

AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), 9899

absorbency, of paper, 127


of remembered information, 29

in wayfinding, 221

active voice, 144

aerial views of buildings, 219

airplane tickets, 5

airport signage, 22829


in display type, 131

principle of, 17

for similarity, 1819

in text type, 11618

all caps

for display type, 131

for text type, 11315

Allfirst Investment Advisors, 80

alphabetical organization, 27, 16364

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 9899

American Federation of the Blind, 98

America Online e-mail windows, 94

Anderson, Renee, 238


of clarity, 92

of equal elements, 1719

of forms, 210

Arditi, Aries

on legibility of serifs, 108

legible typefaces by, 7

on vision-impaired audiences, 99

asides (in writing), 145

Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, 84


approach to your design by, 62

conflicting needs of, 73

confusing personal perspective with, 83

editing experience of, 21819

elements for comprehension by, 2

first impressions of, 92

for forms, 21516

gathering information from, 4041

insulting intelligence of, 2

interviews with, 61

involving, 8586

observation of, 6163

preparing, for redesign, 8487

research techniques for analyzing, 3841, 6163

as “users,” 38 (see also usability)

writing for, 14143

yourself as member of, 2

audience intuition skills, 82

authority, in wayfinding, 221

awareness building, 6, 8



and appearance of colors, 154

for contrast, 20

on graphs, 188

making content stand out from, 1921

shifting, 21

strong, 99100

Bagin, Carolyn Boccella

on audience's perspective, 82

and car manual redesign, 67

on designing forms, 209

and IRS Form 941 redesign, 21015

Baja Fresh, 162


of content and graphics, 8687

for figure/ground perception, 21

instilling sense of, 2124

of page, 133

principle of, 17

use of grid for, 118

in wayfinding designs, 23031

banner blindness, 26

Barber, Ellie, 83, 86

bar charts (bar graphs), 182

appearance of dimension in, 187

case study, 192

colors for, 153

general familiarity with, 29

“Basic Principles of Wayfinding” (Wayne Hunt), 163, 217

BBP (Bureau of Business Practice), 8586

Belser, Burkey

on brochure graphs/tables, 19293

on color codes, 162

on drug label redesign, 6365

on legible typefaces, 102n

on line length, 108

on observing audience, 6163

research used by, 81

on value of information design, 4, 5

Bertin, Jacques, 17

Bhatia, Sudhir, 68, 73

Birren, Faber, 31


inherent meaning of, 157

perception of, 31

boldness, for figure/ground perception, 21

bold type

as emphasis, 18

and legibility, 113

books, instructions for using, 23941

bottom margins, 120

bright colors, 159

Bringhurst, Robert, 102, 129


colors for, 15354

how consumers read, 62, 63

Bucher, Stefan, 115


aerial views of, 219

orientation of, for wayfinding, 223

bulleted lists, 145

Bureau Mijksenaar, 33, 226, 231

Bureau of Business Practice (BBP), 8586

busy backgrounds, 99100



attention to, 190, 191

colors for, 202, 2045

calendering, 127, 128


in all-caps text, 11315

in display text, 131

and word-shape theory, 114


for photos, 175

placement of, 133

proximity of, 19

size and weight of, 129

writing, 15051

Carla Hall Design Group, 80, 194

car manuals redesign case study, 6667

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 173

case, in display type, 131

category, information organized by, 27

centered alignments, 11718

centered display type, 131

characters per line count, 10912

charts, 179

bar (see bar charts (bar graphs))

case studies of, 198202

flow, 180

headings for, 200

nonverbal messages in, 19698

organizational, 180

pie (see pie charts (pie graphs))

