Chapter 14. Application-Level Risks

In this chapter, I focus on application-level vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies. The effectiveness of firewalls and network segmentation mechanisms is severely impacted if vulnerabilities exist within accessible network services. In recent years, major security flaws in Unix and Windows systems have been exposed, ressulting in large numbers of Internet-based hosts being compromised by hackers and worms alike.

The Fundamental Hacking Concept

Hacking is the art of manipulating a process in such a way that it performs an action that is useful to you.

A simple example can be found in a search engine; the program takes a query, cross-references it with a database, and provides a list of results. Processing occurs on the web server itself, and by understanding the way search engines are developed and their pitfalls (such as accepting both the query string and database filename values), a hacker can attempt to manipulate the search engine to process and return sensitive files.

Many years ago, the main U.S. Pentagon, Air Force, and Navy web servers (,, and were vulnerable to this very type of search engine attack. They used a common search engine called multigate, which accepted two abusable arguments: SurfQueryString and f. The Unix password file could be accessed by issuing a crafted URL, as shown in Figure 14-1.

Manipulating the multigate search engine
Figure 14-1. Manipulating the multigate search engine

High-profile military web sites are properly protected at the network level by firewalls and other security appliances. However, by the very nature of the massive amount of information stored, a search engine was implemented, which in turn introduced vulnerabilities at the application level.

Nowadays, most vulnerabilities are more complex than simple logic flaws. Stack, heap, and static overflows, along with format string bugs, allow remote attackers to manipulate nested functions and often execute arbitrary code on accessible hosts.

Why Software Is Vulnerable

In a nutshell, software is vulnerable due to complexity and inevitable human error. Many vendors (e.g., Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, and others) who developed and built their software in the 1990s didn’t write code that was secure from heap overflows or format string bugs because these issues were not widely known at the time.

Software vendors are now in a situation where, even though it would be the just thing to do, it is simply too expensive to secure their operating systems and server software packages from memory manipulation attacks. Code review and full black-box testing of complex operating system and server software would take years to undertake and would severely impact future development and marketing plans, along with revenue.

In order to develop adequately secure programs, the interaction of that program with the environment in which it is run should be controlled at all levels—no data passed to the program should be trusted or assumed to be correct. Input validation is a term used within application development to ensure that data passed to a function is properly sanitized before it is stored in memory. Proper validation of all external data passed to key network services would go a long way toward improving the security and resilience of IP networks and computer systems.

Network Service Vulnerabilities and Attacks

In this section, I concentrate on Internet-based network service vulnerabilities, particularly how software running at both the kernel and system daemon levels processes data. These vulnerabilities can be categorized into two high-level groups: memory manipulation weaknesses and simple logic flaws.

This section details memory manipulation attacks to help you understand the classification of bugs and the respective approaches you can take to mitigate risks. It also identifies simple logic flaws (also discussed in Chapter 7), which are a much simpler threat to deal with.

Memory Manipulation Attacks

Memory manipulation attacks involve sending malformed data to the target network service in such a way that the logical program flow is affected (the idea is to execute arbitrary code on the host, although crashes sometimes occur, resulting in denial of service).

Here are the three high-level categories of remotely exploitable memory manipulation attacks:

  • Classic buffer overflows (stack, heap, and static overflows)

  • Integer overflows (technically an overflow delivery mechanism)

  • Format string bugs

I discuss these three attack groups and describe individual attacks within each group (such as stack saved instruction and frame pointer overwrites). There are a small number of exotic bug types (e.g., index array manipulation and static overflows) that unfortunately lie outside the scope of this book, but which are covered in niche application security publications and online presentations.

By understanding how exploits work, you can effectively implement changes to your critical systems to protect against future vulnerabilities. To appreciate these low-level issues, you must first have an understanding of runtime memory organization and logical program flow.

Runtime Memory Organization

Memory manipulation attacks involve overwriting values within memory (such as instruction pointers) to change the logical program flow and execute arbitrary code. Figure 14-2 shows memory layout when a program is run, along with descriptions of the four key areas: text, data and BSS, the stack, and the heap.

Runtime memory layout
Figure 14-2. Runtime memory layout

The text segment

This segment contains all the compiled executable code for the program. Write permission to this segment is disabled for two reasons:

  • Code doesn’t contain any sort of variables, so the code has no practical reason to write over itself.

  • Read-only code segments can be shared between different copies of the program executing simultaneously.

In the older days of computing, code would often modify itself to increase runtime speed. Today’s modern processors are optimized for read-only code, so any modification to code only slows the processor. You can safely assume that if a program attempts to modify its own code, the attempt was unintentional.

The data and BSS segments

The data and Block Started by Symbol (BSS) segments contain all the global variables for the program. These memory segments have read and write access enabled, and, in Intel architectures, data in these segments can be executed.

The stack

The stack is a region of memory used to dynamically store and manipulate most program function variables. These local variables have known sizes (such as a password buffer with a size of 128 characters), so the space is assigned and the data is manipulated in a relatively simply way. By default in most environments, data and variables on the stack can be read from, written to, and executed.

When a program enters a function, space on the stack is provided for variables and data; i.e., a stack frame is created. Each function’s stack frame contains the following:

  • The function’s arguments

  • Stack variables (the saved instruction and frame pointers)

  • Space for manipulation of local variables

As the size of the stack is adjusted to create this space, the processor stack pointer is incremented to point to the new end of the stack. The frame pointer points at the start of the current function stack frame. Two saved pointers are placed in the current stack frame: the saved instruction pointer and the saved frame pointer.

The saved instruction pointer is read by the processor as part of the function epilogue (when the function has exited and the space on the stack is freed up), and points the processor to the next function to be executed.

The saved frame pointer is also processed as part of the function epilogue; it defines the beginning of the parent function’s stack frame, so that logical program flow can continue cleanly.

The heap

The heap is a very dynamic area of memory and is often the largest segment of memory assigned by a program. Programs use the heap to store data that must exist after a function returns (and its variables are wiped from the stack). The data and BSS segments could be used to store the information, but this isn’t efficient, nor is it the purpose of those segments.

The allocator and deallocator algorithms manage data on the heap. In C, these functions are called malloc( ) and free( ). When data is to be placed in the heap, malloc( ) is called to allocate a chunk of memory, and when the chunk is to be unlinked, free( ) releases the data.

