Chapter 11

Electronics Information


Understanding current, voltage, power, and more

Comprehending electrical flow

Deciphering circuit diagrams

Amplifying your test score

When I was around 12 years old, I impressed my parents by taking an old television set apart and putting it back together. I impressed them right up to the point where I plugged it in and blew up the garage. But the world of electronics is a bit more complex than simply plugging something in and seeing whether it works. I (and the garage) learned this lesson the hard way.

Six years later, when I took the ASVAB, I scored very well on the Electronics Information subtest. (Go figure!) This subtest is designed to measure your knowledge of the principles of electricity and how these principles are applied in the real world. You may see questions about transistors, magnets, engines and motors, and radio and television. (Curiously, there are no questions on this subtest concerning the impromptu demolition of garages.)

You don’t have to be an electronics whiz to score well on this subtest. If you’re not familiar with this information and you want to pursue a military career that requires you to do well on this subtest, this chapter is calling your name. You also need to have some familiarity with basic mathematical and algebraic principles (see Chapters 6 and 7 for more information).

remember Not every military career requires a good score on this subtest. (Turn to Appendix A to find out which military jobs require a score on this — and other — subtests.) If the military feels that the Electronics Information subtest is important to your desired career, study intensively for this test. You can even take a course or two at the local community college if you don’t have a strong enough background in this area.

You have 9 minutes to answer 20 questions on this subtest on the paper version of the ASVAB and 8 minutes to answer 16 questions on the computerized ASVAB. Although 8 or 9 minutes is sufficient time to answer the questions, it doesn’t provide much time for anything else — if you don’t know an answer, guess and go.

Uncovering the Secrets of Electricity

One day in 1752, Benjamin Franklin was minding his own business, flying a kite in a storm. A key was tied to the kite string and when lightning struck the metal key, Ben was struck by the notion that lightning must be electrified air (well, it happened something like that). Although electricity was just a hobby for Ben Franklin, he made many important contributions. As a result of his famous kite flight, he created many of the terms used today when folks talk about electricity: battery, conductor, condenser, charge, discharge, uncharged, negative, minus, plus, electric shock, and electrician.

Electricity is a general term for the variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric current. You can’t see electricity running through a wire (but you can certainly feel it). You only know electricity is there when you flip on the light switch and the light turns on. Even though electricity appears to be pretty mysterious at first glance, scientists understand a great deal about its properties and how it works.

remember Electricity is measured in three ways:

  • Volts: Volts measure the difference of potential between two points.
  • Amperes (amps): Amps measure the number of electrons that move past a specific point in 1 second.
  • Ohms: Ohms measure resistance, including anything that could limit the flow of electrons.

remember Here are some other electricity terms that are important for you to know for the ASVAB:

  • Current: Electricity is like water — it flows. Electrical current occurs when electrons move from one place to another. The use of conductors, such as copper and water, allows the electrons to move freely. Insulators, such as rubber and wood, discourage the electric current.
  • Watt: A watt measures power, the rate at which electrical energy is consumed or transformed into another type of energy, such as light or heat.
  • Watt-hour: A watt-hour is the amount of energy used in 1 hour at a rate of 1 watt. Most electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours, which is how much energy you’d use if you ran a 1,000-watt (1-kilowatt) device for an hour. For example, 10 kilowatt-hours is enough energy to run a 10,000-watt speaker system for an hour-long outdoor concert, or it could run a 5,000-watt air conditioner for 2 hours or a 1,000-watt waffle iron for 10 hours. You find watt-hours by multiplying wattage by time (expressed in hours).

The following sections explain electricity in more detail.

Measuring voltage: Do you have the potential?

A circuit is just the path of an electrical current. A very simple circuit consists of several components. For example, it may consist of a battery, one side (terminal) of which is connected by a conductor (a wire) to an on/off switch, which is connected to a lamp (a light bulb) by another wire, which is then connected back to the other side of the battery. As long as the switch is off — which means it’s set to a position so that there’s an open (literally an open space) in the circuit — current cannot flow. When you flip the switch, there’s a short (meaning the open space has been closed), and current can flow from one side of the battery, through the closed switch, through the light bulb, and back to the other terminal of the battery, all by way of the wires connecting the components.

