Personnel letters

A large volume of correspondence flows through the personnel department of every major business. Smaller businesses may also find their mailboxes and outboxes stuffed with personnel-related letters. Whether they are written by the business or by a prospective employee of the business, when personnel-related letters are written effectively they can do a good deal to enhance the credibility of both the business and the prospective employee.

Personnel letters may not secure business, but they will help ensure that you hire the best possible candidate for a job and maintain a good relationship with that candidate once he or she is on board. If you are looking for a job, some of the letters in this chapter can be used as models for selling yourself to a prospective employer.

Many other personnel matters call for written communication, but usually not in letter form. Such issues as organizational changes, labor relations activities, changes in benefits, office closings, and other in-house matters are most often addressed in memorandums distributed to employees in the workplace. Since letters are rarely sent in these cases, they are not covered here.

Many of the letters in this chapter can be sent as emails or as attachments to emails. But formal letters offering employment or terminating employees are still largely sent as conventional letters. And some companies specify whether they want to receive correspondence through email or letters sent through the mail. For those letters in this chapter that can be adapted to emails, it’s simple enough to copy the text of the sample letter into the text of your email.

Job Interview Request Letters

Sample Letters 10.1 through 10.5 were written by prospective employees to request job interviews.

Sample Letter 10.1 was written in response to an advertisement the letter writer had seen. The writer refers to the advertisement, mentions a bit about her background that is appropriate to the advertised position, asks for an interview, and gives the reader information about how to reach her during the day. She also indicates that she has enclosed a résumé for the reader’s perusal.

Sample Letter 10.2 was written to request an interview after the letter writer had had a brief conversation with the addressee. The writer asks that his application be considered for a specific open position, gives the reader some information about his past work experience, and asks that his résumé be routed to the appropriate people at the company.

If either of these two letters were sent as an email, you would be sure to mention “the attached résumé” rather than “the enclosed résumé.” This holds true for any other letter from this or any other chapter that contains an enclosure: in an email, you would refer to it as an attachment.

Sample Letter 10.3 was also written as a follow-up to a conversation, but here the letter writer is not applying for a specific position. Instead, she is asking that the addressee give her any advice on seeking a position at his company. She thanks him for the talk they had, mentions her professional background, asks if he might be able to refer her to any appropriate person within his company, and mentions when she will try to call him again.

Sample Letter 10.1.   Letter requesting job interview based on advertisement.


Mr. Jacob L. Rudman
Parris Sheet Metal Company
312 West Main Street
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Rudman:

Enclosed is my résumé, which I am sending in response to your advertisement on The Boonton Chronicle’s website for a production engineer.

I am currently employed at Heavy Sheet Metal Company as one of three production engineers. I have complete responsibility for the sheet metal fabrication process from beginning to end. As you can see from my résumé, I have been a production engineer for the past five years.

Please feel free to call me at my office during the day or at my home in the evening. Both numbers are listed on my résumé. I will call you on Tuesday, January 17, to arrange a convenient time for us to meet if I have not heard from you before then.

I look forward to speaking with you.



Marie L. Dow



Sample Letter 10.2.   Letter requesting job interview as follow-up to phone conversation.


Ms. Elaine Longworth
Personnel Director
Primary Textbooks Company, Inc.
One Parkway Plaza
Brighton, OR 97065

Dear Ms. Longworth:

Please consider my application for the humanities editor position in the college division at Primary Textbooks, which we discussed during our brief phone conversation earlier this week.

As you can see from my enclosed résumé, I have been at Andoris Publishing Company for four years. The work I have done there and at Andover Parris and Cromwell & Fitch seems to mesh well with the qualifications Primary Textbooks desires in a college editor. I would welcome the opportunity to make a move into a larger publishing house with Primary Textbooks’ reputation.

Please forward my résumé to the appropriate people, and give me a call should you need more information from me.

Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.



Max Birney



Sample Letter 10.3.   Letter requesting job advice.


Mr. Orin P. Hikep
Vice President
Franing, Transcome & Lewis Company
12 Broadway
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Hikep:

Enclosed is the copy of my résumé that I mentioned I would send you when we talked earlier today. I appreciate your taking the time to look at it. If there are any suggestions you can make to improve it, I would be very grateful.

As you can see, I’ve been at Hungadunga & McCormick for almost four years. The firm is a small typesetting company, which has offered many opportunities for me to develop skills in composition. I now feel that it is time for me to move to a larger company that will offer me more of a chance to move into a management position.

If you know of any opportunities at Franing, Transcome & Lewis, please let me know. Feel free to pass on my résumé to the appropriate division. I am also sending a copy of my résumé to Larry Fenner in your personnel department. I spoke briefly with him about a position at your company.

I know that you are very busy, Mr. Hikep, and I just want to thank you again for agreeing to look at my résumé and for being willing to help. I’ll call you after Thanksgiving to see if you have any suggestions.


Carol Nesin



Sample Letter 10.4 was written to request a job interview on the basis of a referral. The letter writer makes it clear in her first paragraph that she is writing at the recommendation of a mutual acquaintance who told her the reader’s company was seeking to fill a position. She goes on to tell the reader a little bit about her background, and closes by asking for an interview.

Sample Letter 10.4.   Letter requesting job interview on the basis of referral.


Ms. Kimberly Duachim
Pulverize Products, Inc.
23 Reply Place
Biloxi, MO 63025

Dear Ms. Duachim:

I am sending my résumé to you on the recommendation of Lawrence Kernel of Splendid Paper Corporation. Lawrence told me that you were accepting applications for a product manager. From Lawrence’s report, your company sounds very attractive to me. I would be interested in talking with you to learn more about your company and the position.

For the past four years, I have been at Quile Investment Products, Inc. Before that, I was at Laramy Products, Inc. The work I’ve done at these companies has given me a wide range of experience and an opportunity to develop skills that are essential to a product manager.

I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you or to answer any questions about my background and career that you might have. You can reach me during the day at 999-555-5555.

Thank you for your consideration.


Gladys T. Namelock



Sample Letter 10.5 was written to thank a prospective employer for a job interview. He thanks the reader, goes on to express his pleasure at having met him and others at the company, and mentions the fact that he would welcome the opportunity to work at the company.

Sample Letter 10.5.   Letter thanking prospective employer for job interview.


Mr. George Penelope
Assistant Personnel Officer
Boonton Life Insurance Trust
34 Old Boonton Road
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Penelope:

Thank you very much for the opportunity to talk with you on May 25. It was a very enjoyable experience, and I also learned a great deal about the responsibilities your job opening entails.

My conversation with you, along with my conversations with Mr. Hoelsch and Ms. Sivad, reinforced my opinion that Boonton Life Insurance Trust is a company that I would like to work for. I feel that Boonton Life Insurance Trust offers an opportunity for professional as well as personal growth. For these reasons, I would very much like to be a part of the personnel division.

Thank you again for your time. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


David A. Inacca


Letters Accompanying Résumés

Sample Letters 10.6 and 10.7 were both written to accompany résumés sent to a prospective employer.

Sample Letter 10.6 was sent to follow up a meeting with the addressee. The letter writer reminds the reader where they met, goes on to give some information about his professional and academic background, and closes by asking that he and the reader meet to discuss employment prospects.

Sample Letter 10.7 was written to accompany a résumé. Here, the writer’s purpose is to introduce himself to a prospective employer. He mentions some of his professional and school-related experience, and expresses an interest in meeting with the addressee at his earliest convenience.

Sample Letter 10.6.   Letter accompanying résumé from recent graduate.


Mr. King L. Smythe
Boonton Life Insurance Trust
34 Old Boonton Road
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Smythe:

Several weeks ago, I was invited to stop into your department to fill out an application for a position with Boonton Life Insurance Trust. On my way out, I had the opportunity to speak with you for a few minutes on the elevator. You mentioned at the time that there were no openings available to match my interests, but that you would keep me in mind for any openings in the future. As I told you when we spoke, I am a recent graduate of the New Jersey State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and I am interested in an entry-level position in life insurance sales.

Throughout my four years in college, I maintained consistently high grades in my business courses as well as in my elective courses. I feel that the courses I have taken have strengthened my analytical skills and provided me with a sound background in the financial system.

In addition to my academic work, I have also held various jobs in the past six years to help finance my education. Through my work experience and my involvement in extra-curricular activities at school, I have developed a sense of responsibility and a deeper understanding of dealing with people. I feel that these qualities, along with my sincere interest in insurance as a career, will make me an asset to Boonton Life Insurance Trust.

At your convenience, I would like to get together with you to learn more about career opportunities at Boonton Life Insurance Trust and also to discuss my career interests in greater detail. Will you please get in touch with me so that we can arrange an interview? I can be reached during the day at 201-689-4623 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you for your consideration.



Ned Lared



Sample Letter 10.7.   Letter accompanying résumé from a person seeking to change jobs.


Mr. Sidney T. Fairview
Data Center Manager
Arlington Products, Inc.
43 East Third Street
Montville, NJ 07045

Dear Mr. Fairview:

I am a young data processing manager in the market for a new, more challenging position in a data processing environment that is conducive to career advancement and personal growth. I am willing to relocate.

I have gained my experience at JLS, Inc., of Levittown, Pennsylvania. JLS, Inc., is a service bureau providing financial institutions in the United States and Canada with automated trust management systems including online data access, daily file updates, and periodic report generation. JLS, Inc., maintains one of the largest data center operations in this region of the country.

I enclose my résumé for your review and consideration. I have also included an expanded version of my résumé to highlight some of the responsibilities and some results of my work in the positions I have held. If you would like further details or clarification of my experience, I would be more than happy to supply anything further I can. I am anxious to meet with you to discuss possible career opportunities at Arlington Products, Inc., at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for taking the time to review my credentials. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my professional career with you in the near future.



Larry E. Mahaffey



Sample Letter 10.8 was written to introduce a candidate’s application for a job. While the formal application often takes place through a personnel department, occasionally it is useful to make key staff members and decision makers aware of the intention to apply for a position. This candidate immediately relates his qualifications for the position, linking the facts of his résumé, which he has enclosed, into a coherent narrative. It is critical that the application letter be intriguing, forceful, and error-free, since it is the first contact with a potential employer and the old cliché is true: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The writer closes by expressing his hopes for an interview and allowing for future correspondence.

Sample Letter 10.8.   Letter of application.


