
  • ABIOMED, 12
  • Abundance mindset, 204–206, 216
  • Accountability, 140
  • Accountants, 63
  • Active listening, 137
  • Advisors, 8–9
  • Ali, Muhammad, 218
  • Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 10, 40
  • Alliance of team (SCALE), 15, 99–146
    • and Four Quandrants, 100–105
    • hiring for, 105–117
    • and leadership, 117–127
    • with virtual teams, 116–117
  • Allie & You: The Business Success and Lifestyle Show, 157
  • Allison Maslan International, 17
  • Allstate, 21
  •, 10, 69, 93, 206
  • A-N-C Cold Storage, Inc., 99–100
  • Anderman, Sig, 12
  • Angelou, Maya, 160
  • Apple, Inc., 10, 93, 107, 218
  • Arista Networks, 12
  • Arnold, Jan, 119
  • Ash, Mary Kay, 118
  • Assaraf, John, 205
  • AT&T, 61
  • Baer, Jay, 37
  • Bakery and Golden State Foods, 99
  • Barali Group, 21–22
  • Barnes & Noble, 87
  • Bechtolsheim, Andy, 12
  • Ben & Jerry's, 2, 21
  • Bernoff, Michael, 65
  • Bezos, Jeff, 7, 12
  • Big Picture Vision, 215
    • defined, 36–37
    • developing, 38–42
    • executing, 161–162
    • exercise for, 42–44
    • Mind Map for, 43f
    • sharing, 52–54
    • tools for, 48–51
    • visualizing, 45–48
  • Blast Off!: The Surefire Success Plan to Launch Your Dreams in Reality, 41
  • Blue Plate Special Number, 64
  • Bon Appetit, 99
  • Borders Group, 87
  • Brainstorming, 48–50
  • Branson, Richard, 7, 106, 218
  • Brown, H. Jackson, Jr., 152
  • Buddha, 175
  • Burroughs, John, 19
  • Business:
    • blueprints for, 11–13, 24–27
    • coaches for, 208
    • cycle of, 62, 151–152
    • failing, 10–11
  • Business success:
    • five phases of constructing, 211–215
    • four super powers of, 102, 103f, 104–105
  • By Referral Only, 158
  • Callas, Maria, 218
  • CA Office Liquidators, 95
  • Carroll, Lewis, 10, 40
  • Cash flow (SCALE), 14–15, 59–96, 215
    • and credit lines, 65–66
    • example of problems with, 59–60
    • importance of, 60–61
    • and marketing, 84–96
    • problems with, 61–63
    • safeguarding, 67–84
    • and sales focus, 64–65
    • for scaling, 66
    • tracking, 63–64
  • Certification programs, 82–83
  • CFO (chief financial officer), 63
  • Change, 16, 95–96
  • Charlotte Russe, 2, 21, 91
  • Chief convincing officer, 65
  • Chief financial officer (CFO), 63
  • Clinton, Bill, 187
  • CLTV (Customer Lifetime Value), 90
  • CND (Creative Nail Design), 119
  • Coaches, 190–192
  • Coaching for the Inner Edge (Vealey), 46
  • Cocreating, 123–124
  • Columbia House, 88
  • Competitors, buying your, 83–84
  • Confidence, 139, 198, 206
  • Conflict, embracing, 142
  • Continuity marketing programs, 87
  • Corcoran, Barbara, 127
  • Cost, see Cash flow (SCALE)
  • Courage, 1–2, 41–42, 198
  • Creative Nail Design (CND), 119
  • Cross-selling, 75
  • Customer(s):
    • building relationships with, 90–93
    • buying cheapest, 206
    • increasing, frequency, 74–75
    • knowing your, 69–70
    • new vs. existing, 74–75
    • and Perfect Client Decoder, 85
    • targeting, 84–85
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV), 90
  • Da Vinci, Leonardo, 211