Chesman, Michael, 215, 216

city guidebooks, 28


active voice for, 144

appearance of, 92

of context, 29

factors contributing to, 102, 103

in how-to graphics, 69

of numbers on graphs, 186

of photos, 17172

principle of, 17

of text type, 98

use of term, 10

of word choice, 149

in writing, 144

Clear Language and Design Reading Effectiveness Tool, 147


education of, 39

interviews with, 3839

closure principle, 2526

“clothesline effect,” 120

clutter, 2

color(s), 15367

for calendar, 202, 2045

choosing, 196

codes, color (see color codes)

on color wheel, 154

combining, 3132

consistent use of, 153

for contrast, 20

to convey meaning, 15758

cultural meanings of, 15758

as density of page, 126

in diagrams, 176

to emphasize, 15556

for forms, 210

to help recall information, 156

to locate elements, 155

magnitude of, 156

to move through information, 155

nameable, 163

of paper, 128

patterns of, 18

perception of, 3132

to play things down, 15657

and retention/recall of information, 29

shimmering effect with, 32

to show differences, 15354

to show similarities, 15455

symbolizing data, 187

temperatures of, 31

treatment of first or second color, 15860

in wayfinding, 221, 225, 228

color blindness, 32

color codes, 16067

for airport signage, 229

equal strength of colors in, 163

for graphs, 154

guidelines for, 16267

redundancy in, 16366

for Web sites, 15455, 238

Color for Impact (Jan V. White), 158

Color Perception in Art (Faber Birren), 31

color wheel, 154


“clothesline effect” with, 120

determining width of, 1079

different lengths of, 120

justification of, 7, 11618

for structure, 12021

of tables, 189, 190

width and importance ranking of, 102

common fate principle, 25, 177

complementary colors, shimmering effect from, 3132

complete sentences, 146

compound sentences, 145

compression, characters per line count and, 111

compromise, 214, 221

condensed typefaces, 111

conflicting audiences’ needs case study, 73

conjunctions, 145


principle of, 17

in use of color, 153

in use of terms, 14950

value of, 94

in wayfinding design, 22526

constraints, 214


“art” vs., 8687

design principles for, 1617

of forms, 210

separated from background, 1921

supported by design, 92

writing of (see writing)