Voltage, which is supplied by the battery in this circuit, is the difference of the pressure between two points in a circuit. It is sometimes called the voltage drop or difference of potential. So, for instance, a 9-volt battery supplies 9 volts of electricity. To see what the voltage is anywhere in a circuit, you have to compare the voltage at that point to ground. Ground is any part of a circuit (or other object that has electricity running through it) that measures 0 volts, such as the case of your radio, the base of a lamp, or the chassis of your car. The negative terminal of a 9-volt battery is at ground potential, so the voltage from the negative terminal to ground will measure 0 volts. The voltage from the positive terminal to either ground or the negative terminal of the battery will measure 9 volts.

To measure voltage in a circuit, you use a voltmeter or a multimeter, which has several meters in one instrument. A voltmeter has two leads. To measure voltage, you place one lead somewhere in the circuit and one lead at another location in the circuit. The voltmeter tells you what the voltage is between those two points.

remember A cell (a storage compartment for electricity in a battery) has a specific voltage. For example, in a particular battery, cells may be 1.5 volts. Therefore, you can figure out the number of cells a battery has by dividing the voltage of the battery by 1.5. Pretty handy stuff, huh?

Examining the current of the electrical river

Electrons are negatively charged, and they attempt to shift from one atom to the next to the next, trying to get to a positive charge, such as the positive side of a battery. They’re able to shift if the material is a conductor. But if the material is an insulator, the electrons will be much, much less able to shift because of the insulating material’s molecular structure.

Electrical current is the flow — or, more precisely, the rate of flow — of electrons in a conductor. Current flow can be expressed in terms of coulombs (abbreviated C), which measure charge. A coulomb is the amount of electricity provided by a current of 1 ampere flowing for 1 second. It’s called a coulomb because a guy named Charles de Coulomb discovered it in the late nineteenth century, and the rules say that if you discover something, someone will stick your name on it.

If 1 coulomb (about 6,241,500,000,000,000,000 electrons) flows past a specified point in 1 second, that’s a flow rate of 1 ampere (amp, abbreviated A). An ampere represents the strength of a current. For the sake of convenience, electrical currents are measured in amps. Typically current is tiny, so small that it’s measured in milliamperes; 1 milliampere is one-thousandth of an ampere. Current meters, called ammeters, measure the flow of current through a circuit.

The amount of voltage (the difference in potential) and the resistance in a circuit determine the number of amperes along a wire — or whatever you’re using to conduct the electricity from one place to another. More voltage (for instance, a higher-voltage battery) means that more amps flow in a wire (or conductor). You can read more about this relationship in the next section, which discusses Ohm’s law.

Resistance: Slowing the electrical river

Current doesn’t just flow in any properly working circuit unimpeded. Resistance pops up along the way. If the flow of electricity needs to be regulated, resistance is deliberately set up in a circuit. If the flow weren’t regulated, the motors powering devices like can openers and microwave ovens would quickly overheat and melt. (But before that happens, hopefully a fuse would blow or a circuit breaker would trip, halting current flow and saving the equipment.) In a sense, even a wire, such as a filament in a light bulb, is a type of resistance and is a way to deliberately create circuit resistance.

Adding or removing resistance

Sometimes a circuit must be opened in order to add or remove resistance. In other words, the flow of the electricity must be interrupted in order to physically change the resistance. Using a circuit breaker, which is a device that automatically interrupts the electrical current, is an example of opening a circuit to control the current. When the circuit breaker trips, the electrical device can no longer operate.

Some devices use a rheostat, which can vary the resistance without opening the circuit — the device can continue to work even as the resistance is altered. If an application doesn’t use all the electricity, the rheostat absorbs it. A dimmer switch on a light is an example of a rheostat. You increase the amount of resistance to dim the light and decrease the resistance to brighten the light.

Ohm’s law: Relating resistance to current and voltage

The amount of resistance that interferes with the flow is measured in ohms (pronounced just like those yoga chants). The symbol for ohm is the Greek letter omega, which looks like an upside-down horseshoe: images. Resistance can be measured by dividing the voltage measured at any given point (the voltmeter reading) by the amount of current at the same point in a circuit (the ammeter reading). Or you can measure the resistance directly by an ohmmeter.

