Identifying Business Risks Related to Information Systems

Risk management policies establish processes to identify and manage risks to the business. As risks vary depending on the organization, so do the risk policies that must be considered. Common across many organizations are risk policies that consider the value of the data (that is, data classification), types of risks, impact to the business, and effective measurement through quality control and quality assurance.

No matter the size of your organization, understanding data is vital to its success. It’s a simple fact that good decisions are more likely to come from good data. Data classification lets you understand how data relates to the business. Data classification drives how data is handled and thus is the foundation required for data quality. A well-defined data classification approach helps achieve good data quality. This is because data classification enables you to stratify data by usage and type. Understanding your data allows you to reduce risks and minimize costs.

Types of Risk

Much IT risk is operational risk. Operational risk is a broad category. It includes any event that disrupts the activities the organization undertakes daily. In technology terms, it’s an interruption of the technology that affects the business process. It could be a coding error, a network slowdown, a system outage, or a security breach. Data classification helps focus resources on those assets needed to recover the business; for example, data classification identifies what data is critical to resuming minimal operations. FIGURE 11-2 illustrates that point, with Tier 1 representing mission-critical applications. With mission-critical applications, data should be mirrored so it can be recovered quickly.

A graph plots data of the volume of data to recover versus the time required to recover it.

FIGURE 11-2 Data classification of volume versus time to recover.

Notice the transition between Tier 1 and Tier 2. This is represented by the dotted line cutting across the curved line. In this case, only a small percentage of data needs to be recovered for minimum operations. Conversely, for optimized operations, a significant amount of data needs to be recovered. This is represented by the path of the curved line in Tier 3. However, this large amount of data is not as vital in the short term. Data classification allows you to stratify this data so the mission-critical data can be found quickly and recovered.

Physical, environmental, and technical hazards can disrupt IT operations. A physical hazard can be any physical threat, such as a fire within the data center. An environmental hazard can be an environmental event, such as a storm or an earthquake. A technical hazard is a general category that covers other types of hazards. Data classification helps plan for many hazards. Such hazards might necessitate selecting a mirroring solution that copies mission-critical data across two data centers in two different locations.

Financial risk is the potential impact when the business fails to meet its financial obligations. Financial risk is often driven by a lack of adequate liquidity and credit for the business to meet its obligations. Financial decisions depend on financial data being accurate and available. Data classification builds processes that ensure the integrity of the information. When data is properly classified, you can identify financial information clearly. In addition, you can apply appropriate protection and handling methods.

Strategic risks may change how the organization operates. Some examples are mergers and acquisitions, a change in the industry, or a change in the customer. Understanding the sensitivity and criticality of your data brings you closer to understanding your customer and products. Stratifying your data through classification helps you understand what your core business truly is and what it is not.

The key takeaway is recognizing that the process of data classification is more than a label or tag. It’s a review of how data drives your business. The benefit of data classification is identification of critical information assets and properly protecting those assets. The residual benefit is that you will understand your business and customers better.

Development and Need for Policies Based on Risk Management

Establishing a new risk-based management approach can be a daunting challenge. The objective of a risk-based approach is to focus on the greatest threats to an organization. IT security policies that are risk-based will focus on the greatest threats to business processes and promote a risk-aware culture. Policies, processes, and controls have more value when they reduce real business risk.

Compliance is more than adhering to laws and regulations. Regulators also want an organization to demonstrate that it can systematically identify and reduce risk. Policies based on risk management principles can achieve this. Security policies steer the organization within regulatory boundaries. Policies also need to reflect the organization’s risk culture, tolerance, appetite, and values. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires a risk management and analysis approach. This promotes a thorough understanding of the risks. This understanding leads to the selection of appropriate safeguards. These safeguards are based on the level of risks faced by the organization.

Developing tools to make mathematical calculations of these factors provides a means of assessing the risk in an objective fashion. Table 11-4 is a simple example of this approach. Tools can inform the organization’s leadership of trends and emerging risks. But in the end they are only tools. There is no substitute for common sense. As much as they enlighten us, they can also cloud our judgment when they are followed blindly. An experienced leader knows to dig deeper when a model is saying something that doesn’t make sense.

The use of security policies based on sound risk management will help to educate the organization on tradeoffs that are implicit in the risk-reduction decisions. The following are some benefits of a risk management approach to security policies. Such an approach:

  • Identifies possible costs and benefits of decisions
  • Considers actions that may not be apparent to the leaders and forces alternative thought
  • Provides analytic rigor to ensure an objective consideration of risk

Risk management that is rigorous and well executed helps leaders make choices that reduce risk over the long term. This is critically important. Reducing risks is not a one-time activity. Risk management is a continuous dialogue. As time passes, other pressing needs compete for resources, and support for the risk reduction effort wavers. An effective risk management system explains the risks in the context of the business. It justifies its priority and funding.

Risk management is a process of governance. It’s also a continuous improvement model. FIGURE 11-3 depicts a simple continuous improvement model for risk management. The following steps are cycled through each time a new risk is discovered:

A risk management continuous improvement model.

FIGURE 11-3 Risk management continuous improvement model.

  1. Prioritize the risk; align the risk to strategic objectives.
  2. Identify an appropriate risk response; sometimes this may require adjusting policies.
  3. Monitor the effectiveness of the response and gauge the reduction in risk.
  4. Identify residual and new risks whereby the cause of the risk is determined.
  5. Assess the risk to measure the impact to the organization.

This risk management continuous improvement model can be used to start a risk management program. In a startup, you would begin by prioritizing all known risks. This means aligning the risks to strategic objectives. This process may cause a change in the risk management programs or policies themselves. This is vital to ensure the program drives value into the business.

Controlling risks to the business extends beyond daily operations. It is important that you understand risks that can affect how to recover and sustain your business.

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