Mr. Paul Haeuptle, Principal
Vermilion High School
10643 Firelands Road
Cuyahoga, OH 43074

Dear Mr. Haeuptle:

I am writing to apply for a position in the English Department at Vermilion High School. I received an M.A. in teaching from Emory University, a master’s in theological studies from Harvard University, and a B.A. in English from Bethany College. I am currently certified in the state of Georgia to teach English in grades 7–12, and I hold an In-Field certificate in Gifted Education and endorsements in Advanced Placement Literature and Composition, Advanced Placement Language and Composition, and the International Baccalaureate Program.

For the last five years, I have been employed as a teacher in Georgia. This year has been a particularly strong one for me, as my colleagues recognized my dedication and commitment to excellence by nominating me Norcross High School’s Teacher of the Year and my students nominated me for Who’s Who Among American Teachers, 20X5. I have taught Honors tenth grade, College Preparatory eleventh grade, and Gifted eleventh-grade English. Additionally, I taught Advanced Placement Literature and Composition to seniors last year; in my first year teaching this course, my students passed with a three or higher at a rate 5% above the national average. At the end of last year I was asked to implement an eleventh-grade Advanced Placement Language and Composition course for the 20X7–20X8 school year.

I would be very interested in speaking with you at greater length about a position teaching English at Vermilion High and the ways I might contribute to your community. I am enclosing a hard copy of my résumé and a copy of my Georgia certificate and endorsements. Copies of my undergraduate and graduate transcripts are being sent under separate cover, as are my references.

I look forward to hearing from your office soon, and I hope that we can arrange an interview sometime this month.

Sincerely yours,


Leigh Weeks



Even the most meticulous employer needs a reminder now and then; Sample Letter 10.9 is a follow-up letter to gently prod the recipient into replying to the writer’s initial letter of application. The first paragraph states the particulars of the original letter—its date, contents, and purpose—and then the writer applies subtle pressure to respond by announcing his presence in the employer’s vicinity and some specific dates for a possible meeting. By including his phone number, the close hints that a courtesy call at the least is expected.

Sample Letter 10.9.   Follow-up to letter of application.


Mr. Paul Haeuptle, Principal
Vermilion High School
10643 Firelands Road
Cuyahoga, OH 43074

Dear Mr. Haeuptle:

I sent you a letter of application and résumé on March 1, 20X8, applying for the position of English teacher at Vermilion High School, but I have yet to hear from your office that you have received my correspondence.

I am very interested in the prospect of working at Vermilion, with its diverse student body and a faculty committed to excellence. I will be relocating to Cuyahoga this summer and will be in your vicinity the third week in April. I would like to meet with you about the opening in your English Department. Could you please inform me whether you have received my application materials? I would be happy to resend any information you may need or submit further materials in support of my application. You may reach me at my home number, 404-265-6897. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Leigh Weeks


Letter Withdrawing Candidacy for a Position

The letter writer of Sample Letter 10.10 had applied for a position. She has learned unofficially that she will not receive the position. Rather than wait and get a formal rejection letter, the writer takes herself out of the running for the job.

Sample Letter 10.10. Letter to prospective employer in which writer asks to be removed from list of job candidates.


Ms. Joan Maside
Personnel Director
Alaning Wendell Screwbolt Company
12 Rivermore Drive
Chestnut, NJ 07009

Dear Ms. Maside:

Over the past month or so, I’ve let you know how interested I am in the director of quality assurance position you have open at your company. You’ve been kind enough to let me know that I’m seriously being considered as a candidate. For that reason, I wanted to let you know as soon as I reached my decision that I no longer be considered a candidate at this time.

Here at Savin Hill Machine Works, I am in the midst of developing and implementing several projects for the company. It’s important to me and to my employer that I get these projects on track and make sure they get done. Because so much of my time has gone into these projects, I feel it is best for me to stay put in my current situation for the time being.

Thank you for all the time and support you’ve given me over the past several months. I am hopeful that our paths will cross again in the near future.



Georgina Krauss


Letters Responding to Job Applications

Sample Letters 10.11 through 10.24 are designed to be used in a variety of circumstances to respond to job applicants.

Sample Letter 10.11 is an example of a standard acknowledgment of a job application that was written to a recent applicant. The letter writer courteously acknowledges the reader’s application and assures him that his application will be reviewed. She concludes by expressing her appreciation that the reader applied for the position. This letter may easily be used as a model letter for any applicant search in which acknowledgments must be sent out.

Sample Letter 10.12 is an example of an acknowledgment sent to an applicant qualified for a position. The letter writer thanks the applicant, informs him that there were many qualified applicants, and asks him to feel free to inquire about his status once a certain date has passed.

Sample Letter 10.13 may also be sent as an acknowledgment to a qualified applicant, but here the letter writer asks the applicant to call his office to arrange for a second interview. He expresses the fact that he was impressed with the applicant and that he would like to have him meet more members of the firm.

Sample Letter 10.14 was written to inform a qualified applicant about the status of a job search to fill a position for which the reader has applied. The letter writer clearly spells out the status of the job search to date and lets the reader know exactly what procedure the search committee will be taking to make its decision.

Sample Letter 10.11. Letter acknowledging application for position.


Mr. Maxwell L. Topor
988 Boston Avenue
Huntington, ME 04021

Subject: Writing Instructor Position

Dear Mr. Topor:

Thank you very much for applying for the writing instructor position at Boonton Community College. Please be assured that your application will be reviewed along with others that have been received. If your qualifications are considered appropriate for this position, you will be contacted again for the purpose of setting an appointment date for an interview.

In any event, please accept the appreciation of Boonton Community College for wishing to include us in your future professional plans.

Sincerely yours,


Elizabeth R. Jennifer
Director of Personnel



Sample Letter 10.12. Letter responding to qualified applicant.


Mr. Brian Aberbroom
3 Forrester Place
Bethany, OH 43067

Dear Mr. Aberbroom:

Thank you for your application for the position of clerical supervisor.

We have had an overwhelming response to our ad for this position and expect to select a qualified applicant by June 5. Please feel free to get in touch with us after that date.

Thank you for your interest in the company. Best wishes for the future.



Blaise T. Rendeler
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.13. Letter inviting applicant in for second interview.


Mr. Peter Jensen
34 Eckerd Drive
Fontaine, NE 68053

Dear Peter:

Thank you very much for having taken the time to meet with me during my recruiting trip to Fontaine. I was most favorably impressed with you, and our recruiting committee has concurred in my recommendation that we invite you to meet more members of our company.

If you continue to be interested in our company, I would appreciate it if you would call our recruiting coordinator, Bill Cryer, at 803-555-1439, to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit us.

We look forward to hearing from you. Again, thank you for your interest in our organization and for having taken the time to talk with me.

Best regards,


Gary A. Tieszen



Sample Letter 10.14. Letter giving applicant status report on search for employee.


Mr. Trevor L. Kemper
56 Longacre Road
Belvedere, WA 90056

Dear Trevor:

I wanted to send you a short note to tell you where we are in the search for an alumni director for Boonton Community College. As of August 1, we had received 34 applications. A selection committee composed of members of the alumni council, faculty, and staff has been appointed and will review résumés by mid-August. The committee will select four or five applicants who seem to be best prepared to do the job and will invite them to Boonton for an interview later in the month. Following those interviews, the committee will recommend to the president its first three choices in order of preference. The president will choose from among the three the person he thinks can best do the job. He will announce the appointment on or about September 1.

Please note that we will not be reporting on the progress of the search until an appointment is announced. Should you have any questions, however, please do not hesitate to telephone me.

Trevor, let me tell you again how much we appreciate your willingness to be considered for this important position. You are well qualified for the position, and I know that the committee will be very interested in your candidacy. It is going to be a difficult task for the selection committee.

Thank you for all you have done and will do for Boonton Community College.



David R. Xenadnas
Chair, Search Committee



Sample Letter 10.15 was written to an applicant who did not qualify for a position. The letter writer thanks the applicant for his interest and regretfully informs him that he does not have the qualifications to fill the position. She then wishes him her best in his job search.

Sample Letter 10.15. Letter to applicant who did not qualify for position.


Mr. Adam Beazle
67 Yorkway Plaza, Apt. 4
York, NJ 07032

Dear Mr. Beazle:

Thank you for your interest in the position of production manager for the Belmont Sheet Metal Company. I have carefully reviewed your application and regret to tell you that I do not feel you have the qualifications necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of this job.

Good luck in your job search. I feel certain that you will find a position where you can use your talents and experience to good advantage.



Gwendolyn T. Quackenbush
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.16 was written to respond to a qualified applicant to inform him that no position was open. The letter writer makes it clear that he thinks the applicant is well qualified but that there were simply more applicants than the company had positions to offer.

Sample Letter 10.16. Letter responding to qualified applicant informing him that no position is available.


Mr. Stanley R. Pixell
32 Roskanokov Drive, Apt. 3A
Endicott, WI 53056

Dear Mr. Pixell:

We want to thank you for interviewing with our company during our recruiting trip to Brighton. You have an outstanding academic background, and you made a very favorable impression.

We delayed making final determinations about employment offers until we were able to interview the majority of potential candidates, including those whose schedules did not permit them to interview until the Christmas holidays. It is unfortunate that we have fewer available spaces than we do qualified candidates. Accordingly, we regret that we will not be able to make an offer to you at this time.

Thank you again for your interest.



Craig D. Creyton III



Sample Letter 10.17 was written to a qualified applicant whose qualifications did not match exactly the qualifications that were being sought for an open position. The letter writer thanks the applicant for his interest, then explains that because there were so many applicants from which to choose, they chose the applicant who was an exact fit. The writer then suggests that perhaps in the future there will be a more suitable position open. She closes by wishing the applicant well in his search.

Sample Letter 10.17. Letter to qualified candidate who did not match position exactly.


Mr. Martin L. Preston
43 Lorraine Terrace
Punxatawney, PA 15056


Mr. Preston, thank you for your interest in a faculty position at Punxatawney Coalition College. We received many responses from very highly qualified candidates like you.

With so many superbly qualified candidates, we looked finally for the one whose background and qualifications gave us just the right fit for our exact needs this semester. I’m sorry to have to say that the position is being offered to one of the other candidates.

This does not mean, however, that we were unimpressed with your credentials. Perhaps in the future we will have another opening that will better fit your qualifications. I wish you well in your pursuit of the right position.