Various operating systems manage heap memory in different ways, using different algorithms. Table 14-1 shows the heap implementations in use across a number of popular operating systems.

Table 14-1. A list of heap management algorithms


Operating system(s)

GNU libc (Doug Lea)


AT&T System V

Solaris, IRIX

BSD (Poul-Henning Kamp)


BSD (Chris Kingsley)

4.4BSD, Ultrix, some AIX





Most software uses standard operating system heap-management algorithms, although enterprise server packages, such as Oracle, use their own proprietary algorithms to provide better database performance.

Processor Registers and Memory

Memory contains the following: compiled machine code for the executable program (in the text segment), global variables (in the data and BSS segments), local variables and pointers (in the stack segment), and other data (in the heap segment).

The processor reads and interprets values in memory by using registers. A register is an internal processor value that increments and jumps to point to memory addresses used during program execution. Register names are different under various processor architectures. Throughout this chapter I use the Intel IA32 processor architecture and register names (eip, ebp, and esp in particular). Figure 14-3 shows a high-level representation of a program executing in memory, including these processor registers and the various memory segments.

The processor registers and runtime memory layout
Figure 14-3. The processor registers and runtime memory layout

The three important registers from a security perspective are eip (the instruction pointer), ebp (the stack frame pointer), and esp (the stack pointer). The stack pointer should always point to the last address on the stack as it grows and shrinks in size, and the stack frame pointer defines the start of the current function’s stack frame. The instruction pointer is an important register that points to compiled executable code (usually in the text segment) for execution by the processor.

In Figure 14-3, the executable program code is processed from the text segment, and local variables and temporary data stored by the function exist on the stack. The heap is used for more long-term storage of data because when a function has run, its local variables are no longer referenced. Next, I’ll discuss how you can influence logical program flow by corrupting memory in these segments.

Classic Buffer-Overflow Vulnerabilities

By providing malformed user input that isn’t correctly checked, you can often overwrite data outside the assigned buffer in which the data is supposed to exist. You typically do this by providing too much data to a process, which overwrites important values in memory and causes a program crash.

Depending on exactly which area of memory (stack, heap, or static segments) your input ends up in and overflows out of, you can use numerous techniques to influence the logical program flow, and often run arbitrary code.

What follows are details of the three classic classes of buffer overflows, along with details of individual overflow types. Some classes of vulnerability are easier to exploit remotely than others, which limits the options an attacker has in some cases.

Stack Overflows

Since 1988, stack overflows have led to the most serious compromises of security. Nowadays, many operating systems (including Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, OpenBSD, and various Linux distributions) have implemented nonexecutable stack protection mechanisms, and so the effectiveness of traditional stack overflow techniques is lessened.

By overflowing data on the stack, you can perform two different attacks to influence the logical program flow and execute arbitrary code:

  • A stack smash, overwriting the saved instruction pointer

  • A stack off-by-one, overwriting the saved frame pointer

These two techniques can change logical program flow, depending on the program at hand. If the program doesn’t check the length of the data provided, and simply places it into a fixed sized buffer, you can perform a stack smash. A stack off-by-one bug occurs when a programmer makes a small calculation mistake relating to lengths of strings within a program.

Stack smash (saved instruction pointer overwrite)

As stated earlier, the stack is a region of memory used for temporary storage. In C, function arguments and local variables are stored on the stack. Figure 14-4 shows the layout of the stack when a function within a program is entered.

Stack layout when a function is entered
Figure 14-4. Stack layout when a function is entered

The function allocates space at the bottom of the stack frame for local variables. Above this area in memory are the stack frame variables (the saved instruction and frame pointers), which are necessary to direct the processor to the address of the instructions to execute after this function returns.

Example 14-1 shows a simple C program that takes a user-supplied argument from the command line and prints it out.

Example 14-1. A simple C program, printme.c
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char smallbuf[32];
        strcpy(smallbuf, argv[1]);
", smallbuf);

        return 0;

This main( ) function allocates a 32-byte buffer (smallbuf) to store user input from the command-line argument (argv[1]). Here is a brief example of the program being compiled and run:

$ cc -o printme printme.c
$ ./printme test

Figure 14-5 shows what the main( ) function stack frame looks like when the strcpy( ) function has copied the user-supplied argument into the buffer smallbuf.

The main( ) stack frame and user-supplied input
Figure 14-5. The main( ) stack frame and user-supplied input

The test string is placed into smallbuf, along with a . The NULL character () is an important character in C because it acts as a string terminator. The stack frame variables (saved frame and instruction pointers) have not been altered, and so program execution continues, exiting cleanly.

Causing a program crash.

If you provide too much data to the printme program, it will crash, as shown here:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Figure 14-6 shows the main( ) stack frame after the strcpy( ) function has copied the 48 bytes of user-supplied data into the 32-byte smallbuf.

Overwriting the stack frame variables
Figure 14-6. Overwriting the stack frame variables

The segmentation fault occurs as the main( ) function returns. As part of the function epilogue, the processor pops the value 0x44434241 (“DCBA” in hexadecimal) from the stack, and tries to fetch, decode, and execute instructions at that address. 0x44434241 doesn’t contain valid instructions, so a segmentation fault occurs.

Compromising the logical program flow.

You can abuse this behavior to overwrite the instruction pointer and force the processor to execute your own instructions (also known as shellcode). There are two challenges posed at this point:

  • Getting the shellcode into the buffer

  • Executing the shellcode, by determining the memory address for the start of the buffer

The first challenge is easy to overcome in this case; all you need to do is produce the sequence of instructions (shellcode) you wish to execute and pass them to the program as part of the user input. This causes the instruction sequence to be copied into the buffer (smallbuf). The shellcode can’t contain NULL () characters because these will terminate the string abruptly.

The second challenge requires a little more thought, but it is straightforward if you have local access to the system. You must know, or guess, the location of the buffer in memory, so that you can overwrite the instruction pointer with the address and redirect execution to it.

Analyzing the program crash.

By having local access to the program and operating system, along with debugging tools (such as gdb in Unix environments), you can analyze the program crash and identify the start address of the buffer and other addresses (such as the stack frame variables).

Example 14-2 shows the printme program running interactively using gdb. I provide the same long string, and the program causes a segmentation fault. Using the info registers command, I can see the addresses of the processor registers at the time of the crash.

