This chapter introduces the concepts of both a base sysplex and a Parallel Sysplex for readers who might not be familiar with these environments. In particular, it describes the IBM System z Personal Development Tool (zPDT) and Application Developers Controlled Distribution (ADCD) support for a base sysplex and a Parallel Sysplex.
This chapter also includes a section that describes the remaining chapters of this book.
This chapter includes the following topics:
1.1 What is sysplex?
Consider that you are in the supermarket, in the queue waiting to pay for your groceries. Then, the single cash register breaks down. You now have two choices: Wait until they repair the cash register, or return your items to the shelves and go to another supermarket.
In this example, you were a victim of a “single point of failure.” If there were two cashiers and two cash registers, it is still possible to pay for your groceries if one cash register breaks down. The queue might move slower, but it does move.
Now, take the analogy one step further. Consider that in our first scenario, each cash register had its own queue of people waiting to check out. When the cash register broke down, you move and join the end of the other queue. You do not have to return all of your groceries, but all of the people that joined the other queue after you are now ahead of you and are served before you.
But what if there was a single queue and the person at the top of the queue always goes to whichever cashier was available? All customers are served in the sequence in which they joined the queue. If the business does well and the number of customers in the queue starts to grow, the store can easily add another checkout as needed. At quiet times, the store can reassign one of the checkout assistants to another role. Despite the changes or failures, the customers do not get disrupted and they continue to get the best possible service.
This example shows the basic concepts of sysplex and why successful businesses use it: To avoid single points of failure, deliver high availability, and have the scalability to dynamically grow and shrink in line with their business needs.
1.2 Base sysplex versus Parallel Sysplex
You might be familiar with the terms base sysplex and Parallel Sysplex and wonder about the difference between the two.
Figure 1-1 shows the basic components of a base sysplex.
Figure 1-1 Components of a base sysplex
A base sysplex is a group of up to 32 z/OS systems that have a common time source and share a set of control data sets, called couple data sets (CDSs). z/OS provides a software component, called cross-system coupling facility (XCF), that makes it easier for peer programs in the sysplex to communicate with each other. XCF also provides management and monitoring capabilities.
A Parallel Sysplex is a base sysplex that also contains one or more coupling facilities (CFs). CFs are special purpose logical partitions (LPARs) that provide for high-speed communication between z/OS LPARs. They also provide functions to support data sharing with full data integrity and minimal overhead, and the ability to have a single queue of work requests that can be shared and processed by multiple systems in the sysplex. Figure 1-2 shows the components of a Parallel Sysplex.
Figure 1-2 Components of a Parallel Sysplex
Although a Parallel Sysplex contains only one extra component (the coupling facility), when compared to a base sysplex, that one extra component enables many capabilities that are not possible in a base sysplex. Because of this feature, more functions and components are available in the z/OS systems, as shown in Figure 1-2.
A base sysplex provides the framework with which you share infrastructure and resources, such as a disk farm, performance policy (Workload Manager), and network access. This configuration is often referred to as resource sharing. A base sysplex often is considered a stepping stone on the way to a Parallel Sysplex.
A Parallel Sysplex builds on top of a base sysplex and provides the services that enable data sharing, dynamic workload routing, and queue sharing. A sysplex that uses all of these capabilities is often referred to as a PlatinumPlex. A PlatinumPlex moves you to another level of scalability and availability.
In a Parallel Sysplex environment, it is generally possible to transparently add and remove resources, take systems in and out of the sysplex, automatically route work to whichever system is best able to deliver the required service levels, and even mask planned and unplanned outages from users.
For more information about the capabilities and requirements of a PlatinumPlex, see Merging Systems into a Sysplex, SG24-6818.
1.3 Why did we create this document?
Today’s business environment is brutally competitive. A large part of that competitiveness is a result of so much business being conducted online.
Thirty years ago, if you wanted to buy something, you drove to the local shopping center, found the item that you wanted to purchase, and brought it to the checkout. There was no easy way to determine how much you might pay for the item elsewhere. Even if price comparison was possible, you were unlikely to travel far just to buy one item. Therefore, you selected your item and waited in the checkout queue. If the cash register stopped working for 10 seconds, you were unlikely to jump back into your car and drive to another store to make the purchase.