Sample Letter 10.18 is a variation of Sample Letter 10.15. It was written to inform an applicant that a different applicant who was deemed more appropriate was chosen to fill an open position. The letter writer clearly explains the situation and closes by thanking the applicant for his interest.

Sample Letter 10.18. Letter informing applicant that someone else got the job.


Mr. Harold M. Peeking
543 Houghton Place
New Britain, CT 06045

Dear Mr. Peeking:

Thank you for the time you took to come in and talk with us about the quality control engineer position. We cannot place you now because we have chosen another candidate whose background, we feel, is more closely suited to our current needs. We will keep your résumé in our active file, however, in case a more suitable position opens up.

Thank you again for your interest in Ainsworth Sheet Metal Company. Best wishes for success in your career endeavors.



Letitia T. Hall
Personnel Officer



Sample Letter 10.19 was written to an applicant explaining that no positions were open that matched her training or experience. The letter writer acknowledges the employment inquiry, explains that the company has no positions open currently to match the reader’s credentials, but asks to keep a record of the applicant’s qualifications on file for future job openings.

Sample Letter 10.19. Letter informing applicant that there are no positions matching her training or experience.


Ms. Pauline R. Yeltar
34 Douglass Road
Far Hills, VT 05043

Dear Ms. Yeltar:

Thank you for inquiring about employment possibilities at Farmington & Gray. We appreciated the opportunity to review your qualifications in relation to our current job openings.

At this time, however, we do not have a position open that would properly use your training and experience. We would like to keep a record of your qualifications in our active file, however, so we may consider you for any appropriate future openings.

Although we are currently unable to offer you a position, we do wish you success in your career.



Linda B. Blaisdale
Personnel Officer



Sample Letter 10.20 was written to reject an application that came as a result of an online advertisement. The letter writer thanks the applicant, informs him that he did not get the job, assures him that a record of his application will be kept on file, and closes by wishing the applicant well in his search for employment.

Sample Letter 10.20. Letter rejecting an online advertisement applicant.


Mr. Jacob L. McGuffie
5 Merrimac Trail
Trailblaze, ID 83245

Dear Mr. McGuffie:

Thank you for your letter responding to our online advertisement for an executive secretary. As you can guess, the response was overwhelming. Although your résumé was impressive, we had only one opening.

Even though we were unable to place you in this job, we will keep your résumé on file for future reference in the event that a suitable position becomes available.

Thank you for your interest in Vladmir, Tilling & Underquist. Best wishes in your search for employment.



David Marshall
Personnel Officer



Sample Letter 10.21 was written to reject a summer-job applicant. The letter writer keeps the letter short and to the point, thanking the applicant for her inquiry, but explaining that no summer jobs are open. He assures the applicant that her name will be kept on file and thanks her for her interest.

Sample Letter 10.21. Letter rejecting applicant for summer job.


Ms. Tricia Levon
34 Rightone Road
Greenfreer, WV 26045

Dear Ms. Levon:

Thank you for your inquiry about the possibility of summer employment at our company. While we do not anticipate any summer openings currently, we will be glad to keep your name on file in the event that the situation should change.

Thank you again for your interest.



Francis K. Cheff
Personnel Officer



Sample Letter 10.22 was written to reject an applicant who was recommended for a job. The letter writer thanks the applicant and acknowledges the recommendation, but explains that the response to the opening was overwhelming and that he is unable to offer the applicant a job.

Sample Letter 10.23 was written to the person recommending a candidate who was not hired to fill a position. The letter writer thanks him for the recommendation, but explains that since the company is cutting back, few jobs are being offered. The writer offers to keep an eye out for other jobs in the field, but is not overly encouraging that anything will change at her company.

Sample Letter 10.22. Letter rejecting person recommended for job.


Mr. Wilson Davidson
P.O. Box 704
Sparta Community College
Sparta, WV 26032

Dear Mr. Davidson:

Thank you for applying for the position of editorial assistant at our organization. While you were recommended by Professor Gary E. Limes, and your education and experience appear to be exceptional, the response that we received from the few inquiries that we made was overwhelming. I regret to inform you that a candidate was chosen shortly before your letter of interest arrived.

Best wishes for success in your career search.

Best regards,


David Marshall
Personnel Director


cc: Gary E. Limes


Sample Letter 10.23. Letter to person recommending a candidate who could not be hired.


Mr. Frederick T. Jones
Jones, Jones & Gary
43 Edgar Drive
Humanity, SC 29045

Dear Fred:

Thank you for sending me Eugene Balk’s résumé.

Arlington Products, Inc., is in the midst of a severe staff reduction program, which, it appears, will continue throughout the summer. As a result, a hiring freeze is in effect.

There is some growth in the computer industry. I wonder whether Eugene has looked into the possibility of working with one of the city’s many computer firms. He has impressive credentials in programming support.

I will keep my eyes open for other possible jobs available in artificial intelligence, both at our company and elsewhere. But in view of the current situation here, I would not want to get Mr. Balk’s hopes up.



Hope T. McCormick
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.24 was sent as a letter of rejection to a person who had been asked to apply for the job. The letter writer thanks the applicant for applying, but explains that after reviewing the applicant’s work samples and experience, she does not feel the job would be appropriate for the applicant.

Sample Letter 10.24. Letter rejecting solicited employment application.


Mr. Mark Perkins
95 Belltoll Road
Ketchum, ID 83205

Dear Mr. Perkins:

Thank you for sending your work samples and discussing your views about the editor’s position we have open. I’ve reviewed your work and reflected at length on our last conversation, particularly your hesitancy to take on an assignment to demonstrate your editorial approach to analytical topics. Since we talked I’ve interviewed several other candidates with substantial editorial credentials and have become convinced that proven analytical skills or technical knowledge of the investments area is an important prerequisite for the job.

My conclusion is that your background is not appropriate for the position and, frankly, that you would not enjoy the job during a necessary period of training. If, however, you are interested in establishing a freelance relationship with our publication, I’d be happy to consider using you.

Thanks again, Mark, for your interest in the job.



Florence Hoagland



Letters Thanking People Who Recommended Applicants

Sample Letters 10.25 and 10.26 were written to thank people who recommended applicants for jobs. Sample Letter 10.25 was written to thank a person who had recommended someone who was offered the job but decided to take a job elsewhere. The letter writer explains that she really would have liked to hire the applicant. She asks that the reader keep in mind other potential applicants.

Sample Letter 10.26 was written by an applicant to thank someone for recommending him for the job he got. The letter writer is direct and sincere in expressing his gratitude.

Sample Letter 10.25. Letter thanking someone for referral of prospective employee.


Dr. Lisa L. Ekorb
Brikton Management Services, Inc.
43 Clark Street
Bayonne, WV 26234

Dear Lisa:

Thank you so much for referring Carla Sorel and Donna Asconia. Your assessment of each was right on the mark. Both are superior candidates at their respective professional levels.

I offered the assistant’s job to Carla. She, however, decided to take a position with another public relations firm in town, Vladmir & Associates. Donna and I were interested in each other, but we both agreed that someone with her credentials was overqualified for the position I was seeking to fill.

I am still looking for someone. It’s very hard finding candidates as good as Carla and Donna. Carla was the person I wanted.

Please keep me in mind if you have any other suggestions. I would very much like to take you to breakfast or lunch at your convenience. It would give me a better chance to understand what Brikton Management Services does.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Maryanne L. Niltes



Sample Letter 10.26. Letter acknowledging reference.


Mr. Martin Heady
Raphel Design, Inc.
312 West Main Street
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Heady:

Graphcon Tittle, Inc., has offered me a position as a graphic designer beginning January 15, 20X4. I realize you are probably just finishing up with the holiday madness, but I’d like to stop by and see you before I start the new job.

Thanks so much for the kind words you had to say about me to Al Newport, the managing director at Graphcon Tittle. The designer’s position promises to be grueling, but the internship I had at Raphel Design was good training for anything they plan to throw my way.

Thanks again. I look forward to seeing you soon.



Brad T. Zeiber


Job-Offer Letters

Sample Letters 10.27 through 10.33 are job-offer–related letters.

Sample Letter 10.27 is an example of a straightforward job-offer letter. The letter writer expresses pleasure at offering the position, lists the various benefits the prospective employee will receive, specifies the date by which she hopes to receive acceptance, and offers to answer any questions.

Sample Letter 10.28 confirms an offer that had already been verbally accepted. The writer clearly confirms the offer by naming the position and salary offered. He then explains some of the benefits that will be offered and the regular hours of employment expected of employees. He closes by stating the date on which he expects the reader to report for duty.

Sample Letter 10.29 was written to offer an executive position to an applicant. The letter writer makes the offer, briefly recounting the responsibilities and compensation, then closes by asking for confirmation by a specific date.

Sample Letter 10.27. Letter making a job offer.


Ms. Joan B. Delan
3045 Triston Road
Blarneysville, IL 60076

Dear Ms. Delan:

We at Hinsdale-Reed Construction Company are pleased to offer you the position of assistant controller at the annual salary of $117,000. In addition, you will be paid cash in lieu of profit sharing until you are eligible for the normal profit sharing plan, and you will receive two weeks’ paid vacation in 20X3 if you start on or before May 31, 20X3. Hinsdale-Reed will also reimburse you for family medical insurance coverage until you are picked up on our plan. I hope this letter will assist you in making your decision.

Hinsdale-Reed hopes you will be able to join its family. We look forward to hearing from you on or before Monday, May 22, 20X3.

If you have any questions about Hinsdale-Reed, please call me.



Tracey Hunt
Assistant Personnel Officer



cc: Jack Reed
      Personnel File


Sample Letter 10.28. Letter confirming job offer.


Mr. Ambrose L. Mason
323 Alewife Brook Parkway
Hyde Park, NH 03045

Dear Mr. Mason:

It gives me great pleasure to confirm our verbal offer and your acceptance to join Parrisi Accounting as an auditor.

Your compensation will include your monthly salary of $4,083.34 (which is equivalent to $49,000.08 annually) plus the benefits outlined in the enclosed summary. After three months of employment, you will be eligible for nine days of vacation in the calendar year 20X6. According to the terms of our current policy, your salary and performance will be reviewed in October 20X6.

Our regular working hours are from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday. On your first day, please report directly to Carl Josephs in the Personnel Department to arrange orientation and to initiate the administrative procedures. We believe that you will make a significant contribution to Parrisi and, at the same time, will realize both the personal and professional growth you seek.

