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accountability, 162–165, 166

accounting jobs, recommended asset for, 246–247

action steps:

Chapter 1, for faster hiring approach, 26–27

Chapter 2, for implementing Talent Accelerator Process, 46–49

Chapter 3, for using Hire-Right Profiles, 69–70

Chapter 4, for improving candidate gravity, 88–92

Chapter 5, for maximizing hiring styles, 103–104

Chapter 6, for implementing experiential interviewing, 124–125

Chapter 7, for maintaining Talent Inventory, 146–149

Chapter 8, for maintaining Talent Accelerator Process, 168–170

Chapter 9, for using technology, 192–194

Chapter 10, for cultivating staffing partnerships, 215–218

Chapter 11, for maintaining workforce diversity, 239–240

function of, 10

administrative support jobs, recommended asset for, 246

advancement opportunities, 143, 241–243


candidate diversity and, 226

as recruiting tool, 71, 75–76, 90

advisory boards, 104

Alphabet (Google), 1

altruism, 82, 1, 33, 36

Amazon Dash, 33–34, 38

Amazon Prime, 33, 36

American Staffing Association (ASA), 26, 213, 254

Ames Research Center (NASA) simulation experiment, 94

Apple, 1, 224

applicant tracking systems (ATSs):

as job candidate source, 77, 226

in Lean Recruiting, 185–186

ASA Skills Gap Index, 26

Asin, Barry, 212


staffing providers in, 251

talent shortage in, 12

automation (see technology)

automation anorexia, 183

automotive industry, 12–13, 30–31, 171

background checks, 111

banner ads, 75

Beharelle, Patrick, 202–203

behavioral interviewing, 24

Bell, Joshua, 94–95

best practices, 84, 85

Bezos, Jeff, 36

blind hiring, 223, 229, 233


criteria for, 62

definition of, 52, 58

in interviews, 111


criteria for, 61, 242

definition of, 52, 58

in interviews, 111

broaden-and-build theory, 15, 20

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), 200

business strategy:

execution of, 162–163, 168

hiring process role in, 10

speed as factor in, 33–34

Talent Inventory and, 129, 141

CAK, 42–43

Canada, staffing providers in, 252

candidate gravity:

definition of, 74

diversity and, 226–228

function of, 75

generating, 75–79

improving, 79–82, 87–92, 141

in Talent Accelerator Process, 9

Talent Inventory and, 144, 147

candidate mining, 76–77

candidate recycling, 91

CareerBuilder, 80

Casey-Bellone, Beth, 131–133

certification programs for staffing professionals, 213

Chabris, Christopher, 93, 96, 102


staffing providers in, 252

talent shortage in, 13

collaborative selling, 136–138, 139, 147

communication skills:

in collaborative selling, 137

in healthcare jobs, 248

in phone interviews, 108, 110

in Teller hiring style, 98

company culture:

external staffing firms and, 203, 214

interviewees and, 108, 110, 120

company reputation:

attracting top talent and, 140

diversity and, 225

staffing partnerships and, 214

company size:

candidate gravity and, 81–82

staffing partnerships and, 205

Talent Inventories and, 131

talent scouts and, 81–82

competitive advantage:

from diversity, 236

from speed, 4–5

from Talent Accelerator Process, 243

Competitive Intelligence (, 33


candidate gravity of, 89

Hire-Right Profiles shared with, 63

Talent Inventories shared with, 235

construction jobs, recommended asset for, 247

contract workers:

advantages of, 199–200

guarantees on, 197

as percentage of workforce, 13

core job roles:

candidate gravity and, 88–89

definition of, 48

difficulty of filling, 133

Talent Inventory and, 130, 131, 218


staffing partnerships at, 205

Talent Inventories of, 131

talent scouts at, 196

Council for Global Immigration (CFGI), 256


of new hires, 145

reference checks and, 113–114, 121

creative jobs, recommended asset for, 247

cross-training programs, 78

customer service positions:

