Threads, Fibers, and Continuations

This section introduces threads, which are Ruby’s control structure for concurrent execution, and also two more esoteric control structures, called fibers and continuations.

Threads for Concurrency

A thread of execution is a sequence of Ruby statements that run (or appear to run) in parallel with the main sequence of statements that the interpreter is running. Threads are represented by Thread objects, but they can also be thought of as control structures for concurrency. Concurrent programming in Ruby is covered in detail in Threads and Concurrency. This section is just a simple overview that shows how to create threads.

Ruby’s use of blocks makes it very easy to create new threads. Simply call and associate a block with it. A new thread of execution will be created and will start running the code in the block. Meanwhile, the original thread will return from the call and will continue with the following statement. The newly created thread will exit when the block exits. The return value of the block becomes available through the value method of the Thread object. (If you call this method before the thread has completed, the caller will block until the thread returns a value.)

The following code shows how you might use threads to read the contents of multiple files in parallel:

# This method expects an array of filenames.
# It returns an array of strings holding the content of the named files.
# The method creates one thread for each named file.
def readfiles(filenames)
  # Create an array of threads from the array of filenames.
  # Each thread starts reading a file.
  threads = do |f| { }

  # Now create an array of file contents by calling the value
  # method of each thread. This method blocks, if necessary,
  # until the thread exits with a value. {|t| t.value }

See Threads and Concurrency for much more about threads and concurrency in Ruby.

Fibers for Coroutines

Ruby 1.9 introduces a control structure known as a fiber and represented by an object of class Fiber. The name “fiber” has been used elsewhere for a kind of lightweight thread, but Ruby’s fibers are better described as coroutines or, more accurately, semicoroutines. The most common use for coroutines is to implement generators: objects that can compute a partial result, yield the result back to the caller, and save the state of the computation so that the caller can resume that computation to obtain the next result. In Ruby, the Fiber class is used to enable the automatic conversion of internal iterators, such as the each method, into enumerators or external iterators.

Note that fibers are an advanced and relatively obscure control structure; the majority of Ruby programmers will never need to use the Fiber class directly. If you have never programed with coroutines or generators before, you may find them difficult to understand at first. If so, study the examples carefully and try out some examples of your own.

A fiber has a body of code like a thread does. Create a fiber with, and associate a block with it to specify the code that the fiber is to run. Unlike a thread, the body of a fiber does not start executing right away. To run a fiber, call the resume method of the Fiber object that represents it. The first time resume is called on a fiber, control is transferred to the beginning of the fiber body. That fiber then runs until it reaches the end of the body, or until it executes the class method Fiber.yield. The Fiber.yield method transfers control back to the caller and makes the call to resume return. It also saves the state of the fiber, so that the next call to resume makes the fiber pick up where it left off. Here is a simple example:

f = {              # Line  1: Create a new fiber
  puts "Fiber says Hello"    # Line  2:
  Fiber.yield                # Line  3: goto line 9 
  puts "Fiber says Goodbye"  # Line  4:
}                            # Line  5: goto line 11
                             # Line  6:
puts "Caller says Hello"     # Line  7:
f.resume                     # Line  8: goto line 2
puts "Caller says Goodbye"   # Line  9:
f.resume                     # Line 10: goto line 4
                             # Line 11:

The body of the fiber does not run when it is first created, so this code creates a fiber but does not produce any output until it reaches line 7. The resume and Fiber.yield calls then transfer control back and forth so that the messages from the fiber and the caller are interleaved. The code produces the following output:

Caller says Hello
Fiber says Hello
Caller says Goodbye
Fiber says Goodbye

It is worth noting here that the “yielding” performed by Fiber.yield is completely different than the yielding performed by the yield statement. Fiber.yield yields control from the current fiber back to the caller that invoked it. The yield statement, on the other hand, yields control from an iterator method to the block associated with the method.

Fiber arguments and return values

Fibers and their callers can exchange data through the arguments and return values of resume and yield. The arguments to the first call to resume are passed to the block associated with the fiber: they become the values of the block parameters. On subsequent calls, the arguments to resume become the return value of Fiber.yield. Conversely, any arguments to Fiber.yield become the return value of resume. And when the block exits, the value of the last expression evaluated also becomes the return value of resume. The following code demonstrates this:

f = do |message|
  puts "Caller said: #{message}"
  message2 = Fiber.yield("Hello")    # "Hello" returned by first resume
  puts "Caller said: #{message2}"
  "Fine"                             # "Fine" returned by second resume

response = f.resume("Hello")         # "Hello" passed to block 
puts "Fiber said: #{response}"
response2 = f.resume("How are you?") # "How are you?" returned by Fiber.yield
puts "Fiber said: #{response2}"

The caller passes two messages to the fiber, and the fiber returns two responses to the caller. It prints:

Caller said: Hello
Fiber said: Hello
Caller said: How are you?
Fiber said: Fine

In the caller’s code, the messages are always arguments to resume, and the responses are always the return value of that method. In the body of the fiber, all messages but the first are received as the return value of Fiber.yield, and all responses but the last are passed as arguments to Fiber.yield. The first message is received through block parameters, and the last response is the return value of the block itself.

