Chapter 5

Creating a Vision, Setting Goals, and Boosting Your Productivity

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding the difference between vision and goals

arrow Participating in company incentive programs

arrow Exploring my proven productivity system: the Power Hour

arrow Developing other helpful skills

Success is measured in different ways for different people. What success means to you is personal to you. Success is a journey, and it is your journey, so you shouldn’t compare your journey to someone else’s.

Whatever success looks like for you, there are certain components that are almost guaranteed to get you where you want to go. This chapter aims to offer suggestions on how to improve them in your business:

  • Vision is the big picture of where you see yourself and what motivates you. Keeping your vision front and center can help set you apart — very few people develop a vision.
  • Goals are the actionable and measurable steps that get you to your vision.
  • Incentive programs are programs created by direct sales companies to increase productivity. You can use them to boost your own sales and earn more income.
  • Productivity: Creating and staying on a consistent schedule is one of the hardest things for most people, especially those who have never been self-employed before. Learning how to set the right schedule to manage your time will contribute to a large portion of your success. I call my system the Power Hour, and I believe you will find it very useful.
  • Practical skill sets: Working on your focus, commitment, consistency, and organization can help you take your business to the next level.

Before I explore these components in detail, I want to mention two more very quickly: Healthy habits and positive thinking.

tip Anyone who has ever achieved success in anything — whether that be personal finances, health and wellness, relationships, or running a business — does it by creating healthy habits. Your habits are the things you do day in and day out, over and over again, that in some ways define you. Bad habits, of course, can prevent you from achieving success. Good habits help you on your way to success. It’s important to develop healthy habits so that they become natural things that you do, that you will not waver from.

tip Having the right frame of mind and a positive attitude are vital to your success. You attract what you put out into the world. Always see your glass as half full and find the silver lining in every situation. That may sound a little cheesy, but I promise you, positive thinking will help you become a successful business owner by developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Having a positive attitude is also imperative when you are trying to lead others and build a team.

Vision: Your Big Picture of Why

Your vision is the big picture of what you want in life. A large part of what I do as a direct selling consultant is conduct surveys and reports to learn more about the field and gather statistics to help develop my training. Through conducting surveys and focus groups, I have found that only about 3 percent of people have a vision for their lives. According to Brian Tracy, expert on goal setting and author of Flight Plan (Berrett-Koehler, 2009), this statistic is true for people in general.

To succeed in direct sales, you must have a very clear vision of what you want. That’s because you’ll face frequent challenges, and if you’re like all the most successful direct sellers, you’ll become discouraged. That’s right. Every single person who has succeeded at direct selling has questioned themselves, and most will tell you they’ve been tempted to give up. Having a vision to strive for can keep you going.

tip Picture what you really want in life. Make that picture very clear. Don’t just envision more free time and more money. Add detail. Paint the picture of what you really want the time and money for. Perhaps you would like to buy a new home, become debt-free, or help your spouse retire. Writing your vision down and placing it prominently on a bulletin board is a good way to keep your vision alive.

My vision in direct sales

I have made tens of thousands of dollars a month in direct selling (which was a big deal in the 1980s), and I know dozens of people who have earned that much and even more. But if I hadn’t had a very strong vision of what I wanted and why I wanted to succeed, I would have given up. If you don’t have a clear vision why you should continue to work through the challenges, you’ll be tempted to quit, too.

When I first began a career in direct sales, selling crystal, my vision was to be a rock and roll star. I know that sounds funny, but it’s absolutely true. I was a drummer in a rock band, and our gigs weren’t paying my bills. So I needed to earn money in a job with a flexible schedule that didn’t interfere with drumming and that also let me sleep in a bit on mornings after I played. Direct selling fit the bill — and paid the bills.

A few years later, I traded in my dream of being a rock star for the dream of staying home with my new baby girl. I began to take my direct sales business more seriously so I could still contribute to our household income and afford some luxuries like tiny cute outfits for her. Once again, direct selling fit in with my schedule and helped me earn money during hours that my husband could be home with our daughter. It allowed us to save substantial money for things like family trips, groceries, and yes — tiny cute outfits.

After having two children, my vision for myself and my business was to reach the top of my company’s career plan, earning a six-figure income by the time I was 30. When I was 28, I changed companies and had to start my business completely over. My goals changed (more on goals in the next section) — but my vision never did. And three months before my 30th birthday, I was promoted to the top of my company, earning $10,000 a month.