experiential interviews for, 115–116

recommended assets for, 65

databases of resumes, 76–77, 91

dating, interviews compared with, 51–54, 97, 100


criteria for, 61, 66, 225–226, 242

definition of, 52, 57

in interviews, 67–68, 109, 110, 111, 113, 118–119, 121


criteria for, 60–61, 66, 224–226, 246–250

definition of, 52, 57

in interviews, 67–68, 109, 110, 111, 118–119, 121

decision making:

emotions in, 54, 56, 63

speed vs. accuracy in, 22, 35

Disney, 224


divisiveness and, 238

durable, 224, 239

Hire-Right Profiles and, 224–226

hiring teams and, 229–230

importance of, 219, 235–237, 239

interviews and, 231–233

positive impacts of, 222, 240

qualifications and, 220–222, 223

resources for, 256–257

Talent Accelerator Process and, 10, 239

in Talent Inventory, 234–235

talent manufacturing and, 227–228

education jobs, recommended asset for, 247

ego-resilience, 15


in decision making, 54, 56, 63

effects of positive vs. negative, 14–16


advancement opportunities for, 241–243

as company asset, 1

company reputation and, 140

diversity of (see diversity)

early adopters among, 27

Hire-Right Profiles created by, 188–189

prospective, 25, 45, 123, 129, 191

shortages of, 11–14

skills training for, 228

temporary, 13, 196, 197, 199–200

termination of, 1, 22, 106, 166

employee turnover:

rates of, 2

reasons for, 241

Engagement Spectrum, 32

engineering jobs, recommended asset for, 248

environmental mastery, 15

Equal Employment Advisory Council (EEAC), 256

ERE Media, 21

essential job roles:

candidate gravity and, 88–89

definition of, 88–89

filling, 134

Everything Store, The (Stone), 33

executive positions:

experiential interviews for, 114–115

phone interviews for, 120

recommended assets for, 64

experiential interviews:

applications for, 112–116

effectiveness of, 109–110, 121–123, 139

executing, 118–121, 124–125

function of, 108

hiring bias and, 231–234

sample vs. real work done in, 111–112, 120

stages of, 110–112

Talent Inventory and, 131, 134

failed hires, 55

Fortune 500, use of recruiters by, 13

France, staffing providers in, 252

Frederickson, Barbara, 15, 20

freelancers, 13, 39–40, 201

Gawthorne, Mike, 205–206

Germany, staffing providers in, 252

gig economy, 13, 201, 16, 17, 214

Global Diversity and Inclusion (SHRM report), 240

globalization, and talent shortage, 14, 21

government jobs, recommended asset for, 248

Great Recession, 12

healthcare jobs, recommended asset for, 248

heroic partnerships, 199, 202, 205–215, 216

High Velocity Hiring:

advancement opportunities and, 242

flow in, 45

in on-demand economy, 30

Talent Accelerator Process in, 44

Talent Inventory in, 130

Hire-Right Profiles:

advantages of, 46, 56, 63

creating, 69–70, 188–189

criteria for, 60–65, 246–250

diversity and, 224–228

function of, 52, 60, 66–69, 114, 133

interviews and, 108, 109, 110, 118, 120

matrix for, 57–58

in recruiting, 74, 80

samples of, 58–59

succession planning and, 242

in Talent Accelerator Process, 9, 68

updating, 68, 70, 89, 188–189


blind, 223, 229, 233

frequency of, 197

overcoming divisiveness through, 238

hiring blindness, 9, 96, 120, 133

hiring managers:

continual interviewing by, 125

emotional decision making by, 55–56

time-to-fill and, 21

hiring process:

appraisal of, 27

bias in, 223, 224, 229–234

collaborative selling in, 136–138, 139, 147

duration of (see time-to-fill)

emotions in, 54–56, 63, 67, 69

expertise in, 102–103

innovation in, 3–5, 14, 91

internal vs. external, 196–199

measuring efficiency of, 130

mindset in, 14–16, 20–23, 26

mistakes in, 1, 23, 101

obstacles in, 23–25

on-demand, 8, 32, 35–40, 41

outsourcing of, 201

packaged methodology for, 18

partnerships in, 202–215

reactive, 12

resistance to, 41–42, 46, 124

speed in, 25, 30, 32, 41–42

stages in, 109–110

talent shortage and, 21–22

teams used for (see hiring teams)

technology in (see technology)

