Chapter 3

Scalability in the Frequency Domain

Tao generates one, one generates two, two generates three, three generates all things.

—Lao Dan (580–500 BC), Tao Te Ching

This chapter studies the problem of the scalability of the stability results for distributed control systems. The problem is closely related to some differential geometric properties of frequency response plots of local dynamics of agents (nodes) in networks, such as clockwise property, modulus monotonicity, slope monotonicity, phase velocity, critical point of clockwise property, etc. The chapter starts from the clockwise property which plays a key role in scalability analysis. Then, detailed geometric analysis of scalability is conducted for first-order and second-order time-delayed systems which are often encountered in coordinated control systems and end-to-end congestion control systems. Finally, based on the notion of convex directions in the space of stable quasi-polynomials, a frequency sweeping method of scalability test is provided for high-order time-delayed systems.

3.1 How the Scalability Condition is Related with Frequency Responses

Denote by γ the gain margin the transfer function


where W(s) is a rational function of s, and T > 0 is the delay constant. Actually, γ is defined by

(3.1) equation

where ωc > 0 is the minimal crossing frequency that satisfies the following equation

(3.2) equation

Note that the Nyquist plot of γW(jω)e−jωT crosses the real axis at (− 1, j0) when ω = ωc. We will call γW(s)eTsthe normalized transfer function of G(s) and denote it as img.

Given n transfer functions img, denote by img the normalized function of Gi(s). Consider a symmetric multi-agent system with Gi(s) as the transfer function of the ith agent. We have shown in the last chapter that the scalability condition for the system is

(3.3) equation

This condition requires us to check if the point (− 1, j0) is contained in the convex hull of img and zero.

The frequency response of the z-transfer function of a discrete-time system can also be denoted as img, where the frequency variable ω takes values from the interval [− π, π]. To include the analysis of discrete-time systems in a unified framework, we denote the frequency interval as [ωa, ωb], and rewrite the scalability condition as

(3.4) equation

The following lemma shows that it suffices to check the scalability condition for the boundary of the convex hull involved.

Lemma 3.1 Given normalized transfer functions img, assume that

(3.5) equation


(3.6) equation

Then, the scalability condition (3.4) holds if and only if

(3.7) equation

for all img.

Proof. Note that (3.5) indicates that the condition (3.4) holds for ω = ω0. By continuity of the set img on ω, the point (− 1, j0) enters img if and only if the boundary, img, or κCo(0, Gi(ω)), passes through (− 1, j0). (3.6) has excluded the possibility that κCo(0, Gi(ω)) passes through (− 1, j0). Therefore, (3.4) holds if and only if (3.7) holds. img

Remark. In most cases condition (3.5) can be easily verified. For continuous-time systems, if Wi(s), img, are proper, then img. Therefore, img and hence (3.5) holds. For discrete-time systems, to verify (3.5) we usually choose ω0 = π because img's are real numbers. Condition (3.6) is ensured by the stability of the individual closed-loop system of each agent. When conditions (3.5) and (3.6) are satisfied, the scalability condition holds if and only if (− 1, j0) is not contained by the Nyquist plot of the convex combination of each pair of agents.

Now, let us consider the following different cases.

Case 1: Homogeneous agents

In this case, the transfer functions of all the agents are assumed to be the same both in the rational part and in the delay unit, i.e.,


Obviously, for such a special case we have


which is a line segment between the origin and any point at img for a given frequency ω (see Figure 3.1). Obviously, in this case, the condition(3.4)holds if and only if the Nyquist plot ofimgdoes not contain the point (− 1, j0).

Figure 3.1 Homogeneous agents with identical delay.


Case 2: Heterogeneous agents with homogeneous frequency response

Let us consider the agents given by


If TiTj, for img, the agents generally have different dynamics. However, if there exists a common transfer function img such that for any given frequency img the following condition holds:


then all the agents have the same Nyquist plot which is delay-independent. For example, take img. Then, for a given frequency ω0, all img, img, are distributed at different points on the same plot img. In this case, we are interested in the geometric property of img with which the following inclusion holds

(3.8) equation

Obviously, if (3.8) holds, then, as shown by Figure 3.2, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) if img does not contain (− 1, j0). Intuitively, the inclusion relationship (3.8) implies some “convexity” property of the Nyquist plot img. Figure 3.3 gives an illustration that (3.8) may not hold when img does not have such convexity. In the next section we will study this property in detail.

Figure 3.2 Delay-independent frequency response: convex case.


Figure 3.3 Delay-independent frequency response: non-convex case.


Case 3: Heterogeneous agents with heterogeneous frequency response

In this case, the scalability problem becomes much more complicated. Since all the agents have a different frequency response, we can only expect the following inclusion

(3.9) equation

Obviously, if (3.9) holds, then img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) if each img does not contain (− 1, j0), img. However, even if the convexity is satisfied by each frequency response plot, (3.9) may hold as shown by Figure 3.4(a) or may not hold as shown by Figure 3.4(b).

Figure 3.4 Heterogeneous frequency response.


3.2 Clockwise Property of Parameterized Curves

In this section we study the convexity of a smooth curve, which will be defined as a clockwise property. Let us first review some preliminary knowledge on the signed curvature of parameterized curves, which can be found in many textbooks of classic differential geometry such as Guggenheimer (1977).

Let Γ(t) be a curve in img defined by two parametric equations:

(3.10) equation

with X(t), Y(t) img C2, which denotes the space of functions being two-times differentiable. The curvature img of Γ at parameter t is defined as

(3.11) equation

where a superscript ' represents that a derivative operation is taken and subscripts denote the argument with respect to which derivatives are taken. Assume that img exists for all t img (tα, tβ), i.e., the denominator of (3.11) never vanishes in that interval.

Let Γ be an image of the following complex function

(3.12) equation

in the complex plane. Then, from (3.11) it follows that the curvature of Γ can be also determined by (Gu (1994)

(3.13) equation

where G ' ω is the derivative of G(jω) with respect to ω, i.e., G ' ω = X ' ω + jY ' ω, Gωω is the derivative of G ' ω with respect to ω, img and |G ' ω| are the conjugate and the module of G ' ω, respectively.

Exercise 3.2 Derive (3.13) based on (3.11).

Now, let us introduce the notion of the clockwise property of a C2 curve.

Definition 3.3 The curve is said to be clockwise at t0 if img. Conversely, the curve is anticlockwise at t0 if img. If img holds for all t img (tα, tβ) then Γ is said to be a clockwise curve.

Geometrically, condition img means that the center of curvature is on the right side of img, the tangent vector to Γ at Γ(t0) = (X(t0), Y(t0)), in other words, the vector img rotates clockwise (Figure 3.5).

