Sample CICSplex
This chapter describes the CICSplex that is provided by the 2017 Sysplex Extensions and the steps that are required to get it up and running.
This chapter includes the following topics:
6.1 CICSplex overview
The standard ADCD system includes a CICS environment. However, it does not include sysplex-specific CICS functions. To address this requirement, the 2017 Sysplex Extensions provides a working example of a CICSplex in a full Parallel Sysplex environment. This example is complete with a working CICSplex System Manager and the CICS Named Counter, Temporary Storage, and Data Tables servers. It also includes support for VSAM Record Level Sharing and a sample application that uses VSAM RLS in addition to the Named Counter and Data Tables servers.
Note: The Sysplex Extensions package does not use the standard ADCD-supplied CICS regions. The Sysplex Extensions-provided CICS environment is self-contained except for the CICS product data sets. It provides its own CICS regions, log streams, VSAM set sets, definitions, and so on. If you want to use the ADCD-provided CICS regions, follow the guidance provided in the ADCD documentation.
6.2 Setting up the 2017 Sysplex Extensions CICSplex environment
Implementing the 2017 Sysplex Extensions-provided CICSplex consists of several steps. However, all of these steps were completed as part of the process of implementing the z/OS Parallel Sysplex environment. If you want to get your CICSplex up and running as quickly as possible, skip to 6.3, “Controlling your CICSplex environment” on page 109.
Continue with this section only if you want to understand all of the steps that were necessary to add the CICSplex to the Parallel Sysplex.
6.2.1 SMS changes
Note: All of the activities in this section were completed as part of the standard Sysplex Extensions installation as described in Chapter 4, “Installing the 2017 Sysplex Extensions” on page 35. This description is provided for your information only.
To minimize the time and manual effort to install the CICSplex, the CICS environment is packaged to be as self-contained as possible. The 2017 Sysplex Extensions includes a storage management subsystem (SMS) storage group that contains the user catalog that is used for all of the Sysplex Extensions-provided CICS regions. Specifically, it includes the runtime data sets, the CICS parameter library, CICS sample VSAM files, and the CICS log streams.
Because the CICS volume is SMS-managed, all data sets that are on that volume must have a storage class assigned to them. This prerequisite requires setting up an SMS storage class, a storage group (for the CICS SMS volume), and updates to the SMS ACS routines to assign the correct storage class and storage group to the new CICS-related data sets.
Specifically, you need to make the following changes:
1. Add a storage group called CICFILES and a volume called CICS01 to the storage group.
2. Add two storage classes:
 – One storage class called PSADDON, which is the same storage class that is used by the DB2 SMS-managed data sets.
 – Another storage class called VSAMRLS1, which is the storage class for VSAM data sets that will be accessed in RLS mode.
3. Update the SMS ACS routines. Sample filter list and SELECT section statements for the CICS data sets are contained in the ACSCICSC and ACSCICSG members of the SYSPLEX.PARALLEL.CNTL data set.
6.2.2 Parmlib changes for CICS
Note: All of the activities in this section were completed. This description is provided for your information only.
A subset of CICS load modules must be placed in the link pack area (LPA). Rather than changing the LPALSTxx member in ADCD.Z22D.PARMLIB, an LPALSTPS member was created in USER.Z22D.PARMLIB. That member contains a single entry for CICS TS 5.2 and is concatenated to LPALST01 in the IEASYSPS member.
To simplify the JCL for the CICS started tasks, a system symbol called &CTSLEVEL was created and set to 520. This symbol is defined in the IEASYMPS member.
CICS has two libraries (DFH520.CICS.SDFHLINK and DFH520.CPSM.SEYULINK) that are placed in the system LNKLST. The ADCD-provided PROGAC member contains the APF definitions for CICS TS 5.2 and 5.3, and the PROGLC member contains the LNKLST definitions.
If you downloaded only one of the two CICS releases provided by ADCD, you will receive an IGGN505A message during the IPL for the CICS LNKLST data set that cannot be found. To ensure that the IPL is not delayed by that message, an Auto Reply rule was added that replies “Cancel” automatically if you do not reply to the message within 30 seconds. If you want to speed up the IPL, you can change the wait time in the AUTORPS member of USER.Z22D.PARMLIB.
You need to add two MVS subsystems to z/OS for CICS:
One MVS subsystem is for the CICS regions.