clarity of, 29

familiarity of, 29

supplying, 25

for wayfinding, 22930

continuation of visual gaps, 2526

continuum. See hierarchy


achieving, 2021

with display text, 129, 130

in emphasizing with color, 155

of figure and ground, 20

importance ranking for, 101

and retention/recall of information, 29

cookbook case study, 6768

corporate informational kiosks, 3

Coté, Allen, 137

courteous tone, 151

cropping photos, 173

cultural meanings of color, 15758

curiosity, 241


Dale-Chall formula, 147

dark colors, 159

data, logical increments for, 184

Dautrich, Kate, 194

DDC. See Document Design Center

decision points (wayfinding), 225

decisive moment, 173

demographic information, 39

density of page, 126

description, in writing, 14445

“Designing Dubai,” 21920

“Designing Usable Forms” (Caroline Jarrett), 210

design style sheet

grid on, 11826

use of, 9394

diagrams, 179205

avoiding distortion with, 18588

balance of familiar and less conventional in, 23031

bar graph case study, 192

bar graphs, 182

challenging chart case study, 202

chart freedom case study, 198201

flow charts, 180

functions of, 17980

geometric shapes for, 19498

graphic table case study, 19394

graphs, 17983, 18588

investment firm diagrams case study, 19498

labeling of, 176

line graphs, 182

logical increments for data, 184

maps, 180

organizational charts, 180

pie charts/graphs, 182, 18890

process diagrams, 180

specific purposes of, 18082

table of contents case study, 2025

tables, 18991

unclear diagrams case study, 19293

value to creator of, 180


color to show, 15354

emphasizing, 17

in size and placement, 18


importance ranking for, 102

perception of, 25

of typefaces, 106

Dirken, J. M., 101

Discovery Channel TV, 73

display type, 12933

alignment in, 131

case in, 131

placement of, 13233

pull quotes, 12930

size and weight of, 129

space between letters, 132

space between lines, 13233

style in, 130

typefaces for, 130

distance, showing (wayfinding), 22829


in diagrams, 18488

to make legitimate points, 231

“Distressed Messages” appointment calendar, 235

Document Design Center (DDC), 6667, 144n

Don't Make Me Think (Steve Krug), 41, 16364

dot gain (paper), 127

downstyle, 131

drama, 100, 198

Dreyfuss, Henry, 32

drop initial caps, 131

drug label design case study, 6365

Dulles Airport, Washington, 162

Dutch Airways, 228

Dynamics of Document Design (Karen Schriver), 107


ease of learning, usability and, 37

Editing by Design (Jan V. White), 118

editing viewer's experience, 218

effectiveness, usability and, 37

efficiency, usability and, 37


equal, 1719

importance ranking for, 1012

relationships among, 31

using color to locate, 155

The Elements of Style (Strunk and White), 144n

Elements of Typographic Style (Robert Bringhurst), 102, 129

elevator door symbols, 45


color for, 15556

exclamation marks for, 152

for figure/ground perception, 21

in how-to graphics, 69

principle of, 17

and strength of colors, 163

in tables, 18182

Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, 21015

empty space, 121. See also white space

engagement, usability and, 37

equal elements, equal appearance of, 1719

Erickson, Bob, 214, 215

error tolerance, usability and, 37

Escher, M. C., 20

evaluating forms, 21415

exclamation marks, 152

expanded typefaces, 111

eye/brain perception, 30

of color, 3132

of symbols, 3236

of words, 3031

eye flow, 26, 30

with white space, 122

and word recognition, 114


failures of information design, 23


of context, 29

and use of material, 103

use of style sheet for, 94

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 6365

Fibonacci sequence, 23

figure/ground principle, 17, 1921

finding tasks in Web site case study, 6566

first impressions, 92

first position, perception of, 2526

“five E's of usability,” 3738

fixations, eye, 30

Flesch-Kincaid Formula, 147

flexibility (of paper), 128

flopping graphics, 17778

flow charts, 180


on foreground vs. background, 20

of information design, 5

of photos, 17273

focus groups, for redesign of car manuals, 6667

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 6365

Forcast, 147

Ford Motor Company, 66

foreground, separation of background and, 1921

form(s), 20716

analyzing design needs for, 2089

audiences for, 21516

common problems with, 2078

evaluating, 21415

matrix for, 209

questions on, 210

tax case study, 21015

three-layer model for, 210

form, function vs., 21

formulas, readability, 147

fovea, 30

Fry Readability Graph, 147

Fundamentals of Psychology (Stephen Kosslyn and Robin Rosenberg), 31


Gestalt principles of perception

closure and good continuation, 2526

common fate, 25

figure/ground, 1921

prägnanz, 25

proximity, 19

similarity, 1719

Ginger, E. M., 102

on alignment, 117

on italics, 112

Giudice, Maria

on cookbook design, 67, 68

on personas, 81

on satisfying audience, 79

golden mean, 22

good continuation principle, 2526, 177

grammar rules, 152

graphs, 18083, 18588

avoiding distortion with, 18588

axes of, 181

bar (see bar charts (bar graphs))

color-coded, 154

distortion in, 18586

line, 181, 182

pie (see pie charts (pie graphs))

