Chapter 13
Knowledge Management as Intelligence Amplification for Breakthrough Innovations

Vadake K. Narayanan

Drexel University

Gina Colarelli O'Connor

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Design thinking has emerged as the next frontier in the competitive landscape of many industries and firms. Design thinking has been defined as combining empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of insights and solutions, and rationality in analyzing and fitting various solutions to the problem context (Kelley & Kelley, 2013). Its principles and practices are directed toward intractable human issues, so-called wicked problems for which an optimal solution or even a knowable solution may not exist (Buchanan, 1992). It is a method of creative action and experimentation, focused on solving complex problems.

How to best handle knowledge for large intractable problems for which optimal solutions are not knowable is a tantalizing arena for purveyors of knowledge management experts to explore. Typically, organizations structure their knowledge management systems to cumulate knowledge, experience, and expertise in certain market and technology domains, and leverage that knowledge repeatedly to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness, thereby outpacing competitors and maximizing profitability for their shareholders. Partly as a consequence, knowledge management (KM) approaches have mostly been applied to these routine facets of an organization's operations, including product development, market orientation, customer relationship management, and others, where known markets and known technologies are leveraged for success, and the challenge is being more efficient and effective than competitors. But the application of KM principles to design thinking is also a fruitful arena for consideration.

KM had its origins in information technology (IT), but recognizing that decisions involve information and knowledge, not merely data, the KM that many organizations institutionalized came to be viewed as a function dealing with acquisition, utilization, and dissemination of knowledge. Indeed, in some facets of product or business development, KM tools have been valuable. However, the “fuzzy front end of innovation” did not and indeed could not benefit from traditional KM tools. Some suggest that this situation is beginning to change.

This chapter will focus on the perspectives, principles, and practices required in KM to address the world of breakthrough innovations—innovations that demand design thinking because they are characterized by high levels of uncertainty and address big, complex, and sometimes intractable problems. We will discuss the shift in perspective from intelligence leveraging to intelligence amplification as a key characteristic of KM to address the arena of breakthrough innovations. This shift emphasizes the role of insight development over leveraging available knowledge.

The chapter will deal with the tools for embedding KM in design, with examples from several large but leading-edge companies and other organizations such as incubators, idea labs, and consulting organizations. The tools will be described within the framework of discovery, incubation, and acceleration, three capabilities necessary for breakthrough innovations (O'Connor & DeMartino, 2006; O'Connor, Leifer, Paulson, & Peters, 2008). The material in this chapter is targeted at people in corporations and other organizations (such as incubators) who engage in innovation of a nonincremental nature, and who find that the more they leverage what is known, the further removed they are from the possibilities that their opportunities enable. We hope this chapter provides a frame of reference to help readers recognize that they are engaged in a different sort of innovation altogether, and that the use of knowledge must occur in a different way than typifies most organizational practices today.

13.1 Designing Amidst Uncertainty

Much of the world of design for new product development (NPD) has been fitted within the traditional Stage-Gate process (Cooper, 2001). Ideas are generated, screened, and approved by a gate review board, and the project follows a sequence of steps designed to ensure cross-functional involvement through project scoping, building the business case, detailed design and development, testing and validation, and launch. While the team may not have access to the necessary information, it is easily accessible using traditional tools. This approach works well for incrementally new products that leverage past designs, technologies, and customer loyalties.

But firms also introduce breakthrough innovations. These opportunities arise in a couple of ways. One way is to engage customers directly to understand a deep-seated problem, find solutions, develop really new products and services, and get to market first. A second approach is based on identifying applications for advanced, emerging technologies that enable new solutions to interesting problems. Companies that invest heavily in research and development (R&D) develop deep technical expertise and can gauge shifts in technology to meet known and unknown needs in the marketplace. Firms that adopt the first way are sometimes labeled Need Seekers, and those following the second approach Technology Drivers (Jaruzelski, Loehr & Holman, 2013). Both of these approaches lack complete technical or market expertise, respectively, in the domain in which they are innovating, and so they operate in domains of uncertainty. But they do produce breakthroughs. Regardless of which approach, both can benefit from a KM framework and tool set that helps managers expand beyond current knowledge base. Technology Drivers do not use their current customer base as a referent for future innovation. And those engaging deeply in the market to identify unarticulated needs do not necessarily draw on known solutions as they forge a new product for a deep seated need they've uncovered. In fact, they may work with customer partners to co-develop solutions through experimentation.