One MVS subsystem is for use by the extra CICS servers (Named Counter Server, Temp Storage Server, and so on).
The 2017 Sysplex Extensions-supplied IEFSSNPS member contains definitions for both of these subsystems.
CICS also requires an SVC. The ADCD-provided IEASVCCI member contains the definition for that SVC, so that member is concatenated to IEASVC00 in the IEASYSPS member.
6.2.3 Adding CICS definitions to VTAMLST
Note: All of the activities in this section were completed during the standard Sysplex Extensions installation process that is described in Chapter 4, “Installing the 2017 Sysplex Extensions” on page 35. This description is provided for your information only.
Rather than having to provide separate VTAM definitions for each CICS region, model definitions are used. This method allows you to have a single VTAMLST member that can be used by all CICS regions. It also means that new CICS regions can be added without changing the VTAMLST.
The CICS VTAMLST member was copied as part of the COPYVTAM job that you ran during the Parallel Sysplex installation.
6.2.4 IMPORT CONNECT the CICS user catalog
Note: All of the activities in this section were completed. This description is provided for your information only.
The entire 2017 Sysplex Extensions CICS environment is self-contained on one volume (CICS01). All data sets on those volumes are cataloged in the Sysplex Extensions-supplied UCAT.CICSUSR user catalog, and that user catalog is also contained on the CICS01 volume.
The CICS user catalog was connected to your Master catalog in the IMPCONN job that you ran during the Parallel Sysplex installation.
6.2.5 Defining CICS model log streams
Note: All of the activities in this section were completed. This description is provided for your information only.
Every CICS region requires at least two log streams. Rather than pre-defining every log stream, you can define model log streams to system logger. A CICS region can then use those models to dynamically define new log streams if a log stream for that region does not exist.
The LOGRCICS job in SYSPLEX.PARALLEL.CNTL adds these model definitions.
6.2.6 Copying CICS procs to USER.Z22D.PROCLIB
Note: All of the activities in this section were completed. This description is provided for your information only.
A set of started task JCL for all the CICS regions is provided, including the CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) and the web user interface (WUI). A master set of JCL (called CICS1A) is used for all the application-owning regions (AORs), and a different set is used for all the terminal-owning regions (TOR) (called CICS1T). The JCL for the individual AORs and TORs consists of just one statement, and that statement runs the corresponding CICS1A or CICS1T procedure. In an environment where all the regions are clones of each other, this process greatly simplifies the task of maintaining the CICS region JCLs.
All of these procedures were copied to USER.Z22D.PROCLIB by the COPYPROC job that was run in 4.3.18, “Creating PROCLIB members” on page 68.
6.3 Controlling your CICSplex environment
The CICSplex environment that is provided by the 2017 Sysplex Extensions consists of the following components:
Two CICS Terminal Owning Regions on each system
Two CICS Application Owning Regions on each system
One CICS CMAS region per system
One IBM CICSPlex WUI region for the sysplex
One CICS CF Data Tables Server per system
One CICS Named Counter Server per system
One CICS Temporary Storage Server per system
Two TORs and two AORs are provided per system because this configuration gives you the ability to stop one region (perhaps to apply a change) without affecting the ability of that system to process CICS transactions during that time.
The entire CICS environment can be started with a single command (S STRTCICS) and stopped with a single command (S STOPCICS). To make it easier to stop and start CICS, we provided the following procedures in USER.Z22D.PROCLIB:
STRTCICS Starts all CICS regions on both systems
STRTCICn Starts all CICS regions on one system
STOPCICS Stops all CICS regions on both systems
STOPCICn Stops all CICS regions on one system
Initial start: Because no CICS log streams will exist the first time that you start each CICS region, the CICS JCL (the CICSWUI, CICS1A, CICS1T, and CMAS members of USER.Z22D.PROCLIB) are set up to specify START=INITIAL. This setup causes CICS to allocate new streams as part of its start. After the first successful start of each CICS region, update these four members to specify START=AUTO instead.