as quantitative displays, 180

Graph Design for the Eye and Mind (Stephen Kosslyn), 15, 179

graphics, 17178

balance of content and, 8687

diagrams, 176, 179205

flopping, 17778

focus of photos, 17273

forms, 20716

guiding principles for, 21920

LATCH organization for, 28

location relative to text, 177

meaning conveyed by, 17475

photos, 17178

placement of, 177

principles for wayfinding, 21920

purpose of, 171

universal, case study of, 6873

wayfinding, 21742

graphic table case study, 19394

“graspable” shapes, 114


inherent meaning of, 157

with red, 32

Greenfield Belser Ltd., 4

grid, 19, 11826

columns, 12021

empty space, 121

making, 118

margins, 11820

space between letters in text, 126

space between lines of text, 12425

space between paragraphs, 122, 124

space between sentences, 124

value of, 19

white-space placements, 12122

grid lines (on graphs), 188

Grimwade, John

on audience's perceptions, 82

on backgrounds, 99, 100

on wayfinding graphics, 21821


of information, 1617

of related things, 19

of similar elements, 17

Guidelines for Document Designers (Document Design Center), 144n

Gunning FOG Test, 147


Haertling, Linda, 238

Hall, Carla, 194, 196

Harmsen, Lars, 198, 200

headings and headlines

of charts, 200

for forms, 210

placement of, 19, 133

punctuation in, 152

size and weight of, 129

for tables, 190

two-line, 132

typefaces for, 1035

writing, 15051

“heads-up” orientation, 223, 224

health and nutrition book case study, 7981

health care book case study, 24142

heart diagram case study, 23031

Hemispheres magazine, 85


for figure/ground perception, 21

information organized by, 27

of photos, 18

principle of, 17

in wayfinding design, 226

of weights in wayfinding, 23132

Hoeffler, Jonathan, 102n

Hoeft, Gordon, 137

hole-punched publications, 85n

Holmes, Nigel, 102n

Hot Studio, 79, 238

Houston International Airport, 163

how-to graphics, case study of, 6873

“how to use this book” instructions, 23941

Hunt, Wayne, 163, 217



size of, 187

in wayfinding, 227


of first position, 2526

of items in lists, 27

and placement of photos, 18

and size of elements, 1718

incomplete sentences, 146

increments (for diagrams), 184

indents (for paragraphs), 122


color for moving through, 155

crimes against motivation in, 9239

demographic, 39

psychographic, 3940

too much of, 17475

informational kiosks, 3

Information Anxiety (Richard Saul Wurman), 27

Information Anxiety 2 (Richard Saul Wurman), 27

Information design, 111

applications of, 2

asking the right questions for, 34

defined, 1

failures of, 23

focus of, 5

research studies for, 7

value of, 45

working with samples of, 811

inherent meanings, 157

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 210, 215

International 14 World Association, 198


with audience, 61

with clients/colleagues, 3839

investment firm diagrams case study, 19498

IRS. See Internal Revenue Service

italic type, 112


JAL Newsletter, 9497

Japan Airlines, 94

jargon, 142, 149

Jarrett, Carline, 210

Joel Katz Design Associates (JKDA), 22126

Johnson, Keith, 147

Julien, Tony, 140

jumps, 124


of columns, 7

of text, 11618


Katz, Joel, 82, 230

keeping audience in touch case study, 7479

kerning, 132

keys (graphs), 154, 186

Kim, Sammy, 158

kiosks, informational, 3

Kosslyn, Stephen

on distortion in graphs, 185

on graphs, 179

on labels for graphs, 186

on the mind, 15

on perception of wavelengths, 32

on vision, 31

Koyani, Sanjay

on educating team members, 39

on finding tasks in Web sites, 65, 66

on perspective of audience, 83

on research-based design, 238

Krug, Steve, 41, 16364



for diagrams, 176

of drug facts, 6365

for graphs, 185, 186

laundry-care, 34

for photos, 175

placement of, 100

landmarks, for wayfinding, 223


learning of, 33

and meanings of colors, 157

preferred by audience, 142

Larson, Kevin, 30, 114

LATCH organization, 2728

laundry-care labels, 34


consistency of object placement in, 94

design style sheet for, 9394

Fibonacci sequence for, 23

golden mean for, 22

line length in, 10712

page numbers in, 134

paper qualities and text legibility in, 12728

and perceived importance by placement, 18

of recurring features, 134

rule of thirds in, 2324

rules (lines) and ruled boxes in, 13334

sensibility of styles in, 9497

spacing and placement in, 11826

and strong backgrounds, 99100

leading, 124, 125, 133

Le Corbusier, 22

legends (graphs), 154, 186

Legg, Kathy, 160


with columns, 120

paper qualities and, 12728

serif vs. sans serif for, 106

of small caps, 116

and stroke-ends, 108

of typefaces, 107

and underlining, 73

use of term, 10

Legibility of Print (Miles A. Tinker), 10, 91

legible-type rule, exceptions to, 13540

letters, space between, 126, 132

Levin, Dan, 84


length of, 10712

space between, 12425, 13233

line graphs, 181, 182


beginnings for, 2627

recall of items from, 27


of graphics relative to text, 177

information organized by, 27

lowercase numbers, 116

Lund, Ole, 7


magazines, how consumers read, 62, 63

“Making Text Legible” (Aries Arditi), 99


car, redesign case study of, 6667

unclear, 5

maps, 179, 180

balance of familiar and less conventional in, 23031

and heart diagram case study, 23031

for MIT redesign project, 223

as quantitative displays, 180

symbols on, 226, 227

vertical projections for, 219

“you are here” notations on, 225

margins, 109, 11820

matrix, for forms, 209


conveyed by color, 15758

conveyed by graphics, 17475

in photos, 175


color to aid, 156

of items in lists, 27

with nameable colors, 163

retention and accuracy of, 29

short-term, 29

mental grouping, 1516

mental modeling, 82

menus, 124n

Mijksenaar, Paul

on airport signs, 228

on backup for nonverbal symbols, 228

on importance of elements, 1012

on inherent meaning of color, 157

on line length, 109

on symbols, 3234

on testing designs, 39

minimalism, 233

MIT—A Framework for Campus Development (Joel Katz Design Associates), 22126

Mizrahi, Isaac, 115

model numbers, words vs., 73

modifiers, 15152

“moduler” measurement system, 22

motivation, 61, 9239

mug shots, 18


nameable colors, 163

navigation. See wayfinding

Neurath, Otto, 32, 102n

nominalization, 151

nonlining numbers, 116

nonverbal clues, 2

nonverbal messages, 175, 19698

nouns, 151


bringing into focus, 179

in diagrams, 176

in graphs, 186

lowercase, 116

page, 134

in wayfinding, 228

numerical listings, beginnings for, 2627


observation, learning about audience through, 6163

old-style numbers, 116

one-jump rule, 124

opacity, of paper, 12728


importance ranking for, 101

lack of, 15

organizing information by (see hierarchy)