Today, you go online to research the item that you are interested in, select the vendor that provides an acceptable level of service and price, click your item, and select “go to checkout.” If you do not get a response within a few seconds, you abandon that purchase and go to the next website.
Enterprises that cannot provide continuously available service and short response times get into the death spiral of declining revenues, cost cutting (which makes the online service even worse), and further declines in income, which are followed by more cost cutting until the business is eventually taken over or closes down.
In this environment, the strengths of a Parallel Sysplex (high availability and scalability) are more relevant than ever.
For software developers, a product that uses the capabilities of a Parallel Sysplex can be much more attractive to prospective clients than one that does not. Rather than simply existing in the sysplex, a product that uses sysplex capabilities to contribute to the clients continuous availability requirements has real competitive advantages. However, developing such a product requires knowledge of the Sysplex Services Reference manual and a capability to test the new sysplex-supporting functions.
Many independent software vendors use zPDT and ADCD to develop and test their applications, but might not have the skills or experience to create a Parallel Sysplex environment of their own. These companies requested extensions to the previously available ADCD sysplex download that provide working examples of sysplex-specific functions, such as the IBM CICS Named Counters Server.
For application developers, the good news is that often there is nothing extra that you must do to get your application to work in a Parallel Sysplex. However, there are some things that an application should not do to work well in a Parallel Sysplex environment. To ensure that the application does not perform these actions, it must be tested in a multi-system Parallel Sysplex environment.
This package enables mainframe customers and software developers to quickly and easily create a robust Parallel Sysplex that contains many examples of sysplex exploiters. Rather than many customers and vendors having to go through this process over and over, the base package provided can deliver a significant time savings and encourage more customers and vendors to extend their support and use of a Parallel Sysplex.
1.4 Who is this deliverable aimed at?
There are several target audiences that can find value in this deliverable.
The first target is the software developer whose product runs in a Parallel Sysplex. People in this environment must test their functions to ensure that they work as expected. The coupling facility control code (that is, the “operating system” of the CF) that is provided with zPDT is the same code that runs on a real IBM Z mainframe. There are a few functions that can be performed on a real mainframe that are not possible with zPDT. However, generally speaking, zPDT can be used for developing and testing (including recovery testing) sysplex-exploiting products.
The next audience is application developers who use zPDT to develop programs for a production Parallel Sysplex environment. Before moving your application to the production environment, you want to test it to ensure that the program behaves as expected. For example, it should not have any affinities to specific regions or subsystems, or to other transactions.
One of the objectives of a Parallel Sysplex is to improve resiliency. Therefore, if you have affinities to some resource in your code and that resource is not available, your application cannot be available. zPDT can be used to test your application to identify such affinities. zPDT does not provide the same level of activity and interaction between components that a test environment running on a real IBM Z mainframe does, so pre-production stress or acceptance testing should be carried out on a real mainframe.
Another audience is anyone who is interested in investigating the function and value of various Parallel Sysplex components. A good example is IBM MQ Shared Queues. By using IBM MQ Shared Queues, you can place selected IBM MQ queues in a CF structure, meaning that they can now be accessed by all of the members of the queue sharing group. If one queue manager is down, the messages can still be placed on (and retrieved from) the queue by any of the other queue managers in the queue sharing group. This feature provides a significant availability improvement. However, it should be tested in an isolated test environment (zPDT) before implementing it in your real test or production systems.
The challenge of navigating changes through ever-stricter change management processes is becoming a real bottleneck in some environments. Given the real security concerns and risks, the need for stringent change control is understandable. However, it does slow the evaluation of new functions and new products. In some cases, the process might be so onerous that implementation of many new functions might simply never happen.
Because zPDT is isolated from your real mainframe data (test and production), it should be easy to make a case to exclude your zPDT from change management. Also, because ADCD and zD&T come with many products and functions that are already installed and enabled, it might be possible to evaluate new functions in much less time and with less effort than implementing that function in a real mainframe z/OS system.
1.5 Differences between 2017 Sysplex Extensions and previous versions
The following list summarizes the differences between the previous zPDT sysplex support and support that is provided by the zPDT 2017 Sysplex Extensions:
The November 2016 and May 2017 ADCD releases contained a number of modifications to make them more “sysplex-friendly.” Wherever appropriate, this release of the Sysplex Extensions package uses these changes to reduce the installation effort.