These groups' innovation experiences compare with those using the Stage-Gate® process for incremental innovation as more ambiguous; forecasts, business cases, operating models, market reactions, and production systems are all unknown. Following O'Connor and DeMartino (2006), we define three basic stages required for breakthrough innovations (BIs): discovery, incubation, and acceleration:

  1. Discovery: Involves creating, recognizing, elaborating, and articulating potentially breakthrough opportunities. Discovery activities can include invention and lab research, hunting inside and outside the company for ideas and opportunities, partnering with universities and licensing technologies or placing equity investments in small firms that hold promise.
  2. Incubation: Matures breakthrough opportunities into business proposals. A business proposal is a working hypothesis about a technology platform, potential market space, and a business model. Incubation is not complete until that proposal—or, more likely, a number of proposals, based on the initial discovery—has been tested in the market, with a working prototype. The skills needed for incubation are experimentation skills. Experiments are conducted not only on the technical front but also for market learning, market creation, and testing the business proposal's match with the company's strategic intent.
  3. Acceleration: Activities ramp up the fledgling business to a point where it can stand on its own relative to other business platforms in the ultimate organizational unit (SBU) in which it will reside. Whereas incubation reduces market and technical uncertainty through experimentation and learning, acceleration focuses on building a business to a level of some predictability in terms of sales and operations. Acceleration activities include investing to build the business's physical infrastructure, focusing and responding to market leads and opportunities, and developing repeatable processes for typical business functions such as manufacturing scheduling, order delivery, and customer relationship management. Scaling a business involves uncertainty on a variety of dimensions as the opportunity is faced with many degrees of freedom and the company's and market's reactions to choices made are extremely malleable.

Discovery, incubation, and acceleration differ markedly from the conventional Stage-Gate process for NPD, where markets and solutions are drawn from the existing stock of knowledge and expertise held within the company. For the breakthrough innovation stages, the firm cannot rely on its past storehouse of knowledge. It must instead rely on its ability to amplify what it knows. The company will be engaged in creating new knowledge together with market agents as the opportunity is enlarged in discovery, and then incubated and accelerated into a full-fledged new business.

Table 13.1 provides a summary comparison of the differences between incremental and breakthrough innovation and the challenges of KM for each. We take this theme up next.

Table 13.1 Differences between Incremental and Breakthrough Innovations

Incremental Breakthrough
Characteristics of the process
Knowledge of customers High Low
Knowledge of technologies High Low
Characteristics of the process Sequential/Stage-Gate Iterative
Level of ambiguity Low High
Utility of design thinking Moderate Critical
KM characteristics
Perspective Intelligence, leveraging Intelligence, amplification
Objective Embed KM tools to increase the efficiency of the process KM tools for (1) insights, (2) inventions, and (3) experiments

13.2 Knowledge Management Tasks for Breakthrough Innovation: From Intelligence Leveraging to Intelligence Amplification

KM as practiced in organizations has relied on a number of tools that enabled intelligence leveraging: garnering existing data and knowledge to create efficiencies in organizational processes. Broadly, these tools enabled codification and dissemination of information, and identification or establishment of social networks. These tools (e.g., FAQs, data mining), organizational mechanisms (e.g., communities of practice), and analytic approaches (e.g., social network analysis) have come to represent the technical core of KM; they enable embedding best practices in many organizational processes. During the past two decades, spurred by the IT revolution, many corporations have institutionalized a KM function. Recognizing that decisions involve information and knowledge, not merely data, KM came to be viewed as a function dealing with acquisition, utilization, and dissemination of knowledge. Over time, KM scholars and managers have developed a number of tools currently in use in organizations. These tools enabled intelligence leveraging: garnering existing data and knowledge to create efficiencies in organizational processes. Table 13.2 provides a select set of KM terms and tools in use today.