approaches to, 27

LATCH methods of, 2728

to show what organization does, 238

organizational charts, 180


aerial views, 219

“heads-up,” 223, 224

outline type, 116


pace of reading, 7

page, “color” (density) of, 126

page numbers, 134

paper qualities, legibility and, 12728


endings of, 124

length of, 146

space between, 122, 124

parallel construction, 150

for similar information, 150

for table of contents, 202

parking machine case study, 23132

parts-as-a-whole principle, 1516

passive voice, 144


ability to perceive, 17

Fibonacci sequence, 23

golden mean, 22

of paper, 128

perception of, 15

rule of thirds, 2324

symbolizing data, 187, 188

use of columns for, 120

perception, 1536

of color, 3132

designing content for, 1617

by eye/brain connection, 30

and Gestalt principle of common fate, 25

and Gestalt principle of figure/ground, 1921

and Gestalt principle of prägnanz, 25

and Gestalt principle of proximity, 19

and Gestalt principle of similarity, 1719

and Gestalt principles of closure and good continuation, 2526

and “golden” layout tips, 2224

levels of, 196

parts-as-a-whole principle in, 1516

and retention/accuracy of information, 29

sequential exceptions in, 2627

of symbols, 3236

and ways information can be organized, 2728

of words, 3031


building, 7477

example of, 7779

using, 7981

Personal Indoor Navigator (PIN), 229

personal pronouns, 150

phone words (in phone numbers), 152

photos, 17178

flopping, 17778

focus of, 17273

legibility of, 127

location relative to text, 177

meaning conveyed by, 17475

on printed pages vs. Web sites, 26

proximity of, 19

similarity in sizes of, 18

in wayfinding, 228

on Web sites, 175n

photographic tables, 23233

Photoshop, 126

phototypesetting, 7

physiology of perception, 30

picture design. See graphics

pie charts (pie graphs), 182, 18890

appropriate use of, 188

conventions for, 188

general familiarity with, 29

inappropriate use of, 181

as quantitative displays, 180

PIN (Personal Indoor Navigator), 229


consistency in, 94

and differences in importance, 18, 26

of display type, 13233

importance ranking for, 101

of labels, 100

of modifiers, 15152

of photos, 177

proximity of, 19

of white-space, 12122

See also layout

playing things down, 15657

pleasing, principle of, 22

point size, 101, 112

positive tone, 151

Powers-Sumner-Kearl formula, 147

Prägnanz principle, 25

preexisting knowledge, linking new information to, 2

preferred language, 142

preparing audience for redesign case studies, 8487

primacy effect, 27

process diagrams, 180

process drawings, 179

professional jargon, 142

pronouns, personal, 150

proofreading, 16


instilling sense of, 2124

use of grid for, 118

proximity principle, 1617, 19

psychographic information

building personas from, 7477

learning from, 3940

pull quotes, 12930, 133

punctuation, 152


qualitative displays, 180

quantitative displays, 180

Quesenbery, Whitney, 37


asking correct, 34

on forms, 210

as foundation of diagrams, 181

in planning forms, 20910


ragged right/left columns, 11718

rank, organizing information by. See hierarchy

readability (as term), 10

readability formulas, 10, 147

reading aloud, as test of writing, 145

recall. See memory

recency effect, 27

recurring features, 134

recycled papers case study, 7479


for accent elements, 159

cultural meanings of, 15758

with green, 32

inherent meaning of, 157

perception of, 31

for symbols, 34


preparing audience for, 8487

presenting audience with, 8384

of wayfinding, 22123

Redish, Janice

on banner blindness, 26

on designing forms, 20810

on testing, 41

on zero-friction test, 7


in color codes, 16366

with words, 149

reflectance, of paper, 127

regressions, eye, 30

“regularizing,” 230

remembering. See memory

repetition principle, 17

research (on audience), 3841, 6163

with audience itself, 4041

and education of clients, 39

information needed in, 3940

interviewing guidelines for, 61

by interviews with clients/colleagues, 3839

observation for, 6163

for personas, 79

testing tips/limits for, 41

research (on information design), 7

Research-Based Web Design Guidelines (Sanjay Koyani), 238

restraint principle, 16

retention of information, 29

retina, 30, 31

Rodman's grocery store, 140

Roman type, 112

Rosenberg, Robin, 31

Rubin, Edgar, 20

rules (lines), 13334

ruled boxes, 13334

rule of thirds, 2324


saccades, 30

samples of design, analyzing, 811

audience for, 89

evaluation as viewer/reader, 9

physical inventory of product, 8

redesign, 911

sans serif typefaces, 104

research on, 7

serif vs., 1067

for wayfinding, 220

satisfaction with design, 37

scale (for graphs), 185

Schattman, Steve, 140

Schipohl Airport, 228

scholar's margin, 109

Schriver, Karen, 107, 216

“The Science of Word Recognition” (Kevin Larson), 30, 114

Seidman, Eric, 9899

selectivity, 21819

self-service parking machine case study, 23132

Semiology of Graphics (Jacques Bertin), 17

sensibility of styles, 9497


complete, 146

compound, 145

length of, 145

simple, 145

space between, 124

types of, 14546


beginnings for, 2627

organizing information by (see hierarchy)