If you have a current flowing through a wire, three influences are present:

  • The amount of voltage, measured in volts
  • The resistance to the current, measured in ohms
  • The amount of current, measured in amps

These three units are always present in a specific relationship to each other. If you know the value of any two of the influences, you can find the value of the third. (Yes, this requires more math. Sorry.)

remember Ohm’s law, which was first stated by Georg Simon Ohm, reads, “The current in a circuit is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the circuit resistance,” but it’s actually easier to understand in mathematical terms. When stating the relationship mathematically, abbreviations are used, where I is current, E is voltage, and R is resistance:


This essentially means that current in a basic circuit is always dependent on the voltage and resistance in the circuit. If you use a higher-voltage battery (increase E), the resistance doesn’t change, but current in the circuit increases. By the same token, if you leave the same battery in the circuit but increase the resistance (increase R), current decreases.

Here are two other ways to write the same formula, solved for voltage and resistance:

  • images
  • images

Ohm’s law works exactly the same, no matter which format you use.

Measuring power

Power is measured in watts. One watt is a very small amount of power. It would require nearly 750 watts to equal 1 horsepower. One kilowatt represents 1,000 watts.

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) — the amount of electricity a power plant generates or a customer uses — is equal to the energy of 1,000 watts working for one hour. Kilowatt-hours are determined by multiplying the number of kilowatts (kW) required by the number of hours of use. For example, if you use a 40-watt light bulb 5 hours a day, you’ve used 200 watt-hours, or 0.2 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy.

technicalstuff The term watt was named to honor James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine.

Getting around to circuits

Although this section suggests that electricity flows like water, it actually flows more like NASCAR. Electricity must be sent along the path of a closed circle (a circuit), just like all those NASCAR speedsters roaring around the track. The drivers never actually get anywhere; they just keep driving in circles. Electrical charges are a lot like that.

However, electricity does flow like a river in one respect. In general, electricity follows the path of least resistance. The conventional way in thinking about the electrical flow of current is based on the vacancies left by electrical particles “moving” from the positive (+) terminal to the negative (–) terminal of a battery. This concept is called conventional current. However, the military teaches current flow based on the flow of the electrons, and electrons, no matter how you look at them, flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal (see Figure 11-1).


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FIGURE 11-1: A simple electric current.

If any of the wires leading from one terminal to the other is broken, the circuit is shot — no more current. Current can’t flow because under most circumstances, the electrons can’t bridge the open gap in a conductor (the open gap is basically air, and air is an insulator).

In some cases, current does flow through an insulator — if there’s enough difference of potential (voltage). When lightning bridges an expanse of air from a cloud to ground (or a tree or a golfer), it’s because there is a huge amount of voltage, on the order of 100 million volts, between the source of the lightning and (literally) ground.

Here’s another circuit problem that may come up: A short circuit occurs when any wire accidentally crosses over another wire, causing the electricity to bypass the rest of the circuit and not follow the intended path.

Producing electrical effects

Electric currents can produce different effects. These effects are packaged and sold commercially. The following is a description of effects produced by current and some of their commercial applications:

  • Chemical effect: Current produces this effect when it passes through a chemical compound and breaks up that compound. Also called electrolytic decomposition, this phenomenon is used in electroplating, a process used to cover objects with a very thin coating of metal.
  • Heat effect: Conducting electricity causes wires to become heated. Heat develops because the current must overcome the resistance of the wire. This heat energy can be quite obvious or hardly noticeable to touch, depending on the size of the wire and the amount of current.
  • Magnetic effect: When a wire is introduced into a magnetic field, electricity flows through the wire and creates a magnetic field that repels a magnet. This effect is used to create energy through electromagnetic induction, the basic principle behind the electric generator. If the wire is wrapped around an iron core and a current is sent through the wire, the iron becomes magnetized. (See the nearby sidebar for more on the magnetic effect.)
  • Physiological effect: Current produces this effect when it passes through your bicep (or any of your muscles for that matter) and causes the muscle to contract. This effect is used in medicine.

Switching Things Up with Alternating and Direct Current

A current doesn’t always flow in one direction. A direct current (DC) does — it only and always flows in one direction. An alternating current (AC), however, constantly changes direction in a regular pattern. Higher voltages are easier to obtain with alternating current, and transferring high voltage down a power line is ultimately cheaper than transferring low voltage, so most electricity comes in the form of AC. The following sections cover some important points about alternating and direct current.