As soon as possible, please acknowledge your acceptance of this job offer by signing the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it to me. We very much look forward to your joining the company on Monday, January 27, 20X6.

Best regards,

Roy E. Early
Employment Supervisor


cc:    John Taylor
         Personnel File


Sample Letter 10.29. Letter offering executive position.


Mr. Kent L. Bernard
56 Savin Hill Avenue
Beacon, CO 80045

Dear Kent:

It was a pleasure to meet with you in Houston last week. I’m glad we had the time to have lunch and talk.

I was very impressed with your ideas about architectural design and your suggestions for growth for our company. After discussing you and your application with the Board of Directors for Gagnon Architectural Company, I am pleased to offer you the position of design director of our Commercial Design Division.

In this position, you would report directly to me. You would be responsible for strategic planning and budgeting for the Commercial Design Division.

We spoke briefly about benefits, but a brief rundown might be helpful for you. The salary is $134,000 a year. You will be eligible for 4 weeks’ vacation, master medical coverage for you and your family, a daycare subsidy of $150 a week, a retirement plan, and stock options in the company. We can discuss these benefits in more detail if you are interested in accepting the position.

I hope you will give this offer your serious consideration. I would like to receive an acknowledgment by May 9. I hope it will be an enthusiastic yes.

Best regards,


Joanna Murray



Sample Letter 10.30 is a job-offer letter that includes the conditions of employment. Sample Letter 10.31 is a job-offer letter that explains the bonus structure to the recipient. Sample Letter 10.32 is a job-offer letter that lays out the basic details of a stock option plan being offered.

Sample Letter 10.30. Letter offering job, with conditions of employment.


Ms. Priscilla Venture
45 Terrace Drive
Blacksburg, WY 82023

Dear Ms. Venture:

I am pleased to offer you the position of executive assistant to the chief operating officer of Global Enterprises, Inc. We’d like to hear from you in writing by October 8, about whether you plan to accept the offer. The specifics of the offer are outlined below:

The salary for the position is $65,000. We issue paychecks to employees twice a month. You will receive two weeks of paid vacation and be eligible for our employee health insurance benefits after a three-month waiting period. After six months, you’ll also become eligible to participate in the company’s 401(k) retirement plan.

If you accept the position, we ask that you agree not to hold any other jobs during the length of your employment at Global. Because you will have access to confidential trademark information and financial records of the company, we ask that you agree in writing to keep all proprietary information confidential. We also ask that you agree not to compete directly with the company for a year after you cease working for Global Enterprises. You will find a confidentiality and noncompete letter of agreement for you to sign enclosed with this letter.

The term of this job offer is for one year, at which time we will renegotiate. If the employer decides to terminate this agreement, he may do so as long as you are given 60 days’ written notice.

Please call me if you have any questions or if I can assist you in any way. I look forward to receiving your response by October 8.



Alan Karl
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.31. Letter offering job with bonus.


Mr. Bob Roberts
44 Forunet Drive
Biscayne, AL 35032

Dear Mr. Roberts:

We are pleased to offer you the position of manager of our retail showroom. The salary for the position is $57,000. You are also eligible for a bonus of 10% of all net profits at your location for those months in which you meet your target sales goals. The target sales goals are projections based on monthly sales at your location last year.

After you have worked for us for one year, we will renegotiate your compensation package. Either of us can terminate our relationship as long as two weeks’ written notice is given.

Please call me if you have any questions, Bob. We are really looking forward to having you on board here.



Alan Ellenson
Personnel Director


Sample Letter 10.32. Letter offering job with stock options.


Ms. Alexis Bratelle
34 Riverway Boulevard
Houston, ID 83245

Dear Ms. Bratelle:

I am pleased to put in writing the offer we made to you to become marketing director for Rope Software, Inc. We agreed you would begin work on October 15, 20X2, and that your employment would run for two years.

Your salary will be $86,500, payable every other Friday. You will also be eligible for all employee benefits we offer, including health and life insurance and a generous 401(k) retirement plan into which Rope Software will match your contributions.

In addition to your salary and benefits we are also offering you the option to purchase up to 250 shares of our common stock at the end of each year. To exercise your stock options, sometime between January 15 and February 15 you must submit your request for the number of shares you wish to purchase, along with a check for $5 for each of those shares, to the secretary of the board of directors. These stock options are not transferable, and unexercised options expire after you’ve held them for one year.

We may terminate our agreement with you as long as you are given 60 days’ written notice. In the case of termination you are entitled to one month’s severance pay.

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer by signing this letter and returning it to us. I have enclosed an extra copy for your records.



Dwight Lavine
Personnel Director

Accepted by,

Name: ______________________________

Date: _______________________________


Sample Letter 10.33 was written to inform a candidate of her acceptance to an internship program. The letter is factual and direct, opening with the most pertinent information: the candidate was accepted. The writer then relates other important facts about the position and the terms of the internship. Information about whether the internship is paid or unpaid would be considered highly pertinent, and should be included in the first paragraph, preferably at the conclusion for impact. The conclusion of the letter is more personal and reassuring.

Sample Letter 10.33. Letter offering summer intern position.


Ms. Rhashondra Askew
23 Crescent Trace Circle
Decatur, CT 06054

Dear Ms. Askew:

I am pleased to offer you a position as an unpaid summer intern at the Decatur City Schools’ Central Office. The internship program begins June 28, 200X, and runs through September 4, 200X.

On June 28 at 8:30 A.M., please report to our Human Resources Department at the Piedmont Street Building. There you will be required to fill out temporary employment paperwork, and you will be photographed for your staff identification card, which must be worn at all times while in the Central Office environs. Please bring two forms of identification with you; one should be a picture ID. If you would like to enroll in the Central Office’s cafeteria plan, which provides a variety of lunch specialties at reduced prices, you may do so at that time. Lunch is from 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Attire for the summer is casual but professional. Your day will be spent under the supervision of Ms. Darlene Nichols, who will escort you to your cubicle from Human Resources at 9:15 A.M. and then introduce you to her staff. The majority of your duties will be secretarial. Your work day will end at 5:00 P.M.

I am happy that you have chosen to participate in our summer intern program, and I am confident that this experience will be a rewarding one for both you and the Decatur City Schools’ Central Office. Please call me at 404-373-2437 if you have any questions.



Siah Ngo
Personnel Supervisor


Letters Accepting or Rejecting Job Offers

Sample Letter 10.34 was written as an acceptance of a job offer. The letter writer confirms when he will start and to whom he will report.

Sample Letter 10.35 was written to turn down a job offer. The applicant expresses appreciation for the offer but explains that he thinks it is best for him to stay at his current job.

Sample Letter 10.36 was written to an applicant who has accepted a job offer. The letter writer expresses pleasure at the applicant’s decision, confirms his starting salary, and states the date on which she’d like the applicant to begin work.

Sample Letter 10.34. Letter accepting job offer.


Mr. Mark L. Weyton
Dynoplast Plastics, Inc.
123 East Manning Street
Brigton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Weyton:

I was delighted to receive your job offer. I am pleased to accept your offer of the position of associate quality control director at Dynoplast Plastics, Inc.

On Tuesday, December 1, 20X4, I will report to the personnel office to fill out the necessary forms and to arrange for an orientation session.

After meeting you and the others at Dynoplast, I knew it would be a place where I would enjoy working. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.



Alan R. Rabsen


Sample Letter 10.35. Letter turning down job offer.


Ms. Mary Matin
Blast Management Consulting
312 Main Street
Alenton, NJ 07005

Dear Ms. Matin:

Thank you for offering me the associate’s position at Blast Management Consulting.

I am sorry that I will have to decline your generous offer. The prospect of working at Blast is an exciting one. But right now, I think there is much I can learn at my current position at Houston & Fretter. That, coupled with the big move from Denver to Alenton that the job would entail, convinces me that it’s just not the right time for me to accept your offer.

Thanks again for the kind offer. I enjoyed meeting you and all the people at Blast Management and wish you well.

Best regards,


Simon T. Blasder


Sample Letter 10.36. Letter to applicant who has accepted offer.


Mr. Edward J. Cole
301 Morlan Street
Bethany, NC 27015

Dear Edward:

We are very pleased that you have accepted the position of assistant communications director at the annual salary of $62,500, with one week’s paid vacation in 20X2. We hope that this will be a mutually rewarding and long-lasting relationship.

I hope that you can start work on August 1, 20X2, at 8:30 A.M., at which time you can sign up for our benefits plan and I can orient you to our company. Once again, it is a pleasure to have you in the Petuchnik Brothers family.

If you have any questions, please call me.

Best regards,


Joanne L. Berrigan
Personnel Director


cc: John Crimen
      Personnel File


Letter Welcoming New Employee

Sample Letter 10.37 was written to welcome a new employee. The letter writer expresses her enthusiasm for the new employee’s arrival and offers help in making his transition easy.

Sample Letter 10.37. Letter welcoming new employee.


Mr. Alan Drake
15 River Road
Bagdad, VT 05055

Dear Mr. Drake:

We are looking forward to having you as part of the Allagash Cane Company. We were very pleased when you accepted our offer of employment and are sure that you will be a valuable employee.

As you know, the company has plans for growth in many areas. In your new position as controller, your experience and knowledge will help fuel that growth.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your move easier. We are looking forward to having you in the office on June 15, 20X3.



Martha Granaloff
Personnel Director



Recommendation Letters

Sample Letters 10.38 through 10.43 are examples of letters related to recommendations.

Sample Letter 10.38 is an example of an unqualified letter of recommendation. The letter writer explains that he has been privileged to know the applicant and that he found her to be an invaluable employee. He goes on to enthusiastically support the applicant.

Sample Letter 10.39 was written on behalf of a prospective job applicant. The writer uses a format similar to the recommendation, in which she explains her relationship with the applicant before launching into a description of the candidate’s qualifications for a particular job. By the conclusion, the writer has listed not only the candidate’s ability, but factual information to enable the recipient to contact this person. The tone throughout is confident, complimentary, and professional. A letter such as this written on behalf of a candidate can also be sent as an email. The text of the letter can easily be used as the text of an email message.

Sample Letter 10.38. Letter of recommendation.


Mr. Thomas Stout
Personnel Officer
Riderim Manufacturing Company
12 Western Street
Bont, NJ 07017

Subject: Allison K. Sullivan

Dear Mr. Stout:

I have been privileged to know Ms. Sullivan for three years in my role as managing supervisor at Perceval, McKormick Manufacturing. I am currently director of business products.