For any ε > 0, denote by img the vector from the point Γ(t0) to the point Γ(t0 + ε) (Figure 3.5). For convenience of statement we define the positive direction of the tangent line at Γ(t0) as follows. The tangent vector img is said to point to the positive direction if the angle between img and img goes to zero when ε → 0. Otherwise, img is said to point to the negative direction if the angle between img and img goes to π when ε → 0.

Figure 3.5 Clockwise curve.


Then, we can split the tangent line r(t0) at Γ(t0) as follows:


where r+(t0) (r(t0)) denotes the half of the tangent line r(t0) starting at Γ(t0) (not including Γ(t0)) in the positive (negative) direction (Figure 3.6).

Figure 3.6 Partition of a clockwise curve.


Accordingly, for any given t0 img (tα, tβ), we can also split the curve Γ as follows (Figure 3.6):


where Γ+(t0) (Γ(t0)) denotes the part of the curve parameterized by t img (t0, tβ] (t img [tα, t0)). Finally, we split the plane img as follows


where Π+(t0) (Π(t0)) is the open-half plane containing (not containing) the center of curvature of Γ at t0, assuming that img.

The following lemma states how a clockwise curve enters and leaves the half plane Π+(t0).

Lemma 3.4 Suppose that the curve Γ is clockwise and does not admit self-intersections. Then, the following statements are true:

1. If there exists a timg < t0 such that Γ(t) img Π+(t0), ∀t img (timg, t0) and Γ(timg) img r(t0), i.e., Γ enters Π+(t0) at timg, then Γ(timg) img r+(t0).
2. If there exists a timg > t0 such that Γ(t) img Π+(t0), ∀t img (t0, timg) and Γ(timg) img r(t0), i.e., Γ leaves Π+(t0) at timg, then Γ(timg) img r(t0).

Proof. We only give the proof of statement (1). The proof of statement (2) is similar.

Assume that the phase of the tangent vector of Γ at t0 is Ψ(t0) = θ, and assume by contradiction that Γ(timg) img r(t0). Since Γ is clockwise, the phase, Ψ(t), of img is strictly decreasing in t. Therefore, Ψ(t) > θ, ∀t < t0. So, we have

(3.14) equation

for some positive integer kimg. Hence, there exists a ta img (timg, t0) such that Ψ(ta) = π + θ, i.e., the tangent line r(ta) is parallel to r(t0) (see Figure 3.7). Γ(ta) can intersect r(t0) without crossing r+(t0) and Γ(t0) ∩ Γ+(ta) only if it crosses r(ta) for some tb < ta (before crossing r+(ta)). By repeating the argument, it can be shown that Ψ(timg) > + θ for any finite positive k which can be arbitrarily large. This contradicts (3.14) and hence, Γ(timg) img r+(t0). img

Figure 3.7 Illustration of the proof of Lemma 3.4.


By Lemma 3.4, a clockwise curve having no self-intersections lies on one side of its tangent line if it neither crosses the half tangent line r+(t0) for t < t0 nor crosses the half tangent line r(t0) for t > t0. For a curve lying on one side of its tangent line, the following lemma states that the convex hull of the curve together with the origin lies on one side of the tangent line if and only if the origin and the curve lie on the same side of the tangent line. This lemma addresses the concern of the second case given in the last section.

Lemma 3.5 Given t0 img (tα, tβ) and img, suppose

(3.15) equation


(3.16) equation

holds for all κ img [0, 1) if and only if 0 img Π+(t0).

Proof. Necessity is obvious. We just show sufficiency. Note that img = img. Since 0 img Π+(t0) and Γ(ti) img Π+(t0) ∪ Γ(t0), we have κΓ(ti) img Π+(t0) for all κ img [0, 1). Now, all κΓ(ti)s, img together with the origin are inside Π+(t0), by the separation principle of the convex analysis,


for all κ img [0, 1). img

For the convex combination of two curves we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.6 Consider two curves Γ1(t) and Γ2(t) with t img [tα, tβ]. Suppose Γ1(t) and Γ2(t) intersect with each other at the point (− 1, 0) with parameters img and img, respectively, i.e.,

(3.17) equation


(3.18) equation

holds for all t img [tα, tβ] if




for all t img [tα, tβ].

Proof. For any fixed t img [tα, tβ], Γ1(t) and Γ2(t) simultaneously lie on the right side of the tangent line img or on the right side of img. Therefore, for any t img [tα, tβ], we have




for 0 ≤ κ < 1, which implies (3.18). img

Lemma 3.6 is illustrated by Figure 3.8, where segments AiBi, i = 1, 2, 3, represent possible cases of Co(Γ1(t), Γ2(t)) for different values of parameter t.

Figure 3.8 Illustration of Lemma 3.6


3.3 Scalability of First-Order Systems

In this section we study some global differential geometric properties of the Nyquist plot of the transfer function of the first-order time-delayed system with a single (open-loop) integrator. Many dynamic nodes in distributed control systems, such as the primal or dual algorithm of the congestion control of communication networks, ideal mobile agents (i.e., mobile agents without inertia), can be modeled by this kind of transfer function.

3.3.1 Continuous-Time System

Consider the transfer function

(3.19) equation

where T > 0 is the delay constant, and k > 0 is the gain. The frequency response of the system is

(3.20) equation

(3.21) equation

(3.22) equation

Proposition 3.7 The Nyquist plot G(jω) of system (3.19) is clockwise in the parameter interval (0, ∞).

Proof. From (3.20) it is easy to get


It follows that




By Definition 3.3 this implies that G(jω) is clockwise for all ω img (0, ∞). img

Proposition 3.8 The Nyquist plot G(jω) of system (3.19) has no self-intersection in the parameter interval (0, ∞).

Proof. The proposition is obvious from the fact that the modulus of the frequency response (see (3.20)) is strictly decreasing with respect to ω in the interval (0, ∞). img

Let ωc be the minimal crossing frequency of G(jω), i.e., the Nyquist plot of G(jω) crosses the real axis for the first time at ω = ωc as ω varies from 0 to ∞. It is easy to get

(3.23) equation

for system (3.19). According to (3.21), straightforward calculation shows that the slope of r(ωc), the tangent line to G(jω) at G(jωc), is

(3.24) equation

which is independent of the delay constant T. Therefore, the angle Ψc between the line r+(ωc) and the real axis of the complex plane satisfies

(3.25) equation

Lemma 3.9 For all ω img [0, ∞), the Nyquist plot of system (3.19) lies on the right side of the tangent line to G(jω) at G(jωc), denoted by r(ωc), i.e., G(jω) img G(jωc) ∪ Π+(ωc), ∀ω img [0, ∞).