Figuring out frequency

The number of times an alternating current changes direction per second is known as its frequency. Hertz (Hz) is the unit of measurement for frequency. One hertz (Hz) equals one complete cycle per second. In other words, the current makes two complete alternations of direction.

The AC (alternating current, not the air conditioner) in your house probably completes 60 alternating cycles per second. Therefore, the AC in your house has a frequency of 60 Hz. Most electronic devices operate at higher frequencies; therefore, frequencies may be measured in kilohertz (kHz, 1,000 hertz), megahertz (MHz, 1 million hertz), or even gigahertz (GHz, 1 billion hertz).

technicalstuff AM radio stations often broadcast in the 530–1,700 kHz range. Television stations may broadcast at as low as 7 to as high as 1,002 MHz. Radar operates in the 1–40 GHz range.

Impedance: Join the resistance!

Resistance interferes with the flow of current in a circuit. But the flow of current is also impeded by two properties of alternating currents:

  • Capacitive reactance (capacitance): Capacitance is the storage of energy that occurs in a nonconductor. This property resists any change in voltage in a circuit.
  • Inductive reactance (inductance): Inductance is the property that causes an electromotive force (another way of saying voltage) to be induced in a circuit.

remember These two types of reactance combine to impede the flow of current. Impedance can be expressed as the ratio of electromotive force to the current:


Electronic devices often require a specific capacitive or inductive reactance to work. Capacitors and inductors are devices used in circuits to provide the type of reactance needed. Capacitors are rated in microfarads images, and inductors are rated in millihenries (mH).

tip You can relate impedance to Ohm’s law in reference to AC circuits. Simply substitute resistance in Ohm’s law with impedance and voltage with electromotive force.

Rectifying the situation: Going direct

Certain electronic circuits are engineered to change alternating current to direct current. The process of making the change is called rectification, and the circuits that perform the rectification are called rectifiers.

Rectifiers contain semiconductor diodes, a component made of a material with conductivity somewhere between that of a conductor and an insulator. Diodes conduct electricity in only one direction. Rectification also often requires inductors and capacitors (see the preceding section).

Rectification helps appliances run at cooler temperatures and allows them to run at variable speeds. Devices typically need direct current to run properly. The process of rectification changes the incoming AC to DC.

Turning up the old transistor radio

A transistor is a semiconductor (an object that conducts electricity poorly at low temperatures) that controls the flow of electricity in a circuit. It’s usually made of germanium or silicon. This electrical device can amplify a signal, which is why it’s used in transistor radios. Transistors have many properties:

  • Unlike rectifier diodes (see the preceding section), a transistor doesn’t require a vacuum to operate.
  • Transistors are small, require little power, and last a long time.
  • A transistor contains at least three terminals:
    • The emitter is the voltage output.
    • The base acts like a gate, and the voltage at the base controls the flow of current through the transistor (and therefore the voltage).
    • The collector is the voltage input.

Picture It: Decoding Electrical Circuit Codes

Electronic circuits can be combined to create complex systems, such as those required to operate a stereo system. Block diagrams are used to show the various combined circuits that form a complex system.

Many of the questions on the Electronics Information subtest require you to identify an electronic component symbol and know what that component does in an electronic circuit. Figure 11-2 shows the most common component symbols. The figure’s items are grouped based on similarity of functions. For example, cells, batteries, DC power supplies, and AC power supplies all have similar functions (they supply power to the circuit).


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FIGURE 11-2: Symbols in electronic circuit diagrams.