Example 14-2. Crashing the program and examining the CPU registers
$ gdb printme
GNU gdb 4.16.1
Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x44434241 in ?? (  )
(gdb) info registers
eax            0x0      0
ecx            0x4013bf40       1075035968
edx            0x31     49
ebx            0x4013ec90       1075047568
esp            0xbffff440       0xbffff440
ebp            0x44434241       0x44434241
esi            0x40012f2c       1073819436
edi            0xbffff494       −1073744748
eip            0x44434241       0x44434241
eflags         0x10246  66118
cs             0x17     23
ss             0x1f     31
ds             0x1f     31
es             0x1f     31
fs             0x1f     31
gs             0x1f     31

Both the saved stack frame pointer and instruction pointer have been overwritten with the value 0x44434241. When the main( ) function returns and the program exits, the function epilogue executes, which takes the following actions using a last-in, first-out (LIFO) order:

  • Set the stack pointer (esp) to the same value as the frame pointer (ebp)

  • Pop the frame pointer (ebp) from the stack, moving the stack pointer (esp) four bytes upward so that it points at the saved instruction pointer

  • Return, popping the saved instruction pointer (eip) from the stack and moving the stack pointer (esp) four bytes upward again

Example 14-2 reveals that the stack pointer (esp) is 0xbffff440 at crash time. If you subtract 40 from this value (the size of the buffer, plus the saved ebp and eip values), you find the start of smallbuf.

The reason you subtract 40 from esp to get the smallbuf location is because the program crash occurs during the main( ) function epilogue, so esp has been set to the very top of the stack frame (after being set to equal ebp, and both ebp and eip popped from the stack).

Example 14-3 shows how to use gdb to analyze the data on the stack at 0xbffff418 (esp-40) and neighboring addresses (esp-36 and esp-44). If you don’t have access to the source code of the application (to know that the buffer is 32 bytes), use the technique in Example 14-3 to step through the adjacent memory locations looking for your data.

Example 14-3. Examining addresses within the stack
(gdb) x/4bc 0xbfffff418
0xbfffff418:     65 'A'  66 'B'  67 'C'  68 'D'
(gdb) x/4bc 0xbfffff41c
0xbfffff41c:     −28 'ä' −37 'û' −65 '¿' −33 'ß'
(gdb) x/4bc 0xbfffff414
0xbfffff414:     65 'A'  66 'B'  67 'C'  68 'D'

Now that you know the exact location of the start of smallbuf on the stack, you can execute arbitrary code within the vulnerable program. You can fill the buffer with shellcode and overwrite the saved instruction pointer, so that the shellcode is executed when the main( ) function returns.

Creating and injecting shellcode.

Here’s a simple piece of 24-byte Linux shellcode that spawns a local /bin/sh command shell:


The destination buffer (smallbuf) is 32 bytes in size, so you use x90 no-operation (NOP) instructions to pad out the rest of the buffer. Figure 14-7 shows the layout of the main( ) function stack frame that you want to achieve.

The target stack frame layout
Figure 14-7. The target stack frame layout

Technically, you can set the saved instruction pointer (also known as return address) to be anything between 0xbffff418 and 0xbffff41f because you can hit any of the NOP instructions. This technique is known as a NOP sled and is often used when the exact location of shellcode isn’t known.

The 40 bytes of data you are going to provide to the program are as follows:


Because many of the characters are binary, and not printable, you must use Perl (or a similar program) to send the attack string to the printme program, as demonstrated in Example 14-4.

Example 14-4. Using Perl to send the attack string to the program
$ ./printme 'perl -e 'print "x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x31 xc0x50
x68x6ex2fx73x68x68x2fx2fx62x69x89xe3x99x52 x53x89xe1xb0x0b

After the program attempts to print the shellcode and the overflow occurs, the /bin/sh command shell is executed (changing the prompt to $). If this program is running as a privileged user (such as root in Unix environments), the command shell inherits the permissions of the parent process that is being overflowed.

Stack off-by-one (saved frame pointer overwrite)

Example 14-5 shows the same printme program, along with bounds checking of the user-supplied string, and a nested function to perform the copying of the string into the buffer. If the string is longer than 32 characters, it isn’t processed.

Example 14-5. printme.c with bounds checking
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if(strlen(argv[1]) > 32)
        printf("Input string too long!
        exit (1);


    return 0;

int vulfunc(char *arg)
    char smallbuf[32];

    strcpy(smallbuf, arg);
", smallbuf);

    return 0;

Example 14-6 shows that, after compiling and running the program, it no longer crashes when receiving long input (over 32 characters) but does crash when exactly 32 characters are processed.

Example 14-6. Crashing the program with 32 bytes of input
$ cc -o printme printme.c
$ ./printme test
Input string too long!
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Analyzing the program crash

Figure 14-8 shows the vulfunc() stack frame when 31 characters are copied into the buffer, and Figure 14-9 shows the variables when exactly 32 characters are entered.

The vulfunc( ) stack frame with 31 characters
Figure 14-8. The vulfunc( ) stack frame with 31 characters
The vulfunc( ) stack frame with 32 characters
Figure 14-9. The vulfunc( ) stack frame with 32 characters

The filter that has been placed on the user-supplied input doesn’t take into account the NULL byte () that terminates the string in C. When exactly 32 characters are provided, 33 bytes of data are placed in the buffer (including the NULL terminator), and the least significant byte of the saved frame pointer is overwritten, changing it from 0xbffff81c to 0xbffff800.

When the vulfunc( ) function returns, the function epilogue reads the stack frame variables to return to main( ). First, the saved frame pointer value is popped by the processor, which should be 0xbffff81c but is now 0xbffff800, as shown in Figure 14-10.

The main( ) stack frame is moved downward
Figure 14-10. The main( ) stack frame is moved downward

The stack frame pointer (ebp) for main( ) has been slid down to a lower address. Next, the main( ) function returns and runs through the function epilogue, popping the new saved instruction pointer (ebp+4, with a value of 0x44434241) and causing a segmentation fault.

Exploiting an off-by-one bug to modify the instruction pointer

In essence, the way in which to exploit this off-by-one bug is to achieve a main( ) stack frame layout as shown in Figure 14-11.

The target main( ) stack frame layout
Figure 14-11. The target main( ) stack frame layout

This is achieved by encoding the 32 character user-supplied string to contain the correct binary characters. In this case, there are 20 bytes of space left for shellcode, which isn’t large enough to do anything useful (not even spawn /bin/sh), so here I’ve filled the buffer with NOPs, along with some assembler for exit(0). A technique used when there isn’t enough room for shellcode in the buffer is to set the shell code up as an environment variable, whose address can be calculated relatively easily.