Table 13.2 Knowledge Management Tools for Intelligence Leveraging

1. Codification and dissemination of explicit data or data that can be digitized These tools include data warehousing, knowledge engineering, and FAQs. Corporations like Siemens employed KM to enhance the effectiveness of the bidding process in the market, transferring knowledge gained from developing economies to emerging economies.
2. Transfer of tacit data This kind of data (especially best practices) cannot be digitized, but has to be transferred from individual to individual. The tools include mentoring or communities of practice where individuals involved in the specific set of practices (e.g., new product development) form a learning community to share practices and learn from each other. Some organizations like NASA addressed the scarcity of talent (e.g., program managers) due to retirement by investing in training and mentoring a new generation of project managers. Professional organizations such as, for example, the Project Management Institute, have instituted communities of practice for project managers.
3. Tools to identify individuals with knowledge These tools enable accessing individuals within a firm or outside who have knowledge or expertise that may enable individuals or teams to perform their tasks. Social network analysis tools are an example. The consulting firm McKinsey and Company is reputed to have a system in place to access individuals with expertise for specific domain areas.

As noted in the previous section, in the case of incremental innovation, relatively low levels of ambiguity characterize the discovery, incubation, and acceleration stages. Thus, the individuals or teams that are involved in the discovery are familiar with the markets, customers, and the dominant designs (and the technologies undergirding them). Their tacit knowledge and attendant interpretive frames are robust enough to wade through the databases and knowledge depositories. Similarly, incubation can be modeled as a structured process (e.g., Stage-Gate process) using well-understood tools to gather information about customer preferences and business models, and acceleration has some chance of success because reasonable predictions can be made about cash flows and returns on investment. In incremental innovations, KM, as intelligence leveraging, can enhance the efficiency of the process by enabling the search of market and customer data through knowledge depositories, deriving best practices though the creation of communities of practice, whereby product development teams are brought together for sharing their experiences, and building social networks for the transfer of personal knowledge.

Breakthrough innovation, however, requires that KM functions—acquiring, disseminating, and utilizing information and knowledge—take on a hue that is different from the case of incremental innovation because BI stages, especially discovery and incubation, are characterized by high levels of ambiguity. Very often, the engineers involved in the discovery stage may be familiar with the technical details of the proposed solution, but neither they nor their marketing colleagues understand the markets and customers (who may not yet exist). Indeed, in the case of Technology Drivers, companies typically misjudge how the application markets unfold for the opportunity, where the products are likely to earn the highest returns, and how to meet the cost of capital objectives. In the case of Need Seekers, the individuals who are close to the markets and customers often are blind to the more effective solutions to the customer needs (see Christensen, 2000). Incubation requires market engagement more intensely than can be obtained through traditional market research techniques (Leonard-Barton, 1995), and both prototype and business model development involve “out of the box” thinking increasingly discussed in the literature. Even acceleration, with its focus on scaling the business, is fraught with unknowns regarding new processes, scaling issues, and market inquiries about new applications that require different tools than those that presume a grounding in what is known to be an adequate basis for judgment and decision making.

Breakthrough innovations can be facilitated by KM in the sense of intelligence amplification. By intelligence amplification we refer to the processes of discovery, imagination, and experimentation by which individuals, teams, and organizations expand their base knowledge, perspectives, and practices beyond what is currently available to them. Here, the focus is not on the efficiency of the process but on developing insights, unleashing imagination, and enabling experimentation—activities that are the key to success during discovery, incubation, and acceleration. This in turn requires a focus on interdisciplinary, peripheral, and sometimes speculative information and exceptions (Ruggles, 1997). For example, to develop insights, the individuals (or teams) involved in BI must gain exposure to information about potential markets or applications not in their areas of expertise; they may need to engage the customer more intensely, may need tools to unleash their imagination, and may have to be coaxed to experiment more frequently than in the case of incremental innovation. To unpack the enabling activities in insight development, imagination, and experimentation, we highlight five key functions that are part of knowledge amplification.

  1. Information arbitrage

    An information arbitrage function involves the deliberate movement of data and knowledge from one location to another to create value. In the context of breakthrough innovation, where problem–solution links are not obvious, this function allows for creative links of disparate elements of information. Information arbitrage addresses questions such as: How might we couple “problems” and “solutions” in a manner that yields highest returns? In other words, how might we move technologies to their most productive uses and/or identify the most effective solutions to customer problems? Examples of information arbitrage at work in companies include technology fairs, for example, which 3M and others hold for internal personnel. Exposing members of business units or other global regions to the technological capabilities and discoveries that the company has allows 3M to increase the likelihood that someone in the company will articulate a new business opportunity because of their recognition of what is possible in the technology solution space. Another interesting version of information arbitrage stems from an HR policy. At Air Products, the director of New Business Development encouraged his staff members to attend multiple conferences each year to expose themselves to new markets, with the caveat that they could not attend the same conference two years in a row. They were required to learn about new markets each time. Each of these practices of information arbitrage unleashes imagination and enables insight development through specific managerial actions.

