
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

accommodations, request about

account representatives, introducing


advertising letters

see also sales and marketing letter(s)

advice, thanks for

agreement, subject/verb

ambiguous language

analysis of subject and reader

anniversary dates, acknowledging

annual meeting(s)

announcing/requesting proxy statement for

inviting stockholders to

letter accompanying proxy for

annual reports, cover letters for

antecedents (of pronouns)

apology letter(s)

for billing error

to customer

for damaged goods

for delayed shipment

for employee’s rudeness


for incorrect billing

for out-of-stock product

for overcharging customer

for product defect

for service delay

apostrophe, use of


of block format

of e-mail

of envelopes

and format choice

of full block format

of hanging-indented letter format

and length of letter

of memorandums

of official-style format

of semiblock format

of simplified-letter format

of stationery

applications, job, see job application letter(s); job application response letter(s)


confirmation of

requests for


accepting invitations to contribute

complimenting author on

declining invitations to contribute

requests for corrections to

requests for reprints of

thank-you letters for compliments on

thank-you letters for mention in



attention notes

attitude, conveying


balance sheets, letters accompanying

billing error(s)

apology for

correction of

customer letter concerning

birthdays, letters for

block format

see also full block format

bonuses, offer of jobs with

books, permission to include material in

business associate, hospitalized

business products and services, sales/marketing of


see also formatting

cases (pronouns)


requests for

sales/marketing letters for


change-in-location letters

charge account correction, requests for

charitable contribution request(s)

to business associates

declining, because of opposition to cause

declining, due to limited funds

declining, due to previous commitments

to neighbors

charitable event, invitation to

checks, stopping payment on

clarification requests, replies to

clarity of language



client appreciation programs for

credit history request to

introduction letter to

welcome letters to new


collection letters, see credit and collection letter(s)

colon, use of

color (of stationery)

comma, use of

commendation letter(s)

for community recognition

for job well done

for large sale

for new idea

to outside staff

for outstanding report

for own staff

to vendors

commercial credit, letter requesting

community recognition, commendation for

company name

complaint letter(s)

about sales representatives

about unsatisfactory products

complaint resolution letter(s)

to acknowledge complaint and indicating company policy

to acknowledge complaint that appears to be unfounded

to acknowledge receipt of complaint

after frequent attempts to resolve problem

agreeing with customer’s complaint in


disagreeing with customer in

to instruct customer on procedure to clarify billing

to notify customer that information for resolution was not sent

complimentary closes


conditions of employment, job offer with

condolence, letters of


invitation of press to

registration acknowledgments for

confidentiality, letters of

confidential notes

confirmation letter(s)

for appointments

follow-up to

for job offers

for prices and quantity discounts

for proposals

for receipt of materials

for speaker arrangements

for supplier’s oral instructions

for telephone conversations

for travel plans


to customer on promotion

on new membership

on new position

on opening of business

on retirement

consumer services, sales/marketing letters for

continuation sheets


award of

cancellation of

transmittal letters for

contributions, thanks for

“copy to”

corporate downsizing, layoff due to

correction request letters

courtesy titles

cover letter(s)

for annual reports

for contracts

credit and collection letter(s)

about deposit due

about returned checks

to acknowledge partial payment

to acknowledge payment

after payment to still-delinquent account

to announce credit policy change

to clear disputed items

from customer about billing error

to deny credit

as final overdue notice

as first reminder after monthly statement

as follow-up for no response to second notice

as fourth overdue notice

to get credit references

to grant credit

to indicate insufficient funds

from law firm

to offer retail credit

to outline credit terms of rental arrangement

to raise credit limit

to reinstate credit

to renegotiate payment terms

to request client’s credit history

to request commercial credit

to request credit information

to request employment information

as second notice on charges due

to send credit information

to slow-paying valued customer

to stop payment on check

to suspend credit

as third overdue notice

customers, billing error letters from

customers, letter(s) to

announcing client appreciation program

to congratulate on promotion

to thank for business

to thank for referrals

to thank for repeat business

to thank for support

to thank for testimonials

who are valued but slow payers

who received collection letter by mistake

customer service letter(s)