  • Debbie Downers, 186
  • Debt, 65–66
  • Decision making, 132–136
  • Delegating, 120, 170, 172, 214, 216
  • Delivering Happiness, 124
  • Demand, 101
  • De Saint-Exupéry, Antoine, 171
  • Diamandis, Peter, 29, 40
  • Dig Delivery AutoShip, 79–80
  • Ding Lei, 12
  • Disney, 10
  • Dog Is Good, 79
  • “Dollars for hours,” 80
  • Dreamers, 36–37
  • Dumas, Irma, 35
  • Dunkin' Donuts, 81
  • Dyer, Wayne, 185, 198
  • Dylan, Bob, 218
  • Earhart, Amelia, 129, 218
  •, 206
  • Edison, Thomas, 218
  • Education, 141
  • Einstein, Albert, 218
  • Eker, T. Harv, 27
  • Ellie Mae, 12
  • Emergencies, chasing, 139–40
  • Emotions, 200–201
  • Empathy, 123
  • Employees. See also Hiring
    • choosing, 73
    • and cocreating, 123–124
    • empowering, 141
    • as entrepreneurs, 170–171
    • listening to, 137–138
    • offsite, 116–117
    • supporting, 121–123
  • Energy, 181–182, 184–188
  • Execution (SCALE), 15, 149–174
    • example of, 149–151
    • focus during, 154–155
    • focus on goods and processes in, 151–153
    • and GTP, 168–170
    • inspections throughout, 172–173
    • planning throughout, 155–159
    • promoting entrepreneurs during, 170–171
    • roadmap for, 161–162
    • systemization for, 162–168
    • time management during, 153–154, 159–160
  • Expenses, see Cash flow (SCALE)
  • Facebook, 12
  • Failures, 2, 7, 15, 27–28
  • Faith, 197
  • Fans, raving, 89
  • Fear, 200–201, 215
  • Fidelity Investments, 147
  • Firing, 112–114
  • Flying Gaonas, 5
  • Focus, 154–155
  • Forbes, 123
  • Ford, Arielle, 126
  • Four Quandrants, 100–105
  • Four Super Powers of Business Success, 102, 103f, 104–105
  • Franchising, 81–82
  • Frasier, Roland, 200
  • Free offerings, 75–76, 88
  • Fuller, Buckminster, 218
  • Fur-Covered Wisdom, 79
  • Gaignard, Jayson, 192
  • Gandhi, Mahatma, 218
  • Gaona, Richie, 5, 158
  • General Motors, 61
  • Get to the Point (GTP), 168–170
  • Godin, Seth, 91
  • Goldin, Kara, 36, 70, 110, 219
  • Gold Platter Number, 64
  • Google, 10
  • Graham, Martha, 218
  • Gratitude, culture of, 125–127
  • Great Recession, 24–25, 59–60
  • Groban, Josh, 172
  • Growth, 22, 99–100
  • GTP (Get to the Point), 168–170
  • Guerrilla Marketing, 93
  • Hanks, Tom, 131
  • Hanson, Erin, 1
  • Happi Tummi, 70–71
  • Harley Davidsons, 53
  • Henson, Jim, 218
  • Hewlett-Packard, 61
  • Hill, Napoleon, 192
  • Hint, Inc., 36, 70, 110, 219
  • Hiring, 105–117, 215
    • and company culture, 114–115
    • importance of, 105–107
    • and meetings, 115–116
    • the right people, 107–112
    • tactics for, 112–114
  • Hiring forward, 72–73, 107
  • Hitchcock, Alfred, 218
  • Homeopathic Academy of Southern California, 83
  • Homeopathy, 185
  • Hsieh, Tony, 124
  • Human Communications, Inc., 65
  • IBM, 61
  • Improvements, 164–165
  • Improvisation, 48–50
  • Inspections, 172–173
  • Interactive Business Coach, 158
  • Interactive Life Coach, 178
  • Interviews, 110–111
  • Investments, 153, 207–209
  • Investors, 63
  • iPhone, 53
  • Jin Shin Acutouch Treatment, 190
  • Jobs, Steve, 7, 63, 107
  • Johnson, Abigail, 147
