
AARP, 116

Abraham, Jay, 237240

Advertising. See Marketing

Allen, Robert, ix

Alpine Realty Income and Growth Funds, 102

American Century Mutual Funds, 103

Analysts, stock market, 119123, 129

Anderson, Jack, 2, 205207

Assets, leveraging, 7981, 167168

Bankruptcy laws, 9699

Baybak, Michael, 234

Baywatch (TV show), 157

Beal, David, 239

Bear markets, 121, 126, 132, 179, 203

Bennett, Bob, 13

Bennett, Wallace, 5

Bhopal (India) disaster, 123

Biweekly mortgage plans, 9293

Blackout of 2003, 157158

Bloomberg (TV), 121122

Bonds, 6062, 6768, 102103, 203

Bradley, Bill, 114

Brigham Young University (BYU), 6

Brokers, stock market, 119123

Buffett, Warren, 122

Bush, George W., 115, 169170, 246247

Business plans, 196, 225

Business Week, 114

Canfield, Jack, 239

Capital gains taxes, 86, 128, 217218

Capitalism, 205222, 246249

Carter, Jimmy, 3, 15, 160, 170, 247

Charlie Rose (TV show), 3

Chemical Bank, 160

Chicken Soup For the Soul (Hansen and Canfield), 239

Clinton, Bill, 29, 75, 78, 112, 247

CNBC (TV), 121122, 145

Compound interest, 5371, 78

Cook, Jim, 161

Corporate shell, defined, 218

Counseling, debt-reduction, 8689, 9596

Credit cards, 60, 65, 7879. See also Debt

Credit rating, 9699

Crossfire (TV show), 3

Daschle, Tom, 247


economic impact of, 7376

liquidating, 84100

managing, 7683

and wealth building, 33, 166168

Deflation, 202203. See also Inflation

Depressions, economic:

Crash of 1929, 149151, 178

hedges against, 202203

impact of debt on, 7476, 77

impact on author, 4

as opportunities, 199201

Deupree, Richard, 178

Dinah Shore (TV show), 3

Dines, James, 120121, 151

Direct-mail marketing, 174177, 234

Disaster preparedness, 153162

Disinflation, defined, 138

Diversification, 103, 146147

Donahue (TV show), 3

Dot-com bubble, 127129, 145

Dow Jones, 32, 131, 132

Economic theory, 135142, 246

Edison, Thomas, 183, 190

Einstein, Albert, 54

Enron, 76, 146147

Entrepreneurs, 185197, 226228, 242

Equity Office funds, 103

Failure, lessons of, 173187, 224, 228

Famine and Survival in America (Ruff), 10

Fatherhood, 4549

Federal Bankruptcy Code, 9697

Federal Reserve, 136, 141

Felt, Carl, 69

Felt, Kay, 67. See also Ruff, Kay

FICA taxes, 107113, 115

Fiddler on the Roof, 26

Fidelity Mortgage Securities Funds, 102

Financial security. See Prosperity

Food stash, emergency, 154158, 252

Forecasting, economic, 3132

Foreign currencies, 139

401(k)s, 62, 68

Free the Eagle, 1112, 14, 174, 197

Gates, Bill, 54, 56, 167, 208, 215

General Electric, 190

Gods Must Be Crazy, The (movie), 182


dealers, 252, 253254

emergency stash, 154, 159162

as investment, 135142, 201202, 245

Good Morning America (TV show), 3, 214

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 2, 12, 205

Gore, Al, 109, 115

Government securities. See Treasuries

Great Depression. See Depressions

Habitat for Humanity, 170

Hansen, Mark Victor, 239

Havel, Václav, 2

Hill, Napoleon, 39, 192

Hi-Q, 183, 229

Home equity loans, 85, 9496

Howard, George S., 6

Howard Ruff Core Package, 161162

Howard Ruff Sings (album), 3

How to Get the Most Out of Everything You've Got (Abraham), 239240

How to Prepare for the Coming Crash (Preston), 910

How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years (Ruff), ix, 1113, 135, 173

