Social, personal, and miscellaneous letters

We all know that some occasions that call for a letter have little to do with specific business matters like closing a big sale or acquiring a small company. The rules of effective letter writing apply as much to social and personal letters as they do to more business-related letters.

The sample letters in this chapter consist of various letters you may find yourself needing to write. The letters here were written by professionals for a diverse range of social and personal occasions, and can serve as ideal models on which to base your own social and personal letters.

Many of the letters in this chapter can be sent as emails or as attachments to emails. For those letters that can be adapted to emails, it’s simple enough to copy the text of the sample letter into the text of your email.

There are also occasions when writing personal letters that a handwritten note or card is appropriate. Again, while the samples here are in letter format, they can easily be adapted to a handwritten note or card.

Thank-You Letters

Sample Letters 16.1 through 16.21 are all examples of thank-you letters that were written for a variety of reasons. Thanking someone for something is not only courteous, it also builds goodwill with the person you are thanking.

Sample Letter 16.1 was written to thank someone for a personal favor. The letter writer clearly expresses gratitude to the reader without getting schmaltzy. She thanks him, wishes him well, and closes.

Sample Letter 16.2 was written to thank someone for her hospitality. Here too the letter writer expresses gratitude, specifically mentioning what he is thanking the reader for.

Sample Letter 16.3 was written to thank a contributor for a charitable contribution. The letter writer thanks the reader for the gift, briefly recaps what it was for, mentions how the donation will help, and closes.

Sample Letter 16.4 thanks someone for a public service. Here the letter writer expresses his appreciation and gratitude to the reader. He closes by reiterating his thanks.

Sample Letter 16.5 was written to thank someone who had appeared on a television panel show. The letter writer thanks the reader, expresses appreciation, lets him know that he was a good guest, and closes.

Sample Letter 16.1.   Letter thanking someone for a personal favor.


Dr. Ralph Junot
Key Vineyards
43 Rensit Chateau
Tours, OR 97045

Dear Dr. Junot:

I can’t tell you how much Ward and I appreciate the loan of your automobile when we were in Tours. The rental car was completely demolished; fortunately it was insured!

I hope the new wine wins critical acclaim in the contest next month. We’ve already placed our personal order for a case.

Best regards,


Jacqueline Shopenhauer



Sample Letter 16.2.   Letter thanking someone for hospitality.


Ms. Eileen Durga
Seminole College of Engineering
32 Rajpoor Drive
Jaipur, India 48113

Dear Eileen:

Once again you’ve treated us to an enjoyable annual meeting. India was breathtaking. We’ve just uploaded our photographs to our computer and they look amazing. We’ll send you any photos that feature you and Prakash.

Anna and I have decided to return to India in December. It looks like we’ll be touring Rajasthan. We’d love to meet you and Prakash in Jaipur and take you to dinner.

Let us know when you are planning a trip back to the States. We’re eager to show you some of our favorite places.



Nils Loflin


Sample Letter 16.3.   Letter thanking contributor for contribution.


Mr. Loren Terrece
56 Yorkway Place
Eufala, AR 71621

Dear Mr. Terrece:

Thank you for your generous gift to the Ellen Y. Timmons Scholarship Fund. The award is intended to provide an annual full-tuition scholarship to a deserving journalism senior or master’s candidate at Highlands University.

Your gift will help future generations of students receive an outstanding education. Thank you for this tribute to the memory of Ellen Timmons.



John T. Dalnor
Development Officer



Sample Letter 16.4.   Letter thanking someone for public service.


Mr. Maxwell Y. Samson
Andover Company
217 West Street
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Max:

I appreciate your service to your alma mater, Max, and the variety of forms it takes. Your most recent contribution, as part of the professionals’ seminar, was quite valuable to our students.

With alumni like you who are willing to pitch in and lend their help when we need it, it is truly a joy to be in my position as alumni director.

Thanks again.



Sam C. Leigh
Alumni Director



Sample Letter 16.5.   Letter thanking panelist on talk show.


Mr. Jacob Trust
Byers Public Relations
478 North Street
Astoria, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Trust:

Thank you so much for joining us on Cyclorama. We appreciate your taking time from your busy schedule to be with us. Your discussion with our host, Jimmy Lewis, was both interesting and informative.

It was a pleasure having you on the show. We wish you continued success and happiness.



Claire B. Janeway
Executive Producer



The writer of Sample Letter 16.6 thanks a journalist for mentioning her in her magazine column and tells her that she admires her work.

Sample Letter 16.7 was written to thank a book reviewer for her comments. The writer thanks the columnist for reviewing his book positively and expresses his gratitude.

Sample Letter 16.6.   Letter thanking writer for mentioning person in article.


Ms. Etsuko Chin
The Armchair Reader’s Review
34 Eliot Boulevard
Piscataway, TX 75003

Dear Etsuko:

I didn’t want to let 20X7 slip away without extending my thanks for including Women’s Issues magazine and me in your marketing column last month. The article was terrific. It pulled together all the pertinent statistics and showed why women need and want to plan, without making us look like weak-kneed ninnies. A delicate balance indeed!

Here’s hoping that 20X8 brings you much health and prosperity.



Ellen T. Cincinnati



Sample Letter 16.7.   Letter thanking reviewer for comments.


Ms. Alice Longworth
Professional’s Magazine
287 Merrimac Trail
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Ms. Longworth:

Thank you very much for your insightful and kind review of my book How to Manage Your Way to the Top in the May issue of Professional’s Magazine.

When the book was published, I told the publisher that there were two publications whose review would be critical to its success: Global Management, for the international manager, and Professional’s Magazine. I really had my heart in my mouth when I picked up the May issue. It was a terrific kick for me to read your review.

I wish that there were a way for me to return the favor. Suffice it to say that I am grateful to you and the magazine for the kind words you have to say about my book.



Arnold T. Yarrum


cc: RTS, Publisher


Sample Letter 16.8 was written to thank the reader for an outing that the letter writer had attended. The writer thanks the reader, follows up by mentioning he is enclosing an article that the two had discussed at the outing, and closes by offering assistance to the reader if he should need it in the future.

Sample Letter 16.8.   Thank-you letter for outing.


Mr. Alan Marshal
Tillinghurst & Partners
423 West Watchung Road
Ordeal City, IL 60345

Dear Alan:

It was good seeing you and meeting your wife at the Tillinghurst annual bash. Maggie and I had a great time. It’s always nice to see familiar faces and to catch up on our hectic lives.

As promised, I’m enclosing an article on public relations activities relating to the law profession that appeared in a recent issue of Lawyers and Professional Practice.

Again, it was great to see you at the outing. If I can ever be of service to you, please call on me.

Best regards,


Julius Norton




Sample Letter 16.9 was written to thank the recipient for dinner. The letter writer briefly expresses his thanks, mentions that he is enclosing an article he thought the letter reader might find interesting, and closes by suggesting they meet soon.

Sample Letter 16.9.   Thank-you letter for dinner.


Mrs. Minerva T. Uronim
Executive Director
The Brain Trust of New Jersey
54 General Road, Suite 600
Circle City, VT 05434

Dear Minerva:

Sarah and I want to thank you for the lovely dinner we had at your home last week. We enjoyed both the cuisine and the company of the other invited guests.

Enclosed is an article from one of the publications to which I contribute. I thought you’d find this article of particular interest.

I’ll call your assistant next week to check your schedule for lunch.

Best regards,


Ambrose Kinton




Sample Letter 16.10 was written to thank the recipient for the kind words he had to say about the letter writer’s newspaper column. The writer expresses her thanks, suggests that the reader stop by if he is ever in the area, and closes by expressing her best wishes.

Sample Letter 16.10. Thank-you letter for compliments on article.


Mr. Jacob L. Prentice
Prentice Public Relations, Inc.
312 West Main Street
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Prentice:

Thank you for your kind words about my newspaper column and for the thoughtful gift of Marketing Financial Advisory Services. It is always a pleasure for me to hear that my column is read, and even more that it is appreciated. I have found it to be a great outlet for creativity with many of the matters that I deal with in my insurance business.

If you are ever in the Denville area, please stop by my office, which is located at the Morris County Village Center, across the street from the Powerville Inn. It would be my pleasure to meet you and thank you in person for making my day.

My best wishes to you during this holiday season.



Anne L. Krauss, C.L.U.



