Sales, marketing, and public relations letters

The object of a sales, marketing, or public relations letter is to elicit a positive response from your reader toward the product or service you are trying to market. Successful sales, marketing, and public relations letters must therefore grab readers’ attention and convince them that your product or service will satisfy their needs or desires.

Use a friendly, personal tone. Customers, whether they are consumers or business users, crave personal attention, and a very formal letter suggests just the opposite.

While all the letters in Part II could be considered sales and marketing letters in the broad sense that they are trying to convince a reader to take some sort of action, the letters in this chapter are sales and marketing letters in a more literal sense. They were written specifically to market a product or service.

Many of the letters in this chapter can be sent as emails or as attachments to emails. For those letters that can be adapted to emails in this section, it’s simple enough to copy the text of the sample letter into the text of your email.

Letters of Introduction

Sample Letters 6.1 through 6.6 are all letters introducing salespeople or companies.

Sample Letter 6.1 was written by a salesperson to an existing customer informing him that she is being promoted and will be replaced by someone new. The current salesperson comes right to the point in announcing her promotion and replacement. She then seeks to set up an appointment with the customer so the customer can meet the new salesperson. Finally, she expresses confidence in her replacement, and stresses the continuity of service.

Sample Letter 6.1.     Letter introducing new salesperson.


Mr. Lawrence Volpe, Treasurer
Boonton Medical Center
100 Harlan Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53201

Dear Mr. Volpe:

Last week I mentioned to you that I am being promoted to vice president at Gleechie Medical Equipment Supply Company. Taking over my territory as your sales representative will be Felicia Mamet. Felicia has been with Gleechie for four years in our Indiana office.

Felicia and I will be in your area on May 25 and 26. We would like to take some time on one of those two evenings to take you and Mark McIntyre to dinner and a baseball game. I’m hoping that this will give both of you the chance to get to know Felicia.

Felicia is my handpicked replacement. I know she will give Boonton Medical Center the attention it deserves. I have little doubt that you will be pleased with my choice.

I look forward to hearing from you to confirm our meeting.

Best regards,


Alice Krauss Sales Representative


cc: Mark McIntyre
      Felicia Mamet


Sample Letter 6.2 was written by a new sales representative to an existing customer. Like Sample Letter 6.1, the writer immediately gets to the point by introducing herself and explaining whom she will be replacing. The writer goes on to instruct the customer how to get in touch with her and expresses a desire to set up a meeting so they can get to know each other.

Sample Letter 6.2.     Letter from new salesperson.


Ms. Patsy Palay
Palay Sporting Goods
139 Howard Place
Carfer, WV 26000

Dear Ms. Palay:

I am your new Glorious Racquets sales representative. I arrived in the territory about a month ago and have been working with Bob Sheffield, your former rep, to familiarize myself with both the territory and all of the dealers in it.

If you should ever need to reach me when I am on the road, feel free to call my cell phone or text message me. My cell phone number 617-555-3232.

You can also call my personal extension at Glorious Racquets, which is 617-555-2345, and leave a message for me.

I look forward to meeting you and all of the people at Palay Sporting Goods. I’ll call soon to set up a mutually convenient meeting time. Thanks for your patience during this transition.



Bethany J. Cole
Sales Representative



Sample Letters 6.3 through 6.6 introduce companies to customers. Sample Letter 6.3 introduces a new company to a current customer. The writer announces the formation of the new company in the opening paragraph and spends the rest of the letter detailing the company’s chief employees, the desire to provide services to the reader, and the desire to set up a meeting with the reader.

Sample Letter 6.4 was written to a prospective customer by an official of an existing company. In the letter she explains what the company does and how it might benefit the reader. The letter elaborates on specific services provided as well as services that may be of particular interest to the party addressed.

Sample Letter 6.5 also introduces an existing company, but this letter is sent as a follow-up to a brief meeting. Like the earlier letters, this one gets right to the point by clearly indicating why it is written—to inquire about the recipient’s public relations needs. The letter continues with a brief description of the writer’s company, indicates that a press kit is enclosed with the letter, and closes by stating that she will get in touch with the reader.

Sample Letter 6.3.     Letter introducing new company.


Ms. Adrienne Leigh
186 Alpine Rock Road
Boston, MA 02125

Dear Adrienne:

I’ve enclosed a copy of our new corporate image brochure for the financial planning company our bank has recently purchased. New Bedford Financial Planning Services Inc. provides complete financial planning consulting services through our staff of 50 financial services professionals.

The individuals who run this company have extensive experience in all forms of financial planning. They and other senior staff members have done financial planning for some of the country’s largest corporations, including: Mom’s Bagel Company, General Hospital, Broughton & Brady Corporation, STL Hotels, and a host of others. They have also completed financial planning services for many fast-growing small to midsize companies.

Adrienne, we would be pleased to provide whatever financial planning services you may need or, if you use other financial planning services, we will be pleased to offer you competitive quotations for your entire financial planning program or any portion of it. We are certain that we can earn the privilege of being your financial planning provider if you give us the chance to compete.

At your convenience I would like to introduce you to some of the key members of our staff. Please let me hear from you if you’d like to find out more about New Bedford Financial Planning Services and what we can offer you.


Quentin Compson




Sample Letter 6.4.     Letter introducing existing company and its services.


Ms. Eliza Gruber
Long & Berrigan
200 Andover Street
Bar Harbor, MI 48001

Dear Ms. Gruber:

I am pleased to enclose a copy of a recently published “tombstone” advertisement covering selected corporate finance transactions completed during the past year by our corporate finance department. As indicated in the advertisement, we provided a variety of services to our Michigan public and private clients, including:

1. Underwriting common stock and debt offerings

2. Handling private placement of debt securities

3. Managing corporate sales and acquisitions

Our company is one of the securities industry’s largest and most preeminent international firms. The objective of our Detroit corporate finance department is to combine the capital resources and specialized skills within the firm with the financial expertise of the Detroit department to provide an exceptional level of corporate finance service to Michigan public and private companies.

We would welcome the opportunity to become acquainted with you and your company and to be of service in achieving your corporate and financing objectives. The objectives for the management of a company such as yours, which has gone public during the past several years, may include:

1. Raising additional equity or long-term debt capital to support continued corporate growth

2. Pursuing growth through selected acquisitions

3. Increasing corporate exposure to the institutional and retail investment community

Please don’t hesitate to call me if we can be helpful to you in any way. I look forward to discussing any aspects of our activities of particular interest to you, as well as any other issue in which we may be of assistance.

Kindest regards,


Susan Crooms
Vice President




Sample Letter 6.5.     Short letter introducing existing company as follow-up to brief meeting.


Peter Velasquez
Commonwealth Pro Systems
54 Garland Drive
Hamilton, CA 90001


Not too long ago I had a brief discussion with Jennifer Silex about your company’s public relations needs. Commonwealth Pro is certainly an exciting company with an interesting history. It’s a public relations professional’s dream.

I thought it might be appropriate to introduce my company for your consideration, should you decide to enhance your current marketing program with public relations. Berenson Public Relations specializes in marketing for clients in the sporting goods industry.

I’ve enclosed our press kit. It will help familiarize you with us. After you’ve had time to look through the enclosed material, I would like to make an appointment to meet with you and Rhonda Berringer, your marketing director.

Thank you, in advance, for your time. I’ll call next week to arrange an appointment at your earliest possible convenience.






Sample Letter 6.6 was written by someone who wanted to introduce himself to a new contact person who had just been promoted at a client company. Recognizing that this person is in a decision-making position, the letter writer does his best to shore up the relationship he has built over the years with the recipient’s company.

Sample Letter 6.6.     Letter to new contact at client company.


Ms. Catherine Serven
Vice President
Boonton Labor Services
312 West Main Street
Boonton, VT 05001

Dear Ms. Serven:

Congratulations on being named chief operating officer for Boonton Labor Services. I’m looking forward to working with you to help ensure that the employee leasing services we provide are tailored to meet your needs as you lead your company into the future.

I realize that you must have your hands full these days, but I’d really like to meet with you soon so we can assess your future plans and develop a partnership that will ensure the success of both of our companies as well as meet the needs of the employee leasing community. At a time when the industry is rife with consolidation and uncertainty, I am glad we can look to you to take a leadership position.

Georgia Sweet, our director of trade relations, and I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience. I’ll give your office a call early next week to set up a meeting time that works for all of us.

Again, congratulations on your new position. I look forward to a long, fruitful partnership in the years to come.



Guy Lewis
Senior Vice President


Sales Letters

Sample Letters 6.7 through 6.21 are all directly selling something.

Sample Letter 6.7 was written to sell a consumer product. The writer makes a special offer to a previous customer. The offer is established in the first paragraph of the letter, followed by suggestions about how to take advantage of it. The writer winds up the letter cross-selling other products the company offers, backs up her offer with the company’s money-back guarantee, and closes with the date by which the offer must be taken. By being direct, enthusiastic, and personable in the letter, the writer clearly gets her sales point across to the prospective consumer.

Sample Letter 6.8 was written to sell a business product. The author of the letter makes clear what he is selling in the first two paragraphs of the letter. The next paragraphs detail the features of the product and spell out its convenience and results-oriented nature. The writer then offers the reader a no-risk trial period, and closes with a reminder to order the product today.

