Calling the OS

Ruby supports a number of global functions for interacting with the operating system to execute programs, fork new processes, handle signals, and so on. Ruby was initially developed for Unix-like operating systems, and many of these OS-related functions reflect that heritage. By their very nature, these functions are less portable than most others, and some may not be implemented at all on Windows and other non-Unix platforms. The subsections that follow describe some of the most commonly used of the OS-dependent functions. Functions, such a syscall, that are particularly low-level or platform-dependent are not covered here.

Invoking OS Commands

The Kernel.` method expects a single string argument representing an OS shell command. It starts a subshell and passes the specified text to it. The return value is the text printed to standard output. This method is typically invoked using special syntax; it is invoked on string literals surrounded by backquotes or on string literals delimited with %x (see Backtick command execution). For example:

os = `uname`             # String literal and method invocation in one
os = %x{uname}           # Another quoting syntax
os = Kernel.`("uname")   # Invoke the method explicitly

This method does not simply invoke the specified executable; it invokes a shell, which means that shell features such as filename wildcard expansion are available:

files = `echo *.xml`

Another way to start a process and read its output is with the function. This method is a variant on and is most often used to open files. (And if you require 'open-uri' from the standard library, it can also be used to open HTTP and FTP URLs.) But if the first character of the specified “filename” is the pipe character |, then it instead opens a pipe to read from and/or write to the specified shell command:

pipe = open("|echo *.xml")
files = pipe.readline

If you want to invoke a command in a shell, but are not interested in its output, use the Kernel.system method instead. When passed a single string, it executes that string in a shell, waits for the command to complete, and returns true on success or false on failure. If you pass multiple arguments to system, the first argument is the name of the program to invoke, and remaining arguments are its command-line arguments. In this case no shell expansion is performed on those arguments.

A lower-level way to invoke an arbitrary executable is with the exec function. This function never returns: it simply replaces the currently running Ruby process with the specified executable. This might be useful if you are writing a Ruby script that is simply a wrapper to launch some other program. Usually, however, it is used in conjunction with the fork function, which is described in the next section.

Forking and Processes

Threads and Concurrency described Ruby’s API for writing multithreaded programs. Another approach to achieving concurrency in Ruby is to use multiple Ruby processes. Do this with the fork function or its Process.fork synonym. The easiest way to use this function is with a block:

fork {
  puts "Hello from the child process: #$$"
puts "Hello from the parent process: #$$"

When used this way, the original Ruby process continues with the code that appears after the block and the new Ruby process executes the code in the block.

When invoked without a block, fork behaves differently. In the parent process, the call to fork returns an integer which is the process ID of the newly created child process. In the child process, the same call to fork returns nil. So the previous code could also be written like this:

pid = fork
if (pid)
  puts "Hello from parent process: #$$"
  puts "Created child process #{pid}"   
  puts Hello from child process: #$$"

One very important difference between processes and threads is that processes do not share memory. When you call fork, the new Ruby process starts off as an exact duplicate of the parent process. But any changes it makes to the process state (by altering or creating objects) are done in its own address space. The child process cannot alter the data structures of the parent, nor can the parent alter the structures seen by the child.

If you need your parent and child processes to be able to communicate, use open, and pass “|-” as the first argument. This opens a pipe to a newly forked Ruby process. The open call yields to the associated block in both the parent and the child. In the child, the block receives nil. In the parent, however, an IO object is passed to the block. Reading from this IO object returns data written by the child. And data written to the IO object becomes available for reading through the child’s standard input. For example:

open("|-", "r+") do |child|
  if child
    # This is the parent process
    child.puts("Hello child")       # Send to child
    response = child.gets           # Read from child
    puts "Child said: #{response}"
    # This is the child process
    from_parent = gets              # Read from parent
    STDERR.puts "Parent said: #{from_parent}"
    puts("Hi Mom!")                 # Send to parent

The Kernel.exec function is useful in conjunction with the fork function or the open method. We saw earlier that you can use the ` and system functions to send an arbitrary command to the operating system shell. Both of those methods are synchronous, however; they don’t return until the command completes. If you want to execute an operating system command as a separate process, first use fork to create a child process, and then call exec in the child to run the command. A call to exec never returns; it replaces the current process with a new process. The arguments to exec are the same as those to system. If there is only one, it is treated as a shell command. If there are multiple arguments, then the first identifies the executable to invoke, and any remaining arguments become the “ARGV” for that executable:

open("|-", "r") do |child|
  if child
    # This is the parent process
    files = child.readlines   # Read the output of our child
    # This is the child process
    exec("/bin/ls", "-l")     # Run another executable

Working with processes is a low-level programming task and the details are beyond the scope of this book. If you want to know more, start by using ri to read about the other methods of the Process module.

Trapping Signals

Most operating systems allow asynchronous signals to be sent to a running process. This is what happens, for example, when the user types Ctrl-C to abort a program. Most shell programs send a signal named “SIGINT” (for interrupt) in response to Ctrl-C. And the default response to this signal is usually to abort the program. Ruby allows programs to “trap” signals and define their own signal handlers. This is done with the Kernel.trap method (or its synonym Signal.trap). For example, if you don’t want to allow the user to use Ctrl-C to abort:

trap "SIGINT" {
  puts "Ignoring SIGINT"

Instead of passing a block to the trap method, you can equivalently pass a Proc object. If you simply want to silently ignore a signal, you can also pass the string “IGNORE” as the second argument. Pass “DEFAULT” as the second argument to restore the OS default behavior for a signal.

In long-running programs such as servers, it can be useful to define signal handlers to make the server reread its configuration file, dump its usage statistics to the log, or enter debugging mode, for example. On Unix-like operating systems, SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are commonly used for such purposes.

Terminating Programs

There are a number of related Kernel methods for terminating program or performing related actions. The exit function is the most straightforward. It raises a SystemExit exception, which, if uncaught, causes the program to exit. Before the exit occurs, however, END blocks and any shutdown handlers registered with Kernel.at_exit are run. To exit immediately, use exit! instead. Both methods accept an integer argument that specifies the process exit code that is reported to the operating system. Process.exit and Process.exit! are synonyms for these two Kernel functions.

The abort function prints the specified error message to the standard output stream and then calls exit(1).

fail is simply a synonym for raise, and it is intended for cases in which the exception raised is expected to terminate the program. Like abort, fail causes a message to be displayed when the program exits. For example:

fail "Unknown option #{switch}"

The warn function is related to abort and fail: it prints a warning message to standard error (unless warnings have been explicitly disabled with -W0). Note, however, that this function does not raise an exception or cause the program to exit.

sleep is another related function that does not cause the program to exit. Instead, it simply causes the program (or at least the current thread of the program) to pause for the specified number of seconds.

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