So, what do all these electronic doodads do when connected in a circuit? I cover each item in the following list:

  • Wires: Wires are used to pass current from one part of the component to another. Wires that are connected to each other are indicated by a dark circle and are called joined wires. Sometimes in complex circuit diagrams, it’s necessary to draw wires crossing even though they aren’t connected. In this case, the dark circle is omitted, or a hump symbol is drawn to make it clear the wires aren’t connected — this is called unjoined wires.
  • Cell: A cell supplies electrical current. Some call this a battery, but technically a battery is more than one cell. The large terminal (on the left side of the cell image in Figure 11-2) is positive.
  • Battery: A battery is two or more cells. The large terminal is positive.
  • DC power supply: A DC power supply provides direct current. Direct current always flows in one direction.
  • AC power supply: An AC power supply provides alternating current. Alternating current constantly changes direction at a specific frequency.
  • Fuse: A fuse is a safety device that blows (melts) if the current flowing through it exceeds a specified value.
  • Transformer: A transformer consists of two coils of wire linked by an iron core. Transformers are used to step up (increase) and step down (decrease) AC voltages. No electrical connection exists between the coils. Energy is transferred between the coils by the magnetic field in the core.
  • Ground: A ground is a connection to the earth.
  • Transducer: A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Here are various types of transducers:
    • Lighting lamp: Converts electrical energy to light, such as in a light bulb or automobile headlight
    • Indicator lamp: Converts electrical energy to light for such uses as a warning light on a car’s dashboard
    • Motor: Converts electrical energy to kinetic energy (motion)
    • Heater: Converts electrical energy to heat
    • Bells and buzzers: Convert electrical energy to sound
    • Microphone: Converts sound to electrical energy
    • Earphones and speakers: Convert electrical energy to sound
  • Inductor: An inductor is a coil of wire that creates a magnetic field when current passes through it.
  • Switch: Here are several types of switches:
    • Push switch: A push switch allows current to flow only when the button is pressed, such as in a doorbell.
    • Push-to-break switch: With this switch, the circuit is normally closed (the device is on); the circuit is open (device is off) only when the button is pressed.
    • On/off switch: An on/off switch allows current to flow only when it’s in the closed (on) position.
    • Two-way switch: A two-way switch directs the flow of current to one of two routes, according to its position.
    • Dual on/off switch: This type is often used to switch main electricity because it can isolate both the live and neutral connections.
    • Relay (relay switch): A relay is an electrically operated switch that may operate multiple switches at one time. Current flowing through a coil sets up a magnetic field, which causes the lever(s) to move, effectively changing the (relay) switch’s position(s).
  • Resistor (nonvariable): There are two different versions of the basic resistor symbol. Resistors restrict the flow of electric current. Resistors are rated in ohms and have a color code on them to indicate their value, tolerance, and sometimes quality. The band code is as follows:

    • Black is 0.
    • Brown is 1.
    • Red is 2.
    • Orange is 3.
    • Yellow is 4.
    • Green is 5.
    • Blue is 6.
    • Violet is 7.
    • Gray is 8.
    • White is 9.

    The first and second bands on the resistor are the first two digits in the resistor’s value. The next band indicates the multiplier (number of zeros after the first two numbers). So if the first band is red, the second is yellow, and the third band is orange, the resistor’s value is 24,000 ohms. A gold or silver band after the first bands indicates tolerance, and a quality band may follow the tolerance band.

  • Variable resistor: Variable resistors also restrict the flow of electric current. There are several symbols in use in circuit diagrams for standard variable and preset variable resistors. Types of variable resistors include the following:
    • Rheostat: A type of variable resistor with two contacts, usually used to control current; examples of controlling current would be adjusting lamp brightness or adjusting motor speed
    • Potentiometer: A type of variable resistor with three contacts that’s used to control voltage
    • Preset variable resistor: A device that operates with a small screwdriver or similar tool; it’s designed to be set when the circuit is made and then left without further adjustment
  • Capacitor: Capacitors store electric charge. They’re used with resistors in timing circuits because it takes time for a capacitor to fill with charge. They’re also used in filter circuits because capacitors easily pass AC (changing voltage) signals but they block DC (constant voltage) signals. Two types of capacitors include the following:
    • Polarized capacitors must be connected the correct way in circuit.
    • Variable capacitors are used most often in radio tuning circuits.
  • Diode: Diodes allow electricity to flow in only one direction. The arrow of the circuit symbol shows the direction in which the current can flow. Diodes are the electrical version of a valve, and early diodes were actually called valves. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emit light when an electric current passes through them. Specialized diodes, called Zener diodes, do allow current in the opposite direction after a threshold is met.
  • Transistor: Transistors amplify current. For example, they can be used to amplify the small output current from a logic chip so it can operate a lamp, relay, or other high-current device.
  • Amplifier: An amplifier isn’t actually an electronic component but instead is a complex circuit. The block diagram symbol shows where an amplifier circuit would be connected. Amplifier circuits are used to magnify power, current, or voltage.
  • Antenna: An antenna is a device designed to receive and/or transmit radio signals.