Proof. Firstly, we prove the lemma for all ω img (0, ∞). By Proposition 3.7 and Proposition 3.8, the Nyquist plot of system (3.19) is clockwise and has no self-intersection in the parameter interval (0, ∞). Therefore, by Lemma 3.4, the only way that the curve G+(jωc) can leave the half plane Π+(ωc) is by crossing the line r(ωc) and the only way that G(ωc) can enter the half plane Π+(ωc) is by crossing the line r+(ωc). Inequality (3.25) implies that the modulus of any point on r(ωc) is greater than |G(jωc)|. However, the modulus of the frequency response, img, is strictly decreasing in the interval (0, ∞) and hence, |G(jω)| < |G(jωc)|, ∀ω img (ωc, ∞). Therefore, it is impossible that the curve Γ+(ωc) crosses the line r(ωc) for all ω img (ωc, ∞). On the other hand, from (<xreftarget = " c03− mdis − 0033 "/>) we know that for all ω img (0, ωc) the phase of G(jω) is in the interval img, i.e., the curve G(jωc) lies inside the third quadrant of the complex plane and hence cannot cross the line r+(ωc) which is above the real axis of the complex plane. Hence, we have proved G(jω) img G(jωc) ∪ Π+(ωc), for all ω img (0, ∞).

When ω → 0, we can write G(jω) as

(3.26) equation

where ε is an infinitely small positive number and θ img [0, π/2]. When θ varies from 0 to π/2, G(jω) draws a clockwise infinitely large quarter-circle with phase angle in [− π/2, 0]. So it is also in Π+(ωc). img

Now we are ready to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.10 For any given natural number n ≥ 2, let

(3.27) equation


(3.28) equation

and img, are divers nonnegative delay constants. Then img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all κ img [0, 1) and all ω img (− ∞, ∞).

Proof. By the symmetry property of the frequency response we need only to prove the theorem for all ω img [0, ∞).


(3.29) equation

Obviously, (3.29) forms an onto map from ω img [0, ∞) to xi img [0, ∞). We notice that under the given gain condition (3.28), img. Therefore, all of the Nyquist plots of img, share a common curve, i.e., img, on the complex plane. And the curve crosses the real axis for the first time at the point (− 1, j0). By Lemma 3.9 we have G(jx) img (− 1, j0) ∪ Π+(− 1, j0), ∀x img [0, ∞). For any given ω img [0, ∞) we have xi = Tiω img [0, ∞). So it follows that

(3.30) equation

By Lemma 3.5 we know that

(3.31) equation

holds for all κ img [0, 1). Therefore img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all κ img [0, 1) and all ω img [0, ∞) because (− 1, j0) ∉ Π+(− 1, j0). img

3.3.2 Discrete-Time System

For a discrete-time system the frequency response is the value of its z-transfer function at the unit circle, namely, G(ejω), ω img (− π, π]. For simplicity of notation we will write G(ejω) as G(ω) for discrete-time systems. Let us study the first-order time-delayed system

(3.32) equation

where D is a positive integer representing the delay, and k > 0 is the gain. This is a discrete-time analogue of system (3.19). Along the modified unit circle the frequency response of system (3.32) is

(3.33) equation

(3.34) equation

(3.35) equation

(3.36) equation

Since G(z) has a pole z = 1 on the unit circle, we should modify the unit circle by adding a small half-circle around the pole z = 1 (see Figure 2.13). In this way the pole can be considered as inside the unit circle. The Nyquist plot of G(ω) will go to infinity when ω → 0 and draw a half-circle with an infinite radius clockwise.

Proposition 3.11 The Nyquist plot of system G(ω) (3.32) is clockwise in the parameter interval [0, π].

Proof. Without loss of generality we suppose that k = 1 in (3.32). To prove the proposition we need to consider only the sign of the numerator of the curvature. By (3.13) we have


Straightforward calculating yields


Therefore, we have


which implies


So, the clockwise property of the Nyquist plot of (3.32) is proved. img

Proposition 3.12 The Nyquist plot G(ω) of system (3.32) has no self-intersection in the parameter interval (0, π].

Proof. The proposition is obvious from the fact that the modulus of the frequency response (see (3.34)), img, is strictly decreasing in the interval (0, π]. img

Let ωc be the frequency at which the Nyquist plot Γ(ω) intersects the real axis for the first time as ω varies from 0 to π. It is easy to get

(3.37) equation

for system (3.32). From (3.35), straightforward calculation shows that the slope of r(ωc), the tangent line to G(ω) at G(ωc), is

(3.38) equation

It is always the case that kc > 0 as D is a delay constant which is a nonnegative integer for discrete-time systems. Therefore, the angle Ψc between the line r+(ωc) and the real axis of the complex plane satisfies

(3.39) equation

Proposition 3.13 For all ω img (0, π], the Nyquist plot G(ω) of system (3.19) lies on the right side of r(ωc), i.e., G(ω) img G(ωc) ∪ Π+(ωc), ∀ω img (0, π].

Proof. By Proposition 3.11 and Proposition 3.12, the Nyquist plot G(ω) of system (3.32) is clockwise and has no self-intersection in the parameter interval [0, π]. Therefore, by Lemma 3.4, the only way that the curve G+(ωc) can leave the half plane Π+(ωc) is by crossing the line r(ωc) and the only way that G(ωc) can enter the half plane Π+(ωc) is by crossing the line r+(ωc) (see Figure 3.9). Equation (3.34) shows that the modulus of the frequency response, img, is strictly decreasing in the interval (0, π] and hence, |G(ω)| < |G(ωc)|, ∀ω img (ωc, π]. But inequality (3.39) implies that the modulus of any point on r(ωc) is greater than |G(ωc)|. Therefore, it is impossible that the curve G+(ωc) crosses the line r(ωc) for all ω img (ωc, π]. On the other hand, from (3.34) we know that for all ω img (0, ωc) the phase of G(ω) is in the interval img, i.e., the curve G(ωc) lies inside the third quadrant of the complex plane and hence cannot cross the line r+(ωc) which is above the real axis of the complex plane. img

Figure 3.9 Proposition 3.13


Now, let us consider the Nyquist plots of two systems of the same form with different delay constants

(3.40) equation


(3.41) equation

It is not difficult to verify that both of the plots cross the real axis for the first time at the same point (− 1, j0) with the crossing frequencies as

(3.42) equation

Let img and img be slopes of tangent lines to G1(ω) and G2(ω) at the point (− 1, j0) respectively. It is easy to show that kc given by (3.38) is strictly decreasing in the delay constant D. Therefore, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 3.14 For frequency responses given by (3.40) and (3.41) the following inequality holds:

(3.43) equation

Lemma 3.15 Let Gi(ω), i = 1, 2 be given by (3.40) and (3.41). Then,

(3.44) equation

holds for all ω img [− π, π] and 0 ≤ κ < 1.

Proof. First of all, we note that both G1(ω) and G2(ω) enjoy the symmetry property with respect to the real axis of the complex plane, i.e.,


Thus, we need only to prove (3.44) for all ω img [0, π]. Without loss of generality, we assume that D2 < D1. Then we have img by (3.42). Now, let us split the frequency interval [0, π] into four parts, namely img, img and img, and consider each case below.