This attack requires two returns to be effective. First, the nested function’s saved frame pointer value is modified by the off-by-one; then, when the main function returns, the instruction pointer is set to the arbitrary address of the shellcode on the stack.


If you are researching off-by-one bugs and wish to create working and reliable examples, I recommend that you use a buffer of at least 128 bytes, so there is ample room to manipulate the new stack frame and test complex shellcode. A second point to note is that the gcc compiler (version 3 and later) puts 8 bytes of padding between the saved frame pointer and first local variable, thus negating the risk posed by off-by-one bugs because the padding, and not the saved frame pointer, is overwritten).

Exploiting an off-by-one bug to modify data in the parent function’s stack frame

You can also exploit an off-by-one bug to modify local variables and pointers in the parent function’s stack frame. This technique doesn’t require two returns and can be highly effective. Many off-by-one bugs in the wild are exploited by modifying local variables and pointers in this way. Unfortunately, this type of exploitation lies outside the scope of this book, although speakers (including scut from TESO and Halvar Flake) have spoken publicly about these issues at security conferences.

Off-by-one effectiveness against different processor architectures

Throughout this chapter, the examples I present are of a Linux platform running on an Intel x86 PC. Intel x86 (little-endian byte ordering) processors represent multibyte integers in reverse to Sun SPARC (big-endian byte ordering) processors. For example, if you use an off-by-one to overwrite 1 byte of the saved frame pointer on a SPARC platform with a NULL () character, it changes from 0xbffff81c to 0x00fff81c, which is of little use because the stack frame is shifted down to a much lower address that you don’t control.

This means that only little-endian processors, such as Intel x86 and DEC Alpha, are susceptible to exploitable off-by-one attacks. In contrast, the following big-endian processors can’t be abused to overwrite the least significant byte of the saved stack frame pointer:

  • Sun SPARC

  • SGI R4000 and later

  • IBM RS/6000

  • Motorola PowerPC

Heap Overflows

Not all buffers are allocated on the stack. Often, an application doesn’t know how big to make certain buffers until it is running. Applications use the heap to dynamically allocate buffers of varying sizes. These buffers are susceptible to overflows if user-supplied data isn’t checked, leading to a compromise if an attacker overwrites other values on the heap.

Where the details of stack overflow exploitation rely on the specifics of hardware architecture, heap overflows are reliant on the way certain operating systems and libraries manage heap memory. Here I restrict the discussion of heap overflows to a specific environment: a Linux system running on an Intel x86 platform, using the default GNU libc heap implementation (based on Doug Lea’s dlmalloc). While this situation is specific, the techniques I discuss apply to other systems, including Solaris and Windows.

Heap overflows can result in compromises of both sensitive data (overwriting filenames and other variables on the heap) and logical program flow (through heap control structure and function pointer modification). I discuss the threat of compromising logical program flow here, along with a conceptual explanation and diagrams.

Overflowing the Heap to Compromise Program Flow

The heap implementation divides the heap into manageable chunks and tracks which heaps are free and which are in use. Each chunk contains a header structure and free space (the buffer in which data is placed).

The header structure contains information about the size of the chunk and the size of the preceding chunk (if the preceding chunk is allocated). Figure 14-12 shows the layout of two adjacent allocated chunks.

Two allocated chunks on the heap
Figure 14-12. Two allocated chunks on the heap

In Figure 14-12, mem is the pointer returned by the malloc( ) call to allocate the first chunk. The size and prev_size 4-byte values are used by the heap implementation to keep track of the heap and its layout. Please note that here I have drawn these heap diagrams upside down (when compared with the previous stack diagrams), therefore 0xffffffff is downward in these figures.

The size element does more than just hold the size of the current chunk; it also specifies whether the previous chunk is free or not. If a chunk is allocated, the least significant bit is set for the size element of the next chunk; otherwise this bit is cleared. This bit is known as the PREV_INUSE flag; it specifies whether the previous chunk is in use.

When a program no longer needs a buffer allocated via malloc( ), it passes the address of the buffer to the free( ) function. The chunk is deallocated, making it available for subsequent calls to malloc( ). Once a chunk is freed, the following takes place:

  • The PREV_INUSE bit is cleared from the size element of the following chunk, indicating that the current chunk is free for allocation.

  • The addresses of the previous and next free chunks are placed in the chunk’s data section, using bk (backward) and fd (forward) pointers.

Figure 14-13 shows a chunk on the heap that has been freed, including the two new values that point to the next and previous free chunks in a doubly linked list (bk and fd), which are used by the heap implementation to track the heap and its layout.

Two chunks, of which the first is free for allocation
Figure 14-13. Two chunks, of which the first is free for allocation

When a chunk is deallocated, a number of checks take place. One check looks at the state of adjacent chunks. If adjacent chunks are free, they are all merged into a new, larger chunk. This ensures that the amount of usable memory is as large as possible. If no merging can be done, the next chunk’s PREV_INUSE bit is cleared, and accounting information is written into the current unused chunk.

Details of free chunks are stored in a doubly linked list. In the list, there is a forward pointer to the next free chunk (fd) and a backward pointer to the previous free chunk (bk). These pointers are placed in the unused chunk itself. The minimum size of a chunk is always 16 bytes, so there is enough space for the two pointers and two size integers.

The way this heap implementation consolidates two chunks is by adding the sizes of the two chunks together and then removing the second chunk from the doubly linked list of free chunks using the unlink( ) macro, which is defined like this:

#define unlink(P, BK, FD) {                      
  FD = P->fd;                                    
  BK = P->bk;                                    
  FD->bk = BK;                                   
  BK->fd = FD;                                   

This means that in certain circumstances, the memory that fd+12 points to is overwritten with bk, and the memory that bk+8 points to is overwritten with the value of fd (where fd and bk are pointers in the chunk). These circumstances include:

  • A chunk is freed.

  • The next chunk appears to be free (the PREV_INUSE flag is unset on the next chunk after).

If you can overflow a buffer on the heap, you may be able to overwrite the chunk header of the next chunk on the heap, which allows you to force these conditions to be true. This, in turn, allows you to write four arbitrary bytes anywhere in memory (because you control the fd and bk pointers). Example 14-7 shows a simple vulnerable program.