Sample Letter 6.9 was written to sell a consumer service. As in the earlier product sales letters, the author here clearly establishes what is being sold in the first paragraph. The next paragraph emphasizes the competitive qualities of the service and the convenient method of signing up. The letter closes by referring to an enclosed brochure and encouraging the reader to call and sign up now.

Sample Letter 6.7.     Letter selling consumer product.


Warren Laylor
78 Andover Street
Alabaster, KS 66012

Dear Mr. Laylor:

Because you’re a valued customer, I’ve been authorized to make you this very special offer: For a limited time only, you can save 50% when you buy 4 pairs of Slacks Favorites slightly imperfect men’s slacks!

That’s right. Usually you save 40% when you buy 4 pairs of slightly imperfects. But we’ve slashed our prices, so now you pay only half the normal first-quality price.

Take advantage of these low prices to try some spring and summer favorites like Slacks Favorites Cotton Twills at only $22.99 per pair, or Summer Slacks at just $19.99 per pair. With prices this low, you can try several different colors to go with every conceivable outfit.

And it’s the perfect time for you to stock up on your favorite slacks styles, like:

Slacks Favorites all cotton work pants—only $15.99 per pair.
Slacks Favorites cotton/polyester blend dress slacks—only $17.99 per pair.
Slacks Favorites bestselling durable casuals—only $18.99 per pair.

Remember Slacks Favorites, Inc. guarantees your satisfaction—no matter what. If you are not completely satisfied, just return the item for a full refund or replacement, whichever you prefer.

I only have authority to extend these special half-off prices through July 31, so I urge you not to delay. Order now and stock up on your favorite Slacks Favorites styles at these super-saver prices.



Lorraine Gabor
Vice President, Marketing




Sample Letter 6.8.     Letter selling business product.


Mr. John Hill
327 Richmond Avenue
San Diego, CA 90006

Dear Mr. Hill:

The new edition of The AMA Handbook of Business Letters shows you how to write effective letters and memos that get the results you want. By taking advantage of our 15-day free trial offer, you can see those results immediately.

You’ll get dozens of new sales, marketing, and customer service letters that are ready to use. The AMA Handbook of Business Letters covers the broad range of correspondence handled in almost every business setting. There are tools for salespeople, personnel directors, assistants, and managers. This convenient and comprehensive guide will help you, your staff, and your colleagues write results-oriented letters quickly and correctly.

These are actual letters used by businesses that are proven effective. Each sample was selected for its ability to generate positive results. In addition to the many sample letters, The AMA Handbook of Business Letters provides information on the fundamentals of good letter writing—from planning and formatting to phrasing and closing. You’ll learn techniques that enhance and improve communication and make all of your correspondence more effective.

Send for your 15-day free examination copy today. Just mail in the enclosed order card to receive your copy. Use it for 15 days and see for yourself how much time you save and how easy it is to write letters that produce positive results.

You are under no obligation to purchase the book during the examination period. If you are not convinced that it will improve the quality of your writing and save you time, simply return the book to us and owe nothing. Should you decide to keep the book, approve the invoice for $69.95 plus shipping and handling.

Start getting the response you want from your letters and improve your communication skills by ordering your copy of The AMA Handbook of Business Letters today.



Maury Notches




Sample Letter 6.9.     Letter selling consumer service.


Ms. Joanne Wagner
456 Allegheny Road
Southside, NJ 07005

Dear Ms. Wagner:

There is not a single reason why you should continue using Blotto Laundry Service. Because anything Blotto can do, Spotless Laundry’s professionals can do better—for less. And if you switch to Spotless before April 30, 20XX, you’ll receive a free week of laundry service.

Why would you want to pay the high cost of Blotto’s weekly pickup and delivery service? Come over to Spotless. You’ll get the best laundry service at the best price and you won’t give up a thing.

Our complete fleet of trucks operated by professional drivers will give you the service you deserve. Our brand new state-of-the-art industrial laundry facilities increase the efficiency of our operations, allowing us to give you the highest quality service at the lowest prices available.

Spotless Laundry is fully equipped to provide all the services you’d expect—even morning pickup and same afternoon delivery. And our quarterly billing plan is the ultimate in making it easy for you to pay for the service without receiving a bill every week.

Rest assured that once you sign on with Spotless, there’ll be no interruption of your laundry service and no inconvenience to you whatsoever.

Read the brochure enclosed with this letter. It includes our menu of services and prices. Then return the authorization form without delay so you don’t miss out on our special offer of a free week of laundry service.

Better yet, get Spotless quality, savings, and service right now by calling us toll-free at 1-800-555-8537 or sign up on our website at now. We’re waiting for your business!



Beverly G. Krauss
Vice President
Sales and Marketing




Sample Letter 6.10 was written to sell a business service. Unlike the previous product and service sales letters, here the author has decided to create the perceived need in the reader’s mind before even mentioning the company’s name. While it’s clear from the opening paragraph the type of service being sold, the first two paragraphs are used to raise questions in the reader’s mind. In the third paragraph, the writer presents his service as the solution to the customer’s problems. The letter continues to elaborate on the company’s no-risk guarantee and its specialization with the reader’s type of business, and closes with a special offer.

Sample Letter 6.11 was written to sell a subscription to a publication. The writer here pulls no punches, but gets right to the subscription offer in the first paragraph. In the first four paragraphs, the writer clearly explains the offer to the reader. In the closing paragraph he reminds the reader that the offer is for a limited time so she should reply today. Like the earlier sales letters, Sample Letter 6.11 does not try to sell by bamboozling the reader with an array of sales offers. Sales letters work best when the reader knows what is being offered, how it can help him or her, and how to take advantage of the offer.

Sample Letter 6.12 is a brief letter selling a subscription renewal to a subscriber. Paragraph 1 explains the letter’s purpose. Paragraph 2 highlights some benefits of renewing soon. And paragraph 3 explains how to renew.

Sample Letter 6.10.   Letter selling business service.


Ms. Beatrice Alexandria
Office Manager
Pixadiddle & McCormick, Inc.
34 Runter Road
Luckier, NM 87001

Dear Ms. Alexandria:

Have you ever wondered why every time your copy machine goes on the blink your copier service company’s phone is busy?

If your company is like most, every lost day of your copying capabilities can spell headaches, delays, and the expense of having to send materials out to be copied.

Rest easy. Anderson Copy Repair guarantees that as your copier service company, we’ll be there when you need us with the solutions to your copier problems. Our trained staff has years of experience, experience that gets your machine off the blink and back into A-1 condition.

What’s more, there’s no risk that you will be without a machine for long. While we are servicing your machine, we’ll provide you with a temporary machine until yours is up and going. Most repairs will take less than an hour. But just in case, there will be a top-of-the-line machine at your disposal.

Anderson Copy Repair specializes in servicing small businesses like yours. I’ve enclosed a partial list of our current clients. Feel free to check our reputation with any of them. I think you’ll find the response is unanimous praise.

As a special offer to new customers, we are offering a 6-month contract for copier repair service at our 3-month rates. But the offer’s only good if you sign up by May 31. Simply fill out the enclosed postage-paid card, mail it back to us, and we’ll get you started on worry-free copier service. Or, go to our website at and sign up there.

Act now to get the special introductory offer.



Ralph L. Anderson




Sample Letter 6.11.   Letter selling a subscription.


Ms. Jane Kinneally
1978 Malden Place
Summit, NJ 07902

Dear Ms. Kinneally:

For a very limited time—and only to a select, qualified group—I’m authorized to send the next issue of The Armchair Reader’s Review absolutely free.

Reply by March 1, 20X2, and you’ll receive—without risk or obligation—the one publication dedicated to giving the inside knowledge on the latest in economic developments.

Mail the enclosed postage-paid reservation card by March 1, 20X2, and the next issue of The Armchair Reader’s Review is yours. At the same time, we’ll reserve in your name a full-year’s subscription at a special introductory rate.

When you receive your free issue, read it and then decide. If you can do without The Armchair Reader’s Review, write “cancel” on the bill when it comes. You’ll owe nothing. Your first issue will be your last. Or you can pay just $11.95 for 11 more issues—saving $24.05 off the newsstand price—and enjoy the insight that each monthly issue of The Armchair Reader’s Review delivers.

Remember that this is a special offer good for a limited time only. Please reply today.


Mark Naddes




Sample Letter 6.12.   Letter selling subscription renewal.


Mr. Erik Hane
1045 Harcross Plaza
Roswell, GA 30075

Dear Mr. Hane:

Our message to you is brief, but important: Your subscription to The Armchair Reader’s Review will expire soon and we haven’t heard from you about renewing.

We’re sure you don’t want to miss even one issue. Renew now to ensure that your subscription will continue uninterrupted. You’ll guarantee yourself continued delivery of the excellent features, fiction, and insight that make The Armchair Reader’s Review the fastest growing journal in America.

To make it as easy as possible for you to act now, we’ve enclosed a pencil for you to complete the postage-paid reply card enclosed. Simply send back the card today and you’ll continue to receive your monthly issue of The Armchair Reader’s Review without any interruptions.

Best regards,


Thomas Strout
Circulation Director




Sample Letter 6.13 was written to welcome a new subscriber to a publication. It could be written as a follow-up to a successful subscription sales letter. The letter briefly welcomes the new subscriber, asks her to check her invoice for accuracy, and instructs her on the procedure for forwarding or holding her publication should she be out of town for any period of time. By showing a concern for the subscriber and letting her know how the system works, the publisher builds goodwill, increasing the likelihood of further subscription renewals.

