Appendix 9
Global standard frequency and time transmissions (all frequencies in kHz)

ATA 10 000; National Physical Laboratory, Dr K.S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi - 110012, India
BPM 2 500, 5 000,10 000,15 000; Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 18 - Lintong, 710600 Shaanxi, PR China
BSF 5 000, 15 000; Telecommunication Laboratories, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, PO Box 71 - Chung-Li, 320 Taiwan, Republic of China
CHU 3 330, 7335, 14 670; National Research Council of Canada, Institute for National Measurement Standards - Time Standards, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Canada
DCF77 77.5; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Lab. Zeiteinheit, Bundesallee 100, D-38116, Braunschweig, Germany
EBC 12 008, 6 840; Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada -11100 San Fernando, Cadiz, Spain
HBG 75; Service Horaire HBG, Observatoire Cantonal, CH - 2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland
HLA 5 000; Time and Frequency Laboratory, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Yusong, PO Box 102, Taejon 305-600, Republic of Korea
IAM 5 000; Instituto Superiore delle Poste e delle Telecom-municazioni, Viale Europa 190, 00144 - Rome, Italy
JG2AS 40; JJY 5 000, 8 000, 10 000; Standards and Measurements Division, Communications Research Laboratory, 2-1, Nukui-kitammachi 4 - chome, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, Japan
LOL1 5 000, 10 000, 15 000; Servicio de Hidrografía Naval Observatorio Naval, Av. Espana 2099, 1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina
MSF 60; Time and Frequency Services, National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex, United Kingdom, TW11 0LW
OMA* 50; Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics - Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Chaberska 57, 182 51 Praha 8 -Kobylisy, Czech Republic
PPR 435, 4 244, 8 634, 13 105, 17 194.4; PPE (inactive); Departemento Servico da hora, Observatorio Nacional (CNPq), Rua General Bruce 586, Sao Cristovao, 20921-030 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
RAB-99 25; RBU 66.66; RCH 2 500, 5 000, 10 000; RID 5 004,10 004, 15 004; RTZ 50; RWM 4 996, 9 996,14 996; RJH-63, RJH-69, RJH-86, RJH-90 25; Institute of Metrology for Time and Space (IMVP), NPO 'VNIIFTRF Mendeleevo, Moscow Region 141570, Russia
TDF 162 (Allouis l.f. broadcast transmitter); France Télécom, Centre National d'Etudes des Télécommunications-PAB-STC, Etalons de fréquence et de temps, 196 avenue Henri Ravera, 92220-Bagneux, France.
VNG 2 500, 5 000, 8 638, 12 984, 16 000; National Standards Commission, PO Box 282, North Ryde NSW, 2113 Australia.
WWV 2 500, 5 000,15 000, 20 000; WWVB 60; WWVH 2 500, 5 000, 10 000, 15 000 (Hawaii); Time and Frequency Division -847.00, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303, USA
YVTO 5 000; Dirección de Hidrografía y Navigación, Observatorio Cagigal, Apartado Postal No 6745, Caracas, Venezuela.

* This service may no longer be on air.

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