Appendix 2

Learn more

There are organisations that can help at various points in this book. Here, there are some further books you could read.

Books on stress and stress management

Clegg, B. (2000) Instant Stress Management: bring calm to your life now. Kogan Page.

Cunningham, J.B. (2000) The Stress Management Sourcebook. McGraw Hill.

Quick, J.C. and Cooper, C.L. (2003) Stress and Strain. Fast Facts. Health Press Limited.

Sapolsky, R.M. (2004) Why Zebras don’t get ulcers: an updated guide to stress, stress-related diseases, and coping. Saint Martin’s Press Inc.

Books on positive psychology

ben-Shahar, T. (2008) Happier: can you learn to be happy? McGraw Hill Professional.

Emmons, R.A. (2008) Thanks! How practising gratitude can make you happier. Houghton Mifflin Company.

Seligman, M.E.P. (2003) Authentic Happiness: using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfilment. Nicholas Brealey.

Seligman, M.E. (2006) Learned Optimism: how to change your mind and your life. Vintage Books.

Books on particular topics

Back, K. and Back, K. (2005) Assertiveness at Work, a practical guide to handling awkward situatioins. McGraw Hill Professional.

Briers, S. (2009) Brilliant Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Prentice Hall.

Clayton, M. (2010) Brilliant Time Management. Prentice Hall.

Clayton, M. (2010) The Handling Resistance Pocketbook. Management Pocketbooks.

Lawless, J. (2002) Complete Illustrated Guide to Aromatherapy: a practical approach to the use of essential oils for health and well-being. Element.

Macdonald, G. (1998) The Complete Illustrated Guide to Alexander Technique: a practical programme for health, poise, and fitness. Element.

Martin, P. (2010) Counting Sheep: the science and pleasures of sleep and dreams. Flamingo.

McGilvery, C. et al. (2010) The Stressbusting Book of Yoga, Massage and Aromatherapy. Southwater.

Stewart, I. and Joines, V. (1987) TA Today: a new introduction to Transactional Analysis. Lifespace Publishing.

Tohei, K. (2001) Ki in Daily Life. Japan Publications Trading Co.

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