Sample Letter 6.14 was written to sell an educational seminar. Since seminars are intangible, the writer sells the benefits of attending the seminar. The first paragraph briefly tells the reader that the topic of this particular seminar, compliance, is more important than ever. The second paragraph recounts the benefits of attending, and the close allows the prospective attendee to have a say in some of the issues covered.

Sample Letter 6.13.   Letter welcoming new subscriber.


Ms. Jane Thomson
Brian, David & Lauren, Inc.
55 Congregation Drive
Boonton, MA 02125

Dear Ms. Thomson:

We’re delighted to welcome you as a subscriber to The Armchair Reader’s Review.

Please take a moment to review the enclosed invoice to make sure we have recorded your name and address properly. If any corrections are necessary, please make the changes on the portion of the invoice you return with your payment.

If you plan to be away for a month or longer, we will be glad to change your address label so you’ll receive The Armchair Reader’s Review at your temporary address. Delivery can always be suspended for a week or so while you are away and started again when you return. We’ll credit your subscription so you receive every issue you’ve paid for. Let us know about three weeks before you leave and we’ll make the necessary arrangements to ensure that you receive the Review when you want it where you want it.

Thank you for your subscription. We are glad to be able to serve you.


Yvonne Surrene
Associate Publisher




Sample Letter 6.14.   Letter selling an educational seminar.


Mr. Samuel Johnson
Missoula Accounting Services
P.O. Box 3452
Missoula, MT 59011

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Never before have accountants faced so many compliance issues. Countless questions have arisen and often accountants have difficulty knowing where to turn for correct answers to these questions.

To meet that challenge of compliance, you should plan to attend the Tenth Annual Southwest Accountants Group Compliance Seminar, described in the enclosed brochure. Our compliance committee has developed a program that will answer many of your questions and help you establish personal contacts for future assistance.

We have also enclosed a survey form to determine the issues you would like covered in the afternoon session. Your responses will determine the make-up of that session. Complete the form and send it back with your registration.

We look forward to your participation.


Jim Boswell, Chairman
SAG Seminar Committee




Sample Letter 6.15 was written to sell an existing customer additional services after an expansion in the company’s production capabilities. The writer thanks the customer for his business and clearly lays out the specifics of a special offer to existing customers.

Sample Letter 6.15.   Letter selling customer additional services.


Mr. Brian Palay, Purchasing Manager
P.O. Box 3452
Grand Forks Opera House
Grand Forks, NE 68015

Dear Mr. Palay:

It’s been a real pleasure working with you over the past several years at the Grand Forks Opera House to provide you with high-quality performance programs for each of the operas you have staged. We think you’ll agree that we’ve delivered high-quality goods at prices that fit your budget.

Now we are expanding our services to offer you assistance in designing and printing souvenir programs for your productions as well. These four-color books can be tailored to the production you’re presenting and can give your patrons a lasting remembrance of a wonderful experience at your opera house.

We are making a special offer on these souvenir programs to our regular customers. For orders of 2,000 or more, we are offering a 20% discount on our published prices. We’ll work with you to design the programs, and once we have the design complete we guarantee that we’ll have the programs printed and in your hands within seven working days.

If you’re intrigued, please give me a call at 999-555-8458 to set up a meeting. We look forward to continuing to give you the same top-notch customer service you’ve come to expect from us over the years. I think you’ll agree that our expanded offerings will add to your satisfaction.



Rachel Digs
Regional Sales Manager


Sample Letters 6.16 through 6.21 are all sales letters that were written to market membership in one form of club or another.

Sample Letter 6.16 extends an offer of membership in a professional organization. It is written as a follow-up to an inquiry from a member of the profession. The letter acknowledges the inquiry, lists the services the professional will receive, details the costs of membership, and expresses a desire for the prospect to join the association.

Sample Letter 6.17 is written to a prospective member of a local professionals’ organization. The letter is a follow-up to someone who attended one meeting as a guest. It’s brief but to the point, expressing pleasure that the prospective member attended the meeting and offering him membership in the organization. Because the prospect has already attended a meeting, he has a fair idea of the type of issues that will be covered at these events, so a detailed analysis would be unnecessary.

In Sample Letter 6.18 the purpose is to sell membership in a local health club. First, the writer welcomes the reader to the community. In the first paragraph, he associates his health club with the community by expressing his fondness for the city. The next paragraph describes the benefits of the club. It is followed by an offer of special membership rates. The organization of the letter builds goodwill and leaves the reader with an impression that this organization really wants to serve her and her new community.

Sample Letter 6.16.   Letter extending membership.


Mr. Joseph Y. Smith
Ventilating Experts
45 Archie Way
Elizabeth, PA 15010

Dear Mr. Smith:

Thanks for your inquiry about membership in the Associated Ventilators of America. In the interests of providing more adequate services to AVA members, the National Plumbers Club has assimilated the AVA membership as a special division of NPC.

As a ventilation professional you will receive not only all of the NPC services, but also special market information and other news relating specifically to ventilation. You will also have an opportunity to be listed in the Plumbing Professionals Directory for a small fee.

If you wish to join the AVA division of the NPC, your dues will be $50, plus a one-time initiation fee of $15. A brochure describing the activities and services of the National Plumbers Club and an application form are enclosed. To qualify for the AVA division of NPC you must apply for professional membership.

If you have any further questions, please call on me. We look forward to having you as a member.

Best regards,


Bud Gener
Executive Director




Sample Letter 6.17.   Follow-up membership offer.


Mr. Rodney McDonnell
McDonnell Associates
11 Tepler Drive
South Zane, IL 60004

Dear Rodney:

It was a pleasure to see you at the South Zane Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours Club (BAHC) co-hosted by South Zane Inn and the East Zane Medical Group. The BAHC is one of our most successful programs. It was created to provide a relaxed social atmosphere in which our members can network with other professionals.

We have many more exciting new programs planned for our membership during 20X5. We would love to have you as a member. I’ve enclosed an application. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to talk with you.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Zoe Nelson
Program Manager




Sample Letter 6.18.   Letter selling membership in health center.


Ms. Ellen P. Thrall
908 Visitation Drive
Hawthorne, MA 02127

Dear Ms. Thrall:

Welcome to Hawthorne. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy your new community. We at The Hawthorne Fitness Club feel that Hawthorne is a great place to live and work.

The Hawthorne Fitness Club has been part of this community for more than 25 years. Our facilities include two gyms, an Olympic-size swimming pool, two weight rooms (one especially designed for women), a Nautilus Center, locker rooms for men and women, a jogging track, six racquetball and handball courts, four squash courts, an exercise studio, and a drop-in nursery and preschool center. We have more than 100 program offerings from which to choose.

To help you meet new friends and get started in a program of health, fun, and fitness, we are offering you a free 30-day family or individual membership. Just fill out the enclosed application, bring it to the Club, and receive your complimentary membership card and schedule of activities. Then you can begin to enjoy your new membership.

Again, welcome to the Hawthorne area. If you need additional information, please phone me at 999-555-6666.



Simon Thorn
Executive Director




Sample Letter 6.19 was written as a follow-up to Sample Letter 6.18, offering congratulations to a new member for joining up. The letter opens with a repeat of the club’s benefits and its commitment to helping its members.

Sample Letter 6.20 is a health club membership renewal letter. The letter’s purpose is clearly stated in the opening paragraph. A reminder of the club’s benefits follows. The methods of payment available are highlighted in the next paragraph. The final paragraph urges the member to continue to take advantage of the club’s offerings.

Sample Letter 6.21 is a second membership renewal notice written as a follow-up to Sample Letter 6.20. The letter writer clearly states that he is reminding the member to renew, highlights in greater detail the methods of payment available, and reminds the member not to let her membership lapse so she can avoid paying the application fee again. Rather than giving a hard sell pressuring the member to renew, the writer makes it clear he wants the member to continue reaping the club’s benefits and reminds her not only of the ease of paying but also of the consequences of letting her membership lapse.

Sample Letter 6.19.   Follow-up to Sample Letter 6.18 congratulating person on new membership.


Ms. Ellen P. Thrall
908 Visitation Drive
Hawthorne, MA 02127

Dear Ms. Thrall:

Congratulations and welcome to a year of health, fun, and fitness as a new member of The Hawthorne Fitness Club. You’re now one of the many individuals who have chosen The Hawthorne Fitness Club as the best way of feeling good through getting and staying fit, learning new skills, and simply having fun.

This year at the Club you can do it all. We look forward to helping you make good use of our facilities, try new programs, and meet new people. To help you make your program choices, please review the enclosed program schedule.

If at any time you have any questions, please feel free to call on me or any of our staff. The Club has earned its reputation as a “people place” because we’re always listening to our members and making every effort to fulfill their needs and desires.



Simon Thorn
Executive Director




Sample Letter 6.20.   Membership renewal letter.


Ms. Ellen P. Thrall
908 Visitation Drive
Hawthorne, MA 02127

Dear Ms. Thrall:

It’s time to renew your membership at The Hawthorne Fitness Club. To keep yourself in top condition—physically, mentally, emotionally—and to look good and feel good, you know there’s no better way than the Club.

We offer you modern, clean, and well-equipped facilities, a friendly staff all dedicated to offering the widest range of sports, fitness, and relaxation facilities, and an interesting variety of instructional and recreational programs. The beauty of it is that you can find it all in one convenient location for one low fee.