to acknowledge orders

of apology

to deny an unreasonable request

for incorrect product shipments

to inform of change in location

to lapsed customers

to notify customers of store closings

pricing issues in

on project status

to provide product/service information

to reply to information requests

to resolve a complaint

for sales/marketing

to stockholders

damaged goods, apology for

dangling modifiers

dash, use of


decision maker, letters to find

definitions, unnecessary

delayed shipment, apology for

demotion, because of economic conditions

deposit due letters

difficult-to-see prospects, letters to


invitations to

thank-you letters for

directness (of statements)

disputed credit items, clearing

distribution notations

distributor’s name, request for


declining requests for


economic conditions

demotion because of

firing of vendor due to

editorial board, declining to serve on

educational seminars

Edward Jones & Company

ellipsis, use of


Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on consistency

emphasis, placement of ideas for


announcement of new

anticipated promotion not received by

apology for rudeness of

demoting, due to economic conditions

farewell letters to

health-related retirement of



requesting references for


welcome to new

employment information, request for

enclosure notations


errors, grammatical

exclamation point, use of

executive letterhead

executive positions, job offers for

exhibit visitor follow-up letters

explanations, unnecessary

facts, researching

final invoices, transmittal letters for

firing of vendor due to economic conditions

focus of attention



basic rules for







see also part(s) of a letter

forms, requests for completion of

free products

replies to requests for

requests for

full block format

attention notes in

block format vs.

body of letter in

complimentary close in

continuation sheet in

dateline in

signature block in

subject line in

fund-raising letters, see public service and fund-raising letter(s)

grammar check function

grammar issue(s)

antecedents of pronouns as

capitalization as

clichés as

and common errors

dangling modifiers as

jargon as

parallel structure as

punctuation as

and rules of grammar

spelling as

split infinitives as

subject/verb agreement as

wordiness as

wrong pronouns as

Grimes, Larry E., on grammar

half-sheet stationery

hanging-indented letter format

heading (on continuation sheets)

health center membership marketing letters


holiday greetings

hospitality, thanks for

hospitalized business associate, letter to

hospitalized employees, letter to

hyphen, use of


identification lines

ill employee, letter to

incorrect product shipment letter

incorrect word use

increases, price

indefinite pronouns

industry information, letter accompanying

infinitives, split

inflated language

informal invitations, accepting

information about members, replies to requests for

inside addresses

insufficient funds letter

intensifiers, weak

interest, letters of

interoffice correspondence

interview requests, job, see job interview request letter(s)

introduction, letter(s) of

for company

for existing company and its services

as follow-up to brief meeting

for new company

to new contact at client company

for new salesperson

from new salesperson

investors, letters to prospective



accepting informal

to charitable events

to contribute article (accepting)

to contribute article (declining)


to dinner

to hear a speaker


to open house

of press to conference

to quarterly business meetings

to serve in civic positions

to serve on editorial board

to sit on a not-for-profit board

to speak (accepting)

to speak (declining)

to speakers

to special event

of stockholders to annual meeting


job advice, interview request seeking

job application letter(s)

to accompany résumé

interview request letters as follow-up to

from person seeking to change jobs

from recent graduates

job application response letter(s)

to acknowledge application for position

to invite applicant for second interview

to partially qualified applicant

to person recommending unhired candidate

to provide status report on employee search

to qualified applicant

to qualified applicant when no position is available

to qualified applicant who did not match position

to reject an online advertisement applicant

to reject person recommended for job

to reject solicited application

to reject summer job applicant

to unqualified applicant

when someone else got the job

job candidacy, letter withdrawing

job interview request letter(s)

to accompany résumé

to apply for a job

based on newspaper advertisement

on basis of referral

as follow-up to letter of application

from person seeking to change jobs

as phone conversation follow-up

from recent graduate

to seek job advice

to thank prospective employer for job interview

to withdraw candidacy for position

job interview(s)

inviting applicant for second

thank-you letter to prospective employer for

job offer(s)

