Domain-Specific Languages

The goal of metaprogramming in Ruby is often the creation of domain-specific languages, or DSLs. A DSL is just an extension of Ruby’s syntax (with methods that look like keywords) or API that allows you to solve a problem or represent data more naturally than you could otherwise. For our examples, we’ll take the problem domain to be the output of XML formatted data, and we’ll define two DSLs—one very simple and one more clever—to tackle this problem.[*]

Simple XML Output with method_missing

We begin with a simple class named XML for generating XML output. Here’s an example of how the XML can be used:

pagetitle = "Test Page for XML.generate"
XML.generate(STDOUT) do 
  html do
    head do
      title { pagetitle }
      comment "This is a test"
    body do
      h1(:style => "font-family:sans-serif") { pagetitle }
      ul :type=>"square" do
        li { }
        li { RUBY_VERSION }

This code doesn’t look like XML, and it only sort of looks like Ruby. Here’s the output it generates (with some line breaks added for legibility):

<title>Test Page for XML.generate</title>
<!-- This is a test -->
<h1 style='font-family:sans-serif'>Test Page for XML.generate</h1>
<ul type='square'>
<li>2007-08-19 16:19:58 -0700</li>

To implement this class and the XML generation syntax it supports, we rely on:

  • Ruby’s block structure

  • Ruby’s parentheses-optional method invocations

  • Ruby’s syntax for passing hash literals to methods without curly braces

  • The method_missing method

Example 8-11 shows the implementation for this simple DSL.

Example 8-11. A simple DSL for generating XML output

class XML
  # Create an instance of this class, specifying a stream or object to
  # hold the output. This can be any object that responds to <<(String).
  def initialize(out)
    @out = out  # Remember where to send our output

  # Output the specified object as CDATA, return nil.
  def content(text)
    @out << text.to_s

  # Output the specified object as a comment, return nil.
  def comment(text)
    @out << "<!-- #{text} -->"

  # Output a tag with the specified name and attributes.
  # If there is a block invoke it to output or return content.
  # Return nil.
  def tag(tagname, attributes={})
    # Output the tag name
    @out << "<#{tagname}"

    # Output the attributes
    attributes.each {|attr,value| @out << " #{attr}='#{value}'" }
    if block_given?
      # This block has content
      @out << '>'             # End the opening tag
      content = yield         # Invoke the block to output or return content
      if content              # If any content returned
        @out << content.to_s  # Output it as a string
      @out << "</#{tagname}>" # Close the tag
      # Otherwise, this is an empty tag, so just close it.
      @out << '/>'
    nil # Tags output themselves, so they don't return any content

  # The code below is what changes this from an ordinary class into a DSL.
  # First: any unknown method is treated as the name of a tag.
  alias method_missing tag

  # Second: run a block in a new instance of the class.
  def self.generate(out, &block)

Validated XML Output with Method Generation

The XML class of Example 8-11 is helpful for generating well-formed XML, but it does no error checking to ensure that the output is valid according to any particular XML grammar. In the next example, Example 8-12, we add some simple error checking (though not nearly enough to ensure complete validity—that would require a much longer example). This example is really two DSLs in one. The first is a DSL for defining an XML grammar: a set of tags and the allowed attributes for each tag. You use it like this:

class HTMLForm < XMLGrammar
  element :form, :action => REQ,
                 :method => "GET",
                 :enctype => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                 :name => OPT
  element :input, :type => "text", :name => OPT, :value => OPT,
                  :maxlength => OPT, :size => OPT, :src => OPT,
                  :checked => BOOL, :disabled => BOOL, :readonly => BOOL
  element :textarea, :rows => REQ, :cols => REQ, :name => OPT,
                     :disabled => BOOL, :readonly => BOOL
  element :button, :name => OPT, :value => OPT,
                   :type => "submit", :disabled => OPT

This first DSL is defined by the class method XMLGrammar.element. You use it by subclassing XMLGrammar to create a new class. The element method expects the name of a tag as its first argument and a hash of legal attributes as the second argument. The keys of the hash are attribute names. These names may map to default values for the attribute, to the constant REQ for required attributes, or to the constant OPT for optional attributes. Calling element generates a method with the specified name in the subclass you are defining.

The subclass of XMLGrammar you define is the second DSL, and you can use it to generate XML output that is valid according to the rules you specified. The XMLGrammar class does not have a method_missing method so it won’t allow you to use a tag that is not part of the grammar. And the tag method for outputting tags performs error checking on your attributes. Use the generated grammar subclass like the XML class of Example 8-11:

HTMLForm.generate(STDOUT) do
  comment "This is a simple HTML form"
  form :name => "registration",
       :action => "" do
    content "Name:"
    input :name => "name"
    content "Address:"
    textarea :name => "address", :rows=>6, :cols=>40 do
      "Please enter your mailing address here"
    button { "Submit" }

Example 8-12 shows the implementation of the XMLGrammar class.

Example 8-12. A DSL for validated XML output

class XMLGrammar
  # Create an instance of this class, specifying a stream or object to
  # hold the output. This can be any object that responds to <<(String).
  def initialize(out)
    @out = out  # Remember where to send our output

  # Invoke the block in an instance that outputs to the specified stream.
  def self.generate(out, &block)

  # Define an allowed element (or tag) in the grammar.
  # This class method is the grammar-specification DSL
  # and defines the methods that constitute the XML-output DSL.
  def self.element(tagname, attributes={})
    @allowed_attributes ||= {}
    @allowed_attributes[tagname] = attributes

    class_eval %Q{
      def #{tagname}(attributes={}, &block)

  # These are constants used when defining attribute values.
  OPT = :opt     # for optional attributes
  REQ = :req     # for required attributes
  BOOL = :bool   # for attributes whose value is their own name

  def self.allowed_attributes

  # Output the specified object as CDATA, return nil.
  def content(text)
    @out << text.to_s

  # Output the specified object as a comment, return nil.
  def comment(text)
    @out << "<!-- #{text} -->"

  # Output a tag with the specified name and attribute.
  # If there is a block, invoke it to output or return content.
  # Return nil.
  def tag(tagname, attributes={})
    # Output the tag name
    @out << "<#{tagname}"

    # Get the allowed attributes for this tag.
    allowed = self.class.allowed_attributes[tagname]

    # First, make sure that each of the attributes is allowed.
    # Assuming they are allowed, output all of the specified ones.
    attributes.each_pair do |key,value|
      raise "unknown attribute: #{key}" unless allowed.include?(key)
      @out << " #{key}='#{value}'"

    # Now look through the allowed attributes, checking for 
    # required attributes that were omitted and for attributes with
    # default values that we can output.
    allowed.each_pair do |key,value|
      # If this attribute was already output, do nothing.
      next if attributes.has_key? key
      if (value == REQ)
        raise "required attribute '#{key}' missing in <#{tagname}>"
      elsif value.is_a? String
        @out << " #{key}='#{value}'"

    if block_given?
      # This block has content
      @out << '>'             # End the opening tag
      content = yield         # Invoke the block to output or return content
      if content              # If any content returned
        @out << content.to_s  # Output it as a string
      @out << "</#{tagname}>" # Close the tag
      # Otherwise, this is an empty tag, so just close it.
      @out << '/>'
    nil # Tags output themselves, so they don't return any content.

[*] For a fully realized solution to this problem, see Jim Weirich’s Builder API at

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