Renewing your membership is easy with a number of convenient payment methods from which to choose. We suggest the monthly automatic withdrawal. But you may also choose to charge the membership fee on your Visa or MasterCard or to send a check in the enclosed envelope.

Don’t put off renewing your membership. We look forward to helping you enjoy another year of health, fun, and fitness at The Hawthorne Fitness Club.



Simon Thorn
Executive Director




Sample Letter 6.21.   Second-notice membership renewal letter.


Ms. Ellen P. Thrall
908 Visitation Drive
Hawthorne, MA 02127

Dear Ms. Thrall:

I just wanted to make sure that you have not overlooked your first membership renewal notice. We look forward to you continuing your membership at The Hawthorne Fitness Club for another year. There are several payment options:

• Monthly automatic withdrawal. We will continue your membership indefinitely. Should you wish to cancel at a later date let us know prior to the first of the month.

• A discount for cash. Paying up-front, you will receive the lowest rate possible.

• MasterCard and Visa are both accepted.

Remember, if you renew now you will avoid having to again pay the $30 application fee should you cancel and pay at a later date.

We look forward to having you continue your activities at The Hawthorne Fitness Club.


Simon Thorn
Executive Director




Letter Accompanying Renewal Notice

Sample Letter 6.22 was written as a renewal notice to someone whose annual insurance payment was due. While the letter writer is blessed with a seemingly automatic sale since most drivers are obligated to renew their insurance, she is concerned that the reader check over the facts in his previous year’s application for accuracy. She clearly states the letter’s purpose in the first paragraph, explains the consequences of not checking the application, and closes with an offer of assistance to the insured.

Sample Letter 6.22.   Letter accompanying a renewal notice.


Mr. Harold Lester
100 Newton Street
Binghamton, ME 04003

Dear Mr. Lester:

Your automobile insurance renewal application is enclosed. While your insurance will be automatically renewed, it is important that you review the application to make sure that all drivers are listed and the coverage is adequate.

In the event of a serious accident, you may be held personally liable for damages that exceed the bodily injury and property damage limits on your policy. To avoid financial risk, we recommend that you review your coverage and call or write us to make whatever changes are necessary.

Please call or come into our office if you have any questions or wish to make any changes. If you have no questions, simply complete, sign, and return the renewal application in the enclosed return envelope.


Theresa J. Cove
Vice President




Letter Announcing a Special Presentation

Sample Letter 6.23 was written as a letter to prospective customers announcing a special presentation of product offerings. The letter writer announces the success of this event in the past and invites the recipient and any friends to attend an upcoming presentation. The letter clearly explains how to register for the special presentation and makes it clear to the reader that this will be a wonderful opportunity to preview the products of this company.

Sample Letter 6.23.   Letter announcing a special presentation.


Mr. Alan D. Simpson
1980 Svenson Avenue
Biloxi, NJ 07006


Mr. Simpson, our Stradivarius Violin Slide Show Tour of the Factory was extremely well received this past February. In fact, we’ve had so many requests for a repeat performance that we’re having another presentation so that other family members and friends can attend.

Please register for the presentation on April 14 by filling out the enclosed form indicating what time of day you would like to attend. Also include the names and addresses of friends you would like us to invite to this or future presentations.

Feel free to call me any time I can be of further help to you.





Letter Expressing Appreciation to Customers

Sample Letter 6.24 is written to let valued customers know they are appreciated and that the letter writer plans to make an extra effort to service their needs.

Sample Letter 6.24.   Letter announcing client appreciation program for valued customers.


Mr. and Mrs. Barry White
1876 Grampite Road
Dottie, RI 02804

Dear Mr. and Mrs. White:

I am writing to let you know about the client appreciation program I have instituted for people like you who are my most valued clients.

Each month, I send out valuable tips and information about the real estate industry to this select group of people. You will receive articles on topics ranging from home budgeting and home remodeling to refinancing and home equity lines of credit.

I am constantly trying to improve the level of service I provide because in my business your trust and respect are essential to my success.

I will contact you soon to see how I might be able to help you meet any new real estate needs you might have.

Yours sincerely,


Lorraine Benjamin, Broker
Altobelli Real Estate


Catalog Letters

Sample Letters 6.25 through 6.27 were all written to accompany catalogs.

Sample Letter 6.25 was written to accompany a professional catalog. The writer first introduces the company, then highlights the enclosed catalog, and closes with an offer to help the prospective customer with any business products she might need.

Sample Letter 6.26 was written as a response to a request for a professional catalog. The letter writer first acknowledges the request, then mentions a specific product the prospective customer asked about, and offers special help to the prospect. The letter is short and to the point, and addresses the needs of the prospect.

Sample Letter 6.27 was written to accompany a consumer catalog. This letter is longer than the previous two, and it is written with a more folksy style to attract its target market. While the style is different, the clarity is comparable. The writer mentions the catalog’s highlights, describes a special offer as an incentive to get the customer to order early, and closes with information on how to order.

Sample Letter 6.25.   Letter accompanying a professional catalog.


Mrs. Bess Cooperburg
Cooperburg Department Stores
One Park Place
Sibling, OH 43044

Dear Mrs. Cooperburg:

Bertram and Bertram Store Displays is a full-service company offering store layout and designs as well as fixtures and supplies.

Enclosed are our current catalog and price list. You will find that our prices are competitive. We also offer quantity discounts.

If there is something you are looking for and you don’t find it in our catalog, please call me. We’d be glad to fill your needs. Our phone number is 1-800-555-5467.

Yours truly,

William Berran
Vice President




Sample Letter 6.26.   Letter responding to request for a professional catalog.


Mr. Justin Longen
Hartford Longs Department Store
186 Grampian Way
Dorchester, NC 27009

Dear Justin:

I’ve enclosed a copy of our catalog and the flyer on wire grid cubes that you requested. As I mentioned on the telephone, the wire grid cubes are an excellent way to display blouses and sweaters and will add a high-tech look to your stores at a low cost.

Please get back to me, Justin, and I’ll work out special prices on our whole line of display fixtures for Hartford Longs stores.

Kindest regards,


Alison Kraw
Sales Representative




Sample Letter 6.27.   Letter accompanying a consumer catalog.


Mr. Greg Dendrinos
1966 Myron Boulevard
Goddard, NJ 07007

Dear Mr. Dendrinos:

In the enclosed catalog for Mead’s Seeds, we have a greater variety of vegetable and flower seeds than ever before.

We have spent the entire season poring over a variety of seed offerings. You will find a grand selection of new products as well as your old favorites.

This year we feature more than 100 varieties of the world’s most beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables. You get the same quality products, good value, and super service that Mead’s Seeds has offered for more than 100 years. You also get our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

If you order before March 30, 20X3, you get something more: a $5 savings on your total order. Just enclose the coupon from the catalog with your order and deduct $5 from the total where indicated on your order form.

You can use the coupon to load up on the seeds that will blazon your garden with color this summer: blue ribbon asters, ultra crimson petunias, bronze giant mums. Choose your family’s favorite vegetables from among the hundreds in our catalog.

Since this is a preseason catalog, nearly all the seeds are priced 20 to 25 percent lower than the prices in our spring and summer catalogs. So send in your order today for even greater savings.

If you wish to order by telephone, call our toll-free number, 1-800-555-3733, Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., E.S.T. Or visit our website any time, 24/7, at You can charge your order to any major credit card. You won’t be billed until April, when your seeds are shipped.

Best wishes for a glorious spring and summer of planting.


Cyndee G. Mead




Sales Inquiry Response

Sample Letter 6.28 was written as a response to an inquiry about a particular product. The author clearly addresses the prospective customer’s question and follows by stressing his company’s reputation. He closes by offering to help the prospect make purchase decisions.

Sample Letter 6.28.   Letter responding to an inquiry.


Mr. Ned J. Waggoner
Keith, Simons, and Underthal
343 Twilite Drive
Encino, OR 97004

Dear Mr. Waggoner:

Thank you for your interest in FLOORBOARD™ products and systems. We have enclosed the information you requested for your review.

Since 1886, the M. L. Nilgest Company has provided quality construction products to the industry. We would like to provide any assistance you might require in your project.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 617-555-6666.

Best regards,


Martin Nilgest
Sales and Marketing Manager
Architectural Products




Appointment Requests

Depending on the nature of your business and the level of formality you are trying to maintain, appointment requests can often be done through email. Each of the letters below can be easily adapted to an email by using the message of the letter itself as the content of your email.

Sample Letters 6.29 through 6.32 were all written to request sales appointments with prospective customers.

Sample Letter 6.29 is a very short letter telling the prospect that the letter writer will be in his area and would like to set up an appointment when she is in town. The writer makes it clear what procedure she will take to set up the appointment and leaves little doubt whose court the ball is in.

Sample Letter 6.30 was written as a follow-up to a brief discussion. The writer thanks the reader for his time, refers to the reader’s colleagues who recommended him, and closes by saying he will call at the end of the next week to set up a meeting at a mutually convenient time.

After being referred to yet another person, the writer of Sample Letter 6.30 wrote Sample Letter 6.31. He recounts his history with the company, mentions the referral, and closes by requesting a meeting. Again, the writer makes it clear when he will call to set up a convenient meeting.

Sample Letter 6.32 was written to inform the reader of a rescheduled trip and requests a specific meeting time with the reader. The writer and reader had been in contact before the letter was written and this letter confirms the actual date the writer will be in town for a possible meeting.