My vision now for my business is to make my training and consulting company, Step Into Success, a one-stop-shop for corporate offices, direct selling leaders, and representatives for all their direct selling and marketing needs. My vision is to continue to build my already successful business, so I can spend more time with my husband, children, and grandchildren.

Your vision will change

Your vision will change. So don’t worry about trying to create a vision that will address every possible detour your life might take. In fact, your vision will continue to change throughout your life as you reach important milestones. Once you reach one milestone, you set a new vision for what you want in life and in business.

I’ve always updated my vision in ten-year increments — when I was 20, 30, 40, and so on. I didn’t always reach every goal, and I didn’t always get there the way I thought I would. I definitely had some bumps and detours along the way. But almost every time, I ended up where I wanted to be.

To succeed in direct selling, you must have a vision of why you want to succeed in this business.

Being a leader and helping others with their vision

remember According to my focus groups and industry surveys, only about 1 percent of people are born with the natural ability to help others create a vision. The rest have to develop the ability to mentor through practice.

When you join your company, your leader will sit down with you and discuss the career plan and ranks within your company, as well as the qualifications to achieve them. According to your company’s career plan, you technically become a leader when you start to bring other people into the business and achieve a leadership rank within the career/compensation plan.

But being a leader doesn’t happen automatically when you hit a leader rank in your company’s career plan. Part of what it means to be a leader is the ability to inspire others to discover their vision and their success story. You must become a student of it and help others find their why. Find the fire in your belly and then help others find the fire in their bellies. See Chapter 17 for more on what it means to be a leader.

tip The real gift when it comes to vision is when you master helping others achieve their vision. When you begin to see results in people’s lives that you touch and truly inspire, it is the most rewarding feeling in the world — far beyond any financial measure.

Building vision in others is important because it helps them remember why the challenges are worth going through. As a leader, you know that whether it’s a busy personal schedule, an unorganized calendar, or personal situations, there will be challenges to building your business!

When those challenges come, your representatives will need to be able to focus on the vision they’re working toward, so the challenges are in perspective. The majority of your team members may not have a clear vision of what they want in life, so when the challenges come, they focus on the challenges. By helping them build vision, you give them staying power.

Goals: Milestones to Success

Vision and goals both contribute to success, but they are not the same thing. Success is achieving your vision by reaching the goals you set. Goals are the milestones on the way to your success.

Whenever I ask people what success looks like to them, most respond with “I don’t know.” Most representatives are fine just going with the flow and taking whatever business they receive. That is because for the most part people don’t know what success looks like for them. If you don’t know what it looks like then how do you know what you are striving for? If you don’t know what you are striving for, how are you going to know when you’ve gotten there? If you don't know that you've gotten there, how are you going to feel successful? And if you don't feel it, how are you going to project it?

For as far back as I can remember, I have been setting goals. It’s hard for me to even go through a regular day without setting a goal and achieving it — whether that be getting on the phone with a client, getting in a workout, or writing ten pages of this book.

When I was young, my goals were things like how fast I could ride my bike around the block or how many records I could collect. When I started playing drums at ten, a goal might be trying to master a technique or playing along to a particular song. Everything was always about hitting a target. Now as an adult, this habit has carried over into my life without any thought. No matter how big or small my vision is, I always set mini-goals to help get myself where I want to be.

Goals don’t have to be scary

Maybe you are afraid to set goals because you fear they are too daunting or challenging. Nonsense! For one thing, goals don’t have to be stupendous. People think goals need to be life-changing. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Goals are exactly what you need them to be. A goal could be creating an Instagram account, calling five people, or recruiting a new team member. You may be in this industry as a hobbyist or for some part-time income to help pay for the everyday things in your life like dance lessons, gas, groceries, and so on. That is your vision for your business, and your goals will align with that.

remember If you don’t hit a goal, that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. To my way of thinking, there are no failures in business or in life, until you fail to try again. If you are driving and miss a turn, for example, or go the wrong way, you don’t just give up on reaching your destination. If you’re using GPS, it will take a moment and say, “Recalculating route.” It doesn’t say, “Okay, you’re a loser, you went the wrong way, just turn around and go home.” You follow the recalculations and get yourself back on the route.