(See also Talent Accelerator Process [TAP])

hiring profiles:

diverse workforce and, 228

function of, 46

inaccurate, 176

objectivity and, 56

Talent Inventory and, 130

hiring quotas, 223, 237

hiring styles:

categories of, 98–99

diversity and, 229–230

expertise and, 102–103

identifying, 100–101, 103

improving, 103–104

leveraging, 101–102

in Talent Accelerator Process, 9

hiring teams:

accountability of, 162–165

employee diversity and, 229–230

in experiential interviews, 108–111, 120, 124

hiring styles on, 101–102, 104

Talent Inventory and, 130, 133, 135

hiring trends, information sources for, 26–27

hospitality jobs, recommended asset for, 249

Houwen, Eric, 42–44

Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO), 201

human resources (HR):

in experiential interview process, 124

functions of, 17

Hire-Right Profile creation and, 62

Talent Inventory and, 130, 131, 135, 140–141

talent scouting by, 196

IBM Watson, 34, 35

inattentional blindness, 94–95, 96

inattentional deafness, 94–95

Indeed, 80


diversity in, 227

staffing providers in, 252

talent shortage in, 13

information technology jobs, recommended asset for, 249

instant gratification, 32


impact on hiring process, 13

job ads on, 75

networking and, 83

resources on, 245

speed of, 29–30

staffing providers via, 18, 201

internships, 78


approach to, 24, 106–107

asking better questions in, 116–118, 137

candidate-driven, 190

choosing candidates for, 141

as continual process, 123, 125, 130, 135, 144

dating compared with, 51–54, 97, 100

determining candidate fit during, 45, 136

effectiveness of, 105–106, 109

efficiency of, 44

Hire-Right Profiles in, 67–68

packaged methodology for, 18

by phone, 108, 109, 110, 113, 114, 120

poor hires resulting from, 95–97

role of emotion in, 55

Talent Inventory creation and, 133

teams used for, 102, 104, 108–111, 120

techniques for, 1–2

by video, 173–174

(See also experiential interviews)

Invisible Gorilla, The (Chabris and Simon), 94


staffing providers in, 253

talent shortage in, 12

Jimmy John’s, 4–5, 37–38

job applications, 110, 118

job boards:

effectiveness of, 72, 84, 89

excessive resumes from, 172

as recruiting tool, 17, 44, 71, 73, 76

job candidates:

attracting, 11, 17, 45

check-ins with, 191

creating pool of, 23–24, 45, 72, 74–88, 92

diversity of, 226

emotional reactions to, 54–56

hiring process and, 7, 32

Internet use by, 13

as interview drivers, 190

in interviews, 97, 105, 108, 109

job-specific assets for, 64–65, 246–250

motivations of, 117

passive, 109, 114, 117–118

realistic expectations about, 207

recycling of, 91

selling opportunity to, 136–138, 147

skills training for, 228

traits of, 57–58

(See also Talent Inventory)

job description sources, 63, 70

job offers:

experiential interview process and, 111, 116

refusals of, 2, 141

Talent Inventory and, 135, 139

job openings:

categories of, 48, 88–89, 133–134

prospective, 135, 139

unfilled, business drawbacks of, 2

job postings:

based on Hire-Right Profiles, 68–69, 74

mass distribution of, 76

online, 75

job skills:

demand for, 12–14, 15–16

in experiential interviews, 120

(See also talent shortage)

large companies (see corporations)

launching questions, 117–118, 124, 137


accountability and, 165–167

development program for, 143

diversity and, 240

hiring for positions in, 64, 114, 149

referrals sought by, 91

of Talent Accelerator Process, 157, 169

(See also executive positions)