Example 14-7. A vulnerable heap-utilizing program
int main(void)
    char *buff1, *buff2;

    buff1 = malloc(40);
    buff2 = malloc(40);

In this example, two 40-byte buffers (buff1 and buff2) are assigned on the heap. buff1 is used to store user-supplied input from gets( ) and buff1 is deallocated with free( ) before the program exits. There is no checking imposed on the data fed into buff1 by gets( ), so a heap overflow can occur. Figure 14-14 shows the heap when buff1 and buff2 are allocated.

The heap when buff1 and buff2 are allocated
Figure 14-14. The heap when buff1 and buff2 are allocated

The PREV_INUSE bit exists as the least significant byte of the size element. Because size is always a multiple of 8, the 3 least significant bytes are always 000 and can be used for other purposes. The number 48 converted to hexadecimal is 0x00000030, but with the PREV_INUSE bit set, it becomes 0x00000031 (effectively making the size value 49 bytes).

To pass the buff2 chunk to unlink( ) with fake fd and bk values, you need to overwrite the size element in the buff2 chunk header so the least significant bit (PREV_INUSE) is unset. In all of this, you have a few constraints to adhere to:

  • prev_size and size are added to pointers inside free( ), so they must have small absolute values (i.e., be small positive or small negative values).

  • fd (next free chunk value) + size + 4 must point to a value that has its least significant bit cleared (to fool the heap implementation into thinking that the chunk after next is also free).

  • There must be no NULL () bytes in the overflow string, or gets( ) will stop copying data.

Since you aren’t allowed any NULL bytes, use small negative values for prev_size and size. A sound choice is −4, as this is represented in hexadecimal as 0xfffffffc. Using −4 for the size has the added advantage that fd + size + 4 = fd4 + 4 = fd. This means that free( ) thinks the buff2 chunk is followed by another free chunk, which guarantees that the buff2 chunk will be unlinked.

Figure 14-15 shows the heap layout when you overflow the buff1 buffer and write the two −4 values to overwrite both prev_size and size in the header of the buff2 chunk.

Overwriting heap control elements in the next chunk
Figure 14-15. Overwriting heap control elements in the next chunk

Because free( ) deallocates buff1, it checks to see if the next forward chunk is free by checking the PREV_INUSE flag in the third chunk (not displayed in Figure 14-15). Because the size element of the second chunk (buff2) is −4, the heap implementation reads the PREV_INUSE flag from the second chunk, believing it is the third. Next, the unlink( ) macro tries to consolidate the chunks into a new larger chunk, processing the fake fd and bk pointers.

As free( ) invokes the unlink( ) macro to modify the doubly linked list of free chunks, the following occurs:

  • fd+12 is overwritten with bk.

  • bk+8 is overwritten with fd.

This means that you can overwrite a four-byte word of your choice anywhere in memory. You know from smashing the stack that overwriting a saved instruction pointer on the stack can lead to arbitrary code execution, but the stack moves around a lot, and this is difficult to do from the heap. Ideally, you want to overwrite an address that’s at a constant location in memory. Luckily, the Linux Executable File Format (ELF) provides several such regions of memory, two of which are:

  • The Global Offset Table (GOT), which contains the addresses of various functions

  • The .dtors (destructors) section, which contains addresses of functions that perform cleanup when a program exits

For the purposes of this example, let’s overwrite the address of the exit( ) function in the GOT. When the program calls exit( ) at the end of main( ), execution jumps to whatever address we overwrite the address of exit( ) with. If you overwrite the GOT entry for exit( ) with the address of shellcode you supply, you must remember that the address of exit( )’s GOT entry is written eight bytes into your shellcode, meaning that you need to jump over this word with a jmp .+10 processor instruction.

Set the next chunk variables and pointers to the following:

  • fd = GOT address of exit( )12

  • bk = the shellcode address (buff1 in this case)

Figure 14-16 shows the desired layout of the heap after the program has called gets( ) with the crafted 0xfffffffc values for prev_size, size, fd, and bk placed into the buff2 chunk.

Overwriting fd and bk to execute the shellcode
Figure 14-16. Overwriting fd and bk to execute the shellcode

You effectively overwrite the GOT entry for exit( ) (located at 0x8044578) with the address of buff1 (0x80495f8), so that the shellcode is executed when the program calls exit( ).

Other Heap Corruption Attacks

The heap can be corrupted and logical program flow compromised using a small number of special techniques. Heap off-by-one, off-by-five, and double-free attacks can be used to great effect under certain circumstances. All these attacks are specific to heap implementations in the way they use control structures and doubly linked lists to keep track of free chunks.

Heap off-by-one and off-by-five bugs

As with little-endian architectures and stack off-by-one bugs, the heap is susceptible to an off-by-one or off-by-five attack, overwriting the PREV_INUSE least significant bit of prev_size (with an off-by-one) or size (with an off-by-five). By fooling free( ) into consolidating chunks that it shouldn’t, a fake chunk can be constructed, which results in the same attack occurring (by setting arbitrary fd and bk values).

Double-free bugs

The fd and bk values can also be overwritten using a double-free attack. This attack doesn’t involve an overflow; rather the heap implementation is confused into placing a freed chunk onto its doubly linked list, while still allowing it to be written to by an attacker.

Unfortunately, double-free, off-by-one, and off-by-five heap bugs lie outside the scope of this book, but they are tackled in a small number of niche publications and online papers. For advanced heap overflow information (primarily relating to Linux environments), you should read the following:

Integer Overflows

The term integer overflow is often misleading. An integer overflow is simply a delivery mechanism for a stack, heap, or static overflow to occur (depending on where the integer ends up in memory).

Arithmetic calculations are often performed on integers to calculate many things, such as the amount of data to be received from the network, the size of a buffer, etc. Some calculations are vital to the logic of a program, and if they result in erroneous values, the program’s logic may be severely corrupted or hijacked completely.

Calculations can sometimes be made to give incorrect results because the result is simply too big to be stored in the variable to which it is assigned. When this happens, the lowest part of the result is stored, and the rest (which doesn’t fit in the variable) is simply discarded, as demonstrated here:

int a = 0xffffffff;
int b = 1;
int r = a + b;

After this code has executed, r should contain the value 0x100000000. However, this value is too big to hold as a 32-bit integer, so only the lowest 32 bits are kept and r is assigned the value 0.