principle of, 17

series items, 145

serif typefaces, 104

research on, 7

sans serif vs., 1067

shadowed type, 116

shapes, geometric, 19498

Shedroff, Nathan

on appreciation for people, 82

on informational kiosks, 3

on interviewing, 61

on personas, 7577

shifting backgrounds, 21

shimmering effect, avoiding, 32

short-term memory, 29

side margins, 120

The Signage Sourcebook, 115

silhouetting, 173


color to show, 15455

principle of, 1719

Simmons, Bill, 137

Simple Measure of Gobbledegook (SMOG) formula, 147

simple sentences, 145

simplicity, 2

simplification, 25, 225


for contrast, 20

of display type, 129

for figure/ground perception, 21

of icons, 187

importance ranking for, 101

of paragraphs, 122

and perceived importance, 1718, 29

of symbols, 3435

of text type, 9899

of type, 9394, 9899, 101

of word spaces, changing, 126

small caps, 116

SMOG (Simple Measure of Gobbledegook) formula, 147

Snider, Jerry, 137, 138

Snider's Supermarket, 13538


closeness in, 19

empty, 121

and figure/ground perception, 21

for form responses, 210

between letters, 132

between letters in text, 126

between lines, 13233

between lines of text, 12425

between paragraphs, 122, 124

and retention/recall of information, 29

between sentences, 124

with typefaces, 106

in wayfinding, 217

white-space placements, 12122

See also layout

Spache formula, 147

Spiekermann, Erik, 102, 112, 117

split infinitives, 152

stacked type, 115

starting point (wayfinding), 219

Stile, Lynne, 67

stops, eye, 30

Stop Stealing Sheep and Find Out How Type Works (Erik Spiekermann and E. M. Ginger), 102, 112, 117

