Sample IPL flow for sysplex under z/VM
If you are not familiar with the use of z/VM or with running z/OS as a guest under z/VM, the information in this appendix might prove helpful.
This appendix includes the following topic:
Alternative configuration for a base sysplex
If you are not familiar with z/VM or with running z/OS under z/VM, the commands shown in Example D-1 were issued to start both systems under z/VM. This example is based on the use of two Linux workspaces (named Linux 1 and Linux 2 in this example) that is described in 4.7.1, “Managing your x3270 sessions” on page 86. The parentheses at the beginning of each of the lines indicate which window is used for the command.
Example D-1 Commands issued to start both systems under z/VN
(Linux 1) $ awsstart devmap1 (start zPDT)
(Linux 1) $ x3270 -port 3270 localhost & (starts 3270 as 700)
(Linux 1) $ x3270 -port 3270 localhost & (starts 3270 as 701)
(Linux 1) $ x3270 -port 3270 localhost & (starts 3270 as 702)
(Linux 2) $ x3270 -port 3270 localhost & (starts 3270 as 703)
(Linux 2) $ x3270 -port 3270 localhost & (starts 3270 as 704)
(Position the windows as shown in Figure 4-5 on page 86)
(Check for zPDT “License Obtained” messages)
(Linux 1) $ ipl 0200 parm 0700 (IPL z/VM)
(See “z/VM startup comments” below about the z/VM stand-alone loader.)
(Once z/VM starts you may need to clear the screen several
times until normal z/VM startup is complete.)
(700) DISC (disconnect VM operator)
(702) logon as user CFCONSOL (password CFCONSOL)
(702) XAUTOLOG CFCC1 (start first CF)
(702) XAUTOLOG CFCC2 (start second CF)
(702) (Clear screen, as needed)
(700) logon to z/VM as user S0W1 (password S0W1)
(700) TERM CONMODE 3270
(700) ipl 0a80 loadparm 0a82ps (IPL S0W1 system)
(Wait for z/OS messages. IPLing z/OS under z/VM is
slower than when running natively under zPDT. BE PATIENT!
(700) (Respond, as usual, to z/OS messages)
(Wait until z/OS startup processing is complete)
(701) Command==> DIAL S0W1 (connect for TSO session)
(701) (The VTAM logon screen should appear)
(701)) logon ibmuser logon to TSO)
(703) logon to z/VM as user S0W2 (password S0W2)
(703) TERM CONMODE 3270
(703) ipl 0a80 loadparm 0a82ps (IPL S0W2 system)
(Wait for z/OS messages. Be patient.)
(703) (Respond, as usual, to z/OS messages)
(Wait until z/OS startup is complete)
(704) Command==> DIAL S0W2 (connect for TSO session)
(704) (The VTAM logon screen should appear)
(704) logon adcdmst (logon to TSO)
z/VM startup comments
Depending on your z/VM configuration, you might see the Stand Alone Program Loader when you load z/VM, as shown in Figure D-1.
Figure D-1 Stand Alone Program Loader panel
If the pdvol address (for the VMCOM1 volume) and the cons address (for the operator 3270 session) are correct, press PF10. You can type over the IPL parameters, if necessary.
Do not cold start z/VM unless you have a specific reason for doing so. If the z/VM logo does not appear on your 3270 sessions, enter an ENABLE ALL command in the z/VM OPERATOR session.
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