Section I

The Dumb Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes with Their Money

If there is any one piece of advice I could give you that expresses the spirit of this section, it is that the key to safe prosperity is avoiding the mistakes that lead to Financial Hell. There are five common mistakes that most Americans make every day. These mistakes are the principal reason most of them are living lives of quiet desperation, either because they are in chronic financial trouble or because they know they would be if even a minor emergency created big, unexpected expenses or their income were cut off for more than a month or two.

This section is designed to help you set up a program that will steadily strengthen your personal balance sheet and reduce your vulnerability. If pursued for enough years, it will also make you Safely Prosperous. It is no-risk and within the reach of everyone. Even those who are more interested in the goal of being Really Rich should take these chapters seriously.

It's also a bit embarrassing, as I learned most of these principles by stepping in them.

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