Relax: last words on stress

Karoshi is a Japanese word (properly transliterated to ‘karoushi’):

Japanese word (Karoshi)

Karoshi is usually translated as ‘death from overwork’. It represents a phenomenon well known in 1980s and 1990s Japan. Don’t let it happen to you. As we mentioned in Chapter 5, nobody ever said as their dying words, ‘I wish I’d spent more time on my work.’


Imagine that all the stresses in your life are like a wind blowing around you. And you, sitting where you are, are like a strong powerful tree, with all the ideas and resources you have gathered from this book. As the wind blows, you are confident that your roots are deep and you are strong and supple. You laugh at the puny attempts of the wind to blow you over. You look up to the ceiling and you smile to yourself and you feel your roots stretch downwards, anchoring you to solid ground.

You may sway in the wind, the gales may ruffle your leaves, but whatever comes, you know you are strong. Whatever happens now, stay focused on who you are, what is most important to you, and what you have to be grateful for. Whatever comes, meet it calmly.

And enjoy.

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