Circuit diagrams show how electronic components are connected together. These diagrams show the connections as clearly as possible with all wires drawn neatly as straight lines. The actual layout of the components is usually quite different from the circuit diagram, however. Circuit diagrams are useful when testing a circuit and for understanding how it works. Figure 11-3 shows a diagram of an adjustable timer circuit. See how many components you can identify.


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FIGURE 11-3: An adjustable timer circuit.

Eyeing Some Electronic Information Test Tips

When it comes to the electronics test, don’t feel like you have to know as much as Ben Franklin to get a passing score. Just use your common sense. If a question asks, “What’s the safest way to run an extension cord to a reading light?” the answer “across the middle of the floor” is probably going to be wrong.

You can also figure out quite a few answers if you remember these units of measure:

  • Current: Amperes (or amps)
  • Voltage: Volts
  • Resistance: Ohms
  • Power: Watts
  • Energy: Watt-hours

Memorizing simple principles

remember If you commit the following principles to memory, you’ll have an easier time succeeding on the Electronics Information subtest:

  • Ohm’s law: images
  • Power (watts) = Voltage (volts) images Current (amperes), or P = EI
  • Current flows from a negative pole to a positive pole.
  • A closed circuit must exist for electricity to flow. (Think NASCAR.)
  • Alternating current (AC) changes direction constantly at a constant rate. The number of times a current completes two alternations of direction per second is known as its frequency; the unit of measurement for frequency is the hertz (Hz).
  • Electronic devices operate at very high frequencies.
  • Electronic devices often require a specific capacitive or inductive reactance to work. Capacitors and inductors are devices used in circuits to provide the type of reactance needed.
  • Devices that change alternating current to direct current are called rectifiers.
  • A transistor can amplify a signal.

Playing the guessing game

The Electronics Information subtest is the type of test where you either know the answer or you don’t. But if you don’t know the answer, you should still guess (just be cautious about guessing on the CAT-ASVAB; if you have too many wrong answers at the end of the subtest, you may be penalized). Remember, you don’t have a lot of time to ponder the answer choices. Guess and move on. To increase your chances of guessing correctly, you can often eliminate an incorrect answer.

tip Sometimes one answer is obviously wrong, or one answer is more obviously right than another. The electronics answer is usually the right answer. Therefore, an answer that has to do with how much something costs or how pretty it looks will probably be wrong.

Not all questions are specifically electronics questions. You may be asked, “A mil measures what quantity?” Think about how you’ve seen that prefix used before, such as in the word millimeter. A millimeter, you may remember, is one-thousandth of a meter. So you may be safe in assuming that a mil is one-thousandth of an inch. For additional guessing help, flip back to Chapter 3.

Electronics Information Practice Questions

The questions in this section measure your knowledge of basic electronics principles.

If you need a good score on this subtest to get your military dream job or you want to rebuild that old television set without sacrificing your garage, you may want to check out Electronics For Dummies by Gordon McComb and Cathleen Shamieh (Wiley) for additional help.

1. What does the abbreviation DC stand for?

(A) duplicate charge

(B) direct charge

(C) direct current

(D) diode current

2. Which of the following is the ohm symbol?

(A) images

(B) images

(C) images

(D) images

3. Which of the following has the least resistance?

(A) iron

(B) rubber

(C) copper

(D) wood

4. What conclusion can you draw based on the following diagram of a flashbulb circuit?


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(A) There is no power to the circuit.

(B) The flashbulb is turned off.

(C) Only one battery is working.

(D) The flashbulb is in parallel.

5. What is the point at which electrical connections (such as two wires) are made?

(A) terminal

(B) trigger

(C) transmitter

(D) transformer

6. A device used to amplify a signal is called a

(A) diode.

(B) transformer.

(C) rectifier.

(D) transistor.

7. What process changes incoming alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC)?

(A) magnetic effect

(B) rectification

(C) transformation

(D) impedance

8. The amount of electrical power is measured in units called

(A) volts.