Case 1: img
In this case both G1(ω) and G2(ω) are in the third quadrant of the complex plane because their phases are between −π and −π/2. In this quadrant, tangent line img is on the right side of tangent line img because img by Proposition 3.14 And the tangent lines meet at the point (− 1, j0) (see Figure 3.10). So, by Proposition 3.13, both curves G1(ω) and G2(ω) are on the right side of img in this case. Moreover, only G1(ω) intersects img at the point (− 1, j0) when img. Therefore, we have img.
Case 2: img
In this case we claim that both G1(ω) and G2(ω) are on the right side of img. Noticing Proposition 3.13 and Proposition 3.14, to prove this claim it suffices to show that G1(ω) never intersects img in the third quadrant. This is indeed the case because img but any point on img has modulus greater than unity (since img). Therefore, we have img.
Case 3: img
In this case G2(ω) on the right side of img (by Proposition 3.13) and under the real axis of the complex plane (by the same argument given in Case 1), and G1(ω) is on the right side of img (by Proposition 3.13) and never intersects img in the third quadrant (by the same argument given in Case 2). Therefore, both G1(ω) and (G2(ω) are inside img.
Case 4: ω → 0

Figure 3.10 Illustration of proof of Lemma 3.15.


In this case we can write G1(ω) and G2(ω) as


where ε is an infinitely small positive number and θ img [0, π/2]. So delays play no role when ω → 0. When θ varies from 0 to π/2 Both G1(ω) and G2(ω) synchronously draw a clockwise infinitely large quarter-circle with phase angle in [− π/2, 0]. Hence, img in this case.

Summarizing all the four cases we know




for any ω img [0, π]. By Lemma 3.6, we conclude that


holds for all ω img [0, π] and 0 ≤ κ < 1. img

Now, we are ready to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.16 Given any natural number n ≥ 2,

(3.45) equation

holds for all κ img [0, 1) and all ω img (− π, π), where


where img, are divers nonnegative integers. Consequently, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all ω img [− π, π] and all κ img [0, 1).

Proof. By the symmetry property of the frequency response we need only to prove the lemma for all ω img [0, π].

We first note that

(3.46) equation

holds for all ω img [0, π] since both Gi(ω) and the origin of the complex plane lie in img. We also note that


holds for ω = π since Gi(π) = − cos (Diπ)/2 > − 1. Then, by continuity of the set img on ω, img goes out of the region img implies its boundary, img, or κCo{0, Gi(ω)}, goes out of the same region. But Lemma 3.15 and (3.46) have excluded this possibility. Therefore, we conclude that


for all ω img [− π, π]. Therefore, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all ω img [− π, π] because img. img

3.4 Scalability of Second-Order Systems

In this section we study the second-order time-delayed systems of two types. In accordance with textbooks on classic control theory, it will be called a system of type I if its (open-loop) transfer function contains a single integrator, or a system of type II if its transfer function contains double integrators.

3.4.1 System of Type I

Many dynamic nodes of distributed control systems, such as the primal-dual algorithm of the congestion control of communication networks, and position feedback control of a mobile agent with inertia, can be modeled as a second-order system with a single integrator. The time-delayed form of such a system is given by

(3.47) equation

where k > 0 is the gain, T > 0 is the delay constant, and −α < 0 is the LHP pole of the system.

The frequency response of system (3.47) is given by

(3.48) equation

Denote by ωc > 0 the minimal crossing frequency of G(jω), i.e., G(jω) crosses the real axis of the complex plane for the first time when ω = ωc. Actually, ωc > 0 is the minimal frequency satisfying the following equation:

(3.49) equation

Denote by γ the gain margin of G(s), which is defined by

(3.50) equation

From (3.49) we have


Using this equality, we get

(3.51) equation

Now, let

(3.52) equation

(3.53) equation

Then, G(jω) can be rewritten as

(3.54) equation

by abusing the notation G(·) just for convenience. Obviously, for a given system G(s), the curve

(3.55) equation

is just a linear zoom of the Nyquist plot of G(jω) and hence preserves almost all of the geometric properties of G(jω). For example, the Nyquist plot of G(jω) is clockwise in the frequency interval [ω1, ω2] if and only if the curve of G(jx) is clockwise in the parameter interval [1, 2]. Similarly, G(jω) does not admit self-intersection in the interval [ω1, ω2] if and only if G(jx) does not admit self-intersections in the interval [1, 2].

Proposition 3.17 The curve G(jx) does not admit self-intersections for all x ≥ 0.

Proof. The assertion is obvious from the fact that the modulus of G(jx), i.e.,


is strictly decreasing in x in the interval [0, ∞). img

Proposition 3.18 The curve G(jx) is clockwise in the parameter interval [0, ∞).

Proof. To prove the proposition, we only need to check the sign of the numerator of the curvature. By (3.13) we know that the curvature of G(jx) is given by





(3.56) equation

(3.57) equation

Then, we have

(3.58) equation



Straightforward calculation yields

(3.59) equation

Taking (3.58) into account, we get

(3.60) equation

From (3.56) and (3.57), we get


So, we have



(3.61) equation

(3.62) equation


(3.63) equation


(3.64) equation

Obviously, Im(QP*) < 0, for all x > 0 and all A ≥ 0. This implies


Thus, the clockwise property of the curve of G(jx) in the interval [0, ∞) is proved. img

Given ωc the minimal crossing frequency of G(jω), it is obvious that G(jx) crosses the real axis of the complex plane for the first time when

(3.65) equation

According to (3.49), the minimal crossing parameter xc satisfies

(3.66) equation

Differentiating both sides of the above equation with respect to A, we get


which gives

(3.67) equation

where img. So, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 3.19 The minimal crossing point xc is a strictly monotonically increasing function of parameter A.

Denote by r(xc) the tangent line of G(jx) at the minimal crossing point xc. Then, we can prove the following result.

Proposition 3.20 The slope of r(xc), denoted by Tc, is a strictly monotonically increasing function of parameter A. Moreover, Tc > 0 for all A > 0.

Proof. The slope of the tangent line r(xc) is given by

(3.68) equation

Note that


So, we get

(3.69) equation

where img has been obtained in the proof of Proposition 3.18 (see (3.63) and (3.64)), and img is given by (3.67). Now, we calculate img. Denote


where g1(x) and g2(x) are given by (3.56) and (3.57), respectively. Then, we have

(3.70) equation



Straightforward calculation yields


Taking (3.70) into account, we get


From (3.56) and (3.57), we get


So, we have




and P is given by (3.62). Therefore,

(3.72) equation


(3.73) equation

Now, substituting (3.67), (3.63), (3.64), (3.72) and (3.73) into (3.69) yields




Therefore, Tc(A) is a strictly monotonically increasing function of the parameter A. Finally, we note that Tc = 0 when A = 0. This implies that Tc > 0 for all A > 0. The proposition is thus proved. img

Now, using Lemma 3.4, we can prove the following result.