  2. Customer engagement

    This function involves deep engagement of the customers in the design and use of product. How might we engage the customer in the design process in a meaningful and productive fashion to conceptualize and prototype products? IBM's earliest attempts at developing an electronic book in the mid-1990s took place in partnership with Boeing. The first perceived application was a way to simplify the cumbersome manuals used by aircraft maintenance crews. So the IBM team loaded those manuals into an e-format and asked the maintenance crews to go about their work with the new devices. Three months later the IBM team engaged them to understand their reactions to this novel technology, and a number of iterations regarding the display, battery life, and storage capacity of the first e-book resulted from that experiment. This managerial practice of engaging an innovation team along with a customer partner in experimental learning enabled insight far beyond what any traditional KM technique might have surfaced.

  3. Visualization

    This function involves creating graphical (two- or three-dimensional) representations of products and business models that enable individuals (designers and customers) to get a nuanced understanding of the aesthetics and functions of products or the coherence, completeness, and value potential of business models. How might we enable individuals and teams to visualize their products and business models, both of which may be hazy in the beginning in the case of breakthrough products? The first presentation of a concept within Kodak for satellite-based photographs of earth to aid farming were simply dummied photographs that showed possible ways to analyze crop and field size and shape to maximize crop yield. The dummy photos sold Kodak's Venture Board on the idea by helping them imagine the possible.

  4. Fail fast

    This principal underscores the need for fast experimentation whereby an idea can be tested without much investment, and the unsuccessful ideas can be weeded out quickly. How might we devise a process to (a) allow individuals and teams to fail fast, (b) learn from the process so that early-stage investment of resources is low, the process is kept iterative and recursive, and thereby (c) enhance the probability of success?

  5. Application migration

    This is the phenomenon observed in technology push and breakthrough innovation environments in which a product is launched for one purpose but ends up being used for many others. How might we leverage breakthrough technologies into markets that were never imagined or planned? What are the best ways to speed the diffusion of a breakthrough innovation into niche applications? Analog Devices' commercialization of its accelerometer-enabling computer chip started with a killer app dream of replacing the detonation system for airbags, but in reality started with satellites, gyroscopes, niche video games, and many other smaller market opportunities before the killer app was realized. None of those first markets were predicted or planned, yet market experiments led to new insights.

Implicit in this set of five activities is the recognition that in order to be useful for BI, KM has to assist individuals and teams to “invent” rather than “embed best practices” identified. Each of these KM practices is a managerially controllable action that can be taken to enhance insight development, enable imagination, and encourage experimentation, all of which lead to the outcome of knowledge amplification.

KM can accomplish these through a variety of organizational mechanisms and technology enablers. Organizational mechanisms include individual roles such as knowledge brokers, facilitators, and transition managers and institutional mechanisms such as communities of practice (Wenger, 1988). Knowledge brokers serve as bridges of information by connecting people or teams who have different pockets of information and knowledge. Facilitators are individuals who are trained to guide a discussion group with specific goals. Transition specialists understand the challenges of transitioning between stages and help make the group or organization movement smooth. Technology enablers include physical resources, IT augmented tools, and knowledge depositories.

In what follows, we will illustrate how several knowledge amplification tools facilitate the discovery, incubation, and acceleration stages of BI. Table 13.3 provides a summary for reference.