Sample Letter 16.11 was written to thank someone for his professional services. While the letter writer had hired the recipient to do a job, she took the time to write a letter expressing her thanks for such a good job.

Sample Letter 16.11. Letter thanking professional for help with services rendered.


Mr. Jacob L. Prentice
Prentice Public Relations, Inc.
312 West Main Street
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Jacob:

Thank you for your assistance in making the visit of our national director to the Boonton area a highly successful one. Your hard work on publicity and press arrangements was most appreciated.

I feel that Dr. Helen Louise McGuffie’s tour went quite well. By traveling to such historic sites as Jockey Hollow and touring New Hope she was able to experience firsthand a bit of New Jersey and Pennsylvania history. The weather for the weekend was not ideal, of course, but it certainly could have been worse. Both days we were fortunate enough to miss the worst of it, with rain coming before or after, but never actually during any of the events. We must have been doing something right to be blessed with cooperative weather.

Again, my sincere thanks to you and your staff. I look forward to seeing you again.

Very truly yours,


Minerva T. Uronim
Executive Director



Sample Letter 16.12 was sent to thank someone who had nominated a professional for recognition. The letter writer thanks the recipient, acknowledges that the nominee will be considered, and closes by thanking the reader again.

Sample Letter 16.12. Letter acknowledging nomination.


Ms. Anne L. Krauss, C.L.U.
Morris County Village Center,
P.O. Box 3542
Denville, NJ 07076

Dear Ms. Krauss:

Thank you for your nomination of Dr. Roscoe T. Miller, LIA, CLU, ChFC, for the 20X5 Rebecca A. Grimes Award for Excellence in the Industry. We will be glad to include his name in the book of biographies we will consider at our meeting on May 25.

Thank you again.



Geoffrey Spaulding
Director of Awards



Sample Letter 16.13 was written to thank someone for his advice. The letter writer of Sample Letter 16.14 goes a step further to tell the recipient the results of taking his advice.

Sample Letter 16.13. Letter thanking someone for advice.


Mr. Christopher Online
Hilary Works, Inc.
45 Commercial Wharf
Key Biscayne, NY 10009

Dear Chris:

Thank you so much for your note suggesting we consider hiring an outside vendor to help us develop our webpage. I had been wrestling with whether we should hire in-house staff or hire seasoned professionals on an independent contractor basis. Your point about waiting until we have a home page designed and have evaluated its effectiveness before we commit a lot of salary and overhead to new employees is well taken and one, I fear, that I hadn’t thought hard enough about until you raised it.

I’ve decided to definitely go with an independent contractor. Thanks for your guidance.



Jeffrey Freedman
New Business Manager


Sample Letter 16.14. Letter thanking someone for the results of taking his advice.


Mr. Christopher Online
Hillary Works, Inc.
45 Commercial Wharf
Key Biscayne, NY 10009

Dear Chris:

Once again, you’ve come to the rescue with advice that has had great results for us here at Barnicle Bedsprings. I figured you’d like to know that we followed your advice in hiring the outside contractors to develop our website and the results have been wonderful.

I’d like to take you to lunch to fill you in on the specifics and to thank you in person. I’ll give you a call later this week to set something up. Thanks again.



Jeffrey Freedman
New Business Manager


Sample Letter 16.15 was written as a social follow-up to a luncheon. The conversation at the luncheon apparently turned to business, and the writer expresses his optimism for the recipient’s business success. The letter contains particulars of the lunch, the conversation, and the reader’s business and closes with an offer of future business help.

Sample Letter 16.15. Thank-you letter for social luncheon.


Ms. Nancy Egland
112 Oxfordshire Drive
New London, CA 98110

Dear Nancy:

Thank you for the delicious meal and excellent conversation at the Pleasant Pheasant on September 21. I have already given your regards to Bill and Beverly Witherspoon, and they were glad to hear that you and I finally met.

Congratulations on the promising beginning of your independent pharmacy, Montague Apothecary. In this day of mega-corporations and big business, you have a daunting task ahead of you, but with your enthusiasm and knowledge of both pharmaceuticals and modern business practices, I have no doubt you’ll be a success.

I look forward to our continued communication and the possibility that you may come to East Verona for a visit to our expanded facility. I would be happy to share with you any professional knowledge that might improve your understanding of the way we do business at Benevolent Pharmaceuticals.

I wish you the best for your new enterprise, and please let me know if there is any way I can help Montague Apothecary make it in the New London community.

Sincerely yours,


Marc Usshio


Sample Letter 16.16 was written to commend a speaker for a lecture he gave. It is clear from the writer’s tone and specifics that he benefited greatly from attending the lecture. The use of specific details shows the writer’s knowledge of the subject matter and reminds the reader of the particulars of his lecture. In closing, the writer offers to meet with the recipient at some future date, if at all possible.

Sample Letter 16.16. Thank-you letter to a speaker.


Mr. Ellmann Tatum
2500 Mouton Avenue
Memphis, TN 38155

Dear Mr. Tatum:

I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your informative lecture at this past weekend’s special event. Before hearing you address the members of the Chattanooga Aquarium on the topic of “Freshwater Predators,” I frankly had no idea how diverse our rivers and lakes were. I may never look at fishing the same way.

When I lived in Boston, I was a member of the New England Aquarium, and I must admit that I had a particular bias toward saltwater species. Freshwater aquariums? Boring. However, when I moved down to the Chattanooga area last fall, I became a member of the Chattanooga Aquarium. Old habits die hard, I guess. Your speech taught this old dog a new trick, though; you opened my eyes to the possibilities inherent in freshwater hydrobiology, and I plan on taking my two children to the Aquarium regularly to explore the myriad life forms in the waters around us here in Tennessee.

Thank you for making my weekend an educational and enjoyable one. If you are ever in Chattanooga again, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss your theories on predatory evolution in closed ecosystems—I found them particularly intriguing.

Sincerely yours,


Jonah W. Hale


Sample Letter 16.17 was written to compliment a chairperson on her fine job in coordinating an academic program. The author uses specific references to elements of the program that she enjoyed, indicating a real connection to the event. The close is congratulatory and erudite.

Sample Letter 16.17. Thank-you letter to a program chairperson.


Ms. Rachel Richards, Department Chair
Bright Lights School of Acting
2340 Clarendon Parkway
Boston, MA 02125

Dear Ms. Richards:

I was greatly impressed by the professional and informative program you recently coordinated, “Tragedy: A Funny Business.” The title alone intrigued me, but when I saw the cast of actors and theorists you had assembled, I knew I had to attend.

Your day of seminars and discussion groups lived up to its public relations. I hope that you will consider offering these mini-courses again, although I know how much work you must have put into arranging such an edifying and well-run series of events. I was only able to attend Mr. Adolphus Finn’s workshop on the dramatic monologue and Ms. Jacobine Picard’s lecture on the theater of the absurd, but I heard from my colleagues who also attended that those two classes were a fair representation of the program as a whole.

Your hard work resulted in a significant contribution to the arts and entertainment industry in Boston, and considering our city’s reputation as a cultural mecca, that’s no small task. Congratulations on pulling off such a coup. You deserve a standing ovation.



Jean Tseng


Sample Letter 16.18 was written to thank a service provider for a job well done. The writer includes specific references to the excellent work that her reader performed. The letter is glowing and would be suitable for the recipient to display in his office.

Sample Letter 16.18. Thank-you letter to a service provider.


Mr. Roscoe Albertson
Green Day Lawn Care
343 Lily Street
Topeka, KS 62210

Dear Mr. Albertson:

Thank you so much for your hard work and professionalism in getting Jayhawk University’s campus looking its best for the Commencement Weekend activities. As you know, Commencement is one of the two major weekends in our academic calendar, and next to Alumni/ae Weekend/Homecoming, it is the most important time of year for us to show off our facilities. When parents and alumni/ae come back to South Shell or stroll down Dawson’s Boulevard, we want them to see that they’ve left the University in good hands.

Your team of landscape architects and floral planners made Jayhawk U. look like a million dollars and may have helped us earn many times that much in charitable pledges! On several occasions, parents stopped to thank me for the education their children received and told me that they would have come to campus more often if they had known how beautiful it was. That beauty was the result of Green Day Lawn Care. You can bet that we’ll be contacting you in the future for our landscaping treatment.



Johnetta Rafia, Ph.D.


Sample Letter 16.19 was written to thank someone for his participation in a discussion panel. The letter is complimentary and specific, indicating that the author is familiar with the details of the recipient’s work. The close is cordial and allows for further partnership between writer and reader.