This section concentrates on situations in which these incorrect calculations can be made to occur and some ways they can be used to bypass security. Usually the number provided is either too large, negative, or both.

Heap Wrap-Around Attacks

Programs often dynamically allocate buffers in which to store user-supplied data, especially if the amount of data sent varies. For example, a user sends a 2 KB file to a server, which allocates a 2 KB buffer and reads from the network into the buffer. Sometimes, the user will tell the program how much data she is going to send, so the program calculates the size of the buffer required. Example 14-8 contains a function that allocates enough room for an array on the heap (of length len integers).

Example 14-8. Code containing an integer overflow bug
int myfunction(int *array, int len)
    int *myarray, i;
    myarray = malloc(len * sizeof(int));

    if(myarray == NULL)
        return −1;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
        myarray[i] = array[i];
    return myarray;

The calculation to find the size of len is the number of integers to be copied, multiplied by the length of an integer. This code is vulnerable to an integer overflow, which can cause the size of the buffer allocated to be much smaller than required. If the len parameter is very large (for example 0x40000001), the following calculation will be carried out:

length to allocate = len * sizeof(int)
                   = 0x40000000 * 4
                   = 0x100000004

0x100000004 is too big to store as a 32-bit integer, so the lowest 32 bits are used, truncating it to 0x00000004. This means that malloc( ) will allocate only a 4-byte buffer, and the loop to copy data into the newly allocated array will write way past the end of this allocated buffer. This results in a heap overflow (which can be exploited in a number of ways, depending on the heap implementation).

A real-life example of an integer overflow is the challenge-response integer overflow in OpenSSH 3.3 (CVE-2002-0639). Example 14-9 shows the code that is executed when a user requests challenge-response authentication.

Example 14-9. The vulnerable OpenSSH 3.3 code
nresp = packet_get_int(  );
if (nresp > 0)
    response = xmalloc(nresp * sizeof(char*));
    for (i = 0; i < nresp; i++)
        response[i] = packet_get_string(NULL);

packet_get_int( ) returns an integer read from the client, and packet_get_string( ) returns a pointer to a buffer on the heap containing a string read from the client. The user can set nresp to be any value, effectively allowing the user to completely control the size of the buffer allocated for response, and thus overflow it.

In this case a heap overflow occurs, resulting in the overwriting of a function pointer. By carefully choosing the size of the buffer, an attacker can allocate it at a memory address below a useful function pointer. After overwriting the function pointer with the address of the shellcode, the shellcode is executed when the pointer is used.

Negative-Size Bugs

Sometimes an application needs to copy data into a fixed-size buffer, so it checks the length of the data to avoid a buffer overflow. This type of check ensures secure operation of the application, so bypassing such a check can have severe consequences. Example 14-10 shows a function that is vulnerable to a negative-size attack.

Example 14-10. A negative-size bug in C
int a_function(char *src, int len)
    char dst[80];

    if(len > sizeof(buf))
        printf("That's too long
            return 1;
    memcpy(dst, src, len);
    return 0;

A quick look suggests that this function is indeed secure: if the input data is too large to fit in the buffer, it refuses to copy the data and returns immediately. However, if the len parameter is negative, the size check will pass (because any negative value is less than 80), and the copy operation will take place. When memcpy( ) is told to copy, for example, −200 bytes, it interprets the number −200 as an unsigned value, which, by definition, can’t be negative.

The hexadecimal representation of −200 is 0xffffff38, so memcpy( ) copies 4,294,967,096 bytes of data (0xffffff38 in decimal) from src into dst, resulting in a buffer overflow and inevitable program crash.

Some implementations of memcpy( ) allow you to pass negative values for the length to be copied and still not copy so much data that the program dies before you can do something useful. The memcpy( ) supplied with BSD-derived systems can be abused in this manner, because you can force it to copy the last three bytes of the buffer before copying the rest of the buffer. It does this because copying whole words (four bytes) onto whole word boundaries can be done very quickly, but copying onto nonword-aligned addresses (i.e., addresses that aren’t multiples of four) is comparatively slow. It therefore makes sense to copy any odd bytes first so that the remainder of the buffer is word-aligned and can be copied quickly.

A problem arises, however, because after copying the odd bytes, the length to copy is reread from the stack and used to copy the rest of the buffer. If you can overwrite part of this length value with your first three bytes, you can trick memcpy( ) into copying a much smaller amount of data and not induce a crash.

Negative-size bugs are often difficult to exploit because they relying on peripheral issues (such as memcpy( ) use in BSD-derived systems) for successful exploitation, as opposed to a program crash. For further technical details of integer overflows and exploitation methods, please see the following papers:

Format String Bugs

Buffer overflows aren’t the only type of bug that can control a process. Another fairly common programming error occurs when a user can control the format parameter to a function such as printf( ) or syslog( ). These functions take a format string as a parameter that describes how the other parameters should be interpreted.

For example, the string %d specifies that a parameter should be displayed as a signed decimal integer, while %s specifies that a parameter should be displayed as an ASCII string. Format strings give you a lot of control over how data is to be interpreted, and this control can sometimes be abused to read and write memory in arbitrary locations.

Reading Adjacent Items on the Stack

Example 14-11 shows a vulnerable C program, much like the printme program in Example 14-1.

Example 14-11. A simple C program containing a format string bug
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if(argc < 2)
        printf("You need to supply an argument
        return 1;
    return 0;

The program displays user-supplied input by using printf( ). Here is what happens when you supply normal data and a format specifier to the program:

$ ./printf "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!
$ ./printf %x

If you supply the %x format specifier, printf( ) displays the hexadecimal representation of an item on the stack. The item printed is, in fact, the address of what would be the second argument passed to printf( ) (if one was supplied). Since no arguments are passed, printf( ) reads and prints the 4-byte word immediately above the format string on the stack. Figure 14-17 shows how the stack should look if a valid second argument is passed.

The printf( ) function’s stack frame
Figure 14-17. The printf( ) function’s stack frame

Next, Figure 14-18 shows what the stack really looks like, as only one argument is passed in this case (the pointer to the format string).

The second argument doesn’t really exist
Figure 14-18. The second argument doesn’t really exist

printf( ) takes the next 4-byte word above the pointer to the format string and prints it, assuming it to be the second argument. If you use a number of %x specifiers, printf( ) displays more data from the stack, progressively working upwards through memory:

$ ./printf %x.%x.%x.%x

So far, you can read as much of the stack above the printf( ) stack frame as you like. Next, I’ll show how you can extend this ability to read from anywhere, write to anywhere, and redirect execution to wherever you choose.