Table 13.3 KM's Support for Breakthrough Innovation

Stages of Breakthrough Innovation Discovery Incubation Incubation Incubation/Acceleration Acceleration
KM Tasks Information Arbitrage Customer Engagement Visualization Fail Fast Application Migration
KM Tools
  • Inventor experience
  • Technical conference presentations
  • Technology translation tables
  • T-A-P-M mind maps
  • Idea jams and idea capture tools
  • Idea combination tools
  • Ethnographic observation
  • Extended use trials
  • Customer immersion labs
  • Discussion groups/platforms
  • Co-design tools
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Visual simulation
  • Interactive simulation
  • Business model canvas
  • Learning plan and business experiments
  • Discovery-driven plan
  • Crowdsourcing
  • CRM and automated feedback systems
  • Ads in technical publications
  • PR
  • E-commerce tracking
  • Web analytics
  • Usage sensors
  • Social media dashboards

13.3 KM and Selected Tools for Breakthrough Innovation


As mentioned previously, the objective of discovery is to generate ideas or novel technologies and develop and elaborate them into robust potential business opportunities, which are then tested out in Incubation. We summarize three tools that amplify what is known: idea jams, technology translation tables, and technology market mind maps.

Idea Jams

IBM is known for hosting daylong meetings around the globe to which they invite experts across a wide variety of fields to participate in idea generation sessions. The objective is to consider big problems, technological progress, and social challenges and generate a plethora of ideas for new business platforms. IBM's first innovation jam took place in 2006, comprised of two 3-day sessions in which 150,000 IBM employees, family members, business partners, clients, and university researchers participated from 104 countries in online round-the-clock dialogue about potential growth opportunities (Bjelland & Wood, 2008). Every single post was captured and analyzed to discern the best new ideas for creating business opportunities from the technologies. IBM executives view the jam as valuable, and indeed 10 breakthrough projects were launched as a result. They continue to modify the process to make better use of the knowledge gained through subsequent jam sessions.

Technology Translation Tables

When inventors describe a new discovery, it is easy to get lost in the technical details that most excite them. A technology translation table is a useful aid when interviewing inventors and in subsequently researching and thinking about the possibilities that the invention may enable. The technology translation table is a three-part tool (see Appendix 1). The tool appears to be simple, though a thorough treatment of the translation requires deep thinking, conversation, and research to maximize the opportunity analyst's understanding of the scope of the opportunity's potential. Part I is a description of the business concept (Appendix 1a). It describes the technology, what it does, and why it is important, in just a few sentences. Second (Appendix 1b) is a table listing the key features of the technology, one by one, and how each differs from what is currently known. Whether value can be attributed to each of these differences is not important at this stage. We know that for breakthrough innovations, the feature that inventors and companies believe at the outset is the feature of value frequently turns out not to be the case; instead, another feature is considered valuable. Therefore, it is important to be as thorough as possible in describing each dimension of difference this technology offers over what is currently known or available. Finally is the technology translation table (Appendix 1c). Each key feature described in the previous table is broken down into the intellectual property claims that would be made in a patent application for the invention. Each claim is listed along with commentary about who might value that difference. The latter task requires creative thought and a broad scope of applications.

Technology Market Mind Maps

Another mechanism for helping the discovery analyst link technologies and markets to find breakthrough opportunities is a technology market mind map. This tool is a useful systematic process for either finding applications for technologies or finding technologies and product ideas for market needs. Several examples are described here, and the tool is arrayed in Appendix 2.

Each mind map is composed of four elements, arranged in different patterns for each case. The elements are M (market), A (application), P (product), and T (technology). The most conventional approach is to start with a market that we elect to serve, and ask, “What problems do you experience?” Those are the application areas. For each, we generate multiple products that may serve the problem in different ways. Each is executed via a different technology. In this pattern (shown in Appendix 2a), we search for a technology that solves a particular market need. For example, company X serves the energy market. Energy applications include in-home heat, mobile energy, and clean energy. For each we have multiple product/service offerings. For example, batteries and fuel cells provide mobile energy. Clean energy also incorporates fuel cells, so different applications can actually have a product in common. Each is fulfilled through a different technology.

A different approach, also common, is to start with a novel technology that we believe could generate a breakthrough innovation (shown in Appendix 2b). Just as the technology translation tool guides us, we use this mind map to ask ourselves about potential uses, or applications, for the technology. From there we ask who cares about those uses to uncover possible market segments. Each segment may need a different formulation of the offering, or product design. DuPont's biodegradeable Polyester branded as Biomax® was commercialized in this manner. The material could be used for many applications and could be designed to degrade in a prespecified period of time, depending on the user's need. Many potential applications were experimented with, including mulch, bags for harvesting bananas, diaper liners, and more. For each application there were multiple markets. Mulch, for example, could be targeted at home gardeners, farmers, or gardening communities. The product formulation differed for each one. It was made into sheets, scraps, pellets, or molded into plant containers. Similarly, diaper liners are marketed for babies, toddlers, and the elderly. Products vary by size and shape.