The full CICSplex consists of the following started tasks:
CICSCFDT CICS CF Data Tables Server address space (same name is used on both systems)
CICSNCS1 CICS Named Counter Server address space (same name is used on both systems)
CICSTSSR CICS Shared Temporary Storage address space (same name is used on both systems)
CICSWE11 CICS WUI region (1 per CICSplex)
CICS1A11 CICS AOR 1 on system S0W1
CICS1A12 CICS AOR 2 on system S0W1
CICS1A21 CICS AOR 1 on system S0W2
CICS1A22 CICS AOR 2 on system S0W2
CICS1T11 CICS TOR 1 on system S0W1
CICS1T12 CICS TOR 2 on system S0W1
CICS1T21 CICS TOR 1 on system S0W2
CICS1T22 CICS TOR 2 on system S0W2
CMASS0W1 CICS CMAS Region on system S0W1
CMASS0W2 CICS CMAS Region on system S0W2
The following naming convention is used for the CICS regions:
    |||----- Instance number (this is the first AOR in CICSplex 1 in system 1
    ||------ System number
    |------- Region type (A=AOR, T=TOR)
    -------- CICSplex identifier
The CMASs have a different naming convention. The normal recommendation is to have one CMAS per system, so the CMASs are called CMASS0W1 and CMASS0W2. If you have many CICS regions, you might want more than one CMAS per z/OS. In that case, create a naming convention that communicates the address space type (CMAS), the system that it is associated with, and which CMAS instance it is. For example, you might use CMASW101 and CMASW102 for two CMASs on system S0W1.
Suggestion: In line with the recommendation that the CICS CMAS regions be placed in the WLM SYSSTC Service Class, update the ADCD WLM policy to add CMAS* to the STCHI classification group.
If you want to start or stop a single CICS region, review the corresponding procedure to identify the command that is used to stop or start each region. To minimize the effort when you must change CICS JCL and to reduce the opportunity for errors, the CICS regions are started by using a simple procedure. This procedure refers to a master member that contains all of the JCL. For example, to start CICS region CICS1A11, you run the S CICS1A11 command. The CICS1A11 procedure in USER.Z22D.PROCLIB contains the following single JCL statement:
CICS1A is the member of PROCLIB that contains all of the DD statements for the CICS data sets. The use of a mechanism such as this reduces the effort when you must make a JCL change for all CICS regions.
All the CICS parameters, including those for the CICS server regions, are in the CTS52.USER.SYSIN data set. The CICS servers use the following pool names:
CF Data Tables PDTCFDT1
Named Counter Server PDTNCS1
Temporary Storage Server PDTSTOR1
If you want to change the definitions of the CICS log streams or add new log streams, refer to the LOGRCICS job in the SYSPLEX.PARALLEL.CNTL data set. CICS is set up to use model log streams, which means that new log streams are defined dynamically if you start a new CICS region for the first time (START=INITIAL). The following model log stream names are used:
The VTAM APPLID for the CICS AORs and TORs is the same as the started task name. For example, to log on to CICS TOR CICS1T11, enter L CICS1T11 in the VTAM logon panel. To get a list of the active CICS APPLIDs on a system, issue the D NET,ID=CTSMODEL,E command. To log off CICS, use the CICS CESF LOGOFF transaction.
After the WUI (started task is called CICSWE11) completes initialization, you can log on to it by browsing to http://192.168.1.nn:3005 or if you are logging on from the same PC where your z/OS is running. When you connect, a window similar to the window that shown in Figure 6-1 opens.
Figure 6-1 CICS WUI home page
If you are not familiar with the CICS WUI and perform much of the CICS administration work by using the old CICS 3270 interface, investigate the WUI as an easier-to-use alternative.
6.4 Migration considerations
In line with the process that is used by the ADCD deliverable, future releases of the Sysplex Extensions will provide full replacements for the CICS SMS volume (CICS01). If you want to add new CICS-related data sets, set up new, private, volumes that are carried forward from one ADCD or Sysplex Extensions release to the next, rather than placing the data sets in the CICFILES storage group.
For example, if you want to add your own application data files and load libraries, it is best to complete the following steps:
1. Set up a new user catalog on a private volume (one that will not be replaced by a future ADCD or Sysplex Extensions release).
2. Create a high-level qualifier for the new data sets and define that high-level qualifier as an alias, pointing at your new user catalog.
3. Consider making all of those new data sets SMS-managed and place them in an SMS storage group other than CICFILES or DB2FILES. This method ensures that those data sets are not accidentally placed on a volume that is replaced when you move to the next release.
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