IBM, 194, 234

Income, capitalizing, 208211

Inflation, 135142, 201202

Insurance, 67, 153162

Interest rates, 203, 245246

International bond funds, 102

Intrinsic value, stocks, 125126

Investment Rarities, 161


compounding, 5964

gold, 135142

high-yield, 101104

start-ups, 223232


passive versus active, 33

profile of, 230231

versus speculators, 127128, 132133

IPOs, 127, 129, 216217

IRAs, 62, 68, 102, 139140

Jeffers, Terry, 194, 234

Jefferson, Thomas, 248

Jerry Springer (TV show), 157

Jesus, parable of three servants, 30, 164

Kennedy, Joe, 199201

Kennedy, Teddy, 247

Kiyosaki, Robert, 147, 180

Koppel, Ted, 136

La Quinta hotels, 102

Latter-Day Saints. See Mormonism

Law of compensating returns, 48, 242243

Leverage, in wealth creation, 165171

Liberty Property Group Trust, 103

Lincoln, Abraham, 183

Linkletter, Art, 4, 183, 185

Linowitz, Sol, 160

Lipscomb, Tom, 11

MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, 3

Madame Tussaud's (London), 4

Making Money (Ruff), 28

Malachi (prophet), 48

Mammon, 38. See also Money

Manson, John, 194

Margin buying, 149151

Marketing, 174177, 225, 226, 229, 233240

Market Logic, 58

Market positioning, 196197

Marriage, 4552, 191, 227, 241

Marriott, J. Willard, Jr., 42

Marriott, J. Willard, Sr., 5, 42

Maxwell, Neal A., 75

Mayberry, Joseph Younger, 42, 48, 242

McAdam, Gary, 219, 220

Medicare, 112

Merchandise Mart (Chicago), 200

Mergers, 217218

Merv Griffin (TV show), 3

Michael Baybak and Associates, 234

Microsoft Corp., 208, 215, 223

Momentum investing, 127128, 133

Monetary policy, 138139, 141142

Money. See also Prosperity

corrupting influence of, 3752, 241244

emergency cash stash, 154

gold as hedge, 154, 159162

leveraging, 166168

Money-market funds, 60, 6364

Mormonism, 3435, 9798, 155158, 186

Mortgages, 60, 7980, 9093, 167

Motherhood, 4951

Munis, 6062

Mutual funds, recommended, 254

Nasdaq, 32, 127, 130132, 160, 218219

National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), 214, 219

National Committee for Monetary Reform, 136

Neal, Steve, 2

Neo Life Company, 9

Nevada Corporations, 214215

Newsletters, recommended, 251. See also Ruff Times

Nightline (TV show), 3, 136

Nixon, Richard, 161

No More Mortgage, 9092

North, Oliver, 2

Nothing Down (Allen), x

NYSE, 32, 121, 133, 160, 199

Oprah (TV show), 3

Paul (apostle), 37

PBS Late Night (TV show), 3

Penney, J. C., 183

Penny golds, defined, 141

Ponzi pyramid, defined, 106

Positioning (Ries and Trout), 239

Precious metals. See Gold; Silver

Preston, Robert, 910

Price/earnings ratio, 32, 128, 131, 133, 144, 216

Procter & Gamble, 178, 203

Products and services, recommended, 251254

Prosperity. See also Money

and compound interest, 5371

gold as hedge, 135142

high-yield investments, 101104

overview, 2122, 117

roadblocks to, 23, 73100

Social Security and, 105116

Wall Street cautions, 119123

versus wealth, 2535, 163164, 241244

Proxmire, William, 107

Prudent Bear Fund, 203

Public companies:

IPOs, 216217

mergers, 217218

Nevada Corporations, 214215

versus private companies, 215216

reverse mergers, 218222

Reagan, Ronald, 23, 1112, 1415, 136

Real estate, 102104, 201202

Recessions, economic, 7476, 177180, 201, 233. See also Depressions

Refinancing, mortgage, 9496

Regis and Kathy Lee (TV show), 3

Regression to the mean, 126

Retirement accounts, 62, 68, 102, 139140

Reverse mergers, 218222

Ries, Al, 239


analysis, 102, 190, 200, 225, 231

aversion to, 33, 173184

defining attitudes, 2931, 33, 163164

Roosevelt, Teddy, 187

Ruff, Howard:

Bob Allen on, ixxii

lessons of failure, 173177

life of, 119

as marketing guru, 235

philosphy of, 246249

Ruff, Ivan, 9, 19

Ruff, Jim, 4, 188

Ruff, Kay, 3, 4, 71, 191, 243

Ruff, Larry, 91, 183

Ruff, Terri Lynn, 84

Ruffhou$e (TV show), 11, 14, 234

RuffPAC, 1112, 14, 174

Ruff's First Law of Limiting Losses, 145

Ruff Times (newsletter), 27

Bob Allen on, ixx

on entrepreneurship, 190197

fund yields, 103104

on gold, 142

history of, 1013, 18, 173177, 188

marketing, 233235, 237

readers of, 27, 34

subscribing to, 245249

on traits of the wealthy, 201

Russell, Richard, 5556, 5859

Safeway (grocery chain), 39

Savings accounts, 60

SEC, 150, 214, 215, 219220

Security Capital European Real Estate Fund, 102

Shakespeare, 202

Silver, 137, 154, 159162, 201, 252

Simon Property Group funds, 103

Social Security, 105116, 246

Specialization, product, 196197

Spielberg, Steven, 56

Stable value funds, defined, 103

Start-up companies, 223232

Stock market. See also Stocks

bigger-fool theory, 125133

psychology of, 143147

tracking, 245246

Stocks. See also Stock market

as investment vehicle, 6768

margin buying, 149151

valuation of, 125133, 143144

Sullivan, Ed, 2

T. Rowe Price funds, 103

Tax issues:

dividend income, 128

minimizing payout, 6768, 166

public companies, 217218, 220221

Taylor, Elizabeth, 4

Terrorism issues, 139, 153162

Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 3940, 192

Thoreau, Henry David, 51

Tithing, 4748

Today (TV show), 3

Treasuries, 6062, 102, 160, 203

Trout, Jack, 239

Turner, Ted, 81, 167

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 189

Union Carbide, 123

United Airlines, 76

USPs, 236, 238

Vanguard funds, 103

Vendors, recommended, 251254

Venture capitalists, 128, 231

Verne, Jules, 189

Volatility, market, 151

Volcker, Paul, 15, 136

Wall Street Journal:

as business ad medium, 219

on debt reduction, 6667

as prognosticator, 133, 201

readers, 188, 227

yields listing, 104

Wall Street Week (TV show), 3

Wal-Mart, 133

Watkins, Arthur, 5


defining, 2930

mind-set of, 185197

versus prosperity, 2535, 163164, 241244

public companies, 214222

role of adversity, 199203

role of capitalism, 205213

role of fear, 173184

role of leverage, 165171

role of marketing, 233240

role of start-ups, 223232

Web sites:

Better Business Bureau, 95

coin portfolio, 161

debt consolidation, 91

incorporation issues, 214

recommended, 251252

Ruff Times, 133, 142, 240, 247

stock information, 103

Wells, H. G., 189

Wellstone, Paul, 112

Wood, Evelyn, 4, 7

WorldCom, 76

World Trade Center, 77, 159160

Y2K crisis, 13

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