The critical KM amplification activities at this stage are information arbitrage and, to a lesser extent, visualization, as technology and markets are joined for an application. KM brokers who have access to a breadth of information can put individuals and teams in touch with needs and/or solutions associated with new markets and new solution domains. Knowledge brokers can induce the teams and individuals to look outside their habitual domains for needs/solutions by accessing knowledge outside the firm, including external consulting firms with relevant knowledge. A knowledge broker's breadth of information and willingness to reach out to new sources of information is a critical resource that can assist the teams and individuals in zeroing in on the more profitable venues for any specific BI opportunity.


Traditionally, incubation required developing prototypes that may not have been ideally designed for maximizing customer interface, but whose purpose was to allow customers to get used to the breakthrough technology in an experiential manner. We know that customers will react negatively to most changes that they cannot compare with their current usage patterns. Computed tomography (CT) scanners failed focus group and concept tests because doctors believed that X-ray technology served the imaging purpose well. Households rejected microwave technology for cooking applications because the change in behavior upset too many norms regarding food preparation time and energy investment. Many other examples exist to reinforce the point that extended time with the new product is required before customers can provide valid feedback. So the methods that incubation managers have traditionally used required lengthy time periods before they were confident that the market reactions they were getting could be considered valid. These approaches are excellent for learning but can be costly in terms of time and money. Newer digital technologies help to alleviate some, though not all, of these challenges.

Customer Immersion Labs Including Visual and Interactive Simulation

Customer immersion labs are labs outfitted with equipment and digital technology that enables exposure of 3D, real-time depictions of product assembly, design, or servicing. They are used by incubation teams to gather reactions and data on new product designs directly from individuals as they are using them by providing a simulated experience. Such visual immersion can be useful for capturing reactions from multiple members of the value chain, including end users, maintenance and service personnel, assembly line crew, sales technicians, and account managers. In this manner, technology mimics reality as closely as possible. While extended use over time is not possible with immersion labs, immediate reactions regarding serviceability, usability, and ease of assembly can be easily captured.

Rapid Prototyping

Computer-aided design (CAD) software has become increasingly sophisticated and now can create 3D digital models to replace wooden or plastic mockups of products to ensure they can be produced. Craftsmen can work from these 3D models now rather than from 2D drawings. The models can be projected so that the designer and customer can examine a prototype together. Electric Boat, a defense contractor that supplies nuclear submarines to the U.S. Navy, now relies on 3D visualizations over its wooden mockups, thereby reducing time, expense, and cost of rework dramatically (Jaruzelski et al., 2013). Currently, the company is investigating the use of those models to generate holograms of the inside of the submarine to improve its design and layout.

Three-dimensional printing is rapidly gaining ground as the most effective tool for experiencing a product, both with internal collaborators and with customers. The key differentiating feature of 3D printing is the speed with which the mockup is made, which can be a matter of an hour. Changes can be made based on user response, and a modified mockup can be generated in a very short time to test the user's reactions and make necessary modifications.

Immersion-type labs, coupled with visualization tools, are also useful for building and evaluating business models for the product. Google, for example, runs boot camps where prospective venture teams are invited to work on business models for their start-ups, and they receive in-depth feedback from analysts.

The central KM activities for this incubation stage involve deep customer engagement, visualization, and fail fast. KM roles can facilitate deep but multidisciplinary sessions that often happen in customer immersion laboratories, and KM can either manage these internal labs or access external incubators. IT augmented tools are now available as technology enablers for visualization, whereas process tracking can enable fast failures by keeping an organizational memory of past trials, successes, and failures.


The acceleration stage requires developing and institutionalizing processes that will enable reliability, predictability, and scaling, all while the business is experiencing rapid growth. Conventional scaling tools include design for manufacturability, quality function deployment, and process development. All are important, and all take time and attention. While no substitute for some of these tried-and-true tools for managing growth and quality, new tools are emerging that can ease the financial and time pressures of an acceleration manager who is trying to grow a business and can help given the context of uncertainty of manufacturing process, organizational fit, deployment, and customer loyalty that he or she faces.