Sample Letter 6.29.   Short letter requesting an appointment.


Mr. Simon Rone
Acme Film Labs, P.O. Box 3452
Cosgrove, ID 83201

Dear Mr. Rone:

I plan to be in Cosgrove on September 1, and would like to discuss the possibility of working with you on the Bimini project.

I’ll give you a call next week to see if we can set up a convenient time to meet.


Alice Berg



Sample Letter 6.30.   Letter requesting an appointment after initial discussion.


Mr. Ralph Hamill
Thomson Enterprises
111 Prospect Street
Hamilton, CA 90001

Dear Mr. Hamill:

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me last Friday.

Alice Crafton suggested that I meet with you and Sondra Narsak to discuss the public relations needs of Thomson Enterprises. I have enclosed copies of the publicity we’ve been able to secure for one of our high-tech clients—Wheaton Softprodisk. Building an image through publicity is one part of the marketing services we can offer Thomson Enterprises.

At your earliest convenience, I would like to meet with you and Ms. Narsak to learn about your company and its public relations goals. I will call at the end of next week to see when a meeting might be possible.

Congratulations and best of luck. I know your company will be well received in the Hamilton community.

Yours sincerely,


Gene O’Connor




Sample Letter 6.31.   Follow-up to Sample Letter 6.30, requesting meeting with appropriate person at company.


Mr. Loren Gray, President
Thomson Enterprises
111 Prospect Street
Hamilton, CA 90001

Dear Mr. Gray:

Alice Crafton recommended I meet with Ralph Hamill and Sondra Narsak to discuss the public relations needs of Thomson Enterprises. In a recent discussion, they told me that you are handling the review process. I understand that the materials I had sent to Mr. Hamill were passed along to you.

At your earliest possible convenience, I would like to meet with you to learn about your company and its public relations goals. Enclosed is some recent publicity one of our software clients received in Hamilton magazine’s August issue. The story focused on how to choose a software supplier.

I will call you at the beginning of next week to check your schedule. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration.



Gene O’Connor




Sample Letter 6.32.   Letter requesting an appointment after rescheduling a trip.


Georgina S. Cowen
Bootbakers of America
4545 Razzen Way
Ft. Wayne, NJ 07008

Dear Ms. Cowen:

I have rescheduled my trip to Ft. Wayne and hope it will be possible for you to meet with me on January 22. Would it be possible for me to meet you at your office about 6 o’clock in the evening?

Please let me know if this is convenient for you.



William Berry
Vice President



Letters of Interest

Sample Letters 6.33 and 6.34 were written as letters of interest in a project. These are sales letters whose mission is to get attractive projects for the writers’ companies.

Sample Letter 6.33 is also written to a specific prospect, but here the letter writer not only introduces himself and explains what he is after, but also attempts to set up a meeting with the prospect.

Sample Letter 6.34 is a follow-up letter of interest to a prospect with whom the letter writer had met. The writer expresses a strong interest in a project discussed and encourages the prospect to send along any material he has. The writer then highlights the benefits of working with his company and closes by reiterating his desire to see the prospect’s material. The letter serves not only to reinforce the writer’s interest, but also to present his company as an ideal match for the prospect’s work.

Sample Letter 6.33.   Letter of interest in project and request for meeting.


Dr. James Wagon
Joe Bing College
47 Bing Boulevard
Noreaster, ME 04003

Dear Dr. Wagon:

I am the program coordinator for Andoris Seminar Productions. It has come to my attention that you are an authority in the area of personnel management. We are interested in running seminars in your specialty area.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss your program with you as well as the field of personnel management in general.

At present, I am planning to be at Joe Bing College on January 21, 20X2. Perhaps, if it is convenient for you, we could meet on campus. I will be arriving in Noreaster on January 20 and will be staying at the college’s guest quarters.

I am looking forward to meeting you. In the meantime, if I can be of any assistance to you, please feel free to call upon me.



Martin Night
Program Coordinator



Sample Letter 6.34.   Strong letter of interest in project.


Mr. Paul Jensen
Sunvale Enterprise College
98 Bethany Road
Sunvale, MD 20607

Dear Mr. Jensen:

I was glad to have had the opportunity to meet with you when I was at Sunvale Enterprise last month. Thank you for sending me a proposal letter for the seminar we talked about having you run.

Your project sounds very interesting. We would like to know more about it. I understand you have some sample material prepared, which we would be interested in seeing. I would be happy to send you the comments and suggestions of our board of advisers. I trust that you will find these recommendations to be helpful as your work progresses.

Mr. Jensen, I know you are very interested in having your seminars produced. As a prospective seminar leader, you will undoubtedly consider a number of criteria in selecting whom you would like to work with in putting on the seminar. These might include sales, advertising, promotion, and content development assistance. In all of these aspects, Andoris Seminar Productions stands alone. For more than 25 years, Andoris has specialized in three things: performing extensive market analysis designed to develop a limited number of quality seminars; maintaining very high content standards built on years of experience; and reaching a maximum market for its seminars through a concentrated promotion policy.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your material. In the meantime, you have my best wishes for continued progress on your work. If I can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call upon me.

Best regards,


Martin Night



Letter to Difficult-to-See Prospect

Sample Letter 6.35 was written to a prospect with whom the letter writer has been having trouble getting in touch. The writer clearly explains her predicament in the first paragraph by mentioning how many times she has tried to call the prospect. She does this in an inoffensive way by expressing her understanding of how busy the prospect must be. The writer realizes the prospect is short on time, so she wastes none of it and gets right to the point in her second paragraph. Here, she briefly explains what her company can do for the prospect. She closes by saying she will once again call the prospect to set up a meeting. But having written this letter, she has laid the groundwork for more successful results.

Sample Letter 6.35.   Letter to a sales prospect who is difficult to see.


Mr. Allen Kenney
Volt & Wattage Company, Inc.
78 Alma Road
April, IA 50025

Dear Mr. Kenney:

I have tried to call you several times during this past month, but have had no success in reaching you. I can appreciate how busy you must be handling the installation of a new computer system at your company.

Palay Insurance Benefits Company is keenly aware of the heightened competition in insurance and is committed to responding with more creative and attentive servicing to corporate customers such as you. We combine the personal touch and convenience of a local insurance firm with all of the sophistication of the major insurance companies in our city.

I will call you in the near future to try to schedule a visit at your convenience. I look forward to meeting with you.



Bridget Palay
Vice President



Letter to Find Decision Maker

Sample Letter 6.36 was written to a new customer to find out the decision-making process at the customer’s company. The letter writer expresses his appreciation for the new business, but goes on to ask for a face-to-face meeting with the recipient and with others at the customer’s company who have the power to make decisions to purchase the writer’s products.

Sample Letter 6.36.   Letter sent to assess who makes decisions at new customer’s company.


Mr. Ralph Stewart
Chief Operating Officer
Plattsburgh Quality Paints, Inc.
43 Lorraine Terrace
Grand Forks, ND 58201

Dear Ralph:

It’s wonderful news that you’ve decided to give us at Citadel Pigments your business. I appreciate all the time you’ve taken over the past several months to consider us and whether our products and people could meet your company’s needs. I’m thrilled that you’ve chosen us. Thanks for being our advocate throughout the decision-making process.

Now that it’s clear we’ll be working together, I’d like to set up a meeting with you and anyone else at Plattsburgh Quality Paints who’s likely to be involved in the relationship with us. Of course, working with you directly will be great, but we’re also realistic that your day-to-day responsibilities as COO will demand a great deal of your attention. I’d like to get to know all the other people at your company who will be making decisions. It will be helpful to meet some of the personalities behind the squares on your organizational chart.

Perhaps you and I can meet over coffee sometime next week to talk about the various people who should be involved in the larger meeting I’ve proposed. I’ll give your office a call to set up a time.

Once again, thank you for choosing to do business with us. I’m looking forward to a rich and rewarding partnership.


Alan Gerous
Vice President


Letters Confirming Proposals

Sample Letters 6.37 through 6.39 were written to confirm sales proposals that had been made to customers. All followed some initial contact with the prospect.

Sample Letter 6.37 was written after the letter writer had a phone conversation with a prospect about his need for insurance. The writer opens by recounting the conversation and mentioning a mutual acquaintance who suggested the prospect to the writer. The next paragraph gives a capsule review of the proposal, followed by instructions to the prospect on how to go forward.

Sample Letter 6.38 was written to confirm a proposal for use of a function hall and catering facilities. The letter writer immediately acknowledges the prospect’s reservation, reiterating what she has told him about her needs. He follows by explaining costs and procedures for securing the room and encloses sample menus to help her decide on her menu for the function.

Sample Letter 6.39 is written as a follow-up to action taken as a result of Sample Letter 6.38. After the customer has confirmed the room and chosen a menu, the letter writer writes to confirm the menu and instructs the reader on the procedure for informing him of an exact head count for the function. The writer, who wrote the letter shortly before the function, extends his offer of help should the reader need it before the function.

Sample Letter 6.37.   Letter confirming proposal for services.


Mr. Ed Devick
RR & Associates
56 Downside Street
Cambridge, AL 35004

Dear Mr. Devick:

I just wanted to send you a brief note to tell you that I truly enjoyed speaking with you and look forward to advising you in the area of insurance and fringe benefit planning. Tracey Hunt speaks very highly of you.