Sample Letter 16.19. Thank-you letter for participation in a project.


Dr. Lester Redfeather
681 Sedgewick Avenue
Rochester, IN 52150

Dear Dr. Redfeather:

I want to thank you for coming to the Indiana University program “Conversations in Education: Using Multicultural Literature to Teach Critical Thinking” this year. I hope that you found the experience both interesting and fun.

The small group panels are truly the heart of the program. Your participation on the panel that covered Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine was especially helpful, as your work on Erdrich’s fiction is highly respected in the field and accessible to our undergraduate population. I know that Erskine Mankiller appreciated the chance to work with a college professor, and he told me after the seminar that your reading of Erdrich’s novel has inspired him to include the book in his Advanced Placement Literature class for the 20X3–20X4 school year at Cross Keys High School.

I’m very glad that you were a part of the “Conversations” program, and I hope you’ll consider returning for our fall seminar series entitled “Midwestern Literature and the Origins of a Regional Canon.” All of us at the University wish you well for the end of your academic year.



Homer Bard
Director of Interdisciplinary Studies


Sample Letter 16.20 is a letter thanking someone for leading a seminar. The details of what the seminar leader did are laid out and the appreciation for the effort is clear. Such letters are often useful for a person’s personnel file to indicate work that was done to assist with a not-for-profit effort. They are also useful as testimonials that might lead to other such tasks in the future.

Sample Letter 16.20. Letter thanking recipient for leading seminar.


Professor Gerald Jeffries
Harson College
Department of Journalism
210 Notyslob Street
San Diego, CA 90022

Dear Professor Jeffries:

On behalf of the Romanian Institute at Briarcliff College, thank you for recently leading a seminar for our delegation from Romania.

As you know, our program offered participants the opportunity to examine the direction of journalism in the 21st century. The participants’ time with you was short, but the insight you offered allowed them to reflect on important issues in their field. We are confident that this newfound perspective will enrich their work at home.

Your seminar on ethics was engaging and meaningful. Thank you for your thorough preparation and for making the session one of the highlights of the program.

We hope that you will be able to keep in touch with the participants you met. We find that the relationships developed through the program help to break down cross-community divides and create collegiality among all participants.

Thank you again for a wonderful seminar. We greatly appreciate it.



Aoife Czlad


It’s wise to make thank-you letters short. Sample Letter 16.21 also includes specific detail to indicate familiarity with the speaker’s service.

Sample Letter 16.21. Letter thanking a speaker.


Ms. Ellen Arkin Poe
45 Divinity Lane
Francis, MA 02118

Dear Ms. Poe:

Thank you so much for your recent address to our marketing cohort group. Our new hires stated that your panel entitled “SNAP! Social Networking And Promotion” was far and away the most engaging and informative breakout session of the weekend. Clearly, your expertise in the field combined with your enthusiasm for the topic has made you a valued and desirable speaker.

Enclosed is a check for our agreed-upon speaking fee of $2,000.00. I hope that you will consider speaking to next year’s new employees, as well.

Sincerely yours,


Emerson Thorow





Sample Letters 16.22 through 16.29 are examples of invitations. Sample Letter 16.22 was written in official-style format to invite the reader to a company-sponsored dinner. The letter writer clearly explains who is making the invitation and spells out the details. She closes by asking the reader to call her office to confirm her attendance.

Sample Letter 16.22. Letter making invitation for dinner.


Dear Lois:

Mark Nilton, the president of Andoris Products, Inc., joins with me in inviting you and Jacob to cocktails and dinner at 6 P.M. on Wednesday, June 30, 20X6, at the House of Fine Foods Inn, 23 Berkely Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

While the evening will be principally social, I do expect that Mark will have some informal remarks to make after dinner on a topic of interest to the gathering. We anticipate about 30 good friends of the company joining us for the evening.

I hope you will be able to attend. Please call my office to indicate if you plan to join us. I look forward to seeing you that evening.

Yours truly,


Lisa T. Gray

Ms. Lois T. Kemper
Kemper Lifestyles, Inc.
232 Scituate Road
Brookline, NH 03034



Sample Letter 16.23 was written to invite the reader to an open house. The writer makes a brief invitation by clearly spelling out the date and the event. She closes with a personal note to the reader.

Sample Letter 16.23. Letter inviting someone to an open house.


Max G. Growne
5A Stomping Hill Lane
Tretorne, NE 69044

Dear Max:

Oz and I are having an open house to celebrate our move to Westwood. The date is June 6 starting at 6 P.M. We’re hoping that it will be warm enough for people to use the swimming pool. Do bring your suit.

Please feel free to bring your new friend; we’d love to meet him.

Best regards,


Tenia Lapadoor


Sample Letter 16.24 was written to invite the reader to a special event. The writer describes the seminar, then asks that the reader call to confirm whether or not he can attend.

Sample Letter 16.25 was written to invite a speaker to speak at an event. The letter writer invites the speaker, gives the dates, and asks that the reader respond by a specific date.

Sample Letter 16.24. Letter inviting someone to special event.


Mr. Jeffrey R. Kemper, Editor
Weekly Business Chronicle
8 Lorraine Terrace
Santiago, PA 15054

Dear Jeff:

I thought you might be interested in a tax seminar we are putting on next Thursday, October 30. It will be the first seminar available after the new tax bill gets passed. I’ve enclosed a brochure on the topics that will be covered at the seminar.

Let me know if you or one of your reporters would like to attend. I look forward to hearing from you.



R. Kyle Yennik




Sample Letter 16.25. Letter inviting someone to speak at an annual meeting.


Mr. Terrence Derand
Derand Management Systems, Inc.
65 Follansbee Road
Wellsburg, OH 43060

Dear Mr. Derand:

During the May meeting of our products division, we voted unanimously to invite you to be our speaker at next year’s annual meeting in Brasilia. We would enjoy hearing about your new research on distribution improvements in Lithuania.

The dates set for the meeting are July 2–5, 20X3. Travel arrangements are being handled by the company agency.

Because we are trying to finalize our arrangements in time for our regional meeting, I hope you will be able to respond to this invitation by August 1.



Roxanna Hughes
Program Coordinator



Sample Letter 16.26 is a general invitation to attend a book reading. Since the audience is broad, the letter is impersonal but detailed. The writer gets to the point immediately, explaining who the author is and stating the date of her appearance. The entire letter remains focused on the author and her qualifications, while giving enough detail to make the reading appear interesting. The writer closes with directions to the bookstore and the hopes that the reader will attend the event.

Sample Letter 16.26. General invitation to a reading.


Dear Friend:

Williette Bacard, author of My Way or the Highway: Drawing the Line in Abusive Relationships, is coming to Bluestocking Bookstore for a reading of her most recent publication, Meet You at the Corner, and I don’t want you to miss this rare opportunity to hear such a celebrated author and activist as she comes to our neighborhood on Thursday, December 8, at 8:00 P.M.

Ms. Bacard’s books have been touted as inspirational and life-changing, and they have given sisters everywhere the wherewithal to stand up for themselves and, in some cases, save their own lives. She herself is a survivor of an abusive relationship, and she has written extensively about the terrors of physical and emotional violence. I know that you will benefit from hearing her read. There is also a question and answer session afterward. The reading and Q & A program will last approximately one and one-half hours, and refreshments will be served at a reception in Ms. Bacard’s honor at the end of the program. I hope you will be able to attend.

Bluestocking Bookstore is located at 333 Janus Street, next to the Emperor’s New Clothes Apparel Shop. We expect that the event will be well attended, so please arrive early, since seating is limited. There is a parking garage on Walden Avenue, a short walk from the bookstore. I hope to see you December 8.



Circe Jones


Sample Letter 16.27 was written to formally notify the reader of a company’s quarterly meeting. It is a direct, succinct letter that relates the facts of the meeting in a no-nonsense format. The writer concludes by requesting that the reader indicate her intention to attend the meeting.

Sample Letter 16.27. Invitation to quarterly business meeting.


Ms. Neve Blanc
561 Sasparilla Drive
Juniper, AK 99576

Dear Ms. Blanc:

The quarterly meeting of Structural Innovations, Inc. will be held on October 1, 20X2, in the Wycliffe Room at the Windham Estates Meeting Complex in Bradford, Washington. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:00 A.M. and will end by 6:00 P.M. Breakfast and lunch will be served.

