're done.

Working with Headers and Footers

PowerPoint uses HeaderFooter objects to represent the headers, footers, slide numbers, and date and time on slides. The HeaderFooter objects are organized into the HeadersFooters collection, which you access through the HeaderFooters property of the Master object, a Slide object, or a SlideRange collection.

Be warned: Before you can execute the following code examples, you must first add a footer to the slides in your active presentation. The code examples expect to modify an existing footer, not to create it. So, before executing these examples, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File tab on PowerPoint's Ribbon.

  2. Click the New option in the left pane to see the Available Templates and Themes.

  3. Open the Sample Templates folder and double-click the Pitchbook template so you'll have some slides to work with in the example code.

However, Pitchbook has no footers, so before trying the following code examples, click the Insert tab on PowerPoint's Ribbon, and then in the Text area, click the Header And Footer button to open the Header And Footer dialog box. In this dialog box, click the Date And Time check box and the Footer check box. Then click the Apply To All button.

Returning the Header or Footer Object You Want

To return the object you want, use the appropriate property of the HeaderFooter object:

  • Use the DateAndTime property to return the date and time.

  • Use the Footer property to return the footer.

  • Use the Header property to return the header on a notes page or handout. Slides can't have a header.

  • Use the SlideNumber property to return the slide number on a slide or the page number on a notes page or a handout.

The following example uses the Footer property to set the text of the HeaderFooter object of the first slide in the active presentation:

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).HeadersFooters.Footer.Text = "Sentence 102"

Displaying or Hiding a Header or Footer Object

To display the HeaderFooter object, set its Visible property to msoTrue (or just True). To hide the HeaderFooter object, set its Visible property to msoFalse. For example, the following statement hides the footer on the fifth slide in the active presentation:

ActivePresentation.Slides(5).HeadersFooters.Footer.Visible = False

Setting the Text in a Header or Footer

To set the text that you want in a HeaderFooter object, assign a string containing the text to the object's Text property. For example, the following statement sets the text of the footer of the fifth slide in the active presentation to Confidential:

ActivePresentation.Slides(5).HeadersFooters.Footer.Text = "Confidential"

If you executed the previous example code, executing this example will trigger an error message. That's because you made the same slide (#5) invisible in the previous code. To be able to set the text in this slide, it must first be visible:

ActivePresentation.Slides(5).HeadersFooters.Footer.Visible = True
ActivePresentation.Slides(5).HeadersFooters.Footer.Text = "Confidential"

Setting the Format for Date and Time Headers and Footers

If your slides, notes pages, or handouts use dates and times in their footers or headers, use the Format property to specify how the dates and times should appear. Table 25.2 lists the constants you can use.

Table 25.2. Format property constants for date and time headers and footers




Thursday, October 05, 2008


5 October 2008














10/5/2008 10:17AM


10/5/2008 10:17:16AM


October 5, 2008


October 08



Set the UseFormat property of the HeaderFooter to msoTrue if you want the date and time to be updated automatically. Set UseFormat to msoFalse if you want the date and time to remain unchanged.

The following sections show an example of using the UseFormat property and the format property of a HeaderFooter object.

Setting Up and Running a Slide Show

Not only can you assemble and format a slide show using VBA, you can also run it using VBA. To set up a slide show, use the SlideShowSettings property of the Presentation object to return the SlideShowSettings object. When you run the slide show, VBA creates a SlideShowWindow object, which you can then manipulate to control the slide show.

Controlling the Show Type

To specify the type of show, set the ShowType property of the SlideShowSettings object to ppShowTypeSpeaker (for a standard full-screen presentation presented by a speaker), ppShowTypeKiosk (for a kiosk presentation), or ppShowTypeWindow (for a "browsed by an individual" presentation that appears in a window). For a show in a window, you can use the Left and Top properties to specify the position of the upper-left corner of the window and the Height and Width properties to specify its size.

To control whether animation and narration are used, set the ShowWithAnimation property and the ShowWithNarration property of the SlideShowSettings object to msoTrue or msoFalse.

To control whether the presentation loops until stopped, set the LoopUntilStopped property of the SlideShowSettings object to msoTrue or msoFalse.

To control how the presentation advances, set the AdvanceMode property to ppSlideShow ManualAdvance (for manual advancing), ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings (for automatic advancing using timings already set), or ppSlideShowRehearseNewTimings (to rehearse new timings while the show plays).

The following example sets the active presentation running as a kiosk presentation that will advance automatically using its timings and loop until it is stopped:

With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings
    .LoopUntilStopped = msoCTrue
    .AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings
    .ShowType = ppShowTypeKiosk
End With

The following example sets the presentation named Corporate.pptm running in speaker (full-screen) mode, sizing the image to 800×600 pixels and positioning it at the upper-left corner of the screen. The show uses manual advancing:

With Presentations("Corporate.pptm").SlideShowSettings
    .LoopUntilStopped = msoFalse
    .ShowType = ppShowTypeSpeaker
    .AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowManualAdvance
    With .Run
.Height = 600
        .Width = 800
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
    End With
End With

Creating a Custom Show

Custom shows within a presentation are represented by the NamedSlideShows collection within the SlideShowSettings object. Use the NamedSlideShows property of the SlideShowSettings object to return the NamedSlideShows collection.

