
I should like to express my thanks to the following individuals and companies for the help and information they have given me, and for supplying and giving permission to reproduce photographs: Pascale Geraci, Aaton des Autres; Chris Cadzow, Avitel Electronics Limited; Maybridge Electronics; Chris Thorpe Projects; Digital Audio Research; Hayden Laboratories Limited; John Lisney, Head of School of Television, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication; Barrie White and Neil Papworth, freelance sound recordists; and Chris Harnett, MITV. My thanks go also to Andrew Wood, final year graphics student at Ravensbourne College, for providing many of the illustrations from my rough sketches, and to my Editor, Margaret Riley of Focal Press for her encouragement.

The words KODAK, KEYKODE, EASTMAN, ESTAR, DATAKODE and the KEYKODE device are trade marks of Eastman Kodak Company, which also owns the copyright in the diagrams printed in Figures 5.10 to 5.12. Both trade marks and diagrams are reproduced by permission and their use does not imply that this publication is endorsed by or connected with Eastman Kodak Company, or that Eastman Kodak agrees with its content.

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