stretched type, 130

stroke-ends, 108

stroke weight (typefaces), 107

structure, organizing information by. See hierarchy


in display type, 130

sensibility of, 9497

of type, 11216

style sheet

grid on, 11826

use of, 9394


placement of, 19

size and weight of, 129

two-line, 132

subtlety, 196

surveys, to evaluate redesign, 86

swim schedule redesign case study, 4260

analyzing test results, 46, 48

building context into materials, 52, 56

collecting test results, 46

guidelines for redesign, 48

interviews with audience, 4546

interviews with staff members, 4445

redesign process, 4852

usability testing, 4244

Sylvester, Mark D., 69, 7273


borrowing vs. creating, 3334

for order, 35

perception of, 3236

small, 3435

in wayfinding, 22628

The Symbol Sourcebook (Henry Dreyfuss), 32

Symbol Technologies, Inc., 6873


tables, 18991

appropriate use of, 18182

graphic table case study, 19394

guidelines for, 18991

photographic, 23233

proximity of information in, 188

for Web sites, 19394

table of contents, 124n

table of contents case study, 2025

taglines, 239

task-based focus groups, for redesign of car manuals, 6667

task structure, of forms, 210

tasks in Web sites, finding, 6566

tax forms case study, 21015

Taylor, Conrad, 7n


recipes, 67

teaching clients about, 39

tips/limits for, 41

of wayfinding design, 219

text, physiological perception of, 30

text type

alignment, 11618

choosing, 100106

clarity of, 98

serif vs. sans serif for, 1067

setting, 98

size of, 9899

texture, of paper, 128

text wraps, and characters per line count, 11112

Teylers Museum guide, 228

thickness, of paper, 127

Thinking in Type (Alex W. White), 102

thirds, rule of, 2324

Thomas, Gregory, 160

Three-Layer Model of the Form, 210

ticket information (airplanes), 5


in how-to graphics, 69

information organized by, 27

showing, in wayfinding, 22829

Tinkel, Kathleen, 7

Tinker, Miles A., 10, 91, 109


for photos, 175

placement of, 19

tone (in writing), 151

top margins, 120

Toronto East End Literacy Project, 147

tracking, 126, 190

Tscherny, George, 235

Tufte, Edward, 38

type, 91140

alignment in text type, 11618

black vs. color, for memory, 29

bold, 18

choosing typeface, 100106

on design style sheet, 9394

display, setting, 12933

for drug facts labels, 64

exceptions to legible-type rule, 13540

measuring, 101

over changing backgrounds, 99100

point size of, 101

research on, 7

resources on, 102

sensibility of styles, 9497

serif vs. sans serif typefaces, 1067

setting clear text type, 98

setting display type, 12933

size of, 9899

style of, 11216

text, clear setting of, 98

unclear, 92

variables in, 95

in wayfinding design, 225

type distortion, 130


choosing, 100106

for display type, 130

for forms, 210

for graphs, 185, 186

importance ranking for, 102

“personality” of, 100, 101

sans serif, 104

serif, 104

serif vs. sans serif, 1067

stroke-ends of, 108

for weight, 20

x-heights of, 1056

Type & Layout (Colin Wheildon), 7


clear text type, 98

display type, 12933

with personal computers, 7

phototypesetting, 7

typographical errors, 16


UCLA brochure, 16062

unclear diagrams case study, 19293

underlining, 73, 115

understanding (as term), 10

Understanding Healthcare (Richard Saul Wurman), 164

uniformity of typefaces, 107

United Airlines, 85

United Nations Habitat Web site, 164, 234, 238

United States Department of Health and Human Services, 6566, 239

unity principle, 17

universal symbols, 3233

in how-to case study, 6873

in wayfinding, 219

usability, 3787

audience research techniques for, 3841, 6163

conflicting audiences’ needs case study, 73

cookbook case study, 6768