To reduce the number of volumes that you need to add and allocate using Linux commands, the package includes more DSS Dump-format z/OS volumes. It is also based on the ADCD z/VM 6.4 release, which uses fewer volumes than the previous ADCD z/VM releases.
To reduce the time and complexity of modifying the SMS data and storage classes and storage groups manually, this release uses the NaviQuest function in DFSMS to perform those changes using batch jobs.
This release of 2017 Sysplex Extensions includes VSAM RLS, together with a sample CICS workload that uses RLS to share VSAM files across the CICS regions in the sysplex.
This release provides one CICS user volume and one IBM DB2 user volume. These volumes are 3390 model 9s, and so provide more space than the previous two CICS and two DB2 volumes. Additionally, having just one CICS and one DB2 volume simplifies the installation effort.
In line with the recommendations in z/OS Distributed File Service zSeries File System Implementation z/OS V1R13, SG24-6580, this release uses temporary file systems for the /dev and /tmp file systems.
This release uses the z/OS Auto Reply function to automatically reply to messages that might delay the IPL process.
This release tunes the SHUTS0Wn scripts to reduce the elapsed time to perform an orderly system shutdown.
The SMFPRM member is set up to support both LOGSTREAM mode and DATASET mode. When running in Parallel Sysplex mode, SMF uses log streams by default. It also contains commented-out definitions for the SMF in-memory buffers used by the SMF Streaming support.
The management of Parmlib members changed significantly. Rather than adhering to the naming convention that was established by ADCD, this package focused on making the sysplex easier to manage by using system symbols to minimize the number of members and the amount of duplication.
This package has less differentiation between the base sysplex and Parallel Sysplex setup. The use of the same set of CDSs for base and Parallel Sysplexes provides more flexibility to switch back and forth between base and Parallel Sysplex modes. It also reduces the amount of duplication and simplifies the installation. However, you do see some informational messages that result from the coupling facilities not being available if you are running in base sysplex mode, for example.
Rather than creating and populating the CDSs during the installation, this package provides the CDSs with policies preinstalled.
The previous version used the z/OS default WLM policy. This version uses the ADCD-supplied WLM policy.
Dynamically allocated SVC dump data sets now contain the system name as part of the data set name.
This version provides the automatic restart manager (ARM) CDSs and an ARM policy. It also provides sysplex failure management (SFM) CDSs and policies that adhere to IBM best practices.
This version provides a pre-configured IBM DB2 data sharing environment and batch jobs to use that environment.
This version provides a pre-configured CICSplex environment, complete with terminal-owning regions (TORs), application-owning regions (AOR), IBM CICSPlex® SM address spaces (CMASs), a CICS web user interface (WUI), and the CICS servers for CF Data Tables, Temporary Storage, and Named Counter Server.
The XCF signaling infrastructure was reworked to adhere to IBM preferred practices.
A WLM Scheduling Environment is defined, which can be used to control the systems in a data sharing environment that can run DB2 batch jobs.
Advice is provided about ways to structure your system data sets and volumes to simplify the migration from one ADCD release to another.
Information is provided about system logger, in general, and system logger users in an ADCD sysplex environment, in particular.
1.6 Contents of this document
This publication includes the following remaining chapters:
Chapter 2, “System migration considerations” on page 9 provides hints and tips to help you manage ADCD systems in a way that reduces the migration effort to move to a new ADCD release in the future.
Chapter 3, “Sysplex configurations” on page 17 provides general information about the sysplex that is provided by this package and includes configuration planning information.
Chapter 4, “Installing the 2017 Sysplex Extensions” on page 35 provides detailed step-by-step instructions to help you install this package on a z/OS 2.2 base and manage the resulting sysplex environment.
Chapter 5, “Sample DB2 data sharing environment” on page 97 provides step-by-step information to help you get the provided DB2 data sharing environment up and running.
Chapter 6, “Sample CICSplex” on page 105 provides information to help you implement and use the provided CICSplex environment.
Also, several appendixes provide supporting information, sample JCL, and so on.
Important: The focus of the Sysplex Extensions is currently the base z/OS products, CICS, and DB2. We currently do not do anything with IBM IMS™, IBM MQ, IBM WebSphere® Application Server, or any other products. In particular, we do not address the zFS data sets for any of those other products.
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