Usage Sensors

New, unintended uses may emerge as the market begins to incorporate the innovation into daily life. Baking soda is used to clean carpets and laundry and deodorize refrigerators. None of these uses were imagined by the original development team, who formulated it as a kitchen ingredient. Other similar examples exist that expand and elaborate the business opportunity beyond what the new business manager may have imagined. Recently, firms have adopted usage sensors to track the numerous and unintended applications of its new product that may turn it into a true business platform serving a broader array of needs than originally imagined. These tools enable companies to collect and analyze usage data directly from the user via automatic tracking technologies (Jaruzelski et. al., 2013). These are particularly relevant to web-based offerings, where click-throughs, time spent on certain pages, and prices paid are just a few of the elements of data that could be useful for expanding the business.

Although KM in the information-leveraging sense begins to be increasingly relevant for this stage, KM can underscore the need for product migration as the BI launch is completed. KM can provide the knowledge repositories from the previous stages and garner the tacit knowledge of the teams involved in the launch through knowledge engineering approaches to build other applications.

Design and development communities generate their own principles and approaches over time, partly as a result of learning from experience. Some of the deep expertise in this kind of multidisciplinary environment remains tacit and is not easily transmitted in organizations over time and locations. Here, the communities of practice and knowledge capture methods developed in traditional KM may be extremely useful. As in any innovation, this requires the support of senior management, who are ultimately the keepers of organizational culture.

13.4 Organizational Implications

In large firms, where new business growth is generated through breakthrough innovations, a KM amplification function is most useful. Especially in the early stages of a breakthrough innovation project, KM has the potential to influence the evolution of the project in value creating ways. To accomplish this, a firm has to develop an appropriate organizational architecture. As shown in Table 13.4, the organizational architecture may include setting up idea labs or knowledge broker roles. Since all these require commitment of resources, different firms may adopt different mechanisms.

Table 13.4 Implementation of KM as Intelligence Amplification

KM Function Options for Organizational Architecture Cultural Prerequisites
Information arbitrage
  1. Data: Knowledge repositories; external sources
  2. Roles: Knowledge brokers for technology and applications
Receptivity to ideas from other perspectives
Customer engagement
  1. Facilities: Idea labs
  2. Roles: Knowledge brokers for lead users
Tolerance for multidisciplinary inquiry
  1. Tools: Visualization tools
  2. Roles: Expertise in the use and interpretation of tools
Context of creativity or thinking out of the box. Ability to deal with complex problems.
Fail fast
  1. Tools: Rapid prototyping
  2. Roles: Expertise in the use of rapid prototyping tools
Tolerance for failure
Failure as an occasion for learning
Application migration
  1. Facilities: Venture camps
  2. Roles: Facilitators, opportunity brokers
Nondefensive climate for authentic feedback; opportunism

A second requirement for implementation is the presence of a supporting culture. As also shown in Table 13.4, the organization and team leaders require a healthy attitude toward multidisciplinary thinking, ideas from outside, courage to undertake low-cost experiments without fear of reprisals for failure, and, finally, the willingness to undertake disciplined inquiry beyond intellectual domains familiar to the firm. This means new business creation teams, their team leaders, and those to whom they report must be willing to admit they do not have the answer and that, in some cases, the answer is unknowable for now. To nurture this culture is the single most important leadership act in the implementation of intelligence amplification.

These firms typically encounter two pitfalls. The first is imposing intelligence leveraging as a KM approach for breakthrough innovations. Intelligence leverage relies on what is already known rather than on learning the new, and is an approach, as we have argued, that is appropriate for incremental innovations. Yet we see this occur all the time in companies, where admitting one does not know is viewed as weak and can result in a career misstep. As mentioned, this is where leaders must step up to enact the appropriate culture changes. A second pitfall is the use of intelligence amplification tools as silver bullets. These tools are to be viewed as facilitating a form of inquiry that is different from the ones typically conducted in organizations, and hence the shift in perspective, rather than the tools themselves, is the critical end point.

13.5 Appendices

Appendix 1: Technology Translation Tool

Appendix 1A: Introduction of the Technology, Its Points of Difference, and Problems It Addresses

The development of the liquid lens has been known for a while, but the fast focusing of water droplets by use of sound waves is the novel idea presented by Dr. H. This type of technology would be applicable to cell phone cameras and other devices requiring a small camera.