I’ve enclosed a proposal and application for John Jay Insurance Company for the following disability insurance coverage:

$2,900 per month benefit
60-day waiting period
Payable to age 65
Coverage in your own occupation
Cost of living adjustment, which keeps pace with inflation
Future insurance option

I feel extremely comfortable with John Jay’s proposal and recommend that we apply for it. Please sign where indicated (two times) on the enclosed application and mail it back to me in the envelope provided with a check payable to John Jay Insurance Company for $733.25.

Thanks in advance for the business. I hope to meet with you in person soon.



Lauren Gary




Sample Letter 6.38.   Letter confirming proposal for services.


Ms. Nancy Armitage
186 Stanfield Road
Sibling, OH 43044


Nancy, I am delighted to acknowledge a reservation for the Armitage/Catton wedding from 1 to 5 P.M. on Saturday, January 18, 20X6, in the Great London room of the Hopscotch Hotel. We will set the room for a reception, luncheon, and dance and we understand that you expect 75 guests.

The rental for the room is $800, reduced by $100 for each $1,000 you spend on food and beverages.

I have enclosed a copy of this letter that, when signed and returned to my office, will confirm your reservation. We also require that a deposit of $800 accompany your confirming copy and that it be returned within 14 days.

Full payment of your estimated bill, based on the guaranteed figure, will be required the day of the function. All payments should be made to our banquet manager prior to the start of the function in cash, certified check, or by credit card. Kindly make your check payable to The Hopscotch Hotel, Inc.

I have also enclosed our menus for your perusal and would appreciate hearing from you within three weeks about your menu selection.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you. I can assure you that we will do our utmost to make this event a success.






Sample Letter 6.39.   Follow-up in response to confirming letter in Sample Letter 6.38.


Ms. Nancy Armitage
186 Stanfield Road
Sibling, OH 43004


Nancy, with your upcoming function soon at hand, I am pleased to enclose the finalized copies of the menus and arrangements for your wedding for your verification. To help us proceed with the arrangements, kindly sign and return the original copy to us, making any notations or changes that you desire.

We will require that you furnish us with a guaranteed attendance number by noon two business days prior to the function. Should a count not be received, your highest estimate will be used when we determine the final bill.

We look forward to the pleasure of serving you. If, in the interim, I can be of any assistance to you whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call on me.






Follow-Up Sales Call Letters

Sample Letters 6.40 through 6.46 were all written to follow up on a sales call to a prospect.

Sample Letter 6.40 was written to follow up on a meeting with a prospect. This letter writer briefly expresses thanks for the meeting, explains in capsule form what his company can do for the prospect, and closes by expressing a desire to work with the prospect.

Sample Letter 6.41 was written to follow up on a phone conversation. Here, the letter writer gets right to the point when he writes that he has enclosed the materials requested by the prospect in their conversation. He closes by reminding the reader of a meeting they have set up and thanks him for his interest in the company’s services.

Sample Letter 6.42 was written as a follow-up to a former customer who had decided to go with the competition. The letter writer follows up a conversation he had with someone at the reader’s company who told the writer why they made the shift to a new company. First the writer sets up the situation in the letter. Then he announces how his company is able to meet and surpass the competition when it comes to supplying the former customer’s needs. He closes by expressing a desire to serve the reader and encourages him to call should he need any help.

Sample Letter 6.40.   Follow-up letter to meeting.


Mr. Gerald Johanson, Chairman
State Oil Refinery
75 Mascot Place
Alderbine, GA 30002

Dear Mr. Johanson:

Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet with me at the Racquet Club last Thursday. It was a pleasure for David Pardy and me to meet with you and the other partners of your organization to discuss your company’s data processing needs. I hope this is just the beginning of a solid relationship between our two companies.

As I told you at our meeting, our company specializes in servicing companies like yours. Please feel free to call on me at any time to discuss your needs. I would be glad to meet with you or your partners at your convenience.

Thank you again for the meeting. I hope to be able to work with you in the not too distant future.


Alan Ross
Vice President


cc: David Pardy


Sample Letter 6.41.   Follow-up letter to phone conversation.


Mr. Walter B. Jingle
Christophers, Leighs & Plummers
P.O. Box 45
Menahagon, WA 98765

Dear Mr. Jingle:

I’ve enclosed a copy of our press kit, which you requested when we spoke on the telephone yesterday. Among other things, the press kit contains articles I’ve written, stories in which I’ve been quoted, biographies of me and our senior staff, and a client list.

I look forward to meeting you the week of October 5. Thank you very much for your interest in NES Public Relations. I’ll speak with you soon.

Yours truly,


Mack Nilton




Sample Letter 6.42.   Letter following up on lost sale.


Mr. Carl B. Replick
Myers and Myers, Inc.
456 Merrimac Place, Suite 4B
Williamsburg, NY 10501

Dear Mr. Replick:

Checking through my records, I noticed that you were no longer an active customer of Zyblick Office Supplies. When I called your office, I was informed that your company is now using our competitor from a few counties over. Your office manager, Zed Globonk, was refreshingly forthright in telling me how Zyblick fell short of the mark in keeping your business.

I’m pleased to tell you that we have set up a whole new line of filing supplies, which Mr. Globonk expressed a desperate need for. We feature a wide array of legal- and letter-size folders, as well as a variety of color-coded hanging folders.

I thought you’d also be interested to know that we’ve established same-day delivery service and overnight billing, features Mr. Globonk mentioned would really help your business. These services are not offered by any of our competitors.

Mr. Globonk told me that you make all purchasing decisions at Myers and Myers. If you need additional information from me, Mr. Replick, please feel free to call. I welcome the opportunity to serve your company once again. I will do my best to ensure your satisfaction.



Robert Kemprel



Sample Letter 6.43 was written as a follow-up to a previous sale. The letter writer opens his letter by thanking the customer for her prior business and reassuring her that his company will continue to provide quality products and services. He closes by mentioning a listing of products he has enclosed with the letter and encouraging the reader to call him should she have any questions.

Sample Letter 6.44 was written as a follow-up letter to an active customer who had attended the letter writer’s exhibit at a trade show. The writer reminds the reader about the trade show and then elaborates on a new product his company is offering. He closes by expressing his appreciation for the reader’s business. The letter serves not only to sell the customer on the company, but to keep him informed.

Sample Letter 6.45 was written as a follow-up to a referral made by an associate of the reader. The letter writer immediately identifies the situation by mentioning the referrer’s name in the first paragraph. If the prospect recognizes the name as someone he trusts, he is more likely to read on. The writer next explains what his services are, mentions an enclosed brochure, and closes by encouraging the reader to get in touch with him.

Sample Letter 6.43.   Follow-up letter to previous sale.


Ms. Beverly T. Cole
Academy Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 3456
Latin, KY 40011

Dear Ms. Cole:

Thank you for purchasing your computer equipment at Diskquick Services earlier this year. My associates and I at Diskquick would be pleased to provide any services we can to your company, or act as a sounding board on your hardware and software needs. We do business with many professional services in the Latin area and are familiar with the challenges of operating a company such as yours.

To familiarize you with Diskquick, I enclose a copy of our latest product listings. Please feel free to call me or any of my associates on the enclosed list any time. I’ll call you within the next few days to introduce myself over the phone.

I look forward to meeting you.


Alan Macalester
Vice President




Sample Letter 6.44.   Follow-up to exhibit visitor.


Mr. Lawrence Z. Weimer
Weimer Images
454 Main Road
Transit, PA 15001


Larry, at the trade show in March, we announced that we would be introducing a new line of medium-sized photography enlargers. The response we received at the show was tremendous and, in order to help you present the enlargers better, we are enclosing a selection of new sales literature.

In addition to the introduction of the new enlarger, we are making other changes. We’re now better equipped than ever to respond to your needs and the needs of your customers. You may already have noticed faster handling of orders. More improvements in service are on the way!

This promises to be an exciting year for us and we’re glad you’re part of it.





Sample Letter 6.45.   Follow-up to referral.


Mr. John Nivas
Marketing Director
Nivas, Royal, Lauten, Inc.
681 Line Hill Avenue
Norstar, MA 02129

Dear Mr. Nivas:

Beatrice Clonig suggested I write you because she thought you might be interested in the unusual services that I provide corporations.

I perform magic at sales meetings, trade shows, and corporate parties. I also work with companies to use magic in promotions and new product introductions. Magic is used to support the theme of the introductions, to strengthen the theme of the meeting, and to reinforce key marketing points and product attributes in an entertaining presentation. Each show is specially designed to highlight the client’s program objectives.

I have enclosed one of my promotional brochures for your information. It should give you a better indication of my capabilities and expertise.

If you think that corporate magic might be something that Nivas, Royal, Lauten, Inc. would be interested in exploring, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I hope to hear from you soon.



Ray Fontmore




Sample Letter 6.46 was written as a follow-up to a proposal that had been sent to the customer by the letter writer.

Sample Letter 6.46.   Follow-up to a proposal.


Ms. Beatrice Jared
Jared Software Development Company
48 Charles Street
Catalonia, NH 03031

Dear Ms. Jared:

On August 20, we sent you a proposal for packing and shrink-wrapping boxes of your software. Since we haven’t heard from you yet, I thought I’d use this opportunity to remind you to review the proposal, which we believe will address your needs efficiently and profitably.

Thank you very much for considering us. We look forward to working with you.