Goals are not scary. Fear paralyzes people, and most of the time, it is fear that stops them from setting goals. Fear they will fail and what others will think. Now, if I said I’ve never been afraid, well, that simply wouldn’t be true. But I don’t let it stop me. I ask myself, what’s the best thing that could happen? And what’s the worst thing that could happen? If I can live with the worst, then I move forward and strive for the best. And most of the time, I land somewhere in between. Everything in life is either a blessing or a lesson, as they say.

tip Goals don’t need to be life-changing. They can be simple, actionable, measurable steps that will keep you on the road to your vision. And you can always reset your goals depending on your personal situations. Don’t let other people’s opinions worry you, especially if you don’t reach a goal. Most people will actually admire you for doing something because they are still usually sitting in the same place.

Setting intentional goals: The five Ds

Your goals may change over time. You may need to do things differently, or your goals may not work anymore, or you may find better ways to get to the end of the race. Goals help you measure your success on your way to your vision.

I believe that when you put your vision out there, or even just say it out loud to yourself, that is when things actually begin to happen. Some call this the Law of Attraction — the idea that like attracts like, and positive thoughts bring positive things.

tip Regardless of whether the Law of Attraction has an effect or not, when you are more aware of what you want, you’re more purposefully pursuing it. So, really knowing what you want from your life and from your business can only help you develop your commitment to your business and your success story.

Goals are a way to break down your vision into manageable steps. Look closely at your vision. What steps, or goals, will it take to get there? For example, if you want to take your loved ones to Disneyworld, you need to determine how much that trip will cost. Once you know the dollar amount, you can easily plan how you are going to achieve that in commission.

Think how many parties do you need to book, how many tradeshow events you need to do, how many more products you need to sell, and how many one-on-one appointments do you need to schedule. Those can become goals.

tip Random acts get random results. Be intentional. If you’re specific about your goals, you are being intentional. Make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen.

Follow my Five Ds of Setting Intentional goals to help you create the steps that will lead to your vision and develop your success story.


First, you need to make a decision about what you want. For example, should you put your children in public school, private school, or home school them? Do you want to move to a new neighborhood or a bigger house? Facing tough choices can make you waver between the two options. How do you feel when you’re indecisive? Anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed? Who would choose to live there on a regular basis? But by not making decisions, isn’t that what you’re doing? When you make a clear-cut decision — even one with consequences — you feel relief, like that huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. That is a much better place to live, and it’s the only way you’re going to get what you want.

tip Often, if you’re feeling anxious, think about what it is that you need to make a decision about. Once you have that decision or clarity, you’ll begin to feel excitement. You’ll create a desire for action and you’ll get in the mode of action. You’ll feel empowered and in control. You are now back in the driver’s seat of your life!


Once you’ve made a decision, the desire to act on it will build. Many people put off a decision and tell themselves they will feel an overwhelming desire to get moving in the right direction when they wake up in the morning. If you wait for desire to overwhelm you, you’re going to be waiting a very long time. You’ll never wake up one morning and suddenly be overcome with the desire to get moving with your business without ever setting goals. But once you’ve made a clear decision, the desire will follow. Almost always, action is side by side with desire. When you decide, Okay, we’re going to move, you get excited. You call a real-estate agent and you start making your home ready to sell.


Details are better known as daily lists of things to do. Most people make regular to-do lists. You need to know what the list is for. You need to know where you’re going. Ask yourself, What are the four to six things I can do that will move me closer to my goals? The details are the work you do to get there.

tip Keep your daily list limited to what can realistically be achieved. Then, when you cross all the items off the list, don’t just turn the page and start another list, celebrate. Put your feet up and relax with a cup of coffee or glass of wine.


Let’s recap: When you make a decision, the desire builds, you follow through with the details, and you reach your destination. You may need to pull over and get directions to your destination (meaning you may need to get help from your upline or an accountability partner), but you don’t ever give up.

remember Success is a journey, a road traveled. You will have speed bumps, road-blocks, and detours crop up along the way. If you don’t know where you’re going, the detours that you come across in life will take you off in different directions. By having the destination in your mind, plus written down and posted around your home or office as reminders, you’ll be able to get through the detours and challenges and still be headed in the direction you want.


All this requires determination. Tell yourself that you are not giving up. And then don’t. When a party cancels, don’t just think, Oh well, I guess I have the night off, and then hang out watching TV. Instead, make some calls and get another party (or two) booked. If you are short on your sales goals for a trip, don’t hang out watching TV — instead make up the sales with more bookings, one-on-ones, or re-servicing orders.