While Ms. Sullivan reported to me at Perceval, McKormick, I found her management abilities to be invaluable in helping me to establish our firm as a leader in the office products market. Her conscientious effort and cooperation in doing professional, high-quality work were appreciated.

As a group supervisor, Allison was efficient, innovative, and responsive. She motivates her people with challenge and the opportunity for personal growth.

If you find that Allison’s career objectives match your position description, I know of no reason you would be disappointed by her employment performance. Please let me know if you require further information.



Edward R. Erante



Sample Letter 10.39. Letter recommending an outside person.


Ms. Pamela Lundgren
Queen Bee Renovation
2000 Avenue Maria, Suite 300
North Dorchester, MA 02143

Dear Ms. Lundgren:

The woman I mentioned to you last Thursday on the phone as a potential carpenter with Queen Bee is Elizabeth Tudor. She worked independently as a subcontractor in the Natchez area from 20X3 to 20X7, before joining us at Architects, Inc. in the winter of 20X7. Sadly, she is relocating, but our loss is your gain: she will be moving to the Dorchester area in three weeks.

Elizabeth has extensive experience in carpentry, and worked on the Natchez Trail Memorial project, which is the feather in the cap of our building firm. She served as project manager of the Carpentry Division on the Memorial, and brought her team in under budget and on time. I know that she has many contacts in the construction industry in Mississippi, many of which she used to our benefit on the Memorial and other projects. She seems to know everyone, and I can say that she herself is a good person to know.

I spoke with her about our conversation and your company, and when she heard there was a carpentry position opening up, she expressed an interest in meeting with you to discuss it. If you would like to go over the details of the job with her, you can give her a call at 378-908-1369; youcan reach her by mail at 818 Clairmont Lane, Natchez, Mississippi 64460 or by email at [email protected]. I’m sure she would love to hear from you. I think you’ll find her an enthusiastic and knowledgeable craftswoman. Please let me know how your conversation goes; I would like to know that she has found work with a quality organization like yours.



Joan Ark


Sample Letter 10.40 is an example of a qualified letter of recommendation. Here the letter writer explains that she is not in a position to comment on the applicant’s ability for the type of job for which he is applying. She does comment that the applicant was an average employee who seemed enthusiastic. Such an underwhelming recommendation is severely limited without being out-and-out negative.

Sample Letter 10.40. Qualified letter of recommendation.


Ms. Stacey R. Zeno
Personnel Director
Elevated Buildings, Inc.
66 High Street
Directed, TX 75076


Ms. Zeno, I am writing to you in response to your request for a recommendation of Mr. William B. Trombond, who worked for me in the bookkeeping department of Big Buildings Corp. He was not a clerk when he worked for me, however, but rather a bookkeeper. I am not qualified to comment on his capabilities as a clerk.

Bill was an average bookkeeper. He is a pleasant person who got along well with his fellow employees.

He also seemed enthusiastic about his job in the bookkeeping department. His attitude toward his work and his cooperation were above average.

If you need any further information from me, please let me know.




Sample Letters 10.41 and 10.42 were both written as recommendations for employees who had been terminated by the letter writer’s company. In Sample Letter 10.41, the employee being recommended was let go because of company cutbacks. The tone of the letter is positive. In Sample Letter 10.42, the employee was let go because of incompetence. The writer is careful to lay out the facts without misleading the recipient in one direction or another about the qualifications of the employee. Instead, he sticks to the basic truths he can say about the employee and leaves it at that.

Sample Letter 10.41. Good recommendation for employee you’ve terminated.


Mr. Joe P. Terno
Personnel Director
Abel & Dexter Public Relations
45 Tyrone Avenue
Touchstone, AZ 85089

Dear Mr. Terno:

You’ve asked that I give you an assessment of James Time, who worked here at Preston & Sturges Advertising up until a couple of months ago. I am glad to oblige.

We’ve organized our company into autonomous teams with each handling its own client acquisition and servicing as well as profit-and-loss responsibility. Jim has always contributed professionally and been a reliable and positive presence in our company.

As you know all too well, the economy has hit the advertising business pretty hard and we’ve had to reexamine every aspect of our business to ensure we were operating as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, Jim’s team was not profitable, and we made the decision to shut down the operations of all unprofitable teams in an effort to improve our overall bottom line. Neither Jim nor his fellow team members were absorbed into other teams.

As a result, Jim left Preston & Sturges to search for other employment opportunities. Please call on me if I can be of more assistance.



John DeLuca
Personnel Director


Sample Letter 10.42. Letter of reference for employee terminated because of incompetence.


Mr. Pat Fitzgerald
Personnel Director
Big Longhorn Steaks, Inc.
P.O. Box 3542
Alantown, DE 19734

Dear Mr. Fitzgerald:

You recently requested a reference for Ben Shoulder, who worked here at Boonton Bagels from September 24, 20X4, through August 25, 20X5. Mr. Shoulder was an energetic employee, who got along well with his colleagues. He added to the collegial atmosphere and approached his work with a positive attitude.



Paul Window
Personnel Associate


Sample Letter 10.43 was written to request a recommendation from a reference who was listed on an applicant’s résumé. The letter writer clearly explains the position for which the applicant is applying and asks that the reader send a verification of the applicant’s employment and his performance record.

Sample Letter 10.43. Letter asking for reference from former employer.


Ms. Alison T. Lewis
Personnel Manager
Andoris Products Company
476 North Main Street
Pontoon, NJ 07025

Dear Ms. Lewis:

Zed Phlange has applied for the position of marketing supervisor at our company. On his résumé, Mr. Phlange has listed your company as a former employer.

Could you please send us verification of Mr. Phlange’s employment, including his job description, dates of employment, performance rating, and the reason for his departure? We will, of course, consider this information to be confidential.

Thank you for your assistance.



Farley T. Zummerzalt
Personnel Manager



Commendation Letters

Sample Letters 10.44 through 10.50 are examples of commendation letters. All of these letters are positive greetings to employees who have done well on the job.

Sample Letter 10.44 was written to commend an employee for her job performance over the year. The letter writer mentions some specific accomplishments and asks that the reader join her for dinner at an awards banquet.

Sample Letter 10.44. Letter commending employee on job well done.


Ms. Katherine T. Hardsdale
Sales Representative
Better Copier Than Yours, Inc.
43 Hemingway Drive
Bullard, WI 53456

Dear Katherine:

Congratulations on your outstanding performance during 20X4. Adding 10 new clients with an average gross profit of $150,000 each is truly commendable.

Please plan to join my husband and me at the annual awards dinner slated for January 29, 20X5. I hope that Jeffrey will be able to accompany you.

Please accept my sincerest congratulations on a job well done.

Very truly yours,


Kate McGuffie


cc: KTH Personnel file


Sample Letter 10.45 was written to congratulate an employee on an outstanding report. The letter writer acknowledges the good work the employee has done and expresses pride that the employee is on his staff. Sample Letter 10.46 was written to commend an employee for a large sale she had made.

Sample Letter 10.45. Letter congratulating employee on outstanding report.


Ms. Dorothy R. Levine
67 Granscome Road
Clifton, PA 15045

Dear Dorothy:

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the efforts you made to prepare the monthly report for the meeting of the division heads. The report was comprehensive and well organized. It was simply an outstanding job.

I am certainly proud to have you on my staff, and to have the benefit of your careful, conscientious approach to any project you are assigned. Congratulations on a job well done.

Best regards,


John Kerrigan
Group Manager


cc: DL Personnel File


Sample Letter 10.46. Letter congratulating employee on large sale.


Ms. Susan Shmansky
56 Yourite Road
Tripoli, PA 15045

Dear Susan:

Congratulations on your sale of 130 cases of Zinnia Styling Mousse to Jovan Salons in Philadelphia. Yours was the largest sale of Zinnia Mousse since the product was developed in 20X1.

I know that Jovan Salons has been a difficult franchise to sell to. Yet, with its international distribution network, it has proved worth all the extra hours you put in.

Your willingness to learn your market and your creative ideas will take you far in the Zinnia Corporation.

Again, thank you and congratulations.



Zweno Shalk
Sales Manager



Sample Letter 10.47 was sent to congratulate an employee on community recognition. The letter writer commends the employee for the recognition and offers support for the group in which the employee has become involved.

Sample Letter 10.47. Letter congratulating employee for community recognition.


Ms. Joan R. Linster
56 Yorkaway Terrace
Resnick, ND 58245

Dear Joan:

I learned last week that you had been elected to the board of directors of the Spruce Shelter. Their work to protect and support battered women and children is well known and admired throughout the state. Your election is the well-deserved outcome of your work with this worthy organization over the years. You bring credit to our firm.

Endeavor Apprise Company has supported the shelter movement over the years. I will make sure we provide particular financial and volunteer support to the Spruce Shelter because of your initiative and good work.



Donald T. Barter
Executive Vice President



Sample Letter 10.48 was written to congratulate an employee on a new idea. The letter writer goes on to explain how others have commented on her good work, and extends an offer of help should it be needed.

Sample Letter 10.48. Letter congratulating employee on new idea.


Ms. Sally Devine, LICSW
Westland Community Services, Inc.
176 North Pine Street
Detroit, MI 48021

Dear Sally:

It was a pleasure to join you and your staff for your workshop at the regional meeting last week.

Your outreach and education program in the Detroit public schools focusing on adolescents and sex is truly exemplary. I was most impressed by your education program and the openness and availability of your staff.

The handbook you have developed, including topics from contraception to AIDS, was clear, with examples the teens could understand. Since your staff has its own experiences as inner-city adolescents it is particularly empathic and sensitive to the population. The staff seemed so open that I felt that almost anyone could talk with them.

Your work is being recognized throughout the agency. I talked with Andrew Brown in San Francisco, who will be calling you to talk about starting a similar program out there.

Call me any time. Meeting with your staff was invigorating and informative. Keep up the good work.



Wil Denehy, LICSW



Sample Letter 10.49 was written to commend and congratulate an entire department for its successful performance. It is general only because of its audience; the letter contains specific references to improvements in market share and to products that the department has helped promote. In closing, the writer accentuates the importance of the department’s contributions to the company’s success as a whole.

Sample Letter 10.49. Commendations for entire department.