Two companies have already developed products that use a liquid lens concept. Company X has invested in this technology for the past 10 years. As a result, it is able to manufacture liquid lenses for commercial use. In collaboration with company Y, half a million lenses per month are being produced since September 2013. The main clients presently for liquid lenses are miniature camera phones, in which power consumption is a major concern. The process using their technology requires between 10 and 100 volts. By comparison, Dr. H's invention requires a couple of millivolts.

Dr. H has already proven the invention's camera capabilities. In tests, his camera was able to take 250 images per second at varying focal lengths. He envisions a camera that could instantly capture tens of images with different focal lengths, and then use simple image-analysis software to determine the sharpest image.

In short, the novelty of this technique lies in the creation of a high-speed, adjustable lens using a liquid lens and an oscillating device. Its main advantages over its existing competing technologies are higher speed and lower power requirements.

Appendix 1B: Technology's Key Features and Associated Comments

Cost Inexpensive as the lens is made up of a drop of liquid
Robustness More resistant to accidental damage as there is nothing to break
Power Consumption High efficiency, requires a few millivolts
Speed Very fast, claimed to be able to capture 100,000 frames per second

Appendix 1C: Claims of the Invention and Who Might Value Them

Claims of Invention and Key Attributes of the Technology Reasons for Claims/Attributes Being Benefits and Who Would Value This Benefit
A key feature of this new technique is that the water stays in constant, unchanging contact with the surface, thus requiring less energy to manipulate. Presently, cell phones consume a lot of power while shooting a video or clicking a picture. Most of the power is consumed during focusing the object.
There is no need for high voltages or other exotic activation mechanisms. This means that this new lens may be used and integrated into any number of different applications and devices, making many applications feasible. Low voltage requirement is attributed to the method of creating oscillating through sound. Potential applications including cell phones, web cams, and satellite imaging will be the ones the most benefited.
The great benefit of this new device is that you can create a new optical system from a liquid lens and a small speaker, which along with its driving circuit can be easily manufactured in a small and lightweight package. Presently most of the cell phone camera packaging is primitive and creates a bulky look. The tiny camera can fit in a few square millimeter area on a cell phone.
With small enough apertures and properly selected liquid volumes, it is able to create a lens that oscillates as fast as 100,000 times per second—and still be able to effectively capture those images. Fast focusing lens is very important in shooting different frames and then integrating them to make a video or panoramic picture. For example: in the movie The Matrix some of the shots were shot at 108-frames/sec speed.
The liquid lens that captures 250 pictures per second and requires considerably less energy to operate than competing technologies. The contraction and expansion of the liquid take considerably less energy than moving a mechanical lens. Cell phone users can greatly benefit from it.
The lens is simpler than earlier liquid lens designs that use a combination of water (or some other fluid capable of conducting electricity) and oil as well as an electric charge by using water, sound, and surface tension to adjust the focus. The technology enables the lens to be packaged in a tiny space, takes only fraction of energy needed in competitive lens, and simple mechanism will benefit cell phone users and manufacturers the most.

Appendix 2: Technology Market Mind Maps


Figure 13A.2a Start with a market need.


Figure 13A.2b Start with a novel technology.


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About the Authors

V. K. Narayanan is the Associate Dean for Research, Director of the Center for Research Excellence, and the Deloitte Touche Stubbs Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His research focuses on three themes: innovation, corporate entrepreneurship, and strategy during industry emergence; political and cognitive process in strategy formulation; and the epistemological foundations of strategy. His work has spanned biopharmaceutical, aerospace, and information industries, and educational and innovation-focused governmental agencies. His consulting assignments have been with large pharmaceutical and high-technology companies primarily in strategy implementation and corporate innovation. Direct correspondence related to this article to Le Bow College of Business, Drexel University, [email protected].

Gina Colarelli O'Connor is Professor of Marketing & Innovation Management and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Lally School of Management. Her research examines how established companies link advanced technology development to market opportunities and how they build capabilities for breakthrough innovation. She has published numerous articles in refereed journals including the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Marketing, Organization Science, and R&D Management, and is co-author of several books about breakthrough innovation in mature industrial firms. Gina teaches and consults on the topic of organizational change for breakthrough innovation. Direct correspondence related to this article to Gina Colarelli O'Connor Lally, School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or [email protected].

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