Be Rewarded: Strive for Company Incentive Programs

Many companies offer programs and incentives to help motivate you and keep you consistent in running your business. It is important for your success and momentum, especially at the beginning of your business, to set your sights on earning these incentives and programs.

Most companies offer programs within your first 90 days of starting (typically called Fast Start, Quick Start, Fast Track, and so on). The fast-track type program is a great way for you to earn additional products for your kit, gain items for your own personal use, and of course, establish good business habits and patterns. From my experience as a trainer and coach, I have found that what you start with is what you are likely to continue with. So, if you get your business off to a healthy and successful start by pushing yourself in both sales and recruiting, you will most likely enjoy long-term success.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the program and the exact requirements and qualifications you need to hit to earn it. Not only will earning this program get you off to a great start and land you a nice reward from the company, but you will be getting paid at the same time.

tip Companies offer ongoing incentives because they want to keep you focused, excited, and engaged in your business. So, anytime your company is running a program or incentive, make it a priority to earn it.

Productivity and the Power Hour

Do you have an hour to spare? Of course not. No one does. But could you spare 15 minutes here and there? My system, called the Power Hour, uses one simple hour to produce results. The Power Hour means taking an hour in your day and breaking it down into four income-producing activities, or key things, that you want to accomplish in that hour.

Using the Power Hour, you take small blocks of time and get extraordinary results from them. Once you’ve mastered the concept for your direct selling business, you’ll find you can apply the Power Hour concept to almost every area of your life. Even fitness. Did you know that three 15-minute increments of cardio exercise gives the same benefit to your heart as one 45-minute session? It’s true.

Have you ever had plenty to do, but felt like you really couldn’t achieve anything because you didn’t have a day, an afternoon, or even an hour available? Then you’re going to love Power Hours.

A Power Hour means you only spend 15 minutes on a single task and then move on to another one. The idea is that, because you’re focusing solely on that one thing, you actually accomplish more than if you attempted to spend a full hour on it while being distracted by other things.

For direct selling, you’ll need to spend a Power Hour on four activities: booking parties or appointments, host coaching, recruiting, and customer follow-up. But you can also use the Power Hour concept to achieve everything from working on your finances to cleaning your house.

To ensure you’re able to focus on your direct selling Power Hour, it’s a good idea to remove distractions. You may want to turn off your social media alerts, or even silence the ringer on your phone.

In the Power Hour system, you create four folders, either on your computer or using actual cardboard folders. Label them as follows:

  • Host Coaching
  • Booking Leads
  • Recruiting Leads
  • Customer Follow-Up

If you’re like most people, you have piles on your desk — sticky notes, and scraps of paper with notes scribbled on them. During your Power Hour, you put your information in one of these folders, so it’s always easy to find. When you’re out and about and get questions because you have on logo wear, or you happen to talk about a product or the opportunity, put these leads into the appropriate folder. Any lead you get will live in one of these folders.

tip In doing the Power Hour, you don’t have to do it seven days a week to get results. Four days will get amazing results; three days will get great results; two days will get good results; and one day will still get results.

If you’re looking to build your business, 15 minutes of phone calls is less daunting than spending hours on the phone trying to get bookings or repeat sales. Even if you only get a few orders, by the end of the week you have 10-15 additional orders. Not bad for 15 minutes and a little consistency!

You don’t have to wait until you have an hour to become entrenched in what you’re doing so that you’re successful at creating a habit. Take 15 minutes with each task and it can turn into results and rewards quickly. And over time, it will become a habit of reward and success.

Your 15 minutes on host coaching

Often hosts complain that they booked a party and the representative didn’t touch base until two days before the party. So spend 15 minutes touching base to make sure you’re keeping your host excited, engaged, and informed.

I use a ten-contact time system for host coaching (see Chapter 10) which can be utilized with the Power Hour. Use folders to help you organize your pending hosts, so you can always keep an eye on who you’re reaching out to. When you have multiple books, it’s easy to forget who and when you’ve reached out to your hosts. And that’s how people fall through the cracks.

Your 15 minutes on booking

Now you’re ready to spend 15 minutes solely focused on contacting people to schedule a party with you. By booking during your Power Hour, you’ll soon sharpen your skills speaking the language of booking by doing multiple booking calls during a single short block of time.