Our keynote speaker, Jacques de Boeuf, will discuss the topic “Modernizing Antique Facades.” As you are well aware, the modernization of existing structures is a key aspect of our business plan for the 20X3–20X4 fiscal year. I have included a meeting program to familiarize you with important issues facing Structural Innovations. I hope you will be able to attend the meeting and Mr. de Boeuf’s presentation.

Please notify me whether you will attend by returning the enclosed card no later than September 10.



Anna Oppenheimer
Head of Public Relations


2 encs.


The writer of Sample Letter 16.28 extends an invitation to a charitable event. She is appreciative of the recipient’s potential participation and makes clear the purpose of the charity for which the event is being run. The writer makes reference to an enclosure with more information about the event and the charity and highlights a website to make participation in the event and donating to the charity as simple as possible.

Sample Letter 16.28. Letter inviting recipient to charitable event.


Mr. Jeffrey Edwards
11 Bay Crops Road
East Yarmouth, IL 60044

Dear Mr. Edwards:

Once again, it is golf outing time for the Paul Red Memorial Fund! We hope you can join us in making this year’s golf outing a success.

The Paul Red Memorial Fund Golf Outing is scheduled for Sunday, August 8, 20X9, at Green Dove Country Club, Biggsville, IL. Green Dove is ranked as one of our state’s most difficult courses and is less than an hour drive from East Yarmouth. The enclosed brochure provides all of the details.

The Paul Red Memorial Fund awards college scholarships each year in Paul’s name to graduates of East Yarmouth High School. It celebrates the life of a good young man who lost his life in a car accident when he was only 17 years old. Paul’s donated organs helped four people to continue life.

I hope you can join us at the golf outing this year. The $95 fee includes a round of golf, both lunch and dinner, and a lot of fun!

If you are unable to make the golf outing, please consider making a donation to the memorial fund. A contribution of any amount is appreciated. You can register online or make donations at

Thank you in advance for your generous donation. We hope to see you at the golf outing.



Betty Green, Chair
Paul Red Memorial Fund Golf Outing



Sample Letter 16.29 is an invitation to someone to serve on a not-for-profit board. Since such letters are generally written after a meeting with the prospective board member occurred, reference to that meeting is appropriate in the letter as well as enthusiastic support of the offer of the position.

Sample Letter 16.29. Letter inviting someone to sit on a not-for-profit board.


Mr. Edward Dendrinos
18 Latin Road
Decatur, GA 30044

Dear Mr. Dendrinos:

On behalf of the board of trustees of the Flinty Private Trust, we would like to extend an invitation to you to sit on our board of trustees. Our board selection committee members enjoyed meeting you last week and believe that you bring a level of experience and character that we are looking for in board members as we continue to try to build the Flinty Private Trust.

The next trustees meeting will take place on October 18 at 6 P.M. in the Flinty Room of the Flinty Private Trust Building on 4345 Roanoke Drive in Decatur. Please call Rosie Cheeks at 404-555-2323 to confirm your ability to attend the meeting.

We look forward to your joining us on the board trustees and are confident you will help guide us in all of our efforts in the future.



Mary Delano, Chair
Flinty Private Trust Board of Trustees.


Letters Accepting Invitations

Sample Letters 16.30 through 16.34 are examples of responses to invitations. Sample Letter 16.30 was written to accept an informal invitation. The letter writer accepts, confirms the date, and closes.

Sample Letter 16.30. Letter accepting informal invitation.


Dr. Marston P. Farqhuad
65 Runabout Road
New London, GA 30056

Dear Marston:

Wilma and I are delighted to accept your invitation to accompany you and Sylvia to an Atlanta Braves game and to come to your benefit buffet dinner afterward.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you. The twins must be so grown up by now.

We’ll see you on June 16.

Best regards,


Claude Sylvia


Sample Letter 16.31 was written to accept an invitation to speak at workshops. The letter writer encloses the material and information the letter reader had requested, and closes by asking that the letter reader inform him if there is any other information she needs.

Sample Letter 16.31. Letter accepting invitation to speak at workshops.


Mrs. Katherine R. Kicker
Wonderful Writers of the South Club
432 South Beauty Drive
Eufala, AL 34321

Dear Kate:

Thanks very much for your note of May 28. I would be delighted to attend your convention and take part in the workshops. As you requested, I’m attaching two photographs.

As for the biographical sketch: I am the president of the Lawrence R. Lamatin Agency, which represents authors of general adult and young-adult fiction and nonfiction. Previously, I was an agent with Global Agents of America. Before becoming an agent, I was a senior book editor with Andoris Publishing Company, Fun Books, and Wonderful Reader, Inc. I’m the author of a nonfiction book, How to Read Your Way to Fortune, as well as a number of articles on writing and publishing for various magazines. I live in Wisconsin with my wife, Coral Phlange, an actress, and our daughter, Penelope.

I have attached a brief summary of my workshop speeches.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide. I very much look forward to meeting you and to attending the conference.



Lawrence R. Lamatin




Sample Letter 16.32 was written to accept an invitation to contribute an article to a publication. The letter writer clearly states that the invitation has been accepted, gives the reader a number where he can be reached, and closes by thanking the reader for his interest.

Sample Letter 16.32. Letter accepting invitation to contribute article.


Mr. Martin L. Armont
The Reader’s Journal
327 Merrimac Trail
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Armont:

Mr. Revonock has asked me to respond to your letter of September 28 asking him to submit an article on the benefits of deregulation to bank customers. The article would be used in your quarterly Journal of Financial Services Marketing.

Mr. Revonock would be pleased to submit such an article. Please call me directly about your deadlines and any other information he will need to prepare the article. I can be reached at 434-706-6050.

Thank you for your interest in the views of the Deregulation Regulatory Agency’s Office. I look forward to hearing from you.



Aaron S. Sorce
Communications Director


cc: TR


In Sample Letter 16.33, the writer accepts the invitation to address a group at a convention. After expressing his thanks for the invitation, the writer requests information on lodgings. He compliments the reader on her commitment to his particular field of work, and closes by reiterating his expectation of logistical particulars pertaining to the convention.

Sample Letter 16.33. Letter accepting an invitation to address a convention.


Dr. Raphaela Donatrice
60 Bourbon Street
New Orleans, LA 70113

Dear Dr. Donatrice:

Thank you so much for your kind invitation to address the first-year medical students at The Bayou College of Medicine Convention, February 3–5. I would be delighted to attend and am prepared to speak at the seminar entitled, “Andrology: A Brave New World.” I understand that I should arrive at your campus by 1:30 P.M. on February 3. Will you send me information on lodging opportunities in the area?

I am sure that the young men and women in your medical program appreciate your efforts to have practicing doctors speak to them about the practice of medicine, just as I appreciate your choice of me as speaker for this seminar. The field of andrology is an important one and deserves publicity, and I am glad that you have included it at length in your program.

Again, thank you for your invitation. I look forward to hearing from you with the specifics of the weekend.



Napthali Benjamin, M.D.


The letter in Sample Letter 16.34 was written to accept the offer of a civic position. It is the type of letter that might be written in response to Sample Letter 16.29 offering a position on a not-for-profit board.

Sample Letter 16.34. Letter accepting civic position.


Mary Delano, Chair
Flinty Private Trust Board of Trustees
4345 Roanoke Drive
Decatur, GA 30044

Dear Ms. Delano:

Thank you very much for the invitation you extended on behalf of the Flinty Private Trust board of trustees for me to sit on the board. I am both honored and pleased to accept your invitation.

As you know from my meeting with you and other board members, the mission of the Flinty Private Trust is one that is close to my heart. I envision that we will be embarking on years of fruitful collaboration.

I will give Ms. Cheeks a call to confirm my attendance at your next meeting.

Thank you again for the invitation to serve. I appreciate the confidence and trust that you and other board members have placed in me.



Edward Dendrinos


Letters Declining Invitations

Sample Letters 16.35 through 16.40 were written to decline various invitations, invitations to everything from a weekend getaway, to writing an article, to serving on a board, to speaking at a convention. Sample Letter 16.35 was written to express regrets that the letter writer could not accept a social invitation. The writer makes it clear that he cannot accept, explaining he will be out of town, and closes by saying he will get in touch with the reader when he returns.

Sample Letter 16.35. Letter expressing regrets about turning down invitation.