Implementing generators with fibers

The fiber examples shown so far have not been terribly realistic. Here we demonstrate some more typical uses. First, we write a Fibonacci number generator—a Fiber object that returns successive members of the Fibonacci sequence on each call to resume:

# Return a Fiber to compute Fibonacci numbers
def fibonacci_generator(x0,y0)   # Base the sequence on x0,y0 do
    x,y = x0, y0                 # Initialize x and y
    loop do                      # This fiber runs forever
      Fiber.yield y              # Yield the next number in the sequence
      x,y = y,x+y                # Update x and y

g = fibonacci_generator(0,1)     # Create a generator 
10.times { print g.resume, " " } # And use it

The code above prints the first 10 Fibonacci numbers:

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55

Because Fiber is a confusing control structure, we might prefer to hide its API when writing generators. Here is another version of a Fibonacci number generator. It defines its own class and implements the same next and rewind API that enumerators do:

class FibonacciGenerator
  def initialize
    @x,@y = 0,1
    @fiber = do
      loop do 
        @x,@y = @y, @x+@y
        Fiber.yield @x

  def next           # Return the next Fibonacci number

  def rewind         # Restart the sequence
    @x,@y = 0,1

g =      # Create a generator
10.times { print, " " }  # Print first 10 numbers
g.rewind; puts                  # Start over, on a new line
10.times { print, " " }  # Print the first 10 again

Note that we can make this FibonacciGenerator class Enumerable by including the Enumerable module and adding the following each method (which we first used in External Iterators):

def each
   loop { yield }

Conversely, suppose we have an Enumerable object and want to make an enumerator-style generator out of it. We can use this class:

class Generator
  def initialize(enumerable)
    @enumerable = enumerable  # Remember the enumerable object
    create_fiber              # Create a fiber to enumerate it

  def next                    # Return the next element
    @fiber.resume             # by resuming the fiber

  def rewind                  # Start the enumeration over
    create_fiber              # by creating a new fiber

  def create_fiber            # Create the fiber that does the enumeration
    @fiber = do     # Create a new fiber
      @enumerable.each do |x| # Use the each method
        Fiber.yield(x)        # But pause during enumeration to return values
      raise StopIteration     # Raise this when we're out of values

g =  # Create a generator from an Enumerable like this
loop { print }     # And use it like an enumerator like this
g.rewind                  # Start over like this
g = (1..10).to_enum       # The to_enum method does the same thing
loop { print }

Although it is useful to study the implementation of this Generator class, the class itself doesn’t provide any functionality over that provided by the to_enum method.

Advanced fiber features

The fiber module in the standard library enables additional, more powerful features of the fibers. To use these features, you must:

require 'fiber'

However, you should avoid using these additional features wherever possible, because:

  • They are not supported by all implementations. JRuby, for example, cannot support them on current Java VMs.

  • They are so powerful that misusing them can crash the Ruby VM.

The core features of the Fiber class implement semicoroutines. These are not true coroutines because there is a fundamental asymmetry between the caller and the fiber: the caller uses resume and the fiber uses yield. If you require the fiber library, however, the Fiber class gets a transfer method that allows any fiber to transfer control to any other fiber. Here is an example in which two fibers use the transfer method to pass control (and values) back and forth:

require 'fiber'

f = g = nil

f = {|x|        # 1: 
  puts "f1: #{x}"         # 2: print "f1: 1"
  x = g.transfer(x+1)     # 3: pass 2 to line 8
  puts "f2: #{x}"         # 4: print "f2: 3"
  x = g.transfer(x+1)     # 5: return 4 to line 10
  puts "f3: #{x}"         # 6: print "f3: 5"
  x + 1                   # 7: return 6 to line 13
g = {|x|        # 8:
  puts "g1: #{x}"         # 9: print "g1: 2"
  x = f.transfer(x+1)     #10: return 3 to line 3
  puts "g2: #{x}"         #11: print "g2: 4"
  x = f.transfer(x+1)     #12: return 5 to line 5
puts f.transfer(1)        #13: pass 1 to line 1

This code produces the following output:

f1: 1
g1: 2
f2: 3
g2: 4
f3: 5

You will probably never need to use this transfer method, but its existence helps explain the name “fiber.” Fibers can be thought of as independent paths of execution within a single thread of execution. Unlike threads, however, there is no scheduler to transfer control among fibers; fibers must explicitly schedule themselves with transfer.

In addition to the transfer method, the fiber library also defines an instance method alive?, to determine if the body of a fiber is still running, and a class method current, to return the Fiber object that currently has control.


A continuation is another complex and obscure control structure that most programmers will never need to use. A continuation takes the form of the Kernel method callcc and the Continuation object. Continuations are part of the core platform in Ruby 1.8, but they have been replaced by fibers and moved to the standard library in Ruby 1.9. To use them in Ruby 1.9, you must explicitly require them with:

require 'continuation'

Implementation difficulties prevent other implementations of Ruby (such as JRuby, the Java-based implementation) from supporting continuations. Because they are no longer well supported, continuations should be considered a curiosity, and new Ruby code should not use them. If you have Ruby 1.8 code that relies on continuations, you may be able to convert it to use fibers in Ruby 1.9.

The Kernel method callcc executes its block, passing a newly created Continuation object as the only argument. The Continuation object has a call method, which makes the callcc invocation return to its caller. The value passed to call becomes the return value of the callcc invocation. In this sense, callcc is like catch, and the call method of the Continuation object is like throw.

Continuations are different, however, because the Continuation object can be saved into a variable outside of the callcc block. The call method of this object may be called repeatedly, and causes control to jump to the first statement following the callcc invocation.

The following code demonstrates how continuations can be used to define a method that works like the goto statement in the BASIC programming language:

# Global hash for mapping line numbers (or symbols) to continuations
$lines = {}  

# Create a continuation and map it to the specified line number
def line(symbol)
  callcc  {|c| $lines[symbol] = c }

# Look up the continuation associated with the number, and jump there
def goto(symbol)

# Now we can pretend we're programming in BASIC
i = 0
line 10              # Declare this spot to be line 10
puts i += 1
goto 10 if i < 5     # Jump back to line 10 if the condition is met

line 20              # Declare this spot to be line 20
puts i -= 1
goto 20 if i > 0
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