Larry Douglas
Director of Marketing


Letter to Renew Contact

Sample Letter 6.47 was written to a prospect whom the letter writer knew when she was at another company. He congratulates her on the new position, reminds her who he is, and offers any help she might need in choosing services that his company provides.

Sample Letter 6.47.   Sales letter to renew contact.


Dr. Lindsey Harl
Executive Vice President
Emerson, Waldo & Associates
One Divinity Place
Coopers, OH 43044

Dear Lindsey:

I was pleased to hear that you have become an associate of Emerson, Waldo & Associates. Please accept best wishes from all of us at Ambrose Trucking Company.

You may remember that we had several phone conversations when you were vice president of operations at Grimes and Grimes. Since that time my duties have changed at Ambrose Trucking Company from handling long-term fleet leasing arrangements to handling the accounts of large wholesale firms like Emerson, Waldo.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you or help you better serve your clients. We at Ambrose Trucking are committed to providing the quality trucking services that wholesalers require to run a successful business.

Again, I wish you continued success.

Kindest regards,


C. C. Lange
Vice President



Letter Welcoming New Client

Sample Letter 6.48 was written to welcome a new client. The letter writer opens by welcoming the client, and follows by telling him who will be handling his account, how the company will help him, and what he should expect from the company. The writer closes by informing the reader that his account representative will be calling him to set up a meeting. This brief but informative welcoming letter serves not only to remind the new client of what services the company will provide, but more importantly to assure him that the company cares enough about him to take the time to welcome him after he has already agreed to give the firm his business.

Sample Letter 6.48.   Letter welcoming a new client.


Mr. Alexander Hayes
Rightaweigh, Inc.
98 Bolivia Avenue
Cortland, NJ 07007

Dear Mr. Hayes:

We’re pleased to welcome you as a new client and want to take this opportunity to thank you for your selection of Nilges and Crowbacker, CFPs, to handle all of your financial planning needs. You have chosen a firm that is committed to providing you with excellent service and superior professional counsel.

We have assigned Greta Lockin as your personal financial planner and primary liaison. Of course, Greta will work closely with our entire staff of specialists to ensure that you will receive the best guidance on all matters.

Our firm specializes in strategic financial planning to help you and your company prosper. We address your future potential as well as assess your past financial performance. What’s more, we provide ancillary services that can be vital to your success, such as complete management of all your financial software needs.

As a client of Nilges and Crowbacker, CFPs, you will receive monthly newsletters with the latest tax and financial information available. You will also be invited to special seminars we regularly conduct on financial matters of interest to our clients.

Greta Lockin will be calling on you shortly to arrange an initial appointment. Should you have any further questions on any or all of our services, please do not hesitate to call Max Nilges or me.

Again, welcome to Nilges and Crowbacker.



Niles Crowbacker



Letter Asking for Referral

Sample Letter 6.49 was written to an existing customer with whom the writer has recently met. The letter writer first takes care of business by telling the reader that his check and application have been received. Next the writer asks the reader for possible referrals who might be interested in his services. He describes the type of clients he is looking for and suggests that he call the reader to see if he is willing to recommend some people. The tone of the letter is congenial, not at all pushy. The writer makes it clear that it is entirely up to the reader whether or not to make referrals.

Sample Letter 6.49.   Letter asking for a referral.


Mr. Geoffrey Spaulding
Animal Crackers, Inc.
45 Marx Drive
Chico, CA 90003

Dear Mr. Spaulding:

It was good to meet with you for lunch at the Racquet Club last week. I’ve received your first premium check and your application for the disability insurance policy I recommended to you. I’m glad I was able to fill your needs with this policy. I trust you’ll be as pleased with this product as you have been with insurance products you have purchased through me in the past.

At lunch you mentioned that you run into a good number of small-business owners in your business dealings. If you think it is appropriate, I would welcome the opportunity to furnish these people with the same quality of service that I and my colleagues at Pacific Insurance Benefits, Inc. have supplied you.

As I mentioned to you, Pacific Insurance Benefits has been getting more and more into the area of fringe benefit and insurance planning for small-business owners. Would you consider thinking of a few business owners you know who could use my services?

I’ll call you next week to see if you’d be willing to refer me to these people. A referral from you would go a long way in opening new doors for me and my colleagues.

I look forward to talking to you next week.

Best regards,


Gino Inatreck



Letter Promoting Special Sale

Sample Letter 6.50 was written to promote the special sale of a property that unexpectedly came to market. The letter writer explains the situation and describes the property in the first three paragraphs, then closes by telling the reader how she can take advantage of the offer if she is interested. The writer clearly points out why the offer is a special one and how the reader can benefit from it.

Sample Letter 6.50.   Letter promoting special sale.


Ms. Zoe Patterson
34 Laramy Street
Apriori, UT 84003

Dear Ms. Patterson:

You now have an opportunity to step in and build a house where the preparatory work has already been done!

Due to the owner’s serious illness, the construction of a house in the prestigious Township section cannot be completed. The owner would like to sell the site as is for $79,900—less than the appraised value.

The property includes a secluded one-acre lot, blueprints for a 3,400 square-foot house, all necessary building permits, a cleared home site and driveway, in-place footings, temporary water hookup, temporary electricity hookup, and $2,500 worth of building materials on the lot.

If you are interested in additional information, please call me at 999-888-8888. We plan to list the property with a real estate agency as of January 25, 20X6, so please call soon if you are interested.



Max Jeffries



Letter to Wish Existing Customer Holiday Greetings

Sample Letter 6.51 is a brief, social missive intended to relay season’s greetings to a customer. The language is neutral—it is appropriate for holidays of any religious observance—and universally applicable, without sounding bland.

Sample Letter 6.51.   Letter of holiday greetings.


Mr. Walter O’Clair
99 Wausau Boulevard
Mateo, FL 32004

Dear Mr. O’Clair:

We at Packard Automotive would like to express our best wishes to you during this holiday season. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you and servicing your automobile during the coming year.

May the upcoming year bring you and your family health and happiness and a safe and joyous holiday season.

Yours truly,


Sam Rowar


Letter to Acknowledge Anniversary of a Sales Relationship

Sample Letter 6.52 was written to commemorate an anniversary of a sales relationship. Nothing is asked for and nothing is sold; the author of this letter is simply connecting with his client in a friendly, congratulatory manner, while reinforcing what appears to be a solid business alliance.

Sample Letter 6.52.   Letter to acknowledge anniversary of a sales relationship.


Ms. Toni Tamules
Body by Toni
1247 Pearl Drive
Roswell, MA 02219

Dear Ms. Tamules:

Can you believe that it’s been ten years since you first opened and we at Samson Weights walked into your fitness center to pitch our Galaxy Class Modular Weight equipment? Time sure has flown, and we’re glad to see that your business has grown as big as your customers’ biceps, while our relationship with Body by Toni is as strong as our namesake.

In this day of shifting business alliances, we want you to know that we are as committed to satisfying your equipment needs today as we were on Day One, and that we hope to be with you when Body by Toni celebrates its twentieth anniversary.

Congratulations on your business successes, and as always, don’t hesitate to call on us when you’re planning for new growth.



Rodney Caballero


Public Relations Letters

Public relations is a marketing tool used by many professionals to build public awareness of their business. Sample Letters 6.53 through 6.61 are examples of public relations letters that were written for a variety of purposes.

The letter writer in Sample Letter 6.53 offers a retainer to a public relations firm after the firm made a presentation to the writer and her company. The writer is clear in her enthusiasm and requests a follow-up meeting in person to solidify the specifics of the contract between her company and the public relations firm.

Sample Letter 6.53.   Letter offering retainer to public relations firm.


Mr. Leonard Rover
Rover Public Relations
34 Natick Road
Newbury, CT 06022

Dear Leonard:

I am delighted to offer you a six-month contract to serve as our public relations company.

The senior executives and I were taken with your keen insight into the issues facing our business and our industry. Your plan to help win us coverage in online, print, and broadcast media struck us as the clearest, most ambitious, and most realistic approach we had seen. Your company’s background in successfully working with other artisanal food companies confirmed for us that your firm is the one that will help us at Boonton Bagel Company propel our business forward.

Please give me a call so we can set up a meeting to go over the specifics of your contract.

We’re excited to have you as part of our team and look forward to working with you.



Tiffany Cole, President


Sample Letter 6.54 was written as an invitation to a customer to attend an open house at the letter writer’s company while the customer is in town on other business. The writer clearly lays out the details for the customer and gives him a mechanism by which to respond.

Sample Letter 6.54.   Invitation to an open house.


Mr. Brian Palay
Senior Vice President
Palay Travel Services, Inc.
434 Washington Street
Boston, SC 29001

Dear Mr. Palay:

The annual convention of travel services professionals is coming up and this year it’s going to be held on December 10 to 15 in Sacramento, where Leighton Ticket Printer Equipment is headquartered. I’m hoping that you’ll be able to attend the convention that will give Sacramento a chance to play host to you and others in your industry.

We’d like to invite you to take a tour of Leighton Ticket Printer Equipment’s manufacturing facility while you’re in town. We’ve coordinated with the convention planners and scheduled a tour for December 12, from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. We have food, refreshments, and entertainment planned as well as a tour of the latest in ticket-printing machinery for your industry.

I’ve enclosed a postage-paid reply card with this letter. Please indicate on the card whether you’ll be able to attend the evening’s tour. We’re looking forward to seeing you in December in Sacramento.