Ms. Sue Ellen Nojjen
6789 Puscadora Drive
Trogladite, UT 56543

Dear Sue Ellen:

I am so sorry to tell you that Sierra and I will be out of town during the dates of your weekend getaway bash. How we wish we could come.

I’ll phone when we get back and press you for a full report on the weekend’s parties, which will no doubt be the hit of the season.



Georgio Costovez


Sample Letter 16.36 declines an invitation to contribute an article to a publication. The letter writer states that he will be unable to contribute, expresses his appreciation, and closes.

Sample Letter 16.37 was written to decline an invitation to serve on an editorial board. The letter writer expresses his appreciation for the invitation but declines the offer because of a conflict.

Sample Letter 16.36. Letter declining invitation to contribute article.


Mr. Martin L. Armont
The Reader’s Journal
327 Merrimac Trail
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Armont:

You flatter me by asking my participation as an author in your forthcoming journal. I regret, however, that I will be unable to accept.

I wish you well with the venture.

Yours very truly,


A. T. Redmont
Senior Vice President—Marketing



Sample Letter 16.37. Letter declining invitation to serve on editorial board because of conflict.


Mr. Martin L. Armont
The Reader’s Journal
327 Merrimac Trail
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Armont:

Pardon the delay in responding to your letter of September 21, but I have been in the process of negotiating the sale of our Financial Services Marketing Review to Hungadunga Publications of Beloit, England. A copy of the most recent issue is enclosed.

I appreciate your invitation to serve as a member of the editorial advisory board for your forthcoming journal, but I believe it would be in conflict with our role with the Financial Services Marketing Review.

Best regards,


Alan C. Idomeck
Executive Director




Sample Letter 16.38 through 16.40 were each written to decline an invitation to address a group. Each writer handles the letter differently. In Sample Letter 16.38 the reason is common and unavoidable: a schedule conflict. The writer’s tone is appreciative and conciliatory. He is grateful to have been considered but will not be able to change his schedule. In closing, he expresses his hope that his reader will find a substitute, and that the program will be successful without him.

There are other reasons to decline invitations to speak beside a schedule conflict, such as a conflict of interest, or even simple lack of interest (we wouldn’t put this in the letter, however). Customize this type of letter as your needs dictate, but the letter does not need to be long in any case. The writer of Sample Letter 16.39 has the interest but not the time, and the writer of Sample Letter 16.40 has clearly mastered the art of brevity.

Sample Letter 16.38. Long letter declining an invitation to speak.


Dr. Raphaela Donatrice
60 Bourbon Street
New Orleans, LA 70113

Dear Dr. Donatrice:

Thank you so much for your kind invitation to address the first-year medical students at The Bayou College of Medicine, February 3–5. I am sure that these young men and women appreciate your efforts to have practicing doctors speak to them about the practice of medicine, just as I appreciate your choice of me for keynote speaker at the seminar entitled “Andrology: A Brave New World.”

Unfortunately, however, I am slated to attend a urology convention in Miami that weekend. If circumstances had been otherwise, I would have welcomed the opportunity to come to New Orleans to your fine institution. I hope that you will find a suitable substitute for the seminar, as the field of andrology is an important one and deserves publicity.

Again, thank you for your invitation. I hope your program goes smoothly.



Napthali Benjamin, M.D.


Sample Letter 16.39. Short letter declining an invitation to speak.


Dr. Dani-Elle Frylin
Rutherford State University
123 Greymalkin Lane
Eastwood, NJ 07076

Dear Dr. Frylin:

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to speak to your exchange students about my experiences researching the history of the Jewish cemetery in Prague.

Unfortunately, my current work requires that I will be out of the country during the dates of your symposium, and so I will be unable to address Rutherford’s students. Best of luck finding a speaker for this group. Please keep me in mind for future engagements.



Michaela Chaviva, Ph.D.


Sample Letter 16.40. Extremely brief note declining an invitation to speak.


Ms. Deborah C. Acesa, Director
AGIE Conferences
54 Westwood Terrace
North Blixi, MI 48034

Dear Ms. Acesa:

Many thanks for your letter of September 20 and your kind invitation to participate in your conference in February. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend.

I do appreciate your having thought of me. I hope the conference is a great success.



O. C. Dillock



Letter Expressing Interest in Speaking

Sample Letter 16.41 was written to express an interest in speaking. The letter writer follows up a conversation he had with the reader by sending her background information on him and spelling out the different topics he can speak on. He closes by expressing his enthusiasm at the prospect of speaking.

Sample Letter 16.41. Letter expressing interest in speaking.


Professor Christine Franklin
Georgian Hotel School
Edwardus Jacobus University
543 South Michigan Drive
Holstice, KY 34321

Dear Christine:

It was good to hear from you. Your new job certainly sounds exciting and challenging. I wish you the best of luck.

I’ve enclosed my press kit. It will give the university an idea of my credentials to qualify for a guest lecture appearance. I was recently asked to speak at the January 20X5 Hotels and Motels Association of America Annual Meeting in Key West, Florida. I will be delivering a speech entitled “How to Make Your Money in an Independent Inn.”

As you know, I can discuss myriad aspects of marketing, including advertising, direct mail, publicity, promotions, and special events. Just let me know what would be the most interesting for your students and I’ll focus my presentation in that direction.

I am very excited about the possibility of speaking at the Georgian Hotel School of Edwardus Jacobus University. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Maxwell R. Levine




Letter Reserving Meeting Facility

Sample Letter 16.42 was written for the sole purpose of reserving a facility. The letter is factual, with a clear expression of the writer’s needs. The writer closes with a request for confirmation of the reservation.

Sample Letter 16.42. Letter reserving a meeting facility.


Brusstar Reynolds, Facilities Coordinator
Wyeth Hotels America
6900 Midway Boulevard
Kissimmee, FL 34747

Dear Mr. Reynolds:

My organization wishes to reserve the use of a large conference room in your Fort Lauderdale Wyeth Hotel. We will be holding our annual shareholders’ summit on January 8, 20X2, from 3:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M., and will need a room capable of holding 450 people.

Additionally, we would like to reserve a three-course chicken dinner ($18.95) for each shareholder. As per our earlier telephone conversation, a cash bar should accompany this meal.

Please confirm this written reservation by telephone (506-900-7683) or fax (506-900-7777). Thank you for your help in this matter.



Jeannette D’Arby
Director of Events


Letter Requesting Membership in a Club

Sample Letter 16.43 was written to request membership in a club. The letter opens with a reference to the author’s connection to the club, before smoothly making a transition to the writer’s qualifications for membership in the club. The author’s interest is evident: he supports his application with an extensive list of his related activities and then closes with his contact information in an attempt to establish a personal connection with the reader.

Sample Letter 16.43. Letter requesting membership in a club.


Mr. Rudolph P. Garnet
The Rosewood Club
1 Central Place
Charleston, SC 39909

Dear Mr. Garnet:

I would like you to consider me for membership in The Rosewood Club. I believe that my associate at Darlington, Rice, and Weathers, LLC, Marjorie Clements, mentioned my interest in your organization. I think you will find that The Rosewood Club’s civic focus neatly parallels my own.

For the last twelve years, I have been concerned with preserving Charleston’s historic housing, concentrating specifically on the restoration of hardwood flooring in our fine city’s many antebellum homes. In the summer of 200X, I formally opened a restoration company, Hardhead Hardwoods, so that I could dedicate more time to the preservation of National Register homes, and I now manage that company in addition to my legal responsibilities at Darlington, Rice, and Weathers. I have long been an admirer of your club’s balance between political activism and historic sensibility, and I would count it an honor to be a member of such a prestigious organization.

I hope that you will seriously consider my proposal. If you would like to speak with me further about the contributions I might make to The Rosewood Club, please call me at 678-876-3411. I have enclosed a résumé for your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.



Aiden Calhoun



Follow-Up Letter to Speech Attendees

Sample Letter 16.44 was written by someone who had given a speech to a group that had included the reader. The letter writer expresses the pleasure he had in addressing the group and follows up by reiterating some of the thoughts he had expressed in his speech. He closes by offering to answer any questions the reader might have.

Sample Letter 16.44. Letter writen as follow-up to attendees of a speech.


