Variables and Constants

Kernel, Object, and Moduledefine reflective methods for listing the names (as strings) of all defined global variables, currently defined local variables, all instance variables of an object, all class variables of a class or module, and all constants of a class or module:

global_variables   # => ["$DEBUG", "$SAFE", ...]
x = 1              # Define a local variable
local_variables    # => ["x"]

# Define a simple class
class Point
  def initialize(x,y); @x,@y = x,y; end # Define instance variables
  @@classvar = 1                        # Define a class variable
  ORIGIN =,0)               # Define a constant

Point::ORIGIN.instance_variables # => ["@y", "@x"]
Point.class_variables            # => ["@@classvar"]
Point.constants                  # => ["ORIGIN"]

The global_variables, local_variables, instance_variables, class_variables, and constants methods return arrays of strings in Ruby 1.8 and arrays of symbols in Ruby 1.9.

Querying, Setting, and Testing Variables

In addition to listing defined variables and constants, Ruby Object and Module also define reflective methods for querying, setting, and removing instance variables, class variables, and constants. There are no special purpose methods for querying or setting local variables or global variables, but you can use the eval method for this purpose:

x = 1
varname = "x"
eval(varname)           # => 1
eval("varname = '$g'")  # Set varname to "$g"
eval("#{varname} = x")  # Set $g to 1
eval(varname)           # => 1

Note that eval evaluates its code in a temporary scope. eval can alter the value of local variables that already exist. But any new local variables defined by the evaluated code are local to the invocation of eval and cease to exist when it returns. (It is as if the evaluated code is run in the body of a block—variables local to a block do not exist outside the block.)

You can query, set, and test the existence of instance variables on any object and of class variables and constants on any class or module:

o =
o.instance_variable_set(:@x, 0)   # Note required @ prefix
o.instance_variable_get(:@x)      # => 0
o.instance_variable_defined?(:@x) # => true

Object.class_variable_set(:@@x, 1)   # Private in Ruby 1.8
Object.class_variable_get(:@@x)      # Private in Ruby 1.8
Object.class_variable_defined?(:@@x) # => true; Ruby 1.9 and later

Math.const_set(:EPI, Math::E*Math::PI)
Math.const_get(:EPI)             # => 8.53973422267357
Math.const_defined? :EPI         # => true 

In Ruby 1.9, you can pass false as the second argument to const_get and const_defined? to specify that these methods should only look at the current class or module and should not consider inherited constants.

The methods for querying and setting class variables are private in Ruby 1.8. In that version, you can invoke them with class_eval:

String.class_eval { class_variable_set(:@@x, 1) }  # Set @@x in String
String.class_eval { class_variable_get(:@@x) }     # => 1

Object and Module define private methods for undefining instance variables, class variables, and constants. They all return the value of the removed variable or constant. Because these methods are private, you can’t invoke them directly on an object, class, or module, and you must use an eval method or the send method (described later in this chapter):

o.instance_eval { remove_instance_variable :@x }
String.class_eval { remove_class_variable(:@@x) }
Math.send :remove_const, :EPI  # Use send to invoke private method

The const_missing method of a module is invoked, if there is one, when a reference is made to an undefined constant. You can define this method to return the value of the named constant. (This feature can be used, for example, to implement an autoload facility in which classes or modules are loaded on demand.) Here is a simpler example:

def Symbol.const_missing(name)
  name # Return the constant name as a symbol
Symbol::Test   # => :Test: undefined constant evaluates to a Symbol
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