To All Marketing Personnel:

First-quarter results are in, and I want to take this opportunity to tell you that our market share of the magnetic poetry field is up 22%, largely thanks to your efforts to promote our latest products. Your team has been instrumental in getting the word out on “Magnetic Love Poems,” “Magnetic Modernist Poetry,” and “Magnetic Renaissance Literature.” These highly specific literary categories have met with enthusiastic response in college English departments throughout the country, and your group’s “College Tour 200X” on-the-road campaign was extraordinarily successful.

Thanks to all of you and your creative and ingenious marketing strategies. Your department is one of the main reasons I feel Mag-Neato will be the number one magnetic specialty business in the country! Keep up the good work—you’ve raised the bar for the rest of us.

Jean Summers


Sample Letter 10.50 was written to commend two employees on a job well done. The writer addresses her praise to the employees’ supervisor and gives detailed specifics about the performance of these two individuals in what was a critical situation for her. The letter is positive throughout, with enthusiastic diction and the judicious use of the exclamation mark. In closing, the writer commends not only the two employees who helped her, but their boss as well, leaving the letter’s recipient with a sense of satisfaction.

Sample Letter 10.50. Commendations to outside staff.


Ms. Susan Griffith
R & I Networking Group
600 Industrial Boulevard
Buford, AL 35051

Dear Ms. Griffith:

I’m very happy to tell you that I’m thrilled with the help I’ve received from your company! Your two technical support staffers, Werner Shaw and Laura Palmear, provided me with top-notch assistance in the resolution of my local area network difficulties last week, saving my company hundreds of hours in potential downtime and thousands of dollars in lost business.

Last Wednesday, I arrived at the office with a voicemail box full of hysterical messages: our network had crashed hours after I went home Tuesday night, and the third shift didn’t know how to bring it back up online, since our Shift Manager was on vacation. Immediately, I called R & I, and was patched through quickly to the dedicated technical support representatives for my region, Mr. Shaw and Ms. Palmear. They identified our domain server, accessed our system history, and sent us the required software patches. While doing so, they demonstrated a calm attitude and a professional demeanor that reflect well on your company. Our network was up and running before the first shift came in for the day, and a crisis was averted.

I’m glad to know that R & I has employees like Werner Shaw and Laura Palmear to guide your customers through the sometimes troubled shoals of the LAN-WAN sea. Kudos to you for hiring these two fine professionals!



Rachel N. Whisenhunt
Purchasing Coordinator


Letters About Job Promotions

Sample Letter 10.51 is a short and clearly written letter to a candidate who has been granted a job promotion.

Sample Letter 10.52 was written to a valued employee who didn’t get a job promotion he anticipated. The letter writer writes a personal letter to the employee (using the official-style format) telling him who got the position and what this means for the employee’s future role in the company.

Sample Letter 10.51. Letter offering a promotion.


Mr. Michael Keeler
45 Torrance Drive
Fall River, ME 04045

Dear Michael:

After extensively interviewing almost two dozen applicants, we have decided to offer you the position of chief purchaser for our retail showrooms. You were by far the most qualified candidate for the position. That plus your many years of dedicated service to the company convinced us that you were the ideal person to fill this position.

Congratulations on the promotion. We are all thrilled to be able to give you the opportunity to continue the valuable contribution you make to the company.



Ross Whiting
Personnel Director


Sample Letter 10.52. Letter to employee who didn’t get an anticipated promotion. [sent to home]


Dear Jesse:

We have decided to hire Larry Stacy, the chief operating officer over at Sensible Hard-goods, Inc., to fill the COO position you applied for. I’m sorry to be the deliverer of what is likely to be disappointing news for you, but we felt that your role as chief information officer has become indispensable for us in our current rapid growth stage.

Rest assured that we consider your role as CIO as important to the future of the company as Larry’s will be as COO. As we continue to grow, there will be other opportunities that arise that we hope you’ll consider.

As an indication of your value to us, we have reviewed your salary relative to your contribution to the company and have made a salary increase, which Betty Walker in personnel will go over with you in a separate letter and a face-to-face meeting.

Please give my regards to your family.



Dennis Duben

Mr. Jesse Howlty
75 Boume Street
Las Vegas, OH 89889


New-Employee Announcement Letter

In Sample Letter 10.53, the letter writer expresses his pleasure at announcing the arrival of two new employees. He goes on to give a brief background on both of the newcomers, and closes by adding what he thinks the two new employees will bring to the company.

Sample Letter 10.53. Letter announcing new people added to the business.


David R. Slater
Financial Products Marketing, Inc.
312 Silver Place
Running Woods, MO 63045

Dear Mr. Slater:

The Review is pleased to officially announce the appointment of Larry T. Letz as southwest sales manager and Sally Phenon as managing editor.

Larry has worked for the past two years with financial advertisers to our publication in the southwest. He brings a keen understanding of the financial services industry and is anxious to work with each of you to define and meet your marketing objectives.

Sally comes to The Review from The Journal of Financial Services Marketing where she covered the financial industry as a news editor. Sally has also been a staff writer for both United Press International and Associated Press.

These new appointments bring additional strength to The Review. I encourage you to call Larry at 232-555-4432 for your advertising needs or Sally at 322-555-6543 for editorial assistance.



Martin L. Noten



Letters Requesting and Refusing Raises

Sample Letter 10.54 was written by an employee to request a pay raise. The letter is short and to the point. After requesting the raise in the introductory paragraph, the writer reasonably states her case and her contributions in the second paragraph, and then closes by asking for a personal audience with her supervisor to discuss the merits of her request.

Sample Letter 10.54. Letter requesting a raise.


Mr. John Teason
Personnel Supervisor
Icee Thermos Company
214 Ponce de Leon Avenue
Maryville, MD 20632

Dear Mr. Teason:

This February marks my third anniversary with Icee Thermos Company, and my second as Senior Chemical Analyst for the Research and Development Division. I would like you to consider raising my salary by $2,000 a year. I believe that this amount, which is 3% of my current annual salary, is appropriate in light of my contributions to the company.

In my two years as a Senior Analyst, I have not received a pay raise, despite my discovery last year of a chemical process that resulted in improved thermal retention for the Icee Supreme model. The new process also cut overhead costs by 15%, as our company no longer needed to order multiple carbonate cylinders for inclusion in the synthetic refrigeration compound we use in the Supreme model.

I would like very much to schedule a meeting with you to review both my performance and my request. Please notify me in writing or call me at X5415 to indicate when you are available to meet with me. Thank you for your consideration.



Ann Marie Ellis


Sample Letter 10.55 was written to inform an employee that he would not be receiving a raise. The writer has a positive relationship with the employee and indicates from the beginning how valuable the employee is to the company but then moves swiftly and directly into an explanation of company policy. The letter closes with a reassuring restatement of the employee’s worth to the company.

Sample Letter 10.55. Letter refusing a request for a raise.


Mr. Denzel E. Whitemyer
301 Crescentwood Drive
East Lake, GA 30333

Dear Mr. Whitemyer:

I want you to know how valuable you are to Norcross Plumbing. In the six months that you have been an employee here, the entire Drainage Department has demonstrated marked improvement in both billing and accounts receivable, largely because of your enthusiasm and administrative support.

However, it is our policy at Norcross to assess employee performance and award raises annually. Since you have not yet reached your first anniversary as an employee with us, I cannot grant your request for a raise. In December of this year, I will be happy to meet with you and review your salary. At that time, it will be appropriate for me to consider raising your current salary.

Thank you again for your excellent service to the company and know that your performance is both monitored and valued.



Jacob Gary


There are numerous reasons why an employee may not receive a raise. Sample Letter 10.56 refused a raise because the employee’s performance did not warrant it.

Sample Letter 10.56. Letter refusing a request for a raise because performance does not warrant it.


Ms. Jiu Xiu Wang
115 Pleasantdale Lane
Bethany, KS 66013

Dear Ms. Wang:

I recently received your request for a raise. However, your current performance level does not merit a raise at this time. There are several specific reasons why I tell you this.

Your attendance at mandatory departmental meetings has been less than satisfactory. Of the three Budget Review meetings this quarter, you were an hour late to the April meeting and missed both the May and June meetings. Your absence was notable, since as economic adviser in the Marketing Department your input was critical. While you gave advanced notice of your absence in May, you were expected at the June assembly. Your absence forced all members of the entire management team to reschedule their agendas.

Several of your recent budget analysis reports have had incomplete or inconsistent data projections. For an administrator at your level, this is unacceptable. In the past, your work has been characterized by an attention to detail and a thoroughness that were superior to those of our competitors, but the quality of your analyses has slipped as of late.

Additionally, I have received several complaints from your subordinates about your delegation of administrative tasks. I would like to address these concerns with you in a formal, face-to-face review at the end of this month, as I am still in the process of investigating the merit of these claims.

It appears that there is a discrepancy between our assessments of your performance. I would like to schedule a review meeting with you for Tuesday, March 29, 20X5. At that time, I will address your specific salary concerns, and I will report to you on my findings about your subordinates’ complaints. Please respond to this letter in writing with a time for our meeting that would be convenient for you.



Roscoe Guerra
Staffing Coordinator

cc: Gabriel Fremian
      Personnel File


No-Longer-With-Us Letters

Sample Letters 10.57 and 10.58 are examples of letters that were written to inform people that specific employees were no longer with the company. Sample Letter 10.57 simply states that a particular employee is no longer with the firm and that all information formerly directed to her should be directed to a different, specified, employee.

Sample Letter 10.58 was written to inform someone that the employee in question had left the company years ago. The letter writer asks that the reader remove her name from any future correspondence to the company. He then gives a forwarding address for the former employee.

Sample Letter 10.57. Letter informing that employee is no longer with the company.


Mr. Quinn T. Renege, Vice President
Renege and Company, Inc.
23 Franklin Drive
Liberty Corner, CA 90056

Dear Mr. Renege:

Ms. Lesley W. Hamilton is no longer with our company. All future correspondence about service and sales should be directed to Larry R. Wireblade, who is the sales representative for your area.

Thank you for noting this change.



Fred Williamson
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.58. Letter giving forwarding address for former employee.


Mr. John S. Tucker
Tucker Systems Corporation
13 April Street
Gary, IL 60045

Dear Mr. Tucker:

Jane L. Berrigan, vice president of personnel, left Andore Products Company five years ago. Please remove her name from any correspondence you direct to Andore Products.

Ms. Berrigan can be reached at Bixley Products, Ltd., 62 Recognition Road, Porzio, Utah 19614.