Leading Indicators of National Employment (LINE), 27

lean methods:

in High Velocity Hiring, 172

in on-demand systems, 39–40

in Talent Accelerator Process, 45, 188–191, 194

Lean Recruiting:

application of, 181–182

principles of, 178–181, 193

technology in, 172, 178, 182–186, 215

vendors and, 194

Lean Test, 187

legal jobs, recommended asset for, 249

Lerner, Jennifer, 56

Liautaud, Jimmy John, 4–5

LinkedIn, 63, 80

Louissaint, Obed, 34–35

Lynch, Loree, 204

Major League Baseball (MLB), 195–196

Managed Service Provider (MSP), 201, 202

ManpowerGroup, 26

manufacturing industry, experiential interviews in, 112–114

market presence:

of competitors, 89–90

as recruiting tool, 77, 86

McIntosh, Rob, 21

Mexico, staffing providers in, 253

mid-sized companies:

staffing partnerships for, 205

Talent Inventories in, 131

Monster, 80

multitasking, 158–160

National Diversity Council (NDC), 257

Netflix, 39


candidate diversity and, 226

power of, 83

as recruiting tool, 77–78, 79, 90, 92

and Talent Inventory, 131, 144

new hire churn, 149

new hires:

referrals from, 145, 147

return on recruiting and, 130

success rate for, 110, 149

Nice Person Syndrome (NPS), 165–167, 170

O’Connor, Pam, 54, 55

on-demand economy:

end as starting point for, 36, 37, 46

in hiring process, 41

increasing speed in, 5, 33

instant gratification in, 33, 128

seven principles of, 35–40, 211

ubiquity of, 46

open houses, as recruiting tool, 17

orbiting businesses, 92


of business processes, 200

of human resources, 201

of recruitment processes, 18, 201

partnerships (see staffing partnerships)

pathways thinking, 15

peer references, 121

performance reviews, 62

Philippines, staffing providers in, 253

phone interviews:

content of, 114, 120

as prelude to experiential interviews, 108, 109, 110

results of, 113, 91

Pon, Jeff, 236–237


bad hires and, 1

staffing partnerships and, 210

professional associations:

as job description source, 63

for staffing firms, 212–213

promotions, 143, 241–243

public safety jobs, recommended asset for, 250

quality vs. speed, 34, 35, 37, 41–42


active vs. reactive, 74

appropriate use of, 71–73, 80–82, 84–87, 89–90

corporate, 196

hiring process and, 6

outsourcing of, 201

partnerships in, 202–215

software industry example, 16–21

talent shortage and, 16

technology impact on, 13

timing of, 3–4

tools used in, 17

recruitment firms, 196

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), 18, 201, 202, 205

reference checks:

in hiring process, 110, 111, 113–114, 115, 120–121

referrals and, 78, 80

scheduling of, 190–191

technology used for, 180


candidate diversity and, 226

crowdsourced, 189

in experiential interview process, 112

generating, 80, 84–85, 91

power of, 82–83

as recruiting tool, 17, 44, 71, 78, 79, 81

Talent Inventory and, 131, 144

research jobs, recommended asset for, 250

reskilling, 228


for candidate mining, 76–77

excessive submissions of, 13

experiential interviews and, 110, 113, 118

reactivating invalid, 91

retail jobs, recommended asset for, 250

return on recruiting (ROR), 130, 148–149

Russia, staffing providers in, 253

sales positions:

experiential interview for, 106–107

recommended assets for, 58, 59, 64–65, 119


implementing Talent Accelerator Process and, 49, 161–162

for improving candidate gravity, 87–88, 90

for interviews, 124, 173

for maintaining Talent Inventory, 141

for reference checks, 190–191

search firms, 199

Serocor Group, 205–206

Simons, Daniel, 93, 96, 102

Singapore, staffing providers in, 253

single-tasking, 160, 169

small businesses:

recruiting by, 81–82

staffing partnerships at, 205

Talent Inventories in, 130

talent scouting at, 196

social media:

candidate diversity and, 226

networking and, 83

as recruiting tool, 71, 77, 189

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 1, 27, 63, 236–237, 240, 257

software developers:

recommended asset for, 249

recruiting, 16–21

South Africa, staffing providers in, 254

South Korea, staffing providers in, 254


as competitive advantage, 4–5, 33

haste vs., 34–35, 47

in hiring process, 22, 35

quality vs., 34, 35, 37, 41–42

sustainability of, 34

widespread increase in, 29–30

staffing industry, 78–79, 196, 199–202

Staffing Industry Analysts, 212, 217

staffing partnerships:

considerations for organizations, 215–216

considerations for staffing firms, 217–218

expectations in, 206–211

loyalty in, 202–205

partner selection in, 212–214

resources for, 251–255

Staff Management | SMX, 202–205

Starbucks, 1, 224

Star Trek, 235–236, 237

Statement of Work (SOW), 201

Stone, Brad, 33


failure factors that undermine, 152–155

strategic imperative, faster hiring as, 4, 125, 141

Strauss, Sharon, 66–67

succession planning, 242

Sull, Donald, 162–163

supportive job roles:

candidate gravity and, 88–89

definition of, 48

filling, 134

Tackler hiring style, 98, 102

Tailor hiring style, 98, 102

Talent Accelerator Process (TAP):

steps in, 9–10

accountability in, 162–165, 166

advancement opportunities and, 242–243

benefits of, 243

diversity and, 224, 225, 232, 234, 239

efficiency of, 147–149

failures in, 151–155, 166, 167

flowchart of, 45

function of, 44–45, 151

Hire-Right Profiles in, 67

implementing, 46–49, 132, 161–162

leaning of, 188–191, 194

making changes in, 155–157

minimum daily requirements (MDRs) for, 164–165, 169–170

preventing failures in, 155–170

for staffing firms, 218

Talent Inventory and, 133, 134

technology use in, 184, 193

workforce upgrades via, 140

Talent Inventory:

advantages of, 129

attracting people to, 139

creating, 133–135, 146

diversity and, 234–235

effectiveness of, 132–133

examples of, 142–144

function of, 127–128

interviews and, 123

maintaining, 129–131, 135, 140–141

replenishing, 144–145, 147

size of, 138–139, 144

at staffing firms, 218

in Talent Accelerator Process, 9

time-to-fill and, 7, 132, 148

talent management system (TMS), 176–177

talent manufacturing, 78, 227–228

talent scouts:

candidate diversity and, 226

organization size and, 196, 205

partnering with, 10, 202–218

pros and cons of, 196–199

as recruiting tool, 78–79, 90, 196

talent-sharing agreements, 235

talent shortage:

effects of, 15–16

global, 21

hiring process and, 21–23

information sources about, 26–27

pervasiveness of, 12–14

in software industry, 18

Talent Shortage Survey (ManpowerGroup), 26

talent streams:

categories of, 75–79, 146

improving use of, 79–92, 133

Talent Inventory and, 131, 144–145

TAP Lead, 157, 169

technological codependency, 182


effectiveness of, 89, 173–175, 192

evaluating, 181, 193

impact on hiring process, 10, 13

multitasking and, 159

in on-demand systems, 40

overreliance on, 182–183

pros and cons of, 171–172

as recruiting tool, 76, 80

to solve process problems, 175–176

underutilization of, 183–184

upgrades of, 176–178, 184

vendors of, 185–187, 193–194

technology myths, 172–178

Teller hiring style, 98, 102

temporary workers:

advantages of, 199–200

flexibility of, 197

as percentage of workforce, 13

suppliers of, 196

temp-to-hire, 200

Tester hiring style, 98, 102

timeline for improving candidate gravity, 87–88, 90


factors influencing, 11, 21–22

impact of extended, 2, 3

instant, 20, 132, 148, 218

typical durations of, 6–7

Topgrading, 18

TrueBlue, 202, 205

Uber, 37

United Kingdom:

staffing providers in, 254

talent shortage in, 13

United States, staffing providers in, 254–255

upskilling, 228

Upwork, 39–40

Vendor Management System (VMS), 18, 201, 202


in Hire-Right Profile creation, 70

for hiring processes, 201, 214, 215

loyalty to, 202–205

of technology, 185–187, 193–194

video interviews, 173–174

Vitamin T, 66

Wahlquist, Richard, 213

Ward, Charlie, 36


banner ads on, 75

job descriptions on, 63, 70

as recruiting tool, 17, 77

Weingarten, Gene, 94–95

Wintrip Consulting Group, 8

Workforce Solutions Ecosystem, 199–202, 216, 217

World Employment Confederation (WEC), 255

World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA), 257, 91

zero-to-fill, 132, 148, 218

zombie searches, 91

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