Proposition 3.21 For all x img [0, ∞), the curve G(jx) lies on the right side of r(xc), i.e., G(jx) img G(jxc) ∪ Π+(xc), ∀x img [0, ∞).

Proof. For simplicity of statement, we denote the curve of G(jx) in the parameter interval [0, ∞) as G[0, ∞). Also, we denote the curve G(jx) in the parameter interval (xc, ∞) as G+(xc) and the curve G(jx) in the parameter interval [0, xc) as G(xc). By Proposition 3.17 and Proposition 3.18, G[0, ∞) is clockwise and has no self-intersections. Therefore, by Lemma 3.4, the only way that the curve G+(xc) can leave the half plane Π+(xc) is by crossing the line r(xc) and the only way that G(xc) can enter the half plane Π+(ωc) is by crossing the line r+(ωc). In the proof of Proposition 3.17, we have mentioned that the modulus |G(jx)| is strictly decreasing in x, and hence, |G(jx)| < |G(jxc)|, ∀x img (xc, ∞). But, from Proposition 3.20, we know that the slope of the tangent line at x = xc is greater than zero. This implies that the modulus of any point on r(xc) is greater than |G(jxc)|. Therefore, it is impossible that the curve G+(xc) crosses the line r(xc) for all x img (xc, ∞). On the other hand, for any x img [0, xc), the curve G(xc) lies inside the third quadrant of the complex plane and hence cannot cross the line r+(xc), which is located above the real axis of the complex plane. The proposition is thus proved. img

Next, let us consider the Nyquist plots of two systems of the same form with different delay constants:

(3.74) equation

where γi is the gain margin of the transfer function


Lemma 3.22 If the following condition

(3.75) equation

holds for the frequency responses of systems given by (3.74), then

(3.76) equation

holds for all real numbers κ img [0, 1) and all ω img [0, ∞).

Proof. First of all, we note that both of the two plots of the functions in the form (3.74) cross the real axis for the first time at the same point (− 1, j0), with minimal crossing frequencies

(3.77) equation

where img is given by (3.66). Without loss of generality, assume that A1 < A2, which by (3.75) also implies that


Since when img both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are in the third quadrant, the conclusion of the lemma obviously holds in the frequency interval img. We need to prove the proposition for the frequency interval img. To do so, let us split this frequency interval into two parts, namely img and img. We consider each case below.

Case 1: img
In this case, G2(jω) is on the right side of img (by Proposition 3.13) and under the real axis of the complex plane (since img), and G1(jω) is on the right side of img (by Proposition 3.13). Moreover, G1(jω) never intersects img in the third quadrant because img, but any point on img has modulus greater than unity (since img by Proposition 3.20). Therefore, both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are inside img, which is a convex set (since img by Proposition 3.20). Thus, for any given κ img [0, 1), we have img.
Case 2: img
In this case, both G1(jω) and G2(jω) have already crossed the real axis for the first time. We claim that both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are on the right side of img. Noticing Proposition 3.13, to prove this claim it suffices to show that G1(jω) never intersects img in the third quadrant. This is indeed the case as we have shown in Case 1. Therefore, both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are inside img, which is obviously a convex set. Note that only G2(jω) intersects img at the point (− 1, j0) when img. Thus, we have img, for any given 0 ≤ κ < 1.

Summarizing the conclusion obtained in the above two cases, we complete the proof of the lemma. img

A graphical illustration of Lemma 3.22 is given by Figure 3.11. Note that condition (3.75) is necessary for the conclusion of Lemma 3.22 Otherwise, the less curved G2(jω) may cross the real axis and enter the second quadrant before the more curved G1(jω) does. In this case, Co(G1(jω), G2(jω)) will be out of the region img, as illustrated as A ' B ' in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11 Illustration of Lemma 3.22


Now, we are ready to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.23 Suppose that the following condition

(3.78) equation

holds for the frequency response of a family of systems described by

(3.79) equation

where γi is the gain margin of the transfer function


Then, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all real numbers κ img [0, 1) and all ω img [0, ∞).

Proof. By Lemma 3.22, we know that

(3.80) equation

holds for all img. Note that

(3.81) equation

holds for all ω img [0, ∞) since both Gi(jω) and the origin of the complex plane lie in img. Also, note that


holds when ω→ ∞ since Gi(j ∞) goes to the origin of the complex plane for all img. Therefore, by continuity of the set img on ω, if img goes out of the region img, then its boundary,




will go out of the same region at some frequency. But (3.80) and (3.81) have excluded this possibility. Therefore, we conclude that


Since img, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all ω img [0, ∞). The theorem is thus proved. img

For the family of systems given by (3.79), denote by img the index of the system with minimal value of parameter Ai, i.e.,

(3.82) equation

Let img be the slope of the tangent line to the Nyquist plot of img at the intersection point C, as illustrated by Figure 3.12. It is easy to see that img. An analytic formula of img is given by

(3.83) equation


(3.84) equation

Now, we are ready to give an alternative theorem for checking if (− 1, j0) is contained by img.

Figure 3.12 Definition of μi and illustration of the proof of Theorem 3.24.


Theorem 3.24 Let μi be defined by (3.84) and Gi(jω) be defined by (3.79). Then, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for all real numbers κ img [0, 1) and all ω img [0, ∞).

Proof. For simplicity, we only show the validity of the theorem for the case of two systems. But the proof can be directly extended to the general case.

Without loss of generality, assume A1 < A2, i.e., img. Then, we have μ1 = 1 and


where img is the slope of the tangent line img (see Figure 3.12). To prove the theorem, it suffices to show that img.

Note that G1(jω) intersects the real axis of the complex plane at (− 1, j0) while μ2G2(jω) intersects the real axis at point F with coordinate (μ2, j0). It is easy to see that |OF| = |OE| = μ2, where |OE| is the shortest distance to the origin from the tangent line img. Since the modulus of μ2G2(jω) is strictly monotonically decreasing in ω, we have


which implies that μ2G2(jω) never touches img for img. To show that μ2G2(jω) never touches img for img, we only need to notice the fact that μ2 < 1 and img (by Proposition 3.20), where img and img are the slopes of the tangent lines img and img, respectively (see Figure 3.12). img

3.4.2 System of Type II

Many dynamic nodes in distributed control systems, such as the second-order active queue management (AQM) algorithm, force-controlled ideal mobile agents with both position and velocity feedback, can be modeled as a second-order system with double integrators, which is referred to as the second-order system of type II in the literature of classic feedback control. In this subsection, we give detailed analysis of the geometric properties of the frequency response of the time-delayed system

(3.85) equation

where k > 0 is the gain, T > 0 is the delay constant, and −α < 0 is the zero of the system. The frequency response of system (3.85) is

(3.86) equation

Let x = . Then, G(jω) can be rewritten as

(3.87) equation


(3.88) equation

is a key parameter in the geometric analysis for this system. (3.87) shows that for a given system G(s), the curve

(3.89) equation

is just a linear zoom of the Nyquist plot of G(jω). Hence, G(jx) preserves all of the geometric properties of G(jω). For example, the Nyquist plot of G(jω) is clockwise in the frequency interval [ω1, ω2] if and only if the curve of G(jx) is clockwise in the parameter interval [1, 2]. Similarly, G(jω) does not admit self-intersection in the interval [ω1, ω2] if and only if G(jx) does not admit self-intersections in the interval [1, 2]. Therefore, next we will mainly study the geometric property of G(jx) instead of G(jω).