Ralph E. Jersey
Vice President



Letter of Resignation

Sample Letter 10.59 is a brief letter of resignation. The employee clearly states his intention to retire, gives a reason why, thanks his employer for a rewarding business relationship, and then closes. This formal letter will probably be followed by a face-to-face conversation; the letter is official and for record-keeping purposes.

Sample Letter 10.59. Letter offering resignation.


Mr. Dow Jones
2100 Jump Street
Tempe, AZ 85065

Dear Mr. Jones:

I write to inform you of my decision to retire from my position as a creative director for Handi-Snacker Industries.

I have very much enjoyed my tenure with Handi-Snacker, first as a product tester and then as creative director for the New England Region. In keeping a promise to my wife, I must step down from the company at the age of 60 and join her in her charitable work with the Easter Seals Foundation.

My time with Handi-Snacker has allowed me to develop professionally and personally, for which I am extremely appreciative. It is my hope that I have served the company well. I wish you and all my colleagues the best of fortune in all future endeavors.



Proctor N. Gamble


Letters to Retiring Employees

Sample Letters 10.60 and 10.61 are examples of letters written to an employee upon retirement.

Sample Letter 10.60 is a joyful letter written to congratulate an employee on his retirement. The letter writer reminisces about the employee and wishes him well in retirement plans.

Sample Letter 10.61 was written to an employee retiring for health reasons. The writer expresses regret over losing the employee but wishes her the best on her retirement plans. The letter is sympathetic without being maudlin.

Sample Letter 10.60. Letter congratulating employee on retirement.


Mr. Robert E. Lang
345 West Hartford Street
Trumball, VT 05034

Dear Bob:

After I gave that small talk at your retirement dinner, I was struck with how quickly the 15 years have passed since you first came to Andoris Publishing Company. It seems like only yesterday when you heeded my call for a well-seasoned chief financial officer to come in and put financial controls in place at a haphazardly growing publishing company.

Looking back on the 15 years, it’s safe to say that you’ve surpassed my wildest dreams in helping Andoris to grow to where it is today—a $10 million company. No small feat considering we barely broke a million when you first arrived.

You’ll be missed here, Bob. But our loss is somewhat tempered by the fact that you and Gwen will be chasing another dream out in Kokomo. I’m not sure that buying into that Triple-A baseball team was what I would consider a relaxing retirement, but for someone who is determined to live out a baseball dream, it seems perfect.

Zoe and I wish you the best in your retirement and in your new adventures. We hope you will still find time to visit us up in the Northeast whenever you’re in town.



Martin L. Nathan



Sample Letter 10.61. Letter to employee retiring for health reasons.


Mrs. Jeanette Long
45 Twinscomb Place
Transit, CA 90056

Dear Jeanette:

When we met last week, I told you how distressed I am at the prospect of your leaving Los Angeles and Pet World. It is our loss, and we all regret the development of your allergies to the Los Angeles smog.

Your work has been outstanding, particularly in your supervision of staff. I also appreciate your loving attention to our pets.

I wish you the best as you move to the Sierras. Any time you need a letter of recommendation, please let me know.



Barbara Cole



Letters Regarding Leaves of Absence

Notifications of extended leaves of absence are often handled personally or over the telephone with Human Resources personnel, but it is a good idea to confirm the particulars of leaves of absence in writing. The employee in Sample Letter 10.62 confirms a previous phone call informing her employer of her need for maternity leave.

Sample Letter 10.62. Letter notifying an employer of maternity leave.


Ms. Megan Doss
Human Resources Director
MSD Lawrence Township
1801 West 68th Street
Carmel, IN 46066

Dear Ms. Doss:

In our phone conversation of February 23, 20X5, I informed you of my pregnancy, which will necessitate a leave of absence from my current position as a classroom teacher during the fall semester, 20X5. My delivery date is August 4, 20X5; the academic year begins two weeks after that on Monday, August 18. After taking the six weeks’ leave the District generously affords me, which will end on October 1, 20X5, I plan to use my accumulated personal illness leave of thirty-five days to supplement this official leave. This seven-week period will end on November 13, 20X5.

In order to spend more time with my newborn, I will extend my absence through to the end of the semester in December. I recognize that the time from November through December 18, 20X5 will be counted as unpaid leave. My official return to teaching duties will be at the start of the spring semester, on January 3, 20X6.

Thank you for your assistance, and thank you for your kind words of congratulation and support. I appreciate your flexibility in this matter. Please call me on my cell phone at (317) 555-9285 if you have any further questions.

Warmest regards,

Ayanna Plass

cc: CE Quandt, Principal
      Ed Armstrong, English Department Chair


Sample Letter 10.63 was written to grant an employee a leave of absence and to tell him some of the conditions of the leave. The letter writer clearly states that the employer can’t hold the employee’s position. She then tells the employee to call with any questions on specifics of the leave.

Sample Letter 10.63. Letter granting an employee a leave of absence.


Mr. Barry Krowbath
65 Lorraine Terrace
Boston, ME 04022

Dear Barry:

The personnel committee has decided to grant you the unpaid leave of absence you requested to begin November 1, 20X5. During your leave, some of your benefits will continue and some will not. I suggest you meet with Donna Relita in the personnel department to go over your health insurance, 401(k) plan, and other benefits that could be affected by your leave.

While we can’t guarantee that we will hold your position for you while you are on leave, you should know that you have been a valued employee in our department and we would enjoy having you back with us if there is an appropriate position available when you’re ready to return.

Should you have any questions about the conditions of your leave, please don’t hesitate to call on me or Donna. I wish you the best.



Phyllis Sanctions
Personnel Director


Letter Offering Employee a Lesser Position

Sample Letter 10.64 was written to inform an employee that because of economic conditions his position at the company is being done away with. The company has offered him a lower position within the company should he decide to stay.

Sample Letter 10.64. Letter offering lower position because of economic conditions.


Mr. Kyle Redder
43 Lorraine Terrace
Mountainville, NM 87034

Dear Kyle:

Yesterday, you and I discussed that because of economic conditions, Big Empire Furniture Company has decided to eliminate the position of regional sales director effective November 1.

You already know how tough a year it’s been for the company to stay profitable. As much as we tried to meet profit goals by cutting costs other than the payroll, we were forced to eliminate many positions to stay on track. The duties of the regional sales directors will now be assumed by Brad Ellen, our national sales manager.

We do value the contribution you’ve made to the company and would like to offer you the position of Southwest retail sales director at a base salary of $40,000, plus commissions. While the base salary is shy of the $55,000 you made as regional sales director, we’re hopeful that the commissions on your sales will make up the difference. Rob Fahey, our current Southwest retail sales director, has accepted our offer to move north to take over the Northwest retail sales director position.

Kyle, I really hope you’ll accept the new position. It will allow you to maintain your ties in the Southwest and allow us to keep a valued member of the sales team. If you decide not to accept the position and to look elsewhere, you should know that you can always use me as a reference to attest to the wonderful job you’ve done at Big Empire Furniture.

Please respond to the offer by October 1. Regardless of your decision, I wish you the best.



Tom Paine
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.65 was written to an employee as a reprimand for inappropriate use of company materials, in this case the email system that the company used. Reprimands should be clear and controlled, remaining professional without degenerating into insult. This writer explains the situation initially and then proceeds to inform the recipient why his actions were inappropriate. The conclusion is both complimentary and cautionary, letting the chastised employee know his value to the company but firmly restating company policy. The “cc: Personnel” is as threatening as the writer needs to be, and emphasizes the message.

Sample Letter 10.65. Letter of reprimand for inappropriate behavior.


Manfred Marx
Systems Analyst
400 Peachtree Parkway
Alpharetta, AL 35002

Dear Mr. Marx:

It has come to my attention that you were responsible for this past weekend’s “Halloween Scare” email that was circulated through our corporation’s intranet mail system. The rather large graphic file you created and mass-mailed to all departments and all personnel was not only thematically and visually inappropriate, but it clogged up our servers and crashed key hubs in Charlotte, Biloxi, and Mobile, temporarily crippling business in the Southern Region.

You must know that this kind of behavior cannot be condoned at The Dogwood Firm. Your expertise as a systems analyst is vital to us, but your outstanding ability does not justify your singular poor judgment. In the future, please limit your use of The Dogwood Firm’s technology to work-specific business. Thank you in advance for your compliance.



Bhendra Patel
Chief Technology Officer

cc: Personnel


Termination Letters

Termination letters are one type of correspondence that is almost invariably difficult to write. Few people want to sit down to write a letter firing an employee. Unfortunately, it is a task that must be handled from time to time. When termination must be faced, it is best to be well equipped to deal with the situation.

A standard dismissal letter does not exist. Since every job termination has particular circumstances, each termination letter must be written to fit the situation at hand. Each termination letter is a very personal matter. Each employee has a different relationship with a company. As a result, the employee will have to be informed about the procedures to take upon termination, on everything from severance pay to collecting accumulating pension benefits.

As such, the sample termination letters included here are meant to serve as a starting point upon which to build. Using these letters as basic samples, you can develop your own termination letters to fit the particular circumstances you face.

When a termination is for cause, however, before writing a termination letter most companies follow a procedure that is known as “progressive discipline.” Some also refer to this process as “building a case” against an employee. The process involves an oral warning, followed by a written warning that clearly spells out the consequences of an employee’s further actions, followed by some sort of disciplinary action such as a suspension, and ultimately termination. Each step of the process, including the oral warning, should be noted in the employee’s personnel file.

The need for disciplinary action will often show up during employee performance evaluations. Rather than write a separate warning letter, managers doing the evaluation will indicate on a performance appraisal form where job performance has been unsatisfactory. These evaluations serve as warnings to employees about poor job performance. They also serve as a good record of the employee’s performance in the corresponding personnel file.

As far as following a set procedure for terminating an employee, one personnel director of a major business recommends that you should:

Images Send termination letters by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Such action gives the employer proof of sending a letter and puts a damper on claims that a letter was never received.

Images Clearly state the reason for the termination.

Images Write termination letters in a brief but understanding tone.

Sample Letters 10.66 through 10.69 are examples of termination letters. Sample Letter 10.66 was sent as a warning to an employee. The letter writer clearly states the violation the employee has made and warns that if he does not hear from the employee by a specific date he will face possible termination. Please note that none of the letters in this section are appropriate to be sent as an email.

Sample Letter 10.66. Letter warning employee of possible termination.