Reading Data from Any Address on the Stack

In most cases, the buffer containing your format string is located on the stack. This means that it’s located somewhere in memory not too far above the printf( ) stack frame and first argument. This also means that you can use the contents of the buffer as arguments to printf( ). Example 14-12 shows the string ABC, along with 55 %x specifiers, being passed to the vulnerable program.

Example 14-12. Using Perl to provide 55%x specifiers
$ ./printf ABC'perl -e 'print "%x." x 55;''

In the example, you place ABC into a buffer (as a local variable in the main( ) stack frame) and look for it by stepping through the 55 words (220 bytes) above the first argument to printf( ). Near the end of the printed values is a string 43424100 (hexadecimal encoding of “CBA” along with the NULL terminator). This all means that by using arguments 51 and onward, you can access values entirely under your control, and use them as parameters to other format specifiers (such as %s). Figure 14-19 shows the main( ) and printf( ) stack frames during this %x reading attack.

Reading data from further up the stack
Figure 14-19. Reading data from further up the stack

You can use this technique to read data from any memory address by instructing printf( ) to read a string pointed to by its 53rd argument (in part of the main( ) buffer you control). You can place the address of the memory you wish to read and use the %s printf( ) specifier to display it.

You can use direct parameter access to tell printf( ) which argument you want to associate with a particular format specifier. % is a standard format specifier that tells the function to print the next string on the stack. A specifier using direct parameter access looks like %7$s; it instructs printf( ) to print the string pointed to by its seventh argument.

After a little experimentation, you will discover that the end of the buffer is equivalent to the 53rd argument, so the format string needs to look like this:

%53$s(padding)(address to read)

%53$s is the format specifier telling printf( ) to process the value at the 53rd argument. The padding is needed to ensure that the address lies on an even word boundary, so that it may be used as an argument by printf( ).

In this case, I will try to read part of the example program environment string table. I know the stack on my test system lives around address 0xbffff600, so I will try reading the string at address 0xbffff680. The following format string is passed:


%53$s is the format specifier that tells printf( ) to process the value at the 53rd argument. That argument is 0xbffff680 (aligned to an exact word by the AA padding), which in turn, points near the beginning of the stack (where environment variables and such are defined).

Note that the memory address is reversed (in little-endian format). Because this buffer contains some nonprintable characters, it is easiest to generate it with something like Perl. Here’s what happens when I pass this string to the vulnerable program:

$ ./printf 'perl -e 'print "%53$s" . "AA" . "x80xf6xffxbf"';'

The %s specifier displays the string at 0xcfbfd680. This is the TERM environment variable used by the program, followed by the AA padding and unprintable memory values. You can use this technique to display any value from memory.

Overwriting Any Word in Memory

To write to arbitrary memory locations using format strings, use the %n specifier. The printf(3) Unix manpage gives some insight into its use:

n     The number of characters written so far is stored into the
      integer indicated by the int * (or variant) pointer argument.
      No argument is converted.

By supplying a pointer to the memory you wish to overwrite and issuing the %n specifier, you write the number of characters that printf( ) has written so far directly to that memory address. This means that in order to write arbitrary memory to arbitrary locations, you have to be able to control the number of characters written by printf( ).

Luckily, the precision parameter of the format specifier allows you to control the number of characters written. The precision of a format specifier is provided in the following manner:


To write 20 characters, use %.020x. Unfortunately, if you provide a huge field width (e.g., 0xbffff0c0), printf( ) takes a very long time to print all the zeroes. It is more efficient to write the value in two blocks of two bytes, using the %hn specifier, which writes a short (two bytes) instead of an int (two bytes).

If more than 0xffff bytes have been written, %hn writes only the least significant two bytes of the real value to the address. For example, you can just write 0xf0c0 to the lowest two bytes of your target address, then print 0xbfff - 0xf0c0 = 0xcf3f characters, and write again to the highest two bytes of the target address.

Putting all this together, here’s what the final format string must look like to overwrite an arbitrary word in memory:

%.0(pad 1)x%(arg number 1)$hn%.0(pad 2)x%(arg number 2)
$hn(address 1)(address 2)(padding)

in which:

  • pad 1 is the lowest two bytes of the value you wish to write.

  • pad 2 is the highest two bytes of value, minus pad 1.

  • arg number 1 is the offset from the first argument to address 1 in the buffer.

  • arg number 2 is the offset from first argument to address 2 in the buffer.

  • address 1 is the address of lowest two bytes of address you wish to overwrite.

  • address 2 is address 1 + 2.

  • padding is between 0 and 4 bytes, to get the addresses on an even word boundary.

A sound approach is to overwrite the .dtors (destructors) section of the vulnerable program with an address you control. The .dtors section contains addresses of functions to be called when a program exits, so if you can write an address you control into that section, your shellcode will be executed when the program finishes.

Example 14-13 shows how to get the address of the start of the .dtors section from the binary using objdump.

Example 14-13. Using objdump to identify the .dtors section
$ objdump -t printf | grep .dtors
08049540 l    d  .dtors 00000000
08049540 l     O .dtors 00000000         _  _DTOR_LIST_  _
08048300 l     F .text  00000000         _  _do_global_dtors_aux
08049544 l     O .dtors 00000000         _  _DTOR_END_  _

Here, the .dtors section starts at 0x08049540. I will overwrite the first function address in the section, four bytes after the start, at 0x8049544. I will overwrite it with 0xdeadbeef for the purposes of this demonstration, so that the format string values are as follows:

  • pad 1 is set to 0xbeef (48879 in decimal).

  • pad 2 is set to 0xdead - 0xbeef = 0x1fbe (8126 in decimal).

  • arg number 1 is set to 114.

  • arg nunber 2 is set to 115.

  • address 1 is set to 0x08049544.

  • address 2 is set to 0x08049546.

The assembled format string is as follows:


Example 14-14 shows how, by using Perl through gdb, you can analyze the program crash because the first value in the .dtors section is overwritten with 0xdeadbeef.