Dr. Anne T. Laos
Whirling Computer Corporation
34 Reindollar Road
Statehood, NJ 07034

Dear Dr. Laos:

I was very pleased to have the opportunity recently to make a presentation on behalf of the Statehood Foundation to your Breakfast Group. Maxwell Nil has kindly given me a list of the attendees and I will see to it that you are all added to our mailing list. In the meantime, I thought you would find the enclosed case statement for the Statehood Foundation of some interest.

As the Statehood community’s foundation and the largest grant issuer in New Jersey, the Statehood Foundation is in the position to have a major role in supporting programs that serve a broad sector of the Statehood community. As a public charity, we are also charged with increasing our permanent endowment (currently at $125 million) so that our efforts can continue to benefit the citizens of Statehood. For many individuals and corporations, the Statehood Foundation is a unique vehicle for carrying out charitable activities.

Please know that I would be happy to answer any questions that you might have about opportunities for giving through the Statehood Foundation.

Yours truly,


Oscar R. Atner
Donor Relations Officer




Letter Expressing Compliments on an Article

Sample Letter 16.45 was written to compliment an author on an article he had written. The letter writer offers his commendation of the author’s work and closes by offering his services should the author need them in the future.

Sample Letter 16.45. Letter complimenting author on article.


Mr. Ambrose T. Kemper
The Armchair Reader’s Review
34 Eliot Boulevard
Piscataway, TX 75003

Dear Mr. Kemper:

As a certfied financial planner with more than 20 years of experience, I would like to commend you on your fine article on financial planning in the January issue of The Armchair Reader’s Review. Your article hit on the fundamentals of prudent money management in a forthright and easy to understand manner. Should your research in the future require my assistance, I would be more than happy to discuss my thoughts with you.

I would also like to suggest that The Armchair Reader’s Review consider a monthly column that addresses money management concerns. It is evident that the publication is targeted to individuals who have achieved a certain level of financial success, and who would be interested in securing future financial security.

Congratulations again on a job well done. Please feel free to call on me in the future should the need arise.



Manny N. Depocet, CFP


cc: MLN, editor


Birthday Greetings Letter

Sample Letter 16.46 was written as a brief note to wish a business acquaintance well on his birthday.

Sample Letter 16.46. Letter wishing someone a happy birthday.


Mr. Poindexter T. Spaulding
Lockridge and Lockridge
7654 Roundabout Plaza
Osaka, MT 59034

Dear Poindexter:

Happy birthday! Everyone here at the Piscataqua office sends their best and hopes for a wonderful year for you.

We hear you are enjoying your new position in the Osaka branch. Come visit us when you’re in our area.

Yours truly,


Marvin Samantha



Public Service and Fund-Raising Letters

From time to time you may be called on to perform some public service, such as raising funds for an organization you are part of and believe in.

Sample Letter 16.47 was written to solicit a donation from the letter recipient. The letter writer comes right out and says what she is requesting, leaving no doubt to the recipient about why he is receiving this letter. Follow-up information is clear. This letter is a strong example of a request for donation.

Sample Letter 16.47. Letter making donation request.


Mr. Harry Whittlewood
Pocket Knife Fabricators
43 Lorraine Terrace
Fairfield, MN 55088

Dear Mr. Whittlewood:

You have been a wonderful supporter of the arts in Fairfield in past years and we’re hoping to encourage you to continue your valuable support.

On Sunday, March 3, Fortified Art Center will be holding its annual charity auction to raise funds for Fairfield Arts Week. We are hoping that you will be able to donate six or seven pocket knives that can be auctioned off. Last year, your knives were among the most popular items in the charity auction.

Your donation will be tax deductible since we are a not-for-profit organization. It will also go a long way toward helping us reach our goal of raising $20,000 at the event. All of the proceeds will be used to help us stage Fairfield’s Arts Week.

If you could email us or call us to let us know of your willingness to donate, we would be very appreciative. We will call you sometime over the next couple of weeks to follow up.

Thank you very much for your continued support.



Liza Tinsel
Chair, Fairfield Arts Week


Sample Letter 16.48 is also an example of a fund-raising letter, but it is sent as a follow-up to a previous contributor.

Sample Letter 16.48. Letter attempting to raise funds—sent to previous contributor.


Mrs. Ann L. Kemper
23 Deerfield Avenue
Rather, MI 48056

Dear Ann:

Three years ago this month, our friend and colleague, The Chronicle reporter Ellen Yalter, was killed in a drunk driving accident. This is a somber time for us and for Ellen’s family. Even though Ellen is gone, she is not forgotten. Thanks to your overwhelming support and generosity, we’ve raised $75,000 for the newly established Ellen Yalter Memorial Scholarship at Highlands University. As you know, this will provide a full tuition scholarship to a deserving graduate student in print journalism at the School of Journalism. It is a wonderful tribute to Ellen and her memory.

On June 15, 20X4, we will award the first annual Yalter Scholarship during a special event planned at the Lewis & Carey Inn in Boonton. We will also be doing something else to further honor Ellen’s achievements. On that night we will announce the recipient of the first annual Ellen Yalter Memorial Excellence in Reporting Award. This honor will go to a metropolitan area print journalist who has demonstrated outstanding ability during the previous year. A Lifetime Achievement Award will also be made to a nationally known news broadcaster. It should be an exciting night.

Last June, more than 500 of you paid tribute to Ellen at the Morris County Courthouse reception. This summer, we can all get together again on a happier note, with the knowledge that Ellen will continue to be remembered and honored in a variety of ways. Now we can pay tribute to those among us who are striving for the same standard of excellence that Ellen did.

We’ll have a buffet style meal, music, and a brief awards ceremony. Mostly, I hope we’ll all have fun and share in the kind of camaraderie we all felt the last time around. Tickets will be $75 per person to help raise the additional $75,000 needed to meet our fund-raising goal to continue providing the scholarship. If you make your contribution to the scholarship now, you’ll receive your tickets in the mail by early May. Please be as generous as you can.

I look forward to seeing you June 15.

Very truly yours,

Carl B. Combsen
Committee Chairman




Sample Letter 16.49 was written by a class agent to her classmates seeking to raise funds for their alma mater. The letter is anecdotal and makes a solid plea for funds.

Sample Letter 16.49. Letter written to raise funds from fellow alumnus.


Mr. James Lewis
186-A Savin Hill Avenue
Bethany, NC 27034

Dear Jim:

There’s a story told about a conversation between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. Fitzgerald remarks to Hemingway: “The rich are different from you and me.” To which Hemingway responds: “Yes, they have more money.” The encounter came to mind when I heard a talk given by Jack Temple, one of the beacons of light in the investment world. When he was about to tell the audience what he thought the best investment would be for the future, he had the entire audience on the edge of their seats in anticipation. And then he hit them with it: “The best investment for the future,” he said, “is tithing 10% of your annual income.” It seems Temple had followed this philosophy for years and felt it had paid off handsomely.

I’m not suggesting you tithe 10% of your income to Clarkson Community College. But there is a lot of merit in what Temple says. If you want to see tangible results from your money, investing in the future of Clarkson Community College is a sure bet. When the stock market languishes, Clarkson Community College continues to flourish doing what it does best—educating students.

The outlook for the future of Clarkson Community College is good. The college is blessed with a growing number of entering students each year. Academically, the college continues to challenge students. Athletically, the teams of Clarkson continue to tough it out on the playing field (or courts or pools). Student publications and productions continue to provide experiential opportunities. All the trappings needed to educate graduates who go out and find success are there.

Please try to give what you can to Clarkson. Be sure to check whether your company has a matching contribution plan.

Think of what you give as an investment, one that you will know is at work every time you visit Clarkson, talk to a Clarksonian, or hear from a recent graduate nervously encountering the world outside of college for the first time—just like we did when we graduated.


Maxene Right
Class Agent




Sample Letter 16.50 was written requesting that the recipient perform a public service. The letter writer is clear in his request and lays out the details of what he is asking. This letter can easily be adapted to an email. If it is, then enclosures should be referred to as attachments in the text of the email.

Sample Letter 16.50. Letter requesting public service.


Mr. Alan T. Pine
45 Trusty Road
Barnstable, GA 30032

Dear Alan:

If you’re like me at this time of year, you’re searching for the perfect holiday gift and for the bulb that makes the Christmas tree lights stop blinking. And you’re not sure when you’ll find time to assemble that new bicycle or bake cookies for the neighbors.

With all the joys and hassles of the holiday season, I would like to ask you to add one more item to your Christmas list: to become a Preston Community College Class Agent.