accepting or rejecting

with conditions of employment


for executive position

for job with bonus

for job with stock options


for summer intern position

job promotion letters

job well done letters


clarity vs. ambiguity in

correct use of

and jargon

spoken vs. written

see also grammar issue(s)

lapsed customers, letters to

large sale, commendation for

law firm, collection letter from

leave of absence, letter regarding

legislation, urging support of


of e-mail

of letters

of paragraphs


letters of interest

lists, parallel structure in

losing bidders, notification of

lost sale follow-up letters

luncheons, thanks for

mailing notations

manuscript transmittal letters


see also part(s) of a letter

marketing letters, see sales and marketing letter(s)

material request(s)

replies to

for return of materials

to a speaker

maternity leave, notifying employer of



introduction letter as follow-up to brief

reserving facilities for

sales and marketing follow-up to

members, requests for information about


congratulations on

follow-up to offers of

marketing of, in health centers

request for, in club

sales/marketing letter for extension of

sales/marketing letter for renewal of

second notice for renewal of


mentor relationship, request for

mergers, announcement of

model letters

modified block format, see block format

modifiers, dangling

monitoring of e-mail


on envelopes

in inside addresses

new business

announcement of formation of

congratulations on

letter of introduction for

new employees

announcement of


new ideas, commendation for

new positions, congratulations on

new product(s)

replies to requests for information on

requesting information on

new shareholders, letters to

newspaper advertisements, job interview requests based on

new subscribers, welcome letters to

no-longer-with-us letters

nominations, thanks for

nominative case pronouns

not-for-profit board, invitation to sit on

numbered material


in addresses

plural vs. singular

objective case pronouns

objectives for letters

official-style format

on-arrival notations

online advertisement applicant, rejecting

open house, invitations to


acknowledgment of

placing, with vendors/suppliers

resolution of incorrect

Osborne, Dorothy (Lady Temple), on language in letters

outings, thanks for

outlining of letters

out-of-stock items

apology for

letter informing of

outside person, recommendation of

outside staff, commendation for

overcharging, apology for

overdue notices, see credit and collection letter(s)

padding, avoidance of

panelist on talk show, thank-you letter to


parallel structure

parentheses, use of

partially qualified job applicants, letters to

partial payment, letter accepting

part(s) of a letter

attention notes as

complimentary close as

and continuation sheets

dateline as

distribution notations as

enclosure/attachment notations as

identification line as

inside address as

paragraphs as

personal/confidential notes as

postscripts as

reference line as

salutation as

signature block as

subject line as


acceptance of partial

acknowledgment of

of amount different from invoice


to not-so-great speaker

to outstanding speaker

renegotiating terms of

replies to remittance of

to reviewer

on still-delinquent accounts

transmittal letters with

period, use of


denial of

granting of

to include material in book

to quote from critic’s review

for reprints

and request for more information

personal favors, thanks for


see also tone

personal letters, see social and personal letter(s)

personal notations

personnel letter(s)

about job promotions

to accept/reject job offers

to acknowledge anniversary date

to announce new employee

to announce staff changes

of commendation

of congratulations on retirement

to demote employee because of economic conditions

to employee not getting promotion

to employee retiring for health reasons

of farewell to employee

to grant leave of absence

to introduce a new account representative


to notify employer of maternity leave

to offer a lower position because of economic conditions

to offer job

to offer promotion

to recommend an outside person

of recommendation

to refuse request for raise

to reject an online advertisement applicant

of reprimand

to request a mentor relationship

to request job interviews

to request raise

of resignation

to respond to job application


of termination

to thank people who recommended applicants

to welcome new employees

phone conversations, see telephone conversation(s)

phrases, correct use of


plural words

politicians, urging support of bill by

pompous language

possessive case pronouns


press, conference invitation to


previous contributors, letters to

previous sales, follow-up to


confirmation of

customer service letters about

increases in

no increase in

requests for information on

and volume discounts information

product-handling letter

product or service information letter(s)