Tricia Ford



Sample Letter 6.55 is written as an invitation to the press to attend an annual professional conference. (Such invitations are commonly sent out as emails. This letter is easily adapted to an email by using the text of the letter as the email message to your intended recipient.) This letter clearly establishes what is being promoted. The writer first makes the invitation, elaborates a bit on what can be expected at the conference, mentions special services that will be available to the press, and closes by encouraging the reader to respond soon to take advantage of local accommodations.

Sample Letter 6.56 was written to promote the formation of a new company. The writer directs his letter to a member of the press, suggesting a possible story.

Sample Letter 6.55.   Letter inviting press to conference.


Ms. Nancy Kenworthy, Editor
Hamilton Financial Journal
54 Garland Drive
Hamilton, CA 90005


Ms. Kenworthy, you are cordially invited to be the guest of the National Investment Advisors Group at its Tenth Annual Convention and Exposition on October 5 to 8 at the World Trade Pavilion in Bilink, Idaho. Please join us, as our guest, for all of the educational and general sessions, the exhibitions, and all scheduled meals. A special reception to honor the media is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6. Registration will be in the press room at the World Trade Pavilion.

Some 2,000 investment advisors are expected. The four-day event features three general sessions and more than 100 education sessions in 10 major subject areas conducted by key industry leaders. The exhibition features more than 300 financial product and service companies. Detailed information is featured in the enclosed brochure.

Keynote speakers include Alice Nyquil, one of the nation’s leading commentators on investments, and a four-person panel debating the future of the investment advisory industry. The closing session will feature Timothy Thomas, the leading commentator on personal finance in the country.

Interviews can be arranged during the week with speakers, industry leaders, attendees, and NIAG officers to meet your editorial needs and deadlines. My staff and I will be glad to help you line up any interviews we can.

To better ensure your preference of accommodations and rates, please complete the enclosed registration form and return it to me by August 30.

The 20X5 NIAG Convention and Exposition is filled with more information on the investment advisory industry than you will find anywhere else. We look forward to hearing soon that you can be with us.







Sample Letter 6.56.   Letter introducing company.


Mr. John Hill, Editor
Local Business Chronicle
P.O. Box 3452
San Anamant, CA 90007

Dear Mr. Hill:

When the Sibling International Commerce Club opened last summer at the Sibling International Center on San Anamant Wharf, it was yet another significant indication that San Anamant has truly become a city of international scope. Local Business Chronicle readers might be interested to know that membership in the Sibling International Commerce Club opens new international opportunities to them as well.

San Anamant’s Sibling International Commerce Club joins more than 50 other clubs throughout the world in offering a host of business and social amenities to members. These clubs have become “homes away from home” for frequent business travelers, places where not only can they relax and enjoy fine food and spirits, but also where they can arrange for translator services, receive discounts at hotels, and have access to temporary office space and secretarial services. These reciprocal memberships at clubs in nearly every major commerce center throughout the world offer central staging areas to conduct both business and personal affairs while on the road.

Because the global marketplace is shrinking daily, we thought a profile of the Sibling International Commerce Club and its activities would provide valuable information for your readers.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of an article on the Sibling International Commerce Club. I’ll call you next week for your feedback.



Alan Harlan



Sample Letter 6.57 was written as a general announcement to all customers of a company’s decision to merge with another company. The letter begins with the announcement of the merger and swiftly reassures the customer that the service she is accustomed to will continue and even improve as a result of the new corporation. The second paragraph is dedicated to an explanation of the benefits of the merger, and the close includes an offer of further information and assistance, as the writer includes the phone number of her company’s customer relations manager.

Sample Letter 6.57.   Letter announcing a merger of two companies.


Ms. Anna Persel
2531 Saxon Hill Road
Dorbabble, MA 02139

Dear Ms. Persel:

We are writing to inform you that your neighborhood video store, Videodrome Inc., will be merging with Magneto Video Corporation in February 20X3. We want to assure you that the efficient, friendly service you have come to associate with Videodrome will not only continue, but expand with the new merger. As a way of thanking you for being such a valued customer, please accept our gift of six free rentals that you may use any time over the next year.

By joining the best parts of both our companies, we will be able to provide you and your family with even more enjoyable benefits. In addition to a free membership, we will offer you a frequent renter club card. After renting twelve DVDs, you will receive the thirteenth rental free. We also promise to always have one staff member dedicated to helping you find the movie that perfectly fits your mood, no matter what it is. In addition, every time you rent a DVD, you will automatically be enrolled in a free giveaway. If selected, you will be entitled to a wide range of complimentary rentals and refreshments.

We know that you have many options, online and otherwise, when it comes to renting films. We recognize that you and a devoted clientele continue to appreciate having a physical store that caters to your unique film-rental needs. We appreciate your business and want you to know that we look forward to continuing to serve your entertainment needs in the future. Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about the upcoming merger, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer relations manager, George Bushwacker, at 1-800-321-7839.




Mahalia F. Simone


Sample Letter 6.58 was written to a business acquaintance by someone who decided to form his own business. The letter writer announces his new business in the first paragraph, follows that with a brief description of the type of work the business does, and closes by encouraging the reader to meet with the writer if he is ever in the writer’s area. While the writer is not making any direct sale with the letter, he is building an awareness that may pay off in the future.

Sample Letter 6.59 was written to accompany information that a professional organization was offering as an educational tool to consumers. The letter writer sets up the reasons for the need for the information in paragraphs 1 and 2, follows with a description of the material enclosed with the letter, and closes by offering to set up interviews with members of the professional group should the reader want to pursue this information.

Sample Letter 6.58.   Letter announcing the formation of a new business.


Mr. Samuel Johnson
19 Court Road
Lichfield, GA 30004

Dear Sam:

In August I left my position as manager of consulting at Boswell and Boswell, Inc. to establish my own consulting business. I would like to take this opportunity to pass along my business card and to tell you a little bit about my business.

My practice will deal with automating accounting firms and small businesses. My services will focus on three primary areas:

• Consulting services to CPA firms on use of computers in audit, tax, and management; client computer consulting; and special financial analysis.

• Consulting services to small businesses that are considering automation.

• Training seminars on specific software packages including: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

The last four months have been quite rewarding professionally. Business has taken me to New York, Boston, and Europe.

If you are in the New York or Boston area and would like to get together, please call.


Robert Lang



Sample Letter 6.59.   Letter accompanying industry information.


Mr. Jacob Wirth
Wirth & While Journal
45 Boston Place
Nashville, MA 02139


The aftereffects of the recent stock market plunge have left investors confused and uncertain over both the economy’s future and their own financial situations. Frankly, investor confidence has been shaken.

What can investors do now to calm their fears and restore optimism to their financial outlook?

This question and others are answered in the enclosed background information, which provides practical advice for investors in coping with their finances. The information comes from the National Investment Advisors Group (NIAG), the 10,000-member professional organization in the investment advisory industry.

Overall strategies are provided in this material to help investors protect and build their investments to better prepare them to meet their short- and long-term objectives.

Leading professionals in the investment advisory industry are available to talk about what investors can and should be doing now to meet their immediate and long-term goals. If you would like more information or to arrange an interview with an investment advisor, please do not hesitate to call me or Athena Chin at 212-555-6767.




A good public relations tactic is to keep abreast of prospective customers’ status in the professional market. The writer of Sample Letter 6.60 used the occasion of the reader’s new position as an excuse to not only congratulate the reader but also to briefly promote the writer’s services. The letter clearly focuses on the congratulations, but by briefly reminding the reader about the writer’s capabilities, he increases the chances that should she need such services, she will remember his company.

Sample Letter 6.60.   Letter congratulating customer on promotion.


Ms. Pamela Chin
Seimor & Simons
45 Tewksbury Road
Alexandria, MI 48028

Dear Ms. Chin:

Congratulations on being named an associate at Seimor & Simons. While I realize that you are limited in the amount of insurance business you handle for clients, I would be glad to help you in any way I can.

Savin Hill Benefits Group tailors insurance programs for professionals like you. We also have a fast response time for any business referrals.

Good luck with your new responsibilities. I hope I can be helpful to you with any service you need or question you have.




Albert Flynn
Vice President



In Sample Letter 6.61, the letter writer makes a clear, direct request to an editor that a correction be made to an article that was published on the recipient’s website. The writer points out the specifics of the error and asks for immediate attention to correct the mistake. (This letter can easily be adapted to be sent as an email by using the text of the letter as the body of your email to the recipient.)

Sample Letter 6.61.   Letter requesting a correction to an article.


Ms. Tess Palay
Fortuitous Fortunes Web News
34 Analysts Place
Franklin, MA 02555

Dear Ms. Palay:

While we appreciate the article you ran about our company, Boonton Bagel Bakers, on your website, we regret that the article featured a major error. Your writer stated that we are a not-for-profit company and that all of our profits go to endangered species organizations. Each of those facts is incorrect. We are neither a not-for-profit nor do our profits go to such organizations.

We have no idea where your writer got the idea that either of these facts were true, but we request that you publish a correction to the article on your website as well as change the existing posted article or take it down from your site.

As you can appreciate, we would hate to give your readers the idea that we are presenting our business as something that it is not.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this issue. We trust that you will make the correction to your website as quickly as possible.




Tiffany Cole, President
Boonton Bagel Bakers



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