Example 14-14. Using gbd to analyze the program crash
$ gdb ./printf
GNU gdb 4.16.1
Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(gdb) run 'perl -e 'print "%.048879x" . "%114$hn" . "%.08126x" . "%115$hn"
. "x44x95x04" . "x08x46x95x04x08" . "A"';'

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdeadbeef in ?? (  )

If you would like more information about the various techniques that can exploit format string bugs, I recommend the following online papers:

Memory Manipulation Attacks Recap

Variables can be stored in the following areas of memory:

  • Stack segment (local buffers with known sizes)

  • Heap segment (dynamically allocated buffers with varying sizes)

  • BSS and data segments (static buffers used for global variables)

If input validation and bounds checking of the data used by a process and stored in memory isn’t performed, logical program flow can be compromised through the following types of process manipulation attack:

Stack smash bugs

The saved instruction pointer for the stack frame is overwritten, which results in a compromise when the function epilogue occurs, and the instruction pointer is popped. This executes arbitrary code from a location of your choice.

Stack off-by-one bugs

The least significant byte of the saved frame pointer for the stack frame is overwritten, which results in the parent stack frame existing at a slightly lower memory address than before (into memory that you control). You can overwrite the saved instruction pointer of the new stack frame and wait for the function to exit (requiring two returns in succession) or overwrite a function pointer or other variable found within the new stack frame. This attack is only effective against little-endian processors, such as Intel x86 and DEC Alpha.

Heap overflows

If you supply too much data to a buffer on the heap, you can overwrite both heap control structures for other memory chunks or overwrite function pointers or other data. Some heap implementations (such as BSD PHK, used by FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD) don’t mix heap data and control structures, so they are only susceptible to function pointers and adjacent heap data being overwritten.

Static overflows

Not discussed here, but static overflows are very similar to heap and off-by-one attacks. Logical program flow is usually compromised using a static overflow to overwrite a function pointer, generic pointer, or authentication flag. Static overflows are rare, due to the unusual global nature of the variable being overflowed.

Integer overflows (delivery mechanism for stack, heap, and static overflows)

Calculation bugs result in large or negative numbers being processed by fun ctions and routines that aren’t expecting such values. Integer overflows are technically a delivery mechanism for a stack, heap, or static overflow, usually resulting in sensitive values being overwritten (saved instruction and frame pointers, heap control structures, function pointers, etc.).

Format string bugs

Various functions (including printf( ) and syslog( )) provide direct memory access via format strings. If an attacker can provide a series of format strings, he can often read data directly from memory or write data to arbitrary locations. The functionality within printf( ) is simply being abused by forcing processing of crafted format strings; no overflow occurs.

Mitigating Process Manipulation Risks

There are a number of techniques that you can use to mitigate underlying security issues, so that even if your applications or network services are theoretically vulnerable to attack, they can’t be practically exploited.

Here are the five main approaches:

  • Nonexecutable stack and heap implementation

  • Use of canary values in memory

  • Running unusual server architecture

  • Compiling applications from source

  • Active system call monitoring

As with any bolt-on security mechanism, there are inherent positive and negative aspects. Here I discuss these approaches and their shortfalls in some environments.

Nonexecutable Stack and Heap Implementation

An increasing number of operating systems support nonexecutable stack and heap protection (including Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003 Server, OpenBSD, Solaris, and a number of Linux distributions). This approach prevents the instruction pointer from being overwritten to point at code on the stack or heap (where most exploits place their shellcode in user-supplied buffers).

To defeat this kind of protection, return-into-libc or a similar attack executes inbuilt system library calls that can be used to compromise the system. These attacks require accurate details of loaded libraries and their locations, which can only practically be gained through having a degree of local system access in the first place.

From a network service protection perspective, implementing nonexecutable stack and heap elements can certainly prevent remote exploitation of most memory manipulation bugs.

Use of Canary Values in Memory

Windows 2003 Server, OpenBSD, and a number of other operating systems place canary values on the stack (and sometimes heap) to protect values that are critical to logical program flow (such as the saved frame and instruction pointers on the stack).

A canary value is a hashed word that is known by the system and checked during execution (e.g., before a function returns). If the canary value is modified, the process is killed, preventing practical exploitation.

Running Unusual Server Architecture

Security through obscurity can certainly buy you a lot of time and raise the bar to weed out all the script kiddies and opportunistic attackers who are attempting to compromise your servers.

One such method is to use a nonstandard operating system and underlying server architecture, such as NetBSD on a Sun SPARC system. A benefit of using a big-endian architecture such as SPARC is that stack and heap off-by-one bugs aren’t practically exploitable, and Intel x86 shellcode in prepackaged exploits (such as those found on Packet Storm, SecurityFocus, and other sites) won’t be effective.

Compiling Applications from Source

As overflows become more complex to exploit and identify, they rely on more variables to remain constant on the target system in order to be exploited successfully. If you install precompiled server applications (such as OpenSSH, WU-FTP, Apache, etc.) from RPM or other packaged means, the GOT and PLT entries will be standard and known to attackers.

However, if you compile your applications (server software in particular) from source yourself, the GOT and PLT entries will be nonstandard, reducing the effectiveness of a number of exploits that expect function addresses to be standard in order to work.

Active System Call Monitoring

A small number of host-based IDS systems now perform active system call monitoring to establish known logical execution paths for programs. If the program attempts to access a sensitive system call that it usually doesn’t, the proactive monitoring system kills the process. An example of this would be if an attacker attempts to remotely spawn a command shell, and calls to socket( ) are made when the policy defines that the process isn’t allowed to make that system call.

eEye Digital Security (, Sana Security (, and Internet Security Systems ( produce active system call monitoring solutions, also known as Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), for Windows systems.

Systrace is an open source Unix-based alternative by Niels Provos. Systrace is part of NetBSD and OpenBSD, which provides active system call monitoring according to a predefined policy. It’s also available for Linux and Mac OS from these locations:

Prevention is the best form of protection from application-level threats such as overflows and logic flaws. The following books discuss how to assess software for weaknesses and cover secure programming techniques and approaches (primarily with C programming examples across Unix and Windows platforms):

  • The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities, by Mark Dowd et al. (Addison-Wesley)

  • Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery, by Michael Sutton et al. (Addison-Wesley)

  • Writing Secure Code, Second Edition, by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc (Microsoft Press)

  • Secure Coding: Principles and Practices, by Mark Graff and Kenneth van Wyk (O’Reilly)

  • Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way, by John Viega and Gary McGraw (Addison-Wesley)

  • Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++: Recipes for Cryptography, Authentication, Input Validation & More, by John Viega et al. (O’Reilly)

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