defined, 37

drug label design case study, 6365

finding tasks in Web site case study, 6566

“five E's” of, 3738

keeping audience in touch case study, 7479

mental modeling and audience intuition for, 8283

preparing audience for redesign case studies, 8487

redesign of car manuals case study, 6667

research-supported conventions for, 239

swim schedule example of, 4260

of typefaces, 1067

universal how-to graphics case study, 6873

use of personas case study, 7981 Web site, 238

users, 38


V&A Museum. See Victoria and Albert Museum

verbs, 151

in headings, 150

and nominalization, 151

vertical projections, 219

vertical spacing, importance ranking for, 102

Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum, 218, 220

visual editing, 173

visual flow, 26

visual gaps, 2526


Washington Metro Area Transit Authority Web site, 234

Washington Post, 137

wavelength, 31

wayfinding, 21742

accuracy and authority in, 221

balance of familiar and less conventional in, 23031

color in, 221, 228

constraints in redesign, 22123

defined, 217

dependence on, 23337

determining appropriate design for, 21718

editing viewer's experience in, 218

environmental context for, 22930

graphics principles for, 21920

“heads-up” orientation in, 223, 224

health care book case study, 24142

heart diagram case study, 23031

hierarchy of weights in, 23132

MIT redesign project, 22126

numbers in, 228

photographic table, 23233

photos in, 228

questions answered in, 220

selective design for, 21819

self-service parking machine case study, 23132

self-testing of, 219

showing time and distance in, 22829

starting point in, 219

symbols in, 22628

on the Web, 226, 234, 23841

weight in, 221, 23132

Web sites

all-cap text on, 115

banner blindness with, 26

color-coded, 15455

design guidelines for, 23841

finding tasks in, case study, 6566

graphic tables for, 19394

italic type on, 112

menus on, 124n

photos on, 175n

placement of content on, 26

size of icons on, 34, 35

testing tips for, 41

use of color on, 156

wayfinding for, 226, 234

See also specific sites


for contrast, 20

of display type, 129

of graph lines, 187

of table lines, 190

in text, 11213

in wayfinding, 221, 23132

Wheildon, Colin, 7

White, Alex W., 1013, 109

White, Jan V., 61, 118, 158

white space

trapped, 126

use of placements, 12122


choice of, 146, 14849

often-confused, 14849

perceiving, 3031

precision of, 146, 148

redundant, 149

word design

and clarity of writing, 14152

color in, 15367

design style sheet for, 9394

deterrents to reading motivation, 9293

impact of, 95

and readers’ first impressions, 92

type and layout, 91140

word-shape theory, 114

writing, 14152

active voice in, 144

for audiences in general, 14344

consistently use of terms in, 14950

crimes against motivation in, 9239

description in, 14445

and grammar rules, 152

heading and captions, 15051

modifiers in, 15152

nouns and verbs in, 151

paragraph length in, 146

parallel construction in, 150

passive voice in, 144

personal pronouns in, 150

phone words in, 152

punctuation, 152

readability formulas, 147

sentence length in, 145

sentence types in, 14546

tone in, 151

word choice in, 146, 14849

for your specific audience, 14143

Wurman, Richard Saul

on color coding, 164

on finding questions for project, 241

on hues and magnitude, 156

on LATCH organizations, 27, 28

on pictures extending words, 177

on testing clarity, 82


x-height, 1056, 10911



as best-projecting background, 20

disappearance of, 15960

red in, 31

“you are here” notations, 225

Young, Jeff, 173


zero-friction test, 7

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