(B) amperes.

(C) watts.

(D) ohms.

9. What does the arrow over the resistor symbol represent?


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(A) indicator

(B) direct current

(C) variable

(D) live

10. Components designed to store electrical charge are called

(A) capacitors.

(B) transformers.

(C) resistors.

(D) transistors.

11. In what direction does current go in electron flow notation?

(A) from negative to positive

(B) from positive to negative

(C) any direction

(D) horizontally

12. In an electronic circuit diagram, the symbol used to show wires connecting is a/an

(A) X symbol.

(B) dot.

(C) dark square.

(D) T symbol.

13. What occurs when a wire is wrapped around an iron core and a current is sent through the wire?

(A) chemical effect

(B) heat effect

(C) magnetic effect

(D) physiological effect

14. What is the term for magnetic effects that are perpendicular to the conductor and parallel to each other?

(A) north pole

(B) semiconductor

(C) lines of force

(D) electroplating

15. What symbol is not shown in the following circuit diagram?


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(A) transformer

(B) fuse

(C) resistor

(D) transistor

16. What is commonly used in a circuit in which the flow of electricity needs to be regulated for the device to run properly?

(A) resistance

(B) transformer

(C) diodes

(D) batteries

17. What color wire from the following choices is not considered a “hot” wire?

(A) red

(B) black

(C) gray

(D) blue

18. What does the following symbol represent?


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(A) fuse

(B) ground

(C) outlet

(D) resistor

Answers and Explanations

Use this answer key to score the Electronics Information practice questions.

  1. C. DC stands for direct current. I made up the other choices. The correct answer is Choice (C).
  2. D. Remember, the upside-down horseshoe (the Greek letter omega) is the symbol for ohm, the measure of electrical resistance. The correct answer is Choice (D).
  3. C. Copper is the best conductor of electricity of those listed here. Therefore, it offers the least resistance to an electric current. The correct answer is Choice (C).
  4. B. When the switch is in contact with point A (as shown), the charges are being stored. When the switch moves to point B, the flashbulb turns on.
  5. B. A terminal is a device that connects electrical circuits together, a trigger initiates a circuit action, a transmitter is a device used to achieve transmission, and a transformer is an inductor with two or more windings. Windings are magnetic wires that are coated with enamel and wrapped around the core of a transformer. The primary winding is driven by transistors, and the secondary winding is driven by the core’s magnetic field, produced by the primary winding. Choice (B) is the correct answer.
  6. D. A diode is a semiconductor that conducts electricity in one direction only; a transformer is a device that changes voltage (either “transforming” low voltage to high voltage or high voltage to low voltage); a rectifier is a circuit that changes alternating current to direct current. Choice (D) is the correct answer.
  7. B. Rectification occurs in certain electronic circuits that need to change incoming AC to DC in order to run properly.
  8. C. A watt measures the amount of power, the rate at which energy is produced or used. The correct answer is Choice (C).
  9. C. A variable resistor is a potentiometer with two connecting wires instead of three; it allows for finer control over the current by changing the amount of resistance.
  10. A. Capacitors store electric charge. They’re used with resistors in timing circuits because it takes time for a capacitor to store voltage (to become charged). The correct answer is Choice (A).
  11. A. In conventional flow notation, the motion of charge is shown according to the (technically incorrect) labels of + and –, with the electric charge moving from positive to negative. But in electron flow notation, the actual motion of electrons in the circuit is followed. Negative electrons are always searching for positive charges, so current flows from a negative pole to a positive pole.
  12. B. Wires connected to each other are indicated by a darkened circle. The correct answer is Choice (B).
  13. C. When a wire is wrapped around an iron core and a current is sent through the wire, the iron becomes magnetized.
  14. C. In a wire, magnetic lines of force are perpendicular to the conductor and parallel to each other.
  15. B.

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    This symbol represents a fuse; the circuit doesn’t contain a fuse.

  16. A. Resistance is set up in a circuit to regulate the electricity so the device isn’t destroyed by electrical heat.
  17. C. Red, black, and blue wires are always “hot” and should never be tampered with unless the power is off. The gray wire is a neutral, earth-connected wire.
  18. C. The symbol represents an electrical outlet, which indicates where electronics can be plugged into a circuit.
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