
A Range object represents the values between a start value and an end value. Range literals are written by placing two or three dots between the start and end value. If two dots are used, then the range is inclusive and the end value is part of the range. If three dots are used, then the range is exclusive and the end value is not part of the range:

1..10      # The integers 1 through 10, including 10
1.0...10.0 # The numbers between 1.0 and 10.0, excluding 10.0 itself

Test whether a value is included in a range with the include? method (but see below for a discussion of alternatives):

cold_war = 1945..1989
cold_war.include? birthdate.year

Implicit in the definition of a range is the notion of ordering. If a range is the values between two endpoints, there obviously must be some way to compare values to those endpoints. In Ruby, this is done with the comparison operator <=>, which compares its two operands and evaluates to –1, 0, or 1, depending on their relative order (or equality). Classes such as numbers and strings that have an ordering define the <=> operator. A value can only be used as a range endpoint if it responds to this operator. The endpoints of a range and the values “in” the range are typically all of the same class. Technically, however, any value that is compatible with the <=> operators of the range endpoints can be considered a member of the range.

The primary purpose for ranges is comparison: to be able to determine whether a value is in or out of the range. An important secondary purpose is iteration: if the class of the endpoints of a range defines a succ method (for successor), then there is a discrete set of range members, and they can be iterated with each, step, and Enumerable methods. Consider the range 'a'..'c', for example:

r = 'a'..'c'
r.each {|l| print "[#{l}]"}     # Prints "[a][b][c]"
r.step(2) { |l| print "[#{l}]"} # Prints "[a][c]"
r.to_a                          # => ['a','b','c']: Enumerable defines to_a

The reason this works is that the String class defines a succ method and 'a'.succ is 'b' and 'b'.succ is 'c'. Ranges that can be iterated like this are discrete ranges. Ranges whose endpoints do not define a succ method cannot be iterated, and so they can be called continuous. Note that ranges with integer endpoints are discrete, but floating-point numbers as endpoints are continuous.

Ranges with integer endpoints are the most commonly used in typical Ruby programs. Because they are discrete, integer ranges can be used to index strings and arrays. They are also a convenient way to represent an enumerable collection of ascending values.

Notice that the code assigns a range literal to a variable, and then invokes methods on the range through the variable. If you want to invoke a method directly on a range literal, you must parenthesize the literal, or the method invocation is actually on the endpoint of the range rather than on the Range object itself:

1..3.to_a    # Tries to call to_a on the number 3
(1..3).to_a  # => [1,2,3]

Testing Membership in a Range

The Range class defines methods for determining whether an arbitrary value is a member of (i.e., is included in) a range. Before going into detail on these methods, it is necessary to explain that range membership can be defined in two different ways that are related to the difference between continuous and discrete ranges. A value x is a member of the range begin..end by the first definition if:

begin <= x <= end

And x is a member of the range begin...end (with three dots) if:

begin <= x < end

All range endpoint values must implement the <=> operator, so this definition of membership works for any Range object and does not require the endpoints to implement the succ method. We’ll call this the continuous membership test.

The second definition of membership—discrete membership—does depend on succ. It treats a Range begin..end as a set that includes begin, begin.succ, begin.succ.succ, and so on. By this definition, range membership is set membership, and a value x is included in a range only if it is a value returned by one of the succ invocations. Note that testing for discrete membership is potentially a much more expensive operation than testing for continuous membership.

With that as background, we can describe the Range methods for testing membership. Ruby 1.8 supports two methods, include? and member?. They are synonyms, and both use the continuous membership test:

r = 0...100      # The range of integers 0 through 99
r.member? 50     # => true: 50 is a member of the range
r.include? 100   # => false: 100 is excluded from the range
r.include? 99.9  # => true: 99.9 is less than 100

The situation is different in Ruby 1.9. That version of the language introduces a new method, cover?, which works like include? and member? do in Ruby 1.8: it always uses the continuous membership test. include? and member? are still synonyms in Ruby 1.9. If the endpoints of the range are numbers, these methods use the continuous membership test, just as they did in Ruby 1.8. If the endpoints are not numeric, however, they instead use the discrete membership test. We can illustrate these changes with a discrete range of strings (you may want to use ri to understand how String.succ works):

triples = "AAA".."ZZZ"
triples.include? "ABC"        # true; fast in 1.8 and slow in 1.9
triples.include? "ABCD"       # true in 1.8, false in 1.9
triples.cover?   "ABCD"       # true and fast in 1.9
triples.to_a.include? "ABCD"  # false and slow in 1.8 and 1.9

In practice, most ranges have numeric endpoints, and the Range API changes between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 have little impact.

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