To create a custom show, use the Add method of the NamedSlideShows collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Add(Name, SafeArrayOfSlideIDs)

Here, expression is a required expression that returns a NamedSlideShows object. Name is a required String argument that specifies the name to assign to the new custom show. SafeArrayOfSlideIDs is a required Variant that specifies the numbers or names of the slides to include in the custom show.

For example, the following statements declare an array of the Long data type; assign to it slides 2, 4, 5, and 10 from the open presentation named Corporate.pptm; and create a new custom show named Short Show using the array:

Dim myArray(4) As Long
With Presentations("Corporate.pptm")
    myArray(1) = .Slides(2).SlideID
    myArray(2) = .Slides(4).SlideID
    myArray(3) = .Slides(5).SlideID
    myArray(4) = .Slides(10).SlideID
    .SlideShowSettings.NamedSlideShows.Add Name:="Short Show", _
End With

Deleting a Custom Show

To delete a custom show, use the Delete method with the appropriate NamedSlideShow object. For example, the following statement deletes the custom show named Overview from the active presentation:


Starting a Slide Show

To start a slide show using the whole presentation, use the Run method of the SlideShowSettings object. For example, the following statement starts the slide show running in the presentation identified by the object variable myPresentation:


To show only a range of slides from a presentation, set the RangeType property of the SlideShowSettings object to ppShowSlideRange, use the StartingSlide property of the SlideShowSettings object to specify the first slide and the EndingSlide property to specify the last slide, and then use the Run method to run the presentation. The following example shows slides 4 through 8 in the presentation named Corporate.pptm:

With Presentations("Corporate.pptm").SlideShowSettings
    .RangeType = ppShowSlideRange
    .StartingSlide = 4
    .EndingSlide = 8
End With

To start running a custom show, set the RangeType property of the SlideShowSettings object to ppShowNamedSlideShow, use the SlideShowName property to specify the name of the custom show, and then use the Run method to run the custom show. The following example shows the custom show named Short Show in the active presentation:

With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings
    .RangeType = ppShowNamedSlideShow
    .SlideShowName = "Short Show"
End With

When you start a slide show, VBA creates a SlideShowWindow object representing the object. You can access the SlideShowWindow object either through the SlideShowWindows collection (a creatable object that contains a SlideShowWindow object for each open slide show) or through the SlideShowWindow property of the Presentation object. If you know which presentation is running, it's easier to go through the appropriate Presentation object.

Changing the Size and Position of the Slide Show

To find out whether a slide show is displayed full screen or in a window, check the IsFullScreen property of the SlideShowWindow object. If the IsFullScreen property returns −1, the presentation is full screen; if the property returns 0, the presentation is a window.

To set the height and width of the slide show window in pixels, use the Height property and the Width property. To set its position, use the Top property to specify the distance in pixels of the top edge of the presentation from the top of the window or screen and the Left property to specify the distance in pixels of the left edge of the presentation from the left edge of the window or the screen.

Moving from Slide to Slide

Apart from controlling the position and size of the presentation, most of the actions you can take with a presentation involve the View object. To find out which slide is displayed, return the CurrentShowPosition property:

MsgBox ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition

To display the first slide in the presentation, use the First method. To display the last slide, use the Last method:


To display the next slide, use the Next method. To display the previous slide, use the Previous method. Here's an example:


To display a particular slide in the slide show, use the GotoSlide method of the View object, using the Index argument to specify the slide number. For example, the following statement displays slide 5 in the first open slide show window:

Application.SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide Index:=5

Pausing the Show and Using White and Black Screens

To display a black screen, set the State property of the View object to ppSlideShowBlackScreen. To display a white screen, set the State property to ppSlideShowWhiteScreen:

ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.State = ppSlideShowBlackScreen
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.State = ppSlideShowWhiteScreen

To toggle the black screen or white screen off and start the show running again, set the State property to ppSlideShowRunning.

To pause the presentation, set the State property of the View object to ppSlideShowPaused. To start the show again, set the State property to ppSlideShowRunning, as in this example:

With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View
    .State = ppSlideShowPaused
    .State = ppSlideShowRunning
End With

Starting and Stopping Custom Shows

To start a custom show running, use the GotoNamedShow method and use the SlideShowName argument to specify the name of the custom show. For example, the following statement starts the custom show named New Show running:

SlideShowWindows(1).GotoNamedShow SlideShowName:="New Show"

To exit a custom show, use the EndNamedShow method and then use the Next method to advance the presentation. PowerPoint then displays the first slide in the full presentation:

With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View
End With

Exiting the Slide Show

To exit the slide show, use the Exit method of the View property of the SlideShowWindow object. For example, the following statement exits the slide show in the active presentation:


The Bottom Line

Work with shapes

PowerPoint VBA provides many ways to access and manipulate shapes.

Master It

Describe what the following line of code does:

Work with headers and footers

Using PowerPoint headers and footers can be a convenient way to provide continuity for presentations as well as identifying each element.

Master It

In this chapter, you worked with several examples showing how to manipulate footers for slides. Why were there no examples illustrating how to manipulate headers for slides?

Set up and run a slide show

To create a custom slide show, you use the Add method of the NamedSlideShows collection.

Master It

The syntax when using the Add method of the NamedSlideShows collection is

expression.Add(Name, SafeArrayOfSlideIDs)

Explain what the four components of this line of code are and do.

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