Proposition 3.25 The curve G(jx) does not admit self-intersections for all x ≥ 0.

Proof. The proposition is obvious from the fact that the modulus of G(jx), i.e.,


is strictly decreasing in x in the interval [0, ∞). img

Proposition 3.26 If A < 1, then the curve G(jx) is clockwise in the parameter interval [x0, ∞), where

(3.90) equation

Proof. To prove the proposition we only need to check the sign of the numerator of the curvature


Straightforward calculating yields

(3.91) equation

(3.92) equation

(3.93) equation


(3.94) equation


(3.95) equation

When 0 ≤ A ≤ 1, it is easy to get the largest root of p(x) as

(3.96) equation

When x > x0 we have p(x) > 0. This implies


So, the clockwise property of the curve of G(jx) in the interval [x0, ∞) is proved. img

We call x0 the maximal critical parameter of G(jx), and correspondingly, ω0 = x0/T the maximal critical frequency of G(jω).

Let ωc be the minimal crossing frequency of G(jω), i.e, the Nyquist plot of G(jω) crosses the real axis for the first time at ω = ωc as ω varies from 0 to ∞. It is easy to prove that ωc is the minimal frequency satisfying

(3.97) equation

Similarly, we have the minimal crossing parameter of G(jx) at


According to (3.97), the minimal crossing point xc satisfies

(3.98) equation

Both x0 and xc can be regarded as functions of A, an adjustable parameter. The following proposition gives some important properties of x0(A) and xc(A) of G(jx).

Proposition 3.27 If A img [0, 1), then the following claims are true:

1. The maximal critical parameter x0(A) is a strictly monotonically increasing function of the parameter A.
2. The minimal crossing point xc(A) is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of the parameter A.
3. There exists img such that x0(A) ≤ xc(A) for all img, and the equality holds if and only if img.

Proof. Denote img. Then from (3.90) we have



(3.99) equation

as A img [0, 1), where


Therefore, y is a strictly monotonically increasing function of A. Hence, so is x0(A). Claim (1) of the proposition is proved.

According to the definition of xc we have


Obviously, the equation has a solution xc img [0, π/2) if A img (0, 1]. xc = 0 if and only if A = 1. By the formula for derivatives of implicit functions, it is easy to get


for xc img (0, π/2). So xc(A) is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of A. Claim (2) of the proposition is proved.

Notice that xc = π/2, x0 = 0 when A = 0 and img when A = 1. According to Claim (1) and Claim (2), this fact directly results in Claim (3) of the proposition. img

Letting xc = x0, we can get the value of img. When img, the maximal critical point meets the minimal crossing point. Substituting (3.98) into (3.90), we obtain an equation with respect to the parameter A, the solution of which is

(3.100) equation

So, the following proposition is straightforward from the foregoing discussion.

Proposition 3.28 If img, then the curve G(jx) is inside the third quadrant of the complex plane for the parameter interval [0, x0], and is clockwise for the parameter interval [x0, ∞), where x0 is the maximal critical parameter of G(jx).

Denote the tangent line of G(jx) at the minimal crossing point xc as r(xc). Then we can prove the following proposition.

Proposition 3.29 The slope, denoted by Tc, of r(xc) is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of the parameter A, and moreover, Tc > 0 for all img.

Proof. The slope of the tangent line r(xc) is given by

(3.101) equation

To show Tc > 0 for all img it suffices to show

(3.102) equation

By Proposition 3.27, we know that for all img


So img, and hence, Tc > 0 for all img.

Now we show that Tc is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of A. Note that


where GxA represents img and all the remaining notations are the same as given in the Proof of Proposition 3.26. So from (3.101) it follows that


Straightforward computing gives

(3.103) equation

In Proof of Proposition 3.27 we have shown

(3.104) equation

So, using (3.91)(3.94) and (3.103), we get


where the polynomial Π(xc) is defined by (3.95). Substituting (3.95) and (3.104) into the above equation yields


Therefore, Tc(A) is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of A. The proposition is thus proved. img

Now, using Lemma 3.4, we can prove the following proposition.

Proposition 3.30 For all x img [x0, ∞), the curve G(jx) lies on the right side of r(xc), i.e., G(jx) img G(jxc) ∪ Π+(xc), ∀x img [x0, ∞).

Proof. For simplicity of statement we denote the curve of G(jx) in the parameter interval [x0, ∞) as G[x0, ∞). Also, we denote the curve G(jx) in the parameter interval (xc, ∞) as G+(xc) and the curve G(jx) in the parameter interval [x0, xc) as G(xc). By Proposition 3.17 and Proposition 3.18, G[x0, ∞) is clockwise and has no self-intersections. Therefore, by Lemma 3.4, the only way that the curve G+(xc) can leave the half plane Π+(xc) is by crossing the line r(xc) and the only way that G(xc) can enter the half plane Π+(ωc) is by crossing the line r+(ωc) (see Figure 3.13). In the proof of Proposition 3.25 we have mentioned that the modulus |G(jx)| is strictly decreasing in x, and hence, |G(jx)| < |G(jxc)|, ∀x img (xc, ∞). But, from Proposition 3.29, we know the slope of the tangent line at x = xc is greater than zero. This implies that the modulus of any point on r(xc) is greater than |G(jxc)|. Therefore, it is impossible that the curve G+(xc) crosses the line r(xc) for all x img (xc, ∞). On the other hand, from Proposition 3.28 we know that for all x img [x0, xc) the curve G(xc) lies inside the third quadrant of the complex plane and hence cannot cross the line r+(xc) which is above the real axis of the complex plane. The proposition is thus proved. img

Figure 3.13 Graphic illustration of Proposition 3.30


Now, let us consider the Nyquist plots of two systems of the same form with different delay constants:

(3.105) equation

where γi is the gain margin of the transfer function

(3.106) equation

Lemma 3.31 If the frequency responses of systems (3.105) satisfy the following conditions:

1. Ai < 0.4495, ∀i = 1, 2,
2. img, ∀i = 1, 2,


(3.107) equation



holds for any given real number κ img [0, 1) and any img.