Whenever you add a name to the Booking Leads (or Recruiting Leads) folders, be sure to make a note of the circumstances. For example, if your lead told you she wanted to have a party when her kitchen remodel finishes in six weeks, then make a note of those details — and mention them during your call. Your call to her would sound something like this:

  • “Hi, Mary! This is Belinda. Have I caught you at a good time? Great! The last time we chatted you were remodelling your kitchen. How’s that coming along? Wonderful! I’ll be so excited to see it. The reason I’m calling is you asked me to give you a call when the work on your kitchen was finished so that we could go ahead and set a date for your party. What do you think would work better, a weekday or a weekend?”

tip When you follow up with a lead, make a reference to why she wanted to delay. This shows her that not only do you remember her, but that you care about her. Then it will come off as a friendly call and not a sales call. And remember, the key is to build relationships with our customers and leads.

When you get a booking, immediately make another booking call. It’s not time to celebrate yet! The excitement from the previous yes will still be with you, and you will discover that the language you used from the last call will come easier to you. This will build your confidence, and people will notice that. People will always mirror the energy you give to them — if you sound hesitant, nervous, or desperate, they will pick up on that too. In fact, you can reference the prior call to show your new lead that you are busy, energetic, and in high demand. You can say something like this:

  • “I just spoke with my last host and she is going to do a margaritas and manicures party. Do you think that’s something your friends would enjoy also?”

Your 15 minutes on recruiting

Recruiting is the one area of your business where timing is everything. When someone has expressed interest but then says no, that doesn’t mean no forever or that they don’t like you. It just means right now isn’t the right time.

People’s lives change. This is why follow-up is so important. Previous leads showed interest about your opportunity, which is why they’re in your lead notebook. But just because the timing wasn’t right at that time doesn’t mean it won’t be right sometime in the future. If you get a no or a not right now, don’t just say, “Okay” and forget about it. Ask her if you can keep her informed with specials, especially those to do with the kit. Say something like this:

  • I totally understand, Sarah. I want you to feel confident in this business when you start. Is it okay for the time being that I keep you on my list? I would love to keep you informed on upcoming specials we have, especially starter kit specials.

tip When you talk to recruit leads in a friendly and casual way, just as you do when you’re doing a customer service call, you build a relationship. And that means they’ll come to know and trust you, rather than feel like you’re bugging them.

Your 15 minutes on customer service

During this 15 minutes, you simply contact people who have previously ordered from you and ask if they’re enjoying the products they purchased. After they say yes, ask if they would like to add another specific product to their collection. Tell them about a current sale or special or ask if they need to reorder more of their original purchase. It’s a good idea to know what they ordered last, and you should be prepared to tell them what the specials are this month.

  • “With Mother’s Day right around the corner, I wanted to find out if I could help you with any special ladies in your life, including yourself.”

Direct sales companies say that only one to three percent of direct sellers do re-servicing calls. When you don’t make these calls, you’re leaving money on the table. Someone, either another representative or competitor, will pick that money up. Great customer service is incredibly important not only to your sales, but also to your bookings and recruiting. So be sure to make these calls. The results we have documented is that it can increase your business as much as 50%.

My 2+2+2 program (discussed in Chapter 13) teaches that you should follow up two days after a purchase to thank the customer, two weeks after that to ask how they are enjoying the product, and two months after that to see if they would like to re-order. It’s important to follow up with your clients and continue to keep in contact with them. It helps create loyal customers.

warning However, don’t overdo it either! You want your customers to feel like when you call, that it is a service to them — one that they appreciate.

Developing Important Skills

There are four more skill sets I want you to develop for your direct selling business. You can use each of these skills during a Power Hour to create exciting results:

  • Focus
  • Commitment
  • Consistency
  • Organization

The power of focus

For a lot of people, the idea of focusing on something with undivided attention seems almost impossible. There is just too much to do and there are too many interruptions.

In business, you normally find yourself in one of two situations:

  • Situation 1: “Omigosh, I need to call this recruit lead, put this order in, and make coaching calls to my three hosts.” You have so much going on that you can’t focus on completing any one project. In this case, you’re not focusing on anything, and you’re not producing any results.
  • Situation 2: “I have no business. I don’t know where to begin. I’m feeling so bad. I don’t even have any good leads.” You have let fear paralyze you. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to do, the end result is so stressful that you don’t even know where to begin — so you don’t.

With the Power Hour, you learn to take each task and break it down, making it easy and well prioritized, and giving you a starting point.

There’s no way around it: Focus takes focus. Everything else in your life needs to be put away for 15 minutes, so you can focus your undivided attention on the priority at hand. It is easier than it sounds. You can do anything for 15 minutes! Do it with the prize in mind — at the end, you’ll have achieved what you wanted. You’ll have results, and the next block of 15 minutes will be even easier.