Mr. Eliot R. Davids
28 Laurel Avenue, Apt. 3
Somerville, NY 10045

Dear Mr. Davids:

We have not heard from you about your absence since Wednesday, March 22, 20X3. At that time I informed you of the problems we have been having with your performance as a sales representative for our organization. Before you left the office, I reminded you that your performance—documented in your biannual performance appraisals—simply was not acceptable by company standards. I tried to present you with possible solutions to the problems you are facing.

Now, in light of the fact that you have broken company policy by not reporting to work for the last 8 days without notifying anyone here, I am concerned that you have compounded your problems.

Please get in touch with me before April 8, 20X3, or you will face the possibility of termination from Pandora Engineering. Our company policy states that employees who are unable to report to work must notify their supervisor within the first half hour of the working day. An absence is considered excused only when an employee has notified his or her supervisor and has obtained approval.

We would like to work with you to solve this problem, Eliot, but you must comply with company policy and work with us to successfully find a solution.



David Penny
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.67 was sent to an employee who broke company policy and refused to respond to a warning letter. The letter is brief but clearly points out why the employee is being terminated.

Sample Letter 10.67. Letter terminating employee. Follow-up to no response to Sample Letter 10.66.


Mr. Eliot R. Davids
28 Laurel Avenue, Apt. 3
Somerville, NY 10045

Dear Mr. Davids:

Your employment with Pandora Engineering has been terminated effective April 8, 20X3, because of your failure to comply with Personnel Policy #34-Z, and your failure to respond to my letter of April 1, 20X3.

Please contact Muriel Wilson in the personnel department to discuss severance pay and pension plan disbursements.



David Penny
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 10.68 was written to an employee who is being laid off because of a corporate downsizing. It is clear from the tone of the letter that the employee already knows he is being laid off. The letter tells him when he’ll receive his last paycheck.

Sample Letter 10.68. Letter to employee being laid off because of corporate downsizing.


Mr. Timothy Wagner
54 Golden Place
Triathlon, NV 89045

Dear Tim:

On November 1, you will receive your last paycheck from Big Empire Furniture, Inc. I know that you’re already aware of what a tough year it’s been for the company. Regardless of how we tried to trim costs, we still found ourselves unable to turn a profit without shrinking our payroll. These economic conditions resulted in the decision to dismiss you and many other employees in your division.

George Noble, your immediate supervisor, speaks very highly of your work over the five years you’ve been with the company. I am hopeful that you’ll be able to find fulfilling work elsewhere. Please do not hesitate to list me as a reference. I will be glad to share with prospective employers how dedicated and diligent an employee you have been.

It is always difficult to be the bearer of such bad news. It is especially difficult when the recipient has been as great an asset to the company as you have been.

Thank you for your work at Big Empire Furniture. I wish you the best.



Tom Paine
Personnel Director


Letting an employee go can be one of the toughest jobs an employer has to do, especially when the dismissal is not due to the employee’s ineptitude or lack of professionalism. Like the writer of Sample Letter 10.68, the writer of Sample Letter 10.69 gently but firmly informs the employee that he is being laid off due to corporate downsizing. The salutation is personal, rather than formal, to soften the blow; the closing emphasizes the close connection between writer and reader. Clearly, the writer has high regard for the employee he is dismissing. In the first paragraph, the writer both explains the current economic environment and delivers the news of the employee’s dismissal. Next are the formal details of the layoff, including the effective date and the benefits for which the employee is eligible. The offer of the company’s resources in the second paragraph cushions the impact of the news, and the final paragraph is brief: there is nothing more to say at that point.

Sample Letter 10.69. Letter informing employee of layoff.


Mr. Robert McAllister
123 Coventry Avenue
Wichita, KS 66034

Dear Bob:

As I’m sure you’re aware, unusually low revenues from our Merchandising Division combined with a general sluggishness in the national and international markets have necessitated a restructuring of our entire production staff in the Southeast Region. One of the effects of this reorganization is that your position as one of the six quality control supervisors is being eliminated, effective six weeks from the date of this letter. As an employee dismissed in good standing, you will be receiving full benefits for which you are eligible.

I recognize that this news, although not unexpected, will still come as a shock. I want you to know how much I’ve appreciated your contributions to Mateo, Inc. The Human Resources department will be contacting you within the next week to set up an exit interview, and I’ve instructed that group to throw the resources of its entire professional support staff behind you in your efforts to find a new job. I would also like to personally offer my assistance in your job search and will be happy to write a letter of professional recommendation for you. Please let me know how I can help you during what must be a difficult time for you.

I regret that we must make this decision. I hope that your efforts, combined with those of the Mateo, Inc. support staff, will enable you to find a job that suits both your interests and your talents.



Beall Slade
Division Manager


Letter Acknowledging Anniversary Date

Sample Letter 10.70 was written to inform an employee that there will be a commemorative luncheon in her honor for all her years of service to the firm. The writer begins with the announcement of the luncheon, giving the why, when, and where information that the reader needs to know. The next paragraph acknowledges the employee’s service in detail, and then the writer moves into a paragraph requesting a reply and gently giving a deadline at the same time before closing.

Sample Letter 10.70. Letter acknowledging anniversary date of service to firm.


Ms. Cynthia Hicks-Jacobus
111 Abernathy Court, Apt. 2A
Mapleton, NY 10003

Dear Cynthia:

We are pleased to commemorate your twenty-fifth year of service at Diamonex Jewelers with a special company-wide luncheon on Friday, July 15, at the Mapleton Hyatt. Lunch will be at 12:00 noon in the Pollock Room. I hope you will be able to attend.

There are only a handful of us who have been with the company as long as you have, and you have seen us grow from a tiny mom-and-pop jewelry store to a transnational corporation with private mines in South Africa. As we grew, we knew we could count on you to represent us professionally and ethically on the African continent, and your focus on human rights has been instrumental in the development of our Ethics Code at Diamonex.

You have also proved that, sometimes, doing good is good for business, and your work has garnered Diamonex human rights accolades and an increased market share. Thanks are in order, and July’s luncheon is a small way of giving you the attention you deserve. You will be the guest of honor, and we hope you will say a few words at the meal. Please let me know by June 10 if you are planning to give a few remarks, so that I can pass that information on to the program printers.

I look forward to seeing you on July 15. Thanks again for all the years of service you’ve given Diamonex.

Sincerely yours,


Berteil de Kooning


Letter Announcing Staff Changes

Sample Letter 10.71 was written to announce to a company the internal promotion of a staff member. The author begins with the most important information, follows with a cordial mention of her pleasure at the promotion, and then substantiates the decision to promote by describing the staff member’s qualifications for the job and long history with the company. Promotions can occasionally be touchy issues within a company; this writer proactively presents the staff member as a thoroughly qualified and deserving recipient of the promotion. The writer closes by asking for all employees to congratulate the newly promoted staff member, encouraging positive responses to her decision.

Sample Letter 10.71. Letter announcing promotion to staff.


To All Employees:

Effective December 1, 200X, Jean-Marie Sartre will be promoted to Vice President of Sales for Western Europe, reporting directly to Frederick Nietz. We are both proud and pleased that Jean-Marie will be moving up to this position.

Jean-Marie has been with Norton Enterprises since its founding in 19X1 and has served in the Sales department in almost every capacity. She started with us as a sales representative, selling up and down the East Coast, and moved up quickly to regional manager. Her groups were consistently among the top-sellers in the company, and her dedication to detail and quantitative analysis of sales efficiency revolutionized the way we at Norton interpreted our sales data. She was promoted in 19X8 to Special Chair, Sales, where she supervised our North American representatives and instituted our Systematic Sales Support (3S) program, which has made us an industry leader.

In her role as Vice President for Sales for Western Europe, Jean-Marie will be called upon to represent Norton in our European Union negotiations. Her fluency in French, Spanish, and German will come in handy, and she will attempt to customize the 3S program for a European market. In Western Europe, Norton Enterprises has 850 sales representatives in 12 countries, and Jean-Marie will be responsible for standardizing commercial processes, finances, and training procedures among these many different nations, each with its own set of business practices.

Please join me in congratulating Jean-Marie Sarte on her accomplishment. We wish her a hearty “good luck” as she represents Norton Enterprises in this bold new venture.



Commerce York


Letter Requesting Mentorship

Sample Letter 10.72 is a letter requesting mentorship from a seasoned veteran in the letter writer’s industry. The writer is clear, straightforward, and respectful. The letter closes with a clear indication of how the writer will follow up with the recipient. This letter could easily be written as an email without significant changes being made to the text of the letter.

Sample Letter 10.72. Request for a mentor relationship.


Mr. Sam Stiles
Fort Worth Butchers
1532 Abalone Way
Forth Worth, TX 75065

Dear Mr. Stiles,

Paul Sturges, with whom I studied butchery at Emerson Meat Studies Institute, suggested I write to you. He told me that when he worked with you at Abercrumb Meat House you were instrumental in guiding him to become the butcher he is today.

Now that I am beginning my career as a butcher at Alamo Meat Packing, I was hoping that you might be willing to serve as a mentor to me as I continue to learn the ropes of our trade.

If you are willing to consider serving as a mentor to me, I would appreciate it very much. If possible, I am hopeful you will be able to meet with me to talk about how we might get started in this relationship.

I will call you by the end of the month to set up a time for us to meet.



Priscilla Knifeskills


Farewell Letter to Employee

Sample Letter 10.73 was written as a farewell to an employee who has decided to leave the company. Its tone is understanding, touched with regret. The writer leaves the door open for the employee to return, if he desires. The employee is obviously valued, and this writer indicates his respect for the employee’s decision to depart.

Sample Letter 10.73. Letter bidding farewell to employee who has decided to leave.


Tony Gosurvace
Home Products, Inc.
334 Keetchan Lane
Halfway, KY 40005

Dear Tony:

Home Products, Inc. has certainly benefited from the last two years of your devoted service. We can’t begin to count the letters we’ve received from happy customers whom you’ve assisted. Not only has your enthusiasm helped to sell more kitchen cabinets, it has served to energize the entire design department. You’ve been a good a mentor to other members of the staff.

We were very sorry to hear about your grandmother in Uruguay. And we understand that you must leave our company to tend to serious personal business. There will always be a place for you on our team when and if you return.

Again, thank you very much for all of your hard work and devotion. We will always consider you to be part of the family. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you. I would be happy to write a positive recommendation. Good luck in your future endeavors.



David James
Human Resources Manager


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