We would like to mail the Class Agent letter in January, which is why we are approaching you during the holiday season. Believe it or not, January is one of the best times of the year for direct mail solicitations, something I learned in my direct mail class at Preston Community College.

As always, you are welcome to write your own letter to your class. As an encouragement, I am enclosing a copy of an excellent article on letter writing that appeared in Business Communication News.

I encourage you to write your Class Agent letter just as you would write a letter to a friend. After all, you share two years of special memories with your classmates. Your letter should bring out the bonds that tie your class.

Let people know what’s happening at Preston now. Let them know what’s changed and what hasn’t. If you’ve visited the campus recently, describe what you saw. Along the same lines, let people know what other classmates are doing. Encourage people to send you news about what’s new in their lives—it’ll be great material for your spring letter.

If you just can’t put pen to paper (and believe me, I know how that feels), I’m also enclosing a “ghost” letter that you can adapt as your own. Write your own, change mine, or use mine without any changes. But please have your letter at the Development Office by January 5, 20X4. Also, complete the enclosed card and send it with the letter so the office will know how it is to be mailed.

This year we have an incentive for our Class Agents: a signed, limited edition water-color of Old Preston Hall will be given to the Class Agent who has the largest percentage increase in the number of donors from his or her class and to the Class Agent who has the largest percentage increase in the total amount given by his or her class. A copy of the Preston Community College Report describing the limited edition print is enclosed.

I encourage you to be innovative in your appeals to your class. Don’t be limited by the two required letters. I’m open to your suggestions, ideas, and spurts of creativity—anything that will help improve the Class Agent program.

Many thanks for your help. Your work as a Class Agent is a year-round gift to Preston.



Rhett L. Retson
Class Agent Coordinator




Sample Letters 16.51 and 16.52 are also excellent examples of letters that were written to request a charitable contribution. Sample Letter 16.51’s balanced structure opens with a description of the good work that the charitable organization performs and then closes with a polite, firm request for contributions. The writer makes a strong case for giving to this organization and refers to the enclosed postage-paid envelope for the potential donor’s convenience.

Sample Letter 16.51. Charity drive letter to neighbors.


Emmett and Sarah Rose
186 Ralston Lane
Durston, NY 10607

Dear Neighbors:

I am writing to tell you about an agency that is doing outstanding work in our neighborhood. The Council for Literacy in the Immigrant Community (CLIC) has been hard at work providing educational opportunities for immigrants in Durston for six years. CLIC workers are responsible for teaching reading and writing, offering job training and referrals, and connecting resources for more than 100 newcomers representing many nationalities. CLIC’s work has been recognized by several local newspapers and many Durston officials in the past year.

CLIC needs our help. It is time to repay the help that they have given to our city by supporting them now. In order to continue their work they need to hire English teachers, maintain their facility, and build upon their network of resource agencies. Their costs have increased at a higher rate than their state funding, and the founders now need to supplement their revenue with donations from their neighbors. Please consider making a contribution of $50 or more to CLIC. A postage-paid envelope has been provided for your convenience. Several businesses, including mine, are volunteering their time and effort to coordinate this effort to raise funds for CLIC. Please contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached at 706-448-9620.



Emily Fletcher
Zoom Design
123 Hanes Road
Durston, NY 10607



Sample Letter 16.52 was written to a business associate to request a charitable donation to an agency that benefits the writer and her reader’s community. The author begins by establishing the credentials of the agency and describing the good work it has done, before moving into a succinct statement of what help the agency now needs. Instead of merely asking for help, the writer relates the help she herself has given to this agency, leading by actions, not just words. She offers concrete ways that the recipient can donate and closes by giving her telephone number for further information.

Sample Letter 16.52. Letter to a business associate requesting charitable funds.


Christine May
Truelove Cosmetics
78 Main Street
Andover, NH 03076

Dear Colleague:

I am writing to let you know of the efforts of an agency in our community that needs our help. CleanUp, a nonprofit agency founded by Susan and Bruce Talia of Andover, has been instrumental in improving our downtown area since 2004. Because of the hard work of the Talias, many dozens of neighbors and businesspeople have volunteered their time and energy over the past several years to make the area more pleasant for visitors to Andover. The lighting and signage have been updated and more trash cans and benches have been added because of the direct work of CleanUp. The visitors to Andover are our customers, and we owe the Talias not only a large “thank you,” but also our help.

I have donated my own time and have encouraged some of my employees to do the same. I will be participating in a community meeting at the CleanUp offices on August 2 and would like to invite you to join us. I have also made a donation of $1,000.00 to CleanUp to support its continued efforts on behalf of our town. Please consider doing the same. The money that we donate to CleanUp will allow the Talias to hire support staff and continue their lobbying efforts.

For more information feel free to contact me at 789-987-7890 or contact CleanUp directly at 789-956-4218. I look forward to seeing you on August 2.



Beth Amy Wedge
Owner, Sundance Books


Letters Declining Requests for Donations

We all know the simplest way to deal with those mass-mailed requests for donation—either write a check, or put the request in the circular file. But sometimes a request comes from a friend, neighbor, or business acquaintance, and although you don’t want to donate, you don’t want to be rude. Sample Letters 16.53 through 16.55 show how it can be done without losing a friend or destroying a cordial business connection.

Sample Letter 16.53 was written to decline a request to make a donation. Such letters can be challenging to write, but it is good practice to respond to such requests particularly if you want to maintain a relationship with the organization making the request. The letter writer is respectful of the recipient while being clear that a donation will not be forthcoming.

Sample Letter 16.53. Letter declining a request for donation.


Ms. Liza Tinsel
Chair, Fairfield Arts Week
52 Motley Way
Fairfield, MN 55088

Dear Ms. Tinsel:

Thank you for your letter requesting donations for your annual auction.

In the past, we have been able to donate pocketknives and other weapons to your annual auction that raises funds for Fairfield Arts.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to make a donation this year. We have already committed to making donations to about a half-dozen charities and have chosen to limit our donations this year. Perhaps next year we will be able to add you back to the list.

We hope you understand that our decision not to donate this year has nothing to do with our perception of the valuable work your organization does.

Please do not hesitate to solicit us in the future.



Harry Whittlewood, President



Sample Letter 16.54 was written to decline a request for a charitable contribution to a cause. The writer approaches this sensitive issue tactfully, complimenting the reader on her agency’s cause before explaining in detail the reasons why the writer’s company is financially unable to contribute to that cause. In closing, the writer again commends the recipient’s agency and wishes her good luck in her fund-raising drive.

Sample Letter 16.54. Letter declining charitable request because of limited funds.


Marie Calderone
Tots Love Toys, Inc.
76 Wilkes Street
Burbank, MI 48099

Dear Ms. Calderone:

Thank you for your recent request for a contribution to the Tots Love Toys charity drive. Your organization sounds like it provides a valuable service to the children in the Detroit area.

Unfortunately, though, my company is unable to give funds to you at this time. A substandard performance in the fourth quarter of this past fiscal year has necessitated personnel layoffs and financial restructuring, and I am afraid that we have had to limit our charitable donations across the board this year. I’m sure you can agree that increasing our outside giving at a time when we cannot pay our existing employees would seem inappropriate.

Best of luck in your fund-raising drive. Tots Love Toys plays an important role in making the lives of Michigan’s children more enjoyable and rewarding, and I hope your company has much success this year.



T. E. Mane
Chief Financial Officer


Sample Letter 16.55 was also written to decline a request for charitable giving, but this writer’s reason differs in that his company is financially able but philosophically opposed to contributing to this cause. The language is still polite but firm, and the author explains thoroughly the differences in mission statements between his company and that of his reader. Included in this letter is a request to be removed from the recipient’s mailing list, effectively terminating any future correspondence in a cordial way. The writer concludes with a wish for success in gathering funds, not just for the reader’s company, but for both companies.

Sample Letter 16.55. Letter declining charitable request because of opposition to cause.


Marie Calderone
Tots Love Toys, Inc.
76 Wilkes Street
Burbank, MI 48099

Dear Ms. Calderone:

Thank you for your recent request for a contribution to the Tots Love Toys charity drive. Your organization sounds like it believes it provides a valuable service to the children in the Detroit area.