  • Joint ventures, 92
  • Jordan, Michael, 168
  • Journaling, 188–189
  • JW Tumbles, 149
  • Keller, Helen, 6
  • Kendra Scott, LLC., 25
  • Kennedy, John F., 131
  • Kern's Nectar, 41
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 131, 143, 218
  • Koenigs, Mike, 96
  • Koi Zen Winery, 70
  • Kroc, Ray, 151
  • Kurtz, Gila, 79
  • Kurtz, Jon, 79
  • Lakhiani, Vishen, 44
  • Lawrence, Larry, 91
  • Leaders:
    • firefighters vs., 139–40
    • great, 131
    • promoting entrepreneurs, 170–171
    • role of, 117–127
    • and self care, 175–193
  • Leadership (SCALE), 15, 131–146
    • decision making of, 132–136
    • with heart and character, 140–143
    • and listening, 137–138
    • scoring, 144–145
    • and success, 138–139
  • Lebda, Doug, 12
  • Lederman, David M., 12
  • Lending Tree, 12
  • Lennon, John, 218, 220
  • Leveraging, cash flow, 67, 68
  • Levinson, Jay Conrad, 93
  • Levinson, Jeannie, 93
  • Licensing, 178–79
  • Listening, 137–138
  • “Living-Outside-of-the-Body Syndrome,” 180
  • Lucas, George, 52
  • Mademoiselle, 35
  • Mandela, Nelson, 131, 139
  • Mandossian, Alex, 208
  • Marketing, 84–96
    • and change, 95–96
    • and client targeting, 85–87
    • continuity programs for, 87
    • database for, 87–89
    • and factoring, 93
    • importance of, 84–85
    • investing in, 90
    • presales as, 93–94
    • and product valuation, 94–95
    • and raving fans, 89
  • Maslan, Allison, 207
  • Mastermind Dinners (Gaignard), 192
  • Mastermind groups, 192
  • McDonald's, 81, 151
  • Meditation, 50–51
  • Meetings, for team alliance, 115–116
  • Meir, Golda, 131
  • Miccio, Steve, 202
  • Michelangelo, 64
  • Mile Steps, 161–162
  • Miller, Lisa, 70
  • Mindset, money, 197–209
  • MindValley, 44
  • Mini Feats, 161–162
  • Mistakes, 140–141
  • Money:
    • mindset for, 197–209
    • passion vs., 28–31
    • spending, 207–209
  • “Monkey business,” 82
  • Naysayers, 177–178
  • Negativity, 186, 188
  • Netease, 12
  • Neurogym, 205
  • “No,” saying, 184
  • Offsite employees, 116–117
  • Onassis, Aristotle, 90
  • One-time valuation, 67
  • Operations, 102
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta, 187
  • Panic selling, 200
  • Papagni, Liz, 41
  • Parks, Rosa, 131
  • Passion, 28–31, 35–36, 189–190
  • Perfect 10 Decision, 136
  • Perfect Client Decoder, 85, 86f, 87
  • Perfectionism, 168
  • Persistence, 222
  • Picasso, Pablo, 46
  • Pinnacle Days, 156–157, 160
  • “The Pinnacle Experience,” 121
  • Pinnacle Global Network Business Mentoring and Mastermind, 17, 79, 115, 149
  • Planning, 155–159, 221
  • Plates and Platters exercise, 64
  • Play Days, 157–159
  • Poaching, 108
  • Polish, Joe, 92, 112
  • Positivity, 124–125
  • Prep Days, 156, 160
  • Procrastination, 168
  • Product Pyramid, 75–76, 77f, 78
  • Products, undervaluing, 94–95
  • Projects at Empower, 202
  • Publix, 69
  • Race, 178–179
  • Raving fans, 89
  • Rearview Casting, 50–51
  • Referrals, 108
  • Relationships, building, 90–93
  • Replication, 71–72
  • Resiliency, 179–180, 198–200
  • Retainers, 80–81