What you focus on is what you get

Most people tend to spend their days focused on what they don’t want:

  • “I don’t like the way I look in this. I don’t want to go to work today. I hate dealing with this person. I don’t like making phone calls. People aren’t open to me. The kids don’t listen to me. I don’t want my relationship to be this way.”

remember In life, and business, you are guaranteed to get whatever you focus on. If you focus on the fact that you’re not feeling good, you’re going to continue to not feel good. If you focus on how bad your business is, your business is going to continue to be bad. But if you focus on what a great product you have and what an awesome family you have, you’re going to be excited and your business is likely to do well. You have a choice every day to look at the glass as half full or half empty. Choose well.

When your strength is focus

Create a habit, practice your focus, and you will be rewarded with results you never expected.

Some people’s greatest asset is truly their ability to focus. These people are good at doing; deciding their goals and getting it done. In this asset, there is also a slight weakness. Sometimes, they get so hyper-focused that they miss the bigger picture. For this reason, they miss the details and planning. Does this sound like someone in your life?

Usually these peoples’ tasks go something like this. On a Saturday morning, they think, Okay, I am going to clean out the garage. They’re excited about it and spend the whole day on it. By the time they finish a full eight hours later, it is spotless and looks like a showroom. The tools are hung, screws, bolts, and nails are all in their own little jars, and gardening tools have their own area. A place has been made for everything, and everything is in its place.

Of course, they will have gone to the hardware store 3–4 times that day because they didn’t look forward and plan what they would need. But to them, that isn’t the point. The point is the garage looks spectacular.

When you think your strength is multitasking

Many people feel their greatest asset is multitasking. But it can be more of a weakness than a strength. Some people can plan their whole day out, but many times they lose sight of the one thing that they want to accomplish.

Often they start their day by thinking, I need to make booking calls.

But before they get on the phone to make booking calls, they make coffee, clean the kitchen, and start a load of laundry. Then they sit down to make the calls, but it’s almost time to pick up the kids and they don’t want to get started on this important task until they get back. Once they get the kids, they decide to visit a few stores and runs errands. Now it’s time for dinner and they never really get started on what they wanted to do in the first place. The biggest problem is that people like this delude themselves into thinking they had a great day… but they never did the one thing they set out to do.

Some can multitask like no one else — and many times it can be a strength and work in their favor. But sometimes it’s hard for them to stop focusing on the big picture so they get lost with the small important details.

The power of commitment

Commitment is one of the most important promises you make to everything and everyone in your life and business. You need commitment to get anywhere, and you absolutely need commitment to succeed with your direct selling business.

Commitment means saying what you’re going to do — and doing it. It means respecting your relationship with yourself, and with others, enough to follow through with what you have promised. There will be days when you’ll be tired, and perhaps even wishing the host would call and cancel the party. You will even be tempted to cancel it yourself.

Your reputation as a businessperson is always on the line. Honoring your commitment means your customers never have to question whether they can rely on you to provide the products and services they want to purchase.

tip Be in it to win it. Your commitment to your vision is a powerful thing. Your commitment to show up when you really want to give up is the secret to achieving your vision and making it a reality. Success doesn’t happen overnight in direct sales, so continue to see the people, fill in your pipeline, and keep making calls. You need to stay committed to achieving those goals.

remember You’re going to have bad parties. Your host may not invite people. Your best recruit may quit. Are these reasons to give up on your dreams? Not a chance. You need to stay committed to your vision of why you got in direct selling to begin with. Don’t let circumstances discourage you and steal your commitment. You come back and make the next day better. Don’t talk about it for days on end. The longer you talk about it, the longer you live in that place. Remember, what you focus on is what you will get.

The power of consistency

Consistency is doing something again and again. It is making your effort a habit. Consistency can help make your business successful.

Habits are consistent. Habits are just the things that you do continually. Once, probably a long time ago, you made the choice to do it consciously, liked the reward enough to do it again, and continued to do until it became part of your natural flow. Whether it’s a good or a bad habit, if you practice it consistently, you become successful at it.