Proof. First of all, we note that both of the two plots of the functions in the form (3.105) cross the real axis for the first time at the same point (− 1, j0) with the minimal crossing frequencies as

(3.109) equation

where img is given by (3.98). Without loss of generality, we assume that A2 < A1. This also implies T2 < T1. Then, by Proposition 3.27, we have


which also implies that


since T2 < T1.

Now, we consider the lemma in the following two cases separately.

Case 1: img
In this case G1(jω) has crossed the real axis while G2(jω) is still under the real axis of the complex plane. We note that condition (2) of the lemma implies the maximal critical frequencies of both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are less than img. Therefore, by Proposition 3.28, the Nyquist plots of G1(jω) and G2(jω) are both clockwise for the frequency interval img under condition (1) of the lemma. Hence, by Proposition 3.30, G1(jω) is on the right side of img and G2(jω) is on the right side of img. Moreover, G1(jω) never intersects img in the third quadrant because img but any point on img has modulus greater than unity (since the slope of the tangent line img is greater than zero by Proposition 3.29). Now, from Proposition 3.29 we know that under the assumption A2 < A1, the slope of the tangent line img is less than the slope of the tangent line img. This implies that both G1(jω) and G2(jω) lie in the intersection of img and img for each img. Hence, by Lemma 3.6, for any given 0 ≤ κ < 1 and for each img, the convex combination κCo(G1(jω), G2(jω)) lies in img.
Case 2: img
In this case both G1(jω) and G2(jω) have crossed the real axis for the first time. We claim that both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are on the right side of img. Noticing Proposition 3.28 and Proposition 3.29, to prove this claim it suffices to show that G1(jω) never intersects img in the third quadrant. This is indeed the case as we have shown in Case 1. Therefore, both G1(jω) and G2(jω) are inside img which is obviously a convex set. Note that only G2(jω) intersects img at the point (− 1, j0) when img. Thus, by Lemma 3.6, we have img, for any given 0 ≤ κ < 1.
So, we conclude that the lemma is true. img

Now, we are ready to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.32 Suppose that the frequency responses of a family of systems are described by

(3.110) equation

where γi is the gain margin of the transfer function


If the following conditions hold:

1. Ai < 0.4495, img,
2. img, img,


(3.111) equation

then, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for any given real number κ img [0, 1) and any ω img [0, ∞).

Proof. Let img be the minimal crossing frequency of Gi(jω). By Proposition 3.27, img is strictly decreasing in Ai, and hence in Ti. Therefore, we have


where img is given by (3.111). Since


we have


Now, we split the frequency interval [0, ∞) into two parts: img and img, and prove the theorem for the following two cases separately.

Case 1: img
In this case, all the plots img are in the third quadrant under condition (1) of the theorem. So img does not contain the point (− 1, j0).
Case 2: img
Note that in this case all the plots img have passed their maximal critical frequencies and are thus clockwise because condition (2) of the theorem guarantees that


By Lemma 3.31 we know that

(3.112) equation

holds for any img. Now, we note that

(3.113) equation

holds for all img since both Gi(jω) and the origin of the complex plane lie in img. We also note that imgimg holds when ω→ ∞ since Gi(j ∞) goes to the origin of the complex plane for all img. Therefore, by continuity of the set img on ω, img goes out of the region img implies that its boundary, i.e., κCo(Gi(jω), Gk(jω)) or κCo(0, Gi(jω)), will go out of the same region. But (3.112) and (3.113) have excluded this possibility. Therefore, we conclude that


Since img, img does not contain the point (− 1, j0) for img.

Therefore, summarizing the above two cases, the theorem is proved. img

3.5 Frequency-Sweeping Condition

Lemma 3.1 shows that the scalability condition for symmetric multi-agent system can be verified by checking if the point (− 1, j0) is touched by the convex combination of Nyquist plots of each pair of agents. In this section we will further convert the latter into the problem of the stability test for a convex combination of two stable quasi-polynomials.

3.5.1 Stable Quasi-Polynomials

First let us recall the concept of stability of a quasi-polynomial.

A quasi-polynomial is an entire function of the form

(3.114) equation

where pi(s), i = 0, 1, img, m, are polynomials with coefficients img and τ0 < τ1 < img < τm are real numbers representing delays.

For n ≥ 0, m > 0 and any real vector τ = [τ0, τ1, img, τm]T with ordered components τ0 < τ1 < img < τm, let img denote the set of all quasi-polynomials defined by (3.114) with coefficients in img.

A non-constant quasi-polynomial img is called Hurwitz stable or simply stable if all its roots belong to the open left half plane. The set of all Hurwitz stable quasi-polynomials in img is denoted by img.

Definition 3.33 A quasi-polynomial img is called a global convex direction for the set img if, for all stable quasi-polynomials img, the stability of f(s) + g(s) implies the stability of the whole segment of quasi-polynomials [f, f + g] = {f(s) + μg(s); μ img [0, 1]}, i.e., if g(s) satisfies, for all img,


The following lemma due to Kharitonov and Zhabko (1994) shows that the global convex direction can be verified through a frequency-sweeping test of the phase velocity.

Lemma 3.34 A quasi-polynomial img is a global convex direction for the set img if and only if for all ω img {ω > 0 | g(jω) ≠ 0} the following condition is satisfied:

(3.115) equation

Note that the global convex direction is defined for the set of all Hurwitz stable quasi-polynomials. To check the stability of a convex combination of two specific quasi-polynomials, we need the following definition of local convex direction.

Definition 3.35 A quasi-polynomial img is called a local convex direction for a Hurwitz quasi-polynomial f(s) if the stability of f(s) + g(s) implies the stability of the whole segment of quasi-polynomials [f, f + g] = {f(s) + μg(s); μ img [0, 1]}, i.e., if g(s) satisfies


By Definition 3.35, the following proposition is true.

Proposition 3.36 Given img. Then, the following two statements are equivalent:

1. img;
2. img, and f1(s) − f0(s) is a local convex direction for f0(s).

The following lemma gives a sufficient condition for the local convex direction.

Lemma 3.37 A quasi-polynomial img is a local convex direction for the quasi-polynomial f(s) if for all ω img {ω > 0 : g(jω) ≠ 0} the following condition is satisfied:

(3.116) equation

Proof. The lemma can be proved based on the fact that the phase of any Hurwitz quasi-polynomial is monotonically increasing when s goes along the imaginary axis from −j∞ to j∞. We leave the completion of the proof to the reader as an exercise. img

The following lemma gives a necessary and sufficient condition of the local convex direction. It is directly from the fact that the instability of one of the polynomials img, implies that there is a quasi-polynomial img, with at least one zero on the imaginary axis (Gu, Kharitonov and Chen 2003).

Lemma 3.38 A quasi-polynomial img is a local convex direction for the quasi-polynomial f(s) if and only if the complex curve


does not touch the negative real semi-axis of the complex plane.

