Subject Index

Accomplishment, Generation X’s need for, 37–38

Applicant, profiling the ideal, 15–16

Arrogance, Generation X and, 9

Attention spans, Generation X and, 9

Authority, Generation X’s attitude toward, 34

Awareness-raising questionnaire, knowledge of Generation X, 4–6

Baby boomers, attitude toward Generation X, 7

Brainstorming exercises

communication, 23–24

corporate culture and Generation X, 35–36

F*A*S*T feedback, 42

Self Building incentives, 48–49

training, 25–27

Challenges, as incentives, 22. See also Creative challenges


brainstorming exercise, 23–24

case studies, 66, 67, 86, 88

problems to avoid, 59

self-assessment questionnaire, 28–29

workplace, 21–24

Consultant, 52

Core competencies, 25, 27

Corporate culture

brainstorming exercise, 35–36

case studies, 81, 82, 83–84, 87, 89–92

Generation X and, 33–36

problems to avoid, 57–58

self-assessment questionnaire, 43–45

Coupland, Douglas, 6

Creative challenges, 16, 47, 48. See also Challenges

Creative process

managing, 37–40

self-assessment questionnaire, 43–45

Daily Action Planner (illus.), 39

Deferred gratification, Generation X and, 10

Delegation, case studies, 66–67, 70–71, 74

Downsizing, effects on Generation X, xii, 9

Dues-paying, Generation X and, 9

Economic changes, impact on Generation X, xii, 9

Employee input, 34

Employee orientation, 19–20

Entrepreneurs, Generation X as, 10

F*A*S*T feedback, 41–42

brainstorming exercise, 42

Fear-based management

avoiding, 56

case studies, 72–73, 75–76, 77, 78, 87

Feedback, 41–45

case studies, 79–80, 84–85, 88, 95–96

inadequate, 57

self-assessment questionnaire, 43–45


Generation X and, 42

as key to retention, 52

Flextimer, 52

Generation X

awareness-raising questionnaire, 4–6

characteristics of, xi–xv, 10–12

corporate culture and, 33–36

defined, 3

early development and, 7–8

as future workforce, 12–14

impact of institutions on, 10

mentors and, 31–32

micromanagement and, 37–39

misconceptions about, 8–10

need for accomplishment, 37–38

recruiting, 15–18

teams and, 61–62

Generation X, 4, 6

Immediacy, Generation X and, 12

Independence, Generation X and, 11

Individual, as team member, 61–62

Industries, Generation X’s participation in, 3


Generation X and, 11

Generation X’s appetite for, 21

Information revolution

effect on Generation X, 9, 11, 21, 25

Institutions, impact on Generation X, 10

Job preview, 17–18

Job-hopper, 17

Jobs, Generation X’s participation in various, 3

Latchkey children, Generation X as, 8, 11

Learning objectives, 26–27

Learning plan, 27

Learning resources, 26–27

Lessness, 6

Long-term investment, 9

success and, xiii–xiv

Long-term relationships, 16, 47, 48

Loyalty, Generation X and, 7, 8

Management, of creative process, 37–40

Management problems, avoiding common mistakes, 53–59

Management successes and failures,

case studies. See individual management issues

Manager as teacher, 22, 31–32

case studies, 82, 83, 84, 86–87, 92–93, 94–95

Marketable skills, 16, 47, 48

McJobs, 6

Media coverage, of Generation X, 7


case studies, 82, 83, 84, 86–87, 92–93, 94–95

characteristics attractive to Generation X, 31–32


case studies, 68, 70–72, 74

Generation X and, 37–39

problems to avoid, 55

Motivation, 47–49

Multiple focus, Generation X and, 8, 9

Nonfinancial incentives, 47–49

Occupation. See Jobs

Ongoing learning, 22

Orientation, of new employees, 19–20

Paying one’s dues, Generation X and, 9

Performance evaluation, 41–42

Periodic temp, 52

Personal growth, corporate culture and, 33

Post-job era, xiv

Profile of Generation X worker, 14

Profiling the ideal applicant, 15–16

Recognition, case study, 88–89

Recruiting message, developing, 16

Recruitment, 51

of Generation X, 15–18

Reengineering, effects on Generation X, xii

Responsibility, 16, 48, 49

case studies, 66–67, 68, 71, 75, 76, 78, 88–89

Restructuring, effects on Generation X, xii

Retention, 51–52

Role models. See Mentor

Security, 10, 57

Generation X’s conception of, xii–xiii

self-based, 53

Selection, employee, 17. See also Recruitment

Selective elimination, Generation X and, 8, 9

Self Building, xiii–xiv, 53, 57

Self Building incentives, 19, 47–48

brainstorming exercise, 48–49

Self Building process, 32

Self-assessment questionnaire

communication and training, 28–29

corporate culture, creative process, and feedback, 43–45

Self-based career security, 53

Self-reliance, as Generation X characteristic, xii–xiii

Slackers, Generation X as, 7

Sole proprietors, Generation X as, 19

Success, Generation X’s conception of, xii–xiv


case study, 93–94

Generation X as members of, 61–62

Technology, Generation X and, 11

Telecommuter, 52

Time management

case studies, 72, 75, 76, 77, 81, 85–86

problems to avoid, 54

Training, 25–28

brainstorming exercise, 25–27

case study, 73–74

self-assessment questionnaire, 28–29

Trust, case study, 69

Videotape, for job preview, 18


Generation X as future, 12–14

Generation X’s role in, xiv–xv

Workplace communication, 21–24

Workplace culture. See Corporate culture

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