Method Names

By convention, method names begin with a lowercase letter. (Method names can begin with a capital letter, but that makes them look like constants.) When a method name is longer than one word, the usual convention is to separate the words with underscores like_this rather than using mixed case likeThis.

Method names may (but are not required to) end with an equals sign, a question mark, or an exclamation point. An equals sign suffix signifies that the method is a setter that can be invoked using assignment syntax. Setter methods are described in Assigning to Attributes and Array Elements and additional examples are provided in Accessors and Attributes. The question mark and exclamation point suffixes have no special meaning to the Ruby interpreter, but they are allowed because they enable two extraordinarily useful naming conventions.

The first convention is that any method whose name ends with a question mark returns a value that answers the question posed by the method invocation. The empty? method of an array, for example, returns true if the array has no elements. Methods like these are called predicates. Predicates typically return one of the Boolean values true or false, but this is not required, as any value other than false or nil works like true when a Boolean value is required. (The Numeric method nonzero?, for example, returns nil if the number it is invoked on is zero, and just returns the number otherwise.)

The second convention is that any method whose name ends with an exclamation mark should be used with caution. The Array object, for example, has a sort method that makes a copy of the array, and then sorts that copy. It also has a sort! method that sorts the array in place. The exclamation mark indicates that you need to be more careful when using that version of the method.

Often, methods that end with an exclamation mark are mutators, which alter the internal state of an object. But this is not always the case; there are many mutators that do not end with an exclamation mark, and a number of nonmutators that do. Mutating methods (such as Array.fill) that do not have a nonmutating variant do not typically have an exclamation point.

Consider the global function exit: it makes the Ruby program stop running in a controlled way. There is also a variant named exit! that aborts the program immediately without running any END blocks or shutdown hooks registered with at_exit. exit! isn’t a mutator; it’s the “dangerous” variant of the exit method and is flagged with ! to remind a programmer using it to be careful.

Operator Methods

Many of Ruby’s operators, such as +, *, and even the array index operator [], are implemented with methods that you can define in your own classes. You define an operator by defining a method with the same “name” as the operator. (The only exceptions are the unary plus and minus operators, which use method names +@ and -@.) Ruby allows you to do this even though the method name is all punctuation. You might end up with a method definition like this:

def +(other)               # Define binary plus operator: x+y is x.+(y)

Table 4-2 in Chapter 4 specifies which of Ruby’s operators are defined as methods. These operators are the only punctuation-based method names that you can use: you can’t invent new operators or define methods whose names consist of other sequences of punctuation characters. There are additional examples of defining method-based operators in Defining Operators.

Methods that define a unary operator are passed no arguments. Methods that define binary operators are passed one argument and should operate on self and the argument. The array access operators [] and []= are special because they can be invoked with any number of arguments. For []=, the last argument is always the value being assigned.

Method Aliases

It is not uncommon for methods in Ruby to have more than one name. The language has a keyword alias that serves to define a new name for an existing method. Use it like this:

alias aka also_known_as   # alias new_name existing_name

After executing this statement, the identifier aka will refer to the same method thats also_known_as does.

Method aliasing is one of the things that makes Ruby an expressive and natural language. When there are multiple names for a method, you can choose the one that seems most natural in your code. The Range class, for example, defines a method for testing whether a value falls within the range. You can call this method with the name include? or with the name member?. If you are treating a range as a kind of set, the name member? may be the most natural choice.

A more practical reason for aliasing methods is to insert new functionality into a method. The following is a common idiom for augmenting existing methods:

def hello                       # A nice simple method
  puts "Hello World"            # Suppose we want to augment it...

alias original_hello hello      # Give the method a backup name

def hello                       # Now we define a new method with the old name
  puts "Your attention please"  # That does some stuff
  original_hello                # Then calls the original method
  puts "This has been a test"   # Then does some more stuff

In this code, we’re working on global methods. It is more common to use alias with the instance methods of a class. (We’ll learn about this in Chapter 7.) In this situation, alias must be used within the class whose method is to be renamed. Classes in Ruby can be “reopened” (again, this is discussed in Chapter 7)—which means that your code can take an existing class, ‘open’ it with a class statement, and then use alias as shown in the example to augment or alter the existing methods of that class. This is called “alias chaining” and is covered in detail in Alias Chaining.

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