Although we understand that your company’s philosophy is that children will best benefit from receiving free toys, we at EdCom Enterprises feel that underprivileged children need educational opportunities more than they need a new Barbie doll or PlayStation 3. Perhaps it is due to the nature of our business as a publisher of educational materials for children aged 2–12, but we have chosen to concentrate our charitable giving this year on those companies that are more in concordance with our mission of educating low-income and minority children in the Midwest. Since our goals differ and we do not anticipate future giving to your organization, we would appreciate it if you would remove us from your mailing list.

Best of luck in your fund-raising drive. Tots Love Toys does play a role in making the lives of Michigan’s children more enjoyable and rewarding, but unfortunately, it is not a role that we are prepared to invest in. There are many ways to help children, though, and I hope that both our companies will have much success this year.



T. E. Mane
Chief Financial Officer


Letter Urging Political Representative to Action

Sample Letter 16.56 was written by a concerned individual to a political representative to encourage the politician to support the passage of a bill. The writer displays a knowledge of the bill’s content and potential impact. The request for support comes immediately, so that the reader knows what is asked of him; the close reiterates and highlights the importance of the bill.

Sample Letter 16.56. Letter to politician urging support of bill.


The Honorable Thomas Brockett
250 Kilgo Circle
Washington, D.C. 20003

Dear Mr. Brockett:

I strongly urge you to support the passage of HR 112-290, which is now being considered by the Education Committee. This bill will provide much needed relief for inner-city schools, many of which are struggling under local budget cuts, teacher shortages, and dwindling tax bases.

Over the past six years, urban schools have been forced to choose far too frequently between critical needs programs like free and reduced-cost lunches and after-school tutoring, all because their funding is so sparse that they cannot afford to provide both a meal and extra academic help. Many have adjusted creatively, using unpaid community members as staff for the programs they wish to offer, but community support without federal backing sends the wrong message to these hard-working parents. If HR 112-290 fails to gain passage in the House, the legislators of this nation are telling local parents that their efforts and vision for their schools are not mirrored at the federal level.

This important bill will enable local school districts to renegotiate contracts with key support industries like sanitation, food services, book publishers, and custodial firms, ensuring that school systems can compete with corporations for these much-needed components of the education system. Please give America’s urban school districts a fighting chance to do what they want to do best: teach the next generation of young Americans.



Patricia Tedescho


Congratulations-on-New-Position Letters

Sample Letters 16.57 and 16.58 were written to congratulate people on new positions. Sample Letter 16.57 was written to congratulate the reader on her new position and to take the opportunity to introduce the letter writer’s services to the reader. The writer encloses material for the reader to review.

Sample Letter 16.58 is a short letter of congratulations to a business acquaintance on his new position, written in the official-style format. There is no attempt to sell anything here.

Sample Letter 16.57. Letter congratulating someone on new position, using opportunity to promote services.


Ms. Connie S. Ebergen, President
Smokehouse Restaurants, Inc.
56 Stone Street
Nottingham, MA 02121

Dear Ms. Ebergen:

Congratulations! I read of your recent appointment to president of Smokehouse Restaurants, Inc., in November’s issue of National Dining Out Newsalerts.

As specialists in the restaurant industry, Naidu Public Relations, Inc., provides a full range of marketing services. For publicity, we have great press contacts, locally and nationally. To serve as an informal introduction to Naidu Public Relations, Inc., I have enclosed our press kit. It contains marketing articles we’ve written for Eating Out Often and Restaurants of the World, a client list, my biography, and other relevant materials.

We would truly welcome an opportunity to meet with you and your marketing team at Smokehouse Restaurants, Inc., to discuss how we might contribute to your expansion plans. I’ll call your office next week to arrange an appointment at your convenience.

Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to review these materials, Ms. Ebergen. I look forward to speaking with you.



Leo J. Naidu




Sample Letter 16.58. Letter congratulating a business acquaintance on new position.


Dear William:

I had the pleasure of learning that you recently became the president of Kismick Department Stores. Congratulations on your new position.

I hope I will have a chance to stop in and see you next time I’m in Guam City. In the meantime, good luck with your new responsibilities.

Best regards,

Pearl Pendleton

Mr. William Martin, President
Kismick Department Stores
One Symphony Place
Guam City, AZ 85012



Letters to Sick Employees, Acquaintances

Sample Letter 16.59 was written to express concern for an employee who has been ill. Sample Letter 16.60 was written to an employee who is in the hospital. Sample Letter 16.61 was written to a business acquaintance who is hospitalized. All three letters are brief, but show genuine concern for the letter reader.

Sample Letter 16.59. Letter expressing concern for ill employee.


Mr. Edward T. Landsale
45 Beaumont Place
Rose, TX 75076

Dear Ed:

Everyone here at Furomont Building & Engineering joins me in wishing you a speedy recovery from your bout with pneumonia. We hope you take care of yourself so that you can be back on the job soon.

Please accept our best wishes.



Alan T. Ransdade
Project Supervisor



Sample Letter 16.60. Letter to employee in the hospital.


Ms. Patrice R. Chin
Room 756
Medical Hospital
Medino, CA 90067

Dear Patrice:

Please accept my best wishes for a speedy recovery from your surgery. I hope that the doctors and nurses over at Medical Hospital take good care of you so that you are healthy and back on the job as soon as you feel up to it.

We miss you here at Altmont Minerals and hope that you are back on your feet just as soon as possible.



John U. Uxbridge
Personnel Director



Sample Letter 16.61. Letter to hospitalized business associate.


Mr. Jack Wagner
Room 4545
Doctor’s Hospital
Newburgh, Connecticut 06056

Dear Jack:

I learned from your office that you have been hospitalized. I wish you the speediest recovery and hope that you will be home and healthy soon.



Alice R. Treat
Sales Representative



Condolence Letter

Sample Letter 16.62 is an example of a brief, tactful letter of condolence written to the letter reader on the occasion of his mother’s death. Such letters are difficult to write but are appreciated by the person being written to.

Sample Letter 16.62. Letter expressing condolences.


Mr. Joshua T. Leopard
Fulton, Carlton & Leopard, P.C.
One Blazen Avenue
Fort Utah, NV 89034

Dear Joshua:

I was sorry to learn of the death of your mother. I hope you will accept the sincere condolences of your friends at Andover Parris Publishing Company.

If I or anyone else here can be of help to you, please let us know. I look forward to meeting with you as soon as you get back into the swing of things.



Maxwell L. Shorter



Letter Congratulating Someone on Opening a Business

The letter writer in Sample Letter 16.63 congratulates a business acquaintance on opening a new business. He also accepts her invitation to a reception she is holding for the opening. This is written in official-style format.

Sample Letter 16.63. Letter congratulating someone on opening a new business.


Dear Evelyn:

Congratulations on opening your own truck sales business. I know it’s been a dream of yours for some time, and I am overjoyed that you finally have gotten your own business up and going.

I must tell you how much I admire you for the determination and fortitude you have had to follow through on your dream. Those of us who have gotten to know you personally and professionally over the past several years are not at all surprised that you’ve been able to muster up the convictions to act on your passions, and we’ve little doubt that you will succeed beyond all expectations.

Nancy and I would love to join you at your opening reception next Sunday. We’ll be there to cheer you on and share in your joyous occasion.



Simon Nelson


Ms. Evelyn Kane
Redwing Trucking Agents
49 Delaware Turnpike
Harvard, MA 02134


Letter Announcing Retirement

The letter writer of Sample Letter 16.64 writes to a business acquaintance that he is retiring. He tells the recipient who his replacement will be and how he can be reached after he’s retired. The letter writer uses a personal tone, yet lays out the facts of his retirement in a very professional manner.

Sample Letter 16.64. Letter announcing retirement.


Mr. John T. Quackenbush
45 Travelogue Drive
Braintree, NJ 07004

Dear John:

I have decided to take early retirement as of November 1. One of the things I will regret most in leaving Hunker Down, Inc., is that I will no longer have the fun of working with good people like you.

The new director of marketing is Tom North, formerly of Beach & Sand Enterprises. If you have any immediate questions or concerns about the status of your projects, feel free to call him at 222-555-4444. I’m sure you will find him extremely easy to talk with and eager to help in any way that he can.

It goes without saying that if I find myself headed your way, I’ll call in advance to see if there’s some way we can get together. By the same token, if you are going to be in my area, please call me; my home phone is 201-364-8276 and my cell phone (who is without one these days, even when retired) is 927-368-4995. A reunion one place or another would be great fun.

In any case, let’s try to stay in touch. For now, all best wishes.



Wyatt Z. Samuels


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