  • Revenue, see Cash flow (SCALE)
  • Revenue streams, 102
  • Richman, Robert, 123–124
  • Richter, Robin, 160
  • Risk, 6–7, 16
  • Robb, Geeta Sidhu, 162
  • Rockefeller, John D., 181
  • Rolex, 94
  • Roosevelt, Theodore, 135
  • Rule of Three, 109–110
  • Safety net, 13
  • Sales, 64–65, 102
  • Sales, panic, 200
  • Sanders, Colonel Harland, 7
  • Saverin, Edouardo, 12
  • Scalable Strategies worksheet, 67, 68f
  • SCALEit Method¯, 26
    • continuous, 216–218
    • executing, 147–174
    • five components of, 14–16
    • inspections during, 172–173
    • planning for, 155–159
    • and systemizing, 162–167
    • template for, 38f
    • time management for, 152–155
    • using, 221–222
  • Scaling:
    • and courage, 1–2
    • defined, 3–4
    • and fear, 6–7
    • goal of, 4
    • principles to, 215–216
  • Scott, Kendra, 25
  • Self care, 175–193
  • Self-managed company, 211–215
  • Seneca Foods, 41
  • Serling, Rod, 1
  • Setbacks, 2
  • 7-Eleven, 81
  • Shark Tank, 127
  • “Shiny object syndrome,” 154
  • Silver Platter Number, 64
  • Sinek, Simon, 114
  • Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), 166–167
  • Starbucks, 75–76, 92
  • Stars Wars, 52
  • Start-ups, 26
  • Static revenue, 67
  • Stephenson, Sean, 187
  • Stewarts and Extension One, 35
  • Stock market crash, 200
  • Stories, 51
  • Strategic vision (SCALE), 14, 35–55
    • developing, 38–42
    • from dreams, 36–37
    • executing, 161–162
    • exercise for, 42–44
    • and passion, 35–36
    • sharing, 52–54
    • tools for, 48–51
    • visualizing, 45–48
  • Stress, 72, 190
  • Stuck mindset, 202–204
  • Stumpf, Joe, 158
  • Subway, 82
  • Success, 138–139, 182. See also Business success
  • Sun Microsystems, 12
  • Supercuts, 2, 21
  • Support, 216, 222
  • Synchronicity, 197
  • Systemizer, 165–166
  • Systemizing, 162–167
  • Teams, 123–124, 221. See also Alliance of team (SCALE)
  • 10–10–10 (Welch), 136
  • Thatcher, Margaret, 131
  • Therapy, 190–192
  • Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 192
  • Thoreau, Henry David, 57
  • Three-to-five valuation, 67
  • Time management, 152–155
  • Timex, 94
  • To Do's, 182–183
  • Trade shows, 108
  • Traffic, 102, 105
  • Training, 122, 221
  • Triple-It Factor Exercise, 45–46
  • Trust, 88–89, 119–120
  • “Tuck-Ins,” 117
  • Turner, Ted, 218
  • Turnover, 203
  • The Twilight Zone (tv show), 1
  • Upselling, 74–75
  • UPS Store, 81
  • Valuation, 67
  • Vaynerchuk, Gary, 73
  • Vaynermedia, 73
  • Vealey, Robin S., 46
  • Virtual communication, 116–117
  • Visualizations, for Big Picture Vision, 46–51
  • Vulnerability, 54
  • Waitley, Denis, 47
  • Walker, Madame C. J., 195
  • Walmart, 206
  • Wearable Imaging Promotional Products, 160
  • Welch, Suzy, 136
  • Whole Foods, 69
  • Wilde, Oscar, 139
  • Williams, Robin, 131
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 30, 92, 208
  • Woods, Melissa, 149–151
  • Workweek, changing, 159–160
  • Worth's, 35
  • X Prize Foundation, 29, 40
  • Zappos, 123–124
  • Zuckerberg, Mark, 12
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