3.5.2 Frequency-Sweeping Test

Given the normalized transfer function of time-delayed system img as

(3.117) equation

where η, l, n are non-negative integers satisfying ln + η; Ni(s) and Di(s) are l-order and n-order real-coefficient polynomials of s, respectively; D1(s) and D2(s) are coprime. Note that Di(s) can be a constant which can be considered as a zero-order polynomial. Without loss of generality, it is assumed that 0 ≤ T1T2. Denote

(3.118) equation

(3.119) equation

(3.120) equation

(3.121) equation

The following lemma relates the stability of a convex hull of two time-delayed systems to the robust stability of a convex combination of two Hurwitz polynomials.

Theorem 3.39 Suppose normalized transfer functions are given by (3.117), and Di(s), i = 1, 2, are coprime Hurwitz stable polynomials or positive constants. Then, the following conditions are equivalent:

1. img;
2. img;
3. f0(s) and f1(s) are stable, g(s) is a local convex direction for f0(s).

Proof. “(1) img (2)”. Write img as

(3.122) equation

where λ img [0, 1]. Since D1(s), D2(s) are Hurwitz stable polynomials or positive constants, by the Nyquist criterion of stability we know that the system with characteristic equation as

(3.123) equation

is robustly stable for all λ img [0, 1] if and only if


From (3.122) it is easy to see that the characteristic quasi-polynomial associated with (3.123) is given by

(3.124) equation

Rewrite fλ(s) as


Then, the equivalence between (1) and (2) is clear.

“(2) img (3)”. It follows directly from Proposition 3.36. img

Note that if we replace statement (1) in Theorem 3.39 by

(3.125) equation

then, it is not equivalent to statement (2) or (3) in Theorem 3.39. Actually, straightforward calculation will show that (3.125) is equivalent to saying

(3.126) equation

is Hurwitz stable. By the Nyquist criterion of stability it is equivalent to say that the system with characteristic equation as

(3.127) equation

is robustly stable for all λ img [0, 1]. Rewrite fλ,κ(s) as


Note that the Nyquist plots of normalized transfer-functions img, i = 1, 2, cross the real axis at the point (− 1, j0). Therefore, img, i = 1, 2, do not contain the point (− 1, j0) for any ω img [0, ∞) and any κ img [0, 1). Since Di(s), i = 1, 2, are Hurwitz stable polynomials or positive constants, by the Nyquist criterion of stability again, we know the systems with the following characteristic equations


are stable. This implies that quasi-polynomials


are Hurwitz stable. Therefore, by Definition 3.33 we know that fλ,κ(s) is Hurwitz stable if and only if the quasi-polynomial


is a local convex direction for f0,κ(s), or simply if it is a convex direction. The following lemma summarizes the above discussion.

Theorem 3.40 Suppose normalized transfer functions are given by (3.117), and Di(s), i = 1, 2, are coprime Hurwitz stable polynomials or positive constants. Then,


if and only if g(s) = N2(s)D1(s)e−T2sN1(s)D2(s)eT1s is a local convex direction for f0,κ(s), or simply if g(s) is convex direction.

Now, we can generalize the result of Theorem 3.40 to a family of n normalized systems.

Theorem 3.41 Consider a family of normalized systems described by

(3.128) equation

Suppose that

(3.129) equation



if for any img, the quasi-polynomial


is a convex direction.

Proof. Suppose Nk(s)Di(s)eTksNi(s)Dk(s)eTis is a convex direction. Then, by Theorem 3.40, we know that

(3.130) equation

holds for any img. Note that

(3.131) equation

also holds for any img since img does not contain (− 1, j0) and the origin is inside the region enclosed by img. Also, note that


holds when ω→ ∞ since img. Therefore, by continuity of the set img on ω, if img intersects the point (− 1, j0) then its boundary, img or img will definitely intersects the point (− 1, j0) for some ω* img [0, ∞). But (3.130) and (3.131) have excluded the possibility. Therefore, we conclude that


Theorem is thus proved. img

3.6 Notes and References

The concept and expression of the signed curvature for parametric equation a curve can be found in many textbooks on classical differential geometry such as Guggenheimer (1977).

The clockwise property of the Nyquist plot of transfer functions attracted attention of control researchers as early as the 1980s (Horowitz and Ben-Adam (1989). It was found useful in the study of absolute stability (Tesi et al. 1992). Lemma 3.5 was initially given in Tesi et al. 1992) and extended to the current version in Tian and Yang (2004a).

In 1990s, convexity, a notion very closely related to the clockwise property, was proved for the frequency response arc of stable polynomials as a by-product of the study of robust stability against parametric uncertainties (Gu 1994; Hamann and Barmish 1993). Rantzer (1992) studied the relationship between the phase velocity of the frequency response plot of polynomials and the robust stability of a convex set of stable polynomials, and proposed the notion of convex direction in the space of stable polynomials. Kharitonov and Zhabko (1994) extended the notion of convex direction to the space of stable quasi-polynomials.

The relationship between the scalability of a distributed congestion control algorithm and differential geometric properties of the frequency response of the control system was uncovered in Tian and Yang (2004a). In this chapter it was shown that the clockwise property of the frequency response curve (Nyquist plot) of a congestion control system plays a key role in the scalability of the stability criterion for a network with diverse round-trip delays. Besides, some other differential geometric properties, such as phase monotonicity and/or modulus monotonicity, critical point of clockwise property, phase velocity, etc., are also shown to be very important in the scalability analysis for distributed congestion control systems (Tian 2005a,b; Tian and Chen 2006). In Tian and Liu (2008) and Tian and Liu (2009) it was revealed that the scalability of consensus criteria for multi-agent systems with diverse input delays are also closely related to differential geometric properties of node dynamics of networks.

The material of Section 3.3 is taken from Tian and Yang (2004a,b). Section 3.4 is based on Tian (2005a); Tian and Chen (2006) while Section 3.5 is based on Kharitonov and Zhabko (1994) and Tian (2005b).


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Tian Y-P and Yang H-Y (2004a). Stability of the Internet congestion control with diverse delays. Automatica, 40, 1533–1541.

Tian Y-P and Yang H-Y (2004b). Stability of distributed congestion control with diverse communication delays. Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation 2, 1438–1442.

Tian Y-P (2005a). Stability analysis and design of the second-order congestion control for networks with heterogeneous delays. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 13, 1082–1093.

Tian Y-P (2005b). A general stability criterion for congestion control with diverse communication delays. Automatica, 41, 1255–1262.

Tian Y-P and Chen G (2006). Stability of the primal-dual algorithm for congestion control. International Journal of Control, 79, 662–676.

Tian Y-P and Liu C-L (2008). Consensus of multi-agent systems with diverse input and communication delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53, 2122–2128.

Tian Y-P and Liu C-L (2009). Robust consensus of multi-agent systems with diverse input delays and asymmetric interconnection perturbations. Automatica, 45, 1347–1353.

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