to apologize for damaged shipment

to customer requesting information

for new products

for out-of-stock items

to suggest substitute product

from vendors/suppliers


apology for defect in


incorrect shipment of

requests for free

response to inquiries on

sales/marketing letters with

suggestion of substitute

professional services, thanks for

professional titles

program chairpersons, thank-you letters to

progressive discipline

project participants, thank-you letters to

project status letter(s)





sales/marketing follow-up to

proxy statement(s)

letter accompanying

receipt of

reminder to send in

public relations letter(s)

to accompany industry information

to announce formation of new business

to announce merger of two companies

to congratulate customer on promotion

to introduce company

to invite people to open house

to invite press to conference

to offer retainer to public relations firm

to request a correction to an article

public service and fund-raising letter(s)

for charitable contribution from business associate

for charitable contribution from neighbors

to decline charitable request because of limited funds

to decline charitable request because of opposition to cause

to politician urging support of bill

to raise funds from a fellow alumnus

to raise funds from previous contributors

to request a donation

to request a public service

to thank people for service


qualified job applicants, responding to

qualified recommendation letters

quantity discount(s)

confirmation of

letters to vendors/suppliers about

quarterly business meetings, invitations to

question mark, use of

questionnaires, request for completion of

quotation marks, use of



refusing request for



analysis of

as focus of letter’s attention

receipt of materials, confirming

recommendation letter(s)

for an outside person

for employee terminated for incompetence

positive, for terminated employee


request for

responding to

thank-you to senders of


see also referral(s)


reference line


follow-up to

job interview request letters based on

requests for

thank-you letters for

reinstating credit

rejection letter(s)

to applicants whose applications were solicited

to applicants who were recommended

to partially-qualified applicants

to summer-job applicants

to unqualified applicants

when someone else got the job

remittance of payment, replies to

renegotiating payment terms


of membership

of sales contacts

of subscription

rental arrangement, credit terms of

reply letter(s)

to clarification requests

for conference registration acknowledgment

to decline requests to speak

to free products requests

to information about members requests

to job applications, see job application response letter(s)

to materials requests

to new product information requests

for order acknowledgment

for remittance of payment

to sales letters

for speaking requests

reports, commendation for

reprimand, letters of

reprints of article, requests for

request letter(s)

for accommodation information

for charge account correction

for completion of required form

for distributor’s name

for free products

for material from a speaker

for membership in club

for new product information

for pricing information

for product information from vendors/suppliers

for questionnaire completion

for reprint of article

for return of materials

for return of overdue materials

for seminar information

for subscription cancellation

Requests for Proposals (RFPs), letter accompanying

research of facts

reserving meeting facilities

resignation, letters of

résumés, letters accompanying

retail credit, letter offering

retainer offer letters


returned check letters

return request, for materials

reversion of rights requests


permission to quote

thank-you letters for comments of

transmittal letter with manuscript to

transmittal letter with payment to

revision process

RFPs, letter accompanying

rudeness, apology letter for

sales and marketing letter(s)

on anniversary of sales relationships

to announce special presentation

for appointment requests

to ask for referral

for business products

for business service

for catalogs

to confirm proposals

to congratulate on new membership

with consumer catalogs

for consumer products

for consumer service

to difficult-to-see prospects

for educational seminars

for exhibit visitor follow-up

for extending membership

to find decision maker


as follow-up to membership offer

format for

for health center membership

of holiday greetings

letters of interest as

for lost sale follow-up

for meeting follow-up

for membership renewal

for phone conversation follow-up

for previous sale follow-up

with professional catalogs

to promote special sale

for proposal follow-up

for referral follow-up

with renewal notice

to renew contact

replies to

to respond to catalog requests

to respond to product inquiries

as response to confirming letter follow-up

second-notice, for membership renewal

to sell customer additional services

for subscription renewal

for subscriptions

to welcome new clients

to welcome new subscribers

sales presentation

letter acknowledging

letter requesting

sales representative(s)

complaint letters about

introduction from new

introduction of new


semiblock format

semicolon, use of


educational, sales/marketing letters for

requests for information on

thanking recipient for leading


see also grammar issue(s)


apology for delay in

letter introducing company’s

sales/marketing letters for

thanking for

see also product or service information letter(s)