Direct selling is a simple business, and you can be very successful just by learning and practicing a few basic skills and repeating them over and over until they become habits. (One of the very best habits you can form is the Power Hour.)

tip Whether your goal is to work your business part-time or full-time, you will have to schedule time to make phone calls, follow up with leads, and do your parties. One of the most important things you can do is set a work schedule and stick to it. Set aside the appropriate time in your calendar to work your business. Schedule your work time and write it in your calendar, just as you would a doctor or dentist appointment.

One reason I was so successful as a direct seller is that I had a regular schedule and I stuck to it just as if a boss set it for me. On Mondays I coached my team. On Tuesdays I made follow-up calls. On Wednesdays I ran errands and handled personal business. On Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays I held parties. My schedule was always consistent, and it helped prevent procrastination.

remember Don’t forget the Power Hour, discussed earlier. It helps you concentrate 15 minutes at a time on building your business. Consistency is easier when you realize you don’t have to do it for the entire day. In short bursts, something can become a habit. Every time, begin with your vision and goal in mind, see the reward ahead, and give it your full focus … consistently.

I’ve had moments — even whole days — when I just didn’t feel like doing something. On those days, I have to get flat-out honest with myself. I have to ask myself: What if I gave up today? And: Do I want to stay where I am, getting what I’ve always gotten — or would I rather power through and keep myself consistent so that I reach my goals and realize my vision?

It’s important to accept that you will have days like this. You’re human, and your brain wants to stay with the pathways it has always taken. But you’ve already decided on a new course, you have the roadmap, and you are headed to your destination — if only you can stay consistent.

Here are some things you can do to be more consistent:

  • Call an accountability buddy. Your best bet is to call your friend who is great at tough love and have them whip you into shape. They’re the one that will make sure you’re not listening to the part of your brain that’s trying to talk you out of doing something.
  • Understand the implications of your choice: You can not do it today, and have to start fresh tomorrow without the reward you’d receive today — or you can power through your inconsistent feeling and just get it done, and get the reward.
  • Ask yourself some questions: What would someone you admire do in this situation? What would happen if the Olympic athletes skipped their training on the days when they didn’t feel like it? Think about who admires you. Will your kids be getting a good role model if they see that you decide you “just don’t feel like it” today?
  • Review: Look back at your goals and vision, and at your progress so far. Are they worth putting on the shelf because you don’t feel like getting results today?

remember You can pay the price of discipline, or you can pay the price of regret. Yes, it’s about being consistent, and doing it today and every day. But it’s not about what you get today. It’s about what you’re becoming: successful.

The power of organization, or lack thereof

Many people dread hearing this, but organization is also vital to your success in direct selling. Your lack of organization will rob you of more time than any other single thing. The good news is that organization doesn’t have to come naturally to you, and it doesn’t require sophisticated methods to work well.

How organized is organized enough? You are sufficiently organized when you have a method for tracking what needs to be done, and what has been done. You should also know what supplies you currently have, what you’re running low on, and what you need to get. And you need to be able to quickly and easily access the records of your lead contacts, your previous sales, and your previous hosts and customers.

remember Organization does more than help you keep track of what needs to be done. It also allows you to fully enjoy whatever you’re doing, without feeling the pull of other tasks.

If there is one thing I suggest you organize first, it’s your calendar. For at least the upcoming three months, have your family commitments and the days you plan to hold parties marked in your calendar. I also suggest that you always know what your next three available dates are. This way, if you’re chatting with a friend, and she mentions (as some definitely will) that she might be interested in having a party or hearing about the opportunity, you can say, “That sounds great. I have Thursday the 3rd, Saturday the 5th, and Friday the 11th available. Which one works best for you?”

tip Always have Host and Recruiting packages pre-made or in a folder on your computer so you’re not running around trying to put one together when you have a hot lead. (See Chapter 6.)

Direct selling is a high-touch business. While you use technology to place orders and track your business systems, your customers value the personal service and product knowledge you have. You provide much more excellent service when your office area and files are neatly organized.

Having an organized home office space will make working on your direct selling business more enjoyable. I have a simple (and it’s pretty common, I didn’t dream it up on my own) system for decluttering an area. I simply sort everything into three piles:

  • Keep pile
  • Throw Away pile
  • Donate pile

I actually have a rule that I can only touch an item once, so I don’t allow myself to have a Decide Later pile — that’s how the clutter happened in the first place.

In your home office space, you should have a strict policy on organization. Phone numbers, host files, and customer records should always be in reliable, easy-to-reach places. This is information you’ll frequently need, so it’s important that you can put your hands on it quickly.

warning Your lack of organization will rob you of more time than any other single thing.

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