shareholders, letters to new



apology for damaged


signature blocks

simplified-letter format

singular words

size of stationery

social and personal letter(s)

to announce retirement

for birthdays

to compliment author on article

of condolence

to congratulate on opening of business

to congratulate people on new positions

to express interest in speaking

as follow-up to speech attendees

to hospitalized business associate

to hospitalized employee

to ill employee

invitations as

to invite recipient to charitable event

to invite recipient to sit on a not-for-profit board

for public service/fund-raising

to request membership in club

to reserve meeting facilities

to thank a speaker

to thank people

to thank recipient for leading a seminar

social luncheons, thanks for

spacing of lines/paragraphs


arrangement confirmations to

invitations to

invitations to hear

letter with payment to not-so-great

letter with payment to outstanding

requests for material from

thank-you letters to

speaking request(s)

acceptance of

decline of

expressing interest in

replies to

special events, invitations to

special presentations, announcement of

special sale promotions

speech attendees, follow-up to

spellcheck function

split infinitives


announcing changes in

commendations for


status reports to job applicants

stockholder letter(s)

to accompany annual report

to accompany balance sheet

to accompany proxy for annual meeting

to announce annual meeting and requesting proxy statement

of confidentiality

as cover to annual report

to invite stockholders to annual meeting

to new shareholders

to offer memorandum for stock

to prospective investors

for receipt of proxy statement

as reminder to send in proxy statement

stock options, offer of jobs with

stopping payment on check

store closing notifications

street addresses


of letters, see part(s) of a letter

parallel (grammar)

Strunk, William, Jr., on structural design

subject, agreement of verb with

subject lines

subject matter, analysis of

subscription response letter(s)

about back issues

about cancellation and refund query

about price decrease

about renewal notice

for subscriber who says subscription never ordered


renewal of

request for cancellation of

sales/marketing of

substitute products, suggesting

summer intern positions, offers of

suppliers, letters to, see vendors and suppliers, letter(s) to

suspension of credit

telephone conversation(s)

confirmation of

job interview request letters as follow-up to

sales and marketing follow-up to

templates, memo


and good employee recommendations

for incompetence

procedure for

progressive discipline preceding

warning of possible

termination letter(s)

for layoff due to corporate downsizing

for nonresponse to warning letter

testimonials, thanks for


thank-you letter(s)

for advice

for compliments on article

for contributions

for customer referrals

for customer’s business

for customer’s repeat business

for customer support

for customer testimonials

for dinner

for hospitality

for nomination

for outing

to panelist on talk show

to people who recommended applicants

for personal favors

to professional for services

to program chairperson

to project participants

to prospective employer for job interview

for public service

to reviewer for comments

to senders of recommendations

to service provider

for social luncheon

to speakers

to writer for mentioning person in article



on envelopes

in inside address

in salutations

in signature block


transmittal letter(s)

to accompany payment

for contracts

for final invoice

for final payment of account

for manuscripts

for payment of different amount from invoice

for payment on account

for payment to not-so-great speaker

for payment to outstanding speaker

for payment to reviewer

for requested materials

to reviewer of manuscript

travel plans, confirmation of

unqualified job applicants, responding to

unqualified recommendation letters

unreasonable customer requests, denying

unsatisfactory products, complaints about

vendors and suppliers, letter(s) to

to accompany an RFP

to acknowledge a sales presentation

to award a contract

to cancel a contract

to complain about sales representatives

to complain about unsatisfactory products

to compliment vendors

to confirm oral instructions

to correct billing error

to fire vendor because of economic conditions

to notify losing bidders

to place orders

to request a sales presentation

to request distributor’s name

to request product information

to request quantity discounts

to resolve incorrect order received

verb, agreement of subject with

volume discounts, letters describing


of possible termination

termination for nonresponse to

welcome letter(s)

to new clients

to new subscribers

White, E. B., on structural design


word processing

fonts in

grammar check functions in

memo templates in

spellcheck function in


correct use of

and direct statements

division of

see also grammar issue(s)


“you attitude”

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